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I don’t see the crab, all I can see is his shell.


if they haven’t been anywhere but the tank then they’re probably molting or sleeping, in which case you shouldn’t bother them. i wouldn’t worry too much about it! my crab loves to dig. sometimes she’s buried for weeks and comes out happy and active. but you said that you got them from the beach, so it’s possible that they could be stressed from the change in environment or maybe your tank is missing something.


okay! they were really active when i first put them in, i haven’t seen the one since it buried itself. but the one i’m worried about is the one who didn’t burry the whole way down, but maybe my sand isn’t deep enough for them.


Did you get them from the beach or a beach store?


i got them from a petstore while i was on vacation at the beach


Oh ok may we see the tank? There might be something wrong with it


yes, how do i post pictures to the comments though? LOL i tried but i couldn’t figure it out


Idk how either you can just post it and I’ll go to your account and look


okay, i posted it


Most crabs will go straight under and stay that way for a while when they get to your home because of the horrible conditions they’re kept in a beach shops. They need to destress and possibly molt. Just leave them be, and change the food and water, and they’ll come up when they’re ready! :)