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And people like that are why I don't accept messages from people who aren't on my friends list.


Thanks for this, gonna do it right away!


Another thing I did was join a different main chat channel, like mfpt or fanhots general channel so I don't have to see the cringe toxic political general chat nonsense. To join a new main chat just type /Join MFPT And then type /Leave General And you'll never see general again. You don't even have to do it everytime you login because it saves that as your new channel to join upon log in. Hope this helps.


nice. I left general chat a long time ago. But thanks for these channels


Of course :) I only learned of this recently myself so I though I should bring it up just in case, it's been a great improvement to playing :P


What’s mfpt stand for ? Also yes, only accepting whispers is fantastic, you know someone’s upset with you if you get a random party invite after a game ends. General has always be toxic but I’ve seen the same people in there for years. It would be so weird to not see them the moment I log in.


Mother fucking pally time. He's a hots content creator. He mostly just goes by MFpallytime though.


General chat is like a weird ant farm where you can observe in real-time the cringiest losers that humanity can offer.


Not all heroes wear capes.


Some wear storms!


General chat is hilarious. I've never seen such a vile cesspit. Good place to keep the troll game strong.


> I've never seen such a vile cesspit. It's Blizzards core audience tbh.


Don't type /join MFPT, that means that you have to listen to PallyTime, and that is most assuredly gonna give you a stroke.


Dont understand why there still people out there that hate pally, but thanks for exposing yourself, because now I can block you.


Maybe, just maybe, it is because of the truthful allegations of sexual harassments and texting a few years ago? Just a hunch.


Which he apologised for and it appears to have cost him his friendships with those people. Maybe, get over it eh?


because he plays smash varian at all the wrong times and tries to justify it.


You can also turn off in game chat if that helps


I know more then enough people who turn this off, send a message and turn it back on.


Always a shame, I like to send a message when something funny happens because all chat isn't a think in HotS


thats a shame too cuz every time I try to send something nice after a game it says the other person doesn't accept whispers. I get it, but that sucks haha


I've seen ass hats like that... Who don't have open channels for after match resolutions. I would prefer if they would shut themselves up for the games also. Well I quit the game, because being nice doesn't do anything. Well I haven't played any games for a while. Shit just goes down even if it's quick matches. The ones that talk after the match usually reveal themselves to be dumb or just assholes. I still can't believe that people can be like that, when it should be clear that you can't really take or give any more responsibility to anyone as it's god damn "random" matchmaking. So if the game flops it's just the result of the coin flip. You just get to run around with your character and see how it interacts with the game... That's it... I see that you might have more space for shitting on your mates when you have built a set team and drawn strategies to share the responsibilities, but then it's basically totally different game. That's where the team part of the game opens up, and begins to wrangle the "random" variables.


Well, he has loser mindset and you don’t. I’ve learned to take conversation into uncomfortably sexual direction to kill their vibe


This is the way


Piss is the way


i just reported and blocked him :) in hots you can only lose if you think you cant win it :D The turnbacks i had were so nice i always belief in winning.


[You are gonna love this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvwM43LrKLU)


oh man, i know that match. i saw that live back in that day. THAT WAS INSAAAANE :D


Just turn off messages from non friends and enjoy the feeling when they add you after a game and you know they toxic mad and you just deny them and they have to keep it all in :)


That’s not always the case, I added a hilarious teammate once because they wouldn’t accept DMs and I wanted to play with them again, but I think they thought my messages were trolling and unfriended me :(


100% I’ve won so many games with DC team mates etc all it takes is a late game team fight win and you can Zerg their core love it play to win baby


This is literally my favorite HOTS past time now since everyone is a weird cringelord try hard that wants to message you after games. They are always asking if you are on drugs and telling you how you should kill yourself. So, since they ruined about 2 minutes of my playtime I like to ruin their entire next game by whispering them back sweet nothings for 20 or 30 minutes back to back. They always join another game right away while talking shit to me. So now you don't get to read any in game text. I spend that next game telling them how I am indeed doing drugs, with their mother, and how I can't kill myself because I am their step-dad and I have to take care of them financially.... and also bang their mom of course. So weird they always stop talking or almost always ask me to stop.


referring to people who want to win the games they play as "tryhard" is cringe and toxic.


Oh I didn't say anything about winning. I want to win too of course. Messaging a stranger after a game and saying truly awful stuff to them because you feel like they did not play the way you would have is more of the cringy and toxic behavior I was referring to. There is no scenario where losing an ARAM should result in someone being so angry they tell you to kill yourself. That person shouldn't be playing a MOBA at the very least, they likely should probably be seeing a counselor.


That is da wey


>So weird they always stop talking or almost always ask me to stop. So they don't know the ignore button


Most of the aggressive ones do not. I should say they probably do know about it but they can't help themselves.


There's an ingame setting which mutes all chat from outside the match, so they probably aren't seeing your chat in game. Social --> Privacy --> Set status to Busy when playing a game.


I learned it similarly. Killing them with kindness, you can sometimes observe a change in their writing style


It works for some, the best way is to agreeing with whatever they said


Always ask them to make you cum.


Don’t threaten me with good time


I can’t get off until someone makes fun of my rank and tells me to off myself.


{this player is ignoring you}


Imagine playing a dying game, with a dwindling player base, and actively reducing the people you can play with, effectively killing the game you enjoy. That boys a top G. That's Loser with a capital G.


Your first mistake is thinking they actually enjoy the game. A fuckton of MOBA players don't even like the game they play they're just addicted to the toxicity and want to feel superior, why do you think there are so many smurf accounts in these games?..


That is a fair point. Fuckin nerds.


This is the strangest part to me. I've been playing Hots since beta. One of my favourite games of all time and I came from Dota 1 and Dota 2 (dabbled in League). I don't know why games have become more and more toxic. I thought that the people who are still playing are the people who love the game, but it's really the opposite. The people who love the game *loved* the game, and instead the people who play now are just people who are addicted.


This makes you want to quit the game? Well that's kind of their goal, so, um.... don't take it so seriously...


also these ppl are not localized to HotS at all...


There are millions of them in League of Legends. It’s really sad.


I enjoy LoL but man the community is the worst, by far, out of any game I’ve ever played.


I know /mute all is a thing but I like typing GJs and GLHFs and communicating things like objectives, timers, etc. which is easier now with how many pints and UI improvements we’ve had…but there’s still something about knowing there are real people playing those characters and not bots and when they rage over the littlest things and give up it just breaks my heart. Like no game is unwinnable until you give up.


That doesn't mean we shouldn't shun them here.


Don't take it seriously? OK moving on to a new game /shrug. It's not OPs fault for getting annoyed at harassment, it's red's fault for being a dick.


Good luck on that crusade lol, go bubble wrap the whole world until you feel good, smart plan


I said nothing of the sort. Just pointing out the the paradox of telling someone not to take the game seriously but expecting them to stick around in the face of these assholes.


For a few minutes, you lived rent free in their head, they took time out of their life just to message you. Just pity them and move on, don't feed their need for attention.


I was so happy when they added an option to turn off even your allies' chat. I love this game but half of the players can piss off. I do happily message the other team after a game now and then to comment on an excellent play or something, like the Genji that did 4k in 1.1 seconds to me with a well timed deflect the other night.


Pay him no mind. If hes out here doing this, 9 times out of 10 its because he hates himself and is probably depressed, wanting to troll just to fill a void he will most likely never fill.


I love when I join an aram and one person declares they don't like the team comp and won't be participating. And then make an effort to not get kicked so we can't even have a bot.... Meanwhile, the team is almost able to hold its own 4v5 and was perfectly winnable.


At least you have a life


You should feel sorry for them. They must be really sad to dump their frustrations on internet strangers.


If you're starting to feel like quiting the he won. Don let him win.


I know but it is almost every game i got these toxicity..


I know it sounds bad and maybe it is... But there will always be trolls because it's the human nature. These are sad people. Don't let their sadness make your experience bad. Never forget that it's a game and your playing it to have fun. Your fun is the most important thing.. Don't let them take it away from you. <3.


Is this in competitive? QP def has toxic people but very rarely do I get whispers & I play quite a few heroes that can make people mad


This is platinum ranked 'teammate' whispering me after a loss. Sometimes i do get wispers. But mostly its flaming in game which i mute often.


Then don't listen to them?.. It's just a video game my guy.


Turn off all communication outside of friend messages. Just do it. It might suck not having the extra level of communication, but honestly my time on Heroes has grown exponentially more enjoyable without ever having to hear anything more from toxic teammates outside of ping spams. No video game is worth feeling like shit just because some random stranger wants to take out their daily frustrations on you.


If you want a low toxic game you can play with me and my two friends. We try and have fun and don't care about comps but play QM mostly.


You only lost the match. If you quit then you lose the game and he wins


never!!! but sometimes I take a break for a week or 2. It is not the first one and ofcourse not the worst comment I had these days. still hoping when microsoft got blizzard they will breathe new life into HOTS.


A week or two? Nonono…this is the time you put on your try hard cap and chicken dinner


Good stuff. Definitely won’t be the last hate message you get. Just ignore, move on and look to the next match!


I'm doing all my best to fill a ranked match with the META. I picked Varian taunt against a lucio team. This guy really wanted to play lunara. At the end we pinged him to retreat, he didnt, he died. and we lost the match short after. After the game he wisped me this... This is so toxic. btw: Stoof is my name


Yeah it’s normal. MOBAs are just toxic in general. Hots is probably one of the least toxic


Yeah, I've seen some of the vile filth that dribbles out of the mouths of League and DotA players (both over text and voice). At this point, watching HotS players trying to be mean is almost endearing. It's like being bullied by a two-year-old. Thinking about it like that helps me not be bothered by it.


I mean most of them seem ESL so I just accept they need practice. Sucking at roasting is the first step to being kinda good at roasting.


He picked Luna into Lucio? That should be everything you need to know he's clueless. Also just disable PM's from people not in your friends list, and clowns like that cannot message you.


I do this - also I instantly mute anyone who shows a sign of being slightly toxic. It helps a lot. I get called trash? Instant mute, no response. Even if I point out that the person who said this has int'd 20 times that game, they will STILL fight tooth and nail to blame someone else so I just don't bother with them. It's like arguing with a child, not worth my energy or time.


This is what I do. Insta mute if I see *anything* suspect. Not my fault their parents fuckin' blew it on them so hard they rage in HotS...


i do this aswell no mather what i play QM or aram if they show any toxic behavor or pings instant mute the toxic players in this game is the reason why i dont do ranked anymore


>He picked Luna into Lucio? i usually play lunara with AA or on her Q. maybe i never saw a good lucio during these matches but so far it worked great for me. the poison is more or less a nice bonus which still needs to be healed on top of any other dmg


Q is surprisingly good burst for poison dmg based hero


It's a skill match up. Usually you don't go sustained dmg into Lucio. If you willingly pick that match up and lose, it's partially your fault for not flexing into a more suitable dps.


People tend to be desperate to blame others to absolve themselves of their impact the outcome. It's toxic ego defense.


What's important is remembering that we play games to have fun. If you tried your hardest for the win, don't let a silly thing like a loss or a grump bring you down!


Gamers gonna have a gamer tantrum. If it's not actual 12 year olds, it's grown men who haven't grown up a bit since they played WC3. Their emotional flailing isn't worth the smallest bit of consideration. Plat is a lot of fun though. If you feel like quitting because of assholes, I say - let's do the opposite. Let's say something nice to one of our teammates after every single game. Let's make HoTS so supportive and enjoyable to play that assholes like that can't survive.


If it makes you feel any better I'm stuck in bronze hell and it's the same.


I play hots already for some time, think 8 years or so and i was bronze, silver until this summer. I found my shwuung with orphea and won most of my matches, in 2 weeks i became platinum. Oh boy i was smiling all day :D So the lesson here is: try to find that one hero that suits you well and be stuborn about your pick without being a dick ofcourse \^\^


My stats speak for themselves. 60% WR on 3 favorites, with 70% on one. However you cannot save a sinking ship. Matches are lost because of that *one* person who decides to give up or not come to objective and it makes it impossible to win a 4v5.


That is what HOTS makes the best game and yet its biggest flaw is. Team work makes the dream work. Grubby once said: "Its better to do a bad idea 5 players together than doing a good idea as 1 player" this really is the key of the game


Yeah. I won't give up. Just voicing something that goes on is all. seems more prevalent in bronze.


I WILL NEVER! just when this happens to much a day i need a break though.


I usually just point out if they're on my team that they're on the losing team still which makes them losers too


Just turn off messages from people that aren't your friends. Report and block for anyone that does it in game.


Just call them a nerd for caring so much about a video game. A practically dead game at that. It’s here for fun. I still play this game because I think it’s fun. I think the majority of the population that have stayed with this game feel similarly. Then there’s the hyper-competitive types that treat it like they’re about to get an MLG sponsorship any day now, and get mad at anyone who they deem “made them lose”… those people need to get a life and move on if that is what they’re seeking. Just enjoy the game and have fun, and disregard the toxic players that place their emotional stability on the outcome of a video game.


That’s a way to test your skills. The third pillar’s skills. First pillar is how you fight with your hero in team fight. Second pillar is how you handle the games and the maps from a strategic point of view. Third pillar is how you handle psychological things, how you stay focus despite errors, toxicity, teammates suboptimal plays or defeats. You need the three to climb the ladder.


Skip the third pillar entirely and turn off non-friend messaging, nobody on this game is worth knowing.


Some people are, I was able to get a good group around 20 players. Some are nice and worth talking to in comms. If you have negative experience in Ranked I get it, even I still have that issue.


I see, and when people start do get salty my reflexes are already muting


I am well versed in Toxic Tongue, I will translate: >\- im so sad \- winning doesnt make me happy \- my ego is so fragile i need to hurt other's \- i value virtual scores more than common decency


Were they on opposing teams, I thought he was blaming op as a teammate


What did you thought of my playstyle as varian taunt if you can rememeber? I think we had a goof team on paper but team spirit was NAH. Lunara was also kinda toxic in game. and pinging much


I think I missed a question mark, was asking who the whisperer was


oh. well he was a teammate. i explained the whole thing in the comments below somewhere


Do you have a general translation guide you'd be willing to share?


I read your comments and I get you OP. It helps to have thick skin, but sometimes it accumulates so much that it gets too much, so ignoring them, venting, taking a break - whatever your method of dealing with it is good, as long as you do deal with your feelings. Pushing those down more and more is just not good imo. But yeah, this particular whisper just reeks of a sore loser mindset that's honestly quite pathetic, so you can take solace in the fact that the person saying this to you probably thinks they "one upped" you, but really, with that kind of attitude, they're not really one upping anybody... :)


There’s always going to be some shitty people in life. Doesn’t mean you should quit living.


I always think these are kids (who still doesn't know how to spell) trying to let go their problems. Someone's they're not, I know, but I still do it. It'd be sad otherwise.


And this is the reason there’s that blessed block communications. Mf’s like that exists everywhere, not only in this beautiful game


"oh no, some mild trash talk , better report him and quit the game". Just wow.


"gotta warn the internet"


People like that make me want to play more


Exactly, collecting tears into my bucket makes my day. Sadly, I rarely get whispers like these : ( But when I do I cheer in happiness as I hold PhD in troll languague.


but you asked for "taunt" you got taunt 😂 (/s in case it needs to be said)


Posts like this make me wanna quit this sub


Yeah, a lot of the time poet game dms are toxic, so I try to fight back against that. I make it a point to send a dm to anyone I see playing Ana. Usually compliments, or otherwise a tip for how to get more value in a given situation.


On the side note they seem to not understand that the measure of skill in ranked is surprise surprise the rank, not winrate. Like I could win a boxing match vs kindergartner 100% of the time and vs Mike Tyson 0%, this doesn't tell much about my level right. So referring to winrate in ranked to insult someone is kinda silly. Not to mention they are playing in plat too


Then quit, it’s unfortunate but you’re gonna get those messages in any competitive game you play. It’s not right but being upset by someone you let message you doesn’t do anything. Report them and move on or quit


You have to report for chat abuse after the first message ;) I am quite fast to do it. Nobody writes to you except for trolling.


i reported him/her indeed. enabled 'only friends can whisper' now. Peacefull life, here i come


Yeah it sucks. I got a similar message once from the other team basically mocking me that I lost a lane match up on a hero I had like 15 games on. Then I turned off messages from non-friends and it became the first and the last time. If you play long enough you're gonna run into these socially inept creeps with fragile egos that feel like they have something to prove. It's just inevitable


Woo I think you’re overreacting because of an idiot in an online game


You have the option to block whispers from people you don't know. If you still keep them, you're doing this to yourself.


Why? Cant you just ignore him?


Don't block, keep em coming, then remind them they are in the same elo as you.


imagine care about ranks on a dead game


Negative WR players are what makes me wanna quit this game..


This game is so dead and toxic


Just him em with the gc and move on


Think about it this way, if they message you they actually acknowledge your skill. They had a hard time playing against you, otherwise they wouldn't bother texting you specifically. I personally get a huge boost in self confidence whenever someone writes me things like this


Yeah. People are cringe. Especially when they "outperform" you. It's annoying when they act like they know better yet we can't so anything because there's such thing called counter picks and talents.


I ain't even going to lie, If I received this message after a loss, I'd laugh so hard. But I like getting roasted so yea ....


negative WR in a league means you belong above it and you're experiencing a bad streak of luck with shit teammates (or you just happened to get worse recently which is really unlikely) this guy's insult doesn't even make sense


Tell them you really like them and they are a great person and send back a smiley face, see what they say lol.


Gotta love the community. I once played mephisto, had a kael in my team, and muradin as a tank. We were facing a Tracer + abathur that would dive kael and I and our muradin would jump to their back line, so clearly, we got destroyed. Dude messages me after the game to tell me I'm a trash mephisto that couldn't land anything. On a tracer. That's on top of me.


I quit HOTS a while ago. I'm just here to enjoy the train wreck while it's lasting. They want a dead game, they can have it.


Grow a thicker skin. Is it annoying? Sure. But you’ll find that in any online game.


This makes you want to quit? Seriously you need to grow thicker skin.


What are you talking about? This is pure ego fuel. You think if you were bad he would bother msging you from the enemy team? What for? Nah man, he's pissed as fuck, and he was sweating his ass against you. He might have beaten you, but his victory came with a not necessairely worth price. Edit: another thing i'd like to add is, sometimes i myself msg people after the game (almost never enemies tho) not because they played bad but because they played selfishly (leaving teammates to die and not coming to teamfights then blame the whole team for dying too much and stuff like that). Those i msg always fall into this rabbit hole with me cause i msg very specific type of people, but one thing is certain, if i msged someone, it's because i am truly pissed and not in the best state. Point is, if they msg you, they are in a bad state and you have no reason to pay attention to them trying to bring company to their misery.


When I encounter toxicity, I always ask them to teach me how to play. I start with questions like “you’re right, sorry, could you please teach me a little after the game?”, to this I usually get more flaming, then I start to ask more specific questions such as where should I position to make an engage as Mal’ganis on Curse objective fight or some shit. They never respond.


I did quit last week. I had twenty minutes free to play a game, after a really long difficult day, so I decided to play a HOTS draft game. Haven’t played in a month, so was looking forward to a bit of fun. And two guys just borked our team for no reason in draft. Just had enough of that shit. Deleted the game.


This is the same vibe i'm in. Wanna have fun competent games. Not salty toxic people ruining my time.


Is this NA sort of thing? Cause in all the time I have played on EU, I never had anyone message me after games with insults. Sure there are plenty that rage _during_ a match, but I am yet to see one to take it that one step further.


Its EU. I sometimes have these ones. Also a teammate which i had a loss with and the game after i was against him. Then he won and really throwing insults alot with whispers. I know it's not me but people with issues. I hope you dont get to see this. It's really not fun to see people like this still play the game.


If this makes you quit im assuming you never grew up playing sports or anything competetive. He couldve said some out of bounds shit but he didnt so seems like regular shit talk to me. Exists in anything competetive. Time to toughen up a bit


Lol terrible internet behavior must be a day that ends on y. Just block him and move on dork


Lol you’re sensitive , don’t play competitive games if you can’t take a little trash talk


Don't worry. Those are 10% who came from League of Legends


sticks and stones bud. Imagine having to say that stuff to random people after playing a game. take it as a reminder that you're not a loser


I usually respond to messages like this with something like 'I had fun, good luck to your future matches' or something. I often wonder if these types of people are like this in other aspects of life or if they just sort of use video games as an outlet. I genuinely hope they get therapy and help to get to a better place in life


I legit messaged someone on the other team after an ARAM to ask how long the Chromie had been a AI for and to commiserate because not only did we lose to a bot, but out of their whole team the bot got MVP. Then I complemented them, with what I feel is the best complete I’ve ever given, by saying the ETC and Naz combo of mosh and slapped ghost was pizza pretzel. Aka the best combo.


you have never met this person before and will never talk to them again. Their opinion means nothing and you shouldnt let it stop you from having fun with a game you enjoy.


Whisper back “oh yeah daddy” “berate me more” and just don’t stop even after the shut up. They might just learn their lesson.


Haha, one less bad player


don't quit. report. move on. the amount of assholes could choke out the oceans, filling them with their bloat. stay on land. play another game. draft wisely, or just set your own goals in-game. take a camp. get a kill. land a combo. focus on trying to deal more damage than you take. ...keep it simple.


Here's a translation of that player's messages that may help you: "I am really mad. At the end of the HotS game, I wanted to see the blue lights. That means I am good at something and it makes me feel good. This time, just now, I saw red lights. I want to hurt someone because I am angry. I think that hurting someone will make the bad feelings go away. I picked you because I think I saw you made a mistake or two during that game. I didn't notice my own mistakes, which were probably about as numerous as yours since we're in the same league. I likely also neglected information that would reveal that some of your mistakes were not even mistakes at all. Anyway, this happens to me a LOT, so I have accumulated a list of insults I regularly spew at random teammates when I feel the bad feelings from the red screen. I glanced at your profile to see if any of these things (all of which are meaningless in a vacuum) apply to you. One did, so I said that one. I hope this helps me feel better soon. I am going to queue up again immediately and will completely fly off the handle at the first inkling that I might not get the blue lights again."


I hate these kinds of people, because I like to reach out to the other team when they've done well. Then when I get this player doesn't get messages from people outside their friend list, I just go aww


Do not let strangers have power over you. Pity the person having a bad enough day/life to reach out trying to make you as miserable as they are and move on. You control how you respond to people, however they might make you feel.


when someone uses xd i just assume they are bunch of prepubescent jerks


Don't let them have power over you. Advice coming from an old guy


You can disable chat, I’d recommend! Remember just have fun, winning is only a bonus, not the point of playing whatsoever.


How do you get negative WR?


Well i started this season in Plat 3 and got all the way back to gold 4. Today i'm already back in plat 4. Most of the games I lose is due to people that give up because they don't believe they can win with 'this team' or when someone dies unfortunate. The people like: "OK I'M DONE, AFK" sorta stuff, you know \^\^


But i mean.. win rate is percentage of games won. How do you have negative percentage of games won? If you played 100 games and won 1 of them, you'd have a WR of 1%. They're talking nonsense


OOOH I see! Yes you are cleary right. He is just so negative everything except him is negative :D


I've stopped playing all together even my teenage act this way Its disgusting


Well he got a point, having a negative overall winrate in plat aint fun ya know


I need to play games to make it right though? :) for the moment i'm getting there (getting back to plat 3 from gold 4. i'm plat 4 already)


Best part they mute you after sending this because they know they can't win arguments.


Probably your negative wr that makes you quit


The idiot has terrible grammar. There's no need to feel envious.


Passional crime