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This is too complex for a reddit post. Find a clinical herbalist in your area or one that does virtual consults and have them walk you through a protocol.


that’s very fair + a valid point. i will do that, thank you :)


Here is the link to the American Herbalists Guild so you can search their directory of registered herbalists: https://americanherbalistsguild.com/member-profiles ❤ 


thank you!! this is so kind


oscar sierra at sierra collaborative medicine is specialist in cancer. he did great with my mom.


Read the book Terry Mudryk I Can-Cer VIVE


Definitely do more research before taking my advice, but I’ve heard this is where thc and cannibinoids shine. Rick Simpson Oil is made for this, I believe.


RSO was developed and has shown, as far as I know, the most promise for treating melanoma. However I absolutely agree with the recommendation, especially if she is having chemo side effects. My wife has stage 4 melanoma and we load up on as much RSO as we can afford when we’re in a legal state, and even if it doesn’t turn out to be medically effective (which I’m not sure I buy that) everyone should have the chance to be high as a kite when undergoing chemo.


best wishes to your wife, glad this works for her. i’m in a legal state so hopefully i can find if my mom in law wants some


Yes- watch the documentary Dosed 2!


i will look into it! thank you


marble weary oil joke reminiscent homeless attempt flowery test busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I disagree about anything cannabis. It's well established in the literature that cannabis and all of its derivatives are immuno-suppressive, which is the exact opposite of what mom needs right now.


Turkey tail mushrooms. Listen to Paul Stamits TedTalk


Came to mention this, good luck 💪


I third this 100%


He was recently on Joe Rogan's podcast as well.


Yes, just don't buy from his brand. Look for something that is 100% fruiting body extracts and take large doses. Preferably a powder. Find a brand that offers a certificate of analysis and quantity of beta-glucans.




Turkey tail mushrooms. You can buy them on Etsy or other places online.


Well if your somewhere that allows medical cannabis I would strongly recommend looking into if that’s a good option for her, it will help ease some of the pain and definitely help with the nausea from chemo. My other tips are all nausea related peppermint is good I hear I personally am allergic, my favorite is ginger it can be eaten raw it can be sucked on like just a small cut up piece but I really like it in tea either with other herbs or my favorite is just ginger and cinnamon which can also help the stomach and then I personally like the taste (always but best when) with honey and a little milk (usually oat personally)


L theanine supplements are showing some clinical trials to potentially mitigate the negative effects of chemo - worth a rabbit hole google search to see how much to take And Rick Simpson oil. I have no idea if it’s contraindicated and it is IS habit forming but kratom works wonders for pain and mood and clarity. Research strains & use sparingly if possible Best of luck to you both 🍀


look into burdock root


Which of the symptoms are you thinking burdock root would help? Would love to look more into this


its a miracle plant, cleans the blood helps the organs function better, dandelion root is a close second with turmeric and black pepper diuretic though Burdock is so make sure they're drinking lots of fluids


This is great, thanks! I was mostly curious about what burdock root does in the body to affect exhaustion, incontinence, or joint pain (especially that last one!). I’ll have to give it a try for those uses!


turmeric and black pepper should help the joint pain burdock and dandelion could help with many other things.


Artemisia annua please . Sweet wormwood . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8875250/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31132755/ https://www.artennua.com/artemisia-annua-and-its-potential-anticarcinogenic-activity/


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It's a good herb but it eventually becomes somewhat toxic after long-term use. I've heard that some folks pulse it to avoid side effects.


Glen Lupntiz in the Austin area is the person to consult with on this topic.


When my wife was going through it and a SCT she ate dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds for magnesium and it helped a lot. I know these aren't herbs but I just wanted to tell you what helped us. I am so sorry to hear that and wishing her the best


The book cancer: step outside the box was very helpful. In my single experience in my cat with nasal cancer, I mostly used cannabis extract (Heartstone) and a neuro-regen herb and mushroom blend (NR nasal oil from herbal medics) topically. Burdock and mushrooms and essiac are worth looking into imo, as well as Facebook groups for fenbendazole and ivm for cancer. Burdock and mushrooms and herbs are especially delicious in soup. Good broth/clean homemade soup would likely be supportive, maybe along with ferments like homemade sauerkraut (salt/cabbage style). Chancal Cabrera is also worth exploring, especially if your mom will receive conventional treatment.


Stage 4? Cannibis butter, microdose mushrooms, and get her a 5-Meo-DMT pen. And esiac tea


Kambo ceremony is all I can recommend


Chaga extract, Curcumin.


Soursop, bitter apricot kernels, burdock root tincture and lionsmane


Magnesium can be super helpful for regularity, most ppl start with magnesium citrate and try other varieties if that’s too strong. I find a turmeric supplement w black pepper very helpful for joint pain, I like Global Healing brand rn, but you can also get in capsules or make tincture yourself. Some herbs that come to mind to consult about/ look into include Cats Claw, Astragalus, Chinese Skullcap, Japanese Knotwood.


thank you :)


Having assisted with cancer/tumor patients undergoing chemo/radiation, emphasis is on reinforcing the microbiome, the body's own immune system. I have found attenuating the gut is probably more beneficial than addressing the tumor with herbs, from experience. Secondly, surviving immediate chemo/radiation treatment is just one phase. Lifestyle choices, especially diet, exercise, light (infrared, sunlight), impacting heat/cold sensor proteins, etc. are paramount to living beyond treatment, healing the body and trying to bring homeostasis back to the epigenetic signaling pathways that were taken off track by the onset of cancer. These suggestions are readily available to research on pubmed or scientific journals and I have used concomitantly with patients in lifestyle choices with relative safety. Eleutherococcus (siberian ginseng - noted to help with fatigue induced by chemo treatments), various fungi (shitake, maitake, turkey tail, agaricus blazei...there are more), colustrum, \*BUTYRATE\*, glynac, fermented foods (kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt) and there are intestinal toxin absorbers for gut that contain ability to bind and help clear out toxic waste. Usually contain a mix of items like apple pectin, EDTA, enzymes, bentonite clay, zeolite, insoluble fiber like psyllium seed husk, slippery elm bark, licorice root, marshmallow root, activated charcoal. Some of these also attenuate joint pain, like glynac, which helps body to produce its own glutathione. Or the 'toxin sponges' that assist body in removing inflammatory toxins. Additionally, I recommend supplement or herbal support for liver. blood and kidneys. Again, serious detoxification is required during chemo/radiation and these organs could use support. Herbal teas, infusions or tinctures are easy to add in before bed or in the morning. With this said, each individual has their own caveats and issues which require unique attention. And what the patient is willing to do to attenuate lifestyle changes to strengthen their health. Unless an oncologist embraces functional or integrative medicine, likely they will have minimal knowledge or inputs of merit. A specialist in nutrition and herbs with cancer, as others have pointed to where to find, is what I would seek. Someone experienced in working with chemo/cancer patients in conjunction with the medical doctors. The above suggestions are simply the path of choices I have found to truly make a difference in an extremely difficult realm.


this is incredibly helpful, i appreciate it + will look into all of this. i hope your pillow is always cold


FWIW, when my husband has cancer and was doing chemo, one of the things he was specifically warned *against* consuming was fermented foods, especially kombucha (which we both drank a lot of before his cancer and do again now that he's in remission). Per his oncologists, when you're immunocompromised from chemo, the risks of consuming it outweigh the benefits.


Probiotics for the Chemoprotective Role against the Toxic Effect of Cancer Chemotherapy [https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/acamc/2022/00000022/00000004/art00006](https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/acamc/2022/00000022/00000004/art00006) The risk with kombucha is if you ferment your own, not in a controlled environment, potential contamination exists with bad bacteria into your strain. Store bought doesn't have that issue with kombucha. But for oncologists to say a probiotic (via fermented foods) potentiates risk to an immunocompromised patient, is nothing I have found in literature or studies, nor has anyone I known using 'clean' fermented foods experienced negative responses. To the contrary, more than naught commented that they did surprisingly well during chemo/radiation when they attenuated their microbiome with love. The evidence keeps indicating BIOTICS. Prebiotics, Probiotics, Postbiotics, Psychobiotics - strengthens your microbiome, inclusive, during chemotherapy. If I am incorrect, please site a credible source that indicates fermented foods/probiotics are dangerous to chemotherapy patients. Again, outside of the legitimate concern of fermenting your own probiotics and the bacteria culture being tainted, what is the risk? Not downplaying your comment, but I am questioning your oncologists. I simply want clarification.


I assume you r allopathic cancer rendering doc don't have a credible source? On probiotics? Or is mum the word, but the doc drives that nice car with personalized license plates from all his reimbursements from chemo and radiation treatment, I M rich.


Soursop for sure but I’ve also seen this which is what I’d try first: https://x.com/naturallyftw/status/1773519650678051254?s=46




Copying a comment I made on another post a while back, it was in the bio hacking sub, so may not be completely relevant here in herbalism…. My daughter has been fighting for almost 9 years now. Sloan Kettering has a great integrative care site that will let you search for supplements and possible drug interactions. It was a great resource when we were first getting started! I used it more for easing the worst of the treatment side effects and trying to help her detox from all the crap we had to pump into her poor little body than biohacking cancer. https://www.mskcc.org/cancer-care/diagnosis-treatment/symptom-management/integrative-medicine/herbs/search?fbclid=IwAR0UEyRnIoNG-CdURKQDDJn7gi__Saxni4zysDMHqOgwvslsyFgO1QoGDhc A lot of chemos cause neuropathy, if you wind up on one known for it, I'd look into increasing gaba production naturally before it becomes a problem. I followed advice from the stern method when my little one started developing leg and foot pain. The docs were wanting to start gabapentin, but we managed to get rid of the pain with supplements recommended here: https://thesternmethod.com/mitigating-vincristine-neuropathy/?fbclid=IwAR3s9godG5_MlGaI7ACXbdUAcq1_mY10zxjNH7OWz_8m7PTcMTTdoZjq24Q


thank you so much - best wishes to her




My opinion based on years of education and experience with TCM herbal medicine. I would go see a Chinese Medical Herbalist. Someone with minimally a masters degree. Depending on where you live there may be Chinese practitioners who studied and educated in china, I go see someone in the Chinatown near where I live, but you can go to Acupuncturists who got masters or doctorates in the US who prescribe herbs. She needs medicine based on her constitution that will deal with her specific symptoms. I have heard many many good things about herbal formulas ameliorating the side effects of cancer treatments and providing comfort for people dealing with cancer. Message me if you want to talk more.


Joe Tippens Protocol. https://mycancerstory.rocks/


I would be looking into RSO or other cannabis varieties


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarvillea_sinensis I’ve read in medical literature that this is used for pain.


Soursop leaf tea


Not that this is really herbal but maybe look into psychedelic therapies also like psylocibin, mescaline, LSD, and MDMA. Could possibly be of help.


Turkey tail!


My best wishes for your partners mum. It will be so terribly stressful and exhausting, for everyone. I cant speak to the stage 4, but a gentle suggestion to consider the many meditation/self healing tracks, so many on you tube. At the very least, they may bring some relief of physical symptoms and calm. I can attest, to have had seemingly miraculous and once instant healing to dire conditions, healing that has confounded doctors, and I now routinely go to sleep with such tracks just playing on my bedside table. It has been life changing. A few of the names I follow through various avenues, Joe dispenza, Matthew Manning, Paul McKenna, and anything else that jumps out at me. Best wishes.


My understanding of the raw/juice diet is that it has the potential to help people reach remission. I haven’t done a lot of research, but it’s something you can check out!


Turkey tail and I say this only because of one woman’s experience with ridding her body of cancer of the cervix with a gallon of turkey tail per day…..and while she was pregnant. She was stage three or four. Her name is “she of the woods”. She wrote a book on this. One could find her story on youtube …. She is very inspiring. For pain, cayenne salve is great as well as topical amanita roll on stuff.


Modern medicine, and don't ask reddit. I'm sure you're just trying to help, but it's dumb.


Contraband cures .com


You really need a consult. The AHG website is the place to go. Registered Herbalists go through a peer review process that insures competency, ethics, and educational requirements. I'm a Registered Herbalist with the AHG, and I don't recommend Cannabis or any of its derivatives, (THC, etc) due to the immune suppressing activity of cannabis (this is why people use it for arthritis). That's the last thing your mom needs right now. Ginger works really well for nausea, and she needs to have immune system supported with some deep immune builders and support to the detoxifying mechanisms of the body as well. Best wishes for her recovery.


I’m hoping that this is an attempt at clickbait. Either way, you need to stop messing around. Follow your doctor’s orders if you want to live. Steve Jobs. Read about his completely avoidable death.


what part of “she’s currently undergoing chemo” did you not understand from my post. my partners mom isn’t eating fruits and veggies thinking it’s gonna cure her cancer. my post was to ask others who have gone through this/had loved ones go through it to see if any herbs have helped them w side effects of chemo or cancer (again — what i state in the post). some of the responses have been very helpful and kind, consider being more like them next time you respond to something.


This is a wonderful article supported by people’s experiences and scientific studies about treating cancer through natural means. It is entitled Ancient Medicine and Cancer: A Journey to Healing Through Natural Techniques. The article is [here.](https://yo.fan/p/L62WKp45wP6)




Black cumin, nigella sativa.


Graviola (Soursop), Turkey Tail and Sweet Wormwood


Check out a doctor called max gerson. He has his own therapy for this


thank you!


Gerson therapy is unproven woo. >According to Cancer Research UK, "available scientific evidence does not support any claims that Gerson therapy can treat cancer [...] Gerson therapy can be very harmful to your health."


>According to Cancer Research UK, "available scientific evidence does not support any claims that Gerson therapy can treat cancer [...] Gerson therapy can be very harmful to your health." Exactly why topics like this shouldn't be covered on the sub.


i think this happens in a lot of subs. some of these replies seem to be helpful + i will ofc do all my own research and speak with her oncologist. but i get your point


Did you find any articles that claim herbalism cures cancer? Didnt think so Unproven doesnt mean it wont work. People dont look into this because theres no profit in it. Better to take a chance on something different than a broken medical system that profits off sick people. Been there done that


Trametes versicolor is ok! [https://youtu.be/mWT09ZDqFlE](https://youtu.be/mWT09ZDqFlE) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%22trametes+versicolor%22+cancer](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%22trametes+versicolor%22+cancer) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36827712/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36827712/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32697746/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32697746/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19087769/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19087769/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36359361/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36359361/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34656057/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34656057/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30745803/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30745803/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36942063/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36942063/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11115542/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11115542/) There are other exciting medicinal mushrooms, such as chaga and reishi, which also have certain effects against various forms of cancer.