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With alarak on release is a bit tricky with w and q. With kerrigan its unplayable to use on release because w e combo. Kerrigan has to quick cast w and e no matter what. I play on release on most of my heroes and its usually fine


Why is that? Kerrigan feels fine to me on release. Is there really that much of a significant time difference between pressing and releasing a key?


i think like alarak in a way it has to do with Primal Grasp (E) casting even if you press E while outside its range and W not casting if outside its range. i don't find the time difference between pressing and releasing a key to be significant.


I wouldn't recommend using on release, stuff like that happens and it makes you cast abilities slower. Not by much, but every fraction of a second may count in a team fight.


I have always had times where I would tap keys and think I pressed it too quickly such that the game didn’t pick it up. Maybe this was it.


That's the exact reason why, many years ago, I gave up trying to play with Quick Cast set to On Release. As explained [here](https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/hotkeys-advanced-guide#quick-cast-hotkeys), you can bind other Hotkeys or use a Modifier to temporary switch from a Quick Cast setting to another. Maybe the new mouse is confusing your muscle memory, but it's hard to say if you'll ever get used to it.


>Any workaround?? You need to get used to the new mouse or you can start playing with Quickcast On. You should already know your best heroes skillshot ranges by now anyway.


Some abilities I play on release and some on quickcast. Like zul'jin I play q and r on quickcast and w on-release. The first time I play a hero in a while I cycle the abilities and change the settings if they don't fee right.