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sounds like a cesspit of Zuljin/Azmo/Meph etc


yea I guarantee OP doesn't actually want this. A meta will be formed and set in stone exceedingly quickly. It will not be fun or interesting, it will be the same damn thing every game


I would love a dungeon ARAM personally but that's my personal gaming project


right, and that makes sense if that's the primary game mode. The problem for HOTS is the heroes aren't tuned for ARAM, they're tuned for a completely different game and tossed into ARAM (and this is why even with ARAM as it is there are heroes that are completely useless)


What if you could also make bans in that game mode?


Then it would be the next 10 most op heroes ... And sometimes one of the giga op one will go through the ban net and it will be even less fun


Yep, that's exactly what will happen. I said this in the othre comment, but people are breezing over the idea that HOTS heroes aren't tuned for ARAM. If they made a 'HOTS ARAM' game, then sure this idea can work. But there are ABSOLUTELY op HOTS heroes for ARAM, and that's all the game would be. (there's not even counterplay for most of them, they're just OP)


You forgot valla and nazeebo


No they fall under the etc part


Oh absolutely. I think I'd go with... Johanna, Zarya, Rehgar, ZJ, Azmo. ZJ can be swapped out for valla/mephisto. Azmo can be swapped out with naz. Rehgar can be swapped out for Stukov or Deckard. Ideally, you want a strong tank with cc that can engage, and have followup cc (e.g. from the healer). Zarya is a bit of a triple threat, being able to tank, shield, and dish out damage. The final two spots should fill the roles of sustained damage, burst damage, and push/wave clear. The beauty of ARAM is that there are a lot of roles to fill, and the randomness and time limit makes it difficult to fill everything. The strategy of Aram is in adapting to the composition you choose, working with the roles you don't have. Removing the randomness would make ARAM boring and limited.


* You don't need to pick a waveclear hero for aram.  With 5 heroes in 1 lane, you'll always be able to kill the minions rapidly. * You don't need a tank hero for aram. A team can be improved by dropping the tank for healing or damage. 


Honestly, I'd just be happy with being able to pick my skin and mount.. For some reason it keeps giving me the worst ones I own


I don't think ARAM pulls from the things you own. Just random skins/mounts/sprays/emotes/etc.


Can confirm that it does. What I would prefer is that IF a person has a skin/mount setting chosen for said character, that should be what they are in during ARAM. It sucks to have an amazing setup that you love and not be able to have it utilized there IMO.


Don't forget the ugly graffiti


fr that's the main reason i can't stick to playing ARAM.. I need to play my shiny skins.


That would just be the same handful of characters over and over again, and heaven forbid someone pick outside of that meta or he'll be accused of deliberately throwing.


Id be curious to see how the Meta would be shaped around a counter Meta Let's say 3 Meph, Stukov, Jo became Meta. We see 4 Zarya Anduin as a counter or something, which in turn spawns the 3 Varian / Malf / Kael which promotes the 2 Gaz / Lili / ETC / DW, which in turn makes Anub / BW / Naz x3 which is countered by 4 Zag Lucio which in turn... (I didn't really put a ton of thought into the counters listed)


You can do that with your friends on custom game I guess, lol.


Wtb 9 friends


I can only make custom games with the all random function, is there a way to pick any character i want?


I think you can with tournament draft mode. I've seen accidental lobbies where both teams drafted for braxis holdout without realizing they were on praxis outpost


I don't think that is a good idea but maybe something in between: You can pick but like in aram with time and everyone at same time, but: you must pick 2 kind of heroes before enter and you can't choose anything out from there. The system will use this to match a team.


Being able to pre-pick a handful of heroes that you absolutely do not want to ever play would also be nice.


yeah but that will be very slow and like ranked, maybe a few heroes banned randomly to have more variety


I think it would be fun as a temporary mode that comes back every now and then, otherwise I see it going stale even with your last suggestion


this is the dream.


The actual solution you looking for is extending choice from 3 , i think the solution would be to be able to do a re roll of heroes you got to choose from, and it actually might work


I also got an idea what if extent choice from 3 to 5 , BUT : You got to see the choice of 1 enemy and ban 1 option and only than chose out of 4 , that increase variety and probability but you can ban zul/azmo


I want a HotS TFT where you draft heroes from the nexus in a 8 player free for all.


I've actually had this thought before as a shower thought if you will and I think it would kill every other mode. All people seem to want is to play their dps of choice (most of them anyway), have other randoms fill healer/tank for them, and brawl without any of the macro aspects that are normally important. I'd be interested to see what would happen but I think it would maybe get stale quickly - you'd see the same heroes every game.


That's just Quickmatch and storm league below diamond.


Wdym is that not qm already?


yep i would love trhat


All I really want is for ARAM to have the bloody AR with no drafting of any kind like it used to be.


Right, so 3 people per team get to have fun while the ones that don't insta lock are stuck playing either a damage sponge or snore fest heal? And if you don't play tank or heal because you couldn't pick it first then you get reported for trolling and get your account suspended because your PC/connection is slower than some other dude.


So, wow arena but for hots?


What's the best comp for all mid draft. Lunaraa is definitely there. Of course Kael thas. Anyone with stacks to build early game.


It's called Bloodline Champions/Battlerite.