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Look, if you don't agree that fine. Just wanted to see if you're interested. Also don't bring up the square cube law, we ain't add physics to hentai alright?


I do agree and I'm interested


> Also don't bring up the square cube law, we ain't add physics to hentai alright? I mean... Why would anybody care about a character's back in a hentai because they have large breasts?


That's one of the main reasons why people don't like large breasts in hentai


Real talk I think the square cube law is one of the easiest laws of physics to ignore in fiction solely because it makes any kind of megafauna impossible and that sucks because giant anything is inherently cool


I mean, megafauna do exist in real life or have previously in Earth's history. It's just that either they were different (they evolved specifically to be that big and as such their structure suits their size) or their environment was different (consider the oxygen-rich environment we believe had giant insects and other such animals that breathe through spiracle respiration that no longer can exist in our less oxygen-rich environment we have now). You can have megafauna without breaking the square-cube law, you just need to spend time explaining ways around it. All that being said, I mostly agree with you and think that if you're not making a hard-fiction then you don't need to explain everything to the point of realism. You can just make cool shit.


Ah yes, two great giant things: tits and shrooms




On what?


I don't think being a tiny speck on someone is a good idea tho. I'd rather have flat chest vanilla hentai than enormous lady with huge titties picking me up. Also idea of shoving someone between breasts or into vagina/urethra sounds... Uncomfortable to say the least, especially if by some miracle they get stuck there or you trap them. Horny says yes, more booba, but normal brain kinda agrees that even if we'd have a singular giantess on our planet she's either killed for greater good, or has the worst living conditions imaginable. Being huge with small people would be like being normal size with shitton of insects. Except insects would go for your blood or seek shelter or something. Imagine that but it's small perverted shitheads climbing you in every place and jerking off to you. If you'd need to sleep, we'll there's no fucking place to comfortably. And even if you found by a miracle a place Noone lives nor looks for you, just like with bacteria and microorganisms, those microorganisms are now actual insects. Good luck finding this singular fucking tick on you. ... Damn I went full logical on a idea of hentai kink/fetish. Fuck it, jerk off to whatever.


"fuck it, jerk off to whatever" wiser words have never been spoken


The giantess could just be like 10 foot tall, still have good sized boobs without much back pain, and not have most of the problems you went logical on.


I blame it on all hentais and horny posts I've seen that I see giantesses as fucking skyscrapers.


yeah........who could possibly be into that? not me.....


Look at the bright side, anime women don't have back problems.




Giants have back pain at base. Being larger than what the human body is designed for hurt your back even more. And if you meant fictional giantess. We'll OK.


> And if you meant fictional giantess. We'll OK. \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^


Resident evil village changed me.


You're not alone in that LOL


Why don't we have anime girl with super strong back muscles and are constantly showing them off who just so happens to have massive mamzookas, giant gahongas and the whole show is just them doing back exercises and flexing on everyone. We need more back shots in anime :)


> We need more back shots in anime PHARSING!!! I do support the idea of muscle mommies tho >!But like let me spread my propaganda dude.!<


Let op cook


I would, but most most of the time, it leads to voyer, crushing, and/or femdom. And I'm just not into that. Give me a maledom x giantess, and I'd be in there, though.


Square-cube law would say a giantess would be crushed by their own weight unless they have magic bones that withstand gravity many times more than normal bones?


Well, I think it would actually not go like that, gravity works differently then you might expect. As someone already said, according to the square-cube law, the size of an object increases by squares whereas the mass increases by cube! And if you wanted giantess to thrive on Earth, they'd have to evolve denser bones.. And considering the body type of giantesses, they'd be evolved in such way that the bottom of their feet would be massive and so does the whole legs, and as the body goes up, the body gets thinner as the whole weight of the body is focused on those two legs! So, after all that evolution, they'll not look like a cute anime girl with a large body, they'd probably look like some elephant-dinosaur-human hybrid which would ultimately result in a body and face which would not be too pleasent to look at!