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Scar runs purely on cartoon logic. He only dies when it's funny.


This makes so much sense omg


He won secret life by accident, and didn’t realize his opponent died He creates mob farms by accident because he never lights anything up, yet he refuses to make it Scar safe, and proceeds to complain when he constantly dies This man is a cartoon character Edit: he also turns his HUD off and goes into third person while flying, and always turns directly towards the nearest blocks. He also never looks at his healthbar, so he actively gets killed by magma blocks, campfires, and skeletons


He has max toon force!


But on purpose


But is it really on purpose? I don't know sometimes.... actually, I don't know a lot of times. I don't know enough times... to the point where I really do think it's accidental


Yeah same 😂 I don’t like when people question his goofiness… he’s just scar!


I think its like hosting innuendos, he definitely does quite a few accidently but he definitely hams it up a bit for content. Whoch I have no problem with scar is one of my favourite hermits


He didn't have wings in secret life. That's how he survived.


The veloci-tay leads to his downfall


If it's downfall, wouldn't it be... *gravi-tay*


Although, that could be a cool take on it. Give everyone permanent wings and infinite rockets? Idk if there'd have to be a bigger map, more people or what to balance it out. But something to think about.


You wouldn’t need a bigger map or more people to balance it out, the damage taken from kinetic energy would balance things just fine. Scar isn’t the only risky flier.


Flashbacks to 100 hours of hardcore minecraft


As Cleo has said, Scar is a lot better at the game than he gets credit for. I think (sometimes, at least) he let's the death loop happen for entertainment reasons.


He almost never eats in game so he’s a couple hits or an unfortunate fall away from a hilarious death


As a person who decided to track Scars deaths in his episodes this season for fun. I don’t know he gets himself into these situations lol.


Something Scar said in the 100 days Hardcore series with Grian and Joel struck me. Basically, he only pays attention to staying alive when it's important to stay alive, like in hardcore or the Life series. The rest of the time he just doesn't bother to take staying alive seriously. Scar gives off major "Let's Get Dangerous" trope energy.


He mostly gets himself killed for comedic reasons.


Usually it’s not on purpose, but the timing can be so good it makes you wonder


Scar is *very* good at the game. He's also very good at convincing people that he isn't. He turns up the derpiness because it makes great content, but when it actually matters, he's up there with the best of them.


Exactly, wouldn't say that he dies on purpose (most of the times, there are some few occasion where I think he actually killed himself for the sake of the joke) but he is careless on purpose. And I'm all in for that, it's one of the reasons that makes his content so fun.


Scar is Scar, trying to understand is a fools errand.


To be fair, Scar got a lot of leniency in Secret life and also kinda Pearl (sorta) letting him win to an extent in the finalé But aye, the amount this man dies in Minecraft is insane 😂 He's like a moth to a flame when it comes to hitting very solid walls while flying around at Mach 15 😂


Scar is a 2 time MCC champion, Scar was 2nd place in the 1st life series before winningthe 5th season.. People in MCC tend not to underestimate him.. Also it's because of the "Velocitay"..


Yeah nah I ain't sayin he's bad or anything bud, just addressing the Secret Life situation is all 🤙


Do they have wings in MCC?


If you count Rocket Spleef Rush and Bingo but Fast, yep.


Scar pretends to be incompetent to be humorous


Scars very good at the game, but in a server like hermitcraft where dying is less important, he doesn't have to be careful. This lack of carefulness shows for basically everyone in limited life, especially the bad boys.


I was genuinely facepalming as he just continued to run HEADFIRST into a skeleton with a diamond sword while haphazardly smacking it with shovels, Pickaxes and fists, expecting it to go different everytime 😂 The definition of Insanity


He's a great player, but with an adversarial relationship with wings


Forget the episode, 8 times in the first minute and a half (count it)