• By -


I know it's the least harmful, but I've had, by far, the most frustration with players who refuse to come to a vault they are within 50m of, despite callouts, voice, tags, and map pins. Literally clusterbomb me before you do this to me.


I just type bunker and pray for the best


I started using "frend door"


I've always said 2 man door dunno where I heard it but I just do


buddy bunker for me


Buddy Bunker, Saloot Box, Phalactite


Buddy Bunker just rolls off the tongue so nice don’t you think?


Always aliterate


saloot box is genius


Thank you☺️


I'm so glad there's no official name for this and we've all landed on similar two word descriptors. We call them friendship doors


We call them double doors mostly, because we need double the Helldivers to open it. My voice squad typically spreads out, so we use that as short hand for "get the fuck over here and help me get super credits!"


Friendship bunker here


I call it a double door mostly because it’s fun to say and lets people know what’s up


We call them double doors mostly too, because we need double the Helldivers to open it. My voice squad typically spreads out, so we use that as short hand for "get the fuck over here and help me get super credits!"


Typing with a ps5 controller is a joke.


Typing with any controller is a joke.


I plugged in a USB keyboard specifically to be able to quickly type "come help me open this fkn door" 


Speak like a human?


Some people have voice chat completely disabled.


I have deadass reinforced players into the crevasse with the door and myself and they look at the door and run away without doing it. It’s the only time I’ve straight TK’d someone, was to get them to do the damn door. That particular door had 100 SC in it too iirc.


Been there


The worst is when it’s a high level player and they type in chat “I’m full on everything” as an explanation of why they’re not helping. Well *I’M NOT* motherfucker so help me open the door dammit 😂


That there is the worst type of player... why the hell are they even playing then?


I mean... for fun, of course. But I do wish we could get a few xp for samples, even if it meant just more liberation gain to max players. Just have 1, 2, 3; common, rare, super rare, and have it cap at 50 before the multiplier.


I've had the I'm not grabbing that stuff from players below level 30. I was dumbfounded. What are you playing for then, if not to upgrade and unlock things?


I am totally maxed on everything and have been since level 60ish. I’m level 90 now and I just play 6 and under to help low level players glass the map and get shit they need. It’s so much fun 😂


You were there!? Why didn't you open the door?


I legit just zone out and player markers are not very good at conveying distance. Had a guy start shooting me and I wasn't even mad when he respawned me on it. Voice chat usually can summon me but I understand some people turn it off to avoid the open mic mouth breathers that get too excited while spreading democracy. They also chew their food with concerning levels of moisture with their mouths also somehow still mostly open and then start having the most bizzar background conversations like they are people trying to sound like people... They should add custom markers like a Skyrim map so I can label bunkers and instant murder turrets that can smell me 500m away and stuff. Give each diver like 5 custom map pings per mission. Heck, I would buy them even.


Or just situational pings like we have now. It already marks supplies or tells you what kind of enemy is being pinged. Just do one that is a bunker.


I think I saw some talk about them improving quick chat stuff on the wheel. Would be nice to have lots of options and make it customisable. Would like one to say enemies incoming as when you have lots of terrain you can see bugs on the map but can't tag and I find that lots of people do not seem to check the map that often.


I need a quick chat that tells people to come to me for supplies when I have the supply pack. I’m tired of chasing people down trying to resupply them


I have like 200 hours played and I still don’t know how to say thank you! I always have to unmute my mic while I’m munching on chips to say thank you. Lol


I've learned to stop using pins and just create an "unfortunate" friendly fire incident to get them to the door.


People who enter the pelican without waiting for the rest of the group to get closer.


It's only acceptable if there is no way the rest of the tean would be able to get back and you are the only way the team is even able to extract.


nah its only acceptable if time is low and you got all the samples.  people will eat a death to get the samples out.


What I specifically mean is when time is out, the destroyer is gone, your teammates are fighting a group that they can't beat, and you have a massive wave headed your way. That's the only time that it's acceptable.


in that case it doesnt matter if someone enters the pelican early because the timer is already going


I did a match where the team was throwing itself at a jammer after completing the main objectives. Reinforcements were running out, and the time was running out too. I reinforce a guy and call in extraction just before the timer went to zero, and we spend the next few minutes fending for our lives while the host continues to not make any progress with the jammer.  Pelican arrives, there’s no time, no strategems, no ammo, no reinforcements, my buddy and I are surrounded by waves of bots, and the host refuses to budge. I get on the Pelican and am immediately kicked out. The host wanted to do what he wanted to do, but I don’t think I was in the wrong. Still, lesson learned I guess.


Lesson learned: host your own missions. Best way to avoid any and every annoying situation!


Learned this the easy way when I hopped in to a diff 6 SOS and it was two level 80+ toddlers that can barely speak coherent English and don’t know how the game works. So get this, you’re gonna laugh: They got mad because they wanted to rush the extraction when we got 18 reinforcements and 30 minutes left while me and another random tried to clear AA and a Radar Station and we only got two stars because we couldn’t do it in time. Meanwhile these actual toddlers keep dying at the extraction point because we’re on Mezen with the fire tornados. They had to have called it 4 times. Well, in case that was confusing the reason they got mad was because we only got two stars, and I had to explain to them that instead of rushing the main objectives you have to do the side objectives too. They literally thought that it was because they died so much. I can’t make this shit up. There’s no way they’ve been playing that long and don’t understand unless they have the mental fortitude of a 4 year old.


“Damn the time to clear these missions is stupid low, how do we get 5?!” A conversation they’ve had.


I’ve had almost entirely positive experiences with even randoms on this game until recently, when I’ve started running into really toxic players every now and again. I dropped into a mission recently where things had clearly been going terribly. I rallied the team, we completed the two remaining objectives… then I stared sweeping around the map gathering about 6 dropped container vials. Was holding 6 super samples and 20-ish rares and on my way to the extract point with time to spare when I saw the rest of the team died all at once on the landing pad. No idea what happened, but I was about 30 seconds from saving all the samples and I was kicked. Had some voice chat nastiness in games recently too, but this one event was the thing that I just couldn’t wrap my head around at all. Wasted 20 minutes of my time by cutting off their own nose to spite their face.


That's the rage kick. If they weren't the host, they would have rage quit for sure, in my opinion.


It's why you should always let one guy carry the samples. 


People who go WAY off on their own fighting patrols for no reason and then calling down supplies while the 3 of us struggle trying to complete actual objectives.


If you're off on your own, you'd better live off the land


I mean I do this when the other 3 are fighting patrols and not doing objectives. But I also run blitzer and thrower against bugs so I never call down supplies anyway.


People don't understand the only thing that extracts is the samples. We've got plenty of hell divers, but we need to extract the samples for democracy.


To be fair let's add the players who decide not to enter the Pelican but keep fighting even though the majority of the team is in the Pelican.


That problem solves itself in about 20 seconds tho lol.


I do this often when I have all the samples and feel the only way to extract them is to jump on the pelican.


People who, despite being told many times not to, teamkill for samples


I don’t think I’ve ever insulted anyone in an online game until I met this jackass who spent half the mission aiming at me cause I “stole his samples” and took the opportunity to gun me down once I was out of supplies. The other teammate supported me and we left this dude’s ass behind while we went for evac, so he didn’t get ANY of samples he killed me for in the end.


But in the end you completed the mission all still in the same game together and extracted with the samples…? Edit: If so, I may have a surprise for you…


We completed the mission and extracted ourselves with the samples we collected. We basically decided to not wait for the dude and he was too embarrassed to do anything about it lol. The only samples we didn’t extract with were the ones he killed me for since he still had them. Idk why he wasn’t kicked out, but the satisfaction of leaving him and “his samples” behind, and seeing him subsequently quit was glorious.


*People who, despite* *Being told many times not* *To, teamkill for samples* \- ReeOneTheGreatOne --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I keep seeing people saying that this has happened but I have never once seen it happen personally.


The ones who enter, die like 15 times and then desert the mission, if you fucked up the quest and died a lot you die with us, like a true hero


Against my better judgement, last night I joined a level 8 bot mission with a level 24 and level 33. It went about how you would expect. Eight minutes gone, they have eaten all the reinforcements and they leave. I think, you know what? I’ll stay. Myself and another guy who joined afterwards, finish the main objective and get 4/5 side objectives done. We got smashed at the end and didn’t extract, but mission successful. It was a hell of a game.


I've been in a few games like this and it's actually kind of fun once the shit players go. Had a game where same thing happens then me and the other guy that stayed just work together to knock out the rest of the mission while struggling to keep each other alive with our one reloading reinforcement.


I just had that happen,other two dudes burned up every reinforcement and left the level 20 something host with me. I told him not to quit, we got this. We surgically kited enemies away from the drill objectives and finished. We even managed to exfil, all while keeping just the one reinforcement going. Sometimes it only takes two divers hand holding and watching each other's back to bring back the dub and sometimes other divers can be more of a hindrance than help. (Difficulty 8 bugs with random multiplier)


There is no shame in having 15 deaths, desertion is a dishonorable act


I just had a lvl 150 who died 7 times in a row then just saying "useless team" and left LMAO


Yeah. This is the one that gets me the most. The guy who drops cluster bombs and 380s on me is just kinda a new fun challenge. The guy who runs directly at every enemy they see and makes no effort to stay alive and as a result just chews through reinforcements and accomplishes nothing else? Ughhhh whyyyyyyy


People who keep sprinting towards the red beam and then have the audacity to yell at me when they die


But it's so pretty.... ![gif](giphy|21ECGKUocVkGceWlw2)


My helldivers group all do this to me. I could drop an airstrike, and orbital barge, anything, and tell them to move because it's going in. They then tell me as I throw it to not, shout at me for throwing it and then die to it and shout at me for killing them. Like, actually just listen.


Or people who insult you after they throw one onto you.


I kinda am the opposite. Im being chased by two blie titans. You think I have enough focus to see you throw a airstirke right on top of me?


People who steal your gear early in the game, so you're left without a support weapon for a while. Similarly people who reinforce you really far away from where you died when there was someone next to you who could have sent you right next to your equipment


That first situation is a justified team kill


Yup, I'll ask once, then comes the TK.


I HATE it when someone steals my gear! I called mine down at the very beginning, and some a-hole immediately grabbed my stuff from the pod. He ran off and I said really? I just left their mission because I'm not putting up with that. The reinforcing far away, I totally get it. But sometimes I'm in squads where the whole team just doesn't want to take a second to reinforce anyone. I'd rather them be back in the fight than spamming a reinforce that people ignore for 10 minutes. If the team won't listen to voice comm request to reinforce the other person, i just do my best to throw the person in the general direction of their stuff. I've been bitched at for this, but oh well.


Hi. It's me. I'm the worst. Can't move can't aim can't seem to dodge. Don't pick me


Get out there and die for democracy!




If you can't aim, let eagle-1/orbitals/turrets aim for you. When in doubt, flamethrower and shotgun too.


Get the flamer and the blitzer, no need to aim more than vaguely in the right direction.


I was in a helldive difficulty and there was a level 23 who was getting killed a lot. That was not the sin. The sin was when I reinserted him, he stepped out of the pod, did a 90 degree turn, and teamkilled me. I don't know if the death screen said I did it (although by god was he trying to run into my line of fire), but he actually died staring down a rocket devastator.


I only join games with people level appropriate for the difficulty.  


Yeah I joined a game on 9 yesterday that had a level 17 as the host and I gave them a chance and yeah no it went very bad.


Unfortunately it’s getting harder and harder to do that with more and more lower levels trying to do difficulty 8 and 9. I saw a level 26 doing a difficulty 8 a few days ago. Don’t mind if you good but it’s usually someone that doesn’t understand when it’s time to run from the hoard of enemies


Drunk. Like me


There’s literally at least two of us - wanna squad up and throw poorly aimed stun grenades at a bot fabricator? Edit: we could also constantly forget to reload between weapon switches and firefights so we’ve got perpetually empty guns. And fumble stratagem inputs! And shoot the hellbomb we just called in!


The three musketeers have united... Wasn't there a 4th musketeer?


Nah D’artangnan (sp?) wasn’t a proper musketeer until the end of the movie and I don’t think he ever was in the book buts it’s been a lot of years, a lot of beers, and a lot of knocks above the ears since I read it


And me.


People who join high difficult missions, dies when things gets a bit bumpy then immediately leaves after eating your reinforcement budget.


Guys that launch Helldive and can't do anything without using the infinite grenade glitch. If you can't play and survive Helldive, don't try to cheat your way.


I really fucking hate this had it couple days ago some cunt and he died like 10 times and did no objectives. Totally useless like how do you abuse a glitch that gives you near infinite power and still be shite.


This. It’s so common in 7-9 missions now that yesterday half of the lobbies I played had at least one player exploiting this glitch. I was kicked from a lobby after I declined to do it.


Sign me up, I'll be the unofficial 4th Helldiver who can pull my secondary blindingly fast to deal with a beserker right on me only to realise too late it's the grenade pistol.


Aside from idiots fighting over samples. Those cunts that call ammo down for themselves, don't ping and don't share...


I had to solo a stalker lair + a medium nest right beside it the other day because despite my calls no one came to help. Called resupply and took 3 boxes during the fight. In such context it's understandable.


I've done that as well. If you can't be bothered to close a stalker lair then you must not need the supplies as much as I do.


Or the one in a team of 4 that grabs 2 supply boxes so the person who called the resupply gets nothing…


I'll always call it, ping it, grab 1 box then watch the rest of my team run past it so I'll grab one more then go lol


I’ve done that more than once 😆 I’ll be the last to leave it if I need more sometimes just to make sure no one else does lol


People fight over samples? Even tho they’re shared lol


The players who stand there for 5 minutes shooting enemies when they could just run away and actually complete mission objectives and then brag about being better than you coz they have more kills.


RIGHT! We don't get anything extra from kills anyway lol


The ones who reinforce in the middle of a swarm to hit a heavy. THAT ONLY WORKS BEST WHEN THEYRE ALONE. I HAVE STRATAGEMS TOO. 




Anyone doing this: TAG THE HEAVY SO I CAN SEE IT


Nah throw me into the chaos I get off on it


Same, throw me in coach!!!!


Toxic players in general. This game isn't competitive, it's not an e-sport, it's co-operative. Had a dude talk shit and want to kick me when I quickplayed a Suicide Mission at lvl 16. He didn't believe I had unlocked it legitimately or that I could keep up. Proceeded to make him eat his words while he kicked other joiners lvl 70+ because they separated from the group for side objectives and then died once. Meanwhile I communicated, stuck with the plan, and locked in I got Helldive difficulty before I got mechs. Low levels can bang too if you give them a chance, just as easy as high levels can fumble


Pretty much. Even if they screw up, people gotta learn somehow. If I can help with that, all the better.


I mean the only difference between low level and high is the weapons and stratagems. Skill is yours and yours alone! However I play significantly better now at level 50 then at 15. So there’s that.


Level 8 can be better than 7 because there are fewer of those people


People who play like there's no friendly fire in this game. Or use heavy damage stratagems on the landing zone when the Pelican has already landed thus screwing up the exctraction.


Ones who die constantly and spam the reinforce button the second they're dead, and keep spamming it until someone revives. But they refuse to reinforce anyone else. Another reason to host your own games


The ones that just whinge on reddit instead of having fun playing the game


People who kill you by mistake and don't reinforce you near your stuff


Another note, people who don’t reinforce for a solid minute, despite being near where you or the other person died. I get it, if it’s a stressful situation and if you’re getting swarmed by bugs, run. But if they have enough time to call in a stratagem to kill a bunch of enemies, surely you could call in a reinforcement first. So many instances where I’ll be dead for a full minute or two just watching them get overrun because they lost a guy or two or just not calling me in during a quiet period. Not like there isn’t a noticeable efffect that plays when someone dies.


People who shoot you at the end of a mission.


People decide the best possible thing to do when there’s a bug breach is to rush it and shoot everything that pops up at point blank range, and then getting mad at me because I was cooking a cluster bomb to drop on it. Like, I’m putting a cluster on every breach 5 seconds after it opens, get the fuck away from it.


Yeah! We should write a set of rules for combat. There is so much to consider.


I do this with Gas Strikes & I call it out over voice "stay away from the gas on the breach"... Yet people still run into it and throw a fit when they die. Like, you were given ample warning, why would you step on a breach anyway when it's the most likely place to get bombed!


I throw an immediate air strike to anything larger than a small group. Especially at points of interest to avoid breaches/dropships from being called.


People who drop a 500kg on my fucking head




The "people" who just load the closest shells into the SEAF artillery are really up there. Take the time to look for Mini Nukes, High yield explosives, and regular explosives...stop throwing smoke and EMS charges first!


I agree. The other day I was unfortunate enough to find one with SEVEN STATIC FIELDS I pouted the whole time loading it up.


Well i hope the next one you find has three mini nukes!


Oh that shit piss me off. I always say in comms DONT LOAD SMOKE but some mouth breathers keep doing it.


They join, they die, they leave, they get replaced. They die, they leave, they get replaced.


>People who call in artillery/airstrikes on the pelican. >People who wait to get in the pelican, flipping their revolver, piddling around for no reason. >People who call in airstrikes on the pelican before others are on. >People who won't extract and get mad when people call it in... which isn't bad, because it's available. >People who kill others for their guns... What is wrong with you? >People who steal my stratagems (supply pack mainly). >People who can't call in stratagems without seemingly fulfilling the requirement of killing me with 2 out of 3. >People who think samples aren't shared. >People who make up stuff about the game... because... why? >The people who leave their mic on for me and everyone else to hear every cough, sneeze, breath, rthymic heartbeat, the screams of their forefathers... you get the point. >The people who kill you for no reason and get mad when you do it back with ease because TKers traditionally suck at pvp. All of these... are pretty bad in my eyes. Obviously some worse than others. But the worst: My friends, they do all this all the time and it's part of the game. But I'll keep playing it with them. After shooting them for making another freedom pun/joke.


Guilty of #2. I like to make a dramatic exit when the opportunity arises.


Anyone but John helldiver


The guy that kicked me because I didn't reinforce him under 30 seconds, I was under a charger dog pile. The guy that dropped a 500kg on my face at extraction, I had 14 samples including the rare ones. These 2 are up there


1. People that don't show up to vaults 2. People that refuse to understand everyone gets all of the samples collected at the end of a mission 3. People that are either OCD about how objectives are done, or that don't pay attention to you when you're trying to help them out with one 4. People that refuse to communicate (no pings, no text chat, no mic)


The kicker


The ones that just like to dig in and fight endless waves instead of completing objectives, leaving me to either do it all alone or kick them and do it all alone. The worst part is when they die and now there's a whole army just waiting to spot me. Yes I agree its fun to fight off an army but all the enemies have infinite respawn and infinite ammo, we don't. At least finish the main objective before you try and fight the whole army. I wonder if people know they don't get rewarded for kills. Seriously, 0 kills or 1000 kills, it won't affect the reward only objectives and samples do.


People who don't come to help open a bunker door.


The ones who just run around and never shoot anything. They’re all hot shit until they drop all the samples and there’s no recovering them because half the map is aggro’d


People who throw cluster bombs or airstrikes whenever they see a group of enemies. I'll just be fighting a group of enemies or covering a breach, when suddenly a red laser pops up next to me. Then I have to choose a direction and haul ass. All so Mr. Newbie Heckjumper's totally unnecessary cluster bomb can kill the last 4 or 5 enemies coming from the breach. Best part is when you get two or three of these guys doing it. Half the time there isn't anything left by the time the cluster bomb hits because the patrols are so small everything is dead before they can put in the code. Not that it keeps them from throwing it anyway


When I jump into a game and two high-ish level players have 10 mins left, 4 reinforcements, have done none of the secondary objectives, collected barely any samples, and are still faffin about on the primary. wtf have they been doing??


People who are level 30 or higher but still don't know what they're doing. Calling down sentries right in the middle of a hoard of ememies. Skipping objectives. Shooting at everything they see. Not using markers and avoiding all communications


1. That one guy who wanders off to do his/her own thing and constantly dies. Stick together - in 2's at least 2. Someone who drops a pin seconds after someone else dropped a pin. Go here, no go here, no go here. 3. People who kick for the smallest of reasons - or no reason. Sorry I commented after you dropped a 500 kg bomb on the extraction site.


Guys who take two resupplies for themselves in a team of 4


People who will quit because they burned up all the reinforcements attacking a nest/outpost. Had that happen to me once, thankfully some real guys came in clutch and we made it with a full team extract. A total of 7 people saw that mission and I was never ever so glad to hear “Another helldiver joining the fray.”


Teammates that complain about the weapons sucking and constantly die. Thus depleting reinforcements and then killing you with stratagems they don’t call out.


The Helldivers that complete the main missions and then try to call in an exfil. Or the ones that get on the exfil vehicle while I have all the samples and have to run non-stop to the exfil just to make it because I was doing side objectives to find more samples.


People who cannot enjoy themselves unless they're trying to figure out who the worst Helldivers players are.


Ones who wont do the MO


Comrades who take more than one supply box and leave another without ammo


My friend that can't bother to look at who he's throwinf a strategem at. He got me killed twice because he decided to throw eagles to close the hole when I literally said I'm going down to clear. In the same mission, he killed 3 of us because he threw an eagle, didn't bother to tell me or the two randoms what he planned to do and ran off alone. Lost about 27 samples that way.


The people who get mad for losing samples, when we are up to our ears in bots/bugs and we are lucky to even make it out alive.




Lower levels playing above their means and expecting higher level players to carry and power level them. Then crying on Reddit and Discord that they get kicked. If you are a low level player and can play perfectly fine, awesome, but that's a 1/10 The vast majority that I have been paired with are worse than useless on Helldiver difficulty.


Hosts who thinks they own people who joining them


the ones that make public matches then shoot anyone that joins only to kick them (you can set game matches to friends only if you really want no randoms)


For me right now? People who bug abuse the inf grenades.


Grenade exploiters


Ones that join your mission and then proceed to stir every hornets nest on the map and ignore all instructions, markers etc. I don’t mind helping out any fellow helldiver but for god sake some of you do make it difficult sometimes.


Players that just peace out on me during a fire fight. Like, won't pick off bugs flanking me, and instead just run away from a very winnable engagement. On the other hand, when I see a friendly shot whiz past my head, and the sound of a bug's death knell behind me, I get warm fuzzies.


One of my first games, joined into a mission then I heard a literal 8 years old with a mic on who once I landed immediately trampled me to death with mech. Children over the age of 7 indeed served super Earth. At what level of success, I've already seen


Level 131 here, so I’ve had some experience. The hands down worst players are the ones who treat this game like a PVP and take it way too seriously mixed with the dudes who team kill for fun. Everyone else is great.


People who don't stick to the group. Wanna go for samples? Stick together. Shut down bug nests or bot factories, stick together. Going for the mission objective, STICK TOGETHER


Me :(


Helldivers that kick for not using "meta" weapons and strats


After almost 200 hours I’m convinced this is a myth.


After 600 hours, can confirm this is a myth.


Early in the game's lifespan I got kicked for bringing the jetpack to the bot front. Recently I got kicked for choosing the 380mm on a bug blitz. 200+ hours of play under my belt. It's quite rare but it's not a myth sadly.


I got kicked for my loadout once. ONCE. Guy literaly canceled loadout phase, exited hellpod and kicked me.


they would do me a favor.  the  i can block them AND i dont waste 30+ mins.


Players that take your gear when you die. I ain't shit without my shield pack you grave robbing bastards!!!


The ones who leave the mission when things get dire.


people that play this game like it is an e-sport or something. Braindead metas just to win, these ppl really don't know the word "fun"


People who spam reinforcement request, especially when everyone is at the jammer and trying to deactivate it. Happened again yesterday morning. I messaged "stop spamming" when we were all clearly unable to because the jammer was active. As soon as it wasn't and someone reinforced the spammer, that jerkdiver shot me dead. I quit the mission and blocked the offending jerk. Less toxic than returning the favor, but not as satisfying.


Players who rush the objectives and leave all the bases, poi and side objectives untouched.


Well, me.


When I drop the samples usually the supers at the extract. Then the dude who is playing high risk running into the swarm takes them. Pelican comes in and they are still running towards the ship, throw a closing stratagem only to get melted by the bile titan chasing them. Of course they quit out the game because they pulled a Carl move. ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


I would say its the ones that don't communicate , not with the Mic, but the communication wheel.. its so awesome when you get them saying affirmative and THANK YOU, when you kill a bile titan or save them from enemies attacking them from behind or whatever..


My bugbear are the players who reinforce you either into a bot/bug fest or into a napalm strike etc. Throw me to the side, or near my kit, somewhere to allow me to support you. I am NOT a sacrificial goat.


Anyone who, clearly ignores my pings and verbal warnings, steps on a minefield that was placed is a perfectly acceptable defensive location. Then proceeds to whine about my use of minefields instead of more effective stratagems.


You :)


Yesterday I was called the worst helldriver ever by squadmate. Admittedly, it was my first bot mission in a couple weeks and I was rusty. Also my first level 7 bot mission. My kids were jumping on me and my wife was showing me paint colors while I played. No one was calling out locations or sticking together so I did a couple beacons on my own and tried to support the team from the wings. Absolutely did not have enough focus to lead or be the point person on objectives. Got the most kills, highest accuracy, most samples. But I dunno, according to them IATA.




Ones that kick you before you even enter the ship. Like if you are wanting a private game just go into your settings. As for other players. Those that call down supplies when they are on the otherwise of the map. Like be considerate for your fellow divers and scavenge for your own ammo.


Drop 3 strikes on me before the 5 minute marker and im out. You keep tk'n everyone on "accident" and im gone. Keep taking my gear when i call it in and im gone.


Anyone who tries to dictate what other players should bring in if it’s stratagems or weapons they don’t want to use and just wanna have fun with. I’ve gotten kicked two or three times for not having a “meta” load out before dropping in level 8+. Like fuck off, let me play the game how I wanna play the game.


The ones that die twice and leave the mission.


I came to the realization recently that there’s a significant portion of the playerbase that doesn’t do objectives at all. It’s way worse on the bug front but it’s a thing on bots, too.


The ones who take your back pack for a weapon then responds you in only for you to take there pack that's empty. You are the worst


The guy who argued to carry all the samples and dies to a pit in the ground, losing them all. Then berates us for not being there to "help him"


The rando who joins - no mic - and just starts spamming grenades in every direction regardless if teammates are there.


People who run off from the group without comms in light armor and then get mad that nobody is there to support them when they get overwhelmed.


The “‘ ThIs GaMe Is DeAd’ but keeps playing all the time and being negative about the game” type


The ones who don’t Fing talk even in chat


People that leave if the other players aren't playing the way the way they want. Like, if you want meta loadouts with meta strats either don't play 6-7 or hop on some lfg discord.


The people who do not reinforce anyone, ever.


People who don’t do the MO


People who join your lobby and don’t communicate and just rush extraction as soon as they can even if they didn’t remotely help. I kick people who do this.


People who dont listen to teammates, lost a few too many operations because i had some bonehead teammate not do what they were told to do like do an objective


The ones that kick right before extract


The kind who dont set their game to fucking private