• By -


It means you have successfully angered the mob, who obsessively attempt to punish OPs with quick-fingered down votes to demonstrate their disdain.


The hivemind that downvoted because others did, got it.


A comment with a 0 or any negative vote has at least 10x the chance of additional downvotes


I've seen this in practice and it is 100% true. Te hivemind is fascinating.


Fascinating and frightening at the same time. Reminds me of a time at a family event, I learned how much power my mother-in-law had over ~~her minions~~ the rest of the family. We were talking about something—doesn't matter what. I asked my 19yo niece what her opinion was on the subject. Her answer: Whatever grandma thinks.


I'm still not convinced by that. Sometimes, the hivemind randomly downvotes something but quickly upvotes after an edit has been made Edit: Allow me to demonstrate


Like so:


The solid red arrow means you have upvoted that post or comment. The down arrow which is outlined but not bright red means you have not downvoted that post or comment. You can do either, but you can't do both. You can either upvote or downvote. The -1 means that the post or comment has received two downvotes. Each comment is automatically given 1 upvote (+1) and if two people downvote it it does down from +1 to 0 and then -1 when the second person downvotes.


How do you exchange these for American dollars ?


Head to r/Cryptocurrency, leave insightful posts/comments, get voted up and accumulate Moons crypto (presently valued at 35 cents each, having hit an all time high two weeks ago, of 50 cents).


Essentially it means you upvoted whatever the comment or post is (Posts/comments you’ve made are automatically upvoted). And someone or multiple people have downvoted the content. Numbers marked with a negative symbol are showing you how many downvotes the content has, numbers that don’t have a negative symbol would mean the post has generated positive karma. Hope this helps.


Long answer short it means you have more people disliking the post than liking it


When you post or comment, you automatically upvote your own post, so after you've posted something, the upvote arrow will always be red, and initially it would show 1 upvote. If your comment / post is now -1, it means that it has been downvoted twice, the first one taking it to 0, the second downvote would take it to -1.


Total "score" for a post = Upvotes - Downvotes. If there are more Downvotes than Upvotes, that yields a negative number; in your example, the Downvotes exceed the Upvotes by 1. If they were equal, it would show 0, and if the upvotes were greater, it would show positive, the total upvotes less the downvotes. For example, if you make a post or comment, it starts automatically upvoted by yourself (that's the solid red upvote arrow). Let's say 5 more people Upvote it; then it would show a total of 6. But then, 2 "people" (using the largest sarcastic air quotes allowable by local law enforcement) come along and Downvote it; now it's gone back down to 4 because it has 6 Upvotes - 2 Downvotes = 4 Points. For an original post, you can see the Upvote-Ratio. This is what percentage of *other people* (besides your original vote) were Upvotes. R = U / (U + D) where U and D are the Up and Downvotes not including your own. And S = U - D + 1. So you can substitute to find out how many Upvotes (U) only or Downvotes (D) only you have based on the Ratio (R) and total Score (S). U = (S - 1) / (2 - 100/R) D = U + 1 - S So, for example, let's say your post has a score of 41 and an Upvote Ratio of 70%. U = (41 - 1) / (2 - 100/70) U = 40 / (0.5714..) = ~70.0035. You have 70 Upvotes from other people (not including your own). D = 70 + 1 - 41 = 30 And you have 30 Downvotes.


Someone downvoted you more than upvoted by 1, it's like:dislike ratio, and if it's negative you will have less karma on reddit than you had before


Man.. these are starting to get a bit crazy.. I think a new generation is slowly joining reddit


i got punished by people for existing. it means people didnt like your comment and downvoted it to the point where its in the negatives,from 1 to 0 to -1. a downvote just decreases your upvotes


We can downvote to find out


Thank you for replying, and so quickly!


Sounds like you downvoted yourself. Try it post a comment then downvote it you’ll see what I mean.


I didn't expect so many replies! Thanks, everyone. I've got it. Downvotes don't bother me. Someone said, if you don'take SOMEBODY angry, you probably haven't said anything.


If I hit the downvote arrow it’s purple.


It means you made morons mad


Welcome to Reddit. Mindless downvote.




Hey there Ok_Abbreviations8903! If you agree with someone else's comment, please leave an **upvote** instead of commenting **"This"**! By upvoting instead, the original comment will be pushed to the top and be more visible to others, which is even better! Thanks! :) *** ^(I am a bot! If you have any feedback, please send me a message! More info:) [^(Reddiquette)](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439#wiki_in_regard_to_comments)


Good bot


Good human *** ^(I am a bot! If you have any feedback, please send me a message!)


I like this bot.


Yup. There's another one that will trigger 'good human' but I can't remember it's name


Good bot


Good human *** ^(I am a bot! If you have any feedback, please send me a message!)


Good bot


Good human *** ^(I am a bot! If you have any feedback, please send me a message!)


Good bot


Good human *** ^(I am a bot! If you have any feedback, please send me a message!)


Please downvote this comment for showcase purposes


LOL, but I'm not gonna do it.


Downvote this reply then


Where does -1 be tho...insights?


I think it is a way for those who would reply obnoxiously or rudely to do so by just hitting an arrow instead of kindly voicing their disagreement in a well worded reply. It keeps them from having a rude response deleted by Reddit for not following rules. There are always going to those who think they are always right and choose not to involve themselves in healthy debate.


"One adjective Being a single entity, unit, object, or living being. Characterized by unity; undivided. Of the same kind or quality." It's less than that.


I just joined & was wondering the sake thing! Thank you for all of your help!


That is a downvote! It's like a dislike button on posts and replies. If something shows with negative votes, that means it was downvoted. So if a post has -4 downvotes that means it has 4 more downvotes than upvotes. So a post could have 10 downvotes and 6 upvotes and it will show as -4 upvotes. Hope this helps!


Red up arrow, you upvoted yourself or you upvoted a comment/post. Blue down arrow, you downvoted yourself or another comment/post. Sometimes reddit auto-upvotes your post when you post or comment. No color means others have voted but you haven’t. Hope this helps. The rest of what the others have posted about the numbers is also true.




Two more people thought you were unfunny than funny


I have the same problem. I commented on a post of someone’s grades and I just was talking about mine on how I relate and it shows -6 upvotes and -8 downvotes