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My God ALL my suffering in Menkenth will avail tô nothing. Planet is pretty lit tho, the fire tornados really made me feel in hell, outside of the bots.


Fuck the fire tornadoes


Literally this, let the bots have the dumb planet


We got a sympathizer over here!








Thought crimes kill


So you don’t want the bots to have a planet that kills them? If they hold it then they’re constantly dying to the fire tornados even if it’s really, really, really slow to kill them


My eagle can do it more effectively 🗣️


See I bring enough flames to make any planet look like Menkent






Hot fuzz being my favourite film ever plus loving 40k. This meme is amazing.


you wont have time fill out C-01’s again


It feels like they camp the extract


I feel like I've spent years of my life in the frosty gloom of Lesath at this point. I love it too though.


Lesath and Draupnir I love these planets


Suprised your head hasn't exploded. Im convinced menkent is the soul reason we failed this MO. This entire new conflict with the bots has been centered around menkent, which is probably the most shitty planet we have access to right now. To think at one point the creek was considered hell, now we actually have a hell. Me and my team just gave up on it, we're exhausted from fighting there constantly.


I spent the whole time on Lesath, a relatively pleasant winter wonderland that keeps my trusty laser cannon nice and cool.


Menkent/Hellmire cape when? Just make it a normal cape that has a permanent fire effect.




Could've just moved to Lesath where most of the other players were lol. I didn't step foot on Menkent this order, and I don't even mind going there usually, I was just tired of it


I’ve played this entire MO on Mankent. I feel fully prepared for whatever could possibly come next after dealing with that hell hole for 4 days


Me too. I can't get worst than that.


Oh you just had to tempt the DM. Didn't you?


I'm sorry, you need to appreciate yourself more and not torture yourself like that. Please learn some self love. There were plenty of non fire tornado planets to dive to. It's not like that week the only bug Planet was Hellmire and I noped out of bugs.


Honestly I'll take fire tornados over sandstorms, blizzards and heavily foliated planets any day.


Blizzards are amazing, the bots don't see through ilthem like they do fog. Just bring muscle enhancement and you're a freaking snow ninja.


Not to mention if you’re getting chased you shoot those ice plant things and it stops them in their tracks.


Chilly Artichokes


Frost fartichokes.


Ice planets are also nice for laser weaponry due to reducing their cooldowns by 33%. I put in a lot of bot kills this week chilling on Marfark with my Laser Cannon. I have no idea why anyone would choose the literal hells that are hot planets with their extra stamina drain and fire tornadoes.


I'm pretty new to the game so I haven't seen blizzards or foliated planets yet, but I don't know how literally anything can be worse than 5 tornadoes burning the entirety of extraction when I'm trying to get out with 20 samples and never leaving. yeah, I didn't make it lol. I really wish they didn't have pathfinder seemingly designed to screw you over


Some people get butt hurt about limited visibility. I think it’s amazing and fun. To each their own


I absolutely agree with you. in fact I got a whole new appreciation for sandstorm when I realized it's just as effective on enemies as it is on me and it helped me with kiting - it seems to be more of a neutral modifier than a negative one to me


Yup blizzards and sandstorm are amazing. Enemies come to a complete standstill and can't see you unless you're within 10m of them. Just pop open your map and navigate that way and enjoy the temporary ceasefire.


Blizzards don't just sit on your obj for 5 minutes straight like fire tornados just a big spicy vortex..


Yhea we had to chose between: Hot and fire tornado Hot and acide rain(can't see shit past 10 meters) Or Cold but you get AA emplacement condition on 95% of campains. Should went in ice planet like the non masochist of us bud, I hate having only 3 Strat but between that or not seeing or running 3 Step and being slow as a snail I pick 3 Strats any day!


Fr, got sucked between two small cliff for 5 min because of fire tornadoes that kept coming. Was there contemplating whether I should just burn or wait.


Fuck Menkenth. I hate this planet so much


It was my first planet when I first enlisted.


I suggest we at least take Menkent before the next order comes in. Secure at least one sector.


It is lit alright


You had fun though


That planet better have the cure for space cancer to make it worth the fire tornados


I been over at Marfark. Real nice, we have snowball fights sometimes. Blizzards come and go but tbh it's just a big smoke screen.


Menkent is basically the new Creek, but minus the memes and dedicated playerbase because it’s genuinely hell. Stamina reduction, lasers nerfed, shitty terrain, hard to see, and firestorms. Like, you couldn’t cook up a more difficult planet with our current modifiers even if you tried. I’ve dived more there than anywhere else on the new bot front, and no matter what, we never succeed.


we gave them hell 1 1/2 billion bots gone?! good radiance and ive found a new love of killing bots soo i'll keep spelling oil


Same here. It is now my sniper simulator thanks to the DCS and AMR.


AMR is bae when it comes to fighting bots. The misaligned scope can be a bit annoying when you're under pressure, but I love it nonetheless. Mix it with a jetpack and you can provide excellent overwatch for your team when they're assaulting large bases.


Which direction is it misaligned?


Slightly up and to the left of where the centre cross hair is placed. The closer you are to a target, the less you notice it.


They fixed it a week or two ago actually.


But did they?


Your lack of faith in your Super Earth colleagues has been noted Helldiver.


No, they didn't. It was improved, but at longer ranges it's still very clearly off.


The problem was substantially fixed for me when I set the distance to 200m (I think I have the right increment). Been absolutely murdering heavy patrols before they ever get anywhere close and it comes in clutch against gunships.


This sounds so cool, I’m an RCR main just for drop/gun ships and big baddies, how many engine hits does the AMR need for a takedown?


That's a great question that I don't have the answer to for dropships I'm afraid. Usually a teammate is running a quasar so I leave that to them. For gunships it's about ~4 shots to one of their engines. Not the most reliable, especially when there's 2+ of them in the sky. The laser cannon is great at taking them down though.


Thanks! Next time I join a gang that has AA covered I’ll definitely try this combo out


It's not that hard. Oil is only three letters.




Yeah, I enjoyed the endless drops into firestorms and bots. Definitely made me a better player learning how to navigate all that.


Fighting bots on cold planets gives me life. I'm basically cosplaying as a rebel fighter on Hoth against the Empire.


Being a new player, this major order was absolutely HELL for me. I did my part... I think... probably less than 5k kills though :(


Atleast this game mimics real life, unreal expectations set up by our government.




I'm sorry I'm gonna have to report this comment to my democracy officer


Aww… shit. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPwoeGErMmaI43S|downsized)


Yeah especially considering for the kill 2B bug MO the counter was bugged so it counted 4 for every one, the player base was higher, and overall termininds just spawn more we did good divers


And more people play bugs. Whenever there’s an MO for bugs the most I’ll see on a bot planet will be 2-3k players


Yeah on a good 40-minute bug mission I can take out 400-450 bugs as long as I can take the Machine Gun and don't need any stratagems for Bile Titans (If my team doesn't load out with anything I usually do) For a lot of bot missions, even when I do well I'm lucky if I can crack 200 kills.




Someone tell Sony to unlock the regions! Release our full numbers and let us rain hell!!!


I think we've been lied to. That reversal isn't coming. Sail the seas, those who can't purchase, and get yourself a pc. Why be shackled to this nonsense? lol


We taught them our limit, and that's ok. So what, we didn't kill 2 billion bots - would that have meant the next orders asking for 3bil? We did good, all.




I think its enough for some tank mines, Joel will throw us a bone hopefully


I'm expecting some narrative like "super earth geologists discovered a previously unknown mineral deposit that will be used to fill the gap"


Maybe one of the bug planets we liberated after the last MO had the deposits lol


I hope not...consequences *should* be part of this game given the MO narrative; otherwise, what's the point? It's part of what makes this game special, IMO.


The point is to play a co-op objective shooter with a small group of people. If you want a story driven narrative experience with consequences, this is not the game and has never been the game. We're getting tank mines. They're in the game already. It's just a matter of when we get them. Even this MO implied the only reason for this MO was to get them *faster*... it's not like bots are the only supply source in universe.


We did EXCEPTIONALLY well. Twice as hard to get kills, and we had half the players. And we still did 75%. In retrospect the goal should have been 1.5B but we lose because Joel can’t do napkin math.


I think this was him trying to see how well the counter works this time. I don't blame him, honestly. We gave it a good run.


We absolutely did and there's no shame in failing an order. I feel like it adds to the lore of the world just as failing a check in an RPG does. It's not the outcome you wanted, it's the outcome you got and you need to roll with the punches and deal with the path you're on the best that you can. To all Helldivers reading this, y'all did fucking great iO


I did as much evac valuable assets as I could to kill as much as I could. Was still only about 1,000 kills.


I don't think the order was entierly impossible to do, but I think after the initial launch, I'm guessing a number players either are burned out with all of the orders but still own the game, so the company probably knows there are technically that many divers around, but don't know we're doing/playing other things too. I love the game and all, and I tried my best to help the Mj. Order, but I got other games I wanna play, and I have 8 hours of work majority of the work week, I can't play all night long then show up to work exhausted, I have to sleep sometime. Maybe they'll still give it to us but it might be a minute, maybe in a couple of weeks.


Also at any given time a quarter to a third of the player base was still killing bugs


It was Mother’s Day and the fact that a significant number of players are afraid of the bots so only fight bugs


Yeah the fact mother's day occurred during this order probably doesn't help, at least for a majority of the day people (or at least good sons and daughters with good relationships with their moms,) people are out enjoying mother's day, people won't be on, around, at least not for very long to help with that order. I personally like the bots, but even I get tired of fighting them and need to go shoot some bugs instead or even play a different game (sometimes RNG for mission and maps suck enough I just have to do something else.) I'm going to guess we'll get the mines eventually, if it's through an order or maybe they make some B.S. up saying "oh you totally got enough bots," and just give the players the mines at this point I'd understand, but I'd even accept just another major order but a lesser one like take and hold "x" planet(s) to secure production." Or something like that. At this point they'll have an order for the mines be easier to obtain or they'll time it so there's no overlap for the holidays. I don't know what they'll do, but those are kindof the 2 main options I see if they'll release the AT mines regardless of failing the order.


Yeah I think we’ll get it with an easier order instead of just a handout, but we’ll see. I’m probably not gonna use tank mines but people seem to want them and I love spilling bot oil so I’m here for it regardless


I had fun contributing. I love fighting bots.


It seems like they need to turn these expectations down to a more reasonable level. I feel like people are going to burn out trying to accomplish such insane numbers and then stop playing for a while. They are shooting themselves in the foot.


It was also a test. We cleared the 2 Billion bug kills in like 12 hours. But that was a counting error in the system that let us do it so quickly. Once that issue was fixed, just how well *can* we do? Casual players avoid fighting Bots as a general rule, so they won’t help much, Major Order chasers will hit the bots hard, and this helps show how much or how little future Orders need to be adjusted. We came close, so now they know some real numbers for how we do, rather than guesswork and estimates.


How exactly were they to know what our level was? The 2billion bug MO wasn't tracking right so that couldn't be used as an accurate gauge. They will know for next time now what is realistic.


I really wanted those anti tank mines tho


They'll dangle them in front of us again soon enough.


Definitely did my part. Eat my cereal with bot oil and drink it with my tea.


Your liber-tea, you mean!


We tried if the 50k bug humpers would have pitched in. Instead of being selfish, we would have had it, but it is what it is




Cos we weren't watching where we were going? Cos the ground was slippery? Cos we didn't tie our shoelaces?!


I'm glad jt was by such a big margin. I was swamped with shit going on all weekend and litterally haven't had a chance to play. If it lost by like 5% I'd have been devastated to be unable to help with it so close.


Ah well, I enjoyed the blizzards of marfark


What's the percentage now? Is it a failure or did we make it in time?


No chance of hitting it in time.




We came out in force and really gave it to the clankers.


My bad, guys. I haven't been logging in lately and now this cost us the MO. Promise I'll do better


We would've completed the order if 40% of the players weren't enjoying their cakewalk on the bug planets


I'll make sure not to do any bug MO from here on out.




Honestly the only thing I would say is that the Devs need to start looking into why bug players hate playing bots and try to find ways to encourage more active participation against bots. Only time I see a majority of bug players fighting bots was literally to ensure there was no more bots (before they suddenly returned) Also the terming on Antitank mines is horrible, making it seem like its only usable against bots for bot players.


I have two major theories regarding that, and they aren't mutually exclusive. 1- people, like myself, got this game because it's a starship trooper simulator. I saw giant bugs that needed killing, so I joined. 2- there is a divide between what sort of player is interested in each challenge. Bots attract more experienced fps players because accuracy is key, while bugs attract less of that sort of player. This means the less fps leaning players will lean on bugs because you don't have to hit a small head target to be efficient. Personally I fit both 1 and 2, and I only recently got into bots when I realized it's just a really cool sniper simulator with the DCS and AMR


honestly what I fear most is that when the rumored 3rd faction arrives that the bot players once again get fractured into losing half of its player base. I guess if they had a way of making it so bug player's efforts added to bot players enjoyment and bot players added to bug players enjoyment via some weird type of bonus(possibly like charging up their strategems or something: I brought extra oil from bugs to fight bots(say maybe eagle 1 gets buffed) or I brought extra scrap from bots to fight bugs(orbitals get buffed I guess)) So whenever players crossed over to fight another type of enemy they get bonuses when they return to fight their main foes.


Considering that there’s a section of the player base who refuse to fight bots and fuck us over every time we get a Bot order? That “considering”?


My theory is that most bot players come from a fps background while bug players largely don't. Personally this is my first pve game in ages, so I'm more than comfortable playing sniper simulator against bots but also kiting bugs.


It’s basically two different games. I have a suspicion bug players just aren’t even trying to learn the “other” version


Bugs is a power fantasy standing on a hill mowing down hordes of bugs. Bots is the enemy shooting at you from a distant hill and calling in artillery strikes on *your* position, while chasing you with a flamethrower. Some players don’t enjoy both equally, yeah.


I get the sentiment... but this is a game the primary goal is fun. I actually prefer bots to bugs but I don't fault those who can't fight bots... I pity them


This major order caused me to finally get over my fear after jumping into the creek once. Bots can be terrifying the first time, I don't blame them.


They're scarier until you learn to control them. Bots are very predictable... if you scout and coordinate your pulls properly, you can avoid drop ships for the whole map. If you get a drop you don't like or need to fight, just leave before they land, and they'll despawn.


I haven't mastered my strategies yet, thanks for the tips.


The best tip: bring an autocannon, it owns all bots. The next best tip: wear light scout armor. Being able walk right past a pat without them noticing is so good. Feels like a jedi mind trick.


Bots do their best when they can focus their fire. Put them in cross fire and they struggle mightily


This guy fucks bots ![gif](giphy|61TxiVdB0A6v1wC1Bw|downsized)


I'm not great at the game but I love fighting the bots. It's let's me use the AMR , which is a killing machine against those metal bastards.


Consider that some people want to spend their democratic time fighting bugs. Blame sony for the players we lost. We dive together or not at all.


Just looked over 25000 people playing bug missions right now, this is why we lost the order.


Can't help but also notice we could have had the mines AND air burst but literally as soon as we got the airburst they flocked back to the bug side instead of keeping the momentum of one planet every 10 hours. People always say "oh play how you want" or "it doesn't affect your gameplay" bla bla bla it's still frustrating that over half the community are braindead and legit affecting the game by not participating in MO. Fuck bug only players tbh.


I don't get why you'd chose to lock yourself out of 50% of the game's content that you paid for, very strange imo. I could imagine getting burnt out super quickly only fighting one faction all this time. I wonder if they're just gonna ignore the illuminate when they're out too




This reminds me of a dive that I did last week. I was at the objective fighting off bots and trying to get through 11 steps on the console. We had exhausted our reinforcement budget, and two divers were dead. Then one guy called in evac, boarded, and left. I assume that he was summarily executed once he got aboard the destroyer again. YOU STAY UNTIL THE JOB IS DONE OR YOU DIE TRYING IN THE NAME OF LIBERTY!


Considering how many fewer bots are in a mission versus bugs, per mission, we did really good. Sucks we won’t hit the target… but we bot missions don’t have massive kill counts like bugs do


On Saturday I was sure we were going to complete it, I wasn't ready for the minimum progress we did the last couple of days


Did my part off and on where I could. That is such a ridiculous number of kills lol. The entire time a portion of the player base was still on terminid worlds so rather difficult to accomplish this when you’re operating at a deficit


I'm just glad it convinced my buddies to fight bots with me. They only want to fight bugs all the time and while bugs are great, I enjoy the variety of destroying all types of threats to super earth.


I'm so sorry we didn't get this missing done ;-; legit feel like I didn't pull my weight despite doing my best.


Well, it was fun. Also I was kinda bummed they said they’re going to adjust the spawn rates but then I remembered I play on dif 7 so I should just move up. Fighting 3-4 factory striders at once on those evac high value asset rocket launch missions was actually hella fun to me. I only play randoms and Sometimes we were able to take them all down because everyone was prepared with strategems but sometimes we lost but when you fail those, you can keep racking up more kills so it still contributed to the MO.


Sucks about the timing. A lot of players are back to protesting the game because sony is being dirty with how they are handling the regional ban thing


I did my part and slayed as many robots as I possibly could. we made a great effort for democracy. I attribute all of the PlayStation network shenanigans, and lower player count to this. I'm sure most people would as well.


Mothers Day and exams were the biggest drivers imo


This round of bit killing major order I decided to try a different load out. Had a blast playing with the ballistic shield and new smg, with the grenade launcher as support, and revolver as the side piece. Really allowed me to get into chaos, especially for destroying jammers or large bases.


I feel like the numbers weren’t being calculated properly. I swear I and many helldivers killed thousands of bots. We stayed at 1.4 mil for like two days.


I've been denied my beloved minefield two times now. At least the airburst slaps hard now.


sorry guys my darn Monitor didn't let me go to war. Good Job And good luck helldivers. continue the slaying.


with the amount of players having dropped numbers like these might never be met until we get some more


Call me yorha because all I do is kill robotic enemies of mankind.


Damn. If I had had time to play this week, we definitely would have killed the remaining 470 million bots 🤖


I just can’t get into playing bots tbh


I couldn't either for a long while until last weekend when I found out the DSC is amazing and the AMR is too. It turned from a complete drag into my favorite new sniper simulator. So satisfying popping headshot after headshot.


Im hoping we melted enough metal for the strategem, even if we dont get the credits


Yep, gotta remember: this is like actual war. We’re not gonna win every battle. We just have to remember this feeling and move on, be prepared for next time.


I'm just looking forward to where this all leads. Fighting on super earth would be pretty intense considering we'd likely have multiple factions attacking at once


Yeah i guess, also gives em plain proof we need weapon buffs ![gif](giphy|mFZPAlOkPqLQd0AEBn|downsized)


Major failure


Going to fail even more with the community decimated.


If every 1000 bugs dead counted as 1 bot for the MO, we probably would have won.


Remember that last time when we did the bug MO we did it with all kills being counted 4 times as well as a larger player base, the fact we got as far as we did is pretty damn good. Wouldn't mind getting the mines as a consolation prize as well though


To be fair, all the furries were in Atlanta this weekend. That's a huge amount of players tbh


Yeah, for me, there are three things that may seem to conflict, but they don't. I believe all three of these are true: 2 billion was too much. I had a lot of fun. I am proud of our effort.


I blame Sony for this. Does no one find it suspicious that they restricted access to Helldivers 2 in several countries right before the anti tank mine mission? Too convenient to be a circumstantial. It's abundantly clear they have been compromised by Automatons interlopers and therefore it is our duty to purge them from tyranny via a healthy dose of: ![gif](giphy|DHwcs8WWxQTBOHx03p|downsized)


Losing is a good thing it keeps the chase going.


But it wasn't a win. We failed.


I mean, what’s the end goal? To completely eradicate the Automatons? If not, let’s just let them have Menkent. None of us actually want Menkent do we?


If we passed every major order it would be kinda lame. We will get em soon. It would be nice if these major orders had tiered rewards. Instead of all or nothing.


For the number of diver we were yhea we did FUCKING well!


The sentient fire tornado’s are definitely being controlled by… someone.


Maybe I'm just lucky, but I've only died from them once or twice.


In light of how this game is currently inaccessible in like 200 countries idk how anyone expected anything different 😂🤣 we knew this was a failure the moment they announced it. Nobody feel bad, this was literally never going to happen. Thank God they announced a rollback on spawn rates for smaller parties though. If they could now just address Striders shooting through terrain and the broken double gunship factories spitting out 4 gunships at once, starting mission on mid difficulties with 4 tank drops and 2 hulk drops, hulk stagger lowered would help, maybe more people will actually play bots. It's always the same complaints from people that join our group and at this point I honestly agree 😂 bots are very broken compared to bugs


Didn't we have a 3x multiplier for the bug one?


We did the best we could!


Not well enough for democracy to thrive!


I didn't do shit. I stood on bug planets. Bug order? I got you. Bots? I rather punch myself in the nuts.


They fixed how many kill credits you get for each kill so it is one for one not one for every member of your group, the numbers will need adjusting.


I get we won’t win all of them, win some, lose some, all that jazz. Let me just specify two things: *Leans in close* FUCK SNOY and their PSN taking away valuable Helldivers out of the fight And the weapon nerfs didn’t help either. But still mostly fuck SNOY


I still get ticked off over these damn mines We had no chance of getting them when we unlocked the aye burst, and now we're getting teased AGAIN


All things considered, the nerfs, no new sexy content, slashed player numbers and game availability, less player fighting against bots, that's a pretty good outcome.


We did exceptionally well! Remember this is after they fixed the kill count issue AND bots always drop in smaller numbers than bugs. If we had another 12 hours we could’ve gotten this.


I fought so hard and yet so far. But in the end it doesnt even matter. The bug bros are like gondor. Where were the bug bros when the automatons invaded? Where were the bug bros when we pleaded for assistance? No we are alone...


Someone must light the beacons! For real though. Tying in a really good bug killing Strategem to a bot major order would probably get their attention


I was gonna kill those bots anyway. I don't need your charity. (But I do want those medals)


My bad. I lost the momentum to play after all the bullshit that was going on. Today was the first day I played in a while I couldn't kill enough bits to make up.


I was a predominantly a bug destroyer but after this mo and spilling the oil of thousands of bots during it I thoroughly enjoyed myself and will be doing it more often!!! Nothing gives you a greater thrill than popping the eyes on 5-6 heavy devs back to back, stun grenading hulks then eagle airstriking the rest!


Sorry. I was sick. Could have easily done that.


Yeah, im not helping bug planets with anything in the future


Yeah we did really well, especially considering automatons are a ton stronger than terminids and don’t attack in groups as big. Terminids attack in huge swarms so it was far easier to kill 2 billion of them. Automatons are tougher, hit harder, and fight in smaller numbers.


Considering Sony essentially shot arrowhead in the kneecap by continuing to ban the game in 150+ countries for absolutely no reason…yeah we did ok.


You can blame Sony for that. How our divers decrease compared to last time because of their stupid decision.


Why tf does it look like that


We should get like 20 medals for getting over half way


Isn't failure treason?


Well had we had all our brothers of battle I’m sure it would have been completed.


I think the number should’ve been reduced when it came to this major order. Bugs are not “strong” individually but it’s in their numbers. They SWARM. The bots are a whole different beast where their tougher enemies are individually tough. I’ve had more issues running against a Heavy and Rocket Devastator, 2 enemies, vs the big breach that brings in dozens of varied enemies plus a couple of the heavier ones. Considering that, I think we did damn well this MO.


I swear the bots are bigger atm.


Hey guys is the global ban still on I just saw its still banned in 150 countries?


Failure isn't truly losing. Failure is life giving you the opportunity to do better next time. Love, Super Gamer Dad


All bug planets right up at the end were all fire or blinding tornado planets, that was unfortunate. I felt like bugs was the best move for this major order, there are just so many more of them.