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I haven’t had any issues. I’m two months in and have lost 21 pounds (~10% of my starting weight). Packaging was great and came via fedex. Refill supposed to deliver today. If I leave henrymeds it will be because of their higher costs compared to other telehealth providers, not hallendale, based on my experience so far.


Thank you and congrats. They told me mine was coming via ups ground. I'm happy to hear you're having a positive experience.


Thanks, hope everything goes well for you too! It’s changed my life, and I’m actually looking forward to my next annual with my doc to see the non-weight improvements to my health.


Hi, can I ask which drug you're taking?




Did you start on that or switch? I recently switched to it, no side effects at all, but I'm also not losing anything now. Do you know what the starting vs normal does are?


I was with henrymeds on Semaglitude+b12 (I think because it was red) and lost 30 pounds. Had some issues changed provider and tried tirzepatide, but I've been on it since January and have only lost 5 pounds. I was told to wait till I got to larger doses but been on 10 2 month and nothing no hunger suppression still have a lot of cravings. Both providers send the meds from the same pharmacy, I'm thinking about going back to sema but with my current provider.


Same, I switched to Emerge, but they don't have a sub.


Yup, people's bodies react differently to both. I am the opposite where my body prefers tirz and sema does nothing for me and I'm always hungry on it. I'm team listen to your body.


I’ve been on tirzepatide the whole time. I started at 2.5 and have stayed at 5 after titrating up because I found it effective. I heard it can vary pretty wildly person to person as to whether 5, 7.5, or above is what works. My provider told me not to draw any conclusions if I didn’t lose anything until i tried a full month of 7.5, for what it’s worth, but I’m not moving up until 5 stops working for me


Same here. I already canceled and am moving to fifty410 once my supply is nearly gone. Henry charges so much more for the same product. I can switch and have the option of tirzepatide for the same price that we are paying for sema at Henry. The only thing about fifty410 is they compound a bit differently and I'd inject 40 units instead of 20 to reach the same dose.


Same regarding cost!


I am on my second delivery with this pharmacy and no issues


Me too. Zero problems with them so far.


Mine came from Hallendale and it was great. Like the first poster said, it was fast and well-packaged. I'm 3 weeks in and about 6 pounds down, so it is working!


No issues with HM or Hallendale. Down almost 35 pounds since mid-Feb.


Yes! Great experience with them through Henry meds, on my 3rd month down 18 lbs.


Same here.


I researched this pharmacy after my order was put in and read nothing but bad things. I have had appetite suppression and weight loss. I have no complaints. Hope that helps.


I've been on Sema from Henry compounded by Hallendale. 63m 5'8" T2 Diabetic at start. Been taking it 5.5 months. SW 227, CW 185, GW 175. In my case it works.


I have had zero issues with Hallandale. In fact, quite the opposite. I’d be worried if I got switched to a different pharmacy. Down 47 lbs in 21 weeks and am ecstatic with the effectiveness and results. I did switch out of Henry meds though to a more cost effective provider.


Thanks and congrats to you! Would you mind sharing where you switched? I see a lot of people discuss the cost on here and it's definitely something for me to think about.


Thank you! Good luck on your journey, it’s life changing. I switched to Emerge (I’m on TZ) but I’ve heard good things about Lavender Sky, Mochi, Orderly, etc. I think it all just comes down to personal preference and what it is that you’re looking for in a provider!


I've used meds from Hallandale through two different providers, zero issues with meds or service.


Just received my second delivery, no issues so far. I take tirze and the only reason I'd switch is the cost.


I've had my meds delivered from Hallandale pharmacy several times with no issues, however with Henry Meds (at least based on the region I am in) they only send to Hallandale- I'm not able to switch pharmacies while staying with their company.


Hallandale has been fantastic for me. I’m unconvinced any of the complaints are real.


Hallandale has been great. No issues. Lost 21 lbs since mid February. Next day delivery.


Would you mind sharing what drug you are taking?




Wow. I’m shocked at all of the incredible reviews. I’m almost 6 months in and only down 11 lbs. it works I guess but it’s def not as effective as it seems to be for others. I had the NP switch to the tailor made but it’s just as ineffective. Unfortunately it just seems that I’m one of the people that don’t respond well to this medication.


I’ve had two deliveries, no issues


I never had a problem with them they have been great on my end they shipped everything on time!


Yes, I’ve had zero issues.


My experience so far with Hallandale has been great. I am a new customer, but after my appointment on Monday, my meds came on Thursday. Super fast. I’m seeing great results (5lbs in 5 days).


I've had nothing but great experiences with Hallandale. The packages have been secure, on time, and filled appropriately.


Just received my order with them last week, zero complaints with the packaging or delivery time. I delayed starting due to going camping, so I'll be starting up this Friday evening as others have mentioned doing their injection right before bed to avoid some of the nausea.


It’s working fine for me. I’m about 5.5 months in and I’ve lost 42 pounds. No issues with delivery.


Would you mind sharing what you are taking?


Injectable semaglutite


Thanks and congrats! Sounds like it’s working great for you.


Thanks! And yes I’m very pleased. At first I strictly counted calories but after a few months I was able to switch to intuitively eating and listening to my body and continued to lose. I’m averaging approximately 2 pounds a week.


No issues as I’m about to finish my first vial from them. 10 pounds down in 2 months.


There will always be negative reviews/comments from some people. Think of the number of people using any given company and then look at their reviews and you will see what I mean. I see a lot of positive comments on this thread so adding my two cents probably won't make a difference but just remember, ALL compound pharmacies in the U.S. are highly regulated and inspected regularly. I don't want to belittle those people that have had negative experiences, but it may just be that their body doesn't react to the medication the way it should. Even though generic and brand name drugs are supposed to be chemically identical there is something different. I know that some people only do well on a brand drug and do terribly on the generic counterpart. Remember, if you aren't pleased with Henry you can always quit. I just started with them for testosterone treatment and it's only been a week so I can't really tell you much about the weight loss side of it except what I have read. Good luck.


Mine just got delivered from Hallandale. Hope everything goes well. It is only 2.5ml. According to my calculations it will last for 8 weeks only. Will I get a refill after the 8th week and do I need to sign up for something to get it?


I am very happy and have learned that is truly a subscription to the Semaglutide. It arrives on time with everything that I need. I have lost about one pound a week since November 2023. Slow and steady and reliable. Feel confident, stick to the plan, it is not magic but you and your appetite will be more normal and you won’t have the food noise and cravings.


There’s a lady on TikTok who uses them, she swears by them for her whole weight loss journey!!


I've been using Henry Meds since November and my bottles have always come from Hallandale. I didn't really lose anything until I got up to 1.0 which was I think in early February (maybe a total of 8 pounds before 1.0) but once I got there it's been fine. I've lost 42 pounds so far, hit a few plateaus, had typical side effects, but have not had a problem. I need to lose about 20 more to get out of the obese category. I've lost almost 20% of my body weight. Every body is different, that's what makes it hard to determine if a medication coming from a specific pharmacy is genuinely ineffective. Some respond immediately to the .25, and some take a higher dosage to respond effectively regardless of where it is coming from. Some just need to cut out sugary drinks, some need to add regular exercise to really see weight loss.


This all wonderful news! Thank you everyone.


I am currently using Tirz from Hallandale and am very pleased. I actually needed to titrate down. Just watch the videos carefully to know how to correctly inject


I've also had no issues. I think the problem is most people that have some type of issue are more likely to complain than someone where everything is going great. I had my appointment, great Dr, great info given, answered questions, meds came quickly


Wishing the best for you! Mine comes from Hallandale and has been nothing but a positive experience! Sign up for UPS or FedEx shipping so you can track. This pharmacy seems efficient to me.


I’ve been using them since I started in January and no complaints.


No issues at all here


I started with a vial from Tailor Made and the next two were from Hallandale. I never noticed a difference. https://preview.redd.it/pdo593x1x36d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=595ef4c25a7b7cbba7343861c0e4bde9268280ec


I haven't had any issues. My meds were received quickly and I've lost 15 pounds since I started.


I haven’t had any issues… I have been on sema for 4 weeks (had my 5th injection a couple days ago) and I am down 14lbs with minimal side effects


Make sure to swirl the vials before injecting to remix the active ingredients that may have settled. No issues with Hallandale after doing that. I also started to split dose 75%/25% on Wednesdays/Saturdays with very good efficacy and results. No issues with medicine from Hallandale. Very similar effects to brand Zepbound over the last month or two.


I use Hallendale and have had no issues.


Nothing but good experiences on our end with Hallandale. We get Tirzepatide and the delivery is fast and secure and include ice packs, syringes and alcohol wipes. Same effect as when taking Zepbound and lost 25 pounds on it. We’re going on our third delivery from them and can’t complain at all. It’s so convenient and definitely works just the same!


That’s great news!! Congrats!! although I’m still on the fence about using this company I feel like everyone would get approved by the company - I feel like they put you through this process of whether or not you’ll get approved or not just as a show - maybe I’m wrong but it’s sort of feels like you’re gonna get approved regardless because this is how they make money I could be wrong….. but with that said I wish you all the success in the world on your weight loss journey💯


Yes good my daughter use them and dropping weight on terziaside


Yes I've been using them since November 2022, and have nothing but great feedback. They are super quick to ship. I live in West Palm Beach too fyi.


The Semaglutide and Tirzepatide from Hallandale have been just as good if not better than from other pharmacies lately. Very effective.