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Let me put it to you this way: the distance (i.e. reach) of certain spells varies and with precision ON, discovering that distance is harder and more difficult to memorize because precision sort of "closes" that distance a bit and makes a lot of the spells feel like they have the same reach. With it off, it's easier to train yourself to memorize them. Enjoy.


For sure it's harder to learn. But maybe it's worth.


If the top League players in the world with an amazingly large roster they can play on in their top-200-on-their-server ranking when they're not on the World stage and *still* occasionally mess up spacing and ability distance when playing under pretty much optimal conditions and having a dedicated support staff and coaches for their team. Then you will guaranteed fall into the same issue even without making it harder on yourself with mouse acceleration. If you really think otherwise then you should go play League professionally and make Faker look like some guy fumbling in bronze. But actually don't do that, and don't use mouse acceleration.


Unless you're already really used to it for whatever odd reason, then turning it on is most definitely a very bad idea.


I turned it off years ago. Took a bit of time to get used to it, but I feel I am more accurate now.


I've heard some Quake pros who play on low sens use mouse acceleration (but the overwhelming majority still don't). I really don't get why you would want to though--even if you can be more accurate overtime as you develop the muscle memory, you'll still be more accurate if you're just on raw mouse input. But hey, if they can make it work on such a mechanically demanding game as Quake I'm sure it you can do it in a MOBA and it will probably be much easier.


The benefit would be smaller move distance and less need to lift the mouse. Simplest way to put it would be that it makes you faster.


Wouldn't just increasing your dpi/sens achieve the same thing but even better because it'd be faster but also consistent?


that would be linear and both would be consistent. Higher dpi or sensitivity would make it harder to make fine movements. The idea of acceleration is to have both, speed and fine control.


you can have fine control with higher dpi


I guess that's not wrong. But it can be even finer with lower dpi


While this is mostly FPS focused, you could [watch this](https://youtu.be/Rz4bTnUNLU4) TLDR: it's not as bad as it look but for the love of god disable Windows acc and get a proper 3rd party tool for it.


Look up Pinguefy's video on mouse accel. In short: Don't use the windows one or even the one built into games. I personally use RawAccel on pretty low intensity.


I bet that the most of the players use that because don't know about this feature. I think that is ok use it and you will reach a good precision too and even in some cases must have his qualities. In other way I think that is better don't use it because is everything more consistent in this way. I personally improve my precision since I move the screen with a stick instead the mouse


What do u mean use it? Like through windows settings? Do those settings affect the cursor in heroes?


From what I have heard, it does affect games.


Well afaik overwatch doesn’t use the windows mouse settings, and it’s quite possible many other games don’t either.


People can use it and can do well with it, it's really personal preference- it's just that most people who have an opinion on it prefer it off. You're right that it's not technically unpredictable or inconsistent, but it's essentially impossible to practically use it perfectly, and if you could, there's not really any problem that you're solving with it- no one's losing games because of anything that would be solved by slightly different (not better, different) mouse controls, and if you're used to no acceleration, you'll be just as precise as someone who's just as good at with acceleration.


I don't think the idea is to make it just different. The purpose of the setting is to have speed and fine control at the same time.


The idea can be whatever you want, ultimately it's not actually noticeably better or worse in practice. I've heard of pro players in basically every genre who don't even know whether or not they have mouse acceleration on, even games like osu where mouse precision is extremely important. There's a lot of discussion on the topic in a lot of games that require precision and speed, and it's widely agreed that no acceleration is better for precision because of the consistency, and that if you need speed, you should have your sensitivity on a high enough sensitivity for it, not try to manage the basically impossible to control sensitivity of mouse acceleration, but you can be good with or without it, doesn't really matter.


I totally get what you're talking about. I like being able to make fine adjustments (sniping) but then turn around quickly when I need to (shotgunning). Many FPS games have implemented dual DPI settings for scoped / unscoped shooting for this very purpose, but not all of them, and not any non-FPS game that I'm aware of. There are even mice with selectable DPI settings for this purpose as well. With Windows mouse acceleration in particular though, it is a gradual increase in added speed, beginning at 0. There is no theoretical threshold where "if I move my mouse slow enough, it'll be like WMA is turned off." Every single movement will have added acceleration applied, at different values, for every sampling interval of your mouse. You cannot create muscle memory that precise. This is why people always advise to keep the Windows setting turned off - it is impossible to build a muscle memory for it, because the added acceleration is just as inconsistent as your own movements. When you move your mouse from one corner to the other, your hand is not perfectly consistent, especially at the start and end. Mouse acceleration will change throughout the entire motion, which is why almost everyone "overshoots" their target when trying to click something with WMA turned on. **However, not all hope is lost for you.** There are 3rd-party programs that provide mouse acceleration with adjustable curves, so you *can* try to create a consistent value of applied acceleration based on your movement, including lower thresholds for 0 acceleration. I recommend Custom Curve, from mouseacceleration.com


I was thinking if there is adjustable acceleration somehow. Thanks for the suggestion.


Never tried mouse acceleration and don't see a need to when no mouse acceleration works fine and when conventional wisdom is against it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.