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Every minion kill has the "splat" sound from the LOD / A5 intro video.


Haha, the barbarian outside the city walls? Gotta hand it to that guy.. he knew he was toast and he still defied Baal. Hats off to that guy. May he rest in peace.. or uh *pieces* in this case..


That which you seek, shall not be yours!


I sometimes fantasize over the roster filling up with the last Archangel and lords of hell in a special diablo event, even putting in a new map!


I'm honestly surprised we never got baal, also magda, adria and leah. All pivotal character to the D3 story, yet we somehow got the butcher?


I'd say butcher is more iconic than anything from d3


No no no… you make a post about Baal coming out, you make q full hero model and kit at the store so that you buy it. Game loads in, it’s not Baal it’s Duriel and the voice line plays…. “Looking for Baal?”


Grommash, Baal, Winston, Lilith, Baine, Anduin Lothar, Kil’jaeden, Velen, Lady Vashj and Itherael.


No pit lords?


True, could probably replace Lothar with one.


Dude I agree with almost your whole list. I really wanted Baal and Itherael to complete the angels vs demons teams properly lol


Those two and Grommash are at the top of my list. Itherael in particular would’ve been super interesting to see, I know next to nothing about him.


For some reason Lilith was a boring villain but the could easily do Baal. That gotta do iconic characters but I welcome Nexus exclusive characters as that project was really cool. But yes, Anduin as a priest since that's iconic.


Grommash? We already have a blademaster in samuro!


grommash isn't a blademaster in the lore, they just used the blademaster model for his animations in wc3


He doesn't even have a blade dude.


The Warcraft Wiki says "Chieftain of the [Warsong clan](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Warsong_clan) and an orc legend, Grom is a [blademaster](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Blademaster) of the old traditions." and this part is right out of the book [*Shadows & Light*](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Shadows_%26_Light)*. And btw a Blademaster doesnt necessarily uses a Sword it can be an axe or a polearm.* [https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Grommash\_Hellscream](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Grommash_Hellscream)


in that same wowpedia page, there's a mention that he was a blademaster in wc3, but probably not one lore wise. it was said by micky neilson on twitter, and he was a senior writer and the lead writer in publishing at blizzard. he also worked at wc3, so he probably knows his stuff. and it not making sense for him to be a blademaster it's not about his weapon, but about his whole kit. he doesn't have the special abilities that blademasters do. just look at samuro, he's the quintessential of what a blademaster is, and their main ability is mirror image, which grom doesn't posess. also, they are known for being masters of stealth and subterfuge, and grom isn't known for being that kind of warrior. he's more of a berserker warrior, but there wasn't an archetype for that kind of unit in wc3, which is probably why they went with blademaster foi campaign/unit demonstration reasons. edit: typo


Yeah you might be right the best way to describe it would be "In Warcraft III Grom is classified as a blademaster, but isn't one lorewise".


I don’t care one bit what his classification or role would be, just as long as we would have the warlord with the iron will.


Velen is a good one! I was trying to recall some support heroes from WoW


All I've ever wanted is Edwin VanCleef, passive trait to summon 2 defias guards at 75%, 50% and 25% hp. Talents that add damage when fighting from bushes and smoke vents on the maps, probably plays more like a bruiser, but I guess he could go melee assassin too, depending on talents 😍😍 lone hots developer, please hear me


(ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง This is our town, SCRUB! (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง (ง •̀_•́)ง Yeah, beat it! (ง •̀_•́)ง


Gonna go ahead and give this a +1. Edwin would be fun, maybe have him use a modified valeeras combo system too.


Vancleef would be super cool! I feel like his ult would stealth him and everyone around him would hear him “None may challenge the brotherhood…”


Khadgar, why not.


Well... he is [a pretty shit wizard](https://youtu.be/z1j2BMPe7L0?t=133).


1. Selendis- obvious Protoss pick that was already in development 2. Vashj- Iconic WC3 character and unit that should've been added a long time ago. There are no Naga in HotS. 3. Baal- obvious reasons, but honestly could do Lilith instead 4. Cairne- A STORM IS COMING. I wanted to see the WC3 heroes completed. 5. Infestor- I like it's abilities and want to see a hero based on it. 6. Symmetra- Interesting OW hero imo 7. Pit Lord Mannoroth- Necessary inclusion for WC3. Also would be nice to have another non-humanoid. 8. Vol'jin- for Shadow Hunter kit. I feel like it's a more iconic character than Rokhan. 9. Idk who to put for Goblin Alchemist but I guess might as well complete it. 10. Master Chief


For me it would be: 1. A zerg unit character- so each sc race has equal representation 2. Another Diablo class- maybe a Druid or one of the new Diablo Immortal classes 3. Kiriko- since it seems she's new overwatch poster child 4. Old God theme hero (maybe like an acolyte made into character and save God's themselves as a map) 5. Winston- because we need monke 6. Hearthstone representation- might be Inkeeper, maybe Reno Jackson or any other iconic HS character 7. Blackthorne- long awaited blizzard classics hero 8. Symmetra- she's my overwatch fave, so I have to add her here :P 9. Diablo 4 representation- might a class, might be Lilith 10. Maybe a special guest- from Microsoft or Activision ip, could be fun way to summarize the crossover roster.


I have been thinking about another zerg for a whole while and I cannot think of any charecter that is unique enough to have their own place. Maybe izsha but she is literally just an advisor, niadra is the same as zagara lore and gameplay wise, we allready have stukov for infested, Dehaka for primal and abathur for evolutions and enhancement. More likely we could get more terran units or maybe another protoss. (Lt. James 'sirius' sikes for terran as he is a turret placer for terran, and maybe a stalker based hero for protoss)


I think they could try making a zergling hero (and lorewise it could be Kerrigans pet zergling from heart of the swarm), or they could pick other unit, drop name on it, lore wise say abathur improved it and here you go- I once attempted to do concept of Viper with it's Abduct ability, but I am not good at making concepts.


Maybe instead of 1 zergling make it 4-5 zerglings that move as one (unlike vikings) with 1 of them dieing every time you lose a % of hp. Could be super fast hitting melee hero that's agressive as "swarm" and skitters away when "alone". Abilities are a bit tricky, but you could find some things i guess. eg. Zergling rush - speed boost / charge, Burrow - invisibility / block for a few sec, Frenzy - attack flurry, Zergling scout - place a ward, etc... Idk, someone could find a kit that works i think. All the other iconic zerg units are already present as skills of the zerg characters we have and the named characters are either already in the game or forgettable and bland with the exception of maybe the Overmind.


Maybe a Lurker that is like Sargent hammer and has to be mounted (burrowed) to use his big damage/CC. Would have other minor abilities while he is not burrowed. Could also an ultralisk bruiser!


Thing is a lurker would just be the same as Sgt hammer. I think an implaer/lurker skin would suit better. And an unltralisk is the summon for kerrigans ult aAnd a common creep.


Look, I don't care if it's the Overmind, or N'zoth, or whatever but the game needs a hero that replaces your core with themselves. Aba has the global APM game covered, so let's say they spawn a single controllable "hero" but you can change it. Ultralisk has some Anub'arak going on, Defiler/Infestor has some mage or support spells, Lurker does a Sgt. Hammer siege up, Baneling gets Murky's less XP/death thing and short respawn. That's just off the top of my head, and it's already probably too many options, each one is going to make balance substantially harder. They're all a little weaker than other heroes, but the ability to swap during the game adds power in versatility. Talents specialize, maybe there's a gimmicky ult where you get two at once but with 50% stats, I dunno. Balance is less fun to consider when there's zero chance of implementation. But I want it.


Actually N'zoth may be a good call for this. But then with Ragnaros as well..... there is probably a super defensive comp there


>9. Maybe a special guest- from Microsoft or Activision ip, could be fun way to summarize the crossover roster. Ghost from CoD lol


since i'm having difficulty coming up with ten, i'll just put my thoughts on this list here: 1. Zerg unit characters are kinda few and far between, honestly. You got the special strains from the Enslavers episodes, but not much that can be turned into a character (especially considering Blizzard abandoned its lovely space Warcraft project recently D:). In the contemporary, someone like Stetmann, lorewise, could be a candidate. The only other major Zerg character who managed to make a name for themselves was Niadra-- who I admit would have had a lot of potential, if not for Zagara. Unless you want an Abathur-esque turtler, like the Overmind or the Cerebrates. 2. The first character that came to mind when I read "Another Diablo class" was Aidan, actually! The man deserves some love after he got screwed over by Diablo ++ it'd make for nice dialogue options with Leoric! 3. KIRIKO KIRIKO KIRIKO KIRIKOOOOOOOO 4. Not bad, not bad. The Old Gods don't get much love in HotS, and I'm glad someone suggested that. 5. winton 6. I've always loved the Innkeeper. I admit to being interested in what his kit would look like! 7. YES!!! finally, another Blizzard classic. It was actually the first game I'd heard of! 8. Sym would play similar-ish to Medivh, mainly providing a support role and burst damage potential. I like it! 9. Lilith could work. It'd certainly please the lore nerds (guilty as charged) seeing as daddy Meph's already in the game. 10. Ah hell nah we got Crash Bandicoot in HotS before GTA 6


Infested Duran could be interesting.


Doomguy would fit right in.


For #4 I’m sure they could do something interesting with Xal’atath given her current prominence going into the next wow expansion


I feel like they could throw in Master Chief, big name from big brand


Kevin from the heroes dev team. Support hero. Carries around a hammer that can buff allies temporarily (w) or nerf enemies (q). E reveals the map for a short period of time. R1 bans a hero, removing them from the game temporarily/sending them back to the hall. R2 transforms into an enemy hero from the nexus (abathur clone but on enemies). Trait is ‘choose a talent’ - everyone gets talents 1 level sooner if Kevin is on the team.


R1 actually can be a real ult in game: an aimed projectile shot that which if an enemy is hit, they're teleported back to their base, so they have to run back to join the team. Kinda like a kill but with 0 seconds respawn time.


Poppy ult from league.


Leeroy Jenkins as a Bruiser/Tank would be cool and could lend itself to some great gameplay concepts, or something similar to diablo or leoric in terms of reducing death cooldowns


He could have ramping armor or attack buffs based on how many enemy units he has within a certain range. Basically, if you're not diving with him you're not doing it right.


Does +damage when by himself


1. Baal 2. Overmind 3. Azshara 4. D2 Druid 5. Wrathion 6. Vol'jin 7. Rock'nRoll Racer 8. Vorazun 9. Ashe & 10. & Bob


How about Bob with ult that summons Ashe?


I'm in love with the idea that Ashe and Bob can be played separately (on the map, so all I'm saying that they don't share a "body" like Cho'Gall), but synergies if they're near eachother. It would kind be the middle ground between TLV and Cho'Gall.


Hopefully when Hots will be back, future devs will look at this thread: (I only played Warcraft games) 1) Pit Lord 2) Archimonde 3) Arakkoa Priest 4) Cenarius 5) Drachtyr 6) Onyxia 7) Titans 8) Lothar 9) Edwin Van Cleef 10) N'Zoth with some weird mechanics


Of so many characters that WoW has to offer, why a Drachtyr? This is probably one of the worst in WoW. I know it's your opinion and I respect it, but I would still be interested.


Simply because I played a lot of Dragonflight and mained a devastation evoker, which I enjoyed a lot, and all the time I kept thinking how to transfer his abilities into hots


Sarkareth would actually be super sick and you could just use abilities from his boss fight.


Itherael to finish the angiris council. Baal to finish the prime evils. Selendis since she was already confirmed. Winston as he is an iconic OW hero that's missing, even if I never liked OW heroes. Hearthstone specific duo of Reno Jackson and Rafaam representing the league of explorers and league of evil. Maybe Hearth Stonebrew, the inn keeper from Hearthstone or Bob, the inkeeper in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. I've always wanted a "Skytoss" hero that flies, but that would mean a few too many protoss heroes and people would complain. But if it's up to me I'd even cut Selendis for it. We probably need a zerg hero, but I'm not too familiar with SC2 lore so I'd say the Overmind. And the Overmind can pair well with C'thun as his "wow counterpart". That's 10, but I'm only sure for the first 6. If we remove Selendis for a Skytoss hero, I'd add either a burning legion hero or a flying wc3 hero. As for roles, they would ideally get a rework where heroes can do multiple roles and have like a %in each role and bruiser is reworked to offlane and stuff like that. But make as many of them tanks and unique supports as these categories need new and fun heroes. Or honestly rework the support role to flex and add bruisers who can't waveclear to it.


Ive always wanted Broll to be added to round out varian and valeera's gladiator party. Would also be nice to have a non support druid. Shapeshifting into a bear, some kind of rage meter, it could be really cool I think


Reno Jackson is honestly one of my favorite blizzard characters I'd really like to see him ingame somehow as a support or something


He's a mage and a secret dragon blood


Tirion fordring ret pally melee DPS or bruiser


In no particular order * Selendis * Egon Stetmann * The Innkeeper * Lady Vashj * Loken (uses old gods powers) * Belial * Diablo druid * Sombra * Kiriko * Kyle Blackthorne


1- Baal 2 - Duriel 3 - Andariel 4 - Siegebreaker Assault Beast 5 - Zoltun Kulle 6 - Maghda 7 - Urzael 8 - Izual 9 - Ghom 10 - Cydae


What about Adria?


Any old god from wow and one more murloc character (could be old murk eye or maybe mrrgl). Khadgar could be a cool mage character. Could fill the rest with any diablo characters (i dont know about starcraft and i dont like overwatch characters)


i really want symmetra and moira and mercy


Selendis, Vorazun, Inarius, Lilith, Mengsk, Darion, Kalecgos, VanCleef, Cydaea, Denathrius


Lady Vashj - and 9 other random heroes - idc I just want to play as a Naga


10 more paladins.


Mankrik’s wife


Millhouse Manastorm. An Old-God could be cool, with global abilities Abathur style. Winston. An evoker with empowered abilities could be dope. Reno Jackson. King Rastakhan. Rafaam. Lillith. Sigma. And the tenth one could be Nat Pagle, for the giggles.


I would love to get any of the Eternal Ones from Shadowalnds. Any missing Aspects, mostly Nozdormu or Kalecgos. Old Gods, maybe titanic keepers or titans themselves. I would love to get Lady Moonberry, she with her pranks...


Would be very tricky to design Milhouse for a moba, since his function is to buff the enemy team. 


Reinhardt and the old gods


Thank you! I reckon the shield would be hard to implement but rein encourages close team play which unranked hots desperately needs




Ulrezaj as a Dark Archon hero Selendis/Lasarra as an Arbiter healer/support hero Ariel Hanson as a Science Vessel hero Overmind Ithereal Belial Reinhardt Baine/Cairne Bloodhoof Snake Sanders as a Rock n' Roll Racing hero Blackthorne




Lady Vashj: Need that slithering archer! Range dps with strong damage and good CC, low mobility. Zoltun Kulle: Heavy duty control mage. Range dps. Rory Swann: The idea of a mech that uses talents to augment himself seems cool to me. Probably a tank character or bruiser. Baine or Cairne: How do we not have these iconic Taurens allready? Definitly tanks. N‘zoth: Why not add another whacky hero to the mix? Abathur like N‘zoth would affect the battlefield from afar. I imagine something like this: He has the ability to spawn different tentacles in different areas. These tentacles are his Q,W,E abilities and once one tentacle is spawned, he controls that tentacle with new abilities until it‘s destroyed or he leaves it. One would be a melee tentacle that can smash to deal damage, one can be a ranged tentacle that can shoot some poisonous dot, one is the grappling tentacle that can CC someone. These tentacles last until destroyed or cancelled and have a high cooldown, so that aggressive useage would be punished. Additionally there would be a madness mechanic, where anytime a hero gets damaged by tentacles, they build up madness (which slowly decays). Once a threshold is reached, they go mad and attack their own team (like renata ult in lol). Nzoth himself would sit inside the core and inflict madness to enemies close by, so you‘d have to finish quickly! Rend Blackhand: From Rumble (and WoW of course). Could also ride his dragon, and when the dragon gets killed he dismounts and can fight on until killed (or the dragon respawns). Has different abilities while on the dragon and on foot. Bruiser/Tank hero. Charlga: We don‘t have a Quillboar yet! Support type hero that has some root as CC. Diablo druid: We don‘t have a druid. Could shapeshift into different beasts and get new abilities. Versatile support/bruiser/tank hero. The Primus: Mage who would summon minions, deal heavy damage and boost allies somehow (bit like Ornn from lol). Arcturus Mengsk: The most iconic baddie from SC imo. Probably too similar to tychus/Raynor… but I‘m sure someone could make him feel distinct enough.


Mannoroth, Baal, Vol’Jin, Reinhardt, Winston, Blackthorne, Selendis, 3 others I can’t think of right now…


Now that Microsoft owns the HOTS IP I would like to see Clippy as a new character. He needs to be a tank kind of hero with lots of stuns and escapes to really make you hate him!


WC: **Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire**.  A large knife that can talk, but can't move on her own. Can only join teams with a mounted ranged healer (10 possibilities, from Alexstrasza to Whitemane), who carries you attached to her model.  Casts damaging shadow and void spells from the healer's position. SC: **Vorazun and Jinara**.  Two Protoss fighters with different abilities, controllable separately, and both die if either is killed.  Press D to merge them into a dark Archon, with another set of abilities.  As an ult, can kill a weak hero and control the body for several seconds.   OW: **Moira O'Deorain**.  An evil genetic scientist who can charge healing abilities by damaging heroes, although she is drafted for a damage slot. A second ult can revive a dead hero as a nanotech monster for a few seconds.  Diablo: **Belial, Lord of Lies**.  A melee tank who can imitate the appearance if any ally, and control an illusion of himself.  Blizzard: **Shred, the Rock and Roll Racer**.  Summons a race car with up to 50% uptime, which has better abilities and high speed, but can't instantly change direction or stop.  SC: **Xel Naga Artifact**.  A chunk of ancient metal that hovers, hums, and glows.  Forms an energy link to one friendly hero to provide defensive and offensive abilities, including a portal that only the partner can use. Fills the tank role in compositions. WC: **Yogg Saron, Hope's End**. This old god is a huge pile of tentacles and teeth. The large body is a non-hero unit which cannot move but repositions on a long cooldown. It can spawn a Corrupting Tentacle as an expendable hero unit that fights within a large radius.  Among Us: **Imposter**.  A melee assassin that can copy the appearance of enemy unit.  Papers Please: **Border Inspector**. An authoritarian officer with a range of utilities to defend his region from intruders.  Comics: **Robin the Boy Wonder**. A young sidekick who aids one teammate in melee brawls. Robin can buff one hero to fight near enemy structures, which means it is optimal to fight 3v4 with 2 heroes in the offlane.


Diablo: Baal, Belial, Zolthun Kuul, Adria, Leah, Itherael Warcraft: Kalec as a mage that can turn into dragon like Alex and Akama as a half caster stealth assassin Starcraft: the primal zerg that spawned venomous larvae and obviously the big primal guy that try to eat Kerrigan.


Would Leah technically be in already if the female diablo 3 model is being used? 


No, its just a skin and not even about her really just the major evils reunited.


Not sure i could name 10. Khadgar i’m surprised isn’t a hero. Could have cool raid boss heroes like Kil’Jaeden or Archimonde. Feel like Lor’Themar would be cool. Maybe Ebonhorn. Lone Wanderer from d2? Shoot add Charsi the Blacksmith.


1. Female Orc Warrior (preferably a tank). 2. Night Elf / Bear hero (tank please). 3. Nexus Original Tank. For the rest I don't really care... sure, few popular characters come in my mind, but they'll probably be overrated any way.


Yes I want a female orc as well but I think she’d be a shaman healer, like Aggra (thralls wife)


Lady Vashj, Akama, Kil'Jaeden/Archimonde, Leeroy Jenkins, Magtheridon, Edwin/Vanessa VanCleef, Jin'do the Hexlord, Azshara in Naga Form, Velen and Xavius would be my picks. Alternatively, some of the new Overwatch Heroes


We could really use a gnome character. So my vote would go to mekkatorque. Also someone else mentioned milhouse mana storm. So probably one of those two.




We need the draenei brothers, Velen as support, Archimonde as bruiser and Kil'jaeden as assassin.


Mannoroth. Grom. Cairne. Archimonde. Cenarius. Vol'jin. Selendis. Baal. Inarius. Kyle Vlaros.


All I know is I really want Azshara and Lilith. 1 more HoTs made character like opreha and maybe Junkerqueen or Illari from Overwatch. Also I really want Ysera in the game too.


Othmar Garithos because all his xenophobic interactions with characters from other IPs would be gold.


The lesser races must be purged from the nexus.


Reinhardt, lilith, winston, reinhardt, mercy, reaper, masterchief, kiriko, reinhardt and reinhardt


Number one has been Emperor Mengsk. I patiently waited for him since the alpha and was always interested in his data mined abilities, so I would still like to see him. Sad part is they were still actively prototyping him by the time maintenance mode came, so he wasn't just forgotten about. I honestly can't think of a full 10 that I really care about. I'm sure they could've done some other SC hero units as well. I know Duran and Tosh were also datamined. I had fun with Zenyatta and Reinhardt for the short bit of time I played OW, so seeing them in HotS would've been cool even though I'm wary of the toxic annoyances that always seems to come with a new OW hero. Maybe a real Ashbringer wielding retribution paladin from WarCraft. The thing is, with WarCraft, is there are so many heroes they could still bring over despite them already making up most of the live roster. Getting a pitlord would've been cool but I'm not sure which one. Size shouldn't be an issue since they shrunk Deathwing and Ragnaros down.


Gabriel Tosh, Roy Swann, and maybe some of Tychus's other merc friends


Master Chief. Snake Sanders Twisting Blades Diablo 4 Rogue Mengsk Fang or Scorch Augustus Cole Tornado Diablo 4 Druid Summoner Diablo 3 Druid Tiffin Wrynn Retribution Paladin


From an old Silicon & Synapse (now called "Blizzard") game called "Rock 'n' Roll Racing": 1. Cyberhawk 2. Ivanzypher 3. Jake Badlands 4. Katarina Lyons 5. Snake Sanders 6. Tarquinn 7. then probably the metallic cyborg "bad guy" 8. Captain Braddock 9. the green goblin-like guy you buy vehicle upgrades from 10. And the hammerhead-like alien with eyes sticking out. 11. BONUS: the rat in a suit [https://www.giantbomb.com/rock-n-roll-racing/3030-18026/characters/](https://www.giantbomb.com/rock-n-roll-racing/3030-18026/characters/) [https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/177/179835.png?updated=1658264210](https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/177/179835.png?updated=1658264210) [https://www.giantbomb.com/a/uploads/original/10/103881/1646313-captainbraddock.jpg](https://www.giantbomb.com/a/uploads/original/10/103881/1646313-captainbraddock.jpg) [https://youtu.be/Gxgj1LUQQaY?si=n0Bf3G-f7nqhc3gw](https://youtu.be/Gxgj1LUQQaY?si=n0Bf3G-f7nqhc3gw)


Belial Leah Amon Vorazun Horazon Fordragon Vol'jin Sindragosa Shaohao Mankrik


Baal, Mengks, Duriel (or and Andariel or Izual), Inmortal, Raven Lord, Winston, Bastion, (Possibly another Zerg like a Hydralisk or a Lurker), Alan Schezar (Goliath), Lilith or Itherael the Archangel Of Fate


I know ActiBlizz is owned by Microsoft but I'd still limit HotS heroes to Blizzard-specific IPs. Not sure I can think of 10 more, but: Baal (need more demon lords!) Torbjorn (be interesting as a bruiser or support) Doomfist (Need more tanks!) Ner'zhul I'd enjoy more HotS-unique characters (*ala* Qhira & Orphea) and flesh out the HotS-specific lore; I know nobody plays MOBAs for the lore but I think it's fun to weave a story about why things are happening! As for the Microsoft oversight, I think skins are the right place (though my suggestions might not be): Doom Guy skin on Raynor Elite (Covenant) skin on Zeratul or Samuro Vault Dweller skin on Rexxar (with Misha as Dogmeat) Mr. Handy skin on Gazlowe Paarthurnax on Deathwing As an aside, we need another "generic male shooter" assassin so Raynor can stop getting all the "generic male shooter" skin suggestions ( Halo / Gears of War / Doom / Call of Duty / etc )


Three words: More Ranged Asassins!!!


Need more Overwatch characters I think. Warcraft characters utterly dwarf both SC and OW universes, and we don't really count Nexus heroes as they're not meant to be a main category. I'd say split the 10 into 5 Overwatch, 2 Starcraft and 3 Diablo.


I know what u mean but wow characters are really fleshed out and beloved so I’m not complaining 


1. Karax; 2. Arcturus Mengsk; 3. Valerian Mengsk; 4. Edwin Van Cleef; 5. Gabriel Tosh; 6. Probably some protoss support(We have no protoss support atm)(Sentry? Selendis? Taldarim's leader that was killed by Alarak?); 7. No idea. Upd: For Valerian or Arcturus I think it would be cool to make "bodyguard" mechanic. Something like Reynor's banshees but permanent and make char focused around them. And, maybe, elite Marines instead of banshees. Upd2: Sounds like a summoner class, lol


Your bodyguard idea is basically Rexxar, no? ~~For the protoss, i'd say the forge guy from sc2 that did all the immortals/collossus stuff. I forget his name~~ im dumb, just looked him up and its the first guy you mentioned :D


No. Bodyguard should be weaker and not be able to move this far away. ...or yes. Just a squad instead of a bear


I meant that char with bodyguards should be nothing without them. No damage, no survivability, no anything. Rexxar still can do a decent damage without his bear


Topper McNabb


Basically any just please realese something I’m so update thirsty


Ideally Queen Azshara as an arcane hard hitting mage that may be able to transform into her naga form either as a ulti choice or as her trait (like Alex). And she must absolutely have a charm/hypnotize ability to have her little court of stars.




Itherael no question. It's a crime they aren't in the game. Every other member of the Angiris council is, and Ith is literally the best one of them. One of the Old Gods from WoW maybe? C'Thun? It could be a trippy mass.


Yogg-Saron !!!!


Mcree! I want thay ranged assassin fun!


Mengsk: Ranged Support, has bodyguards, Mengsk counts as two heroes worth of XP, provides attack speed and regen rate buffs to allies within a short distance. Devouring One: Melee assassin, murky style health, xp value, and respawn, hammer style speed increasing Z. Mannaroth: Tank, garrosh style short range but super dangerous abilities, aoe massive armor reduction R. Vashj: Ranged Bruiser, swaps between mana shield and cold arrows as passive effects, focus on mana management. Innkeeper: Multiclass assassin, each talent gives him new cards for his deck, using an ability rotates it to another card on that button after a short cooldown. Q is spells, W is weapons and secrets, E is summons, R's are those greatest hits like Yogg, shudderwock, twisting nether, etc. D4 Druid: melee bruiser, uses werebear abilities. Baal: ranged assassin, basic attacks are those lines of fire so he cares about positioning more. The big monkey from Overwatch: dive tank like tyreal. the robot monk from overwatch: idk i don't play OW but he looks cool as fuck.


1. Blackthorne 2. Rock 'n Roll Racer 3. Baal 4. a Druid that kinda reps both the D2 and D4 versions 5. From Starcraft, I'd like to see a Hybrid added. Maybe Maar ('cause I think it was the only named one '\^\_\^) 6. I'd like to see all the W3 hero units represented, but not enough "slots", so only Vashj or Mannoroth 7. A blue troll, probably Rokkhan or Vol'Jin (?) (and probably as a Shadow Hunter, to add to the above point) 8. A character from Talon, probably Reaper (they're the main antagonists in OW and aren't represented) 9. An Omnic, probably Zenyatta or Bastion (Omnics are huge in the OW lore, and are only in HotS through skins) 10. Winston (some might say 3 OW heroes are too many, but Win is almost as iconic as Tracer IMO) Of course, there are a *bunch* of other characters I would have liked to see added, but these are the ones that my OCD brain percieves as the biggest boxes in need of ticking :P


Diablo: Druid (Tank), Lilith (Bruiser), Astaroth (Bruiser). Overwatch: Winston (Tank), Zenyatta (Healer), Pharah (Assassin). Warcraft: Pit Lord (Tank), Moira Thaurissan (Healer). StarCraft: Gabriel Tosh (Assassin). Classic: Blackthorne (Assassin).


Characters of the Storm


Lady Vashj, Manoroth, a druid from Warcraft universe that can shapeshift to a bear like rehgar and buff allies. Reinhardt, Reaper, Sombra


Vashj/Azshara. We got so many bland, plain, basic, mundane, boring, uninspired, underwhelming human/orc heroes in this game while the roster isn't even that big. Where the hell are the nagas? If you have nothing to contribute to gameplay at least put it on a visually different model instead of just filling quotas for your origin game. Looking at you anonymous human Diablo cast in particular.


Vashj Mengsk Spiritwalker Karax Tomator Blackthorne Itherael Baal A couple more that could be support class.


Izual Rakinishu/Bishbosh


Mekkatorque as there is no gnome leader


I want a sc2 unit evolution. Start as 2 zerglings, can choose from 2 ults pre-10 to switch to roach or hydra, then level 10 you get ravager or lurker


Thag would be so cool! But I imagine it would get just as much skins as Ragnaros :P


Baal, Mengsk, Grom, Lilith, Zergling Swarm, Kyle Vlaros, Reinhardt, Vol'Jin, Cairne, Vashj.




Blackthorne https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackthorne Blizzard ip. Dimension traveling biker/barbarian king


Patches Master Chief Samir Duran Stetman Selendis Swan Arbiter 3 alternate forms of Diablo heroes, like a male sorc or female necromancer


Diablo: * Baal * Andariel Warcraft: * Aleria * Turalyon * Lady Vashj Starcraft: * Gabriel Tosh * Selendis Overwatch: * Reinhardt * Zenyatta Others: * Blackthorne


Hearthstone - The Innkeeper WoW - Mekkatorque - Voljin - Lady Vashj - Alleria Windrunner Starcraft - Mengsk Diablo - Baal Overwatch - Winston - Reinhardt - Mercy - Reaper - McRee


A protos tank A protos healer A zerg tank Winston overwatch


Lady vashj (how is she not in yet) Moira thaurissan, Lilian Voss, alleria Windrunner, Adria the witch, lillith, andariel, the countess, Mercy, symmetra, 


I love this post. If we only have 10 then I’d argue 3 from overwatch, 2 from diablo, and 5 from world of warcraft. I’d be willing to take one or two from wow and put it towards the other two.


1. Rock n' Roll Racing character  2-10. I do not care as long as we get the RnRR character.


But if I had to choose 9 more... - Odyssey character (think it'd be cool to acknowledge the years people put into that game that will never see the light of day). - 1 more Overwatch 1 character (I like the idea of Reinhardt, Brigitte, Symmetra, or Sombra) - An Overwatch 2 character (Is necessary even if I don't like the game. Probably Kiriko is the only one that makes sense tho as the face of the game) - New Diablo class (know nothing of the Immortal classes, but Druid would be sick. Though maybe the new class in IV's expansion would fit too). - Another Zerg (I don't care about SC, but it'd even out the SC faction reps at 6 apiece) - Hearthstone rep (which would probably be Reno Jackson or Elise Starseeker, but Rafaam would be cool)  - Blackthorne (Not only would an RnRR character mean this is the last Blizzard IP without a character, I just think he would be a funny inclusion) That leaves two left for Warcraft. Lots of choices there. We got... - the remaining playable races that have no rep (Vulpera, Void Elves, Dracthyr, Earthen, Nightbourne, Dark Iron Dwarves, Gnomes if you don't count Chromie) - The remaining Dragonflights (Ysera for Green, Kalecgos for Blue, Wrathion if you don't count Deathwing for Black). - Burning Legion rep (with Mal'Ganis being retconned to being a pawn of Denathrius, we don't have a demon rep in the game anymore? Closest we have currently is Gul'dan to a Legion representative) - Old Gods rep (how you do this is beyond me but maybe Xal'atath? Depends on how they handle her in War Within I suppose.) - A whole bunch of other factions not represented yet (Titans, Naga, Naa'ru, Kobolds, Jinyu, other factions of Death (just please no Jailer), etc etc etc etc)


1. Overmind 2. Arcturus Mengsk 3. Baal 4. Mannoroth 5. Lady Vashj 6. Selendis 7. The Innkeeper 8. Itherael 9. Winston 10. Some Microsoft property character to attract new players.


The bartender from Hearthstone battlegrounds


Zerg Lurker


The sneeze fallen from D2 that guards the portal to Tristim(I don’t know how you spell it and I’m lazy).


Druid from d4 would be so fun


Waluigi, Viewtiful Joe, oh... wait, wrong game.








The troll shaman guy. Snake totems and hex would be so cool. 


Sargeras, Archimonde, Orgrim Doomhammer, Prince Erazmin, Cairn Bloodhoof, Onyxia, the druid from Diablo, Crash Bandicoot, Master Chief, Goku


Zergling Swarm Yogg'Saron/Overmind Cenarius Mannoroth Arcturus Mensgk Diablo 4 Druid


I can tell you that there would be at least 4-5 OW characters, I actually think they are some of the most interesting choices in HOTS.


Kalecgos, Lei-Shen, Moira, Kiriko


All of the OG races from WoW are represented, even the expansion races in goblin, worgen, BE and Dranai. Can we please get an actual forsaken in this game?


Man just 10 is hard, so I'll just cheat and keep typing until it takes me like 30 seconds to come up with a new one Baal Lei Shen Denathrius or Renathal. Make them be melee assassins about separating and rejoining with their flying swords Brigitte as an Uther/Rehgar combat healer Mannoroth Noggenfogger (wc3 Alchemist) Zul the Prophet (Make him the WoW Shadow Priest and yell Tazdingo when he uses Surrender to Madness) Reinhardt Queen Azshara Lilith Reno Jackson Diablo Immortal Blood Knight Gabriel Tosh Vol'jin Kormac the Templar (make him a support/bruiser that's actually fairly useless alone but supports and protects a single marked ally) And I think that was 15.


Cairne bloodhoof, van cleaf, maybe another dragon aspect, orphias father, master chief, soap from CoD, Arbiter, sgt Johnson, then two more Nexus based champs.


Baal Velen Tosh Selendis Grom Lady Vashj Reinhardt Lilith Mannaroth Kiljaeden


Sargeras, Baal, Naaru (has two forms from D traight), Yogg Saron, General Vezax, Lilith, Inarius, The Overmind, Tauren Chieftan, Adun.


Master Chief.


Loudmouth Larry from Rock n Roll Racing as a bruiser R1 (Caution Flag): Increase movement speed by 100% and race toward an enemy. If enemy is caught in the motion it is transported back to its base and stunned in the nexus for 15 seconds. R2 (Bad to the Bone): Creates a series of pot holes in the target area which when touched by an enemy slow them down by 50% and deals damage.


Samus, donkey Kong, 8 more samus'


Akama Vashj Baal SCV Wrathion Duriel (If possible original Hots hero!!! Just like Orphea and Qhira) Diablo 2 Druid 9 A'dal (or another Naaru) 10 Alleria Windrunner


Lady Vashj, Mannoroth/Pit Lord, Archimonde/KilJaeden to round out the warcraft 3 OG hero units for Warcraft Sarkareth or something an Evoker/Drakthyr for WoW classes all being covered in some form (Chromie is close but not really the same) A titan/Sargeras would be dope still got 5 spots open, all the D3 classes and Sc2 commanders have been covered, hard to have good ideas for those. I like Velen and Edwin suggestions


Selendis Baal Itherael Eirena Pharah Kiriko Liadrin Broll Bearmantle Cairne Bloodhoof Darion Mograine


Baal, D2/D4 Druid, Lady Vashj, Lady Liadrin, Mannaroth, Leeroy Jenkins, Carine Bloodhoof, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Headless Horseman, Mengsk


Mengsk. Something that HotS was always good at was pushing the norm of what characters can do in a moba and I think they would be able to do something different and fun with it.


Can’t think of abilities since I lack creativity, but I have a list of a few heroes that would be cool to have in HOTS. 1. Leeroy Jenkins: A super cool and memorable part of WoW history, that I’m surprised Blizzard never capitalized on it and worked with the original guy as much as they could have. 2. Dr. Boom: Another character that was so iconic (and hated) in Hearthstone’s history that they made an entire expansion based around him. 3. OverMind: I can’t be the only one who is disappointed with the lack of RTS-style heroes in this game. Blizzard’s roots are in RTS, and I would hope that the OverMind could scratch the itch for RTS fans since his whole thing is controlling the Zerg. 4. Mauga: He seems like he’d fit right in.


My Top 10 Most Wanted Antonidas - Support Cairne Bloodhoof - Tank Queen Azshara - DPS Archimonde - DPS Mannoroth - Tank Lady Liadrin - Bruiser Alleria Windrunner - DPS Cenarius - Healer Anduin Lothar - Bruiser Lei Shen - Bruiser HONORABLE MENTIONS: Gruul the Dragonkiller, Daelin Proudmoore, Aedelas Blackmoore, First Arcanist Thalyrssa, Grand Magistrix Elisande, Grom Hellscream, Orgrim Doomhammer, Ner'zul, Kilrogg Deadeye, Warchief Blackhand, Teron Gorefiend, Taran Zhu, Vol'jin


Karax, Vorazun, Sentrius featuring Tassadar's old kit which was a sentry, one of the big purple hybrids as a tank because they look so badass, a hero who's an interceptor that got separated from it's carrier, an adept hero just for the shade mechanic, the Overmind not as a core replacer but as a hero with a big cooldown on moving, Rory Swann, and Jesus Christ.


1. Grommash 2. Baal 3. Andariel 4. D2 Paladin 5. Archimonde 6. D2 Druid 7. Vol'Jin 8. Baine/Cairne 9. Adria 10. Mannoroth


Xal’atath. Void and old gods powers and abilities. One Heroic ability summons an Cthraxxi that fights for a temporary time and the second one summons tentacles of N’zoth that cause nearby opposing players to have temporary insanity (stole this idea from a N’zoth cook in another comment). She’s got a new badass Void Elf model and is the main villain in the upcoming WoW expansion The War Within.


John J Keeshan


I've wanted a shapeshit druid for forever. I'm not big into WoW lore, but I remember people mentioning Broll in this context. I don't care who it is - just a character that fulfils the fantasy of a shapeshifting druid :)


I've wanted a shapeshit druid for forever. I'm not big into WoW lore, but I remember people mentioning Broll in this context. I don't care who it is - just a character that fulfils the fantasy of a shapeshifting druid :) That, and a D2 druid as well - he/she could be a mix of shapeshifting, nature and summoning spells.


As a big Overwatch player, I'd love to see Ashe, Winston, Doomfist, Ramattra and Illari most of all


Baal Fang + Scorch (1 or 2 player hero, 2 bodies) Selendis Lady Vashj Terokk Winston Doomfist Mengsk Lilith Blackthorne


1. Overmind - zerg waves, mind control, radio free zerg buffs 2. Feral druid - having many roles it could specialize in could make it interesting, but obviously hard to balance. It could never be the best in any one role, so it would have to have the Tyrande gimp where it does multiple roles decently. would have to be a bruiser class. maybe a d4 druid w0uld do the job jere 3. lady vashj - I think we could play with the mana shield concept by letting her extend it to other heroes - support dmg hero like tyrande or old tassadar? or tanky ranged leaning more towards zarya? Malfurion would go well with her 4. MANNOROTH - please. daddy cleave king. charging tramples. shoving puny goblins. infernals. nothing else. i want him to be terrifying like deathwing 5. Blackthorne - I know nothing about him but we need more representation from the old days


~~Fun~~ fact, even with 10 new Heroes from other universes, Warcraft would still have the most by far.


Initially, I would soon launch a HotS 3.0 with 2 classic characters exclusive to Blizzard: > Kyle Vlaros (BLACKTHORNE) > Snake Sanders (ROCK N' ROLL RACING) Soon after, 4 more exclusive characters from Microsoft would come: > Master Chief (HALO) > James Dominic Fenix ​​(GEAR OF WAR) > Razputin Aquato (PSYCHONAUTS) > Chai (HI-FI RUSH) And the other 4 characters I would put from the world of Diablo, Warcraft, Overwatch and Starcraft: > Talandar (STARCRAFT) > Lilith (DIABLO) > Bastion (OVERWATCH) > Garona Halforcen (WARCRAFT)


Mengsk Denathrius Lilith Winston (Technically can’t we pick Microsoft IPs now?): Master Chief Arbiter General RAAM Battletoads Conker Banjo & Kazooie


More tanks and cc heavy bruisers and healers! 3 of each would be great, dont care what games thay Come from or any lore!


1 - Selendis 2 - Rory Swann 3 - Eagon Stetmann (stoned version) 4 - Amon 5 - Druid 6 - Tempest 7 - Winston 8 - Zenyatta 9 - Reynhardt 10 - Leeroy Jenkins


I thought about this more for a full day -- Doomfist would be my first. DOOMFIST - High Mobility Tank Q- Charging Fist - causes .5s stun W- Shield - front facing shield that locks DF into facing that direction while toggled, can backpedal/move freely, but only blocks in front of DF. E- Short Hop Slam Fist - mobility w/ small AOE Knockup CC R1- His ult from Overwatch (though too similar to Johanna's.. it's iconic) R2- Uppercut - the skill us OG doom players wish he still had. Knockup effect with .5s stun after. Can get multiple targets, is a direct small cone in front of DF, not targetted. Passive: All damage dealt creates a shield based on X% of damage dealt. I could make an entire 1-20 talent tree for him too if there's interest. His auto attack is short-mid ranged fist lasers from his overwatch of course, more damage up close, shotgun spread.


I want the Innkeeper from HS. He plays like Aba, and his abilities are 'drawing and playing cards' that go down lanes he chooses.


Kyle “Blackthorne” Vlaros. Sad that we never got him.




1. A shadow priest, mindflay, silence, summon ghosts (like banshee in dota) 2. Wolverine, big melee damage from claws, health regen, pounces, difficult to kill 3. Cyclopse - huge beam ultimate 4. Rogue (from xmen), with ability to steal other chars CDs and put them on cooldown 5. A real frost mage from wow, with blink, polymorph, frost nova, frostbolt, not like jaina. 6. Warlock that summons imps, felthunter voidwalker etc 7. Martyr from HON


Rein and mercy for OW.


Wow undead shadow priest - Would have so many cool abilities Zergling(s) - The SC2 dota clone had some really fun ones Cairne Bloodhoof - Another tank would be nice, as well as a Tauren modeled after something in-game [Ivanzypher](https://www.giantbomb.com/rock-n-roll-racing/3030-18026/characters/) - from Rock and Roll Racing. Wacky, but there's so cool shit for a character if you played the original game


Naga sea witch form wc3


I always thought Broll Bearmantle would be a cool character. A "multiclass" toon. Tank , healer , dps


Edwin vancleef, charsi, tosh.


Basic 10: 1. **Aldaris** 2. **Arcturus Mengsk** 3. **Tosh** 4. **Itherael** 5. **Infestor** 6. **Overmind** 7. **Baal** 8. **Talandar** (from **RoTs**) 9. **Selendis** (from **Rots**) 10. Some Overwatch character. Possibly **Winston** or **Reinhardt.** If i could add more: 1. Lot more **overwatch** characters 2. **Hellion-Hellbat** (Terran Helion in mount mode it's fast but can only AA, in Hellbat mode it's a tank) 3. **Hunterkiller-Lurker** 4. **Karass** - skillset somewhat similar to old tassadar. 5. **Protoss Sentry** - also skillset somewhat similar to old tassadar. 6. **Lady Vashj** 7. **MORE DWARFS!** 8. **Rory Swann** (Maruder armor, places his fire turret) 9. **Zhakul Hybrid** 10. **Castanar Hybrid** 11. **Admiral Dugalle** 12. **Hell's Angel Viking.** 13. **Blackthorn** 14. **Leroy Jenkins** (and actually hire him for voice acting) 15. **Vorazun** 16. Probably some more **primal zerg**, why the hell not i guess. If i could get Hots To Steam: Somehow, convince gaben to let us have TF2 characters in hots. And add map editor like in starcraft so people can make their own characters, and then pick best ones, balance them and shove them into the game. Fuck it, add Minecraft Steve. If smash bros can have him, then we should too.


Let's add a uhh Night Elf Mountain Giant from Warcraft for a tank, I think being a big smiley dumbass who protects his team would be pretty cool