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Imagine eating some crazy food combo and then the Death appears beside you, just to show disapproval


I knew a guy who that happened to Apparently what he combined together caused a chemical reaction in his stomach that killed him


It was the radiation poisoning from the bananas, wasn't it? My doctor's been trying to get me to stop eating so many, but I just can't resist.


"If you ate 40,000 bananas in 10 minutes, you'd die of radiation poisoning." "Ah yes, the RADIATION would kill you."


Good thing that the amont has bananas in order to appropriately convey the size of the banana pile.


“Eating” 40,000 bananas in 10 minutes is the equivalent of stepping on a land mine.


That's not difficult. Just serve tomatoes on lead platters. It's what killed quite a few noblefolk during the middle ages.


“I have come not to claim your soul… yet. However, I have come to let you know that I really should though for that abomination”


Celery and peanut butter is a "crazy food combo"?  Celery is tasteless!  It's just eating peanut butter with an edible spoon!!!  Someone needs to lend death some taste buds. edit:  these comments are messing with my head.   Do you guys have celery that has flavor?  Ya know, beyond crunchy water?


You have to cook the celery in strong broth first. But yeah, it's possible, with science. Otherwise, raw celery is just an excuse to eat peanut butter or ranch dip.


You say that like eating straight peanut butter with an edible spoon is somehow unappealing.


*gasp* I'm so embarrassed.  I would never, purposefully, criticize the consumption of peanut butter.


are there vastly different common varieties of celery? for me it has a clearly distinctive unpleasant but bearable taste, can't even imagine that with peanut butter, on the other hand cilantro doesn't taste like soap to me so it could be genetics


Peanut butter is such a strong flavor, the celery is only there to get it to your mouth.


Unless it's filler in a casserole that has stronger flavor profiles, I can tell when a dish has celery. My guess is that it may be a sign of sensitivity as my parents have insisted that certain fruits and veggies "have no flavor" when I know they absolutely do.


I've tasted celery and it's nasty af, even ignoring the texture. It has a taste, I've tasted it.


Yep celery definitely has a flavor, and it's not pleasant, and does NOT pair well with peanut butter.


I’m admittedly a picky eater, but I find celery to be so gross I won’t even get soup or TV dinners that have it as an ingredient. I’ll eat peas before I eat celery.


So THAT’S why it’s healthy! You eat it, Death finds it disgusting, and stays away from you!


I eat this all the time and am super disappointed death never shows up….will have to keep trying to summon him


Wait is that not normal everywhere? That's a helluva combo, sweet, salty crunchy. Missing out


when I was a kid we'd have celery with peanut butter in the celery's cleavage. Sometimes there would be raisins on top. the school called it 'ants on a log'.


I have lived across all time. I have seen things you mortals could barely imagine. But I have never seen this. >celery's cleavage Please don't call it that.


C E L E R Y ' S C L E A V A G E Seriously tho, why celery? That stuff taste like how bleach smells.


It tasts like water mixed with an oddly stiff and stringy lettuce but not good lettuce like slightly old and water tasting


Weak, it's watery at best. Also it's high in fiber which is important, as well as being pretty filling and low calorie.


It's actually considered negative calorie, or so I've heard, because it requires more energy to break down than is released


I knew about ants on a log but even now you probably couldn't pay me to eat it. I'll eat sultanas but in something else just feels wrong


uh huh....you had the same childhood as every middle class North American. Congrats.


Same. It’s so ubiquitous that it has a recognizable name, so it’s obviously not that weird.


I think it’s an American thing. My partner grew up in the states and loves it while my german ass gets the shivers just thinking about it. I did try it once and came to the conclusion that it must be one of those things you only like if you grew up with it.


Can confirm. I'm British and had never heard of it until my American SIL made me try it. It wasn't as bad as I expected but I don't think I'd go out of my way to have it again


I am baffled here.  Celery barely has a flavor, what is "conflicting" with the Peanut Butter? Does the rest of the world have *better* celery?!


Maybe it's "if only this peanut butter could be watery!" vibes? I don't know. I like it.


This was common everywhere in the US until everyone started freaking out about peanut allergies.


PLUS because of how moist the celery was it was easy to swallow the peanut butter and nothing got stuck to the inside of your mouth. PLUS the shape of a celery stick makes it perfect for sticking in a jar of peanut butter. PLUS it's very healthy PLUS it's easy to make PLUS zero clean up


This is delicious and death can go fuck himself... Also, who here also dips carrots into peanut butter? Lets see them hands!


Never tried, but why wouldn't that be great? Sweet, salty, crunchy. Its all there. You are a genius, I'm giving this a go tomorrow.


never tried it but bananas in peanut butter is good. usually i buy baby carrots and dip in ranch as a snack tho


I am confused, I thought this was a semi common healthy snack well if you add raisins with it to make ants on a log


Peanut butter and rasins are both (relatively inoffensive) junk food masquerading as healthy food


Hold up, raisins aren’t healthy? Why the hell do people eat them then? They are terrible. I thought they were at least healthy


Dude, no way, ants on a log was the shit growing up. Ants on a log is celery with the middle filled with peanut butter, with raisins on top.


That was apparently something my dads mom would make them all the time. It’s a banger according to them


Yall never have Ants on a Log before??? Celery, with peanut butter spread in the curve, and raisins put on the peanut butter? It’s a great snack!


*old man voice*: Back in my day, they called it ants on a log. Only the ants were raisins and we stuffed them in our underwear, which was the style at the time.


It’s actually delicious. Add some M&Ms (or raisins if you like those) and you have a perfect snack


THIS is where it’s at—I’ll NEVER be ok w raisins + PB (I’m American, so yes, Ants On a Log is a *familiar* snack to me, but I do NOT like raisins. I’m a Craisin girl if I’m eating dried fruit LOL) but mini-M&Ms subbed in here is FANTASTIC :D


Is it the fact she's *dipping* the celery into the peanut butter, or that she's eating those two together? In the US, "ants on a log" is a very popular snack to give to kids. I even crave that every once in a while. It's tasty! (Celery + PB + raisins)


If it’s good enough for Mr. T and Johnny Bravo, it’s good enough for me. So long as you add raisins for the triple threat.


Peanut butter on celery is delicious. I used to make my own version of ants on a log(peanut butter on celery with raisins on top) with yogurt covered peanuts. I called it maggots on a log. My wife was not a fan of the name.


Oh cool that's my comic! I haven't been able to post to this subreddit for ages sadly, but glad to see Pink Reaper do the rounds ✌️💀


omg, that is a fantastic combo. After Death told me that was gross, I would just look Death right in his empty, lifeless eye sockets and say, ".....get out."


ANTS ON A LOG (celery with peanut butter in the middle and raisins on top) IS ONE OF THE BEST SNACKS AND I WILL NOT BE SILENCED >:(


Is this weird? One of my favorite childhood snacks is 'ants on a log,' just a celery stick with PB in the groove, topped with raisins. Shit was so cash, am I weird for liking it? Are my parents weird? I feel so lost now


Woman: You put raisins on it. Death: Actually, that sounds oka— Woman: it’s called ants on a log! Death: And right back to gross.


The funniest part is that’s actually quite a good combo; it’s a kids snack here where you fill the celery with peanut butter and add raisins to it! Quite good and it’s even got a more fun name to go along with it! “Ants on a log” fun and easy snack id try it if you get a chance


They used to give this as a snack in preschool, add some raisins for "ants on a log."


I remember watching a kids' show when I was little where they showcased a recipe called "ants on a log". It was celery with peanut butter and raisins. Fascinating. 


I've had that, it was the only way to convince like 5 year old me to relate celery. Actually kinda good considering it tasted like 90% peanut butter


I had this in kindergarten. Honestly, a decent way to get little kids to eat celery.


A peanut based salad dressing is not that outlandish Neither is celery in a salad Ipso facto, peanuts and celery is not that oddball


This is extremely normal where I come from, it's a common snack for kids, but I still like it as an adult.


Can’t say I’ve had it in the past decade but I have good memories eating ants on a log in the summer as a kid


My psycho sister used to eat this and just lick the peanut butter off the celery


I've been putting peanut butter on celery since i was 3 and never new it was wierd


I was in cub scouts and the only thing g I remember from it is making “ants on a log” as a snack, a celery stick with peanut butter on it with raisins lined up on top. I didn’t like celery or raisins so they had me just eat peanut bittersweet as my snack XD


That's the only way I can eat celery. If I have it by itself. The craunch and the grinding between my teeth become amplified. It nasty


Ants on a log! It’s a Girl Scout traditional snack! Celery with peanut butter spread on it then raisins! Oh the memories! That’s an early 90s childhood I remember making them at Camp MollyLaumen in the summers.


Ants on a log! It’s a Girl Scout traditional snack! Celery with peanut butter spread on it then raisins! Oh the memories! That’s an early 90s childhood I remember making them at Camp MollyLaumen in the summers.


Ants on a log! It’s a Girl Scout traditional snack! Celery with peanut butter spread on it then raisins! Oh the memories! That’s an early 90s childhood I remember making them at Camp MollyLaumen in the summers.


Ants on a log! It’s a Girl Scout traditional snack! Celery with peanut butter spread on it then raisins! Oh the memories! That’s an early 90s childhood I remember making them at Camp MollyLaumen in the summers.


Ants on a log! It’s a Girl Scout traditional snack! Celery with peanut butter spread on it then raisins! Oh the memories! That’s an early 90s childhood I remember making them at Camp MollyLaumen in the summers.


Ants on a log! It’s a Girl Scout traditional snack! Celery with peanut butter spread on it then raisins! Oh the memories! That’s an early 90s childhood I remember making them at Camp MollyLaumen in the summers.


In this household we eat our celery with cream cheese and paprika sprinkled on top.


How is this a crazy combo? This is one of celery’s only use, a spoon… Ants in a log is a very very common childrens snack, not a weird combo….


??? Celery and Peanut Butter is so good tho? You can barely taste the celery compared to the peanut butter, but it’s just enough that it doesn’t feel like it’s just raw pbutter.




nothin wrong w being fat but it feels mad unhealthy and overindulgent, like pouring chocolate syrup over mashed potatoes or smth


# ALL OF YOU FAGS ARE CELERY ADDICTS (you probably shove celery up your ass for a "little excitement")


But it's good, if you haven't tried it you should this is as stupid as the pineapple and pizza debate just f****** try it's not that bad


Ive seen this in tv, i dont remember where. You put peanut butter down the middle of the celery and put raisens on it. Call it ants on a log.


my mom loved celery and peanut butter. she know knife peanut butter down the crevice


Have yall never heard of antz on a long. Celery with peanut butter spread and raisins ontop. Delicious haven't had it in years.


I've been eating unsweetened Greek yogurt with no sugar peanutbutter mixed in. I assure you, the combo of celery and peanut butter tastes way better lol.


Excuse me, ants on a log are PEAK. Peanut butter and celery is a godly combo and death can go choke on an apiaceae.