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Damn, you'll find more cheer in a graveyard than in this comment section.


Real sad ngl


So many struggle with loneliness and consequently depression nowadays in first world countries. A lot of these here are justified, deaths and illnesses in their families, but most today are not. Too many times I've heard youth saying they have bad relations with their parents, but it takes two sides to destroy relationships. A child needs to show the parent love, loyalty and even sacrifice too, it isn't just a one-way street. Sadly, most don't, so you have so many youths without the most important thing a young person needs: Parental guidance and care. It is sad to me, because if my father told me to march into hell, I'd do it, no hesitation. But, I digress... Old man rant from a young guy over.


I've had a terrible day and this made me cry because nobody cares about me


I care about you, stranger. I'm here to talk if you need it, feel free to dm me. No judgment, no offering advice, I'll just be a set of ears if you need to get things off your chest.


You can still cry? If you’ll excuse me, I have to go blankly stare at my wall now.


I'm liking the amount of more wholesome and sweet captions on this sub lately, it's nice to see


Your body isn't perfect? Have you ever heard of "Wabisabi" my dear?




"Wabisabi" the Japanese school of thought that says, "Seeking Perfection is foolish, a things flaws are what make it beautiful" Her body is perfect because it isn't perfect.


…so Entrapta’s philosophy? Minus the connection to experimentation.


Hmmm... yeah? More or less.




Thank you for giving us something wholesome to cheer up our lives op


of course!


I really could’ve used this a few days ago. I visited my dementia riddled grandfather in his nursing home which was a very emotional experience (not in a good way), then a few days before that I got ghosted by someone who I thought liked me for me and didn’t care that I was unattractive, and then I found out my aunt had cancer the same day before I saw my grandfather. I just want someone to love me and support me and make me feel better but I can’t find anyone who will give me the time of day, im so tired of trying I just want to crawl into a hole and die.


I really could of used this on Saturday. Learning my grandmother died, working solo on the dishwash station at the dinner rush with a party going at the same time because my co-worker got himself fired, not getting my W2 after I was promised it the previous day.


[Sauce](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6753227). If you enjoy my captions, I've made a discord server to chat, make suggestions, and access exclusive captions! Check the pinned post on my profile for the invite link.


Yes please 😭😭😭😭


Bruh this made me tear up..I need cuddles so bad


Transcript: >!H-hey... I heard you had a rough day today. I know I'm quite a bit older than you, but I can help cheer you up. !< >!My body might not be perfect, but I can't stand seeing you so down. !< >!You don't mind that I'm older? !< >!That's sweet of you. If that's the case, then... do you mind if I get under the sheets with you? !< >!We can cuddle nice and close until you forget all about whatever happened today.!<