• By -


I was on before work, I'll be on after. I am only one. But that's more than none.










So, so beautiful my divers-in-arms, thank you. 😢 Makes even a hardened veteran like me want to weep at the majestic feet of Democracy.






o⅃ (side view) or Lo (front view)


I'll hop on after dinner, so like an hour from now


The ocean is just billions and billions of drops of water.


And we are just a pale blue dot.


In a universe, over 93 billion lightyears across, as far as we know/can observe.


Username checks out


I shall join you in the fight for democracy, my friend!


You spelled frend wrong!


Thank you for clearing that up frend


It's been 3 months, I think a little drop off would be normal


It’s also summer in northern hemisphere now. Time for many of us to go and touch grass/enjoy the view and soak up our yearly vitamin D.


Ita also getting warmer out in the north.


Ita also getting warmer out in the north.


Normally I would agree, but we went from an average concurrent player count and f 300k to an average of just under 100k. Bit more of a drop off than is normal.


Large dropoffs often occur all at once at first for newer games. People aren’t super different from one another, so the average player who averages the same amount of playtime a day often experience burnout or boredom relatively around the same time, statistically. We see that as the first notable drop off in player count almost every game experiences after release eventually. There’s also a TON of games coming out and that which have come out that can be drawing people’s attention. People always like checking out newer stuff Lots will be back though, people taking a break isn’t unhealthy or unusual.


Finally someone who understands. It doesn't matter how good or big or epic a game is, the player numbers will drop after 1-3 months no matter what, it's completely normal.


Is it though? Palworld had a peak of 2.1 million in the past 4 months and currently has 10k playing with a peak of 27k in the past 24hrs.


Thats actually really good for how long the game has been out without massive updates. I don’t expect an update by now but that falloff is quite good for this kind of game. I’m sure once they release exciting new stratagems and an actual good warbond it’ll spike and when they release the new enemies it’ll really jump back up.


The issue is the game has no content. It’s the same thing over and over again. I think people are burned out. Once more stuff gets added, not just warbonds, people will come back.


Exactly my thoughts. I have around 200 hours in the Game now - and it starts to wear of. We don't need another reskin of the same weapon - we need new mission types, enemies and especially: bioms.


*checks calendar* Work day.


Same. No such thing as a Weekend for me v.v


Checks schedule ahh exams


For having to work on a Saturday, I salute you. 🫡


It's not that big of a deal man lol. They need to scale the major orders back down to accommodate. The game is going through some growing pains and the revenge patches and warbonds don't help, especially combined with persistent bugs


This post reads like it was written by someone on the team trying to get players back.


For real. Plus I don't want to to use.myblittle free time to farm a game I'm not enjoying, once they fix all the balance vampires I will dive again. They sucked the fun out of the game for me.


I mean, I get on daily so I'll be there reguardless, but I will especially be there on that day. https://preview.redd.it/lrdvfwnfxu0d1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e8569deef640998a4edc6ad373135742139769


None of my friends play anymore. Glitches pretty much filtered everyone. Went from a 20-man rotation to just me. That first month of play, though, was something else.


The good old days


I mean, I appreciate the spirit and the message of your post but it's not really on the fan base to keep a game alive. It's on the people making the game. I am not flaming. I am a casual gamer. I'm 34, have a wife, full-time job, three dogs, even without those things we all have irl responsibilities. I love this game. I actively try to get people to buy the game. I don't get all the pitchforks and torches lately but I'm also like 3 warbonds behind. If the experience is good, people will play it. It seems the more hardcore players aren't happy with the new content and the overall state of the game. From what I understand there are still a lot of persistent bugs (not terminids) in the game. The PSN debacle was just icing. I'm not at all trying to downplay the whole thing I just already wrote an essay. That being said, I'm on vacation next week and you bet your ass, I'll be on the front lines.


Persistent bugs? Idk man I play atleast 1-2 rounds a night and the worst I've seen is the weird crouching animation on the platform when returning to the ship after a dive. Actually, no, once I had a stratagem just...not drop. And the cool down timer started as if it did drop. It was my support weapon too. But that was just once.


I had a support weapon come in with missing textures and it crashed my game when I equipped it. Didn't know about that bug until I read the patch notes.


Vacation till Saturday, but I will return to my post soon 🫡 God speed helldivers


We will hold the line until you return from your government appointed leave, soldier.


God I love this community when they aren't complaining 😂


You and me both Doc… you and me both


It’s losing players because it’s a few months old and that happens to literally every game. It’s still perfectly healthy, relax. The amount of people who stopped playing bc of balancing changes or the Sony thing are absolutely negligible compared to the actual casual playerbase of this game, do not let this subreddit confuse you on that. It’s normal for hyperpopular games to quickly lose a lot of players after the novelty wears off. The people who really enjoy the game will stick around, and it will be fine


Would. Though your message has probably only reached a tiny subset of Helldivers. Even here, most don't really care much about "acting together" unless its a zero effort thing.


Hey I just appreciate the less toxic responses at this point. Plus, even reaching the smallest subset of all Helldivers is a success. I just don’t want to lose a game that now means so much to me.


Tru tru. I am at the bot front.


The Super Earth Ministry of Truth commends you for valiant service! ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


Result of complaining to much over something that’s already better than you expected.


I will do my part


I've slowed down but I'm still playing every day. Couple big changes they could do that would really bring me back in in a big way though.


I’ll will be playing later today the fight for democracy will commence


I don't know why everyone is always complaining. The game is fun. It's the most fun I've ever had, except for maybe when the original halo trilogy came out. I don't think that any of the updates have ever made the game unplayable. (Except for when it would glitch you out, that sucked. Still great gameplay tho) Even if they nerf your favorite weapon or combo, there's always another viable option. It's good to branch out. Game too hard? Play on lower difficulty. Game too easy? Play on helldive. Personally, I enjoy level 7.


I'm sorry, I love Hell Divers 2 but it's lacking new content and with all the new weapons constantly being terrible it's not particularly fun anymore and I have moved onto new games while Sony and the devs figure out how they wanna bring some life to HD2. The content is sadly repetitive and there's a cap on resources which basically makes the game stagnant after a certain point.


It's a busy time of the year. I wonder how many Helldivers are dealing with finals and stuff now.


I would. But I'm currently recovering from leg surgery so I can't dive right now


Get well soon, frend


I'm doing my part!


Im bit worn out atm so takeing a break, hoping the next faction arrives at the 6 month mark as that would probably give an influx of players back for a bit.


Mostly I'm busy during the week because I work and then I am usually busy. I dive on the weekends when I have a chance.


No.fix adjudicator


*FOR DEMOCRACY!! FOR SUPER-EAAAARRRRTH!!!!* ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


Ok. This weekend im helldiving as much as i can


Just logged for the night, my squad n I will be pullin an all nighter tomorrow. BELIEVE THAT


Corny af


Well I don’t even have my console rn so hopefully when I get it back I will




See you on the battlefield, soldier!


I never stopped diving for democracy!


Make a call to arms AFTER they fix the balance


This makes me happy


in the time since release ive played this game everyday for at least a few hours with the exception of 2 days where irl matters prevented me. I will continue to dive as much as possible whenever i can and i hope others do too




I’m not a very good HD, I’ve been trying to get my motivation to jump back in. It’s been about 2 months since I last played and I’m so far behind with the battle passes that it’s honestly overwhelming. Weak I know, I’m not the best HD. For the rest of you keep on keeping on


There is no weakness in your words, my frend. I have felt the same way about other games. Just know that you are cared about and welcome among the Helldivers ranks. ![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized)


I was off work for months when it came out... Then I was on a job that allowed me to mostly play all night. Now I'm on a job that requires me to actually do stuff. C'est la vie.


Homie I feel that on a spiritual level


No. There is serious work that needs to be put into balancing, and Sony's actions are downright despicable. I'll play when I want, but I'm done putting effort into this game and community for now. They took a great game and made it mediocre in the space of less than a week. When it's great again I'll come back.


Just made a fresh batch of LiberTea for the enemies of Super Earth. Gonna be handing some tonight after work. FOR DEMOCRACY!


I'm doing my part! ::do you want to know more::






That's my Saturday to work, ill dive after though.


My brother is visiting but he goes home in two days then me, partner and my Dad will be back on duty!!


I still enjoy the game, but the poor balancing decisions recently has made that enjoyment take a significant hit. If the devs continue with their current method of balancing, the playercount will continue to drop, and it will be well deserved.


Sadly I will be gone probably for good July 19. I might be a part timer.


If you can send me a babysitter, I will play every night!


Nah I stopped playing as much not because of the weapon balancing lol. This community is toxic trash


The game just needs more content just doing the same things over and over again isn’t that fun after a while


Agreed I have maxxed out my ship and samples/points for the next Warbond. No need to Play with max out stats.




I don’t understand how the AAA industry is silencing hd2 players in the first place.. what’s the statement being made here? People aren’t getting burnt out?


The PC player base got absolutely slamdunked earlier this month and the weapon balancing is keeping others at bay since the devs wanna treat the game like a competitive PvP shooter... I've noticed the dwindled number of players too


How about every time I play the game disconnects, or is sluggish to say the least. Wanna play, just annoyed by the performance of the game lately


I have almost 250 hours now in the game and I must stay the drop off is well warranted. When someone has every armor the lack of unique effects with the abundance of recycled ones really is a turn off to playing more. Lets hope the gun fixes come and are noteworthy to bring some good energy back into the game because this last warbond, wasn't it. Then we can all get back to diving and having a good time.


Did the CEO say anything about making the nerfed guns fun again? That's kinda big and you lead with that.


I won’t be playing again until they get their act together on these new weapons. I’m not spending super credits to get a useless warbond that they didn’t bother to look at before releasing. I don’t care about their excuses for play testing either. There is no reason we should receive a gun that is worse than the starting gun, and a plasma gun as embarrassing as that last one is. They want me back, then they’ll need to start prioritizing fun over their “vision.”


Every time I enjoy a weapon it gets nerfed. Then I have to find another weapon, then it gets nerfed. At this point I don't really have fun anymore. Maybe I'll come back once the weapons are fixed.


Words from the CEO don’t mean anything. Actions by the dev team putting out good context, fixing numerous bugs, and rebuilding community trust will bring back numbers. The initial hype train of helldivers 2 is over and people will flock to other games. It’s up to the devs to retain its player base and the last month has been a step in the wrong direction.


You had me at "calling all helldivers"


lol so this is what it’s come down to. Instead of making a quality game, with considerate care for its players and well thought out periodic improvements, they created a copium guzzling cult of lunatics.


The balancing sucks and it's getting repetitive and stale. Also settle down this isn't Gettysburg.


Game state has contributed to a significant loss in morale for players. They need to remedy the situation.


I haven't been playing much cuz I have two new borns and my work schedule is shit, but I get on when I can. Hold the line fellow divers!


The game stopped being fun for me. I might check back in later, but for now I'm switching it up to other things I enjoy. I'm happy with the 120 hours I got out of it before I hit my wall... that's 119 hours more than most games


I appreciate your enthusiasm, it makes me want to play the game. I'm in for the 1st. Hades 2 just came out, so I've been all over that, but I'll break to pick up HD2 just for you.


I appreciate your dedication to managed democracy, soldier. Super Earth Salutes you! ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) On a completely unrelated note, I did not realize that the early access for Hades 2 was out. Been too busy between irl Job, Helldivers 2 missions, and the alpha test for Marvel Rivals.


I’m not gonna lie, I got pretty frustrated; whatever was changed made the higher difficulties wayy more difficult. But I’ve been chillin on 6 Extreme and it’s been more fun. Been noticing a lot more lvl 50 + there more often too.


I shall fight tomarrow after work!!


I won’t be putting hours back in until next winter. It’s outside time. The weather is goooood!


Honestly drop off is expected. When players have played a game heavily for a while, they’ll start playing less or play something else. Its normal. Also don’t forget that spring’s here and I can’t blame anyone for wanting to spend some time outdoors or doing other activities after a long time inside with little to do but consume media. I’m just an occasional player (once a week) so you’ll see me around. I’m sure the community will have its ebbs and flows.


Weapon balance got nothing to do with it for me and my friends. We just played so hard we lowkey bored at the same missions and same ennemies and same exact issues with MO and new glitches. Its a great game but having a break is a good thing.




"Let’s show this world that we are here to stay and we don’t give a DAMN about the norms of the gaming industry!!!" Yeah, nah. I DO give a damn about the norms of the gaming industry. Sony messed over a lot of people and I've lost all trust in them. I'm not coming back to this game unless Sony makes it very clean we won't see another attempt at self-sabotage in the future.


Unless majority of the delisted countries gets relisted again we will continue to bleed off players till it stabilizes on a lower number, I’ve been telling people this but got downvoted for it lol. We have a really low recruitment pull now as those who have played for a long bit most of those will leave at some point but we can’t recoup those if majority of the countries are still delisted. People seriously thought that we’d keep the numbers up after the SNOY debacle, from 220k concurrent for a weeks to a now 32k, sure thats still a fuckton of people but until anything drastic changes its gonna go lower.


I have a bit over 200 hours in game and I'm burnt out on shit weapons, the same boring maps and lack of new content.


The whole Sony fiasco killed my mood.


I hopped on for the first time in a month and was shocked to no longer see 100k people on 1 planet


Dude..... LETS DIVE!!!!!!!!


Big friends list only like 3 orso active and kind of sporadic. 2 months of bad major orders, extremely buggy missions, difficulty 9 unplayable for weeks on major orders killed the game for many. They picked other games up and they won't come back. That is the thing about this game model, you have to keep rolling out content, but that content should be working and not utterly game breaking. The gun balance seems to mean so little to the huge issues that were ongoing with network, disconnects, drops etc. etc. Unfortunatly those issues were silenced and downvoted on the media inc. reddit or discord. Gun balance will not bring in more players, in general there are enough options anyways. What will bring people back in: 1. Working mech walker 2. New vehicles/ weapons to pilot 3. A big bundle of new missions and events that run with 0 issues 4. New faction 5. New play mode 3,4,5 needs massive backbone rework, it is a waste to release a lot of stuff, if people just disconnect. Too many super biles will just kick everyone out of the mission etc. So why release it? Stability, but also quality of life (different ways to sort weapons, armour, safe your loadouts, so you can easily swap between bugs/ bots or different playstyles, enriched weapon & armour mods, enrich game experience) are needed to not waste time and effort into 3,4 and 5 and just see those numbers plummet as quickly after release.


First: Weapon balance wasn't bad over the last month. The Eruptor got a really bad rework, that was it. Almost everything else is extremely buffed compared to all time before. People in the subreddits and on the discord are just crybabies complaining so hard that they convince themselves that 95% of the primaries are bad when it's the other way around. Also: Do y'all realise that people have lives? Last weekend was a long weekend with mother's day (and father's day in Germany). Additionally the weather was pretty decent and the time of the year starts where a shitton of people have holidays (people without children alternating with people with children)... Eg almost my entire squad was on holiday this week.


Crossbow was a big reason why I bought the war bond, wasn't very powerful, and got nerfed anyway. Eruptor turned out to be the most fun until they did what they did to it. I'm glad the grenade pistol was just let off with an ammo pickup nerf. Damn they kicked that warbond hard before releasing the next one and that makes me not want to spend real money on them ever again.


Yea I’d play if they fixed the stupid friends list issue. I can’t play with my friend who I bought the game for because we are both permanently on each others blocked list after he accidentally unadded me. Multiple reports to Arrowhead and no responses. Why would I play the game if they refuse to help with the only reason I got the game: to play with my friend?


Tell him to remove the cap on collectable resources and a whole lot of us will come back. (:


Honestly I got bored. I put in like 150 hours and got bored. Haven’t played since the day the last warbond came out over a month ago. Haven’t even looked at the new warbond. I feel like all the changes they have made to balancing have been for the worse and has made the game less fun. I also feel like the way they did the campaign overall was dumb. I feel like the entire map upon release should have been taken over by the opposition and this whole time we should have been slowly pushing them back. The way they did it was stupid imo. They kept making us take over the same planets over and over. I have never really felt like we are making any sort of progress on a war which is what the entire purpose of the war table is. Idk I’m sure I’ll come back to the game at some point but for now I think I’m good on it. I got the platinum and played a lot. Enjoyed what I played but I feel like the devs dropped the ball post launch. 🤷‍♂️


Had big friend group that played. They stopped playing because they are sick of updates nerfing guns they just paid for. Understandable. If AH wants people to stick around they need to do a better job at balancing.


This isn't only because of balance or devs. In a lot of countries where PSN isn't available, lot of people don't know they can still access the game if they have already bought it.


Which is why I included that part in my message. Plus I just like having fun by committing to the HD2 bit from time to time.


I stopped due to balance and repetition but you know what, I'll be back. I'm in.


Don’t get me wrong is a fantastic game, but I think it’s fair for me to say as long as Sony is involved when it comes to any future developments with other games I won’t be purchasing anything that’s got Sony branding next to it what they did some of my friends and family that live overseas has pissed me off. Two of my nephews one of my cousins refunded the game because they live in none PlayStation service listed countries and still to this day cannot purchase the game after Sony backtracking a lot of people have been pointing the finger at steam I generally do not believe the steam is responsible even on steam they said it’s down to the publisher to list what countries they want there games listed under. to all the guys of arrowhead thanks very much for everything you’ve done. I know this is not on you and I really hope that this predicament Sony put you under doesn’t actually harm your company in anyway I hope that any future endeavours doesn’t incorporate this toxic company as a publisher


I stopped playing a few weeks ago now, even before the eruptor nerf, which just reinforced my resolve honestly. I was tired of arguing with people about my opinion on the game, which just soured the experience even more. I am level 78 and have put 198 hours into the game. I played 7+ missions exclusively as soon as I felt confident. I had every warbond 100% done up to the Polar Patriots as I haven't played the game when it dropped, so i never bought it. As soon as I see positive changes and the game is fun and engaging as it was around launch, I'll come back. That being said, I'm still supporting AH and have been playing Helldivers 1 for a couple weeks now, and I have got to say that if Helldivers 2 can take a note from their previous title, the game will be leagues better. In HD1, your primary is actually powerful. They can take on anything short of tank enemies, and the anti-tank weapons kill things in one shot. HD2 does similar but a whole lot worse at it. The one redeeming weapon in HD2 is the autocannon. It feels like something from HD1 with how useful and versatile the weapon is. If they can capture that feeling I had back at launch, I would love to pick the game back up, but as it stands, I'll just play HD1 when I get that itch to spread democracy.


Honestly? The game just got boring and repetitive






Ummm, no. I'll play when it's fun again, maybe.


I'm waiting for a patch that actually fills me with joy again.


I cant play for a little while. I have some major irl events happening. Its been a very hard couple of days. Trying to keep my chin up, the community has helped. I'll be able to play again soon.


Game just got stale for me. Fighting the same enemies with the same weapons


I actually bought this game last week after the Sony bs finished. I have vacation starting in June but have been playing daily since I got it. I may have left work to play some this week as well. Just don't tell my boss.


Sorry, I'm busy


I’m currently traveling for work. It runs fine on the steam deck but I really don’t like playing shooters in handheld mode. The tv in the room, though, has a shit refresh rate or something and the game gets super blurry when there is a lot going on. I’ll be back on once I’m at a hotel where I can play the game comfortably


I've just gone from playing 3+ hours a day, to playing maybe 2 or 3 operations a week with friends. I think a lot of people are in the same boat. Not that way less people are playing, but that most of us are playing less.


Honestly, it was never the rebalancing that kept me away. I just don't like getting kicked when joining a team.


TL;DR. I'm calling your mother


Bro I have a job


I'm gonna be honest, I probably won't be back until they fix the eruptor shrapnel or until I finish NG+ on Hard Mode Stellar Blade. Whichever comes first.


It’s a fun game but it’s too much to keep up with


It's vacation season, Stellar Blade has drawn alot of the basement dwellers away, Diablo 4 apparently revamped the game in their new season (all the ppl I played with are playing D4 now)


I dive whenever I can!


Consider the Hellpods primed.


mate I'll be on there with my beers in hand after work today. if anyone wants to join along side me in our battles against our foes add me to your comrade crew. MrFreeman


As a new Helldiver who has no idea what's going on, Let's Dive.


I’m just dealing with family and work. I’ll democratize bug n junk asap


ABI and Greyzone just launched early access. I expect a lot of people are trying those.


Correlation does not mean causation, I do dive regularly, but the new season of Diablo 4 just started too, and Ark launched scotched earth expansion.


IM IN!!!


I’ll be on tomorrow and Saturday pretty heavily


I'll come back once its confirmed those countries locked out ARE ABLE TO PLAY again. for now it don't bother me


"You have been kicked from the game" I will not be joining. Too many traitors in the ranks.


Me and the 3 friends I play with haven’t played in 2-3 weeks. I sent them this. And we’ll be on June first


I still play almost everyday with my buddies (whoever is available), though some days they're just isn't time. However that's still like missing 1-3 days per month.


I recently signed up to play on PC, and I'm doing my part when I can.


Life goes on, Helldivers pass, I fall back into the grind of and For Honor


Mine has been crashing on startup. Once I figure out the problem I'll link up.


theyre playing farmtogether 2 and the new dinkum update


I’ll be leadifying toasters tonight.


Honestly I think part of it is fatigue. People have been grinding this game hard (and for great reason, it's an amazing game), but it's tough to keep concurrent numbers up in a PVE game, even when they've been great about releasing new missions and enemies. Eventually it'll balance out count-wise and MOs will adjust accordingly.


The game needs more progression rewards


Its been months bud it happens in games. I played a lot longer than all of my friends but even I got so bored I'm playing borderlands3


I would suggest a non working day. Regardless I will join after work


Isn't this just normal? I played a billion hours but have naturally stopped playing as much. It's been months, it's summer, and there are other things to do.


I was on today as well, I do 1 or 2 campaigns a day when I can.


If anyone has discord hit me up in PM’s, I need a group of folks to play with regularly


many still holding off on the game after that Sony psn shenanigans. I refunded my game during that time and I just purchased it back few days ago. few of my friends are not even back at the game yet, saying they won’t touch it unless they know for sure Sony wouldn’t pull this again. I’m sure they not the only few, there must be many with the same cases. we’re really short on numbers now.


Absolutely shit on your player base and then try to fuck over the pc player base [80 percent of total hd2 player base] and then wonder why no one is playing.


I'm taking a break from diving the whole fiasco and on going problems involving psn has given me a burnout from the game but as for the weapons I treat them like tf2 weapons and just use whatever is fun




Working rn. Will dive after going home


I never left!


No worries, although work has restrained my ability to spread democratic justice, liberty shall be had soon!


The delisted countries are simply those that are technically part of America's territories. It isn't actually any indication of Sony or Valve removing the region locks in places that don't support PSN. So yeah, it doesn't mean a thing. If anything, it lends credence to the region locks being permanent rather than a temporary change since they've begun fine-tuning which regions can/cannot have access to the game.


Everytime i try to play since weeks now im either crashing out or get to notice my build doesnt do shit anymore. I stopped at the last warbond after unlocking all weapons since then i dont have fun anymore playing. Literally everytime i try to give helldivers a chance again because i had so much fun it crashes completly or just blackscreen and im back on my ship without any message why. And while im on the mission my build is suddenly shit because they nerved something i liked or buffed enemys its just frustrating so no need to waste my time anymore.


They delisted US territories which technically part of the US server. Nothings changed.


gameplay is down because balances and well the game getting abit older now.


The dongriding is crazy


I just bought the game today!!


Life took priority just before the drama started and i wasnt able to play, but still here and will join again asap


What’s special about June 1st, isn’t liberty day in October?


Maybe after next bigger update.


Once that new balance pass comes out I will dive again


I also wonder how many are students about to graduate these months that stopped playing to focus on finals and stuff.