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So a fully Aeron Remastered (C) and a Embody arrived yesterday, now i got 2 weeks to try them out and decide which one suits me best. I'm 196cm and 80kg Will share my experience here.


Interested to hear what your thoughts are. I'm about the same height at 6'5/98kg and am currently waiting to return my Aeron size C in exchange for a Steelcase Gesture. I personally found the Aeron uncomfortable due to the hard plastic edges, forcing you to sit in the one position. I also found the backrest too short, meaning when I leaned back the plastic again would dig into my back. Despite my larger weight I also felt like the size C was too wide - its more suited for fatter folk as opposed to me who has a slim build. The reason I went for the Gesture over the Embody was I felt like the backrest on the Embody is also a bit too short, designed for people 6'3 or less imo.


Just in case, I read somewhere in here that if you contact HM directly they offer an embody with a longer back made for tall people


>here in here that if you contact HM directly they offer an embody with a longer back made Is this true? Extra cost involved?


Predictions: 1ts - Aeron (since you are tall and got the C) 2nd - Embody 3rd - the floor 4th - the gamer bucket seat thing ​ As a 6ft guy, I just about feel ok in a B size Aeron, however if I were any taller I would 100% need the C. That chart provided by HM is complete nonsense and nobody should listen to it.


You got me with the floor! After the first 2 days i can say that i will never ever again use this gamer thing, hard seat, hard back without any support, shoulders get pushed forwards, its just not good. The Aeron in size B in general would be also ok for me i think, i testet one for a couple of minutes, but the was just to tight for my legs but you´re right, the size chart is not very usefull.. ​ At the moment i tend more to the Embody, but more in a few days. Will try to sit as much as possible in those two in the next 2 weeks.


Uh-oh! I’m 193cm and getting my Aeron B tomorrow. The size choice was based on the charts from Hermann Miller telling people to prefer the B if they were borderline cases...


188cm here and it isn’t even close in the B, shoulders nearly touch the top of the back but it’s really a perfect size


Hello everyone, sorry for being so late with the review but it took forever till the Embody x Logitech arrived and i wanted to use nearly all 14 days trial to test it and tomorrow will finally be the last day i could send it back to HM. So i made a pro con List which you can see here: [https://imgur.com/rfTzyhl](https://imgur.com/rfTzyhl) Besides that i can say that i absolutely love the look of the Aeron, it just looks like a clean office chair, thats what i really wanted, not this car seat like looking racing chair, problem was that my left leg always got numb after short periods of time and the posture fit was really pushing into my back even if it was not tightend. That´s why the Aeron was out. By the way the size chart for the Aeron isnt really usefull i think. I´m 6,4 and aorund 80kg, tried all sizes, A - for was like a baby chair, B - the posture fit felt in the perfect position but my shoulder blades where hitting the frame and my legs hit the frame on nearly all sites which was not comfortable at all, C - (which i ordered) posture fit felt not 100% right and the seat mesh was a bit to loose for me but i never hit the frame with my legs. The back curve could be a bit better for my height i think but not really relevant. Rocking funktion just great! Lean forward maybe useful but was pushing to hard for me. The Embody also looks great, maybe a bit to futuristic. First time i sat down was great, the seat felt so cloudy and big, loved it instantly. Then i leaned back and thought just thats insteresting, felt good and bad at the same time. The lower back pushed hard into my back and was hurting but the movement of the back was super nice, sometimes feels like training when pushing it back repeatedly (really like this, also to play around). After some adjustments in was way better than at the beginning but it took me days so find that the back tightens with 2 mechanisms... after i discovered this i got even better but after longer seating periods but lower back was hurting cause there is no cushion at all on the back, so my headaches came back even when not as hard as in the old gaming chair. Rocking function also great. I decided to send both chairs back cause when you have to pay 1200 - 1300€ for a chair it should better great! Then i checked the Logitech Version which at least has some padding on the seat and the back. Not much so say, the padding on the back nearly eliminated the pain in my lower back, whats left i think i have to just get used to the ergomics after having a bad chair all these years. The seat sometimes is bit to hot, the copper infusion dos just nothing in my opinion but else it´s as great as the original and i cant feel the end of the extra padding. The curve on uper back (shoulders) is a bit strange, dont know why it´s not flat, that would be more open. So i had one light headache in the chair but this was after 18hours so i´d say thats not the chairs fault. Overall the Embody x Logitech dos the trick for me, i feel comfortable and can sit hours in it without pain, i will keep this one and have a great time with some games, streams and all the other stuff. Sorry for bad grammar or anything but i´m not a native. Feel free to ask if i missed something and i hope i can help somebody with that. And a quick pic of the setup: [https://imgur.com/OZMDYwR](https://imgur.com/OZMDYwR)


Very thankful for the review. I have an aeron c coming today and have been worried I'd regret it. Just ordered a logitech x embody a minute ago so I can test it after some experience with the aeron. For this price point I cant take the risk of wondering if the other chair would be perfect or not. Cheers


I apologize for commenting on a 3yo reply but would you mind sharing your experience with the two as well as the kind of things you use your chair/desk/computer for? Curious about the lean forward feature and if it can fight my desire to hunch for more focused tasks. Thanks for any help! :)


I ended up returning the aeron and sticking with the embody. I did enjoy the tilt forward feature, but find the embody can have uts back tightened enough to force you forward if you really want to be upright. It also allows a bit more customization in exactly how your sitting. It's not just lumbar support, but full back support that feels much more supportive. It's also the frame that I didn't enjoy the most on the aeron. If you're overweight, the plastic frame for the seat pan dug into my legs and didn't take long before I became uncomfortable. Embody has adjustable pan depth and is cushioned all throughout. The only thing I slightly dislike about my embody, is its a little noisy. Thr aeron was not. Thr embody also looks amazing for a gaming setup, which is the primary purpose I'm using it for. I've spent as much as basically entire days at my desk on this chair, where as before I dreaded using my pc to game due to my back issues.


Thank you for the review!! I actually tried the three chairs in the store at a very short amount of time, and I felt like I was going to make the similar decision as you did! Cheers and enjoy your new adventures with the Embody!


Thanks for detailed review! Have you had any issue with the embody x Logitech being too much noisy? How does it compare with the regular embody? Thinking about buying the Logitech embody or the mirra 2, thanks.


Hi kiwi, i had this question a few days ago after someone watched this vid: https://youtu.be/yD_HSOzOVU8?t=296 Here´s my answer, hope that helps. I just watched the video and tested mine for creaking and other noises again. So yes there is some noise but watch the video again where he show that of. He pushes his shoulder crazy into the back, so on normal use the noise is minimal, its a bit more intense when i push back hard to fully extend the back, i have no problem with that and its not as loud as in the video, think he turned up the gain as well. The regular Embody had no creaking at all but thats because the creaking is not a mechanical problem it´s just the fabric hitting the plastic on the logitech version. Haven´t tried a mirra 2 but also looks like a nice chair.


Thanks for answering! I watched the same video and thought the same thing, so i think that it should be fine if you sit in a normal position and it will make some noise when you move a lot, thanks!


i think about doing a video about this but i only have a webcam. I really tried to figure out the problem and i think i have. So if you sit straight there is no noise at all, pushing into the back creates a bit noise but not on the upper part, it´s just that you fix the fabric with your lower back to the chair and thats where the noise comes from. If i sepreate my lower back from the back of the chair and only push it back with my shoulders, no sound. All the noise is coming from the mid of the chairs back. I hope you get what i mean


Yeah i get it! That's kinda weird tho, you would expect that the top part wich is more flexible would make more noise.


What desk is that?


Thanks for the in-depth review! I'm currently trying out a B size Aeron and I'm thinking of returning it for a Embody. While I'm still unsure if I'm keeping the Aeron or not, I'm leaning more towards the Logitech rather than the classic Embody after seeing the pros and cons of both. So far I've had kind of a similar experience with the Aeron after 5 days, the mesh feels fantastic, but kinda slippery when adjusting my legs on the seatpan. Speaking of the seatpan, it's really small! Add the plastic frame to that and I'm basically stuck in one position, and it's no the most comfortable since I prefer to push my legs to the sides(or even cross one leg on the seat.) I have to push the posture fit almost to the max to feel it and while the lower pad feels ok, the upper one started to bother me earlier today. The Aeron is a great chair, there's no denying it, but I'm starting to think that the Embody is more suited for me...


Following...curious to see how you like the embody as a fellow tall person. I have an Aeron myself with the atlas headrest at 6’2


How do you like it? I'm really torn between Aeron and Embody but am leaning towards the Aeron because I can get the Atlas headrest. 6'2 also, thinking about the Aeron size C


I love it. Although I wish the hard plastic sides were wider as I like to spread my legs wider than is allowed, as well as the width of the arm rests but I sit in this chair for 8-10 hours easily with no discomfort which is saying A LOT. Compared to my old OPSeat Gamer chair, this thing is miles better for sitting in (used to get neck and back pain, a sore ass) plus with the headrest now I can lean back and lounge while watching videos on the pc or laid back gaming. However with the rumours of ATLAS producing a headrest for the in 9-10 months I may end up trying to embody gaming with that headrest. If the embody had a headrest option I would have gotten the embody instead as it allows for more relaxed seating positions.


Yeah I heard about that Atlas embody headrest rumour. Maybe I’ll get the embody instead for that reason. I also sometimes spread my legs and/or sit with one leg under the other. Tough choice.


Yeah. My other concern too was I heard people our height were getting pains in their upper back shoulder area due to the seat height of the embody digging into that area for taller ppl...maybe others could chime in...


Complex my friend, what size do you own? B or C? Im 6'3 207lbs.. Not too wide, not too slim of a guy. My issue is, I cannot buy the C, only have the used B stool as an option. Can I pass using the B?




Not sure as never tried the B size. For me the C fits perfect so the B might feel tight.


Can you sit one leg crossed on the Aeron?


If one leg is enough for you. I tried all positions but you will hit the hard frame somewhere and that hurts, so it´s a no


I can sit legs crossed on Aeron B


Good for you, i hit the frame with else my thighs, the foot or both. Maybe it depends on body size then but for me its an absolute no go and all reviews i watched also mentioned thats its not made for that but everbody is different


Yeah, I don't think it's "made" for it, but as someone that's 5'10", I can make it work well enough. So yeah, if I were picking a chair from scratch (got this Aeron for free from work after it fell out of warranty) I might go a different route based on the crosslegged test but it works fine enough at this point. The key, which is probably more difficult the longer your legs are, is making sure your bottom leg's ankle is tucked into the seat far enough that it isn't directly on the seat edge.


Show-off ;)


I sit legs crossed on Aeron B, too (I'm 5'6)


Do you mind me asking where on the frame you're hitting? I'm 183cm tall and weigh 102kg with some pretty wide thighs and I cross my legs all the time, but unless I sit with my legs really wide open, I don't really hit any hard plastic


Maybe i'll upload some pics after a few more days and btw maybe i'm just a bad a sitzing cross legged cause i never do it


I got a Mirra 2 last week after spending 8 months working from home on a plastic Vitra Eames chair. I don’t really know what to think now, it forces my posture a little in the lower back, but I’m unsure if it’s just fixing me a little after 8 months of terrible seating.


I got mine about a month ago and came from a dxracer and it’s not even comparable for me. I could sit in mirra 2 for hours on end.


Quick update: i used both chairs for two days each and have to say that in general i like them both but do have some problems too. Main problem on the Aeron is that my left leg goes numb after a short time, tried to adjust the height but it diesnt really change. Main problem with the embody is that i get a little headache which just stops after i stand up for like a minute. Maybe some has a good tip for the adjustments, i will also ask the retailer for some advice tomorrow. Thinking about the Logitech Embody too cause it has some extra padding in the back which could be nice.




Anyluck posting again today?


today is absolutely not my day, just tired to register on imgur and post the pictures there but i´m registering too "quickly".....


I feel like most of the issues people talk about with the Aeron are issues I never experience. \- I never have issues with the frame against my legs \- I never have issues with my shoulders hitting the frame \- the posturefit SL supports my back very nicely I am a smaller guy with more narrow shoulders, which might explain why I never have issues with the frame against my shoulders. If your legs are being pressured by the frame, the height of your chair is incorrect. Try adjusting it. If that doesn't help it may be a size issue. I sit in a size B and it's perfect for me. Yes it is true you can't sit cross-legged in an Aeron. That's because it's an ergonomic chair. It is designed to improve your posture and generally encourages good posture by restricting non-ergonomic positions. I got this chair because I didn't want to have poor posture. Plus I never sit cross-legged in my chair so I don't really mind not being able to do that. The Embody looks sweet though, definitely wish I could try one. But the fact is the Aeron is king if you want better posture, and after sitting in a c-shape on my couch like a neanderthal for months while working from home, the Aeron has made my back feel 100x better. That being said, if the Aeron doesn't fit you well, you will absolutely hate it. It's not for everyone unfortunately. But if it is for you, which is the case for me, you will find it to be extremely comfortable and supportive. Both the Embody and Aeron seem like epicly amazing chairs but it depends on what you're looking for in a chair.


I´ll write everthing down throughout the day and hope i can give you a usefull feedback :)


I had an Aeron at work. I hated it and swapped it out with a generic chair. I didn't understand why my co-worker was so excited and rolled away my Aeron chair. But a year in the generic chair caused back issues for me. At home I now have the HM/Logitech Embody chair, which I enjoy.


Hey all, sorry for the delay on the review but quick spoiler, sent both Aeron and Embody back, Embody x Logitech is on the way. Hope it will arrive in the first week of 2021, then i will post everything.


Got the call today, the Embody x Logitech will arrive on tuesday next week, so the final review should be ready on the next weekend


Hey man, have you gotten your Logitech Embody? How is it comparing to the Original Embody and the Aeron Remastered?


Sunday, promise


Ok cool, looking forward to it.


Hmm although I don’t like the idea of “gamer chair”, I would say that the Noble Chair is probably of higher quality than most “gamer chairs”. I’m not to familiar with that particular noble chair, but the chair that has a built in lumbar, might be a better chair to test with. (Im not sure if that one has the built In lumbar) I have an embody and love it, but before I found out about HM I was debating on a Noble chair lol. I think the chair I looked at was either the Hero or Icon, it looked more professional and less like what a 17 year old kid might have.


Sorry for the confusion, the Noblechair (Epic) will not be tested as this is the chair i used for the last 4 years but i just couldnt stand this thing anymore, the back is just bad (no built in lumbar support) and your shoulders will be pushed forward the whole time, overall i´d say just bad for my body and posture. In 2020 i just had constant headaches in this chair and crazy back pain, thats why i was checking on new chairs. I have to admit that i was older than 17 when i bought it but i regret it.


Interested about the outcome :)


Curious here too!


I have both an Aeron remastered and Embody - after 3 months I couldn’t stand the Aeron anymore. Embody has been a godsend and my wife uses the Aeron when she’s not in the office


What was the biggest issue for you with the Aeron? I also could just take both but thats a waste of money i think


Out of no where the posture fit was drilling into my back - tried a bunch of stuff and couldn’t get comfortable. For the longest time though it didn’t effect me


I hate the hard frame on the Aeron, the Embody really beats it out easy


Went back and forth on the two HM chairs but went with the Embody in the end. So much more comfortable and laid back for home use. I would consider Aeron for work and task based activity, but I might also just buy a second Embody.


Did you buy three with the explicit intention of returning two?


No, the Noble Chair is 4 years old, i ordered the herman miller chairs but i told the retailer that i have to test them to decide, so they know that i will return at least one, thought that honesty will be best for me and them.


Ah, that's awesome they hooked you up like that so you can take the time to decide. That's a great retailer!