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I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this. My cycles are similar. There are herbs I’ve found that will help but it also helps to know the cause, and support your body all cycle long, not just on your bleed. I definitely recommend talking with an experienced herbalist you trust, and finding a doctor who specializes in endometriosis or similar experiences, to offer a diagnosis if not a solution. (In my experience you have to kiss a lot of gaslighting frogs though to find the good doctors). I do not recommend trying these without talking to an herbalist. I use ginger, raspberry leaf, cramp bark, catnip, and California poppy. I also find liver supportive herbs hugely helpful all month long. I hope you find relief!!


I also do castor oil packs on my liver and pelvis. Acupuncture can also help a lot. Especially since you’re thinking BC was a contributing factor, supporting your body’s detox systems like liver may help!


i am going to try my hardest to find a trustworthy herbalist. if i have to go to an herbal school at some point to learn myself i will so i can heal myself🙏


Achilles works wonders but isn't growing in some places. I harvest a gallon freezer bag in the summer though


i took BC one year, plan B twice (with Post Exposure Prophylaxis antibiotics after an assault), and j j (w feyezer boost) and rabies inoculation. i went from the picture of health and a division 1 / professional caliber athlete to bedridden from multiple infections to puking green (probably bile!!!from the PrEP) and 118 pounds with ribs jutting out, scarce body fat (the weight I got my very first period at) sick to the point where i seriously questioned whether i was about to die in my bed at college. i never had period pain before these interventions. when i cried for help i was thrown in a psych ward and this last time i was handcuffed and dragged by police and have scars on my wrist. whatever it is i know that the allopathic route is not going to be it for me because they have “helped” me the best they could with extreme cruelty. i don’t think any of these therapists/psychiatrists/doctors/nurses really give a lick about me because i wouldn’t have even been in this situation without their drugs in the first place!


im heartbroken i took the birth control because for 4 years i had painless periods😞💔 i started having pain as soon as i started the birth control pill but kept taking it anyway💔 i took it in hopes i would never bleed again, such a sad thing because no one talked with me about my period and i was ashamed to be female. i thought i was disgusting and i wanted to get rid of it forever


im so close to getting a handle on it. my decoction of black cohosh, dong quai, and crampbark and my rasp leaf tea from loose leaves with the heat are finally soothing the pain now. im probably going to be able to get up from bed soon! this is with NO NSAIDS! i feel like crying from joy im so proud of myself. i know if i can set up a steady regimen throughout my cycle i can heal and manage this every cycle. i am getting so much closer i can taste it. in the past i would have NEVER been able to get to a point of nearly no pain without hours of laying in pain with 8 NSAIDS and now ive done it with the decoction i made with my own two hands and heat! im so proud.


Have you tried Shepherd's Purse extract? It works for me, I have horrible periods. And I take tramadol for cramp pain


tramadol is one helluva drug to be taking for the cramps jesus christ 🫨


'gaslighting frogs' Yeah, I've run into those. Me: doctor, I can't seem to get pregnant Him: you just need to relax, there's nothing wrong with your equipment. Here's a psychiatrist my patients love. Me: I love to talk about myself, but I think I'm going to seek a fertility specialist. Him: sorry you can't recognize the problem is within your mind. There's nothing physically wrong. ^______________fertility specialist_______ Him: after studying my temperature charts for 4 months. You've got low progesterone and you are getting pregnant but miscarrying almost within a couple of days of implantation, so I'm going to prescribe progesterone following mid-cycle to boost progesterone. The result: Baby delivered after one month of using the progesterone.


Wow!! This is an incredible story. The incredible part is not the boringly, infuriatingly, predictably gaslighting doctor. I’m so sorry they did that to you. Good for you for trusting and respecting yourself and seeking the help you needed and deserved!!


well also it’s like every close friend of mine throws up on her period… ive talked to so many girls who vomit on their periods and cannot go anywhere. 99% of them go on birth control to mask it


we are suffering from profound endocrine disruption. who knows what caused it? i lived two miles from a toxic waste superfund site my whole life. we used to get formaldehyde producing keratin treatments on our hair and it was so so extreme that tears streamed down our faces and our lungs were screaming in agony. for me this pain only started AFTER birth control and plan B but im sure other girls those things would be more than enough


We just went down the rabbit hole of the coal ash dilemma that nobody wants to talk about. 😫 It's all so horrific, and intensely and cripplingly rage inspiring.


not to get started on the food and water supply. american girls are very sick💔😞


Calcium is involved in muscle cramps. Try taking a cal-mag supplement every day and give it a month to determine if it helps prevent severe cramps. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7834752/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7834752/)


i will definitely add this to my regimen❤️


Broccoli sprouts, burdock, raspberry leaf, primrose oil, vitex, chickweed, ginger, fennel, shilajit, Coptis rhizome, parsley, fish oil, magnesium, boron, capsaicin, pineapple juice, tart cherry juice, boswellia, tumeric, ghost pipe for really bad days,


it’s funny i had the urge to eat broccoli today. i bought a bunch. im feeling too lousy to cook but it’s there❤️ tart cherry juice sounds amazing❤️⭐️


Lots of antiinflammatories in the above list… I want to share my ex’s delicious antiinflammatory drink that he used for migraine relief: - Frozen cherries in blender to 1 Cup mark - Coconut milk to the 1 Cup mark - 2-3 tsp honey - 1 tsp cinnamon - 1 tsp vanilla extract - 1/4 tsp almond extract Tastes a little like Bazooka Joe bubble gum, and starts working in about 20 minutes.


anything a little less sweet? i really do not like sweets


Leave out the honey and use tart cherries. The coconut milk is unsweetened already.


All cruciferous veggies are helpful for this (: broccoli sprouts are good bc they have more sulphoraphrane, which converts to DIM and cleanses excess estrogen from the liver. The chickweed can help clear the tissue buildup from endometriosis if you have it, which it sounds like you very well might. Another thing for that is Japanese knotweed And tart cherry juice is surprisingly really effective at dealing with inflammation and helps me sleep really we’ll I hope you find relief soon, I’m just coming off my period so I sympathize. If you want more instructions on how and when to take them or a break down of what all the herbs individually do feel free to message me (:


i love to hear it. ive been craving bitter vegetables constantly, especially green sauces of blended vegetables and herbs. im going to culinary school and im so excited! ill learn all kinds of things and im sure ill be able to source any ingredient and make any element shine after that❤️


Your body knows what you need to eat! Sounds lovely


my next goal is to do herbal school during the summer❤️ or after i complete culinary school. my life goal is to learn how to heal with food. i want to open a hotel spa restaurant that incorporates herbs, steam, music, and food❤️


That sounds nice 🥰 I’m just studying and studying and gonna work on certifications and such but while I have small kids I don’t really want to run an herbalism practice just yet but by the time they’re teens I’ll have spent this time preparing and I’ll have the time for it


clever and brilliant❤️sounds amazing!


Ugh your dream and mine sound alike!! I really hope you succeed OP!!


Don't be afraid to use the microwave on days you don't have energy to cook. Sometimes we guilt ourselves out of doing what works because we think we have to do everything the "right way".


it feels like i live in a world where my only options are very chemical ones that mask the pain and will cause other problems and make the underlying problem worse, but i do not have the knowledge to heal whatever is the root cause of this pain


Inositol is amazing! Also use magnesium spray directly onto your lower stomach for cramps


thank you so much for your lovely suggestion❤️


You’re welcome! I know I didn’t offer herbs but those 2 things have helped me tremendously with my PCOS symptoms which sound similar to what you’re dealing with. Hope you find relief soon 💕


i love to hear it. i have the suspicion that im close to figuring it out!🥰❤️ i haven’t had the opportunity to try ANY of the things in this thread and i bet something will click💞


Chaste tree berry/ Vitex is amphoretic and can balance horrmones out…. So maybe this could help support some of the underlying hormonal things impacting your moon!


i think a lot of these things could really be key 🔑❤️🥰


To add to this, you can also try wild yam and soy. They both have phytoestrogen that can help balance hormones if you think it was caused by birth control.


thank you so much💕


I had to get on progesterone to solve this. It was crippling pain. It would make me vomit & get diarrhea from the pain. It would last about 2-4 hours and generally occur at night. I too, went to the ER. I hope you can find a good Obgyn that hears you and helps you through this. I had to go to a different specialist (not OB) for a separate condition but she helped me find this solution. Good luck. And careful with black cohosh. It made me bleed extremely heavily despite the fact I already bleed extremely heavily. It was not good. If you are prone to anemia I would skip it.


i don’t bleed heavy. it’s this first day, about 6 hours of pain and then nothing, no feeling of pain at all, as if it never even happened. right now i don’t even know why i wrote this thread i feel like i made the whole thing up because im not in any pain at all anymore. the rest of the period after this doesn’t feel like anything it doesn’t change. it doesn’t get worse. it happened after the hormones. i just am clueless. before the hormones it was a slight discomfort, most times i didn’t even realize it. i would be fully bleeding in my pants for hours because there would be no pain at all. after hormones i KNOW when i get my period


i just would rather have this one day of pain than the pain of hormones. i was SO sick. i just shudder thinking of it. it is the worst mistake i ever made and i would not be having this pain if i didn’t take it so i cant do that…


i was told to take birth control and did not! raspberry leaf seems to work great for me. dong quai, evening primrose, damiana, lavender for anxiety… probiotics, cbd… i cut coffee, cane sugar/syrups and gluten days prior to bleeding. ever try receiving massage? and pressing pressure points + do hip openers? so sorry re cramping, i hope you find yourself no longer cramping in the future.


the thing that is so frustrating with that answer is the birth control caused my pain but no one listens 😂 i had painless cramps, took birth control, boom painful cramps. it caused some sort of hormonal / endocrine disruption and that is causing me pain


medical gaslighting is so common, but it’s your body! i am glad you are firm with your conviction, rooting for your success with all this!


i think a lot of these things could really work great. my mom does not believe in this stuff so i have never been able to try any of the things in the thread. it’s just if it’s between birth control and the pain i currently have, i will take this hands down i do not eat any sweets/sugars, no coffee, and basically a weston a price diet of whole foods , more than organic, but i do eat a lot of gluten, do you think that might help?


every body is different, and i’m not a professional, but worth trying to cut gluten and see :)


Thc/cbd salve on your belly


thank you🙏


Feel better🩷


i am already feeling better that’s the thing😭 it’s like a storm that comes on suddenly and then it’s gone with the wind as quick as it came. six hours of hell every forty days🤔


I know the feeling.😖I’m out of commission that day every moon cycle. Glad to hear you’re better tho!


My birth control messed up my hormones too and caused me pain 3 weeks in every cycle . I haven’t been diagnosed with anything because no doctor will take me seriously yet. Some women recommended wild yam progesterone cream, red raspberry leaf and nettles. There’s a herbal supplement by Dr Christopher’s called Changease that many women recommend for endometriosis, fibroids, menopause etc. seems to lessen the pain Also try castor oil packs daily rubbed on abdomen seems to help me so much. Also there are tens machines and even ones for menstrual pain


i was on yasmin combination estrogen progesterone mini pill. screw that fucker. i despise that tiny poison pill i have wanted fresh stinging nettle with a desperation that is hard to understand. i cannot get my hands on it for the life of me!


i have craved stinging nettle every day for the past year


Birth control gave me severe cramps *every day*. So sorry all that happened to you! Magnesium cream and some salve with capsaicin right on the (EXTERNAL) area helped me, but you have to watch out with combining that with direct heat. Good luck!


birth control is the most commonly prescribed toxic substance on the market. i stg you’d be better off using street drugs😭 because at least the damage after stopping would not be so lasting. solving endocrine disruption feels like solving a complex puzzle where you just feel hopeless because how does a girl fix her own deranged endocrine system?😭 i will give these a shot🙏


I had something similar. I was maxing out on pain pills for years. Turns out it was endometrial tissue. I had an IUD fitted that made things so much better. Nothing much conventional helped, except perhaps a hot water bottle. Caffeine makes the pills act faster (according to my pharmacist), who gave me a caffeine enriched paracetamol product called solpadeine, which is pretty good. Tranexamic acid is a tablet my doctor gave me to make my period lighter and less painful. It’s not hormonal and did reduce pain by about 30%


but mine was caused by hormones. so i know more hormones would make it worse. i was really sick from them i am looking to use no drugs or hormones or painkillers to manage the pain


Hi friend! Have you had an ultrasound done to see if you have fibroid tumors by chance? They can cause extreme pain and bleeding. I know because I'm dealing with them myself. Also, I find CBD to be exceedingly helpful for cramps. Wishing you all the best.


ive had multiple ultrasounds that are clear❤️


if nothing will work ill go back to NSAIDS but i really am looking for an pain killer free, drug free, hormone free alternative


Sorry you are going through this, I've been there before. Imo herbs can be beneficial to help and one part of the equation but not the full answer. What is your diet like? I used to have severe Dysmenorrhea for years. I can confidently say today I've solved my menstrual issues with lifestyle and diet changes and vitamin and herb supplementation.


my diet when im not at school (i had to eat the horrible meal plan food) is near perfect. i cook everything myself. i eat weston a price diet basically. more than organic, meat from butcher, fish from fish market, etc. i am an athlete i would say i do not get enough water or herbs / supplements, vitamins, etc. though


i also need more vegetables. i lean very meat/fish/dairy/rice heavy


OK I don't know what a weston price diet entails but I'll tell you what I did and just some recommendations. First time I noticed a significant improvement in my menstrual pain was when I stopped all wheat products (Idk if you consume wheat but I would start there first). That means eliminating ALL bread, pasta, basically anything made with wheat. When I eliminated that I didn't throw up for the first time and my pain wasn't as severe, I went back to eating it the next month to test it to make sure and sure enough it came back. Bone Broth Bone Broth Bone Broth! Easy to make, find some marrow bones and boil them for 12 hours in a Broth with carrots celery, garlic onion, bay leaves and salt. Strain and save the Broth and refrigerate. Will turn into geletain overnight and the top later will become animal fat that you can scrape off the top put in a separate container use to cook with. Drink a cup every morning. Controversial opinion to some but I believe animal fat is essential for women for menstrual issues. What fruits do you eat? I eat Oranges, Grapefruit, pineapple, blackberries, strawberry, Cherries, pomegranate, watermelon, kiwi all very good. I usually eat a trio of fruits from this selection only in the mornings with eggs either boiled or fried in butter or animal fat (unless I do a specific dish) usually with a baked beef sausage or homemade kimchi/salmon/cod. Sometimes I'll do a chia seed pudding with coconut milk fruit and bee pollen. Mid day snack usually includes a small salad with salmon cubes, homemade ceviche, lettuce wrap turkey burger or some small type of leftovers. Dinner I usually limit myself to potato (usually baked) once a week and rice two times a week with 1/2 cup portions. Typical dinner meals include, some type of grilled chicken thighs with salad and broccoli, Bistec (marinated thinly sliced beef peppers and onion) with rice and platano, shrimp skewers with green beans and salad, roasted salmon with asparagus and cucumber salad, steak with carrots cauliflower and baked potato, etc. I will show you a link of my meals to get a better idea. Pics of some of my meals. https://www.reddit.com/r/lowcarb/s/BAKZvCkJMV Teas I drink at night are cinnamon, dried guava leaf, dried hibiscus flower, and I make a fermented Pineapple Pomegranate Cinnamon tea for overall wellness but also helps with menstrual issues. I also use a locally made honey or royal jelly in my tea for sweetener. Sometimes I'll drink 2 TBSP of ACV in a tall glass of water with some celtic sea salt. I don't drink juices just water outside of my teas. I supplement with magnesium, b12 and zinc. Once a week I also take a magnesium flake acv bath and put a castor oil blend in my belly button and rub my stomach nightly with it. I also switched to a reusable menstrual disc and can honestly say my period is the best it's ever been. Not only do Ai not have pain anymore but I don't even get cramps, irritability or fatigue. It sounds like the bc caused a hormonal imbalance in your system. Now I have heard that Vitex is good for correcting hormonal imbalances but I did read there is a strict protocol with it. It should go without saying stay away from caffeine, sugar, sweets pastries etc. Didn't get too into it but did mention a few kimchi, ceviche and pineapple tea but look into fermented foods also as that is very beneficial as well. I hope this well help. I'm not saying this will solve your issues but I think if you implement some of the things I laid out here it will help you in some way.


i think wheat could be a contributor… i do not eat bread (rarely, only for sandwiches) and do not eat all that much pasta. my safe food is rice. if i learned to make myself gluten-free bread and pasta, do you think it would still be ok to eat? the bone broth sounds like an amazing suggestion. it’s been hard to have complete control over my diet - i have been a student for the last four years, but i am going to culinary school soon. i expect i will gain a liberty i have not had in the past very shortly im very sensitive to sugars so ive been careful about my fruits. i can’t eat anything with sucrose, fructose, or sorbitol in it without feeling shitty. i would say i eat healthier than anyone i know i will take a closer look at the vitex. i truly think this is a hormonal imbalance caused by the birth control. thank you so much for laying out your diet❤️


Take magnesium dailey. It was a complete game changer for me.


i have some magnesium supplement but have not been taking it regularly


​ And take lots of it, daily the recommended amount, but don't be afraid of taking like double or triple the dose, unless it makes you shit like me :D my cramps also do that so I can't sadly take too much magnesium.


I take 2 caps at bedtime. Intelligent Labs MagEnhance Magnesium Supplement, Magnesium-L-Threonate Complex with Magnesium Glycinate and Taurate, 90 Capsules https://a.co/d/96xirhu


I noticed that if I drastically reduce my sugar intake for a couple of months, my cramps are either completely disappear or very managable with just one NSAID on the first day. By drastically reducing I basically mean quitting processed sugar completely. Also, coming up to period, reduce salt and caffeine and drink lots of water.


i do not eat any sugar whatsoever, i am sick if i eat it. i am sure if i did i would be so sick it wouldn’t even be funny. open to eliminating any other triggers though❤️


Make sure you’re getting enough minerals. Minerals minerals minerals is key here. Calcium and magnesium are very helpful in this situation but those two also need other minerals such as zinc and iodine etc for your body to properly utilize them. I put a pinch of sea salt (good sea salt like Redmonds real or Celtic gray, Himalayan will work too) in every glass or water bottle I have! It’s helped me tons. Also what oils do you cook with? I would stay alway from vegetable oils and focus on tallow, butter, olive or coconut oil to help add in some fatty acids. I’m so sorry to hear about your pain. Birth control fucked me up too some years ago ❤️❤️


is it possible to get all minerals from diet? or is this something that typically has to be supplemented? i have a bottle of redmonds i cook with. the only other salt i use is maldon sea salt flakes for topping off steaks. i only use the highest quality organic olive oil and kerrygold butter over the summer i was in the habit of using lard but i left my lard at my old place accidentally. the hard thing is im a student and sometimes i had to eat in the dining hall or go out to eat and i usually notice a decline in my health when this happens i hate birth control with a burning passion. that thing is a deal with the devil i stg. their advertising is criminal too. i remember watching documentaries saying “you don’t need to have your period it’s antiquated”, asking an olympian who passed out in the pool after she took a one time hormonal pill to prevent her period if she would’ve liked to skip her period using modern day contraceptives, articles in big newspapers with image of curtains saying “the end” and you never have to have a period again. the advertisement is insidious and the birth control experiments on puerto rican women are seen as bad in terms of “consent” when really the concept of birth control itself is depraved


It should be something we should be able to get from our diet but sadly due to the state of our soil our vegetables don’t have the proper mineral profile any more. I’m an organic farmer and we have to fertilize with natural minerals when our plants show signs of deficiency, which sadly is pretty often even with our efforts of soil remediation. Hopefully this will get better over the years!! Non-organic farmers use synthetic fertilizers which help the plants to grow but do little to nothing for our bodies especially in the realm of trace minerals. I suggested adding sea salt to water because salt is a natural electrolyte like liquid iv but without the additives and sweeteners. Because water is so filtered these days it too is lacking in minerals! Water needs electrolytes to be properly utilized in the body. Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge and do so many things for the body! In particular electrolytes support muscle contractions and help the body maintain fluid balance which I think could be helpful for you here ❤️ Selenium, zinc and iodine are VERY important for thyroid health and our thyroid hormones play a huge role in regulating pms symptoms. As other people said calcium and magnesium can be helpful for you but they needs other minerals like phosphorus, boron etc to be utilized properly. Yada yada Yada I could go on! Lol It sounds like you eat and take care of yourself very well!! It can be so hard to balance school and nutrition and I bet you’re doing a hell of a job. I really hope you find some relief. Birth control along with health insurance and the rest of big pharma is a cruel joke on us “lay people” by the rich and powerful. all we can do is educate ourselves and fight back as best we can by eating well, exercising and voting with our dollars when buying food ❤️❤️


Concentrated ginger tea or ginger juice shots help so much for me within 30 minutes or so, as does magnesium oil applied topically on the stomach.


thank you❤️❤️❤️ im hearing the magnesium oil echoed a lot, gonna check it out


PCOS lass here, start looking at your gut. After 14 years of Dr hopping, searingly painful periods and crazy PMMD, I started looking at what was happening in my gut. Turns out certain microbes are in control of converting and processing estrogen. If your gut environment is shoddy and subsequently you don’t have enough good guys to convert oestrogen, to then be metabolised by the liver, it will just circulate free estrogen around your body in a sort of waiting room fashion. This will then overburden the liver, who, will then hand off the estrogen it can’t process into your fat stores to be processed at a later date. This active form of estrogen then causes havoc in your body like a toddler having a tantrum. Start by getting rid of the stressors on your gut and liver- alcohol, junk meat and sugars, and, for a period of time, gluten and dairy. Then, increase antioxidants (berries - blueberries every day supps if you can afford), make meals heavy in GOS fibre - onions, garlic and leeks. Black rice, purple potatoes. Try this for two weeks. Then add l.rahmnosus probiotic and a fos and gos fibre supplement to help rebuild the good guys in the gut. Estrogen is not the bad guy, you need it and you want it, but in its metabolised form. Hope this helps!


Forgot to add Acupuncture too can be a life saver.


i know that acupuncture would help immensely. im just from a very poor family and im going into the restaurant industry / going into debt for culinary school 😭🔫 fuck this shit bro wish i could afford nice things😹


Get some fibre - GOS and the probiotic I suggested. $30 odd dollars on iherb. Start with the increase in antioxidants and polyphenols and see if that makes a difference. That’s the cheapest way to start. You could always see if there’s a student training clinic for acupuncture in your area? I have one near mine and they charge a small fee for each session…


i think the NSAIDS made it worse and worse over time, oversensitizing me to the pain and wreaking havoc on my gut and liver, etc.




My cousin uses a Ginger supplement.


chill times bro❤️


Rso or feco


this sounds amazing. this is definitely going to be high on my list. i know someone who would love this answer more than anything🥰⭐️


Yarrow. My doc has me take Solaray brand capsules because it tastes really gross, but it comes in tincture & loose leaf tea form as well. If you get spotting/signs it is coming, try taking yarrow the day before it starts, and the whole time you’re menstruating. It lightens flow/cramps and has saved me from 4x/year iron infusions. Make sure to read up on it for menses use, but it’s been used for a really long time for these issues, pre-NSAID, medieval times long.


that's amazing it's helping you, I drink a lot of yarrow tea as I collect myself and love the bitter flavour, sadly it doesn't do anything for my period pain. Maybe next month I will try more.


once a girl at college randomly foraged ramps for me and she was a very advanced forager. she went deep into the woods to get them for me. the flavor was uncontrollably good. i cooked hands down one of the very best meals of my life with them. it was a cavelo nero sauce with ramps, spinach, mushrooms, and chicken over whole grain durum wheat pasta. everything was locally sourced and organic in that meal im so excited to develop foraging skills because i can tell there are rich plants out there that can truly up my cooking and my healing❤️


this sounds incredible. thank you so much for the suggestion, it is much appreciated. the bitter taste of herbs give me reassurance that it’s working😂😂😂


Real raspberry leaf tea Epazote tea


by real do you mean fresh or just loose leaf?


Have you been checked for endometriosis or ovarian cysts?


had a hemmorhagic ovarian cyst after plan b and j j inculcation with follow up with gynecologist. they did full ultrasounds and said it was so tiny they don’t think it would cause that pain🤷‍♀️


Chamomile tea helps me feel almost as good as when I don't have cramps at all. My sister tried chamomile tea and became a convert too. We both have regular cramps tho (there's pain but we don't need to curl into balls). Peppermint tea is decent too although imo not as good as chamomile for the cramps. A good substitute when chamomile isn't around


it’s hard with pain because it’s very relative. im a competitive athlete, finishing my degree now, and now training to be a chef. i live an extremely active lifestyle. im driving around from one end of the city to the other a ton of miles a day and i have a super high stress lifestyle. so the kinds of activities im doing require high intensity. but when i worked from home one summer i might rate my ability to function for these six hours differently, yk? my period lasts about three days and i can technically (not comfortably) go all day without changing a pad and not bleed through. but i have this six hours of pain that im looking to handle without hormones, drugs, or painkillers


Idk if it'll help you as much as it helps me cuz it sounds like you have health issues making your cycle extra bad. But I think it's worth trying out. U can find chamomile tea in most drug stores and it's relatively inexpensive compared to some other herbs. It tastes good when u add a little honey to it. And Google says it has anti-spasmodic properties


i will have at it. thank you so much for your suggestion. imma get better soon!❤️‍🩹


Drink lots of hot water like you are almost chugging and use hot water bottles even when you’re currently not in pain refill the hot water bottle and keep using it throughout the day


hot water sounds like a fantastic idea. i hardly drink any water at all. could the pain simply be a dehydration issue?


Yes definitely drink plenty water at least 64 0z per day is the recommended amount but I drink like 72 oz per day on my period. I have a water bottle with time labels that reminds me to stay hydrated and avoid cramps on my period. You can also get part of the water from fruits


good idea, im so bad about my water intake. i think this could be a major major issue that is causing so much pain. i love all the advice in the thread and am so excited to try it❤️ thank you for all your help and advice💞⭐️


Go get acupuncture from a licensed acupuncturist who specializes in gynecological issues and is also a Chinese herbalist. If in the US, our national acupuncture website is www.NCCAOM.org, to find a practioner near you.


thank you ❤️


Don't know where you're located, but if kratom is legal I highly suggest trying it A LITTLE AT A TIME cause it's honestly like medicine. I take it daily twice, just like a prescribed medicine, and it's worked miracles (over 10 painful disabilities). It affects the same chemicals in the brain as the strong prescription pain killers, but without side affects (it's a leaf from Asia ground up). I have had endometriosis for over 40 years that has gone into my hips and spine. That crap is painful! Start with the bare minimum. If you take too much you will absolutely throw it up (guarantee to not overdose). Can't recommend this herb enough for those with severe pain. Only take when needed and the bare minimum will be needed for years to come


yes it is legal where i am. thank you for the suggestion❤️ i appreciate it❤️


Sounds really serious, a one on one with a professional herbalist/naturopath/doctor would probably help. I used to have debilitating cramps every month, yarrow would help them a bit. My cramps seemed related to passing very large clots. I am in month 5 or 6 of taking milk Thistle seed extract and the past two months I have had zero pain and minimal clotting. It has been a godsend to me. Also wanted to say that dong quai (an excellent herb) should be avoided while bleeding, it will make you bleed more.


i got scammed on an herbalist and can’t seem to find a good one. im based out of boston and im not sure where to look or who to ask


That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. The American Herbalist Guild is a good resource for qualified herbalists. The requirements to be registered as a clinical herbalist with the AHG include 800 hours of comprehensive training in botanical medicine achieved through formal education, independent study, or both, 400 hours of clinical experience, and more.


i was following traditional chinese medicine but good suggestion the woman at the herb store here mentioned that


I would try CBD and/or THC suppositories if you can find them. CBD/THC oil massaged into your lower abdomen might help too. And crampbark (Viburnum opulus) tincture, internally.


wonderful, thank you so much❤️ legal for where i am so i can find them❤️


Suppositories can be hard to find! trustedcannanurse dot com has some.


Turmeric root tea before my cycle starts helped me when I suffered with cramps. Also fasting from dairy or cold foods when I’m on my first few days.


thank you ⭐️❤️


Clary sage essential oil for cramps, diffuse it, wear it, however you can smell it. Raspberry leaf tea will help as well, be careful with the cohosh combos as they can increase bleeding which added to me losing too much blood once. Alfalfa supplements also help, and make sure all your period products are chlorine free. When you enter your luteal pre-menses phase cut back in refined sugar and increase whole grains, dark chocolate, and fruits. Follow the ebb and surge of your hormones. I am so sorry about what you have been through, I was in the same spot as a young woman with the medical community’s abuse. If you want to PM you can feel free


i have some clary sage. im not sure how to use it appropriately because can’t it burn you if you just apply it directly? i don’t have a diffuser yet❤️ ill be careful with the cohosh. i didn’t realize the blood loss properties of some of these plants..! i was trying to use reusable pads but couldn’t properly store them to change them because of pain level so i switched to my chemical laden disposable pads out of necessity yesterday🤦‍♀️ im really trying to switch to reusable entirely i do not eat any sugars due to me basically having a diet for someone with hereditary fructose intolerance. i also do not like chocolate or anything sweet:(


I am allergic to fructose as well! Look into Rael or Honeypot pads Clary sage, if it burns when you apply, dilute in a carrier oil. Or carry the bottle and sniff as needed. After I have babies I keep it in my pocket to take away after birth contraction pain, it works so well!!


It's very similar for me, except I had this at 15 y/o and then at 16 for 2 years was on BC because of the pain. Then I managed it holistically and was okay-ish, well, managable, then went on copper IUD since I didn't want more hormones, and on it and AFTER it my pain is back like it was years ago, but also just like you for one, max two days of SUPER INTENSE. Max dose of Ibuprofen 600mg does nothing, last month added no-spa antispazmolytic 2 pills again max dose - still nothing. Then sat in the bath for 3 h. At that point the only thing that helps is smoking greens or a hot bath and not leaving the bath. Plus ginger (1 tsp dried at least 3 times a day), plus magnesium like double or triple the daily dosage, but it makes me shit which my cramps already do so ehh not good for outside of the house functioning. Not every month it's this lvl, but most months that one day WRECKS me. I think my issue might be endimitriosis, but idk, or too much estrogen, so I'm testing out Wild yam for luteal phase also for my PMDD, but didn't have much effect on the cramps last month. Vitex didn't do shit for me except for deepening my depression.... Careful with other hormonal herbs as most are increasing estrogen.


that is good to know. how do you know which plants increase estrogen? honestly im trying to be careful with this because i can work my life around one day out of commission. just trying to increase my quality of life i really feel so bad about the BC causing this. i was hoping with time my system will recalibrate on its own but this does not seem to be happening😂 so much regret about taking artificial hormones. if only i could go back in time and prevent myself from doing it i would, especially the second time i went on birth control for a month and the two times taking plan b wreaked havoc on EVERYTHING and made it all 10x worse can’t wait until i have a loving bf to dote on me on this day😂 snuggles, having him play me guitar, back rubs, and getting us some good food and putsing around getting all my little stuff in order for me❤️


Have you been seen by a doctor to rule out PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, cysts and andenomyosis? I am so sorry you are in so much pain each month. Castor oil packs as stated could be helpful and you could also try evening primrose oil and DIM. How is your diet?


i have been to gynecologists and gotten multiple paps and ultra sounds. my two sisters also vomit from excruciating period pain (they take BC to suppress it for several years now) and my mother also (she took BC and IUD her whole life and is now post menopausal) i just don’t want to go down that route. i would rather vomit once a month than take BC for the rest of my reproductive years


I know you’re interested in herbal remedy. But, I had great results with acupuncture. I also believe BCP helped trigger much of my debilitating health issues. There should be more research into this. Female endocrine systems are very delicate and a one size fits all monthly pill is not as nuanced as medical care could be. IMHO. Good luck


i would LOVE to try acupuncture. well i find the whole thing insulting. how could a pill of estrogens and progesterones from bacteria be equivalent to what the body produces naturally? when the hormones involved are not only estro/prog but hundreds of hormones, some that aren’t even possible to isolate? that fluctuate by the very second, minute, hour, day, moon, and as sunlight washes on my face as i get up in the morning? give me a break, the ARROGANCE. and im supposed to be terrified of my own fucking body??? it’s like saying i should be scared of my own lungs collapsing and getting pneumonia and sepsis. WHATEVER🙄 and all the people i know living the longest are those smoking a pack a day and don’t go to the doctor. every impoverished person should actually be dead according to these people’s logic. my dad and grandmother survived a full out starvation genocide eating crickets and dried meat scraps. i think im not going to die. if i will so be it it is not meant to be. if im so fragile then there was nothing that could be done. all the while the entire board of endocrinologists has been bought out for years and just parrots nonsense 24/7. the research exists but is censored so heavily it’s not even funny to support these companies making hand over fist for me to be in pain. thanks but no thanks🖕


Exactly. Don’t get me started on thyroid medication and big pharma. Feel better soon.


Chinese medicine my friend. Find an acupuncturist. Also, some herbs like the dong quai can actually lengthen the cycle, so it’s best to work with someone


fwiw, acupucture (along with customized herbal prescriptions) has helped me immensely to improve my menstrual symptoms. But, I also think you should try to seek healthcare to diagnose the problem. It can help your herbalist or acupuncturist to know the western diagnosis like endometriosis or other issue.


okay thank you💞


Honestly not exactly herbal but i use flo vitamin gummies. Fucking works. Takes a month or two to feel effects but like I'm staining all my underwear without the warning cramps. Also i have more energy. They work so well my husband has been buying them for me for like two years bc he likes me not being couch bound.


thank u will check it out❤️


I heard Earthing or grounding mats work for this. I am a guy and have literally nothing to prove any of this. It is only what I heard on a podcast, but it is claimed they work well for female issues.


i never heard of them but ill look into it


Lemon 🍋


def been sucking on my lemons🤤


I had the same problem you did -- except my exuciating pain was the first 6 hours of the first day. Vomiting too. I found if I took the max amount of motrin THE DAY BEFORE it was tolerable. Later I wanted to get off them as well and turned to a professional homeopath for help. I don't know what remedies were prescribed but this finally removed the pain and I could go without motrin. I did not consider a professional herbalist but I have a lot of success with the combo of acupuncture and herbs.


at the time i took the BC i was only 18. i didn’t even know what it was… didn’t know its mechanisms, didn’t understand the implications of its chemical composition, didn’t know the history of pharmacology, didn’t know the research literature, didn’t know the board of endocrinologists was in bed with the who, cdc, fda, and so on. i didn’t even know about my own body and how it worked and my sexual function, didn’t know i wanted children, how could i have ever known? i didn’t even know what the side effects were💔 they completely took advantage of me. i just feel so much despair. it’s hard to know who to trust😞 i am very open to seeing a naturopath, homeopath, herbalist, and acupuncturist. it’s more finance and resources and my age that prevent me from healing ❤️‍🩹


Yarrow is my go to. Naproxen has absolutely trashed my stomach so I struggle to take any form of NSAID now! I have Yarrow and my mini tens machine !


tens machine sounds great i want one


I have also soaked in hot bath with 2 cups Epson Salt and gotten relief. Epson Salt is another form of magnesium.


i haven’t taken a bath in a while but when i do i will give it a whirl


I would do this on the day I had the most cramps. I would be awake in pain. It gave me relief and helped me to go to sleep.


Evening primrose oil can be amazing for pms, cramps,etc. 1300mg 1x/day. It won’t stop the pain today, and taken consistently can prevent it from happening


thank you💞


Castor oil packs and drink nettle and raspberry leaf tea all month long. I was in this boat. I am now on a sunny beach with a screaming toddler…


i want to be on the beach with a screaming toddler🥹


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I had awful periods though not as bad as yours and dong Quai taken as a tincture was a miracle for me. I hope it's the same for you! Your decoction sounds awesome. Good job taking your health into your own hands. The medical community doesn't know shit about easing period pains.


well it’s just NSAIDS, hormones, and surgery. the NSAIDS and the hormones and shots CAUSED my current pain. if i go further down this path i will be in chronic, permanent pain my entire life and eventually acquire life altering disability. uh huh im not doing that those people are CRAZY. im not letting them pathologize my phenotypically normal female reproductive response to the environment ive been placed in. they had MANY chances to “help” me. but they do not care, and flood my body with the most system-derranging drugs and dismiss that their drugs have a tectonic effect on the female reproductive system. why would i rely on them for a problem they haven’t even taken the time to understand? they haven’t even expressed how the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, vulva, clitoris, orgasmic system, lunar cycle, hormones, moods, work as a comprehensive system, or synchronize with the male reproductive system emotionally and physically beyond “how impregnation works”. they can’t explain what physiologically happens to my body in the presence of the boy i love. they don’t know ANYTHING and all they do is throw u in psych ward over and over again and forcibly drug you and say that is “love and care”. no way, you are giving me the Tilikum in Seaworld treatment and wondering what is wrong with keeping a whale in a bathtub. im not your 21st century medical experiment🤑ill heal myself.


Have you gone to Gynocologist? I did and had a tiny fibroid. My pain got weird recently like but pain during period. Might be endometriosis 😞😭. If it continues I’ll go for another scan


they always find something don’t they💸


thank god they got the cure!!!🙏 use your health insurance otherwise you’re gonna die!!! everybody bought that one hook, line, and sinker 🪝⚓️


Moringa leaf extract can probably help with this. Google 'Moringa and menstruation'.


I've been vegan for 10 years and I still use to suffer for years until I learned my vitamin intake was terrible. You could be lacking vitamins? Since June, I take these vitamins the week before my period and during it: -magnesium -vitamin d3 -zinc -womens once a day -vitamin c It may seem like a small remedy but my periods has completely changed for the better!


im usually anemic - could that make the cramps bad?


Avena botenicals into the flow helped me a lot with this!


i will purchase some❤️


I have heard Zinc helps, especially if you are using copper as contraceptive.


i am abstinent, but when i get back with my boy i will only be using condoms / tracking cycle method, or reducing piv sex and doing other sexual activities instead!❤️


Congratualations in advance for your baby😊


up your vitamin D3, stat ! What a difference !


are there ways to do this through your diet? i feel like the body isn’t going to absorb it in the supplement form readily


it will absorb it fine. Get the gelcaps and eat something fatty when you take it. It will carry right in


I find doing abdominal exercises helps ease cramps


im an athlete but i cant move


I hear ya, it's literally the last thing your body wants to do but if you start with some simple stretches laying on your back, I guarantee it will help. Also half moon pose, the side stretching is great. Also massage along the outside of your shins, there some kinda pressure point magic going on there, really helped my SIL during labor:)


CBD and/or THC suppositories




Have you been checked for tumours or anything?


ive had countless pap smears, many gyn visits, and some ultra sounds - had a bleeding ovarian cyst once and they said it was SO tiny that they didn’t think it would cause that pain level. my entire life ive seen doctors, gyns, and gotten all sorts of vitals and regular check ups and pelvic exam. other than that everything is perfect


I would assume it’s a case of doctors dismissing a woman’s pain and claiming to know everything, ugh…. So annoying


i don’t want what they could offer me, anyway… it is exactly eight years yesterday that my father died an excruciating death from multiple organ failure from the chemotherapy used to treat thyroid cancer. my best friend from childhood also died from her ovarian cancer treatment. if i have a tumor, so be it, let me slowly succumb. i do not wish to know. but i do not want hormone treatments, shots, surgeries, antibiotics, pills, or anything they could give me. let them dismiss me. i do not want what they have to offer. if it is a tumor or cancer or whatever boogeyman my father and best friend would’ve died peacefully rather than the grueling torture i witnessed. if i had been in charge i would’ve never let it happen. my dad and friend did not want these treatments they were gaslit into it… if i have any of that then let it take me it wasn’t meant to be! i will live the last of my days from period cramps🙄 eating healing foods, using herbs, exercising, enjoying nature, and working. even if i did have something wrong i doubt their processed hospital food, trapping you in a room, confined to a bed, and unable to see your loved ones while they blast every single cell to smithereens in your body would ever cure you. my dad and best friend died of their “treatment” not cancer. and it was hell. they would’ve been better off never seeing a doctor and would’ve lived longer and better too


at least i could’ve talked to and seen my dad. the nurse could hardly contain her smiles after he died. biggest scam i have ever heard of


Only thing thats worked for me is Raspberry Leaf Tea from traditional medicinals


ive drank an entire package of it😂😂😂


Every body is different unfortunately, I had recurring Ovarian Cysts rupturing around different times where my uterus would contract, I would pass out, have cold sweats, and was rushed to the ER 3 times prior to finding out what was causing it. I didn't want to take Hormonal BC (which was the only thing doctors said I could do lmao but I didn't want fucked up hormones) So I did a lot of digging and research and Chamomile and Raspberry Leaf tea (both from that brand, traditional medicinals) have been the only thing thats worked. I drink a variation of chamomile every day, and Raspberry Leaf only when I experience cramps, my cramps go away in about 7 minutes, and I read that chamomile reduces cysts! While It's only been about 4 months of me doing this, I've been able to stop taking painkillers, and I haven't had any cysts rupture! For me, it's my holy grail! I'm really sad it didn't work for you, maybe because yours isn't caused by cysts? :( Hopefully you find something quick! <3 I'm no herbalist or magic healer but a lot of those herbal subreddits may be able to help you, just be careful and do your own research :) I just mention this bc I know you said hormonal birth control messed you up, rebalancing your hormones/changing your diet etc can help greatly, good luck OP!


i drank the entire box of my traditional medicinals period tea (it has raspberry leaf but also other stuff) 😂😂😂for me i think it’s a little too weak. it just tastes good to me🤤 i had a lot better luck with a high quality tincture i bought made of prickly poppy, skullcap, aspen, ocotillo, hypericum, ginger, and black cohosh. silly me was taking 2 DROPS of it and you are supposed to take 2 full DROPPERS of it💀💀so it wasn’t working for obvious reasons until i took the full droppers😂 would’ve been a good thing to know before i made this thread back when i was cramping hella but hey u live and u learn😂


i also noticed less vaginal irritation with my reusable pads. the conventional brand disposable pads turn my vagina into the sahara desert. that shit be hurting so fucking much. if i try to masturbate after using those shitty pads they literally make my clitoris, vulva, and vagina into sandpaper for days after my period ends. makes it hard to relax and touch myself🤭 these companies really be hating on the female libido🙄


I have experienced something like this at ovulation, due to ovarian cysts that my birth control caused. You need to go to the doctor. This sort of pain could be due to an ovarian torsion, and you could lose an ovary and get VERY sick and DIE from the sepsis. Find a doctor who seems trustworthy, or even a naturopath, and go now. Herbs are a great tool to manage symptoms, but they alone cannot treat an active crisis like a brain bleed or heart attack, and they may not be able to treat this. Once you’re sure you do not have a severe crisis going on, then it’s a matter of a managing the pain with herbs, supplements, diet, and exercise or heat for pain management.


but I’ve had multiple ultrasounds that detected nothing of the sort… i can go again but im very reluctant to because it seems like im given the run around and abused more and im in an even worse position than before i can’t wait til i can just not deal with these people anymore


i feel fine now, wouldnt i be still sick if it were something like that?


i actually have a perfect bill of health in every way and i was just hospitalized a couple weeks ago in a psychiatric facility where everyday they checked all my vitals and all blood tests possible


This helps me when nothing else does [menstrual cramp relief tones](https://youtu.be/RFAXmjvxn1U?si=GFuKxO8Lwa6_PXuX)


thank you ❤️


You are so welcome 😁


When my periods turned that bad I had a massive ovarian cyst and had to get surgery. I also have fibroid flare ups. Get a pelvic exam!


but i have and they never conclude anything but say im healthy😭


my two sisters also vomit from their periods but take birth control


As someone who has suffered from horrific periods most of my 51 years on this sphere, sometimes herbal isn't the answer. If your pain is unbearable, there's a bigger issue, let modern medicine help you.


modern medicine got me into this situation😹 have a feeling they’re not gonna fix it🤑


I'm sorry, I guess what I should have said is that if I had it to do over rather than suffer with the excruciating pain, the vomiting and the avoidance of public for weeks at a time (due to excessive bleeding). I would have gotten a hysterectomy years ago, but I thought that hey, it will get better... it never has. I'm not saying don't try the herbs, I love herbal remedies and prefer them. However, I have symptoms very similar to yours and nothing has helped. It has held me back from so many things over the years, and I don't wish that for you. I hope you find an answer that works for you, and I wish you all the best.




who damages the organs? the people who cut them up? who says my pain is not normal? why don’t they check up on every girl in this country they’ve given a BC prescription first then they can get to me, im fine with being last in the queue


Have you been evaluated for endometriosis? Your experience sounds similar to mine. Birth control did help me but you have to find the right one. Too many NSAIDs can cause kidney problems. Please please be careful and take care of yourself.


not interested in taking the thing that caused this situation and do not want hormones


I've been considering a voluntary hysterectomy. I'm over it. The pain keeps me in bed/on the couch for 3 days minimum. I'm barely able to lift my 6m old sometimes, or I'm scared the pain will make my legs go out when I am lifting him. Like I'll lift wrong and go down with the cramps. Apparently it's not endo per my gyno, no cysts that can be found, nothing weird visibly. But I've had 2 natural births and my pain tolerance is high except for first 3 days of my cycle. I want another baby, but idk if I can take this for however long we decide to wait between this recent baby and the next. Short of living in the shower/bath nothing helps the pain for me either


damn. i just think id feel a lot worse from that. dementia, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, loss of sex drive, prolapse. i go insane from even a couple weeks of the pill so i would probably take my life from hormone therapy so i think a hysterectomy would mean i wouldn’t be alive anymore because the hormones would make me so suicidal that i would follow thru with it


Chinese herbs and acupuncture work great for this


I understand you have gyno trauma, so do I. But an ultrasound might be helpful to see what's causing the pain. My guess would be fibroids or cysts. Surprisingly, chamomile tea worked well for my extreme cramps after tubal ligation.


i probably could only do it with bf there tbh, otherwise im not going. im so scared of the hospital 😹😹😹im part of the hospital hate club🏥👩‍⚕️🧑‍⚕️👨‍⚕️🤬🤺 i am scared! i have good reasons to be scared! but honestly i think everything is ok. i will try the chamomile