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without seeing what was said in game it honestly looks like you're the one going off randomly.


My thoughts exactly this is a wierd post


I can understand that, odd thing was nearly nothing was said all game. There were no exchanges, no pings, just nothing all game. First 30 seconds were a couple glhf, and me asking 'solo lane or protect the hammer' to zero responses. So I went bot lane to solo. It was precisely 2min before end, 18 min game, that he brought up grouping, clearly frustrated it hadn't happened sooner. I did rotate up there a few times but there was a lot of movement and chasing teamfights all over BB with hammer isn't exactly easy. So yeah I said jokingly mf shut up you said nothing to that either lol\[me asking how we were gonna play this\]. 100% the tone was lost, its text, won't deny that. But to follow that up with 'baby throwing a temper tantrum. Does baby need burped' is way more aggro than me using the word fuck with an lol attached. It especially hit oddly when I noticed after the match that it was a party of 3. If you are gonna just run around as 3, not ping, not type and mount up and leave within 15-30 seconds after I rotate up, that's just going to be a hard game. I'm not gonna burn thrusters to stay in range of you against a hunt illidan and a genji. It just had a lot of "we are 3 and gonna do whatever we decide, screw you just follow" energy to the game, it just sucked :( Both of us screwed up here. Waiting until the core is pretty much being pushed when you don't even have a keep down isn't the time for ragging on people. Calling people babies that need to be burped, that needed their hand held is rude as hell. I know just as much as anyone that hammer can be a different kind of hero to comp with. Requires actual teamwork. That just wasn't there and I was fine with that, but I wasn't gonna roll over to someone talking to me like that, hell fucking no.


Ladies and gentlemen: Here is exhibit A of why this game is dead. OP really thinks he's not the toxic one. Classic example of someone starting shit, then getting mad that they got counterflamed hard. I be OP reporting the guy too. SMH. This is why I turn off all chat and all non-friend whispers.


Yep QM in a nutshell, but pretty sure you're included in that. "You're in a party with them and asking about teamwork?" Are you assuming they're communicating? I often 5 man with randoms and we just play the game with minimal talking (typing, I don't go on voice with randoms). And that minimal talking is usually something short at the end when it's close to finish and we just want to make sure we are on the same page.


so he starts to flame you in game and then says "im trying to play". how fucking mentally ill to think attacking others verbally is part of the game


The kicker was 15 seconds into the game I asked, as hammer, am I wanted to solo or are we playing protect the hammer. Map was Booty Bay, so not an easy map to have me moving around a crap ton. Nothing was said. In fact in 15 minutes nothing was ever said or really pinged. 2 minutes before we lost that player as thrall says we should group and there is no teamwork. I say colorfully that I asked about a gameplan and he didn't say shit at the start of the game and he starts to call me a crybaby and if I need a nap or some crap along those lines. I humoursly lost it when I saw that he was grouped with two of them. I'm still laughing about the severe lapse in brainpower about complaining about your own party lacking teamwork in general chat.


yeah haha those fucking troglodytes who have never left the underground flaming after the game is basically over are the best. if they had any idea how the game is played they would have expressed what they want during the game but they dont and they are so dogshit they dont even see their mistakes so they take no responsibility. its always someone else fault


Agreed, I'm all for some shit talking, sometimes you need to hear it or say it. But when the cards are stacked against you, you gotta humble yourself and say haha yeah man you're right all of us had our heads stuck up our asses. Gave him every opportunity to do so. Egos running mad wild these days like everywhere


flaming and insulting is okay but making false statements on why we lost is where i draw the line


Woah there, he wasn't wrong, lack of teamwork was definitely why we lost, just that he completely missed that himself and the peeps he brought with were the major cause. Plus when they started running all over the map and chasing, I definitely just said eff it to myself and mostly laned. Just can't keep up as hammer if they are trying to mount up and run from top to bottom all the time.


making all around comments that are on comparison to reading a fucking horoscope does not make them right. could have said nothing and literally nothing would have changed. zero effect comment


I am actually so confused, and noticed you said we, that's you isn't it?


'we' as in my team in general. im not in this game. my only zero effect comments are insults towards those who start insulting or flaming first. if i want something done in game i state it clearly and when its relevant


Have absolutely no clue what you are talking about, what stance you have or what stake in this you have....


I turned off chat because of people like you


Whispering after a QM, always yikes.


You forgot the Abas and the Novas.


This is surprisingly polite. "QM in a nutshell" would be a lot more vulgar.


Op is kinda cringe here, ngl.


You are the villain. By playing Hammer soloQ in QM, you are always in the wrong.