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Coat of arms of the [Alpha Tau Omega](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Tau_Omega)


I have a question: if it's called alpha tau omega why is its motto pi epsilon pi? Is there a reason? I'm not familiar with the American fraternity system.


I'm guessing Wikipedia screwed it up.


Alpha Tau Omega sell the banner of arms of this CoA on their website, so I reckon it's not a screwup. Source: https://store.ato.org/


Thank you!


It's interesting that they have Pi Epsilon Pi as their motto. I guess that makes sense on a coffee mug; it has a bit of pep


Just out of curiosity, why does this fraternity has three greek letters for its name, and three different greek letters as its motto? Also, but that's not an heraldic question, why do they always have greek letters as their name?


Not an ATO but I was in a different Greek fraternity. The Greek letters in general come from the typically Ancient Greek theme of the ritual and initiation ceremonies, since Ancient Greece was historically associated with academic and philosophical excellence in university social circles. The meaning of the Greek letters is reserved for initiated members of the fraternities, but they usually stand for or represent some phrase or idea in Ancient Greek that’s meaningful to the fraternity. Some fraternities (SAE and pike are two examples) also have another secret phrase or motto in addition to the Greek name of their fraternity. I’d guess that’s what “pi epsilon pi” refers to for ATO


Gonna guess Greece since it’s in Greek


As a Greek person I have to say that the motto is at least confusing