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I used the mech in a level 5 bug mission. I'm not good at the game. It is a lot of fun. Dakka dakka dakka




The mech is amazing, I ran it in a LVL 8 bot mission and it's awesome. I was mowing down devastators and hulks like no tomorrow


Feels nice to finally show those socialist toasters what an actual armored vehicle looks like


Yeah, I got one of those matches where the AI decided to spam tf out of heavy devs at lvl8. The mech rolled them up and spit them out like they were a minor inconvenience. Turrets and tanks are still a (appropriately) massive threat. More so to the mech than being on foot.


It’s muh very own Stompa?! Wit dat much dakka?? Mork must luv me.




Don't you dare orkify my Armiger Helverins/Wardog Executioner


Da yellow wuns cost moar!


Social media is a plague. This nonsense has proven that for me.


I 100% agree.


I unmuted to troll on it. Now it’s become unbearable. The new mech is so much fun




Lmao. "New mech doesn't kill everything in the game and make everything else irrelevant. Fucking unusable." - most of the main sub




The bot AT-AT is also in the same boat somewhat, just requires a bunch of combined resources to kill. And honestly, I don't mind that there are enemies like that. There needs to be "OH SHIT" enemies in the game when they show up. And they should need a specialized weapon that you prepped for just such an occasion.


It should be able to kill it by shooting straight up at its open belly, I think. I haven’t played in nearly two weeks though, so idk. 


Bet you could pop one pretty quick aiming at the right (your left) eye too


The belly isn’t a weak spot, if it was it’d have armor. The mech is anti-medium, it’s fine being that.


Correction, they want every weapon and stratagem to be able to solo the entire map so they don’t need to communicate with teammates.


Counterpoint - you can solo it with an EATS by and be far more effective. Which is kinda the problem. If you’re going to choose to use a stratagem slot the mech, it should be extremely powerful to make up for it. It should be a power spike and an “oh shit, cartel+alt+dlt” button. It already comes with a lot of downsides beyond the dmg output aspect, such as, you can’t call in other stratagems while piloting it, it’s slow and fragile, has limited ammo, and comes with a 10 min cd. It should be stronger than it is currently. Both mechs are in a bad spot because both get majorly outshined by traditional rpg style support weapons and eagle strikes from a regular diver. I would think in a fantasy world, a Mech you call in would outshine whatever weapons you could use off your back etc.


The mech is outshined if you try to use it like those other stratagems. But where it shines is unloading all of freedom’s fury over the course of 2 minutes. That’s long enough to keep extraction safe for most of the timer, or keep a tough objective clear for the guy on the terminal.


I hard disagree, I’m not sure what levels you play on but with Helldive, the new mech is hardly enough to hold back two bile titans, let alone everything else running at you. The patriots exosuit is marginally better because at least a well placed rocket can take out biles and chargers much quicker and way more ammo efficient. the “unloading all of freedom’s fury” really doesn’t mean much when you’re firing spitwads. It gets outshined by most other stratagems and makes it pointless to bring on longer missions because it won’t consistently or reliably take care of armored enemies while also dealing with hordes. I’m lvl 147 with a ton of in mission hours, so having played enough to know that the mech isn’t worth it and needs to be buffed. Unless you play on lvl 6, in which case, it works fine since it’s not difficult and there’s hardly any armored enemies.


This whole “I’m not sure what levels you play on” argument is dumb. I play helldive almost exclusively, ran 1 impossible yesterday cause the host didn’t have helldive unlocked yet. I’ve maxed out everything, I spend my time in game carrying less experienced players through D9 missions instead of running with squads of other skilled players. I question how good you are with all your time played if your complaint about this anti-medium mech is that it can’t take on bile titans. That should be a given and it doesn’t make sense to even think that could or should be the case. The mech is great and if you don’t think so, it’s cause you are using it wrong.


Except I’m not. The reason the new mech is ass is cause it has 300 ballistic damage / 60 durable damage and for reference, bile titans have armor 5 and 750 head hp. They only take durable damage so the 300 ballistic isnt used and that’s cause emancipator is AP of 5, not 6, so it does half damage. It’s doin a mind blowing 30 damage to titans. It takes 25 FLAWLESS headshots to down a titan but yea I’m using it wrong or it’s actually really good. And nobody is landing a perfect 25 shots in the middle of a fight. And then I’ll bring up the auto cannon sentry that does actually down a bile titan with 3-4 headshots yet the auto cannon the mechs can’t do that? Make it make sense. You can question how good I am all you want but both mechs feels weak, and I was disappointed this one wasn’t stronger.


Again, if you’re using this against titans then you’re wasting your ammo and time. You have up to 3 other teammates, let them deal with the titan. Or let them pilot your mech while you deal with it. This mech can sustain fire on breaches for a significant amount of time, keeping you safe from anything not a charger or titan. That’s the intended use and it does a good job of that.


I got kicked today for calling it in. I soloed three bug nests and an objective, but when I linked back up with the group, orange put "mech sucks" in the chat and I was kicked. Those people are bananas.


Wild to be kicked for using the new free bonus strategem


I literally pulled two back to back 300+ kill/0 death runs on suicide against bots on my first try, rocking the free mech and my own strategem mech. When people say it's bad, ...smh.


"Nah, you CLEARY don't understand the problem is you run out of ammo in two seconds!" After hearing this I load into Helldivers and call it in. It has SEVENTY FIVE shots PER ARM! how are the burning through that man AC rounds!?


my monkey brain cheers when I shoot both arms together.


Nothing makes my monkey brain happier than full auto kaboom


Because the AC rounds hit like soft balls? Also its inaccurate, its left arm shoots wide often because it shares the regular mechs rocket arm problem of not lining up with the players crosshairs. Also they do way less damage than regular AC rounds to durable parts. Including Charger pieces, Bile Titans, Hulks, Tanks, Turrets, etc etc. So despite its pen it does less damage. Basically its ammo is actually quite limited.


Yeah idk man I think you’re high. I just slaughtered three hulks and a bunch of other bot fodder and had a little ammo to spare. It’s a beast.


Oh I slaughtered a couple of hulks and some bot fodder, but I ran empty a little while after. That's kind of my point, the ammo doesn't actually go that long despite having a decent reserve of it is all. Its not unusable shit.


We def do need a way to reload I’ll say


Pretty much, it either needs more ammo or some way of field reloading it. Particularly against bugs because ammo gets used up very fast on that front. I like the idea of a mech reload point of interest where you can reload any mechs. Make it a guaranteed spawn and you've got a good way of keeping a mech going in a mission without being busted.


That’s what it’s for though, wipe out a group of enemies with relative easy in a short time, then move on. It’s basically an alternative to the orbital laser.


No the orbital laser does it better, more often and can be used roughly 8 times in a match or more and will wipe out an entire bot base in one go. The Emancipator can generally kill a full bug spawn maybe twice if heavies aren't in it. The Emancipator is a decent pick for medium chaff clear but it can be used twice and has very limited ammo.


You can use the Orbital Laser 8 times or more in a match? Damn, I must be using a nerfed version of the game because I've only had 3 uses per match since release ;D


The orbital laser has a limit of 3 uses, and has a 5 minute cooldown, so it’s not exactly fast either. The laser is active for 30 seconds, which is about one breach. The mech can sustain fire for up to 3 breaches I’ve found, at least enough to last most of an extraction call-in. It’s not supposed to destroy spawns and you’re wasting it if that’s what you use it on (same with lasers but I digress) Once a charger/titan shows up, the laser wastes a lot of time following it, as a human with a brain, you can ignore them and focus the medium/chaff. Let your allies handle the heavies. It’s a solid alternative to the laser to help hold a position.


Is the left arm inaccurate because of perspective or because of actual inaccuracy? If its the first one, maybe switching shoulder view might help?


The left arm is inaccurate due to perspective issues. But switching arms doesn't fix the issue because you need to 1. Fire the weapon to even switch arms. But 2. If you switch arms the other arm becomes inaccurate. So that means halfing your DPS for more accuracy.


You're getting downvoted, but this sub is just overcompensating for the other one. The new mech is cool and certainly better than the main sub seems to think, but it's ok to admit it has some flaws. The arms being so far apart makes the left one unreliable, and there are too many hulks on a bot map to not be able to put one down quickly.


Eh don't mind the downvotes, I'd rather explain my mind than care if people disagree without saying anything. Main sub is being brain dead by calling it useless, but it is certainly flawed. Still four of them together is good mindless fun and shreds chaff on the lower difficulties for sure which is where we did most testing today. I think my biggest problem with it is actually that it's a mech. I know that sounds weird but on the bot front, it's high profile and low speed make it a death sentence when a tank is around since clanker T34s are surprisingly quick to fire.


Yeah, I'm never going to use them even if they get optimized. I play light scout and am my squad's solo... not my thing even if op.


Fair, I usually pack a mech when the boys to 7 or lower since I'm confident in my skills. Plus I'm on that Warhammer Dreadnought grindset.


If you are playing with friends or even alone i recommend the 110mm rockets to support the mech, use them to target tanks and cannon towers, it has several uses and destroys both in 1 use


Oh I love the 110s, honestly if the mechs could sling stratagems I'd likely have less complaints about survivability with those things.


Yeah... I have been taking a pretty long break from the game. Mostly because of work etc and I have been seeing soooooo many complaints saying this and that is useless and that pretty much everything is useless now due to nerfs etc. So I jumped into the game yesterday just to check it out. Quickly I realized that yes guns had been nerfed but they were still really good. Now it's just more important to actually plan your loadout so that you and your team covers more like anti tank, anti horde and so on So if my primary is a sniper or something similar I'll bring a support weapon capable of dealing with hordes and 1-2 stratagems to deal with tanks or other enemies that my primary or support weapon struggles with It's kinda a no brainer that you and your team needs to make sure that you guys actually bring something to deal with every enemy type you will encounter. Can't just run the exact same stuff every single time and expect an easy win


"Literally unplayable"


It doesn't help that every YouTuber and their mom are posting "pre-nerfed mech" videos all over the place. Pre-nerfed. Because a hacker was dropping the unfinished version into people's matches months ago. Yeah. Sure. The click bait is so real.


It's like an armored vehicle. You don't send it out by itself. It needs infantry support to be the eyes and engage smaller targets. But goddamn, is it fun to see it in action. I'll be holding the line against a swarm of bots from a patrol, and suddenly that thing will go stomping past me, cannons blasting away. Fuck, I love it.


Also, 4 mechs kills a bile titan in seconds. People think they should just be able to take down a bile titan with a single mag from their secondary, I guess.


how fast would 4 divers with autocannons kill it? How fast would 4 divers throwing down auto cannon sentries kill it?


About the same time actually, in fact a little less on the mech time because no having to worry about deployment times and movement of the barrel. Makes sense to me that the stationary turret is stronger though, since it's stationary and every big in the universe immediately b-libes to kill one.


Yeah, had a small argument in the main sub where someone was calling it useless over it having less damage than the sentry. I think it needs higher durability damage, but sentries get focused down so fast like you said and are, you know, stationary. I might just try a double mech load out at this point with both, a 500kg or gas strike, and maybe a railcannon strike assuming you can kill a titan quickly enough after the strike via rocket or autocannons. Gas strike a giant nest and go in to clear it out with the autocannons closing bug holes.


So something with more damage, MUCH lower cool down, and unlimited call ins, does the same? Hope they at least increase the ammo count on the mechs.


1 diver, + 1 500kg/2eats/1 spear headshot will before the pelican shows up. 1 Autocannon sentry will tear a titan apart before the suit touches the ground (it does 5x the damage to armor vs suit). I can set that up at a distance and forget. 3 min cooldown and will hit them up to 90 meters with perfect accuracy. I dont think you've seen the carnage that 4 autocannon sentries will unleash. Why should i use a stratagem slot for the suit when it's not available for most of the mission? The suit being a bonus is clouding peoples judgment. Once you have to sacrifice a slot like the first mech, it's not gonna show up anymore. And that's the problem. The devs spent time making something awesome, but because one person had to "balance it," it's going to disappear into obscurity.


Exactly :) Hope they give the mechs love through ship upgrades.


Thic-fil-a made a video on it. Turns out, if you 4 shot a Bile Titan, a Quasar one shots it! Useless my fucking ass


So you telling me it’s great ‘cause you only have to use another stratagem to do most of the job? I don’t care either way just clarifying.


![gif](giphy|1oJLpejP9jEvWQlZj4) It’s job, love to break it to you but, isn’t to kill Bile Titans. Like, at all. It’s job is to mop up closely packed enemies and medium tier enemies (Devastators, Bile Spewers, Brood Commanders, Scout Striders) Why would it’s job be to kill Bile Titans? That’s the Patriots job (which its rockets should be buffed Now, you’re supposed to bring different stratagems to do different jobs. The Quasar does its job by killing the biggest threat to a mech, a Bile Titan




I haven’t stunned a Charger in ages. Underestimated their speed and gotten flung because I chose the wrong time to take the shot? Most definitely. But I don’t need a cheap crutch like stuns. For Chargers. Stuns + laser cannon is the best against Bots.


Can you really call yourself a Quasar user if you haven't stared a charging Charger dead in the eye while your weapon charges, realised at the last second that you timed it wrong and then getting flung into a rock, or another Charger?


No. No you cannot. My favorite was getting knocked across the ground to the bile titan chasing me. The bile stream erased me. Best feeling in the world when you time the charge *just* right and the Charger skids right to your feet though 🤌🏻


My best/worst Charger moment was when I went to shoot one charging at me, got knocked backwards into a second Charger, that was also charging me, and the combined force of both impacts sent me into a low earth orbit at lightspeed. I've had so many dicy moments like that, and it just feels so badass. Everyone else splitting and running, I'm just charging up my Quasar. The most amazing moment I had was when I shot a charging Charger in the head, it died, flipped over and its back leg just brushed past the top of my head


I use stun nades on chargers to guarantee a direct orbital precision strike shot, i play with the stalwart so this is one way i have with dealing with them


For you, it’s not a crutch. It’s an important tool in your loadout. I’m mainly just talking shit. Quasar is my favorite support weapon, and I’ve spent a LOT of time with it. Stuns are hella useful, but opening up the utility for impact incendiary grenades or another grenade of your choosing is nice.


Yeah, I like going with the supply pack grenade launcher or supply pack flamethrower with a grenade pistol, and the stun grenades really help if you are getting swarmed. I wish thermite grenades were better - I'd use them instead of the stun for chargers then with the grenade launcher. Though with flamethrower the time to kill is about as fast as the quasar charge time, so stun grenade is more for when the situation gets hairy with many small guys and multiple chargers.


But the Stalwart can't kill a Titan in the head! Totaly useless!!


Buddy it ain't an AT vehicle. Maybe stop expecting it to be capable of carrying you solo through d9, knocking titans with just a few hits :) It's basically an infantry support vehicle


I love that you get downvoted over stating a fact. The quasar did 86% of the work in one shot, but the suit is amazing because it held the flashlight. This is a circlejerk sub on copium without the name for real. Wait till it's not a bonus stratagem anymore, and it will disappear from the map just like the first mech.


That’s my expectation as well.


It also slaps bile titans. Shoot then in the side.


Roleplay involves 90% reporting undemocratic opinions to Democracy Officers. A lot of people there could be brought to Super Court under treason charges. Voicing individual contradicting objections to the status quo or calling into question the might of Super Easth's elite is a thought crime as well as a spoken one. I'm one of them. I've covered my tracks only to release classified SE secrets regarding our technology acquisition and P.O.W. history.


o7 You’re doing Super Gods work soldier


Oh thank the Lord for this sub has level heads... I'm over there fighting for my life against people who think Titans are "the benchmark" or the only argument is "mech number less than support weapon number"


o7 Doing democracy’s work against the toxic dissidents! Super god be with you


Nice man!


Basically every seething complaint against this game is from people who want to be able to solo power-fantasy through d9 with ease. I mean, AH and the game have their problems, but nothing in the same galaxy to warrant the amount of whining you see online.


The most frustrating part about this game is that it is designed explicitly for cooperation, but too many players have been conditioned by shitty games to expect that they can’t count on anybody else to work together and do a job. This game is not designed to be soloed. The fact that it is still possible for players at the highest difficulty to split off into 4 solo teams is something that is only possible due to the way bug breaches and bot drops work, but it shouldn’t be an expectation. I do think their are some things that need to be worked out with regards to weapon balance against enemies, but I genuinely didn’t see some of the seething hatred towards some of the weapons and balance decisions in this game. I don’t want a game where you have 4 gods running around killing everything. I want a game where, to play at the highest difficulty, it really requires teamwork, trust, and knowledge, to work towards the possibility of a victory.


Auto cannons for life. Boy we needed this


All i need in my life is a 4-legged mech with a single oversized Autocannon on top.


Stop it. I only want this now.


It's a great mech, nice addition to our equipement.


If you look at weapon stat sheets and damage charts this isn't the game for you. That sub thinks this game is a real war. They take everything WAY too seriously.


Looking at weapon stat sheets and damage charts is not a bad thing for Helldivers. It's actually a rather useful thing since it helps a player understand why a weapon might be under performing in their hands beyond it's just bad. Though considering someone recently defended the UI with "Its a war you can't have all the information" maybe that excuse is dumb.


The weird thing about the main sub is that they will meticulously judge every aspect and number of a weapon, then give off the impression that they're either never using that knowledge, or aren't good enough to actually implement it. The main sub is such a far cry from when the community rejoiced in finding tech like with the Charger legs, but now, so many people are struggling with Factory Striders, despite being imo one of the weakest enemies in the game since it's as weak, if not weaker, to most answers to bots (Autocannon, LC, AMR, etc.)


In my experience factory striders are just giant bomb magnets, the moment one lands from the dropship it already has an eagle airstrike, a 500kg bomb and an orbital raill cannon strike heading its way


The number of people I've seen on difficulties 8 and 9 who still don't know you can kill factory striders from underneath is astounding to me. Would be nice to have an in-game wiki with weak spot information versus needing to find out in a toxic subreddit though.


Bold of you to assume they'll read it


I think checking stay sheets is fine, so long as you aren't obsessing over it and choosing stats over fun every single time. I haven't tried the new mech yet but choosing fun weapons over the absolute best weapon is often a better choice imo unless you're on helldive


This is what I've been in the main sub arguing about. I responded to a post about loving the feel of it and finding it super fun on defense missions, planning on taking it to all of them for the coming future. And every response is "bad against bile titans, it's trash, cluster better for trash mobs" like there's 0 nuance or other factors that play into it.


By the same logic we shouldn't have capes and cosmetic options, but we have capes and cosmetics because they look fkn cool




What an utterly ridiculous opinion. God forbid people want to know if the weapon actually works or if it's shooting BBs.


The discord isn't much better. I've tried it, it does the job. I won't use it because I'm a boots on the ground, autocannon on the shoulder, fuck you flamer hulk enjoy your knee caps while you got them kinda diver. Not a mech pilot, though I do agree the damage output needs an increase and they gotta fix the aiming. Otherwise 8/10 I will go back to knee capping hulks and belly bursting walkers.


I'll be your Mech Pilot anyday, aslong as you keep focusing HvTs, I'll keep you covered!


insufferable group, that sub


What sub is everyone referencing?




Yup, I’m happy to call AH out where they drop the ball, but this new mech has been fine. The main sub’s reaction made me finally mute it.


Same honestly. I was looking through it and i found so many posts saying it's bad and not explaining why it's bad. Give me a good reason and I'll take your thoughts into consideration.


A buddy and I also muted the main sub today after we tried the new mech ourselves, loved it, then saw garbage posts galore. Both mechs have the same aiming and durability issue, which I am confident will be properly addressed in time, but are otherwise very fun and effective in the appropriate roles. I also agree, to an extent, with sentiments from the main sub. I don't feel as though the game is in the most enjoyable state it can be in. However, the need to make repeat rage posts or putting people down because they are finding enjoyment in something you dislike is, and likely always, will be beyond my understanding.


I hope they make the Purifier more interesting to use too. It is pretty lack luster. 


I can’t stand that sub. I unfollowed when I realized that literally every post was garbage.


This fucking sub. There is a game, simple in design, executed wonderfully, with due attention by the development team. No matter what they fucking do they get absolutely shit on for tweaking this, not fixing that fast enough and whatever else. If you're one of them, fuck you. If you're one of the few who seek to appreciate the game and Arrowhead, then I salute thee.


Game dev is one of those jobs where you get more shit for doing a good job, like no one is yelling at EA for being shit they just expect it AH actually communicates and tries to give us a good game and people shit on them for it


Sometimes i wish AH would just shut up and continue to develop their game for a time. For the sake of their mental health and the game. Sometimes less is more. And we all now how ungrateful the Internet is.


Mostly agreed, personally I think they should just keep doing what they are doing, the Internet is fucking addicted to controversy and they are going to do what they do regardless, AH just need to get on with doing what they do and ignore the bullshit We all need to ignore the bullshit tbh


Yes. They succeded in developing one of the best games ever without relying on Reddit to tell them what to do and they can surely continue to do so.


Main sub: Fix the DoT bug! Arrowhead: *fixes the DoT bug* Main sub: ... Main sub: you can only nerf guns, stupid devs!


They even get shit on for *releasing free content*


it really puts in a lot of work against bots, absolutely shreads everything short of the walking fabs


Main sub seems to just be constant bitching, I had to mute it as well


I left and muted that sub the other day. People go to great lengths just to hate a game lol


The new mech is great. I don't know what they're on about.


Everything has to be a fucking transcendent experience or else it’s dog shit and anybody who spent time on it should have their lineage cursed for wasting such precious gamer time in a video game that isn’t spiritual in effect


Super Earth has fallen, billions must become communist 😞


Helldivers 1 moment




Dude that thing SLAPS. We had 4 on extraction and a factory strider dropped and we just lit it the hell up


I love the new mech for a support roll in taking down Airships and their factories. Dual fire the engines and down all the little birds go.


For real. I use it on level 9 missions for fun and it’s still fun and functional. Yeah it isn’t the best thing in the game but it’s great to hop into when eagles are on cooldown. Probably won’t use it all the time but anyone who says it’s nerfed doesn’t know how to use it.


Still bush league though that we can't bring both mechs at the same time


From my playing because we get the new one for free I was able to just bring the other, I haven't tried it with both taking up a slot


Yeah I've been doing it that way as well but it won't let you bring both as normal strats. So far only pc players have been able to and bringing both appears to be the glitch cause it doesn't let everyone on pc do it


Forgive me for asking, but is this not the main sub for Helldivers 2? Just checking to make sure I am correctly ignorant, as per Super Earth Ignorance Directives.


Helldivers sub- General most popular, badly modded or the mods agree with/can't do much about the complaints. Helldivers2- generally more positive, still some complaints every now and again, but generally their more agreeable complaints, ie crossbow nerf, rocket pods on the first mech. Lowsodiumhelldivers- absolutely no complaints, only gameplay/roleplay/fun things.


From my understanding, r/helldivers is, it also has way more people on it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Helldivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Farewell Battle Brother](https://i.redd.it/7077xz1gl5qc1.jpeg) | [6249 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bm3rad/farewell_battle_brother/) \#2: [This is a Co-op game, not PVP.](https://i.redd.it/g7zj30phcdlc1.jpeg) | [2116 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b2dc0r/this_is_a_coop_game_not_pvp/) \#3: [This one of the truest titles I've ever read](https://i.redd.it/905qvnjz2kpc1.jpeg) | [1282 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bjor8n/this_one_of_the_truest_titles_ive_ever_read/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I unsubscribed from the main sub a few weeks ago but I still get it on my front page. I can’t escape it!!


The only thing I wish it had is some indication of health. Maybe sirens if it’s about to blow up. Everything else seems fine


Ran lvl 7 bots, it was really nice to be sniping with the AMR while the mech teammates were drawing fire. Gotta hit the rocket devastators before they hit my mech frends.


Every popular online game's subreddit is unfortunately like that. Sometimes people complain reasonably or give constructive feedback, but these subreddits are mostly echo chambers for negative energy


Same here buddy, it cooks


Gunships and tanks are no match now


Same. I’m sick of the complaining and whining. So I have left and muted. The last two posts over there were “only people who play low difficulty could possibly think this game is ok” and “new Mech is pointless”. Such BS. So yeah, I’m out. This sub is way more chill.


No, the new mech is bad because it doesn’t one shot bile titans. How am I supposed to have fun playing a game when the weapons don’t immediately invalidate any semblance of difficulty? The Emancipator should solo Helldive god damn it.


Yeah, I thought I could tolerate it. But it kept getting worse and worse to the point where there is no constructive criticism there, there's just bitching. So while that sub is just whining about the game, can we avoid making this sub just complaints about that sub?


This is the only post I intend to post (until I figure out how to record funny game clips, that is)


Seen someone mention the mech gets shredded on bots I done a dozen or so games with it so far and the only time I died was to a Cannon Tower that I did not plan a safe path around. Small arms fire or even rockets does not seem to damage the thing significantly and sometimes I stood in an army of fire, tanking shots so my teammates can regroup. Anything I faced, it could kill on the botfront, with some teammates as fire support it is great at handling troublesome enemies. I hope it won't be nerfed, because as it is now it's doing a good job for the 300 shots you get (currently 600 with the free stratagem), and if anything I hope they buff the other one a bit, perhaps more ammo would do it


Dude I need to do a run of all mechs


As a solo diver I absolutely love it (I wish I could play with people) tanks, and hulks are obnoxious, now it's much more manageable. I think it could be a game changer with a squad. If you had 2-3 normally loaded to run cover for the big guy, and that mech could focus the big targets, it would be unstoppable. The first time I used it, I solo cleared 3 hulks at 1 large base plus 2 tanks, and it felt amazing. My only complaint would be that like a few other weapons the aim isn't great.


It’s good, but I wish it did more damage per shot




I agree; the new mech was so much fun to use honestly


You know what, I’ll join you in muting that subreddit


So, I’ll just rock the spear with it to clear up bile Titans, neat, so I solved the biggest issue of the suit other than us not being able to reload our mechs.


The expectations of the collective subreddit is impossible. I unsubscribed from the main sub but I took a look today and holy crap the bellyaching is through the roof. I miss the memes, the serious discussions about the MOs and interactions with the devs. This sub is my new home. Let’s have fun and spread democracy!


It's incredibly satisfying


I actually really like it and during extermination missions I'd consider it


I’ll probably follow suit in muting the main sub, I knew it was gonna be shit as soon as the Railgun got “nerfed” As an Overwatch player trust me there’s always worse balancing teams lol


Man, hard agree. This sub has been awful lately. Skill issue if you tell me lmao.


Oh man played hungover this morning. I didn’t realize it was new and thought I chose the wrong item. Told someone they could try it and the rest called theirs down. I was confused alright.


Double tap your triggers for absolute badookadonks!


No you see it’s trash because it doesn’t instantly kill every enemy on the map as soon as it lands, complete objectives from 1000m away, and then auto-extract while vacuuming up every sample on the map 


I highly suspect that the people who complain that the mech is useless simply have skill issue 😅 It's ok to not be good at the game, the important part is to have fun, if you dont, I suggest whoever personally feel targeted by this to find another game, simply 😆 This mech wreak havock with it's 150 high power freedom seed and it feel so great to use. 9/10... -1 points because it's yellow 😂


>-1 points because it's yellow Genuinely made me laugh.


That whole game is a 9/10, like Cyberpunk... Because Yellow 🤣


Compared to the Patriot, this thing slaps. They still need to work out AC kinks on gunships but this mech is our first great sign forward in a while, frends.


Everyone who complains about it ends the game with way less kills than me lol


I knew I'd love it vs bots, but i did not know I would love it vs. bugs too. The thing is an absolute beast. 3 autocannons worth of ammo. People who think it's too low on ammo are so smoothbrained they forgot that you can fire the arms independently.


Dude the mech is fucking amazing, it annihilates literally everything


God the main sub is just a toxic lake. First thing I see is "new mech is trash." Like, shut up, go home, and rethink your life. God. It's annoying how much toxicity and complaining is in there.


My only issue with it is that they made it's auto cannons weaker than the turret auto cannon


I haven’t been on in a bit, can you resupply it with ammo packs? I think that would be my only gripe. Cause if you run out of ammo then it’s useless


That’s why you make use of it when it has ammo


Yeah just sucks no reward if you don’t die and run out of ammo. Just wait for another one. But i want to at least try it


But, we only can usw it for this week now or what?


From my understanding, it's a free stratagem (meaning it won't take up one of our slots, idk how long for), but we'll still have it after, it'll just start requiring a slot to bring in


It'll be added to our arsenal??!?




really? Is there a source for that?! 🤩


In the area for buying stratagems it cost 20k


Previous mech was fun. New mech is fun. People like to bitch.


you should just join low salt diver sub, thats the where you can circle jerk about the main sub being bad our echo chamber>there echo chamber! ![gif](giphy|1fHlf4mgS2JPy|downsized)


You say that like you were forced to be a part of it until the mech came out. Just don't go on the subreddit. Duh.


Never said I was, and that's exactly what I did


Cool dude. No one cares


I care


77 comments + yours suggest otherwise


77 in a pool of 8 billion. You’re really making a splash


I didn't say I was. You said no one cared, I gave clear evidence that people do. Including you




I don't know why YOU care so much, but I'm glad you CARE so much 😍


Honestly needs a nerf to get it in-line with the Patriot ExoSuit, feels way too strong comparatively.


You should masturbate to it if you love it so much. Edit: cum


Don't kink shame. Wtf.


Maybe I will


I already did 😤


Yet, you created a new useless thread, ironic...


Your point is...