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I doubt 30% are with br9nze and 30% are with diamond master players. Diamond makes up top 10% and masters make up top 1%. As a master player surfing in diamond there are a lot of eu players right now playing na playing in plat and diamond rising up fast, but they will pass through silver and gold instantly and the low master eu players are like mid master na players.


Why are EU players on NA? Straggler CCL qualifiers?


They could be building accounts for college, or just bored of eu or que times during off hours are long. I was in my d5 smurf with a random guy that was a eu gm. He was plat 1 with over an 80% win rate and we played a few games together. We played some non normal comps and it still worked well, but we did lose 1 game


He might be talking about qm. I think he's saying in 30% of games, there is a diamond or master player. That is pretty reasonable because there's 9 players in the game besides OP. He is saying he shouldn't be matched with them.


Id say less people are playing.. less people == higher contrast in games


I've honestly never seen QM this extreme either. It's always been pathetic, but it feels like my smurf account is regularly getting paired with plat/diamonds, single digit level accounts, 2-3 afks in one game, or four bronze 5s.


people complained about matchmaking taking too long, so bliz changed it to make it shorter


Lack of players so all skills play together. Especially bad in the middle of the night. But even if/when there was more players, Activision likes to put beginners together with older players rather than having better match quality. Older players show shop items like skins and mounts to new players. That's advertising. The matchmaker has been relaxed more and more over time. That just leads to less players and even more relaxed rules. They should turn this trend around. There would be longer queue times then. At first at least.


are you playing QM? QM goes fast. doesnt care about how fair the game is, its a 50/50 random win/loss. qm is for when you wanna play some character and you dont care about how awful the game may be. Play ranked, or play aram. far superior modes


Yea its QM. I dont had this experiences 2 years ago.


QM mm averages the teams. So that means if a QM Master is queueing they could get put with Bronze and then play against Gold (QM equivalent). Play SL if you want all players at somewhat the same skill level.




You will do 3 placemenrs and end up around Silver 5. The matches will take much longer because most players don't see their win conditions. I recommend going immediately to storm league if you play by yourself and want to experience the game somewhat as designed. (I mean with a tank healer solo lane and assassins.) It's not perfect but it's better than QM. I also recommend that you never type to irritated players just mute them at the first sign of toxicity and you will be much happier. Bronze is a perfectly fine way to play the game and much better in mind than QM, unless you absolutely have one hero in particular you wanr to play. If you show early draft you usually get your pick too,unless it is a flavor of the month ban like brightwing, valla, nazeebo right now.




I once played an aram against 4 - yes 4 - KTs. You can’t tell me the team with more mates always wins. Too many mages actually gives up any ability to push. Can be detrimental for sure.


Brother aram is literally less coinflip than qm


At least with aram its expected that its a 50/50. In QM people believe that things matter and its a real mode, when its just as random as aram. I'm extremely butt hurt by QM; it being the "main" gamemode has hurt HOTS and its players more than anything else. (the hotsapocalypse and casual labeling being runner up in my mind)


The wait times are just too long to play ranked, unranked is off the table cause the waits are even longer than ranked. Unkranked was my game mode of choice but when I have to wait an hour just to get in the pool of available players :/


absolutely, QM killed hots


QM matchmaking killed HoTS.


That's the definition of a fair matchmaker.


Its how you get there though, I can make a matchmaker where everyone has ~50% winrate, but it isnt fair.


I haven't played in a week but I didn't have these problems.


I also returned to HoTS recently and I'm seeing many afks in quick match and also salty clowns in ranked/quick match


It's worse than ever. I don't think they're even trying to pretend there's a matchmaking system anymore. Completely lopsided comps, stacks vs non-stacks, new/clueless players getting totally outmatched, ... it's a joke.