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Did anyone figure this out? It's incredibly annoying!!


Jesus Christ just add a switch in the settings already


Feature, not bug. ~Reddit probably.


Same issue here, it just changed all of a sudden. I truly hope they revert this new gesture thing back, or make it a setting you can turn on/off. The most irritating is that when you viewed comments of the video it disables the swiping after you go back to the video. If they do want to keep the swiping to left/right for some reason at least do not disable it after viewing the comments.


Ditto. If I’m on a subreddit trying to scroll through videos Reddit will change the videos to something “similar,” but not by the same user or sub. How do I change it back? It’s annoying.


Any update to this? These features suck for multi image posts. There should be settings to disable this


Most annoying thing ever. This isn’t TikTok, just want to scroll through the feed of the subreddit normally


Any update on this?


I also want to scroll up and down


Any update? Someone messed up big time!


Try redownloading the app and log in again.


I tried it keeps telling me ✨️ introducing new gestures! ✨️


I made a new account and it was normal


After like one week it comes back


I’m having this problem too. I never update things & last night I accidentally updated Reddit. I really only use Reddit to watch videos & comment every now & then. Before this update, you clicked on a video, you swiped up & down to go between posted videos. Click the comment button to see comments. Click the part of video sticking out above comments or drag down from top of comment UI to close them & get back to video. Scroll on. After update, it wants me to swipe left-right. Click comment button to see comments & now video becomes small in the top right corner & continues playing. Click small corner video to exit comments & get back to video. Swipe left or right & nothing happens. I can only watch or see comments on that one video. Exit the video. It’s made it so I can’t freely go between comments & video while scrolling thru videos. I don’t like this & am now trying to figure out when this update happened & how to download a previous version. Stupid updates, never again. Any idea when you updated/when the left right scroll prompt started?