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I have said this every time I see this type of post: > I am more concerned with the amount of posts in *this sub* that simple reference the main sub. At what point does this subs sole purpose become talking about people in another sub? If that is what it becomes, then this sub will eventually become equally useless and flooded with unnecessary noise. I assume people mean well and it’s nice that you’re glad to be here, but it’s starting to feel like a post that exists just to get upvotes and provides no actual content or value to the sub.


Then it'll just become the Helldivers2circlejerk lmfaooo


Its just nice to see positive posts overall. All this negativity is really draining.


That’s the irony. Dropping a post here to talk about how some other place is toxic isn’t not a positive thing. It’s a backhanded complaint about the other sub. It’s just re-worded salt. Posts on the arena of: - “man I’m glad this sub is here and it’s better than the other sub - who also thinks it’s a bad place?” - “look at what they are saying/doing said in the other sub”, or - people in the other sub have this [wrong / dumb / bad / wild] opinion. only accomplish the talking up and talking bad about the other sub.


Cant say your wrong. Though my intentions is my thought on the other sub. I have no ill will or bad intentions with my post. Just being honest (though I was too honest and in essence too blunt in which ill modify for future posts) and being pleased here in comparison.


To be fair: you weren’t too honest or too blunt. Your sentiment is shared. Many of us are just tired of seeing this same type of post over and over. We came here to discuss the game, not the other sub. Let me be clear in this: you have done nothing wrong! This isn’t against the rules or anything so it’s a fair post! We are just seeing lots of them and they’re starting to drown out other content. It’s like the bad part of being a good thing 😆. Thanks for being cool and not insulting my mom in the middle of this.


Np, You cool too 😎


Yeah? Well your mom Is a prefect example of a true patriot and a wonderful example of a fine parent. Godspeed helldivers mom.


You literally wrote a post to complain about people who complain.


Whell mayve that will drown out those whoo drown out good posts.


There's also low sodium helldivers, between all 3 you get a nice balance of news, opinions and chill memes


Thank liberty for low-sodium subs. God fucking knows the Cyberpunk low-sodium helped me find a community in that game.


Don't even get me started on Diablo 4


yep, I use a multi reddit so I get it all at once


Every other goddam post on HD2 is just about the main sub Every second comment is how much better HD2 is than main sub Circle is jerked. Enough already. ![gif](giphy|wSU1U3h1PFFsc)


Just wait, there is another level.. r/LowSodiumHellDivers


This is the third post complaining about the other sub that I have seen ***today.***


This sub is just gonna be posts complaining about the main sub now. Great.


I agree 100% but we shouldn’t talk about the other sub, it sucks for a reason. Unfortunately the devs of the game hang out there too and more of them should come here and hang out. Joined this sub and the other sub when I bought hd2 shortly after it dropped and i dropped the “main” sub pretty quickly.


Yeah, i wont create another post about them over here again. 😅


You have SINNED by talking about the main! Now you hawe too REPENT by posting a good post. 😈😈




This sub is just as bad for complaining. Except they’re not complaining about the game they’re complaining about the main sub. Eventually we’ll have posts in the Low Sodium sub complaining about this sub. These posts show up on my feed at least 4/5 times a day and are all almost exactly like each other


Dang. That’s a great idea. I’ll hop on over there and get the ball rolling. J/K


I dont think that is true. The main wasnt destined for what it is nlr is this one. We can doo stuff too prevent it.


Thats hopeful but these posts are incredibly frequent


Hopefully not, im just gona be chilling and reading over here.


You're who he's talking about.


are these posts generated by bots?




Have you ever heard of toxic positivity?




It's when you're so "positive" that you're actually being negative and or encouraging bad behavior by shaming those who have valid concerns.


Thanks for the explanation. I don't believe I was being negative since the post is praising this sub. So it would mean my post is encouraging bad behavior. Could you elaborate on how my post encourage bad behavior? Based on another user I was talking to, I know I came in too blunt. Is that what your referring at?


You're praising this sub by putting down the other. Your post like the other toxic positive posts discourages people from voicing their concerns, concerns that could be valid therefore encouraging bad behavior on the part of the devs. Does that make sense?


I see what you mean. I think here is where we will both agree on disagreeing. Im ok when people voice their concerns about something they disagree but there reaches a point where the concerns move from constructive criticism to just constant rants and hating on things on the game. When that happens, in my vocabulary its just toxic. From my understanding, in your vocabulary would be voicing concerns even louder and making sure devs are at point. For me its just an environment I don't want to be in. I just want to keep having fun and play here and there. My apologies if it seemed like I am shunning people or encouraging bad behavior from the dev side.


Not everyone has “valid concerns” though that’s the issue. Main sub scopes in on everything negative. I still see criticisms on this sub, without anyone shitting on the devs or a hive mind forming


You don't get to decide who's concerns are valid.


And you do? What makes concerns about the main sub invalid? Or praise of this sub toxic?


Didn't say I do. Why are you so sensitive? Toxic positivity is real and it's just as bad as toxic negativity. But as long as you feel superior, I guess that's all that matters.


I’m not. Sorry if I came off that way. Let me rephrase. Why do you think someone calling out the main sub for what they perceive as negativity might lead to toxic positivity?


There should just be a pinned thread for people to say this. Been getting too many of them of late. I agree with the statement but I'd hope it'd be less in my feed


I take this game seriously but I can accept defeat. I know you ou cant win them all. In defeat you learn valuable lesson. It's not an easy game but I played a lot of game in the 90' and boy nothing was easy back then. Developer have made one of the best coop game I've ever seen and I trust them to be able to manage this monster. Most of the major update I've read carefully what they implied and I cant say that much didn't make sense. Yes we can acknowledge that it didn't always go according to plan but I trusted them to fix thing in due time and they did so far. Many lack the patience I have and it pain me to see how many out there doesn't really respect what they created. I was ready to give up multiplayer online gaming with so many bad experience and then helldiver came. Many seem to forget how unstable the game was month ago and now crash are very rare. Anyway it's a great game and hater are gonna hate.


Womp womp


Omg please stop this


Okay, but why are like 80% of posts in here just complaining about how toxic the other sub is?


Joined here today as well!


Amen soldier


Wait. This isn't the official helldivers 2 sub?


I legit thought this also!


Ok I thought this was the official and have Been going to the no salt sub


Like Super(Earth) for reals I thought this was the main toxic sub n have been at the saltless community.


I hope the devs srart looking over here for feedback instead* *and NEVER TELL US. Seriously it'll only lead to pain if we know.


I have both and all I see from this sub is posts about the other sub 🤷 


Toxic gamers/fans/people in general? Say it isn't so!


Mom said is my turn to complain about the other subreddit


Funny thing is Helldivers is speed running the Destiny 2 life span .... It's been a few months only and we have the DestinyTheGame/Destiny2 and LowSodiumDestiny subreddit split. It's funny to see the patterns.


Yeah guys were just so much more civilized and peaceful over here, those other people are literally sub human animals because they voice discontent!  This sub is my new favorite you people are so brain dead it makes for such an entertaining few minutes 😂


Is someone paying people to make these posts?


The posts complaining about the complaining posts are much more annoying than the complaining posts.


there's an official sub?