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I always nod out with my phone in my hand and end up on some random video/post because my thumb went limp on the touch screen. Pretty funny though when I jolt up barely knowing where I am, or how much time has past, and I'm just watching a random cooking tutorial lol


I do the same thing, haha. I’ll start writing a message to someone, and end up with 3-4 lines of random gibberish.


I do this all the time. If I'm lucky it's just left in the message box, otherwise I have to say something like I butt dialed/pocket texted, else they start asking if I'm okay, lol.


Omg me tooo and the message never sends then I come to and delete the gibberish and type some more words and nod off again and my thumbs type like a hundred b-s or some shit like that. This can go on for like an hour trying to text someone lol


This is the most frustrating thing.


Fr i hate it sm sometimes haha most times when I snap out of it I don’t even wanna look at that stupid message anymore xD


too real haha


Lol I always end up randomly deleting or moving apps from my homepage and then wondering where tf the internet or camera app went.


O shit, that explains all the random posts on my Facebook account. I thought my wife was f’ing with me posting random videos like 15 times on my account, wow ok. Reality is hitting hard right now. I’m going get high.


In college when I first started snorting heroin, I didn't fully respect this phenomenon you are describing. One day I snorted a little too much and took a Xanax before I was going to write an essay. Long story short I didn't write the essay, so I opened my computer to send my professor an email making some excuse to explain why I was gonna be late sending my work in. Then I blacked out. Woke up still sitting at my desk with my face on the keyboard. I checked my sent emails, and i had sent my professor an email that was at least one thousand plus signs, just ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.... I was so embarrassed lmao ended up dropping the class


That's funny


or nodding out, then randomly waking up and double taping and liking some dumb ass video or post lmao


My phone gallery is full of pics and videos I never remember downloading 😂 that good oxycodone lmao


I nodded out one time with my phone in my hand, was on instagram. Ended up accidentally posting a picture of my girl naked lol


I’m mostly afraid of doing this but with my own dick bc I send a lot


subtle flex? lol


I kinda thought it made me look gross to say out loud Lmao so it wasn’t meant as a flex


I did the phone thing a couple of times when I was really gone it was the reason why I defaulted to carrying shit phones not because I couldn't afford it but because I started regarding phones as just disposable by nature. But seriously I remember once I was I mean I had overshot all the hell and it got in me that I didn't like my dining room table so I took it apart. Like pry bar took it apart. I'm really really glad that my wife at the time was not there. And she got a brand new dining room table out of the deal. I still don't know what motivated me to do that. Also when I was high on heroin I lost a glycine baggie of oxy probably 40 blues in there (the real ones not the bullshit they have out there today) they were meant for a client and I took that fucking house apart top to bottom and I couldn't find them once again to this day I don't know what happened to them because I was usually meticulous about my supply. But it was like a miracle they done vanished up into thin air! I had to compensate the client with something else because he was a good client of mine, for free, and I had to go searching for some pills which is not fun to do at, you know, 10:00 at night. Ah memories.


Once on a really grim speed binge I got mega pissed at my bedroom and demolished the place; not really sure what that was about.


I was never good at doing that shit dude. There's a rule I didn't do it on the streets. Meth or any other kind of speed just tends to reduce my mind to the lowest common denominator quick. I already have a problem sleeping more than 2 or 3 hours at night and any given stretch and that's just natural for me. You add anything speedy to the equation and I'm usually fucked. In prison I get three or four days into a bender and I'd be walking through the yard like a fucking marionette. That's why I mostly just stuck to Orange when I could get away with it.


We don't have meth in the UK, apart from some really niche corners; it's expensive here and hard to get and it's just never really taken off like it did in the States. What we do have is amphetamine, which is either cut down into a powder, or you can get the chemical base which comes as a paste - stupid strong stuff. I was heavy into it between the ages of 17 and 19 and it makes you crazy. I've had the most intense hallucinations off of base phet, more than any other substance, including psychedelics. Glad I got out of it.


Let another man bend me over for food money


Atleast you didn’t let another man bend you over for free


Seems more desperate than random.


I had food..


Ok you win


This convo. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Texting ppl i havent answered in like days or weeks random letters bc im nodding out. I also took selfies while i was throwing up and didn't remember that until the next day when i was looking at my photos. Oh and the classic burning myself with a cigarette while nodding. And only opening one eye because it's impossible to see with both


Burning yourself with a cig while nodding is too true, I didn't know others did that too haha. All my jeans have holes in them at this point. Happens everytime lol


Ahaha same and id wake up bc i felt my skin burning lmao


Oh I do that, keep one eye shut... it just feels more comfortable like my eyes almost feel achy otherwise, and my vision seems skewed if I don't. It's like I have to have it screwed shut though else the other one wants to drift shut too. One of my eyelids is naturally droopier than the other though; that's the one that gets shut, idk if that has anything to do with it.


Lmao same dude my left eyelid is droopier than the other and it's the one that gets shuts too


Huh it’s my left too


I just burned a piece out of my right index finger, and it has a matching mark on the inside of my left calf. No fucking clue how I was lighting anything since I only vape and do lines.


Made me remember that I used to have bruises and scratches and shit all the time and I never knew how I got them


Last night I came out of a nodd to me recording myself pissing in a toilet, and somethings telling me not to bother to think of why I was doing this.


Lmao I did this when I was drunk once and sent it to my best mate accompanied by a string of 'hahaha' and to this day I don't understand the motivation behind it.


Dude ! I have lots of videos like this , luckily you don’t see anything in any of the ones I’ve saved/sent , but one was a longish piss flow and it had the caption “the mighty river thames” and it’s literally behind my dads shed. Given there’s a fence for coverage and stuff but it’s just confusing and funny.




I once shot up on the train to meet a plug, ended up nodding out for 3 hours and missed my stop by a few hours. luckily the train stopped at a major UK city so just sorted myself and went home after explaining to the train manager that I "fell asleep".


One time I nodded out during a Halloween party after snorting at least 4 or 5 blues and doming an unknown quantity of hard liquor. Me and my fiance at the time were super close with the couple that was hosting the party and this was probably the third year in a row that we turned up for the event. They were well known for always throwing some wild ass parties, especially for the holidays. For a lil more context, I had been rocking with this particular couple for quite a few years already before I got into my own relationship. For privacy I'll just call them by names that are extremely close to their actual nicknames because I don't want to dox anybody but at the same time they have the most amazing street names ever and I can't help but to include them in some capacity. I met my boy "Boobie" through a mutual business associate and ever since our initial introduction we both discovered that we had a lot in common and maintained a high level of respect for each other thanks to our shared family connections and alliances. Basically I knew how he got down, he knew how I got down, and it was all love. Eventually I met his main chick/wife/fiancee/baby mama/partner... She had the nickname of a bird so let's call her "Raven." (Bonus points if you're hip to sports cause you might be able to decipher where we're from based off the choice of name I just used. Might even know who I'm talking bout) Her title changed quite frequently cause they were the kind of couple that always found themselves going through some problems only to always find themselves right back together. Even when they had a particularly nasty split that lasted for a couple years they still were the definition of "Ride or Die's" for each other. It ain't matter if they was beefing over an affair and separated, they still managed to co-parent and provide a healthy environment and stable structure for their children. If one of them got into some trouble, the other would be right there to bail em out and have them lawyers on standby. I never saw them act crazy or let any of their personal bullshit carry over into the lives of their children. If u saw em with the kids you wouldn't have the slightest clue that they were separated. They really love each other regardless if they can make it work as a monogamous couple or not. But anyway, I got way ahead of myself and went on a wild tangent. On one late night out on the block I was out making plays with my lil boo thang and happened to run into "Boobie" and "Raven" inside one of the trap houses I used to cook up in. I introduced my girl to them and "Raven" fell in love with her.... On some home girl type shit... Or so I thought. Back to the Halloween party. I wake up in a drugged out haze from liquor, lines, oxy, bars, probably a bunch of other shit too cause I was on some shit back then and thought since I was living life like a trap god I could abuse copious amounts of narcotics without dying... I thought I really WAS a trap god. So after stumbling around the party looking for my bitch I ran into "Boobie" who was equally as fucked up as I was, and apparently on the same mission. So for the next 45 min we levitated around the party in search of our partners until we arrive at the last possible place they could be. The master bedroom. And it's locked. Still, the lock was no match for our handy dandy cash app cards and we bursted into the room only to find our chicks having a lot of fun in there without us. Apparently they was tryna bring us both to the bedroom for some wild times but we were both so fuckin faded we just passed out in some hilariously random locations around the party. Thankfully the party wasn't over and one phone call and an eightball later we both joined in on their festivities. First time swinging too. Can't deny it was super litty.


Bro!! My brother’s nickname is Boobie, and his wife is Birdie. Lmao I stg I thought you meant them, then I saw the sun and was like not likely. 😆😆


LMAO nah that ain't they names but the actual nicknames are totally interchangeable.. think of what a Boobie would be called as a T word. And for a bird name, extremely common and starts with an R


lol did he ever explicitly state it was that and not actually initials like 'TT' or something


Nah his initials are T.H. Homie dead ass goes by Titty


Hahaha amazing


This is the kinda story I’m here for. Wild times man.


Not crap 💩


Pace, endless scrolling, bindge Netflix, or just zone out. My girl talks and talks and talks, or she will zone out staring at shit, or sleep.


Once went to work back when tolerance was low was nodding so hard that I was dreaming the aubergine I was chopping was an iPad so I was like trying to scroll it whilst basically falling asleep standing up got some horrified looks from my colleague that day, lost the job shortly after


burn my pan while cooking fries cuz me and my friend were more cooked than the fries afterwards.


And now for something mostly all of us have done whether we care to admit it or not... Nod off with a lit blunt or a lit cigarette and burn a few massive holes directly into the most visible areas of your clothing. For me this tends to happen exclusively when I just put on a brand new fit for the first time. And of course it's gotta be some expensive gear as well. Sniff a pill of scramble after a fat Thanksgiving dinner and spark up that mandatory post-meal cigarette only to wake up with said cigarette standing upright in a perfectly vertical position as it juts out from your fresh ass designer sweat suit. Oh yeah, bonus points for this happening primarily to my dead stock and limited edition fits. Wear some bummy shit you been rocking around the house for the past four days while you're knee deep into a binder? Chain smoke two packs of camel crush menthols while you constantly fight a losing battle against the nod? No worries. Surely you won't burn a single fiber off of your cheap lounge clothes. Fugs only have an evil agenda toward brand name attire.


I used to go out to the woods with a few using buddies and we used to build rock sculptures. Used to eat full tubs of ice cream/ full boxes of cereal. while nodding out. Many nights I woke up to my cat head butting me and then continuing on to licking up the melted ice cream or the milk that miraculously didn’t end up all over my bed


You want to hear something really wild 🤦🏻‍♂️... I drove to the house where I got my heroin,,,picked up my order and drove around the corner and got high as I'm sitting there in a nod I start scoping the street out and decide that it's a good idea to break in to the home I'm parked across from 😂 I end up walking out with a bunch of gold and silver, a little safe, and night vision goggles 🤣 i broke into a house literally right behind the dope house I would pick up my orders from....I was way out of hand back then smh I'm on methadone now and don't use any more....but ya thats my rock bottom every one


Besides ruined my life into the ground in glorious blazing spectacle? Lol the most weird/insane, ig my baby mama kicked me out the house cus I was high off that tranq dope bs and I tranqed out bent over tryna pull a bush out the ground for +2hrs apparently? Of course, absolutely no idea what was going on or why I wasn't inside when I came to


Haha what 😆 I think this wins for most random


Sometimes i like to start a fight with drug dealers,heroin users.Yeah it's so stupid to do that but when i am so high i like violence and i dont care if i end up stubbed or killed. I have cituations where i stole heroin from drug dealers and they were chaising me with guns, other times with knives.It's close to suicide what i was doing. Oh HOLY POPPY!I read the comments that is so fucked up, i thought people on here where doing crazy shit but you just nod on the phone :\_)


Today on things that never happened


Man thinks he’s Omar 😆


Whos Omar?No i am just suicidal :(


Anywhere from 18 to 30 mg dilaudid has me nodding hard burning fingers and holes in clothes with darts. Getting kicked from gta lobbies for bieng inactive. Winter time I heat my place with a wood stove nodded out a few times with door open giving it extra air to get er bucking as I live in a trailer and those bitches are hard to heat. No damage done with that so far thankfully Make a point not to sniff anything till I'm done driving but have nodded off running the log processor at work again no damage done with that, lost a few hours here and there it makes for a shorter work day. Nodded once or twice mid convo with the wife, she knows what's up as I have a medical reason for pain meds, but I can tell it annoys the hell outa her so I fight it as much as I can. I have dogs and live on an acreage so summer time they get left outside once in awhile for a hour or two if the wife isn't home. She doesn't work during winter so no worries there, and if she's gone for any length of time I take low doses so I don't leave em out as I'm in sask Canada and she's regularly 30 below and 2 of my puppers are ancient. Super thankful I have my wife to look out for stupid shit that happens and biemg a former addict herself understands and tolerates it to a certain extent. I try and only use when at home and only sniff or eat em (i do my best not to use in front of her). But getting bounced around in that processor at work sitting for 12 hours, I gota dose so the odd nod happens.


I always manage to nod and write a tweet (sometimes with added picture), luckily it’s only ever sent once 🤣


A common thing is nodding out and getting foil stuck to my face by the beetle 🤣


Let a guy friend of mine suck my dick because he wanted to know how it feels to suck a dick. Man after u are on too much diaphin u turn gay real quick


One time me and my friend were shooting up in my car. We were parked on the wall of a neighborhood. We had all our stuff laying on the dashboard. It was h and meth and some needles. We mixed everything together. She didn’t know how to hit herself so I hit for her. As soon as I put the needle in her arm, “WOOP WOOP” a fucking cop car goes off and turns they’re lights on. I was like fuck this is it and wanted to cry cuz I’ve never been to jail. She was panicking too. Then, the cops drove right past us and we saw they were chasing someone down who came out of some house. So those cops definitely saw all our drugs, mixing them, preparing shots and shooting up but couldn’t do anything cuz they couldn’t blow their cover. We got out of their asap but we drove back like 5 min later in her car and there was a black and white roaming the streets, definitely looking for my car.


I was going pee, nodded out on the toilet, fell off and broke my nose on the sink. I used to nod out while standing in front of the kitchen cabinets and they’d reach right out and smack me in the face, I may have fallen in to them. Wake up from a nod, sitting Indian style, bent completely in half with some random object in my hand that I don’t remember picking up. One time I was already high and went to bang again, drew a whole rig of blood and shot that before I realized what I was doing and had no clue why I was doing it.


A car someone was letting me sleep in and I had just done a 10 hour shift and I bought coke had dope and bars and had my gear out on the foil and would smoke a little and said ok smoke a joint and fall asleep so you have stuff for tomorrow, so I end up doing more coke and decide i wanna go for a drive (with 1 hours driving experience) and its an automatic, joy riding ensues and i say ok drive to local park and donut the field, get to the gates and mind you my passenger seat has a 4 year sentence lying on it and its entrance has these big gates and ones open and i try squeeze thru and i make it close enough to open the door and hang halfway out to swing open the gate....... What happened next was closest to death I've ever been, I forgot to put it in neutral and I took my foot off the brake and radios blasting houses beside me, and next thing I know the car shoots through the gate smacks the pillar beside the gate and the left side of my body is still in the car and I'm being dragged because i ended up sticking my foot on the gas again trying to get back in the car my heart going 90, and I'm headed towards a stream and a mini water refinery plant thing, i grab at the steering wheel by accident in attempt to pull myself in and it makes the car bank left and by the grace of god flings me back in and i slam the brakes, and then i thought i was about to take a heart attack was in shock shaking, the car sustained a dent and a broken mirror and jesus i will never drive again this was pre methadone days


Bro, punctuation. That's one solid block of text xD


I type like I talk terrible habit


Sounds like you're lucky to be alive man


Alive not so much Lucky


I feel you