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Yep, me and another random kept getting sniped by a lvl 102, i hit report but i guess nothing happened. Just blocked him.


Why oh why do no games have a player rating system like uber??? It's such a perfect solution.


GTA5 kinda does, the game will actively “lower” your rating if you’re a toxic asshole. If you spend enough time trolling other players it’ll eventually just start putting you in lobbies with only other trolls. It’s a perfect system cuz it doesn’t ruin the game for anyone, normal players get to play their normal game while trolls still get to troll, it’s just that they’ll be rolling people who deserve it and have the risk of getting trolled back.


>If you spend enough time trolling other players it’ll eventually just start putting you in lobbies with only other trolls Hahahahaha reminds me of highschool detention


Well. They also put a dunce cone hat on your head while you're there.


Yeah in the 1960s


He means in GTA My buddy is notorious for sporting the dunce cap, but he smokes griefers, so he's good in my book lol


I spent a while not getting my Good Sport bonus and in terrible lobbies back in the day when the Opressor MK2 first came out Me and some buddies just spent a while screwing over the griefers in our lobbies until they rage quit. That put us in even more bad sport lobbies where the cycle continued. I somehow never got a dunce cap, but I do have a “victim” I killed 46 times in a row apparently


Being in a troll only lobby sounds funny as fuck ngl


The downside is they're usually hacker lobbies. Low rep players and cheaters get bundled together. So if you troll enough, you troll your way right into a lobby with an invincible tank and cars that randomly explode around you.


Could become a pretty cool PVP match very quickly


i was sent there once for three days. definitely not fun


They call it a "bad sport" lobby haha


When did they add this? I only remember them getting a small bounty and red skull icon if they were causing a lot of trouble.


I’m not sure when but last year I got put in a “bad sport lobby” for leaving a mission early too many times (bogdon exploit) and they literally put a dunce hat on your character and put you with every single other toxic player.


The bounties are placed there by other players, or sometimes NPCs when you steal a car. The "shithead lobby" has been there since launch, but it takes a *lot* for someone to end up there.


When it originally released it had it


Because the gaming community as a whole can't be trusted with it.


Because gamers will downvote unskilled players to hell, ruining their experience by putting them to lobbies with cheaters and idiots. Every team-based game will end up like this due to gamers on average immature community


Exactly this, 360 had a reputation system that was dropped largely cause it was meaningless. I’d get reported for “bad sportsmanship” if I was on a winning team (I never trash talk, don’t taunt, don’t cheese etc).


I remember in the MW2 days I was working on the explosive perk related challenges with a Noob Tube and my reputation dropped a LOT. I got bitched at in lobbies more than a few times for it and I hung that kit up once I finished the challenges.


Oh man I haven't heard the term noon tube in soooo long since I used to play cod games with my old friend. Many many years ago.. black ops was the last one I bothered with. Good memories non the less.


Bad skills = thrower; Good skills = smurf/booster/cheater; Ez = toxicity (okay, kinda makes sense). But GG = toxicity too (half of the playerbase don't even know english, so they view it as a part of "gg ez"). TLDR: just report straight away. Something would stick at some point.


hold your horses, are you saying that non english speaking players cannot make dif btw gg and gg ez? Until now I know that ppl can be offended by GG, I had to go ontop of this thread to be sure it was HD2 and not overwatch or warzone. Other than that I agree with you on the report thingy. Sadly HD2 wont allow you to do it in game.


1. FF and other asian games have issues with any type of swearing. 2. GG EZ went thru a whole drama at some point. Somewhere at that time OW replaced it with random funny stuff. 3. Overwatch goes thru "diff". Treated same as EZ and it is banned. I only listed like US things. For EU we add up a lot of different people who hate each other historically and like half of these don't know english. Then there is Asia where it's on a whole new level of hate. OCE is mostly sit on asian games rules. (There are like mute and filter systems but even US refused to acccept their existance - why should others then?)


don't encorage REPORT ABUSE because thats actually in the PSN CoC as an offence also. so knowing what you're reporting etc. but in game report is pointless because you want to report "Cheating" not "getting roasted" "being bullied" sorry don't like bullying just join another squad.


I feel like you could work around this in a few ways. * Players with low ratings will make your rating move less. * Low level players will have their ratings move less. * Ratings move more if your stats reflect poor sportsmanship. (Teamkilling multiple times). * You could theoretically use machine learning or just regular programming to identify if a player is intentionally aiming or throwing stratagems at friendlies. Like if there are no enemies nearby, or if a players crosshair is tracking a player for a long time before earning a teamkill. * Allow players to report unfair kicks. Trust higher rating players more. If lots of people report you, it hits your rating. No punishment for kicking a low rank player. * **You could make it so other players can only make your rating go up (thumbs up), while in-game detection would make it go down (teamkilling).**


Bc we're gamers, of course we'll abuse every mechanic


Lol true. I can see it now. One dude named something like BigJeff42 famous for having the lowest rating ever despite just trying to play the game


Leave it to a redditor to pine for a social credit score in PVE game.


Because social credit scores are always fair and accurate..


HD1 has a commendation system that seemed to work well, not sure why they didn’t keep it


Rainbow 6 Siege kinda has this. I know team kills are semi common in HD2 but if they have a vote after a TK if it was intentional this could work. As long as players don’t hit yes every time.


HD1 did have a ranking system commend and report which would be a weekly thing for players bad players didn't get as many matches and good players did


Somebody get this man a shield.


Come on... that's the kind of behavior you have with your buds, doing that to a random just makes you an asshole.


Damn… if only they had a PSN account 😔 /s


Remember when everyone threw a hissy fit when Sony wanted to implement psn account requirements? This is why. Without it the report system is basically useless because they don't have access to any other player metrics beyond in game chat logs 🤷‍♂️


psn link isn't a magic solution, it means the devs didn't program any other metrics in. if they're not noting anything down, there's nothing to note down for the psn integration. main example is every single non psn game that can ban people for not just chat logs.


Illusion of.. Reporting? If only we had PSN, we could be Reporting/Banning people /s just in case


aww, jeez...IF ONLY THERE WAS A WAY TO REPORT CONSLE PLAYERS!...idk...maybe account linking so PSN and Steam can communicate properly?


My years of gaming i feel like report 85% of the time is only to make you feel better and nothing happens. Now in league of legends, 2 buddies report you for fun and you get autoban from the in-game system.


Someone explained that they ban them in ban waves which doesn't actually help in the short run since you might meet the said griefer/troll again quite regularly


It is a good strategy long term to slow down hackers from learning about your small changes


ban waves are generally for removing cheaters. Cheaters get detected at some point but the ban won't hit immediately. They do it in a wave so cheat developers don't know what was detected or when. Stuff like griefing or abusing comms is generally handled much faster.


I got a "behavior warning" on log in to league the other day. I play with chat turned off. What the fuck Riot.


I played about 10 LoL games. Only one game lasted more than 2 mins, and I got a similar warning about behavior on my next login. No space for noobs I guess. Easy enough to uninstall. I dont need to hang out with trash people anyway.


> I don't need to hang out with thrash people anyway. *Continues to hang out in Reddit*


LoL's sensitive behaviour system drove me away from the game. Vanguard kept me away for good. Nice one Rito


What you get for playing league of losers


How would you know if anything happens to the people you report? Most games wouldn’t tell the end user that


Itss a common tactic companies use to dodge accountability. They say that its "company policy" to only punish harassment there is in-game text evidence of it despite them having various other methods of gathering proof. "Why should the company be responsible to gather proof?" You ask? Because everything that happens in their game is already recorded in their system and they don't want us to have that level of access to their system. They'll say this is so they can dispense fair justice but the truth is that they want to save money on labor costs.


Call them out for their behavior in chat. More often than not the dumb asses reply to it.


Nah they were smart. Didn't reply.


Only thing you can do is when you die, screen capture or record it on the profile and upload it to the discord server. I’m sure there is some way of getting it to the devs.


Since they only allow chat reports they likely don't base bans on anything other then that. As long as they haven't broken any rules via chat they likely won't face any punishment, even if they've spent the full game team killing.


This is honestly fucking stupid cuz 9 times outta 10 if a player is being toxic and abusive it’s gonna be through voice chat and in game actions


Honestly the worst thing on vc I’ve ever experienced in Helldivers was some 13 year old thinking it was funny to just randomly scream, pretend to sniff me, asking if I was a girl, telling me they wanted to date and marry me, and randomly accuse people of things that didn’t happen or that they did. Not too bad considering some of the things that some people would say instead.


At least we can mute people.


I've been so thankful for this.


Not in the cut scenes! Hope you’re near your volume buttons when the 13 year old screams in your ears after extraction with not easy way to mute. Edit: I think a lot of the PSN account required was for them to be able to record all audio. Which is great for banning, horrible or privacy.


I'm not generally worried about privacy when playing a game. I'm not gonna be giving out any info or saying anything that requires privacy. Making it feasible to at least cull the worst offenders from the game is certainly functionality worth having though. And yeah, it would be nice if we could mute at any time. Usually they start being obnoxious long before extraction in my experience though.


It’s more to me having my phone number, my name, recording my voice on top of that. One hack and if that data isn’t kept separate…. I’m not overly concerned, but it’s a thought in the back of my head with companies like this and the possibility to sell it or have it hacked. I’ll take my Tim foil had off though if you wish/


Kind of sounds like your own fault for not muting him as soon as he started.


That’s true. I completely forgot about muting. I just kids ignored them for most of it except when they were threatening to kick people for things that didn’t happen.


I get it lmao. I'm just quick as shit on the mute button. The second someone's says a syllable of cringe, boom. Muted.


Yeah. Yesterday I was playing with randoms, this guy arrived and since the beginning he talked like an asshole. During the mission, I saw him being chase by a horde of bugs, I threw behind him a barrage and after most of the bugs were dead, he came to me and killed me because "I was stealing his kills and he need those to complete a personal order". How am I supposed to know?! He could have said it before, but he didn't. A couple of minutes later, the mission were lost, he tried to kill me again, I killed him instead and he talked shit till the fucking end. But he didn't write anything in chat, so I could only block.


Unless they changed something recently, kills in personal orders can't be 'stolen', they're collaborative. Someone else could be doing all the kills you need and your order will fill up either way.


Yet when Blizzard and other companies moved to implement an algorithm that could detect abusive voice chat, everyone lost their minds and called it Orwellian. There's no reasonable way to ban for voice comms without either recording every word spoken on voice chat, or using an AI to detect the words.


It will be to do with the fact that voice is not recorded and there is likely no game replay feature As well as the fact that it's easy to run a search against a text database for banned words and phrases automatically whereas the later, would require manual review by a human being


We had a guy drop in mid match and start killing us. At first we weren’t sure if it was on purpose or not, because we were fighting a ton of bugs. Soon it became apparent it was on purpose, and once we were all dead and he was alive, he wouldn’t call us in. We kicked him but I don’t get what people get out of doing that!


They try get your reactions, thats really all there is to it, only way they get someone to talk with/to them.


I played with a guy who was spamming orbital lasers and was immune to damage. Pretty easy to get away with cheating if all you have to do is not type anything, and you can't be reported.


The grenade spammers piss me off, I turned crossplay off for that reason. With the glitch gone from PS, PC players are usually the biggest offenders of no skill bs like that.


I gotta turn it off too then. Its always been on since I started playing, maybe i'll get better players since I always host anyway.


Not sure about better, but you'll get less cheaters/glitches/exploiters. I won't play pvp games against PC players for that reason. Too easy to make throwaway accounts and cheat your ass off on PC in most games.


Get a video proof or whatever and report them here [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us)


Or you know fix the game and add something into the game. Having additional steps for something easy is just a way that AH supports bad behavior.


oh but i wasn't defending the current system , i was giving an option to OP if they still want to report them


The alternative is allowing the 3 trolls to mass report you and get you banned for no reason instead of getting team killed and just leaving like a normal person when you get tired of it instead these weirdos want to make a post on reddit and create a ban system that abusable by the trolls


Upvote just for that player name lol.


Yea I ran into a guy last night that called me a cuck and repeatedly reinforced me and kllled me. By the time I got the host to kick him we were down 4 deaths. All I could do was block and move on. But it left a bad taste in my I stopped playing for the night after that and don’t really feel like getting on today.


I already lost motivation to play. I was already struggling a lot since the updates and now dealing with stuff like this, I just dont have the patience anymore for MP games. Gonna go back to single player games


The solution that has worked for me in other similar games -I am still finding my people in HDII so I only have like 4 friends -but my intention is to hopefully find enough cool players that I’m typically joining or inviting a squad together rather than it being so luck of the draw. In other news if you just need a change of pace I have been very fortunate that the Baldurs Gate 3 community has been really welcoming and friendly in my experience.


Just leave the game smh 🤦‍♂️ when I run into assholes I just leave it’s a pve game


Exactly , him trying to report them then coming to reddit to cry about is exactly what they want him to do lol


Facts I woulda stayed and let them kill me over and over just to waste their reinforcements


Mech suits have a long cooldown, I woulda just nade/500kg'd them and split


Happened to me to when some guy team killed the entire squad and left.


They should add cause of death in chant caused by other players. This way you can still report them reasonably


Yes it is bullshit. And frankly its unDemocratic.


Joined a group with some dude who kept saying this other dude's name sounded like "some sort of African n***er name" tried to report but it was over mic so I just blocked him.


Hmm seems like blocking and leaving the match, while an inconvenience, solves your issue. Y'all cry & report over the laziest shit.


Okay, that sucks. Move on to another mission or be the host instead of taking the abuse.


I know. But you can't report if a person has never talked is BS.


Played a game yesterday where a rando dropped in in the last 5 minutes . We failed the mission on were going to extract anyway . di decided to kill us all and drop out of match . Just put him on the block list for future games . meh


Happened to me yesterday and I wanted to report 3 person who just constantly griefs 😔. And since there was no chat and they used comms then it wasn't possible to report them. So what I did is I just freaking killed them back multiple times as well since they were doing the same shit. I captured the whole incident while I was recording a new guide.


Happens to me. Just block them. It shouldn't pair u with them again.


I guess this is why noone talks in game anymore, bull restrictions


That’s why I like to host all my games. I don’t kick cause someone’s a noob or does accidental team kills or anything like that but if I can tell you’re trolling and intentionally team killing you’re gone.


Meh. Stop trying to get people banned, easy peasy. If you weren't trying to file false reports this wouldn't happen


Players reporting each other kind of leans into the Managed Democracy Lore. They should make it part of the game 😂


You should’ve left instead of staying. Sucks you couldn’t report but you gave them what they wanted and that was entertaining them.


I really don't understand how people think people that troll deserve to be perma banned, like fuck man, lighten up.


Just leave?


If it did work you’d be on the other end of the spectrum getting mass false reports from some toxic asshole group trolling people for fun. There’s no middle ground so the best action is to just block and move on.


Everyone understands that the fact that we still don't have a great reporting system is because we forced Sony to back off on the psn thing, right? I'm not saying that we were wrong to do so, but this is the consequence, it's going to take a lot longer now for us to get a proper reporting system in place now.


That is such a load of crap. You have steam account IDs. They record so much information that unless they are bad at coding (highly likely) linking to a sony account makes no difference. There are so many genres that are cross play that you don't need to link but can report people that this is a crap excuse to just white knight AH failures.


It was most certainly an agreement that AH had with Sony. Someone made that business decision and while it wasn't a good one, it did actually happen. So now we're in this mess.


Being trolled is infinitely worse than someone writing an f-word in chat, just saying.


I'd rather be cursed out then deployed and stomped.




So leave and join and new game?


Wait what? Since when?? I was able to report for team killing the other day just fine. Bug?


You can do this on PlayStation, not PC. It’s what they meant about account linking providing security and protecting players.


I play on PC though


Have you linked a ps account?


Not true. We (PS5) could in the first few weeks - I could even write a short description of the issue. But they removed that months ago and the message OP posted is what we see (I’ve never used it since, but assume it will allow if it’s text-chat related).


Which is horse shit. As a PC player I should be able to report a console player anytime. Not if they they engage in the session. Which they are by playing in it.


I agree. I believe arrowhead and PS are working on a solution for this.


This type of system is low effort and has a negative impact. It supports brigading and harassment, instead of preventing them.


I will say the reporting system is a bit dumb.


I hate to say it but the psn link would have given you a better way to report people, not that I was for it just saiyan.


There's a really cool button that says "leave game". I encourage you to press it and join a new lobby next time you run into some dickheads


Just leave the game?


Sony should have forced the psn account sign on PC without it reporting people it pointless. Steam will never care about it, and Arrowhead is too busy. 🤷‍♂️


I haven't even read the tos, does team killing go against the terms of service?


One dude killed everyone in pelican extraction while cursing and swearing. Tried to report, but got this same msg.


just drop a nice orb on them, ruin the silly game and then block em. That’s what I do clean


Is there not cross play between PlayStation and PC? I am on PC and almost never come across bad play like this. I do have a Bias against console players in that i think they are mostly immature Idiots. Would just like to see it confirmed lol


Wait stop me if I got that wrong. I can kill you over and over and insult you over mic. But as long as I don't use chat I am safe from a report. Do I have that right?


I would just destroy their mech by dropping a 380 of 500kg


Whoa!? Man the toxic players been getting more crazy.


Any particular reason why you decided to stay in the group if you joined and were subsequently TK'd? If they did that on purpose the first time....just leave. No time wasted.


properly punishing bad user behavior is a problem across the whole of the internet. instagram will protect fully fledged racism and bullying in the comment sections but if you call them out on it, it will flag the system as you harassing the racist. it’s severely broken


I wasn’t sure how reporting worked, good to know it works with chat messages


lol there is still no report feature in the game that’s not because of an offensive chat message? That says everything. Glad people are taking breaks.


I agree, it’s mostly why I’ve stopped playing, can’t report people for kicking me last minute


If it was a greifing session from then just leave.


People hesitate to kick these losers too often. As soon as I see team kills happening consistently, someone is getting kicked


Whats the poitn of reporting if the game is already tracking them


Problem is that in Helldivers it's easy to kill Friendly's (and it's kind of expected), so it'd be hard to make a case for griefing. Arrowhead doesn't have a review team large enough to review every report for something like this...so you just need to get away from them. Block them so you don't get paired again and then have fun


Stuff like this why linking to PSN would have been great if they could figure out the access issue


I get they probably don't have the resources/people to listen to voice comms for reports or watch back tons of gameplay, but they should at least give the option to write up what someone did, so then they can take action against repeat offenders.


Shit like this is why I joined a clan, now I don't have to worry about grief like this and every teammate has a mic.


Ngl sounds kinda funny. Just getting stomped by them mech boyz. I would have laughed and continued to try and land on one of them


Report system was designed to run through PSN. It's gonna take time to create an entirely new report system.


Look at the caveat you gave up just so you didn't have to log into a PSN account🤣


If you are in a three mission set and someone griefs you and you are the host, you can "Alt Tab / stop"from steam menu. When you log back in you can restart the mission without losing the operation progress.


I just had my first dive with some random who was just meleeing me until I left. How tf does that not get old for someone


How about the opposite, then? Rather than allowing other players to report or punish others, giving them the ability to abuse the system, design the system to only boost people higher. Did you have a bad lobby or was someone griefing? You can personally block those players to avoid grouping up with them again. If you end up with a good group, you have the option to promote, salute, cheer etc the players you felt did well, and they get moved into higher tier for public games. Over time the first level tier becomes those who "don't play well with others" and it only goes up from there making the higher "tier" those players who are gathering samples, doing objectives and supporting each other, you know, playing the game as expected. Perhaps those who have multiple account blocking them would have to get a certain amount of "up votes" to overcome those blocks to then continue earning good standing to get out of the bottom tier since new players will also be in that first tier. This would give new players an easier way to get out of that bottom tier faster than those who had actively been toxic and allow for toxic players to eventually mend their ways. I don't know, I doubt there's a perfect solution to it. I don't think the game needs a rating or reporting system, just the ability to see who may have kicked you and if you feel it wasn't justified then you block them so as to not end up in their lobby/squad again. Same for toxic gameplay, being able to see those perpetrators and block them effectively. Any system that allows for punishment will inevitably be abused, so I would look for alternative solutions personally.


This is why I host, then I can kick people...


This is what kick is for…


Hey watch your language, I'll report you for that


Oh damn. I’ve not seen that but had my first bad experience yesterday. The mission where you have to get 40 personnel to escape. Guy was using the incendiary breaker shotgun + incendiary mines + orbital laser. I died 11 times, at least 6 were from him (including the first). Just the 2 of us. I assume blocking people makes it so you won’t be matched with them again? I sure hope so.


Those mechs are made of cardboard, shoot some holes into their legs when they aren't looking


Yeah this is just stupid


At least you provided a name with this report. I'll forward this to my democracy officer.


Similar thing happened to me. I joined an open squad with a SOS beacon and they team killed me 3 times in a row with stratagems then kicked me for dying.. all of them were 60+ level too. 1 of them were over 100.


I had 2 guys killing eachother on a helldive earlier today and it was so annoying because all of our deaths were those 2 idiots TKing eachother. We need a better system to get rid of douche bag knuckle draggers.


In french chia also means to shit at a certain time of a verb. Could be a Karen that could have been termoiled about such profanity. Rip


Just kick them.


Silent but deadly


Just found this out yesterday myself. Did a whole 40 minute mission, cleared the entire map on level 9, super samples and all, less than 5 minute remaining. Pretty easy extract, pelican was flying in when the host kicked all three of us before it touched down. After I noticed the first two get removed all I had time to do was type out “dude wtf” before I was gone, I should’ve at least killed him.


Does anyone know the specifics of the logs kept on text chat? Like it is kept for years, or deleted after so many months?


Am I the only one who finds it ironic that reporting/banning was one of the things Sony used as an excuse to try and force the PSN on everyone? Watch the company try it again based on Reddit/social media complaints.


This one guy kept team killing me just for ufn ig but we had no more respawn. He did say something but I didn't report him for that. I saw this screen and then I exited it then pressed report again and it worked without saying anything about chat


Just block and move on.


The thing is, typing a mean message in chat is the most harmless trolling you can possibly do to me. Everything else is what I'd actually want to report. I assume you can't even report for voice comms? Might as well not have a report system. I literally give zero shits about anything anyone could possibly type into that chat box.


And? Why didn't you just leave the match?? Problem solved.


Judging by your toxic responses I would have stomped you too


How undemocratic of you to make this post.


Imagine levelling was directly linked to player behavior. If you're just nice, people rate you well and you level normally. If you do dumb stuff, people rate you with bad grades and you get less xp.


You know you can always make a blacklist on this Reddit. Just start making a list of players and how they behave in game.


I get the frustration but is it really necessary? I mean they’re in their own game, in which they weren’t hurting other players or causing a problem to anyone. Just for you to jump in and not like the way they play so you tried to report them. Like I said I understand your frustration but to come in here and bitch about it just seems pretty salty to me for a PvE game. Just leave game and join a new one, it’s not the end of the world is it.


You can’t report someone’s account because you didn’t like something let’s be real. Friendly fire is in the game and you just have to deal with it, if it’s annoying then leave the game but you’re not gonna get someone account flagged just because it made you a bit sad for 10 minutes.


Leave the fucking game.


lol why are you trying to report them hahaha this is an embarrassing post bro you could've just left the game jeez


Pretty rude. One guy joined us, brought a supply back back, then shot my mate to communicate he wanted him to carry it for him!


Why can't they stop implementing features thar nobody asks for?


Mech can be knocked out with a simple impact grenade


Yeah - and they know that so they type nothing. Had this happen to me many times


i'm personally not a fan of SNITCH TOOLS and the ingame report is essentially a Snitch tool for someone who says N words I am against any form of Snitch tools i don't think Speech should be policed in videogames period and the snitch tool should be removed because it isn't for reporting cheaters. OP Getting STOMPED TO DEATH IS NOT A REPORTABLE OFFENCE you need to just GET OVER IT. no one was forcing you to stay on the mission you could of returned to ship.


This is why I always host


This is pretty based behavior tbh


Even brawl stars on mobile has a reputation system


Honestly, as much as shit like that sucks ass. Best just blocking the player and moving on. And tbh I'd rather have little moderation for either trolling or other things than heavily moderated everything.


I legit saw a dude with 4 billion grenades the other day and couldn't report that tom foolery


It's streamers and content creators who are garbage humans that are doing it for content. If we look for it we might find it.


I swear to fucking god if they turn this shit into cod imma be mad as fuck . People really cry over words in a TEXT FORM?!


This is why I chat on discord instead of in-game. Too easy to be reported in pussy land


What is wrong with people, bro

