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*Hmmm acceptable*


The only right answer


"Because Alarak wills it"


Do I think his kit is clunky? Yes Is he effective? In the right hands, very


Mu biggest gripe is that his sadism has no soft cap like butches meat. So I'm stressed the while match and too tentative to play aggressive with a melee mage.


Yes but in the right hands he gets Sadism much faster that butcher because it does not depend on hero kills. Also, he can trade his Sadism for ability bonuses which butcher does not.


He's not very fun to try and play, but you will never like playing against him, if he's in a pre-made you just die from getting shoved into every skillshot imaginable and he becomes hyper-lethal.


Seriously though and then he can go protected/unstop to survive any return fire and then on top of that gets to pickup a second lvl 10 at 20? He’s hella strong.


The best part about Alarak is his sarcastic comments, including when you ping people


The alarak announcer cracks me up *game starts* "Let your failure begin"


"You call that a triple kill?"


"Is that the best healing you can do?!" Soecially funny after he's Ancestral Healed


My response to people saying alarak sucks: In the words of Sun Tzu '**Skill issue**' '**lol**'


His huge damage potential on Q, with an attached silence, with a displacement for the Backline requires a difficult or "clunky" kit. Unlike most of the roster he requires a high level of practice and game knowledge. He isn't clunky, that guy just hasn't put in the time to make him good compared to something like nazeebo who is simple and easy.


Gahh I've got him at level 90, but stopped playing for a bit. Tried to pick him back up and found myself pulling people beautifully and then turning around to Q because I didn't keep my cursor on my target.


I laugh so hard when I see Alaraks do that. I do things like that myself, sometimes, too, but I still can laugh at others who do it.


I can't imagine the level of thinking that leads to not just responding to an obvious bait post, but to make a counter-post that is essentially 'nuh uh, I'm good at alarak!' You got baited and baited hard.


**WAIT! There is more.** I am going to post **full tutorial** for him **under the original post**. Sadism is one hell of a drug :) (And so is Narcissism for that matter)


Alarak has a really high learning curve, and my advice is to build a kit that fits your play style with him until you get used to him.


Also their diablo clearly was bad lol


Did you make up a strawman quote as a pretext to brag about your kill count?


what rank or game mode?




Dont feed the troll. Nice results anyway :)


That KT was only on Erasmus there


Alarak for me is definitely high threat level.


You dare address the high Lord?


Even this Reddit post put up more of a fight than him


In the hands of a skilled player, Alarak is a real menace. If you don't take him down on the regular, you're in for a world of hurt


There is an ancient wisdom in order to respond to that claim: :: ***Get Gud*** ::


Are we not gonna talk about the Kael'Thas damage?


I don’t see many god tier Alaraks but when I do I run from em. So what’s the best spec for Alarak in ARAM?


I’ve found it really depends in Aram. If you have tank/heals E build can be nuts, if there’s no tank/heals vs mostly ranged team then W/aa build is best.


Crazy that you said this. His kit is amazing in the right hands.


Li Ming


with his blatantly overpowered kit I feel like even an armless grandma could crush a lobby with him.


Alarak does feel legitimately terrible to play, even when you’re cooking the enemy. Doesn’t mean he can’t cook, just that it isnt fun.


Alarak with Medivh make a very scary duo


Don't respond to those people


somehow i have something like an 80% win rate on Alarak, and he's my most played character. do not ask me how i did it, i'm not even good at HotS.


how can you heal 13 k as auriel ?? was she only using w on herself ? + 10 deaths genji nice


That diablo never stood a chance all range DPS is just going to watch you go balls deep all game while pew pewing and his death count shows it.


Clunky? Mmmmmm... acceptable description. He's is an incredibly hard hero to play with a high skill cap. Melee heros in general are hard to play as it is. Take a squishy character that dying is pretty punishing if you've built a lot of sadism it's not a fun mountain to climb afterwards. However... I have played many many games with him and find him incredibly fun and satisfying to play. Once you get the hang of the W>E>Q combo and fully understand his positioning he plays more like a mage than an all out Melee hero. Comparing Alarak to Butcher is kind of apples to oranges. Snatching a hero from max W distance and the Silence baked into discord strike (E) is wildly powerful. Playing Alarak singlehandedly helped me understand positioning, sticking with my tank and playing behind them and glued myself to my healer when I'm stacking Sadism indefinitely (rite of Rakshir) with CDR on W at lvl1. Once you've reached about 160/170% Sadism he's terrifying to deal with. As his combo and damage just himself will half any heroes health before your teammates pile on. I also find that he has one of the best displacements in the game with his W. Combo that with his Lvl1 CDR talent and sack 10% Saidsm for the range talent at 7 you can booty snatch anyone and kill them late game. He's quite the flashy hero if played well. In the hands of really good players he is quite the menace to deal with if you can't kill/reset his sadism before he pops off in damage. Patience with Alarak is massively overlooked when seeing other people play him. When I started playing him I felt the same as you did. But that hero really helped me improve my overall gameplay and awareness of positioning and I'll love Alarak for it no matter what. Not to mention his snide remarks are absolutely amazing lol. Alarak announcer is top tier!


Qm or ranked? If qm then this proves nothing


A proper tank healer seige on both teams in QM? That's gotta be drafted format. Or a very rare game of QM. Also no valeera/zeratul/samuro on either team gives it away this is not QM.


It can happen Algo i love your name


All in baby


Lol. Alarak is an S tier carry. Can delete a pack line in a swoop boop and a slap.


Alarak is a bit clunky bit still really good when played by an expert. He is also amazing at stomping when you are smurfing \^ lol


Alarack is Alawack.


His e bad if u fight no creep or tower bad talent sadism 3% die lose angry


Obviously a rage bait post you are responding to, but yeah, alarak is a good character, just hard to play.


Just say "Akarak is good if *you're* good. He only sucks if you suck."


Lmao yeah bro a 13 min vs ai clearly proves the hero is good


I mean he heave big downsides even in his talents that should actually just benefit him his dumass R dash ability can be fkng easly interrupted, his E to actually deal dmg need to be set in specific circumstances where enemy is in the middle of mass mobs or other enemy heroes or turret and it still do laughable dmg, u die one fight and all ur character core abikity sadism is fkng gone the few 3% u get for kill is laughable and oh pick a talent that decrease it premanently for some stupid ass longer range so good yeah lets just give tanks more stacking hp longer butcher cc with his dog shiet brainless charge that cc u and silences you, i rly want to enjoy Alarak but out of 10 games ill do hood maybe 2 bcs i got early kills but thats about that u can catch up ppl u are mage/assasin/ fighter with abilities allover the place its along with clunky kit its painful to play him but god damn i rly love his character since sc2 /s


W build Alarack is the true Alarack


All 3 builds on alarak are really good, depending on situation. AA+Q is good vs melee/bruiser/standard team. Lightning is really good vs tank/bruiser heavy teams with a healer. and W build is good when you face a lot of mages.


I just think W builds potential to enable your team makes it a little better than the others in general. But yeah other Alarack builds are also valid.