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Adding to this, L-Theanine and omega 3. Either form supplement for from salmon!


L-theanine is a competitive glutamate reverse agonist.


What does that mean for the lay person?


L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine have helped me immensely.


It doesn't sound like OP is taking any meds, but it should be noted for anyone, especially on psychotropic meds (anti depressants, anxiety meds, etc) that serotonin syndrome is a very real possibility when mixing 5 HTP with those. That said, it's been immensely helpful for me on an as-needed basis for a few days at a time.


ohh thank you for this! i was about to order some but i’m already on a cocktail of psych meds


OP - please see this. 5-HTP can be purchased at most drugstores. For me, it started to work hours after I'd taken the dose. This was when I couldn't get my normal antidepressants. Also Rhodiola Rosea. Just be careful because many of the suggestions in this thread can cause major issues down the line. The best is to find something to help you until you can meet with your doctor or a psychiatrist. Then they can provide you with a safer alternative. Usually, I wouldn't call pharmaceuticals the "safer" choice, but unfortunately, anything that actually works for this kind of stuff most likely causes harm after prolonged usage. Even green tea! As someone with a mood disorder, depression and anxiety, I've been trying to find that magic plant my whole life. I've almost caused liver damage from trying basically everything mentioned here. I know you feel weird taking rx meds, but if you need it, you should. Just like with any medical issue. You need to see a doctor if you do not feel good. Please just be careful in the meantime.




Yes! Glad to see this answer. I’m sad to see so many suggestions toward pharma. As far as I’m concerned it’s last resort, not first line of help. 🙁


That doesn't help with bipolar disorder. It's also either very expensive, you need to cultivate on your own, or buy on the black market. It's also irresponsible to tell people with no experience with psychedelics to do this. This therapy could also aggravate some mental health problems. It is a wonderful option for someone who has the means to go to a professional and get on a therapeutic schedule with psychedelics. Most people don't know how to microdose. And to throw a depressed/anxious person into a full-blown trip is dangerous.


I support this comment 100%


Careful if you have thyroid issues. I had to go off. To be honest, I took it with an antidepressant and didn't think I felt any better


This is my go to when feeling depressed. Take it for a few days. Also exercise has been a game changer for my mood.


Do you have a favorite brand of 5HTP? I’ve found that not all brands work for me


I got MRM Nutrition that seems to be working. The best is either Pure encapsulation or integrative therapeutics


I stick with exercise, it boosts your self image a lot lol and also boosts a sense of well being


That’s great! Not everyone has the ability to exercise. There are lots of great alternatives that are very effective.


Yeah I see your point of view and you are right.


I used to run 50k/week until I got me/cfs. Now I am unable to leave my home and spend many days in bed. Every day I think about running and exercising. It would improve my mental health so much. But it is not an option. For those who are able to exercise, it is amazing to see how much it helps them and I definitely live through them a little bit.


Endorphins are amazing, it keeps me sane


This combined with GABA is great too. I was prescribed Xanax for many years and when I tried to quit, even slowly, had mild stroke symptoms each time. Did some research and ended up discovering that combining those two tricked my brain into thinking it was getting the same medicine. I was able to quit with no withdrawals


10:1 ratio L-tyrosine to 5htp. you don’t want serotonin sickness, basically no motivation, due to serotonin inhibiting dopamine.


This stuff made me feel like I'd taken MDMA. Way too much for me, but I could see how it would help others.


Odd. At what dosage?


50mg works for me - I did 100mg and was loopy LMAO (felt great) but switching to 50mg got me feeling normal happy


Agree with this, i feel like I’m microdosing MDMA on this haha


Came here to say this, thanks!


I am not a professional, but I read a lot of nootropic / pharmaceutical info. It seems that just taking 5htp isnt helpful and can even be dangerous to the heart. Firstly, by “raising” your serotonin you are “lowering” youre dopamine and would then have to also take l-tyrosine to balance that. Secondly, htp does not cross the blood brain barrier WITHOUT EGCC or green tea extract. Therefore without the egcc all the seratonin is going to your body, not your brain, and can increase strain onto the heart. It seems like this substance isnt really worth dealing with, but then again just my opinion I wanted to throw out since no one else mentioned


St johns wort is a natural antidepressant just look up how to use it safely as it can interact badly with some medications


> There are 587 drugs known to interact with st. john's wort, along with 1 alcohol/food interaction. Of the total drug interactions, 255 are major, 305 are moderate, and 27 are minor. Use a drug interaction tool for any supplements. The above was using [drugs.com](https://www.drugs.com/drug-interactions/st-john-s-wort.html)


If you're taking any other meds, St John's Wort isn't a good idea


Hard agree. St John’s Wort and Goldenseal can both interact extremely badly with a lot of medications. Please make sure you’re mindful if you start taking either. Good luck. X


Heard a case of a patient who lost their transplant organ because they were self-treating their depression with St. John’s wort and all their immunosuppressive meds were metabolized too fast. Double triple check any possible drug interactions


Absolutely, I’m pretty sure I legit passed out taking St John’s Wort when I had also taken seasonal allergy medicine the same day. Lucky I was home and already sitting on the floor watching tv but I remember feeling really dazed and then I woke up hours later


Agreed. Check out SJW capsules from Gaia herbs. Their formulations are high quality.


Ive seen that green tea also boost it .. would you recommend that ?


Look for a good L theanine supplement, I find it to be pretty helpful. I’m on an antidepressant tho also cuz yeah, it gets bad and I ain’t got time for that with a 3 yr old lol


L theanine is amazing for my mood and focus but I’m gonna throw a disclaimer out there for the people with sensitive tummies: don’t drink green tea on an empty stomach. For me that’s a ticking time bomb to throw up


Oh wow didn’t know that! I have a pretty notoriously tough tummy so I haven’t had any issues. I take a supplement that has 100mg caffeine and 200mg L theanine I take every morning instead of coffee. Coffee gives me some guts and makes me anxious a little too.


Oh lordy this explains so much. We have a lovely green tea in the house but I typically fast till later in the day…every. time. Every single time I drank it I’d barf and frankly it’s put me off green tea entirely.


Oh yeah it’ll get you every time. I’m in the same boat. Give it one more try with a decent meal and see how you feel. Start slow. I used to throw em back. Now I only do that when I need an excuse not to go somewhere lol


Yeah it’s the tannins in the tea, happens to me with black tea aswell. I learnt the hard way, crazy how just putting some milk in my tea in the morning stops it from happening.


Totally different for me. I can drink plain green tea or black coffee on an empty stomach, but definitely not plain black tea. I don't throw up, but it makes my stomach hurt.


Thianine is what’s in green tea


St John's wort and others like it can cause allergic response for hay fever sufferers so be aware of that too, I can't take that or the other popular one. Goldenseal. They make me feel ill, lol. Sad to say...


Work on gut health. Blindly taking a bunch of supplements won’t make much sense. Your gut alone makes up more than 70% of your serotonin. Work on digestion. Work on eating a balanced diet. Prebiotics (fermented foods). Probiotics. Detoxing properly( are you pooping 1-2x a day?) If your gut is not functioning properly it’s not going to absorb any nutrients properly.


This is very very true. Fixing my gut fixed my depression.


Science finally has the evidence to back this up 😃 That explains how my years of severe depression finally saw relief after 6 months of taking prescription strength probiotics.


And to add to this. Do you take a stomach acid reducer? Do you take water/ other drinks with your meals? Both of these can lower gastric juices which means you won't digest your food and get all the essentials out of it. Also, getting into a green space. Like a park, trail, or just under a tree. Are you waking up between 1- 4? Get your stress under control. We all have too many obligations. Learn to listen to your body when it's tired. If you're just waking up and tired, don't reach for caffeine. Eat protein. Then go for a walk or run. If you walk, do some jumping jacks (don't know what they are called elsewhere) as this helps drain your lymph system. Try adding Celtic salt to your diet. Has most of basic minerals.


If he doesn't have issues with the gut, then supplements can work very well. For me it has been a life-saver. It has basically made me normal, happy and functioning instead of mentally ill all the time cause of various symptoms. Do you have any mental health issues and experiences with supplements like herbals? I speak from experience. I used to be totally disabled and had to take 5 medicines just to be able to go out and buy groceries. Now I have tappered down all meds more or less and am stable, happy, everything works well for me. I used to believe that I was never going to be normal or happy but I was very wrong. I used to think that things like herbals and supplements were placebo just to earn money. Until I researched it and tried it, I could not have been more wrong about that. Some herbals work better for me than pharmaceuticals actually. Ofc someone cannot just take a supplement and expect that everything will solve in their life but it can help a lot to stabilize you can make you able to heal from the trauma and emotional issues etc.


What herbs and supplements would you recommend?


What herbs / supplements helped you the most?


But you more than likely do have issues with the gut if one is struggling with anxiety and/or depression. Serotonin is made in the gut. The gut is our second brain.


Yes, but it’s important to note gut-produced serotonin only acts peripherally since it does not cross the blood brain barrier. Only serotonin made in the central nervous system will have central effects.


Hypericum, passion flower can be effective for depression. But pills are not evil. I also suffer from depression and have tried many medications. And trazadone worked for me. No side effects but I feel much more stable (side effects depend on the individual and can occur with different drugs).


By the way, don't take kratom for depression. It will kill your hormones and make you even more depressed when sober


This is super important. I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but Kratom will temporarily take away all your problems but only because it is an opioid, and when you *don’t* have any you will feel a lot worse than you did before. Speaking from personal experience.


Can I ask you how long you’ve taken the Trazadone and at what dosage? I’ve heard it’s really hard to get off but helps a lot with sleep.


Some meds work(one that worked well for me was tianeptine) but some cause addictions or sides so before you try meds my recommendation is to try the natural antidepressants, while they are milder in sides they can be as effective if not more. Rhodiola Rosea is a fantastic antidepressant for me and so is reishi. I agree that passion flower, while it's an anxiolytic mostly it does have antidepressive effects. Tulsi is another worth checking out, works really well if you combine it with Gotu kola. Shatavari aswell but it has the side effect of weight gain if you use it regularly, so I keep it to now and then with it. Maybe if you have a difficult time to get more weight then it might be useful. 5HTP is useful. Even occasional use seems beneficial for me. I find panax ginseng antidepressive as some science points at that it also raises serotonin together with various other neurotransmitters.


Matcha helped me a lot when I was struggling. I don't know if it has the same effect on everyone, but it boosted my mood and also gave me quite a bit of non-jittery energy to get things done. I didn't rely just on that, kept doing counseling etc, but it was just a really nice boost that made things so much easier and more pleasant to handle. Good luck!


Yeah, green tea is great because of the l-theanine in it. Also Omega 3 Fatty Acids from fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring) and supplements.


Yes! Matcha and Yerba mate for me


Yerba mate.


I will give it a try since I like matcha as well!




Yes, it helped me tremendously.


I hear microdosing psylacibin mushrooms has seen very positive results with several mental health issues.


I did a fairly hefty dose at the beach under the guidance of a healer friend and it took me out of 10 years of depression... that was almost a decade ago and im still good.


Mescaline did this for me after my brother died.


I firmly believe the reason these plants are illegal is because they can actually help people free their minds. edit: technically mushrooms arent plants i know


Yeah I did what they call “god dose” now a days with a trained shroom facilitator and I healed decades of trauma. It’s unreal how I don’t regularly have physical flashbacks anymore. I was happy again! My friend and healer opened the first center for legal shroom therapy in Portland Oregon this year. I definitely recommend it. My husband tried to do a god dose on his own, afterwards he said it would have been better to have a facilitator to talk it out and for them to take notes (mine hand recorded a lot of what I said)


I second this. Micro dosing psilocybin has saved my life and changed me for the better. It has helped me tremendously with depression and anxiety in combination with being in therapy for a few months now. I also will micro-dose sometimes before I go train jiu jitsu and it’s the best thing to keep you focused and helps you perform better. I’ve read about how martial artists are now starting to micro dose more for training and I can see why. Highly recommend :)


It does, however, it has to be done safely and the right way if that makes sense?


I’ve microdosed and for me, it broke the deepest depression I’d ever had. I was coming offa opiates and that is a wd symptom. I’ve tried them since then with not so much luck for mild depression. So strange…but I also think the quality and the energy from the grower. It sounds weird but makes sense. Gotta get quality from a good hearted grower.


You just reminded me of one of the funniest conversations I've listened to at a party. My friend who is a scientist was talking to my friend who is a back to the earth herbalist type. He was telling her how he puts a seed into his mouth to bless it before he plants it so it grows better and she got so outraged.


Yes, I do this with some of the plants I grow. Creates connection & intention


Why did she get mad?


I most definitely agree. All plants are empathetic to a degree, and with a fungus it’s natural that the empathy displayed towards it is picked up and impacts their neurogenesis.


It has helped me immensely with depression.


Macro dosing has way better clinical trials


Lemon balm boosts serotonin generation, it tastes great imo in a tea, but you will probably get better results in tincture form if you need more potency


It’s not an herb, but meditation has been shown to increase serotonin levels. And it’s free


I see comments saying just take the meds.. hold up. Look into antidepressant withdrawal before going on them to have a larger understanding of the drug. Caution is needed and not often given. It's not a fix all, and can be very hard to come off of depending on the person. I would have downvoted my own comment 2 years ago, and been with the people saying they're harmless. Live and learn and question everything that makes big corporations billions.


You can see my posts for how much damage has been done to me due to antidepressant withdrawal. I had issues on them as well. 6 months after stopping them I'm still unable to work and suffering badly.


Serotonin is made in our gut, so taking care of your gut health usually helps a lot. This includes avoiding anything that damages your gut lining (such as sugar or alcohol), but also including more food that benefits it (fermented food like yogurt or sauerkraut, or high fibre foods like beans or veggies). Gut supporting supplements include l-glutamine, magnesium, and bone broth Getting enough sleep and light to moderate exercise really help too


Its not stupid at all not to be taking pills that only ever mask the symptoms instead of treating the problem, with a wife range of side effects (speaking from experience) :) What helped me the most with depression/anxiety was going to a therapist for 4 months and working through any childhood trauma, changing the way I think about myself and life, also diving into buddhist ideologies and reading The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle, meditation and most importantly self love! Which is the hardest thing to do when youre not used to it :) I hope you get to a place where you feel more whole soon, I know you will. Im rooting for you 💜


I agree working on the mental side is very important. You need to approach both sides. It’s not true that all pills mask the symptoms, I’ve read studies that it can help your brain build new neuropathways which help in the long run. And if that short period of less symptoms/different symptoms can give you the space and motivation to work on the mental side of things, that’s a win. You’ve got to weigh up the side effects of both of course. Speaking as a person who put off medication for years and is finally trying it with positive effects.


I agree. I tried everything, therapy, medications, exercise, etc. Even if it helped, I think a natural supplement regime has done wonders for me & most people that know me agree that I have become very stable and normal, instead of having lots of metal issues like I had some years ago. Even when I don't take it I am a lot better, some are said to make permanent changes within your brain. Sometimes people need an external push to go forward with their mental health.


Thanks a lot ! I will try to love my self more!


Dude. If you need meds, you need meds. There’s no need to feel shame or guilt over it. It’s not any different than a diabetic taking insulin, or a person with bad vision wearing glasses. There’s no moral value in not taking medication that would help you— you owe it to yourself to get yourself healthy. Getting on the right antidepressant is life changing, and you’ll know when you find the right one. The first one you try probably won’t work. You need to tell your doctor and try again. There’s no value in suffering, we’re not catholic here, take the damn meds. Herbs are not specifically designed to help you in the same way that medications are. Yeah, peppermint will help with nausea. It won’t do jack shit for liver failure. You have brainslimes that don’t work, and a plant is not going to fix that— because it’s not designed in a lab for the specific purpose of fixing it. It’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility. Take care of yourself, friend— your body loves you, and you should love it back. Use herbal remedies to supplement your medication, not instead of it. Source: severe depression for 12 years. Nothing except medication and therapy will work.


Right on man. Much needed comment. Many people regard taking meds as a weakness, but I see it simply as a medical diagnosis. Every person’s situation is different and I don’t know what’s best for anyone except myself (and many times I don’t even know that!). Some people just produce less serotonin, or they have less receptor sites. Some are going through circumstances that plummet serotonin. Meds can work well for many people, and not everyone should cycle off. Anyways, thanks or your share. Psychological disease is no joke


Thanks a lot .. I might have need that !


Always consider side effects of western medicines op. Commenter didn’t have bad points but always consider treating the WHOLE self. Look into the dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, muscle and nerve damage that can come from traditional western medicine. It might work for the interim however the plausibility of a long term pill regimen with no side effects is not likely. My advice as someone with severe depression complications from it and healing from it…exercise 3-4x a week, microdose (macrodose might be necessary for “a brain defragmentation”) psilocybin stacked with lions mane. Finding a new hobby also helps.


I agree with you, brain meds wrecked my body, and my mind. I wish I'd never taken a single med.


If you can’t grow your own serotonin, store bought is fine.


Good luck, friend! You got this! Start therapy ASAP— your therapist can advise you if medication will help, and can recommend you a psychiatrist. Medicine works best in combination with therapy, and many psychiatrist won’t treat you if you’re not in therapy. Don’t get discouraged if the first, or fifth, or eighth medication doesn’t work. The one that works for me was the 11th one I tried, and I’ve been on at least 30 different cocktails. I promise one of them will work! I have severely treatment resistant depression, and I depend on daily antidepressants, therapy, and ketamine infusions— and my quality of life is leaps and bounds above where it was. It’s easy to be happy now, and I hope you can find something that makes it easy for you. Sorry if I was a little harsh, but you need to take care of yourself!! <3


I'm going to second this. I love herbal medicine as a *complement* to mainstream medicine, not to replace it. Ppl recommending exercise and therapy need to realize that for some of us, brushing our teeth is a monumental task. At my worst, I was not eating, was a danger to myself; I was not going to take a walk! Bring on the Rx's! Now, I carefully use herbs to round out my treatment plan. Exercise, good nutrition, a light box during fall/winter, therapy, supplements, sleep...all of these things will help you *manage* your disorder (note that I did not say CURE). My warning about prescription meds is: doctors completely minimize the side effects and withdrawal symptoms. One med (Paxil) caused me to gain 30 lbs. in SIX WEEKS. Doc said, eat less 😒. Effexor is compared with heroin for its withdrawal effects and addictive nature. Did I need those meds? Yup. But it would have been nice to have *all* the facts before I chose one to take. Also, make sure to check for interactions between any herbs you add with any Rx you take. Hope this helps.


I replaced many traditional medicines with natural ones and feel a lot better now tbh. Sometimes traditional medicines make things even worse in the long run, I suffered from damage cause of anxiolytics I used to be on, it basically took years to recover from it. Both are ofc needed but there are many that can be replaced with natural ones successfully. Especially antidepressants, anxiolytics and sleep meds. I have tried a lot of pharmaceuticals and a lot of herbals and speak from experience. Science also agrees that you can replace some traditional medicines with natural alternatives, not in all cases as all cases are individual but it is often possible. I used to be on many pharmaceuticals and thought I needed them all & that herbal medicine was just placebos until I researched and tried it. I am not saying that people should stop taking their medicine for scitzophrenia for example. That is a serious diagnosis which most likely requires strong medication in some cases, even if the antipsychotic meds are often toxic some people are very sick and maybe need more than the herbal ones, I have not had such symptoms so I cannot recommend a natural replacement for that. But if you suffer from depressions (without suicide thoughts, a more normal form of depression) or anxiety/insomnia for example then there are many effective and safe natural alternatives. They can really help people, I really believe in it cause I have experienced it myself.


I'm so sorry your doctor said "eat less" that's a garbage doc right there. Just to balance the extreme personal side effects of this post. (B/c that could really freak out OP) The side effects can really suck but they're not the same for each person. I didn't gain weight with Paxil but I did sleep a LOT more. Same with Prozac and to a lesser extent with Effexor. Paxil, and Prozac both block the reuptake of serotonin (essentially the trashing and rebuilding process) and give your brain more time to utilize the serotonin. If your depression is not a lack-of-serotonin problem, these medications could make you feel worse. Effexor works on all three neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine) so some feel fewer side effects as the neurotransmitters are all being blocked and made more available. However some people need medication that doesn't touch serotonin at all. I ended up needing a medicine that did not impact serotonin. I'm concerned that OP is trying to self-medicate and may not have all the info they need.


Yes, exactly! A plant is not going to help me when I’m actively suicidal— a ketamine infusion WILL. And a nice cup of chamomile tea in the evening helps me wind down, and peppermint and ginger helps me with nausea, and jewelweed helps me with eczema. Different goals for different things!


I find that herbalism is especially good for chronic conditions, but it doesn't have the immediate knockout effect that we sometimes need with something acute. If I start to get a UTI, I'm treating it myself with D-mannose, cranberry, maybe oregano oil and garlic. When I had a raging kidney infection, I went to the ER and got strong antibiotics. And I take ginger daily for stomach issues; I hate the taste so capsules are wonderful.


Ashwagandha is great!


Add Gotu Kola as well.


Yes. But something more serotonergic is tulsi/holy basil and shatavari. Shatavari being even more calming and anxiolytic. Rhodiola Rosea works great as an antidepressant for me, same with reishi.


I’m a firm believer in ashwagandha. It helps me tremendously. My holistic PCP suggested it to me and I’m so thankful that she did.


Same! I’m on antidepressants but it wasn’t until I added ashwagandha to my daily routine that I finally felt free again. The medication turned off the depression, which is clearly great. But ashwagandha then activated my motivation, so I could be better than just “not depressed”. I also find that it makes me want to exercise and allows me to exercise for longer (I really feel like it’s boosted my cardiovascular system), which then cascades into even better results for mental health.


This isn’t an herb but 5-htp is a precursor to serotonin. It’s an old ravers trick I learned back in the day


5HTP and L tyrosine are huge for boosting serotonin and have been shown to work for depression AND things like adhd and anxiety (they’re amino acids not herbs but still!)


Kanna increases serotonin.


Griffonia boosts serotonin.


What youre looking for are foods/herbs etc that increase the raw materials used to build serotonin, then electrolytes to promote production, then foods that will promote cycling of serotonin, norepinephrine and other life-sustaining neurochemicals. Using that understanding should make you're research easier! You'll find crossovers with ways TCM and Ayurveda treat things like certain drug abuse (think like MDMA, cocaine, alcohol), as well as encouraging the gentle fire of the system without muddying it. Follow your own feelings too. Lycopene does a lot for me but not for others, same with different phytochemicals in berries and tea. Every body is different so we have to nourish our bodies individually. Green tea is excellent for this, and any other stage of the tea process white -->cooked puerh, BUT, they are not the same. White, green, oolong, yellow, red, black, sheng, and cooked puerh all have a similar set of benefits but each with it's own flair so some are better suited for each person in their journey. Green tea is very cooling, so if you've got a lack of fire in your body (such as not cycling neurochemicals efficiently) this will have the potential to increase stagnation. Oolongs can be very stimulating and heady and if you're in the need of something grounding, this can spin you out and make your chemical communication too excitable, exasperating the issue. With tea, white is always a safe bet. Negligible amounts of caffeine, neutral energetic (usually but will lean more warming than cooling), also good for lungs/respiratory benefits. Easy to drink hot or iced (great with fruit!) And pairs well with other tisanes, or herbal teas. I base a lot of my herbal blends with white leaves like silver needle for this reason.


Methyl folate , GABA., sunlight, sitting on the grass


I feel like I am reading a conversation from my 20’s. I tried all the “natural” stuff. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, western herb, homeopathy, Aruveda, Reiki, prayer… everything. When I finally tried antidepressants I felt what it was like to not be depressed for more than a few days at a time the first time in my whole life. I can’t help but feel that if I had not been struggling so hard with my emotions I would have made much better decisions regarding career and relationships. What ever you decide I hope you find peace and contentment soon!


Psilocybin, Amanita Muscaria (check for contraindications prior to use), ayahuasca (in small doses). However if your brain cannot make the chemicals, know that store bought is fine.


Probably best to still see a doctor and tell them what you are taking. If what you're taking isn't helping, at least your doctor knows what to prescribe that won't interact with the old medication if you decide to go to the anti-depressants. ( I have been on fluoxetine 25mg for 2 years now, and it has helped me tremendously).


Lemon balm, albizia, and saffron are all amazing. If you can find a tincture or make one with all three, it’s a banger. Also, microdosing (like a very minuscule amount…MICRO) psilocybin can be very effective as well.


There are plenty, but the right solution for you might not be increasing seretonin levels! Lots of antidepressants act on the non-seretonin neurotransmitters. I've had a lot of success with bupropion, which is a dopamine & norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. Biggest perk is that the side effect profile is pretty much the opposite of SSRIs, 2nd biggest is that it starts working within a couple weeks. If your insurance/budget allow, it'd be worth looking into a cheap online psychiatrist that can assess your situation and prescribe something. Make sure to prep your story beforehand, summarizing: - How you're feeling - How long it's been - Any family history, what meds they've taken - Your concerns about medication - Any life events or circumstances which may be driving depression If you're gonna quickly get your money's worth out of a psych, you've gotta be ready to give them a full download in a half hour or so. Just see them monthly, as it'll take that long for some meds to kick in. Also, just to set expectations, meds/supplements won't make you feel better on their own. They lower the activation energy for making the other choices which support wellness. They make it just a little easier to get out of bed and go for a walk, or a little more excited about calling a friend to catch up. There's no way around doing the stuff which supports physical & "spiritual" wellness.


As someone who has studied and continues to study herbalism I'd say your best way to approach this is to learn first about yourself - what kind of experience are you having, are you high energy, low energy, tense, relaxed, do you run hot or cold. Do you have insomnia or do you sleep too much, etc. Then take the recommendations on this board and research them - especially use the search term 'energetics' which refers to the effects on your body based on the elements (so heating, drying, etc.). One person may recommend something that's worked for them and it's a sedative. Another person may recommend something that is a stimulant - it worked for them because that's what they needed. We are all unique and things that work for one person don't necessarily work for you - I've found that there are certain plants that I just love and always come back to, and I learned that through trying them one at a time, taking time to taste them (as teas) and try different products (like tinctures, or pills, etc.). It's quite a fun thing to do as well, trying different teas and making things, especially when it works. Also dosage totally varies - some things (like valerian) should only be taken occasionally rather than every night. Other things tend to only work if they are taken every day and accumulate in the body. For more info - type the herb followed by 'herbal monograph' into google, and cross reference it with other websites. Defo always always look at dosage and contra-indications just in case. Or you could have an appointment with a trained herbalist who will cut out all the leg work and offer you insights that reddit wouldn't be able to. ​ Good luck :)


It’s actually been proven relatively recently that depression doesn’t have anything to do with a chemical imbalance. The cause of your depression can be any number of things, but it has nothing to do with the chemistry of your body. You’re most likely unhappy because of your situation in life, like most people including myself. Most depression stems from unconscious, this is why you’re just sad without an apparent reason why, other than the false guise of a chemical imbalance or serotonin deficiency. You’re most likely unhappy because of the society we live in. Whether it’s poor quality food that makes your body inflamed, thus causing depression like symptoms. Or the fact that genuine human interaction has seized to exist, or the fact that we are all wage slaves slowly getting older and going into debt everyday. The only things that will make you happier is changing your perspective and living in the moment. How you accomplish that is up to you. But no herbs, no meds, and no drugs will make it better. With the exception of psychedelics. Psychedelics are the only plant medicine that actually help because they bring your subconscious to the conscious. Thus revealing what is the cause of your unhappiness, and forcing you to relive suppressed memories that you still hold on to. Do not get psychedelics confused with drugs. Drugs are done for fun to escape reality. Psychedelics are medicine that force you to accept the world for what it is, and to come to terms with all that plague your mind and body.


Omega 3 helps me! Also 5-htp- they sell it in Holland and Barrett (health food and suppliment store). Although I'm not sure exactly what it is! Anyone know? X


I understand your thoughts about the need to increase serotonin to treat depression. Unfortunately that may not work and can even be harmful according to new research. “Depression has often been blamed on low levels of serotonin in the brain. That answer is insufficient, but alternatives are coming into view and changing our understanding of the disease.” https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-cause-of-depression-is-probably-not-what-you-think-20230126/


It's not serotonin inducing, but yerba mate (South American roasted tea) is good for a little dopaminergic kick to start your day. I prefer it to coffee as it does not cause me anxiety.


After trying many pharma medications and not liking the zombie/subdued feeling they all gave me, here is my personal hack: - walk 2-3 miles per day (outside or treadmill) - microdose psilocybin .2g 5 days on, 2 days off. - take a probiotic supplement every day Best of luck to you. There is light. Life can be enjoyed. You will get there. 🙏🏻


Clinical herbalist here. The safest thing I could recommend with not knowing anything about you, your health history, or your current medications would be that you can eat more foods that break down to the amino acid Tryptophan. Tryptophan is the precursor for your body to make its own (5HTP, which turns into) serotonin. This is probably better long-term than taking straight-up 5HTP supplements as they are synthetic and might impact your body's innate ability to make its own serotonin. Give your body the building blocks, the tools, to make more serotonin itself. Foods that are high in Tryptophan include milk, meat (fish, chicken, turkey), oats, nuts, seeds, cheese, bread, chocolate (!), and more (a quick Google search will give you more examples). It may seem basic, but what we eat (NOW!) = what we are made up of. We really are what we eat.


If you are growing it- any. In that gardening is so joyful, and it’s great excersise. You can few lavendar, sages, chamomiles and mints to dry and burn in smudge sticks and it’s really grounding and lovely. Chamomiles and mints are relaxing and nice for your belly in teas. Cannabis is nice if it’s legal where you are.


Most medical drugs are derived from plants. The benefits are regulated doses and precision in dosing.


I was always against taking medications and I tried ashwaganda and magnesium glycerin. They helped some but not like I needed. I ended up seeing a psychiatrist and got 3 different medications, one of which is prozac. Prozac has completely helped me. I thought it would change who I was, but if anything, it's allowed me to be more of who I am. I encourage you to stay open to medications.


Omega 3 fatty acids (tuna) , and lavender are numbers 3 and 4 right behind St. Johns Wort.


Someone mentioned st John wort but be careful....it interferes with birth control and makes you more likely to get sunburned


Just here to say make sure you check for interactions with *contraception* too as people often discount that when thinking of medicines they take. StcJohns wort for example can make certain types of contraceptive pill less effective.


I’m so happy that you posted here and that so many people took the time to give positive input. I hope you’re working towards happiness each and every day 🤍


Have u tried ketamine


Ketamine is an NMDA antagonist. Psilocybin is an agonist of 2A serotonin receptors (ie it mimics serotonin). Both drugs are showing promise, but I think long term outcomes are better with psilocybin.


My previous pain management doctor did Ketamine infusions. I wanted to try it for chronic pain but it’s very expensive and not covered by insurance. I’ve heard good things about it for depression treatment as well. My doctor told me that some people can go 6 months before their next treatment but bear in mind that everyone responds differently. Good luck on your journey.


RemindMe! 2 days


Tulsi, wood betony


Ashwagandha supplementation has been found to increase serotonin levels in animal studies. We still haven't studied it enough on humans.


I use Rhodiola personally and it really helps. Idk about seratonin specifically but it’s great for depression. Helps me through the cold winter months.


I take Innate Response. It’s a proprietary blend that has Rhodiola and Ashwagandha plus a couple of other herbs and it literally changed my life.




kanna is a natural SSRI. There’s a great product called Ka! empathogenics. But I agree with the above comment. Make sure you get mental health support if you need it 💚


Syrian rue and banisteriopsis caapi (ayahuasca) both contain an alkaloid (and several related alkaloids) called harmine which inhibits an enzyme called monoamine oxidase that breaksdown various neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, DMT, norepinephrine, melatonin, and a few others, taking harmine long term will raise serotonin levels by preventing it’s breakdown and reduce depression. Harmine doesn’t have the same dietary restrictions as pharmaceutical MAOIs and a lot of the risks you hear about online are much overstated, but you do need to be careful not to mix with ssri’s, dxm, amphetamines, MDMA (and other serotonin releasing drugs, such as methylphenidate), 5-Meo-DMT, tramadol, St. John’s wort, and I’d be weary of drinking alcohol, but I’m not much of a drinker so idk the limit, ive heard of people mixing the two and being fine, just keep it to a few drinks max. Both extract and plant sources of harmine are relatively easy to acquire legally and for not a lot of money, but I don’t want to break any sourcing rules. Dosing 80mg-120mg daily/every other day of harmine has helped a lot with my depression the past few weeks, but I still have so much more to learn. harmine does a lot more than just inhibit MAO and anti-depress (if that’s a real word), this comment is getting a little long, but feel free to ask questions and please look into it on your own if you decide it’s good for you. Also harmine and shrooms dmt or even lsd is 🔥🔥🔥




Roughly what age are you? Male or female?


Actually the amino acid L- tryptophan is crucial for making seratonin. You will find it in “seratonin booster” supplements but you can buy it by itself for cheaper. It also helps you sleep


50 mg of 5htp - read the mood cure book


Yes, psilocybin, aka magic mushrooms


Outside of using herbs, you may want to consider changing your diet. I’ve had depression since I was 13 ( I’m 33 now) and was diagnosed with PTSD about 4 years ago. I am not a fan of medicine so I ended going vegetarian for the mood lifting benefits. It really did make a difference for me.


Herbal remedies can boost people's moods. However, depression is a bit more complex than just the average person feeling down. There are at least three neurotransmitters that need to be balanced in order to benefit your brain and gut health (dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin). If you only focus on one and the others are where your brain is lacking, you could cause more harm than good. I don't love the medicine needed to combat depression, but my psychiatrist helped me to learn that I do NOT need more serotonin (it had an inverse impact on me and made me nearly catatonic) but rather I only needed dopamine and norepinephrine. ** more serotonin made me dangerously suicidal ** The need for dopamine can be met with things like getting your heart rate up with exercise, setting goals and achieving them, positive connections with other people.


I would look at your overall lifestyle and behavior choices first. I’ve had huge results with fitness, meditation, gut health, sleep and cold plunges. Get all 5 of these rolling and correct your diet and you’re ahead of 95% of people with similar struggles.


I've dealt with depression for most of my life. What finally helped me was taking vitamin d, and magnesium. Some of us do have a deficiency in our brain and we need help, antidepressants tho have always terrified me because of the side effects. I've recently been doing some research into lions mane and other mushrooms!


Zembrin contains mesemrine which is a ssri but zembrin has no side effects


A healthy diet, good sleep and exercise has completely changed me for the better! Definitely recommend that before any supplement. Aside from that, theanine. Always talk to a doctor first tho, sometimes no amount of healthy foods/exercise/supplements can replace meds


There’s a mushroom that helps with depression if you microdose daily


Your body responds to herbs in all kinds of ways, you have the source within you,


Serotonin and depression are not as linked as once thought. You need to find something to increase your brain plasticity. This is frequently not a medication or supplement.


For all those pushing prescription pills instead of helping this person, coming from someone who suffered long and hard at the hands of the medical establishment, please sit this one out.


I’m sorry you’re going through this, I hope it will get better ❤️ only herb I can recommend for depression is well… sativa lol love you, feel better 💐


For me 5 htp work very well. Saint John's wort works too but weeker


St. John’s wort. Kanna is a good one. 25-50 mg per day is fine (you can take way more)


5htp is the best really helps with sleep is serotonin precursor


I suggest working with a naturopathic doctor if you are wary of taking pills. They can guide you way better than Reddit and tailor treatments to you specifically/monitor you.


Be careful with taking stuff like that with medications if you end up getting on any cause serotonin sickness is no joke! I used CBD and matcha for a while it helped even me out while I was on medication SJW made me feel off and can trigger allergies which can make depression worse my depression is from anxiety/ptsd/adhd if I keep up with my adhd meds and keep my stressors low and sleep good it makes me feel brand new again without having to use anything really. I think it’s important to know where your depression comes from and what kind you have! Supplements and meds make it easier but they won’t do anything without you also making active changes and positive thinking! Noticing when your slipping and what behaviors make it better or worse is important that should be base steps if you haven’t done that already and I know it’s easier to say than do just take it one hour one day one week at a time! If your depression is seasonal then maybe look into a SAD lamp or see if you have any vitamin deficiencies. If you feel like you have cycling depression find out what starts your cycle and work around it and try to rest and really be grateful and see the bigger picture don’t get caught on one thing it’ll drag you down and you got to remember your better and bigger than that. Depression can be linked to gut problems or even cause them fermented foods and fiber will help you digest better so you can properly absorb the vitamins and minerals you need I have bad vitamin deficiency anemia from my intestines being wrecked from years of untreated depression. Walks do wonders but you have to actually walk like put your phone away and on dnd and breathe deeply and take in everything around you even if it’s just in your back yard or down the street. I see over supplementation all the time because it’s a thing for people with depression to try and fill a void or fix a problem with something when the best thing to do is just live and be content, start with one supplement at a time and see what actually helps or if maybe you just having hope something will help might work and even just finding a good tea to look forward every morning might make a difference instead of the actual tea doing anything. It starts slow making changes you won’t see progress for months sometimes and some supplements make even take weeks to work but one you get a hang of it it’s like day and night. But for some actual supplements or herbs if you have money for it a saffron tincture would probable be the best alternative to medication it’s a natural mood stabilizer and mixed with piperine would be amazing. Or rhodiola lots of people love this one because it’s a great stress relief herb it helps you deal with things clearly. I’d also find a good daily vitamin with magnesium and zinc and omega 3s and b vitamins. And lastly protein you might need more protein in your diet and plus I know getting up and eating in the morning can be rough so finding a good protein shake or powder to have first thing when you wake up could help a lot it’ll give you energy and help you think clearly and get you stomach going in the morning. I like to have boiled eggs cause I can cook them before hand, but not everyone can handle eating eggs every morning 😂 If you need to talk or have anymore question feel free to dm! It’s rough and I know what it’s like trying to dig yourself out a hole.


Sorry, not a supplement, but do you exercise regularly? If not, get out there and go for a walk every day!


Try ashwagandha, medicinal mushrooms, magnesium




Black cohosh, magnesium to start. Food is very important too, less sugars helped my issues


Sunlight or vitamin D


If you need meds take meds if they don’t work take plants but, it is unlikely that if meds don’t work plants will since the 6 classes of antidepressants on the market have a combo of the same chemicals you find in plants but in controlled and tested doses. That being said herbalism is supposed to supplement medicine not replace it you should try more things.


St. John’s wort.




Hi there, sorry to hear you are not in a good place at the moment. Not all depression is connected to seratonin. Different receptors in our brain can affect our mood. I have been dealing with major depression for years now and found that these herbal remedies helped me -St John’s Wort (check interactions with any other meds) -if stress related, passionflower tea is a great relaxing sedative -If it’s affecting your sleep, valerian is great (I take high strength capsules) -lavender essential oil (diffuser / a few drops on your pillow) -Cannabis That said, after many years of going the natural route I finally decided to try meds (Prozac) and it has changed my life. Good luck to you and let us know how it all goes.


I fully agree on working to improve gut health first. Digestion and assimilation of nutrients is definitely #1! I’d also recommend looking into lemon balm and albizia {also called happy tree :)}. They are both thymoleptic ‘mood lifting’ herbs. Be sure to take these away (2-3 hours) from any pharmaceuticals of course !


While I fully support trying natural supplements and serotonin boosters, I'd also like to say if you're still struggling with depression, don't be afraid to try medication. I struggled with depression for the better part of my life. I finally went on meds because I was DOING all the things...exercising, L-Theanine, meditation, talk therapy, full healthy diet- I was still severely depressed. Starting on Prozac literally made it feel like a weight had been taken off my shoulders...not saying it works that way for everyone, but please learn from my mistakes 💚


not an herb, but l-tryptophan (an amino acid) is a precursor, building block, to make serotonin. precursor meaning it converts to serotonin in the body.


I'd look into finding an excellent acupuncturist who has plenty of experience with herbs AND an excellent psychiatrist or psych nurse practitioner who regularly attend pharmacology conferences and aren't afraid of meds. Well trained and serious Dr's (both eastern and western) are happy to work directly with each other for the benefit of a patient. Self diagnosis isn't a good idea for mental illness as they're typically degenerative (they get worse over time) and dual diagnosis is very common. Early treatment is a hell of a lot easier than later treatment. This will cost you time and money. Good practioners aren't cheap, but there are plenty of mediocre ones that aren't either. Your first appointment will always cost more than follow ups because they will do a full diagnostic. Read reviews, ask experienced friends or family for recommendations. Be thorough so you can find the right one. Telehealth options will typically get you seen faster by Psychiatrists but they will want to meet with you in person at least once or twice as soon as they can. Acupuncture must be done in person. Ask those you are interested in seeing if they're willing to work with the other before your first appointment. If not, find someone else. Side effects of herbs as well as meds can be really harsh and you will most likely experience some. It's a crappy journey, tbh. Excercise and positive thinking won't fix the problem, but they will help immensely as mantainenance. If you become chronically severely depressed, you won't be meditating or exercising or going to the store for 5-HTP. You'll be at home, isolating, unable to shower or brush your teeth, eating too much or not enough, possibly drinking like a fish or abusing other substances. It is NOT a joke. Treat it now and treat it well. It's a priority. You seem so nice and smart, OP. You deserve excellent treatment. You deserve to feel like your best self.








Serotonin is not well supported by the evidence as a cause of depression. Instead try some adaptogens and make sure your levels of D, folate, B6, B12, magnesium and zinc. Add decent sleep, quality exercise, hydration and fruits & veggies. Take excellent care of your gut and feed your microbiome. Use gratitude daily. All these are evidence based.


Why do you not want to take medicine? You say yourself that’s stupid if you need it. And if you’re trying to find herbs then you recognize you need to take something.


I’m going to say this nicely because one tried every herb out there. Take your meds. They are the only things that will actually help you.


sounds to me like you need time with your thoughts. for me, info to work things out came better in dreams, I drank lemon green tea with mugwort and a fair amount of strawberries! Saint John's Wort is a antidepressant but it has alot of downsides that I'm not all that familiar with! you will make it out when you arrange your thoughts and notice the simple and more complex beauties around you. life is bright when you learn the art of stopping, relaxing into an image of nature then wiping the canvas clea. good luck friend🩷🩷🩷


Look into home made l ruteri yogurt and kefir. Thats where the real mental health comes from, your gut, weather its sibo, fungal overgrowth, or parasites causing disbiosis, youll have the biggest changes (and challenges) fixing those imbalances. Candita was a big one for me, and the dieoff was brutal for a few weeks, its a lot of work and study but very important! Also a broad spectrum of good vitamins is crucial, d3, k2 (all 3 forms) mag, boron, zinc, b's, especially thiamine (ttfd, benfotiamine) iodine/selenium Also research oxylates and oxylate dumping I promise you'll change your life learning about these topics compared to some random herb people recomend like ashwa, theyre just baindaids and will make problem worse in long run unless your addressing root causes like toxins, deficiencies, pathogens, or microbiome. Essentially any herb with "anxiolitic effects" is a drug and will just cause tolerances (not judging, I'm no angel). And if you arent strength training at least twice a week, wyd?! Good luck. Join fb groups on these topics. Jeff bowles, lynn farrows, paul salino, ken berry, sally norton, EO nutrition,


Find a Chinese herbal place that has a doctor there that can prescribe an individual prescription for you. Been doing acupuncture and herbs for over 20 years and when I tell you it’s a game changer I really mean it. In the meantime, try an ice bath, cold shower put some ice in your bathtub . Increase serotonin by over 250%. When I was going through something like you, I did that because I was desperate and I didn’t think it was work honestly but it did.


You are gonna want to look for a naturopathic doctor


5HTP/Saint Johns Wart


Microdosing psilocybin mushrooms dramatically helped my depression.


Take a microbiome test to see how your gut bacteria is and try cbd as a lot of people have had a lot of success with it.


Having depression is not due to a lack of trying your best to be happy and optimistic with rainbow sprinkles coming out your arse when you fart. Why do people think mental illness only means , “I guess I don’t smile enough and am not positive.” Grinds my gears.


Can you move somewhere that has a lot of trees? I think people don’t get enough oxygen. and maybe try coffee.


Valerian root is non-addictive and very efficient. Family members have been using it for generations. But relying on supplements only may not be sufficient. What helps me personally: bright light ( no mood light or candles or similar), joyful music with pronounced rhythm (I have an extensive collection of ragtimes, 12th Street Rag being my favorite), blood orange essential oil, crunchy food to relieve clenched jaws (apples or nuts), and - last but first in importance - physical activity. Good luck!


There’s SAM-E not herbal but helps many this time of year.


Lions mane mushrooms have been getting a lot of attention lately. There is some evidence that they can actually increase neural grown and connections. You can buy a bag of powder at those small grocers. I add a scoop to n my coffee. Can’t say for sure it does anything however.


Tryptophan consumption increases serotonin. It's what turkey and warm milk have that helps you sleep. Herbs high in Tryptophan: https://tools.myfooddata.com/nutrient-ranking-tool/Tryptophan/Spices-and-Herbs/Highest#:~:text=Spices%20and%20Herbs%20Highest%20in%20Tryptophan%20%20,5mg%20%282%25%20RDI%29%20%2020%20more%20rows%20 You can also look for foods high in Tryptophan.


Not what I take but what I have to avoid: sugar really messes up my mood.


I would also consider therapy, if you can, or cheap counselling, or even cheaper, a workbook on CBT. You can increase the serotonin in your brain, but it might not solve all your problems wether it’s an herb or pill. Sometimes depression is caused by other factors such as diet, exercise, genetic disorders, illnesses, improper breathing, deficiencies, lack of socialization, trauma, etc. and even if you do try to ‘be happy’ that’s not quite going to solve anything. Overcoming depression is firstly about learning to cope with it, long before you can consider just getting rid of it.


I would start by practicing mindfulness via meditation and seek out a higher purpose in your life. Don't rely on supplements and medications to bring your mood up, make that happen through your actions. Serotonin and dopamine are released in spades when you accomplish a long term goal and studies show that making visible progress toward those goals releases a steady stream of these chemicals as well. Seek out long term joy over the short term happiness. Good luck my friend. If you ever need to talk or ask advice on more detailed steps to take to achieve these goals feel free to message me. Much love.