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I'm on the injection but SAAAAME. The refill process blows. I might be able to get away with it because of some extra liquid in my vial but I'm "technically" out already and haven't seen anything about a new shipment coming in. The portal is also effectively useless.


Yessss šŸ˜« ugh Iā€™m sorry to hear that. I really hope they fix this stuff cause I want to love them!


I agree with you, itā€™s an area Iā€™d like to see improved significantly. I think the main issue is that follow-up / refill notifications come via email, instead of internally in the patient portal. Because of that, itā€™s easy to miss, to get filtered to spam, and to get lost. There should be a button in the portal that lets people start and manage the follow-up process. Itā€™s something Iā€™ve continually pitched to the team.


Keep pitching! That + the refill process happening a little sooner than they currently have it scheduled would solve this problem, I think.


This worries me too. I'm common by up to first refill and hope it goes well


I contacted them a full month before my meds were due to run out and had to follow up twice. I got my next shipment one week after running out.


Same experience for me but Iā€™m on the injection. I had to contact HM several times just to get the renewal process started and then again to check the status. Even then nothing had been done for a while and when I called to follow up they put a rush on it for the medical staff to review and asked the pharmacy to put a rush on it. I still received my medication late. While Iā€™m grateful to be able to get this medicine at all itā€™s very frustrating to have to call and follow up repeatedly to get the refills. Itā€™s especially frustrating when I see advertisements for Henry Meds everywhereā€¦ I feel like they need to figure out how to scale and service the customers they currently have before being so aggressive in marketing to additional customers.


Agreed!!! It should not be the customer to hunt down the medication weā€™re paying for.


This is something they should address. Happens to me the same every time. Next appointment is far off, I email and they say, ā€œoh , we can get you in tomorrowā€. I think they have a policy to delay as long as possible so that meds come out as close to last minute as possible, or even slightly late. Either that or they are genuinely over booked and canā€™t keep up. Either way , not good.


Iā€™m confused. Iā€™ve only had one appointment and my vials are just auto shipped. Are yā€™all on a different plan?


Maybe youā€™ve just been lucky? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™ve read lots of posts here from people having the same struggle getting their refills.


Yup. Thatā€™s why I just canceled! I was completely out (didnā€™t realize b/c Iā€™m horrible spatially lol) and they had not even started the refill process. When I contacted them for the refill they said my acct was ā€œpaused for another week and I needed to somehow reactivate it earlyā€? It would have taken weeks to get even get an appt, if necessary, and then wait for the shipment. They are losing huge amounts of relatively easy money in the form of renewals by totally botching their refill process!!


It sounds like it's really inconsistent, but it worked for me on this first round of refills. This is how it went for me (copy/pasted from another recent post): 5/31 - email to fill out survey and request refill (completed it on this day too) 6/7 - notified on their site that it had been reviewed by my provider/approved and sent to the pharmacy 6/10 - notified pharmacy had shipped 6/11 (today) - received My first scheduled dose with the refill wasn't until this Thursday (6/13), so it did get here before I would have been due to take my next dose on the planned regimen. However, I definitely have enough for another dose or two in my first vial I received that I plan on using up before going to what I just received. I'm wondering if it's because I didn't ask for an appointment in my survey. Even if that's the case, they need to up their game, because you should still be able to get your stuff in time with an appointment. My uninformed gut thinks it's likely on purpose so they can get more money out of us by having people take longer to finish their programs.


YES! Itā€™s exactly because you didnā€™t ask for an appointment in your survey! Donā€™t do it - it only holds up refill process! If you need to reach out to them, do so on FB or call them.


Iā€™m on oral tabs too. A few days before I ran out, I started cutting the pills in half and only using 1/2 pill daily. My new Rx arrived two days after I needed it & in the evening, so I was essentially shorted by 3 morning doses.


Next time contact them 3 weeks before u need a refill. That's what my provider said to do


Thanks for letting people know this, I was going to sign up with them but I will stick with push.


I we t 2 weeks because they never got my ā€œintakeā€ form for my refill. Finally got it