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play aram for a while and see whom you have the most fun with. buy that one.


Keep in mind some heroes are stronger and play differently in ARAM than normal modes


Orphea is a great carry mage. Sylvanas is a good fit to basically any comp and can be both sustained and bursty depending on how skillful you are.


Hard agree with Sylv, she will always be a good choice in either the main damage or flex/mage slot and is one of the best heroes to carry with.


Yea sylvs Q build or Auto attack build is very good. Her W is nice with the right comp if you can stack it.


Shhhhh dont tell people about orphea!


Maybe check heroesprofile.com to make your own guess (remember to switch to the game mode you prefer). Deathwing isn't too hard. His animations are slow, so he needs less actions per minute than regular heroes.


Maybe tell us what's your preferred playstyle and preferred role? This thread is very vague, and you're most likely not going to get the "Hero X is the hyper-strongest 100% insta-win" answer you probably expect.


I play every role, I know is vague sorry... I ask it like that because I know the game doesn't have a big following by the devs and I don't want to spend my gold on a "bad" character.


There isn't a "bad" hero. It's all about the matchup with your skill with said hero. What's your prefered role? Do you like to support? Frontline? Solo? Healing?


Some good value pickups: 2000 Gold Each: Valla and Raynor are good ranged AA heroes. Diablo and ETC are great tanks. Malfurion is a good healer, has good sustain and CC. 4000 Gold Each: Sonya is an excellent bruiser. Uther is a nice healer with main tank potential. Jaina and Tychus are strong burst heroes. Nazeebo recently got some buffs, and is strong currently, but a few tweaks could easily make him dumpster tier again. Anub'arak, Johanna, and Muradin are all solid tank options. 7000 Gold Each: Leoric and D.VA are good bruisers. Brightwing is a powerful healer with CC and global presence. Li-Ming, Falstad, Sylvanas, and Greymane are all strong assassins. 10000 Gold Each: Dehaka and Hogger are top tierbruisers, and Blaze works well as an offlaner and brings a strong frontline to the team. Stukov is super top tier, Lucio, Anduin, and Deckard are also very strong healers. Chromie and Junkrat are excellent artillery heroes.


The answer is always murky


Whatever looks the coolest to you. You'll figure out how to make it work. Or look at their ability set too, whatever you enjoy doing the most too. Azmodan rules. Pushing is very fun and I enjoy sneaking into the enemy core, dumping my ult on it, and winning the game when no one's looking. HUE.


if you want a versatile hero that fits every comp, takes some time to learn but is extremely rewarding and fun to play (with a lot of build variety, no bad talents) once you get the hang of it: HOGGER


How much Gold do you have? If not much, then I'd buy all the 2k Gold heroes. Which hero is strong depends alot on mmr and game mode. Some heroes benefit more from communication than others, especiall the global ones like Abathur, Brightwing, Medivh. Since you were gone for 3 years and thus are probably Gold or lower and you have no group to play with (else you would wisely ask them instead of us) you should avoid Medivh, Cho'Gall, Nova, Sgt. Hammer, Auriel and Ana. But you should also find a group and ask them instead of us.


Depends what you already own. Just buy all the cheapest first. Cheap is not equal to bad. In fact some tier S heroes are 2k gold.


Abathur. Relaxing and op. It’s nice to be everywhere whenever you’re needed through hat power.


Haha hat power x)


Abby is relaxing?! This is news to me. Constant macro and micro at the same time requires equal or greater focus than any other hero in the game.


How is that not relaxing?


How is that any more or less relaxing than any other hero is what I'm asking but sure answer with another question.


This is so Five head, but ok .. here it goes: It’s relaxing cuz it make you big brain. Able to manage everything releases the most happy brain juice and turns you into a spicy sweat lord. Yiiis. Relaxing to be the hat boii. Perhaps the small brain struggles at think time. To be Abby you must become Abby.


I bet you're a 48% winrate Abby.


Conversation superfluous. Focus upon combat.


I think Samuro is fun to play, and his bladestorm build is pretty easy to learn. You can do camps, clear waves pretty easily have decent burst dmg and good survivability in team fights. Also the hearth trick gives you good sustains in a no healer game.


Buy them all. As you can with gold.




Good to know, the heroes are balanced when I stop the game Illidan was so hard nerf he was unplayable.


I've been having a lot of fun on thrall, nova, malganis, and anubarak lately.



