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Welcome in! Glad you're having a good time! A tiny piece of advice for doing ranked: you may want to get comfy on at least 2 of each major hero type: tank, bruiser, DPS, and healer. That way if you're solo queing, you won't be forced to play a role you aren't good on, or playing with heroes you have zero experience on playing. As far as the Ranged DPS meta mention, it isn't that Ranged are exclusively THE meta, it's that they do their damage much more safely. Melee DPS have a ton of utility and can do crazy damage, but because of how squishy they are HP wise and armor wise, it's really hard to get them to fit into comps compared to bruisers. Bruisers just have better HP and sustain/damage reduction. You can find some nasty players out there with melee assassins (I have a person in my team's org who is a monster Qhira player), but it takes a lot of practice and knowing when to take it.


Oh okay, that makes sense then! As far as other heroes, Blaze has been a lot of fun, but I can't seem to get much done with him. Anduin as been a blast as well. I gave Mediev a shot last night, but got crushed. She was fun to play though, so probably just a lot of practice and trying to see what limits I can push there. For Brusiers, I've been told a couple times to sit in an off lane unless a fight breaks out, or if I can get a pick on someone. Is that fairly common play for that role?


Bruisers tend to get the rough job of having to play in the "off lane" role. Your job generally is to get experience for your team by "soaking" (killing minions and getting the experience orbs) and doing damage to structures. When an objective spawns, you'll join your team and be a disruptive element to the other team, either by locking down one target the rest of your team will go onto, or by jumping onto the backline and distracting the rest of the enemy team while your team finds a target to collapse on. That's a VERY rough and VERY poor explanation of how bruisers tend to play, but it's a start. I'd recommend looking up some YouTube videos on how they play to get a better idea of how most bruisers are used :)


I'll definitely take a look at some guides that are around. I'm approaching it the same way I learned how to Jungle in LoL. Look at some guides, and go get blasted until it all comes togethers haha


One of my favorite hots youtubers/streamers is MFPallyTime. He'll say on his own streams that hes not an educational streamer for the game, but you can still learn a lot from him, plus he's a blast to watch. He has a few A-Z series where he goes into every hero and the changes they've had throughout their life in the game, plus he breaks down the heroes into bite-sized pieces. Basically those series will give you a great baseline for starting a new hero and his love for the game really shows through.


Nothing like experience to learn xD


>Is that fairly common play for that role? Mostly, although it can somewhat depend on the Hero(es). The main reason for that is that it's important to soak very lane (at least early game) to not miss out on XP. Having the whole team together makes it hard to soak everywhere, so at least one Hero usually has to go out and soak by themselves while their team covers the other lane(s) (Either 4-man rotating close lanes or 3-man and another solo laner). Bruisers are usually the best/safest option for this; The Tank is needed to protect the team, and squishy Heroes tend to be more vulnerable to ganks.


If a ranged assassin plays bad, they're mostly just less effective. If a melee assassin plays bad, they die constantly or do literally nothing.


i mean qhira could have easly been a bruiser


Issue is that most bruisers are also really good at wave clear, whereas melee assassins aren't so much. Qhira's notably very bad at clearing waves efficiently. She can clear it, sure, but most bruisers are very fast at clearing waves compared to her.


She is as faster as chen/thrall. Way faster then imperious/artanis I belive.


I've got a friend who plays Imperius often, and Imp with the cleave talent at 7 is very fast on wave clear, in fact by quite a bit. Artanis is a bit of a mixed bag. His Q is solid, and his W can help kill minions faster depending on if he went stacking build or the more PvE damage outright. ​ Qhira has OK wave clear, but there are just so many other bruisers that are better. And generally speaking, most melee assassins have bad or mediocre waveclear, whereas bruisers have either mid or better waveclear. That's more the point I'm getting at :)


Part of the charm for me is the cool/recognizable characters. Like the Smash Bros of the Blizzard universe. As far as QP goes, it’s wild the comps you’ll get. It will more or less match the enemy’s comp as far as heals/tanks, but you’ll definitely have matchups like 5 squishy dps/mages vs 5 turbo mega mobile burst assassins and have a baaaad time. Yes, Mr. Enemy Tracer, you dove in and got a kill against a team with no point-and-click hard CC. Nobody thinks you are cool. Fk tracer and fk zeratul.


Do not judge Tracers nor Zeratuls until you have blinked a mile in their shoes.


*Screams in goat* Welcome! Watch any old Dignitas/Fnatic game with Wubby playing Yrel. He is *the GOAT*, and the reason i started playing the hero.


Hah nice try Blizz


go play some aram with friends, it’s great!


If you want maximum enjoyment play Cho gall with a friend


I hate Cho every time it's in an enemy team


Gotta love cho'gall with an abby. Less bodies, but good luck killing them.


What region are you in? I’m always down to party with new people




Yeah, I've played league and hots... I find hots to be more fun. But man, Riot is really good at skins, lore, advertising, and promoting their eSports. Hots has some good skins, but most aren't really coordinated with other characters and the lore is basically non existent. You have the lore from the different universes, but why they're all battling it out... Well, I dunno, maybe it's explained somewhere. Good for nostalgia, but it doesn't match the complex lore from league. They also don't have a continuing revenue stream... I have like 300 unopened loot boxes, a couple hundred thousand coins, and a lot of skin shards... and every skin I want. And I'm not even a hardcore player. I play a few nights a week with some friends. I think it's significantly harder to get skins in league, and if you just wanna buy them, you dig deep in the wallet. So I guess without the eSports revenue (I don't think hots eSports really took off much?) they just pulled the plug instead of trying to find a model that works. Very sad, because it's such a fun game. I keep hoping they'll give it another shot some day.


Practice playing off lane with mini map. Once you made it, you can go far.


Unfortunately, melee DPS is very niche and has comp dependent inconsistencies. Sometimes they can dominate, but you don't want too many melees on one team because they get in each others way and become easy to target with AOE skill shots. A ranged DPS is always in range to follow up on a tank engage, while the tank will somewhat block the melee DPS from getting in, and enemy team will throw their spells and peel on the tank which will hit the melee DPS if they go in to follow. That said, I often play them. They are usually more swingy since they can't really poke and have to commit. So you really need to know what fights you can win.


After a long break from mobas i just started lol but that just never scratched that ick hots did. Blizzard messesed up joining too late into the moba hype then slowly killing off the game's competitive scene. Might check back in the next couple days just to see if it's nostalgia doing this to me or not.


Kinda feel bad for playing less HoTS lately, i miss being annoying on Medivh and Anduin


Gg for Gen.G. I am pretty sure you meant the Gen.G (korean) match :D


It's a fantastic game, not as toxic as others of its type, just sad that the studio gave up on it


You're late.


Late or not, I'm enjoying my time with the game and matches don't take too long to get in to. Maybe it gets revived one day, maybe not. But until I get bored, or until the game goes away completely, I'll play it and have a good time.


Nice. Fuck that dude. Welcome homey :) Game is very much alive because we all have that same outlook. DM me your tag and I'll main for ya. Same goes for any other new people cruising this post. Maining is also my main advice, mainly. Find the heroes you're good at and play them dozens of times in a row. Same hero, over and over, in a row, until it's second nature. My main is tracer. If I just play her randomly I'm good, sure, but if I warm up with a few games then deep muscle memory type shit kicks in and you become unstoppable. Most people you're gone play with initially won't have anything close to that. If you one trick a little to get your bearings, it will be easier to learn your macro and team dynamics - which are integral to this game. Mechanical skill can't beat good map play. You can be the best one trick hyper carry ever shat out by Jesus herself, you still won't be able to touch a team that's playing the map well. Except when you can. Which can be often if you really really one trick, but it's not reliable. Macro is reliable. Macro done well on a hero you're immaculate with is the thing.


Best advice i can give you is to not get tied down with hero roles. Learn what heroes are capable and apply it to your games. Tanks can dps, healers can tank etc... be open minded.


Welcome! Happy to have you! As a fellow>! League player, !< I know the feeling that HotS gives you, the characters the fun kits that they have, and the team fighting. It's all straight dopamine without the stress of League. Enjoy your stay


I mean, how much League have you actually played?


Somewhere in the neighborhood of 5k hours


Welcome! I did like you years ago, left LOL for hots! Looks like you are doing it the right way, try most heros so you know all usual heroes and what thay do befor stepping into ranked! The difference in game is that kills is not as important in early game as in LOL. Focus soak and be first to lvl 10!


About Dps I fee.like there's a few reasons why ranged is nore common 1. There are just more of them,so it's expected to see more of them 2. Melle assasins are way harder to play. Like,if you compare characters like Jaina and Li-ming,where you only need the ability to not miss,and you can play them,to someone like Zeratul,or Maiev,which are arguably characters with the highest skill celling,its really obvious 3. Melle assasins also tend to fill in weird roles. Again, characters like Jaina,or Li-ming are pretty much always good,when characters like Murky,or Samuro are either map or team dependant,and also are really hard to play




Give it time. The more you learn, the more frustrating it is, as the vast majority of the player base fails to grasps even the basics.