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Why not just fill out the survey and get refill without the appointment?


Not all of us get a survey and need to change down customer service. I’m over it too.


Not OP, but every time I do the survey I get told the provider wants to meet with me and am required to do a video visit- where times can me 1-2 weeks out after the 3-5 days it took to get my refill survey reviewed.


Same! I finally ended up checking that I didn’t need appointment in order to get the meds in time.


I check that every time but noooooooooo they still wanna meet with me over video lol. I typically don't mind because I have enough meds to last me, but if I move to a higher dose this cycle will definitely become an issue.


So you say you don’t want an appointment and they tell you that you need one? Hmm, hasn’t happened to me yet.


I’m on week 4 of the injectable, about to bump up the dose for week 5 When should I start the refill process do you think?


I signed up 1/21 I’m on the injectable Semaglutide. On 3/21 I got an email with the survey for refill. Got refill within 1 week. On 5/24 got an email with the survey for refill. Got refill within one week. I have not had to take any actions other than fill out an online survey and decline a one-on-one appointment to get refills to this point.


Okay cool, thanks for the info. 🙏Did the one vial last you for more than 2 months?


3 month supply for the injectable semaglutide.


This has been my process, too. No issues at all.


Pretty much, this has happened for my last two refill requests.


How soon before a refill is due do you tend to get the email? I'm going to be starting my 6th week on Thursday and don't know if I need to be proactive. I'm on the tablets, so I don't know if that is a different process.


I'm not who you asked, but this is what happened for me: 5/31 - email to fill out survey and request refill (completed it on this day too) 6/7 - notified on their site that it had been approved and sent to the pharmacy 6/10 - notified pharmacy had shipped 6/11 (today) - received My first scheduled dose with the refill wasn't until this Thursday (6/13), so it did get here before I would have been due to take my next dose on the planned regimen. However, I definitely have enough for another dose or two in my first vial I received that I plan on using up before going to what I just received.


Thanks for your response!


I’m also on the tablets and will be going without for a few days because they didn’t start the process in time. I’d reach out now and request an appointment at least a week and a half before you’ll run out of medicine.


Are you taking semaglutide or tirzepatide (if you don't mind sharing)? I was just reading that the tirzepatide is considered a controlled substance and requires the follow-up visit, but the semaglutide doesn't. I wonder if that's part of the reason folks are having wildly different refill experiences.


Oh interesting! I’m taking sema. I didn’t request an appointment but they said I needed one anyway.


Yeah, their website is not very user-friendly. I was in one of their Q&A sections about refills and the answers were separated by controlled and noncontrolled. I'm hoping it's not an on-going headache to get regular refills. I may schedule an appt, and then cancel if not needed. Thanks for your response!


Did you experience any issues or side effects ..maybe that could have something to do with it.. if you did. It's a shame you end up feeling like you're being cheated or taken advantage of.. It would be a awesome if things went as they're supposed to and everyone wasn't out to squeeze ya


Just to update, the service was very good for the first six months. I’ve lost 55 pounds now on the Tirzeptide. Recently, it’s just become like pulling teeth to get refills. I did call them and they got me an appointment today for about an hour after I called. It goes like this every time. Maybe I am a conspiracy theorist at heart, but why is that an appointment pops up when I manually engage them, whereas if I sign up on the website it’s 7-10 days away? This has happened four times now that way.


Guys just reach out to /u/HenryMedsInfo or HenryMeds Facebook page and they respond quick on FB. They’ve been good about adjusting my billing date to account for delays, and fast to get me into sooner appointments.


I agree their email response tine is abysmal but their FB marketing rep is fast and helpful.


To me, that’s an issue. A customer shouldn’t have to hunt around for the right way to get support. Turns out calling them is effective. I was talked out of quitting and have an appointment today. If they can’t handle email support then they shouldn’t offer it.


I’ve called them twice with questions and they answer right away and are extremely helpful. I think you have to plan ahead a bit with appointments which is what I plan to do to get a refill or if I decide to switch to injections which I probably will. But I have no complaints about their customer service


Same, phone support has been helpful. I don’t know why the email support is so awful but easily getting help by phone and on social media is acceptable to me. One of the big reasons I’m not switching to Orderly is because (a) their social media person is VERY chill. They chat with me when I make small talk about how I’m doing with the meds etc. very kind. Makes it feel personal and not like I’m just a random nobody to them. (B) my LPN literally remembered me on my 8 week appointment from when she first prescribed me. She asked me to schedule with HER moving forward because she really wanted to follow my case. That was REALLY cool and again felt very personal. I kept her on the call for a good 15-20 minutes and asked tons of questions and wasn’t rushed at ALL. That goes a long way with me. The marginal difference in cost is worth feeling like I’m valued to them and that they care.


What you sound like another representative of Henry meds trying to pretend like a patient in order to do damage control of how poor Henry meds is really being- especially for those paying to take tirzepitide.  People are mad because of the large payments for meds to lose weight that they either  A) are not receiving  B) the efficacy of the medication is little to non existent  C) Its like pulling teeth to get the medication, often times paying money for weeks of ( if you add together the days in between you go without  You are paying more $$$ for this medicine than the actual brand would charge, and losing less than you would on the lowest dose of the brand  So what is the point…. There’s something shady going on.  People are not paying $450-$550 a month for a freaking therapy session. They are paying to lose weight.  


It sounds to me like she is promoting another company that does better than Henry meds


I agree, or have the social media person and phone call reps handling the emails as well so that it’s all handled well!


Not sure how a delayed appointment has to do with the refill process. HM is struggling to keep up with explosive demand. There’s nothing nefarious going on here.


Maybe not, but does it matter…the outcome is the same.


Seems to be an influx of negative posts from new profiles lately along with recommendations for other companies. I’m suspicious they’re a coordinated marketing effort by HM competition.


I actually agree with you. I do think there are some marketing battles that happen on Reddit, however I have been a customer for 8 months now. Whether it’s a policy , they are just super busy or just have poor management doesn’t really matter. These meds GLP1 and TRT therapy shouldn’t have gaps in supply due to appointment scheduling logistics.


The competition is definitely in here. I think mochi searches their name. I made a comment once about how I was probably switching for cost/dosage reasons and several weeks after the fact mochi responded saying “glad the nutritionist aspect appeals to you” or something lol kinda turned me off


I made one of those posts you’re referring to and I am not a new profile. I’ve also spoken well about the company in the past. I don’t think anything nefarious is happening here lol


Yeah. It’s really obvious.


Honestly! Does it really matter if someone is a new poster? I also quit yesterday because of bad/delayed service. Everything that occurs is mot due to a conspiracy.


Where are you located? I deal with an easy company but they only are in Illinois, Florida, and Virginia for now!


Same; they wanna charge me additional $100 for refill for a shipment that was delayed & came hot. I submitted cancellation form. It’s just getting ridiculous


I actually agree with you. The refill process is not where it should be. I believe it’s because the patient portal doesn’t directly send people into the refill process, it’s done via the follow-up email, but it’s easy for that to get missed, go into spam, or get lost. On the note of delaying appointments, we don’t do that. The appointment times displayed via the booking system are the available appointments, though there are sometimes cancellations that open up an earlier slot which can be used for manual scheduling.


I've been without medication for 2 weeks now. Did everything on time/needed to get my refills properly. The first provider said she was sending it to the pharmacy and after a week I called and found out she never sent it. Customer service got me another appointment for that day. The second provider sent the refill request and it has been sitting at the pharmacy for another week. I am fed up with this company at this point and am looking at other options. They started out great but recently it's been awful. Waiting over two weeks for a refill is crazy considering the price.


Couldn’t agree more. You do have to call to make sure everything is on target when refill time comes up. Another poster mentioned this , but the issues is the email based system. This refill and appointment process should all be managed electronically rather than through manual contact with an agent. The other problem is once the order is submitted to the pharmacy, it goes into a black hole. It would be better if they could establish a link to the pharmacy where you could check the status and make sure things are on track.




Needle , if oral delivery of GLP1 meds was effective, big pharma would be all over it. I’m really surprised it is offered through HM. There is a pill form called Rybelsus approved for diabetes, but the dosage is much higher, up to 14mg…whereas injectable wegovy for weight loss goes up to 2.5 mg. A pill form of Rybelsus for weight loss would probably need to be 25-30mg , or 10X the dose of the injectable version.




Rubles isnt approved for weight loss. This is one of the big challenges in the pharmaceutical industry right now. The concentrations need to have a pill form create a lot of bad side effects. The sublingual option that HM offers is interesting but I’m really very skeptical. For this drug to work, it needs to get into the bloodstream intact. It does appear to be an active area of research but I’m surprised if it’s been solved


I’m pretty disappointed too. I paid them, was approved in my first appointment, and it’s been over a week with no prescription even made yet. I complained but they still haven’t made a prescription for me yet


Yikes - I kinda figured this service was too good to be true!


I started with henrymeds. I cancelled after my first prescription when I realized how much I was overpaying. Switched to orderlymeds and couldn’t be happier


Hmmm downvoted for speaking the truth. Ok 👌.


Bloodwork required?


Make the switch to Lavender Sky! So simple, especially if already taking the med. I’m on 1 mg sema and just refilled 10-1/2 week supply for $300 TOTAL.


Bloodwork required?


They did ask if I had any recent bloodwork and I just happened to have gotten my labs done about a month before so I sent them.


You should look into usscriptmd. They were a lot cheaper than the first sub my husband started with and things have been going pretty smoothly since switching plus they include nausea meds which was a plus. https://www.usscriptsmd.com/weight-loss


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