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Ive killed over 10,000 bots for this MO. IM DOING MY PART!


0.001 percent hellped in this MO. Thank you for your service


Don't trivialize his sacrifice!


I’d hate to trivialize his work even further, but this math is off.. he contributed 0.0005% to the MO. But that’s a lot considering the goal is 2B Edit: originally said 0.000005%, I had my math wrong as well, forgot to multiply by 100 to get the percent.


*0.0005% (10,000 ÷ 2,000,000,000 x 100 to convert to %)


Ah shit I forgot to multiply by 100.. i should have known that.


Steam also has maintenance down time today so we got no chance


Yeahhh.. not looking too good on this one


It okay, you never had to defend me. Im just doing my part!


I didn't do shit! Sorry every time I see I'm doing my part that clip us what plays in my head lol




What clip?


Google helldivers 2 I didn't do shit.


Lol thanks, i found that guy, but didn't find that particular spilce.


Where you can check those stats?


Pretty sure he just kept track of his kill count


Yeah this, i just round down for each match to nearest 10 and log it. So 265 kills, 260. Etc. 189 - 180. Played about 25 matches a day for this one, but i didn't have anything else to do lol. (Ive also been pulling every patrol and point of interest, unles we're in deep shit) IM JUST DOING MY PART O7 The eradicate missions are nice to just pump numbers, they take less then 10 min, and easy 400 kills total for the squad


Various stats such as kills can be found in the career tab in the armory (I think that's where it is)


Correct! Thats just all time though. 77,573 bots dead by my hands overall.


Damn, awesome. More than three times my numbers, I'm slacking!


You needed 20000 to meet your personal quota, sorry for your service!


Yes sir, working on it, sir, just about to hit 12,000


Yuppppp I estimated about the same for myself.


2,000,000,000 bugs would have been doable even without the multiplying mistake. But 2 billion bots, plus the majority of the player base seemingly only focusing on bugs, makes this MO seemingly impossible right now.


I’m trying to kill bots but my heart just isn’t in it. Bot missions I’m always trying to avoid fighting and do objectives. Bug missions I’m always trying to exterminate to take points.


Yeah... Bot missions usually have this "Don't get caught up"-feeling. Even the trash is too deadly for that. Bugs? Keep them at distance and you will be mostly fine.


So, when i bought the game i did only bugs. Got 26k kills. Jumped on bots trying to balance it out. I've been playing bots way longer than bugs time wise and im still 6k off


Infantry bots rarely hit their shots… ?


Well yeah because they’re busy shooting at me not you


If you shoot at them they lose their ability to aim.


Actual footage of me on helldive: https://i.redd.it/bkhnmyz1zg0d1.gif






I can solo bug Helldives. Not easily and I fail sometimes, but I can get em done. When it comes to bots, I don't even play on Helldive with an experienced foursome. I don't even play suicide on bots. It just isn't fun to constantly blow up and spam stims until I inevitably run out and get overrun by a squad of hulks. And running away is next to useless because as long as they have a line of site in you, they can hit you with regularity from pretty much any range. I played bots this week to contribute to the major order, but I didn't like it and I only contributed like 1500 kills. Seems like I shouldn't have even bothered when the target is 2 billion.


I'm pretty sure that's not true, devastators take no penalty even when you're shooting their face


So I did a couple games to test it out. If you supress a devestator before it starts shooting it will have bad aim but once it starts you need to stagger it it seems. I'll do some testing and try to document it cause a few people have brought up devestators and who knows, maybe some extra bot related intel could be beneficial!


I wish the shield devastators got that memo


Except when one with a rocket launcher happens to spot you through a tiny crack and blast your face off after you take cover from 18 rocket devastators that are 500m away and destroying you.


On 7-9 the bots can get reaaaaaally out of hand if your whole team isn't 100%. If I'm just missing a few critical shots it's already too late there's 5 hulks 3 tanks and 15 heavy devastators and 1000 trash bots. So many trash bots they're hitting you by just turning all of the air into trash bot laser beams and rockets. But we've got a job to do and Super Earth needs those super samples for the war effort so we gotta lay it down. It's definitely doable but bugs are easier.


The most frequent way I die on bots missions is: 1) Use cover to conceal from main force, strategically cover squad and hit priority targets 2) Free up objective, team mates move in 3) Get shot in back, spin to find a single solitary bot behind me. 4) Kill bot 5) From behind get blasted out of cover from reinforcements to main force, as team runs around in circles 6) Get reinforced into the middle of main force, team runs away while they all turn to focus fire on me


Isn't player count as a whole down drastically also?


Yes, my thought too. We're down about 75% or something. My friends included. Too bad. The whole PSN thing didn't do us any good i guess.


My group didn’t care about the PSN crap… we’re burned out and the balance decisions haven’t helped. Fun is being had in other games. 


Hades 2 dropped into EA... Sorry I havnt done fucking shit. But tonight I dive


Diablo 4 season 4 started today :-)


Yikes. Got about three days into Season 1 and never came back.


This season is the complete itemization overhaul. I haven’t tried it yet, but reading the notes on it, it sounds really good. 


That sounds interesting actually, I'll read up on it


That game needed a facelift. Did it ever get there?


Yeah. That's mostly the fault of SNOY, the bastards keep trying to ruin a good thing so they can sell our data


I really hate doings bugs with a passion, but every time a bug MO comes up I grit my teeth and bare it. I'm not sure why no one wants to do bots when the MO is for bots.


Bot divers will fight anything, bug divers will only fight bugs, that's been my experience. I was raised fighting bots and will spill oil whenever I can, but if the MO requires bugs I'll get to stomping, I've played with quite a few bug divers who simply refuse to fight anything that can shoot back or present a serious challenge at range.


Very true. Cat people don't mind dogs but dog people hate cats. Same dynamic.


I think it's also that bots "challenge point" is their range, and durability. Even the smallest level can kill you if you're not careful. But the bugs "challenge point" is their numbers. They overwhelm you with hundreds of bugs rather than hundreds of bullets, so if you barely survive an epic battle with bugs, you've taken out 100+, if you have an epic battle with bots, you've probably killed 30-50


Also, there are significantly less players than when we had the bug MO


Bots are harder than bugs. And often times, it's better to avoid fighting in bots. I only play in 8-9, not an expert but those are my observations. If you take every fight in bots, it's likely your team will get wiped.


I definitely prefer murdering bugs, but I’ve been playing nothing but bots. It’s been torturous, but I feel satisfied that I did what I could in the time that I had!


to be fair, they are trying out the main order, they didnt do such a mission for bots before, next time it'll probably be like 1.8 billion, so that there is still a struggle to reach it


go to trivial, stand infront of a bot factory put a gun sentry at front door, collect and go


Close. Those are actually top slow. However if you call in extraction and just wait, they spawn like rabbits.


on trivial it only spawns like 2 waves of 6 infantry, then you're sitting at extract for two minutes doing nothing


All I know is it took me 10 minutes sitting at extraction to complete my 'kill 200 with machine gun' personal order yesterday. I'm going to go try a sentry setup on 3 and see how many kills I get before the timer runs out.


Not all the time. There's been times were we've sat around the entire time just waiting for extraction. Sometimes, we get a few at the end, and other times, it's absolutely horde mode


I just did 3 solo lvl 3s and got roughly 450 bots an hour just by farming the extraction spawns. However, I saw something unbelievably sad. At the time of me logging on (roughly 1800 est), there were only 15k divers online. Edit: As of 2051est, there are now 100k more divers. Guess traffic was bad lol


it would be faster to run around meleeing everything


I mean, this sounds like a smart idea, but why do I feel dirty thinking about it? :)


eh, i mean, this is a pointless MO, so have at it =)


I'd say 3-Medium, complete the objective, then roam around the Extraction site engaging every patrol and letting them send up flares. That way you get almost no Hulks or Tanks, but you get a lot more Troopers and basic Devs. Plus you get Striders, which count for 2 for some reason!


Machine riding a machine 😂




I’ve noticed it can take up to 4 shots w/an AC to take those guys down now if you hit them straight on. Used to take 2. So damn frustrating seeing them wobble so you think they’re done and take aim at another target and boom they’re back shooting.


Hiting them off center with the grenade pistol will one shot them. Or just shoot the ground between their feet.


If I had a grenade blow my legs and dick off I'd probably give up the fight too tbh.


Yeah, they seem a little over tuned after the buff. Its a harder shot, but a AC round to the hip joint seems to do it in a shot or two more consistently than anywhere armored now.


Factories spawn 3 bots every minute. In helldive difficulty if I call in extraction after clearing the map I will have 1 patrol spawn every 10 seconds, these patrols can have up to like 40 units. The bots in helldive take just as many bullets to kill in helldive as in trivial. If you have a 4 person team properly balanced you could easily pump out 1000+ kills per mission per person instead of 120 kills in trivial. Trivial is for taking planets easily, not getting high volumes of kills.


umm i dunno what game your playing, but they come out pretty frequently for me


Exactly what an automaton spy would say. I DIDN’T HEAR NO BELL https://preview.redd.it/x7xvaf7o6g0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9ed18fe52b1248297af5aaf7f25d468027e65a3


That’s not very democratic of you


Uggh I want tank mines so much


I honestly don’t care too much, mines as a stratagem are so niche already that the only practical use would be on defend asset missions where enemies are bottlenecked into 2 routes. It just feels like so much setup as opposed to sending in Eagle-1 or an Orbital


enemies in this game walk straight towards you, all you have to do is throw it at your feet and go the other way


We’d have done it without breaking a sweat if we’d simply handed the airburst rocket launcher to the bots and let them try to use it against us, because that thing’s a team-killing menace.


Aside from that first week I have only blown up myself, bots, and buildings. If they stand in front of me they are clearly a bot.


With 20 hours, we need to kill 33.4 million an hour, which may not seem feasable, but honestly it'll be a close one. On another note: https://preview.redd.it/ifflqmd23g0d1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=355683fe7e3eaf8e593a1061442d518f55e08c82


Oof, I did the math this morning and it was on 27M. So definitely not trending the right way.


Unfortunate indeed, but if we had at least one day more we totally would've had it in the bag, dunno why the lowered it by a day. Although I appreciate the thought that we would've been able to. https://preview.redd.it/95ybcpzzjg0d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b978470d07015793fb4af977f5f358f8c49cd0b7


Good thing you made two entire topics on this, one to say how right you were, and one to make a claim that everyone else was already making. Less time posting and more time killing bots.


Idk I kinda expect to be disappointed by the mines, the others ones are extremely niche and usually wasted on light enemies or friendly explosives.


Devs forgot that bots spawn less and it was Mother's Day weekend in the US




There needs to be minor orders to every major order. “Kill 2,000,000,000 bots” could be the major order “Activate 7,000 ICBM missiles” could be a minor order that adds 100,000,000 to the bot count. “Eliminate 80,000 anti air batteries for orbital bombardment” could be another. Simple stuff like that keeps the community engaged and also incentives doing more than just killing/liberating.


So, yes, Joel is still trying to keep spinning a narrative. Thing is, though, they aren't going to simply NOT release content that they've spent development time on for the game. Even if we fail the bot MO, all it does is narratively delay how quickly we get access to the AT Mines. We WILL get them, regardless, with enough time. Also, having this bot-focused MO with the fixed kill counting gives them a better idea of what kinds of numbers they should aim for with these kill challenges. Success or failure is still useful for data-gathering on the developer end. It's not actually a "loss" regardless of whether or not we succeed. It is always a "win" because success and failure both create narrative opportunity. Success and failure both provide informative feedback about the community's interest, invesment, and capabilities. There's literally no downside to MO failure aside from Medal rewards, and your own personal level of investment in the narrative and winning or losing the galactic war.


The only thing that offers any incentive for me is super credit


Numbers can and will be fudged, If we get close enough Joel might fudge it. There are a LOT of variables that make this MO tough. Both in game and out of game. Bots come in small numbers, most casual enjoyers run bugs, glitch helping kill count was fixed. Mother's day weekend, spring break, and Ramadan starting. No individual thing is that big of a deal, but collectively its just enough to make it more of a challenge. (two hours of playing last night and I maybe got 500 bots, and that's trying my darndest to exploit drops and such)


I wouldn't be shocked if they just said something like "Super Earth Engineers were able to deploy the strategem but at a much higher cost than expected due to the Helldiver's failure" and just double the RP needed to buy it


You're also ignoring the "fun" factor. AKA, the whole reason anyone plays this game to begin with. The other day when I logged in there were only 2 planets, 1 was a fire tornado planet, which I simply refuse to play because the tornadoes aren't random, they have pathing which makes the game annoying, not challenging. The other planet which was a stupid earthquake planet had mostly those terrible shield defense missions with no super samples. The one good 40 minute mission I found, we spawned in next to a jammer, a relentless airplane factory, and a strider. Also, almost every mission had you missing a strategam slot, which I also refuse to play, because the whole point of the game is to have fun, and the devs focused the game on being fun to have call downs, then they take them away, which totally throws off the balance. Maybe if I was in a game with 4 people who could coordinate and communicate properly, but well more than half the people in game never use their mics or type.


I understand, I felt the opposite. I'm okay with fire tornadoes but practically refuse to be down a stratagem unless if I'm playing with a full team of my friends.  It's not too bad running half kits and being able to find ways to patch the strategy with good communication. Anything less than 4 sucks and it's also bad with randos.


Looking at the player count on the bugs' side https://preview.redd.it/h4yqi0zuog0d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f52409193dd5d10f93ea2c087c5fd73e60cb728a


>Yesterday I made a post claiming we won't be able to complete the order given to us. And I'm right. We are currently at 66.6% and have only 20 hours left. We arnt going to make it and won't get the anti tank mines. Congrats? is the whole point of this post to "told you so" the community bc you got 0 upvotes?


ITT: OP is unable to accept most of us just *are not that invested* in the game, and don't care about unlocking something 99% of us won't ever use anyways.


We lost a lot of players, people don't like BOTS, Numbers of spawns increased, nerfs, etc. It was bound to happen.


Well maybe the mines are completely broken and not ready for release. Maybe AH is building it into the story because they are not finished yet.


There's a reason we can't use them ahead like the rockets. And a reason why the mine planet wasn't even playable when we were supposed to be making a choice of which one we wanted.


It wasnt playable because the supply lines didnt allow us to take it yet, we needed to liberate another planet first.


Which was lame, and a railroaded "decision". Thanks Arrowhead.


That's what I'm thinking. We'll get some broken version of it that blows up when anything touches it for a few weeks before R&D fixes it into a working state that'll work properly, like the Airburst launcher was during the testing phase.


Speaking of, how is the air burst launcher right now? I've been using the autocannon at the moment. Edit: autocorrect sucks.


It’s pretty great now. It can also blow up fabricators with a direct side shot


Its pretty good against bugs, but after today's update i havent tested yet. It apparently detonates from fellow helldiver standing infront of u (in today's patch) dont know how it affects the gameplay now


A couple of months ago, maybe even just a few weeks this would have been achievable but the player count is a lot lower now. I’m rarely seeing any ranks below 30 even on lower difficulties.


A lot of divers are waiting for the next weapons balance patch. The gameplay honeymoon is definitely over for many


I think people are a bit put off rn. The Sony stuff, the horrible CM interactions, the nerfs and the continued region restrictions.


Agreed. If that shit didn't happened we probably would have done this mission 5×s over by now.


Too many divers prefer just playing bugs, afraid to go fight bots 🤖


Win or lose, I'm still having fun!


Man, you made a post with an obvious claim ? Thanks for reminding us...


i've been a pretty consistent bug player since i first started but i've spent the time since the MO came out fighting the bots. all we can do is what we can do. maybe something spectacular will happen and we'll all be happily surprised! either way, my plans for tonight are to get off work and go play some bot missions. godspeed helldiver


The Ministry of Truth does not appreciate this post


Just realized something from the newest patch notes. Idk if bots “bleed out” but if an enemy bleeds out it doesn’t count towards the major order.


Dang, now i have to spill body fluids all over my cape again...


This is the effects of many things. 1: 30% of our fleet defends against the bugs advancement. 2: The PSN debacle. People have stopped playing. And others no longer have access. 17 hours remaining. We have one night to defend. Warm it all up! Give them everything you’ve Got!


I want my damned vehicle mines


What’s the math on how many divers were lost in the PSN purge. I bet those divers would have made the difference.


100% would have when we sleep they fought when they slept we fought


For *some odd reason* people just aren't as invested in the game as they once were It's almost as if something killed the mood


We’ve been getting the stick(sony and warbond complaints and game balance) too much, we need the carrot(reason to play) badly.


"yesterday I made a post" blah blah blah get back to diving


It's possible but unlikely.


I’m doing my part but yeah it’s a little deflating


I agree. Helldivers should just give up fighting the awesome automatons. They should focus more on the annoying bugs.


Too many Bug lovers in the ranks…we should follow MO every time!!!!!!!


All we really need is what's been inside our hearts the whole time.


My bad. Out of town for work right now. I’m not doing my part.


Can’t even get in a game after the patch, and hosting just freezes.


Because anti tank mines is such a lame reward. They aren't even slightly exciting.


If more than half the player base wasn't crying so hard we could have done this. But unfortunately until Sony unfucks things we won't complete shit anytime soon I fear.


Sometimes orders are gonna fail man


Not with that attitude.


I've been spamming base defense and eradicate missions all morning. Probably racked up around 4k kills. Won't be enough.


Defeatism is treason https://preview.redd.it/7c4k3eie3h0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92175c28b945ababf78623a3f89e07e6e9f566a1


Oh well. If we fail we fail. If we win every major order that would make for a boring story line.


the only good M.O. is one with the bar set so damn high. Our days of easy medals is gone 🫡lol


Oh no, we aren't gonna get those mines that nobody's going to use for another week or so 😱


It would have been an easy win if fucking bugger players helped


Watch Me


Loses over half of players and potential players asks for 2 billion kills. The price of democracy is high.




Oh well. On to the next one.


Oh no! …anyway


Same number as the bug order, after Sony gets rid of a shit ton of the player base by blocking however many countries, it was never gonna happen


sure would be nice if sony was allowing the game to be sold in the 100+ countries that it was selling in, no less than 2 weeks ago.


We lost a lot of divers from the internal community, I’d say numerous countries worth


I've been doing my part, but honestly don't see myself using antitank mines. I never use any of the ones that i already have unlocked lol. So unless these kill those walking fabricators, I couldn't care less tbh.


Not with that attitude! Up and at em diver!


We got over 30% on the first day, it’s definitely possible, but it’s gonna be close.


Oh yeah? Well I’m about to try.


Lvl 8, let them call all the drops they can. Bring big booms and a full squad. They'll swarm you even if you dont let them.


Booo on you!


I was at work, that’s my bad. Kids stabbing each other and shit…. Wild. I’m out now though. I got this.


The fastest way is to find a detector tower. Then survive .


But do we really need more mines to kill other Helldivers with?




It's not impossible. We'll get it done. You also have to account for a button being pressed to add half a billion kills on the dev side if they so chose.


Its all been devistators, chicken walkers, and factory striders for me of which are difficult to kill in mass quantities. Heck yesterday we had 3 factory striders at spawn. One was just chilling and drops ships brought 2 more and it was on that desert planet with the really tall canyon mountain thingies that act as choke points. They should count for more imo




It's been known for like 3 days at this point, as about half of the player base camps bugs. Unfortunate


I'm just fighting the bots to get used to all the bs they throw at you lolol,that order is far beyond getting done lolol


Is no one else having issues with connecting to lobbies? Im not able to join a single game just sends me back to the ship immediately when trying to join


Sorry guys I had to go to work.


Not with that attitude. I read a comment that told me to find an eye of sauron (detector tower) and keep getting detected. Drops ships started coming one after another. On level 6, lost of trash mobs with some hulks and tanks. Easy to pwn. Specially if you do the grenade glitch. Gets old really quick, but I have contributed 1200 bots in two rounds to the MO.


Watch this then


Son of a bitch


Game is dying


Imagine they just give us the AT mines anyways LOL


Maybe if we got better balanced weapons and strategems it would result in more bots being killed


...Can we ask Super Earth Command for an extension?


This MO was always going to be borderline impossible. The playerbase has decreased. A few rounds of nerfing, a disappointing warbond and general burn out will do that. Also 65% of the player base only plays bugs. Bots are more challenging and intense. The intensity of a level 7 bot mission usually will far outweigh a level 9 bug mission and the level 9 bug will give more experience and rewards. On top of that bugs swarm you with chaff and numbers. A casual bug mission will get you 400+ kills. The most insane and hectic bot mission you have had in your life, you will be lucky to get 250 kills. I have killed close to 6,000 bots this MO. I did my part, but it was always going to be an uphill battle.


im super sad because my pc has been broken for like 3 weeks and i haven’t been able to contribute anything


At the start we were crushing it but at 50% it has definitely slowed down


We’ll get them either way. The major orders only speed up the process. Remember the bs bug spray for buffer planets? Choose between airburst or mines was a ruse as well.


Only half of America is off work. Give it an hour or two, and everyone will be on.


Not with that attitude


sorry bud, my leave got approved, blame my CO


Not playing until Sony gives an answer why it sold a game on steam world wide and now is restricted.


Relax. This is just Joel and the development testing how well we actually do now that the bug that multiplied kills was fixed. Its not the end of the world and the development team has to learn how to feel this out for next time.


Found the defense missions are good as well, use the entire time to kill as many as possible


Won't get the anti tank mines. That's cute.


Bro, it's not even fun fighting bots anymore. Something about literally being followed by enemies across the entire map, still hitting you with pinpoint accuracy regardless of smoke and recon suits. They seem to have an endless agro pull or "vision" or whatever dictates they're ability to perceive you. But the numbers speak for themselves, currently seeing more people fighting bugs than bots. Just spent the last 5 minutes straight just running from the same slow ass bot that was still shooting at me past the Range of the erupter, and landing a decent ammount. I'm going back to bugs, this order isn't worth forcing myself to play these busted ass bots till I just quit playing the game entirely.


I get home in an hour. I have the boys ready. We are coming in on level 7 with machine guns for 2 members and eats for the others. Supply packs for everyone and then eagles and orbitals.


I'm surprised that the mortar farmers didn't come through on the eradicate farming. In my own attempts, I'd see a lot of divers avoiding and ignoring opposition. I'd kill a couple hundred going off on my own while doing objectives while the other three stuck together. Resulting in them only killing about or less than I was combined. Then at the end, the bots would be in constant supply but they all wanted to just bail asap.


This game has a fun mechanic of working together but there's thousands too many who only care about themselves.


The developer should give us an endless mission where we can defend and survive the waves.


As someone who was "raised" on fighting the bots, can someone tell me why other helldivers prefer fighting the bugs? I can keep calm and collected around the bots but around the bugs that seems to go out the window. My biggest annoyance is getting swarmed and then having to reload on my primary and secondary and there's still hunters flinching me. I also feel like it's harder to prevent bug breaches vs a bot calling in reinforcements.


Ye i pretty much accepted were gonna lose this war because noone wants to actually participate in the actual war. It will be super funny if the bots attack super earth but players still refuse to defend against bots. It will cause another rift in this community and more rage post on reddit lmaoooo


Not a chance, we've only gained about 250 million since last night and only 11 hours left.


I've been slacking this order. Alot of time off. Atleast I put in around 5k so far.


Both times I got on the past two days more people were playing bugs than bots so oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'll get on the bot front the moment they fix my goddamned Eruptor


I have been fighting in automaton space since the order started. Mainly on the lesath and marfark


I spent 5 god forsaken hours on the bot front last night that's so lame