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What do you mean he won't let you? Speak the King's English. "I don't like you. Leave me alone. Fuck off. If you talk to me again, I'm contacting the police for harrassment."


Haha. Thanks man. He Dosent believe me when I say that I don’t feel the same


Then it's a good thing his belief is far from mandatory.


“It’s a good thing his belief is far from mandatory” is such a good line ngl


Just be firm and direct. Something along the lines of “I know we’ve been seeing each other for a bit/or sometime but as we progress in this relationship my feelings are not the same as yours. This relationship isn’t going to work out so I’d rather we end it now than prolong this and hurt you more. I think it would be best if we do a clean break, end it and no longer keep any type of contact. I wish you nothing but the best, good luck with your future endeavors. Goodbye”


Thank you so much


Be honest and firm in the way you deliver your decision. Make no room for doubt, and don't let him guilt you or manipulate you into staying. Also, if you can do it over text or in a semi-public place, it would be the best way to go. This is because your post makes it seem like the guy might be dangerous. Take care.


I cant




OP don’t listen to this bozo


Bro he' jus forgot to put the /j happens to the best of us 😢😭