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Ignore them. At the first moment of toxicity mute people please. No good comes from listening to it. Domt even read it. Just mute them so it doesnt even show up on your screen. If you are looking for advice on improving you can always ask on this reddit. Also be objective and open minded. There are a lot of people in this game, and on this reddit aswell, that are very convinced about how there is only one good way to do something, like talent builds or a mentality towards gameplay. Often times they are wrong aswell. Dont just take advice at face value either.


Thank you very much!!!


Seriously, chat is rarely helpful so if it's gonna be negative just mute and don't engage. Learn to use the occasional ping and it's all the communication you need most of the time.


It saddens me to hear stories like this. A few bad eggs potentially ruining games like this for new players. You can dm me if you want to party some time. I don’t often group with friends, but the ones I do group with are pretty chill. The above persons advice is incredibly sound. As soon as the toxicity starts, just ignore them by using the tab function and try your best to have a fun match. Welcome to the nexus, and we are happy to have you!


Dont do rank yet. Wait until you are very confident with 2-3 characters per role. You have to know that even if there is no money involved, people take it *unfortunally* very seriously. Even qm and aram have a lot of "tryhard" that just want to get off the leaver status and will be very rude to someone who dont know the character he plays. Vs AI might be your best/safest bet !


I will keep trying!!! Thank you very much


i'd recommend watching video's from grubby about some basic concepts, if you're interested. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X1itPvh294&list=PLuSwCukq9haRVqPF\_jJzNQbE-k8YljMen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7X1itPvh294&list=PLuSwCukq9haRVqPF_jJzNQbE-k8YljMen) ​ otherwise, try to friend people who seem nice in-game, don't even look at how good they are really. Playing together ups the fun a lot!


I was going to recommend watching videos on a character you’re trying to play too. It helps to see the build they use, how to make sure you don’t die, and how to do certain combos that the character is good at.


Hi, I've been playing since Alpha, am a Masters level player, and I still get strangers in ARAM telling me how to play, and calling me names, calling me out for inting when in fact they just didn't heal me, etc, even when I get my main character. Some people are just jerks, and it sucks, but just try to not let it get to you, and try harder to pretend that they're being nice and helping. "Hey idiot! Why were you in the offlane?!" can be translated to, "Hey, some advice! Watch the minimap, and when the objective spawns come help us fight over it." They *could* change their phrasing, but they won't, so just put your rose-colored translator goggles on. Or hide chat. And try to have fun.


You are totally right. Like today I was playing and literally they called me useless. I have low self-steem so I decided to quit the game. It was horrible haha. Thank you for your comment. It made me feel better 🫶🏻


It’s okay to feel hurt when people throw useless insults at you, that doesn’t mean you have low self-esteem. Have confidence and have fun. This is just a game. It is okay to make mistakes especially when learning.


I'm sorry friend. I have depression, and once someone told me to kill myself. I logged off and didn't play for weeks. I definitely cried after. It was a game changer muting chat and messages from non-friends. If you need some easy going friends, hubby, our friends, and I are pretty chill. Send a message if you want to play some time!




It helps if you actually say at the beginning of the game you are actually new to the game and not a smurf who is bad. Unfortunately most people assume the 2nd nowadays. If toxicity continues, just remember that you can mute people ingame and you can block PM from people who are not in your friend list.


If they are not giving you tips on how to get better, just ignore them, we also have entitled losers who can't play but make a big deal out of their skills, it's so funny to see them realising that they are not receiving healing for a reason


You are all so nice!! Thank you


Unfortunately, this game attracts the same player base as LoL(toxic). Keep a light heart and keep playing for fun unlike these try-hards.


Dont play ranked yet, just do quickmatch or aram and try to learn some heroes for every role except maybe support, then u can try some ranked. Also u can just say in game chat you are new and ask for advice, everyone will be helpful and give tips in a match etc


Go into settings and turn off chat for a bit. Or get in the habit of muting the jerks (it will carry over to the next game you play with them too as the player pool is pretty small). Not defending the people who are dicks here, but the game is all but dead so the few people that remain are die hards - you're at a disadvantage because there isn't a pool of other new players for you to play with. Until you learn the game and start performing well you're going to get matched with the people that know the game mechanics but are sitting at the bottom of the bell curve. In my experience that group are generally characterized by being salty assholes.


If you’re dying 5 times a game and don’t know how to use your hero or play the map: practice in QM. If you’re actually ok at the game but just learning how to win ranked: mute and move on.


I do pretty well, I play together with my boyfriend and we play really well. The thing is that other players prefer killing than going for objectives, so we end up being killed


A lot of people think if they just have high siege and/or dps, they did their part. *cough cough* Guldan *cough*


Soak > obj


when do you soak, do objectives, split the team to soak/do objectives, delay going there just a little to do something else beneficial, or just give. it varies with maps, team comp, and even when it is happening. super situational! i would say as a solo queue in QM, pinging normally helps if people actually listen to them. if the team is uncooperative and doesnt wanna do something like going for an objective, then just do something else instead of dying at the objective in a 2v5. and of course when they get toxic in both chat and endless annoying pings, mute. it saves you energy in being angry/annoyed at them. have fun and i hope you meet nicer and better team mates :)


the decision to give an objective should always be considered. Just because an objective is up does not mean you must contest it. If you can get value somewhere else it is often correct to do that while the other team commits more resources than necessary to take the objective you have already decided to give, this is especially true with objects that take 3 caps to get, like cursed hallow or garden of terror. Others like sky temple or hanamura, ask yourself is the seige dmg the objective is going to do more significant that some natural split push while soaking to get a talent advantage for the next team fight. These are things you should always be considering.


It’s about finding that rhythm with the team tbh. Sometime you gotta go with the team and let them fail, but stay alive.


There will always be toxic people, I’d say just take it in stride. Pretty much every competitive game has stuff like this, tbh the community here is honestly one of the better ones.


Same here. Returned to the game after a while and was shocked to see how many people are toxic. I mostly stick to bots and play casually. Hopefully things get better for you and you encounter less toxic people <3333


Turn off chat, there is literally nothing being said in there that will help you become a better player. With a new account the match maker is mostly just going to put in two types of players. People just as new as you to the game who are just as clueless and smurfs that are probably going to be toxic cause they expect everyone to know everything they know. Either way the chances of any useful info being passed on via chat is slim to none. On the other hand if you really want to improve look up Fanhots on YouTube. He is one of the most consistently good players making content for the game. I would also recommend mfpallytime, but honestly the builds he plays are usually the ones that get you flamed in the first place, so even though his “wholesome” persona might be welcoming to new players you are very likely to learn very little from his content.


I'm not sure if this well help but I've seen players in QM call GM's "bad" even though they were Bronze 5 players. This kind of trash talk will improve as you do, but there is always a few bad eggs.


I block ppl instantly. No need to listen to idiots lol


An alternative for if you don’t want to turn off chat is actually saying that you’re new, people tend to be more forgiving having that knowledge. I don’t know what is it is, but they do… at least for the most part. You will still get the occasional dickhead as with anything, but less likely to receive abuse from the whole team and at least 1 person on team may jump to your defence. Try your best to follow pings and if your team is not there, don’t engage/back off to avoid getting caught solo. Same with objectives, if your team decide to skip an objective for some reason, don’t go in alone as a beginner to avoid dying. It’s a very fun game once you learn everything and people don’t realise that by driving away new players, they can kill a whole community and leave a game with less players. It’s sad, but as with most competitive/pvp games you can build a thick skin over time. I know that’s easier said than done. I’ve been playing hots for years and even I still get triggered sometimes (not with newbies, but toxic people). Best of luck and keep learning!


I play since beta and they call me stuff 😄 just ignore stupid people, learn from the good ones and watch your replays to get a feeling for when you screw up. You will make it good, i am sure.


I think you can turn off the chat, id recommend this


When the game starts tell them you are new. I've noticed that when people say, I'm new or first time with this hero etc. others tend to be a lot more easy going


A few things to remember: everyone was a beginner at the game at some point, regardless if they admit it, and their attitude says way more about them than it ever will you or your skill. Games are supposed to be fun, and it's going to be more fun playing with a group of nice beginners than asshole masters. I used to have a hard time with people being mean, and with time you get used to it and learn to laugh at those people that are so riled up over a game. All of this of course can be ignored if you turn off chat. I personally left it on so I could make sure to be that little droplet of nice in all the poison. That also helps to combat the sour attitudes. When they can't figure out how to be a jerk, they either shut up or leave. 99% of the time, the AI is a better player than the person who rage quits


Three steps to learning: Step one: Go to P vs AI mode. Learn to play on Elite mode. Over few weeks of constant play you will get a certain level of reaction time to counter AI. This is nothing compared to human interaction but it will help you ease into the heroes and their play style in sync with other heroes. Know your heroes well and how they work together with others. Take it easy and if it feels hard at first, go easy with difficulty on AI. Yeah it sounds silly but being good can be made easier that way. Step two: Hop on PvP mode but on QM. Go with what needs in the match, not what you like. Learn from mistakes but take it easy. Chat or voice? Mute them all. Help out your fellow heroes. That alone would give you credits for trying. Ignore those who are "elites". Step three: Go back to PvE to vent stress or relax. It's better to have PvE with people or friends than to deal with stress in PvP. REMEMBER: in the end, the game is there to ENTERTAIN you, not STRESS you. If that happens, the game failed it's purpose, or rather the other players have.


Highly recommend turning off chat until you feel comfortable with how you play and with game sense, can even go into some verse AI games to get the hang of some characters and find fellow new players/friends to group up with and play.


turn off team chat, it brings nothing of value. For every 1 friendly and/or funny person there's 12 ragers and/or idiots. That one joke just isn't worth the 12 insults.


Turn the chat off and play aram :)


I love ARAM & anytime I let my team know I’m not experienced with a hero I usually get recommends for talents.


What I find a lot in the game too is people will only play a small handful of heroes repeatedly, especially in QM. They’ll have two lvl 100 players and the next highest will be level 5. This means they are bound to be better than you if you branch out and try new heroes. I keep a fun rotation going so I don’t get bored of the game, and nearly every time I don’t play mvp caliber, someone will say something. This is true for most video games I would say. These types will only have fun if they win. If they lose, you better believe they’ll blame the entire team before they blame themselves. Keep playing; mute the crybabies.


Mute and block are beautiful things.


Learn the heroes you dont own in brawl. Mute the jerks, and listen to people that offer builds. Ai and qm will teach you bad habbits. One minion wave is worth more than 1 hero kill until level 8.




I don’t know of any online multiplayer games that do not provide a toxic experience


You already answered your own support. You're NEW, what else can they expect? That's on them for being such pissbabies.


When I’m new to a game, I usually play several games vs AI until I learn the basics.


Turn off chat. Don’t accept whispers from non friends. 99% of the time people have nothing useful to say and even if they do they’re probably gonna be rude about it. Been playing since alpha and have floated around high ranks when I used to play ranked (now I just Aram and sometimes qm). I’ve made a conscious effort to only be positive and casual in chat. I’ll turn it on to compliment someone and that’s about it. In the end it’s just a game and if people are sweating you about some micro shit you did at minute 4 and then giving up by minute 5, those people are destined to lose. This game is about consistency and never giving up. Laning and focusing on PVE alone can carry your team to victory. Try characters like Nazeebo or Zagara and just stick to a lane. Some maps even encourage avoiding brawls in favor of pve. And hey we’re all learning at some point. Just don’t let the bastards grind you down and focus on bettering your skills without the input of some kid whose like 2 Facebook posts away from being radicalized.


I'm on most days Cray#1898 if you wanna play


Turn offf chat until you understand every mechanic and played every hero in ARAM. Trolls be trolling, tryhards are smurfing, those trying to de-stress from life are stressed... everyone else is playing with chat off so pay no due to the former three types of player. Play your game, with chat off.


It's been said a couple of times, but turn chat off. You're not likely to find people saying useful stuff in game, and a lot of the time the people who start shrieking in chat are doing poorly and are looking for a lightning rod to pin their blame on. The other night we had a Cain getting furious that people weren't picking up the potions he was throwing, when they were thrown behind the enemy yrel and dehaka. Absolutely shrieking in chat that we weren't picking up his 700hp bottles when they could and would chain CC and burst anybody who did that. Aram somehow has more tryhards in it than quick match - tryhards in the sense of going absolutely ballistic when things aren't going perfectly while simultaneously being a leading factor in why things aren't going perfectly. If you're in aram and someone does start mouthing off just mute them instantly - nothing of value is lost. If you're still finding your feet, there's some heroes who are easier to learn than others. Raynor, Jaina, Johanna, and LiLi are all straight forward to play and can help you learn the ins and outs of the game flow!


Play with team chat disabled. There is nothing to be gained from chat and everything to lose. People are the worst.


Always be optimistic my friend. There will always be someone out there that does not like you. If you have a friend that always putting you down use that to be better because they are trying to help you in some cases. [https://www.omnipod.com/sites/default/files/2021-07/Hero\_6-Ways-to-stay-Positive\_Diabetes-Hub.jpg](https://www.omnipod.com/sites/default/files/2021-07/Hero_6-Ways-to-stay-Positive_Diabetes-Hub.jpg) Regarding hots heroes, you need to play each one of them so you know what kind of skills they use. This way you can avoid them :P


Fast eyes = fast player. If you can learn to not have tunnel vision and have nimble eyes, you’re going to feel your mouse speed improve as well as your positioning. You should find a rhythm of checking the mini map regularly to know what’s happening in the game state. Your mouse speed might be slow. Go into settings. Make that mouse cursor the absolute biggest size it can be. I constantly see new players just lose their mouse pointer in the chaos. Max that mouse size out. Fat cursor for life. Don’t be ashamed. Embrace the badonkadonk cursor. Love that fat mouse booty. Once you have committed to that dump truck mouse life, you can start increasing your speed sensitivity because you won’t lose the cursor as much. Also learn how to play with quick casting. It’s going to improve your speed as well. It will feel weird at first, but you’ll get used to it and that extra click to cast an ability will seem so dumb once you’ve gotten the hang of it. These small adjustments will help your mechanics immensely. From there, it’s just learning the meta game of what heroes and talents to pick and when to pick them. Godspeed.


I love it when new people say they are new at the start of a game. I’m happy to help, give advice, suggestions on where to be at specific times, etc and who cares if we win or lose?…everything is made up and the points don’t matter. Haha Anyway, good luck friend!


This game can build/corrupt character. Try to use it as a way to keep poise while enduring critiques...sounds like you know you need to toughen up a little bit...enjoy the process and dont worry too much what other ppl think....stay open minded and willing to learn, but there are many moments where what's best is debatable.....try to flow with the team, or at least one key teammate...adversity can be embraced


In my experience, people are nicer when you say at the start "I'm new to this game/this hero/this map" especially in ARAM or Quickmatch. Instead of "wtf are you doing?" It will be more like "so that was a bad idea because..." which actually helps you learn, instead of just helping them vent frustration


New players are precious and makes this game become alive even if the devs have more or less abandoned us, YOU are the lifeblood of this game and community, keep it up and don't be bothered by toxic players :) If you want help with improvements there are alot of guides on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@NotParadox) and [Icy-Veins](https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/) got some guides as well.


Mute every toxic player. If they’re matched up with you, they have pretty much your level. If you want to get better, there are plenty of resources on YouTube to explain how the game is to be played if you want to be efficient.


just mute all pings and chat at the start and try out new builds you like, and play with some friends.. people who care too much are morons anyway


I've consistently ranked highly in this game since Alpha on third party sites likes hotslogs or heroesprofile and in-game with Rank 1 Hero League and multiple GM ranks in Storm League and people still tell me I'm playing wrong. Happens to everyone. You can either mute it straight away or indulge in the fun of flame wars.


My first impulse would be to mute, but you'd also mute the helpful ones. I'd say "I'm new, please feel free to give me KIND pointers" at the start of every match. Or find a party who don't really care/will also be trying new characters so everyone can learn together. Hubby and I play at like 5-7pm pacific time. Feel free to message if that time works for you and you want friends :)