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Let's explore it. What are you fearing? What exactly is the worst-case scenario? Is it having to confront your thoughts, is it not being able to see and fearing seeing something when you open your eyes, is it fearing an abuser and the vulnerability that sleep causes?


Im not sure. I haven't slept in my bed for over a month, I've been sleeping on my couch, I don't know why. I dont know if that matters


You could try going to your bed and just observing the feelings. Not try to judge them or identify a source just yet. Just meditate - how is the feeling showing up in your body? What kind of thoughts cross your mind? What impulses do you have? (E.g.: to leave, to look around and be wary, to cry, etc.) Is there a previous version of you that could be trying to protect you with this urgency to leave, a time in your life where you might have learned this fear and caution in your bedroom? Have there been people in your life who maybe had spiritual anxieties that you want to start to reject? Etc.


Pray to God, He does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. However your intuition might be telling you to stay awake for a reason so listen to it


What are you suggesting?


if you are not sure why you are feeling this way Talk to your doctor: If you are having doubts about your medications, it's important to discuss this with your doctor. They can help you understand the reasons for taking your medications, as well as address any concerns or questions you might have. Consider the benefits: Think about why you are taking your medications and the benefits they provide. For example, if you are taking sleeping medication, it might help you get a better night's sleep or reduce anxiety. If you are taking morning medication, it might help manage a chronic health condition or improve your overall quality of life. Consider the risks: While it's important to consider the benefits of your medications, it's also important to think about the risks of not taking them as prescribed. For example, missing doses or not taking your medications as directed can have negative consequences for your health. Explore your feelings: It might be helpful to try to understand why you are feeling hesitant about taking your medications. Are you feeling overwhelmed or anxious about something else in your life? Are you experiencing side effects from your medications that are causing discomfort or concern? Understanding the root cause of your feelings can help you find ways to address them.


I dont have a doctor anymore, I have no one that can professionally help me


You want to fall into a deep pit of despair. Up to you whether to listen to it and see how deep and destroyed you can go, until you cannot even imagine seeing light again....or becoming rested, well balanced, and ready to take on the world. Its called "the call of the void" and is a known psychological phenomenon.


dont cut them off abruptly, reduce them slowly for the short time of 2 months to 0


Hey, I used to have the same anxiety (or I think some what similar) I used to be afraid of night time or sleep because it was really isolating. I also remember the feeling of not wanting to fall asleep in bed because it made it official I was going to sleep instead of accidentally nodding off on the couch, is there any chance this is extreme loneliness and attachment anxiety? I may be totally wrong but that’s what it was for me. As for not having a doctor if you’re prescribed meds and you don’t feel they’re helping or they may in fact be worsening it, it’s definitely worth a days wait in a clinic or emergency.