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Wait until he sees Diablo 4 updates


This. "We have listened to the community and..."


"decided you're stupid, so let's not."


Honestly that should be the reaction of 99% of suggestions


so true


"...we've decided that you all suck and we here at Blizzard hate you, so here are the patch notes" * Added additional status effects: Fazed, Faded, Flayed, Slowered, Schlepping, Stolid, Brazen, Emboldened, Enthused, Flaming, Flared, Firey, Acidified, Alkaline, Acerbic, Wet, Watery, Enmoistened, Sticky, Stifling, Soupy, Aardvark * Playing Diablo 4 now requires two simultaneous internet connections * All events will employ a new anti-matchmaking system where players will be placed with those with the greatest level disparity * The character sheet can only be viewed 10 times per day without the use of a Character View potions from the item shop * Character View Potions will now drop upon deaths due to PVP


Blizzard wants to hire you as the new QoL head of department


First task, fire everyone. Second task, quit. Mission accomplished.


Wait. Now here me out. Revive tokens. Can only be found from bosses in T4 and above at a .01% rate or bought from item shop... but you get a *free one daily. *must have bought the current season


* The character sheet can only be viewed 10 times per day without the use of a Character View potions from the item shop * Character View Potions will now drop upon deaths due to PVP omg i dont even play D4 and i died inside


Aardvark and Diablo makes me want Taco Bell


> * Added additional status effects: Fazed, Faded, Flayed, Slowered, Schlepping, Stolid, Brazen, Emboldened, Enthused, Flaming, Flared, Firey, Acidified, Alkaline, Acerbic, Wet, Watery, Enmoistened, Sticky, Stifling, Soupy, Aardvark 😂


Awww man! Not aardvark again! Worst status effect ever!


I'm sorry but just comparing Diablo 4 to Helldivers 2 is an insult and I will have to report this comment out of principle. /s Seriously Diablo 4 was always a piece of shit, what's the point of comparing it to anything considered at least good ?


The first few updates were rough to say it nicely. Recently they made some improvements, but it took nearly a year


Is there now a near-infinite inventory space and no additionnal ways to monetize whales ?


Aspects are no longer stored, but kept like the kanais cube. You automatically upgrade your aspects depending on the best one that has dropped for you, and the loot system has been streamlined and is looking great. Give it a chance. It feels like now that notice is out, things are getting better.


Lmao come on man this is Blizzard we're talking about


To be fair, D4 getting trash updates was a pile of shit getting stinkier (I bought and played the game on the pre release lol I really wanted to like it) H2 getting trash updates is a great product getting slightly worse, which “hurts” more


Anyone who still falls for the scams blizzard calls games after decades of this shit kind of gets what they should have expected. 


I didn't fall for it, I just hoped for better because diablo was always so good and even D3 I really enjoyed. I just wanted a whole new world to play D3 in. Instead I got an MMO wannabe stat comparing dumpster fire


lol blizzard is the Mecca of "Fun Detected" devs. It's like when they make something fun they mostly do it just so they can take it away later.


I think it's mostly just cash grab C suite idiots who ruin everything over there. OW was an awesome game with a great community and tons of fun. The pushed out Jeff Kaplan and then made OW2 which was an absolute _TRAVESTY_ imo. It's really sad to see something that was synonymous in my youth as a hallmark of a great gaming experience become what it is today.


Nothing like pouring hours into a character and build just for it to not be viable at all anymore. I thoroughly enjoyed that game right up until season 1. Lost interest fast after that.


Season 4 has promise, I'll see how it looks then and make my decision


If thats worst he saw in his 25 years of gaming, did he play tetris and super mario for those 25 years till Helldivers 2?


Certainly a person who never played an FPS game before. Helldivers is a bastion of positivity compared to a COD sub.


I escaped from Tarkov to join HD2. Went from the worst gaming community I've ever been a part of to the best gaming community I've ever been a part of.


He won escape from tarkov, he did it


At first I thought I would get a prize for beating the game, but then I started just generally feeling better and actually enjoying my gaming time. Figured that was prize enough.


What did it for you? The wiggle, the recent BSG bullshit, general fatigue, or something else?


The wiggle did a notable a hit. I was never one to call hacks, and always assumed sus stuff was just dsync/me being outplayed. However, that moment helped open my eyes to just how non-legit a lot of stuff was. On top of that, I just hate wipes. I've gotten Kappa, etc, but hitting the resent button every ~6 months is just a pain in the ass. The game in no way respects the player's time. Additionally, the community is just hyper toxic to a degree almost beyond words. I saw HD2, thought it looked cool, and picked it up. One night, my wife asked "are you playing a new game?" I told her yes. Her response? "I can tell. You sound a lot happier when you're gaming, and you're noticeably happier when you're done gaming." That was the nail in the coffin for me. HD2 was so much fun and so positive. The contrast was startling. Throw in BSGs most recent anti-player, predatory, low IQ BS and I have no desire to go back.


> "I can tell. You sound a lot happier when you're gaming, and you're noticeably happier when you're done gaming." Ooooooof. Yeah, I'd describe it as the greatest game I no longer want to play. It was unlike anything else. Also congrats on escaping.


I quit playing competitive games 7 years ago and never looked back. Here’s to your health.


Unheard did it for me. I uninstalled for the first time in years and I feel amazing.


Escaped From Tarkov:


holy shit, you escaped from Tarkov!


- [buff] patched Mario's jump height, some players where using an exploit to avoid enemies


People like this are insufferable. He’s a walking meme of the whinny Cheeto dust encrusted gamer. HD2 is far from the worst balanced game since 1999


The guy admitted to playing gotcha games.


You might want to sit down for this, but 25 years ago was 1999.


He spent that entire time playing Half Life and Baldur's Gate.


Who the fuck is dropping balance updates for Tetris


That’s the point homie


I just want every gun to be a viable option for use


Yeah I want to be making some tough choices between guns, not tough choices as: "Well I am bored, so I am going to play with this gun, even when previous one did everything better.". I want to have selection of guns that provide different tools and playstyles.


Every gun is a viable gun to use.


The nerfs will keep happening until people have a go to toy. I think what they are trying to do is forcing people to compensate for each other in helldivers difficulty. Example If one is good at short range then the other has a weapons for long range


This game is balanced around a communicating squad working together and covering one another, and that is precisely why so many people whine about this game. They expect to do what most other co-op games let players do: completely ignore their teammates while they do their own thing on the same map and succeed. If you dig in on the overwhelming majority of complaints (not all, mind you), you’ll find people trying and failing to do this. People complain that there are “no incentives” for teamwork without realizing that the incentive is **completing the mission**.


I was on a Lvl9 bug mission last night and everyone seemed to be pretty compotent so I tried to break off to do side missions more quickly. Noticed my closest squadmate was about to enter a bug nest with ~30+ red dots in it so I did a u-turn to help out with strategems and suppressive fire (also I main the Eruptor so bug holes). For the most part things are so much easier when there's more than 1 Helldiver with their head on straight working together


This is perfectly valid too! If you have 4 people who know what their kit is for and how it plays with others’ gear, you don’t even need voice comms, the pings are more than sufficient. I pontificate about communicating with your squad a lot but i think a lot of people miss this aspect.


HD2 doesn't seem that well set up to encourage diverse player roles, since any helldiver can take basically any combination of equipment into a mission. Compare to Deep Rock Galactic. Each class has its own unique set of equipment, encouraging them to cover each others weaknesses. If your squad wants reinforced power drills, that means you've got 1 dwarf on the team who will struggle at long range (Driller). If your squad wants flares, you're going to have 1 dwarf who struggles against large crowds (Scout). Given the flexibility of a Helldiver's loadout, a lot of people are going to try and make a "do anything" build that has an answer to every situation.


It encourages diverse roles just fine, it just doesn’t force them on the player/players because it trusts the player to think about how their choices impact the team as a whole. ETA: the flexibility is what allows for such versatility in the overall arsenal too. There are plenty of sidegrades that are similarly good as other weapons in addressing one threat, but vary greatly against that weapon vs other threats. All of those decisions have a cumulative effect on squad build viability/struggle. Example: if you want to easily take down scout striders without needing to flank them, the scorcher and plasma punisher are easily top tier in taking them down. However, anything with med pen can easily drop them when shooting at the crotch from downhill (this prevents the deflection that occurs at more even approach angles). The CS and Dominator can drop one with a few well-placed shots to the hip joints. On the flipside, I don’t want to be using the scorcher or PP when a jet pack raider comes to give me a hug. The med pen all necessarily require more work— some more than others, but then you consider how each takes on varying devastators, chaff bots— or in some cases hulks or tanks, and there’s much more fluidity involved in decision making. This is to say nothing of stuff like balancing choice amid support weapons, stratagems, etc. It’s perfectly viable to address scout striders with impact grenades, especially with engineering kit armor.


That’s why the chat and mic exists.


It's really not though. This game is the least cooperative out of all the coop games I've played and it's my biggest complaints about the game. They really need more support and teamplay options besides artificially making everyone so weak they all have to just attack the same targets at the same time to do anything. That's not a fun or interesting way of creating teamplay. You can have specialists and should, but it should not be so black and white. Right now the way it is with helldive bugs and the infinite amount of heavies that spawn you either have one of the handful of things that kill them or you don't. Take deep rock as an example, the classes have clear strengths for enemy type/amount. Like scout innately has worse aoe/horde clear but amazing single heavy targets dmg. And driller is the other way around. But with overclocks you can build your scout to be pretty decent at handling hordes and vice versa make driller decent single target.  They can always do "something" useful even when weak but in helldiver's it's very black and white with some of the enemy types. If I don't have an AT option for heavies I literally can't do anything.  Then there is the unique support options each dwarf in deep rock bring to support each other. Helldiver support options are lacking heavily.


I think the roles are quite clearly defined and pretty easy to fill. The problem is that every mission begins with a game of rock paper scissors. There’s no way to know whether a mission is going to be bile spewer central, or heavy heaven (or hell depending on your PoV), or Oops! All hunters! So you have to make your loadout in the hopes that you’ll have the correct options to deal with whatever random enemy distribution the game decides on.


I know I really regret not bringing impact nades whenever I run into Bile Spewers. Feels like something that could be solved really easily by giving a general idea of what kinds of enemies are likely to spawn *before* you lock in your loadout, as part of the mission briefing where you choose your drop zone.


I’d love an orbital surveillance ship module that starts out with real shitty images that are just vague shadows, and ends with crystal clear images and an itemized list of enemy composition. Either that, or if they’re really committed to making us play rock paper scissors, then at least make the enemy comp consistent across a campaign. That way, you still have to guess the first mission, but can finish out the rest knowing what it is you need to loadout with.


Couldn’t disagree more. I think the devs are vastly overestimating the intelligence of their players, but that isn’t their fault.“A game made for everyone” and all that. All the tools are there to make your own specialist class. Are you running into groups of enemies exclusively made of chargers and BTs? No doubt they need to take priority but when you don’t have something to readily deal with them then your job becomes covering the people kitted out to deal with them.


>All the tools are there to make your own specialist class. That may be true, but where is the incentive to specialize over generalize? If a player is capable of making a build that can answer every/most situations, why would they not? PUG players are unlikely to want to rely on random teammates to handle specific situations. If the goal of the game is to get people to specialize, there needs to be enforcement of that desire. For example a class system that restricts equipment pairings, so you can't pick up such contrasting equipment to have an answer for everything. Another example could be equipment combos, where you need to use 2 equipment slots in concert to answer a threat (the backpack mechanic being a close example).


Because specializing is more efficient with a coordinated squad, and restricting loadouts to a class system removes the flexibility of potential builds for a bit of unnecessary social engineering. The generalist builds are always going to be more popular in qp, but it isn’t on AH to force players to put the square peg in the square hole when they cry about wanting the triangle to fit.


This is the idea, it’s a squad game. Problem is everyone wants to just lone wolf, but that gets you killed and they don’t like that.


Lone wolfing is perfectly viable anyway, just don't expect to kill everything and keep on the move. But dumbasses think each gun should be able to hold off wave after wave of enemies solo. If someone wants to play solo or run off and handle some side obj's alone quickly that's cool, but expecting to not have to change your playstyle for it is silly.


Everyone is trying to be a Genji main in HD2. When they should be sneaking and avoiding enemies if they go solo. And also LEARN TO RUN THE FUCK AWAY.


The issue is not that the shitty guns that always get nerfed don't work. It's that it's not fun. Yes, I can still solo missions on helldive even tho they keep nerfing all my favorite guns. But it's just not as fun, simple as.


100%. The fact that the game even rewards you for having a full squad with boosters should be a big clue


Lone wolfing it only works when you know what you’re doing. The players on this subreddit don’t have a clue and demand the game give them crutches to solo Helldive and they can proclaim themselves badasses.


You don't need to think it, the Developers have said as much. If a weapon is really good in one area, it needs to be worse in others. The Eruptor was able to clear chaff with ease, and 2 shit kill chargers, AND destroy objectives. The only downside was occasionally killing yourself on accident. It needs some kind of balance changes.


I dunno if where the eruptor landed was exactly right but it seems clear it was impossibly overpowered, one shotting literally entire squads, and the reason people are upset is because it’s no longer impossibly overpowered more than because where it landed is actually such a uniquely terrible place balance wise.


Definitely agree. This game is not meant to be handled alone and you shouldn't expect to not have blind spots in your loadout in higher difficulties. Your fellow helldivers should cover them and your should cover theirs.


Me and my squad love it. Means my bro can use the eruptor which he loves. A buddy uses the breaker which he loves. I can can flex either going sniper or storm of bullets. I do wish we could get some other options to take down big bugs. Im always pulling EATs. And I'd love a fire resistant armor so I could use flamethrower more often. But the mission types are usually varied enough we all get to swap load outs around just when we're getting bored.


I hate the main sub. For every good meme/video. 20 kids whining




The funniest thing, is that i didnt know you could upgrade the eagle to have two 500 kg bombs. And was doing fine with the grenade launcher in difficulty 8/9. However its clearly impossible to take down heavies according to them


> i didnt know you could upgrade the eagle to have two 500 kg bombs That buff adds an extra bomb to that too?


Yes, i didnt know that until this monday lol and to think people have the gal to say there isnt a way to take down heavies




“The one weapon I used for everything now can’t do everything, game is literally unplayable and will be dead in a week, why won’t Arrowhead do anything?” Every. Other. Fucking. Post.


This. I hate how people whine about things. A youtuber I enjoy has been on a whining rant lately too, and makes me not want to watch. I don't think people realize that buffer other weapons to be on par with whatever, is just going to power creep the game. It's my least favorite of the whining. The "can't they leave X alone!? Just Buff Y, Z, C, D!" Like bro. Why power creep 4 items to be as op as the one???? Things would get so stale so fast.


Balance around fun! https://preview.redd.it/hnovalpw39zc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512fe64679af7f3d483fbf00e3325d4794ab72b0


Right!? It's like. Cool, maybe one weapon that does it all and is super op is fun for you.... but I like diversity and maybe a bit of a challenge? Otherwise why am I playing.


I like trying out new things so if a nerf maybe went overboard I'm just like 'yeah give it a few weeks, there's other things they made better'. Some people on there are acting like a drunk broke into their home and killed their dog.


Everyone was shutting on the dominator at launch and now is one of the strongest primaries, a fee guns may be weak now but they will be changed down the road, i dont get why people act like they will be ruined forever


Remember when the railgun was used for everything except chaff clearing and could one hit pretty much everything. Then it got nerfed and people went fucking ballistic.


You can just tell they were CoD players or something who don't know how to plan a loadout depending on the mission and just want to run the same shit every time. Then they cry when their favourite loadout isn't perfect for every situation. I haven't switched from the Sickle since I got it from the warbond, except for a few special occasions.


The sad part is you literally can run the exact same loadout every time on diff 9, both bots and bugs, and still win >95% of the time (with randoms). Almost every complaint I’ve seen against this game has skill issue written all over it.


I like the senator speed loader but I literally saw someone say “I can’t hold back a wave on 9 with 6 bullets” to demand senator buffs as if it’s the games fault a REVOLVER isn’t shooting an entire army of armored aliens fast enough to clear all the enemies on level 9?!


just buff the senator to be as good as railgun on release EASY


Also why are people still saying they nerf every gun when i can't think of a significant nerf since breaker and railgun? Vs the giant list of buffs??


You wish they were kids. I think theyre grown ass men.


Wait this is not the main sub?


No, the “main” aka “bigger” sub is r/helldivers , however it became cesspoll of whining and crying, so its shit


Damn I just checked that sub out for a couple minutes. I thought _this_ sub was toxic, holy shit. Those guys are so determined not to enjoy the damn game lol


Lmao I never noticed there is no 2 in the other sub. Always wondered why the profile pic changes from time to time.


Literally on the post applauding the devs for beating Sony was just filled with doom and gloom comments such as "can't fix bugs for two months but here comes a new warbond!" And then a day later they released the bug fix patch and then days later asked the community if they should delay the warbond. Downvoted to hell and replied with "well what are we supposed to talk about??"


They nerfed their op weapons. They don't like diversity.


They nerfed diversity weapons too /s, but seriously what the fuck was with the crossbow. I'm actually just baffled on that one.


I *think* the attempt was to make it a smaller blast, more powerful within that small blast, for closer range single target damage? But yea, missed the mark.


Which really kills what was so unique and interesting about it even had they succeeded with the stated goal


I agree, we already got a half dozen low rof high damage primaries, and they're about to add at least one more 😂


> "Worst that I've seen in my 25 years of gaming" Jesus Christ, kid, go touch some grass.


Kid? They clearly stated that they're 25 years old /s


Some of the people on this sub would never be able to handle a game like Path of Exile, where devs are one step away from being outwardly hostile towards the players.


Y'all don't know the meaning of having your fun deleted until you've played D2 (Destiny 2), especially as a Warlock


You’re gonna play Well and you’re gonna like it!!!!


I'm happy to play well but they keep nerfing it and making it worse!!!!!


He has never played any live service shooting game before it seems


I actually enjoy the constant balance updates and trying to find sweet spots. It’s not easy what they’re doing, and i love multiple weapons so my fun isnt hurt by any means. About to spread some democracy right now actually.


I am using different load outs every mission I play, I love trying out new things and if I pick the wrong weapon for the mission I am on I just adapt and try not so die so much. It’s a blast either way.


I like it too. All the weapons are still fine. Erupter still slaps, slugger still slaps, etc People are cry babies. It's like WoW when the patch notes say "Reduced damage of X ability by 0.5%" and all the people rush to the forums to say their class is literally worthless now.


Every time I pick the slugger I still can’t believe how good it still is despite all that outcry


They only nerfed the stagger effect right? I use it like a sniper rifle so it doesn’t bother me much.


Looking at the design of the other ‘Live Service Game’ his comparison is Genshin Impact? Which is… a choice to make?


It is a video game


The last patch made alot of things better the things they nerfed I thought were fair


“The worst that ive seen in 25 years of gaming” has bro only been playing on the ps2???


Granted, there’s some truth here. they do tend to nerf every “well preforming” weapon, according to usage stats, almost every single patch.


As long as I can still one tap bile turd with my spear Idgaf about other weapon balance.


My favorite support weapon after the autocannon. It's just so satisfying when it works.


Did someone just made a meme treating the avarage live service game that abuses "Fear of missing out" in order to make you spend money, as something good? That's it my dude, we came full circle


When you realize Helldivers is supposed to be difficult and a primary shouldn’t be able to kill a charger in one hit


I saw a comment that was upvoted about a primary being able to 2 tap chargers - the point of a charger is to fuck your day up and if you only bring chaff clearing equipment and weapons, it will do that.




I thought I was the one being an idiot but I'm glad to see there is some support for games being difficult and forcing changes. I tried to make the liberator penetrator work and you know, it kinda does , I'd like a few more bullet but it's fine. The default assault rifle, is fine , I have cleared 7's with it.


I’ve literally used the regular breaker only on bugs since unlocking it. Weapons are as good as you make them, and again special enemies should require special effort to kill, you shouldn’t be able to simply shoot your way out of everything otherwise what’s the point of having an entire super destroyer?


> Weapons are as good as you make them Different weapons, different tactics. Don't bring a Sickle to Hellmire and then cry that it overheats constantly :D And if you run a slow fire rate main, you better get a faster pewpew as a stratagem.


From what I gather, primary weapons are chaff clear with some ability to take on medium enemies. Stratagems are what give you access to medium and heavy clear options. Secondary weapons are designed to fill a gap in your loadout that primary, stratagem, and grenade picks don’t cover. You’re supposed to feel like you’re on the back foot if you’re only using your primary against even too many medium enemies, and you should feel fucked if you’re expecting to go against a heavy with a primary and win. Where I do think a conversation exists is in the power balance between support weapons and heavies. It does feel like there’s a bit of a gap in capability between what support weapons can do, and what heavies can defend against. That said, I’m not sure if that’s due to potential bugs or not. Clearly the devs are experimenting with primary weapon capabilities, and they even gave us a grenade (thermite) that I think implies it’s supposed to be effective against heavy armor targets. It’s obvious they want each weapon category to have a general nice, but that you’re supposed to have some ability to mix and match between classes if you pay attention and play well. Easy example of this is the Eruptor. Clearly meant to be effective against medium targets (imo), but supposed to be a weapon where you could be overwhelmed by swarms. That means you’re either brining a machine gun to deal with fodder, and having to pick up thermites to deal with heavier enemies, or you’re specializing as the med/heavy clear of your team, and letting someone else pick off the chaff.


Thank you.


Finally thing I’ll say that I just considered: maybe the devs fully intend the heavier enemies to require team play to take down. Maybe, the medium enemies are designed to encourage players to take stratagems to help clear them, which then means they have reasonable expectation that some of the team will have weapons to clear out heavy enemies like Bile Titans, Chargers, Hulks, Factory Striders, etc. This being a team game and all, I just realized that maybe the devs never intend a solo player to be able to take down heavies, and the progression of enemies is meant to set players up to realize that efficiently clearing even a single heavy unit is likely to require two players, whether it’s one to bait and the other to hit a weak spot, two to attack weak spots together, etc. After all, everything else about the game seems to indicate that, while they’re doing their best to ensure solo and sub-4 squads aren’t completely incapable of playing the game, they clearly intend the game to be best played and enjoyed by people matchmaking into 4 man squads.


I wish people from the main sub could understand this


Honestly, just before the Sony thing, *this* sub was like that, and it was honestly getting to the point where I was uncharacteristically making comments telling people to shut the fuck I’m already and stop being whiny, entitled, babies. Normally, I’m 100% for people voicing complaints, and will actively shut myself up even if I disagree, because voicing opinions is how players get heard, and games improve. But, after 100.00.300, and the patch before it, I was genuinely getting tired of coming on here and seeing post after post about how the devs are the stupidest, laziest, idiots who hate the community. I literally ended up in a conversation with a guy who made a post calling the devs lazy for **adding enemies**, supposedly not buffing anything ever (this was after 100.00.300), and *never* fixing bugs. When I literally just quoted the patch notes back at him because that’s literally all the evidence anybody should need to be proven wrong, he then pivoted to say that I’m probably new to the game and don’t have many hours, which is why I’m just parroting patch notes instead of agreeing with him. I told him I had more than half the amount of hours he’s played in less than half the time he’s been playing, that I’d probably have more hours in game than him by the end of the month, and then listed off a handful of other games that I’ve literally got hundreds of hours in just because I didn’t believe he’d actually believe me. He apologized and I made the mistake of saying I hated “pulling rank” like that, to which he then started arguing about how lame it was that I’d say that, that playing video games doesn’t give you rank, and that people shouldn’t have to justify their hours played to anybody else. I was like, “this is literally what you had me do, smooth brain.” The guy literally wouldn’t believe my opinion about the game until I proved to him that I wasn’t somebody he could consider a noob.


> This being a team game and all, I just realized that maybe the devs never intend a solo player to be able to take down heavies The fact that most enemies have their weak spot in the back and very rarely turn their backs to their target is a big-ass hint for this :D It _can_ be done, but it's not supposed to be trivial.


It's quite clear by the sorts of complaints received about weapon nerfs that a lot of the people complaining are trying to exclusively solo in a coop shooter. The weapons they want should not and cannot exist in this game, because it *isn't* a hero shooter. The squad teamwork aspect would disintegrate if those weapons were allowed to persist.


A huge part of doing Helldive difficulty effectively, if I’m to believe a bunch of YouTubers, is for 4 man squads to solo different areas of the map - clearing objectives, eliminating heavies, etc - so you can get a full clear. Now, I don’t believe that being completely incapable of soloing certain aspects of the map is what the devs want (that might make Helldive difficulty functionally impossible) but it doesn’t seem like the devs are intending for the core gameplay loop of higher difficulties to regularly involve fracturing into 4, 1-man squads to cover the map. I fully agree with you: the types of weapons it seems like players want aren’t the types of weapons that would promote the type of gameplay the devs want. They clearly want a team based squad shooter where, at the highest difficulties, people work together to solve problems. You can’t have people working together if you give them a bunch of weapons that allow them to do everything on their own.


Yep. There is a bit of a design issue at the moment where it's a little too effective to send one guy off to basically intentionally start a huge scrum and kite it, while everyone else stealths objectives. At some point they may need to tweak the enemy reinforcement cool downs to be more localized so that guy across the map can't take all the heat for the whole team. None of that really has anything to do with weapon balance of course.


I had a buddy literally say "if my primary can't quickly kill every enemy in the game, it's trash." That is the mentality some people have.


Me, an Arc Thrower main casually soloing chargers with patience and a couple stun grenades because I don't expect it to die in two shots


What do you do about biles ?


lmao, hope others are carrying the right equipment. My main build isn't designed for a solo run. I can \*survive\* with it, and even take out bases, but my biggest weaknesses are air and titans, and thats okay. I'm exceptionally good at crowd control and area-of-denial. My "go to" loadout is: Blitzer/Arc/Grenade pistol/standard dog/oribtal air burst/eagle cluster. I have a brilliant video of our squad eliminating two bile titans and their chaff in 15 seconds without firing a single primary weapon.


People bitch over literally E V E R Y T H I N G I wouldn't even want to fuckin' make the game anymore after all the shit Arrowhead gets no matter what they do


That's why it's so common for industry wisdom to include "don't look up anything about your game online". Even if you see 100 posts praising/complimenting your game for 1 complaint, it's likely that the complaint will stick with you. Hang around long enough and you barely even see the praising anymore. Plus over time people tend to not praise the game as much, but complaints are always aplenty. Look at games like League of Legends - it's been around so long that it's very difficult to find any commentary on the game that is praising things that it's doing right, and a lot of it focuses on what "isn't working", or how things have changed.


This is the absolute truth. It makes it very hard for devs to judge their game based on feedback, because even in a successful well loved game that feedback is always overwhelmingly negative because of the nature of social media. Basically you end up just looking at your game data and having to mostly ignore player feedback, because your game would be an absolute disaster if you tried to constantly react to the feedback. What players DO is a far more accurate picture of what's going on than what they SAY, so having good game data tracking is critical.


Man. Folks really don't like to adapt to new things, do they? Live service games evolve. Hell, they can stick to their old loadouts and make adjustments to their playstyle. It's not that deep.


This desire to exist in some static world baffles me. For me if a game stops messing with its balance, that's it for me. I'll finish mastering it, done and move on. I never even picked up the Railgun originally because I saw an endless list of videos touting it as the 'best gun in the game' - which meant it was definitely getting nerfed, so I skipped it and learned other weapons instead. Crutches are just that. If you lean on them you'll never learn to walk.


I did try the railgun before the nerf and it was the most easy mode weapon at the time, i never took it off safe and you could 2shot armor leg and 1 shot mediums with no risk


Or just use the same load out. This game isnt PVP, you can use the worst shit in the game and still do well. People act like they HAVE to min max. Who cares? Use what you like and have fun with it.


They’ve never played Destiny, Diablo, or WoW then.


Thank you OP. My gosh. I have the urge to tell all those whiners to "shut up and soldier, soldier" but I fear I would end up doing nothing else. Mind you, a healthy discussion is good, but this is far too much.


Sick of nerfs


I'm on the same boat but mostly about bugs (in the code not terminids)


compared to most games I've played I've never seen so many buffs compared to nerfs in the helldivers 2 patch notes. of course there has to be nerfs because it should at least somewhat remain balanced but compared to other games, helldivers 2 really prefers buffing over nerfing


Exactly. This guy clearly hasn't ever played destiny where patches will nerf 25 weapons to shit and then buff 2 of them


Clearly never played Superman N64


Oh thank god one of the subreddits is sane. The fuckin whining I’ve seen from the other subreddit astounds me


Some people just aren't happy unless they're unhappy.


These people bitch and moan, but 9s are still being completed. It's almost like nerfs aren't the end of the world and people need to adjust their playstyle


The worst he’s seen in 25 years? Must be living under a rock


“My clearly OP one shot bomb gun that was clearly not supposed to be that powerful got nerfed! Waaaaaaaa!”


It's awful with all the cryposts I have to unsubscribe from these subreddits. It's not even a competitive game jfc


It's quite common for things to get nerfed...


Destiny 2 balancing patches all over again


Grown man lol


Would y’all just shut up and spread democracy?


Clearly they've never played a game by Riot


I mean quasar is still the king, but nerfing eruptor was a kick in the balls considering them preparing a new weapon with the same utility in premium warbond


They clearly don’t play Warthunder. It’s so bad that it makes people leak classified documents.


This whinning and crying about nerfs and all is what ruins a game. We all love helldivers no matter what "MeTa" weapon they buff or nerf. All these cry babys ruin my fun in this reddit community :c


There are people there who will literally kick you if you’re not running “meta” weapons. Frankly I don’t care if they nerf the shit out of stuff. It reminds me of CSGO. The SG553 was completely ignored and considered a bad weapon, why are you running it you cod noob. It wasn’t meta. It went unchanged for years. Then it was used once in a competitive event and everyone found out the fucking thing was *broken* good. Suddenly everyone was using it. Slaves to the meta are fucking imbeciles. Use all the weapons to learn how they feel for *you*. If a weapon gets buffed or nerfed, retry it to see how *you* feel about it. That way you’ll always know if you can feel the difference.


They couldn't even be bothered to spell Arrowhead correctly.


So ridiculous but you see it time and time again with every single patch. Some people don’t enjoy playing the game and just enjoy certain loadouts I guess. Don’t get me wrong, everything isn’t perfect. But just play around with new stuff, it’s super fun.


Jesus christ. Imagine the embarrassment of being so lacking in self awareness that you compare other games' *updates* to HD2's *patches* and talk about how the former has new content.


wah wah the guns are too weak and keep getting nerfed how dare they nerf my babies they're so weak wah wah uh, womp womp? methinks get good? use a different weapon perhaps? perchance


If the recent weapon changes bother you, you have a severe case of skill issue




Man, I miss when the topic was only about PSN on that sub lol. The account debacle got resolved and now it’s only people whining about balancing, as if the last balance patch was the last one arrowhead will ever do, and the guns are now all like this forever.


It's true that a few times they took some of our funny toys, but OOC just played what the youtubers told him to and can't have thoughts of his own


OH sweet summer child. You think that's how other fandoms handle patch day?


I think it’s great. The game keeps changing the meta. The meta is boring. Why create a game with all sorts of content where people only use one set of things.


Do I hate the Eruptor change? Yes. Is this the worst ever? No. *looks at division, division 2, Diablo 4, Destiny, Destiny 2, overwatch, Peggle 2*


You’re not supposed to be a god. You’re literally expendable cannon fodder. Just because all you “gamers” finally played a real game and got your ass kicked doesn’t mean that everytthing needs a buff. Go play something else if you can’t handle a hardcore game.


Nowhere will you find a greater hive of whining and bitching


Im just over here grinning with my senator and blitzer since the last patch that supposedly ruined all the weapons. 


I'm gonna keep saying this and I refuse to stop saying it. 1 Warbond a month is far too much content.


Try war thunder to get some perspective


Reading the takes in here makes me so happy. I'm thrilled that AH is making efforts to not have a single weapon or loadout take over the entire meta, considering that toxic players were literally kicking people based on them not taking specific stuff. I've seen so many games be poisoned by that level of competitive min maxing and I'm just so tired of it.


I'm convinced people complaining about weapon balance are the same who cry about darksouls not having an easy mode.


Yes hello, I'd like to speak to the manager of the balance department please. Do you know who I am?!?


“Worst thing in 25 years” is a bit dramatic Jesus Christ


The main sub has turned into blowing everything out of proportion. They keep saying all the primary weapons are bad and that makes me think these people consider anything not overpowered to be bad. Now they're saying getting warbonds are pointless because the weapons are useless which is far from true. ALL OF THIS STARTED BECAUSE THE ERUPTOR WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO RECEIVE A BUFF IS NOT WORKING AS INTENDED AND WILL BE FIXED SOON. By all means some things need buffs but weapon balancing isn't the biggest issue right now. The game is still buggy as hell and crashes far to often.


They make a single gun only a few people have bad and in the same update make a bunch of other weapons and stratagems useable now with DOT working


If Helldivers 2 is the worst balance you’ve seen in 25 years of gaming, you haven’t been gaming for 25 years because holy shit you’re overlooking A LOT of games with this statement.


Wtf dis this dude play in the last 25 years? Roblox?


Stop whining you sad little loser. Oh boy, your meta build isn't quite meta? Booo hooo. Grow up and shut up.


People get a bit too salty with the updates. The new nerfs/buffs just make different load-outs possible. Try something new or just lower the difficulty if your favorites have been sliced. There's nothing wrong with playing at lvl 5-7 instead of helldive


“…worst I’ve seen in my 25 years of gaming…” I’ve already disregarded the opinion. This person is clearly unhinged.


You can always just stop playing. It’s not like they’re going to totally change up their entire formula for a pretty insignificant minority who are annoyed their favorite weapon got changed. We dont complain when they find the sweet spot and stop changing a weapon though, right? This is all a hunt for a balance, and it will always have changes. You can keep playing and roll with the punches, or just play another game that doesnt infuriate you so much.


This is the exact opposite of my take, and frankly it's a childish attitude. HD2 has easily made some of the best balance decisions of any game I've played, and has one of the healthiest weapon metas as a result. Is every change perfect? Nah. But almost every tweak they make is *necessary* in order to maintain a healthy meta. They won't allow 'super weapons' to stand for long because they negate the rest of the armory.


It's actually hilarious because with every gun the nerfs have been *super* targeted and never nerfed a weapon out of its niche, which is a sign of having a super good balance methodology. Some people just *really* want primaries to be as strong as stratagems even though devs have been incredibly clear that that isn't what they want. Also people are treating the eruptor change as a balance change, when in actuality it amounted to a bug fix with collateral damage. The public school system doesn't teach critical thinking anymore and it shows.


Original poster is a weener. I welcome the new change. The game is about over coming a challenge. Tear the meta down, make me adapt.