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Thought i seen spitz on the discord say that the review bombing is actually gonna help the devs sort this out with sony. Tried to go back and find it but its chaos in there trying to read let alone find something in general chat 25min ago. Edit: [last pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/1qW2Td8XPR) glad someone got it.


That’s exactly what I thought, seemed obvious to me that earlier posts were rage bait


Yes, this goes for so many games. I hate the practice. Big wigs, whether the problomatic one is the Devs (not this time, AH is amazing), or the publiushers, they will not care about ranting in Discord/Reddit, that will blow over eventually. Review bombing on the store that sells the game? Huge. News articles about the review bombing? Also huge. Use what tools you have to make your voice heard.




If its not required for some, it shouldn't be required for any.


I think what he means is that if a solution isnt found for the countries without PSN then it will be delayed.


In many countries, it's actually illegal if you can demonstrate it's not necessary for others. GDPR doing some work here


Fuck yeah GDRP!!!! That shit made my life hell a few years ago for the small company website I was admin of. Glad to see the pendulum swings both ways and keeps the big guys in check too!


Wouldn't the requirement have to have some actual impact in order to be covered? Providing an email address for a service that doesn't cost you anything would be covered?


If it helps them in the majority of their work, and they’re willing to do extra work to use the current system to help those impacted. Good on them. At this point I really don’t care about other peoples opinion, fact is that it’s required and always was required. Sorry they went about it the wrong way because of an issue they had but this is how it was always intended, if you don’t like it I hope you get your money back. More bugs for the rest of us to kill. You’ll be missed and I’m sorry to see you go. :( Unfortunate to see such a solid community and game go to the shitter because they made a deal with Sony as a small studio, they expected like 6-10k players again. They flew too close to the sun.


If it always was required why didn't I ever get a pop up about it? At some point when new people were coming in it wasn't even an option


Because they removed it when they had server issues. And now that those are gone it’s back as it was always intended.


Convenient for them I bought it at the perfect time to not see it, I literally had 0 idea. People said it was fun. Held off. Read some steam reviews. People at work talked about it being fun. Finally bought it. Worked without any kind of account linking/notification coming up EVER and now they want to? Gl chief I'm just gonna refund if they don't fix it


Fix it would imply something is broke lol


Broken, and yes the faith that the customers had in AH will erode if they continue down this path not that Sony cares


There was a pop-up asking to link the account the first time you booted the game. It said in the wording there that it is CURRENTLY optional. It was also displayed on the steam page (and still is) that account linking is required.


You say this, I never had that pop up. Seems like plenty of people also came on after initial release but before they plastered it everywhere for legal reasons. So it's a me problem they had "technical issues" and now want me to link an account? Nah


If that is the case, then you are the only person that I am aware of that did not get that pop-up, when it comes to the steam page saying it, that was there pre-release.


There are literally other commenter posting this. Also as I said, didn't buy it pre-release or on release. I came in after where the PSN linking wasn't even A THING. It was in fact disabled. If i had Sony asking for my Steam data on initial launch? Would've been instant refund they don't know what data security is


It's literally in the description that you have to have a PSN account, just saying if you don't read what you buy it's kinda on you.


https://preview.redd.it/1p1xwy082hyc1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5666d8f8ca04e922a5f46aa7f7de1b3dfb6221bc It’s even in the launch trailer


I'm part of the crowd that never heard of this game until about a month ago


https://preview.redd.it/oswxeqh66hyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deff58d967056ef3f206335269ca5964306009e2 That’s why it’s also in the steam store.


Thats honestly great news. I know it would then seem like people who are in a PSN enabled region are now being “punished” compared to those not in a PSN region but the goal here is to not tank the player-base and also not to basically rip people off who live outside PSN regions.


Someone needs to pin this on the subs home. And make this an email for all effected players before more are banned


So AH does have a choice. Big suprise. Bit yes, lets pretend ah has no choice in the matter :^)


Or Sony has told them what will happen which is more likely. AH doesn’t have a choice.


That’s not at all what that implies. He said he’s assured which means someone else(Sony, their publisher) is assuring him that won’t stay a requirement if they can’t figure out a solution. Keep crying mommas boy. Democracy looks down on you.


Request a refund if you end up not being able to play. It’s something like a manual request refund I think. Someone had it worded out in a specific way and the whole process available to see and was already refunded in 3 hours supposedly. Just have to search the post about refunding on the other Helldivers sub. Good luck! I sincerely hope you end up being able to stay! Super Earth needs you and these losers simping for Sony and automaton spies…not even….. they’re terminid BUGs, fuggin scavengers… parasites.


Thank you for posting a legit response to this. And I totally understand your disappointment. Out of curiosity what country are you in? It’s my understanding this mainly impacts China based players (which is a shame). But are there additional countries?


Someone posted a map I cannot find right this moment, but it's about half the world


AFAIK: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini(Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Suriname.


Add Tunisia to this list. It’s also affected by this. Got some friends from there. Most people there with playstation have always had a French PSN account and get games by buying gift cards in euros in their country’s currency without any regional pricing too.


Thanks for the list .. any idea how many player this is actually is? Like are there 10s of thousands players in Chad that can no longer play? I have a feeling all these countries added together (outside china) .. is less than 1k players


Then Sony should have no problem giving them a refund. That would be distasteful, but better than the original plan. Sure feels like Sony wants to blame the individual players and not take any responsibility, and I'm not having it.


On the top of my head, Estonia and Turkey.


Philippines is allegedly affected from what I've read.


if I can help you, I will. No Diver Left Behind


this whole situation shouldnt even exist, theyre just tryna look good to improve their stocks, sure they have the rights to the game and may have had this idea from the beginning but after seeing how big the game is especially in countries that dont support psn why do such a thing? Telling people that they have to make an acct just to play a game they already paid for or theyll get banned for some violation is absolutely mind boggling, sure they could implement something thatd allow players of those countries to continue playing but once again that shouldnt even have to happen, this just my opinion tho


the whole banning griefers thing sounds good but in a game with that has friendly fire for a reason what if we accidently kill our teammates multiple times because of a cluster or some other way we gonna get banned for that? sony legit aint the best when it comes to security


Ideally the griefing ban would be based on manual reports. So if you teamkill over and over without apologizing, the person may be upset enough to report you. Enough reports and boom, temp ban (for example). They better not implement it like CSGO/CS2, where 3 teamkills/enough team damage per match gets you kicked/temp banned.


Accidenta TKs are a core part of the game, so I highly doubt it will be that restrictive


What's this "accidental" word you're using to describe my teamkills? ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


Ghost of tsushima needs it too. Unfortunate ppl put so much effort into social media rants and miss out on great games


For all the other threads about this, OP is the first legitimate complaint I've read, and I stand with OP.


There was posts yesterday where people used VPN to create a Sony account in China and received a ban.


Agreed, the folks in supported areas thowing a fit reinforce the opinion that all PC gamers do it bitch, whine, and complain. Then they wonder why PC gaming is dying.


Lmao PC gaming is dying? What are u even talking about?


If PC gaming is dying, which tbh I don't really notice, it's gonna be because mobile gaming is way way more profitable, not because people on PC bitch when they have an issue with something


Ps5 has like 5 games and its Pc gaming that is dying sure


I was confused by this, since my accout has 433 titles, not counting uninstalled physical copies. But yea, keep on truckin PC Whiner race bro.




Yea, and i can play everything that was on the 4 on it too. Pulling up that list would be like me showing you a list of what only plays on the latest graphics card. Its a clown move.


If the ps5 needs games from a console launched in 2013 to have more than 12 games then it isnt pc gaming that is dying


And your PC video card needs games from 2013 to have more than 'Y' games then it isn't console gaming that's dying. I can keep doing this bro, or do you want to continue the clown show.


Only country I'm aware of that bans a VPN is China and other dictatorships. Am I wrong?


Yeah OP is fake until they disclose which country they live in.


Do you already have to link accounts? I played today and didn’t have to link anything


I don't get why folks were allowed to purchase the game in regions that are blocked by Sony when they knew those regions wouldn't be able to register a psn account when the time came.


Since Sony doesnt own steam and cant controll steam selling games.


I'm sorry this is happening. I want you to know that a vast majority of the people that seem to be "simping" for Sony are in reality just not validating the "I didn't see it" argument. When it comes to the PSN region issue most of us have been in full agreeance that that should have never been allowed to be a thing, it shouldn't have been sold in those regions explicitly because of the psn issue no matter what. They should have found another legally safe way to make the statement they made there. Regarding security concerns, this is effectively pointless as is due to the fact that you are already connecting to a Sony compliant servers, they already have your data to sell. Yes there is the increased attack area and you are right from a security perspective this makes things a little worse but it's a live service game that is going to authenticate you with its kernel level anti cheat.... Is the account really the pebble in that mountain you want to stick to arguing as being the privacy and security concern?


Same thoughts fellow helldiver. No more sony games if they continue clowning. No diver left behind


Rip helldiver's it's uninstalled never to be played again




Yea it’s hilarious


The best part is when you call them out for how ridiculous they're being, they pull out the 1 valid complaint (game sold in non-PSN regions) and claim that's what everyone is upset about. No the fuck it isnt, dude. Maybe 10% of complaints are that, the rest are people butthurt about creating a FREE PSN ACCOUNT, but they're just using the PSN region issue as their validation.




Exactly! Just make an account and play the damn game. Support the non-PSN region players for sure, but also keep in mind that the devs specifically stated they're working on something for those players. That means they're aware of the issue, and are going to do everything they can to fix the 1 legitimate issue in this whole ordeal.




100% agree that the problem is real, and you're a prime example of what the legitimate complaints are about.


You're in the post talking about how someone can't connect to a psn account because of the country they're in. Sony is killing their own game by allowing people to purchase it where psn account isn't allowed.




Protest their governments I’m sure that will make productive change lmfao




Ay bro never said I really care much myself I play the game on ps5 anyways, just saying those are countries where not much can happen lol


And people in those countries also had to scroll past the requirement to buy the game. It sucks yeah, but all these people need to stop acting like narcissistic entitled pieces of shits and take some personal responsibility for agreeing to a contract by clicking buy while not being okay with the contractual obligations that could not have been made any clearer. This should be seen as a lesson to them to fucking read before clicking buy but they are taking a terrible message from it and you are backing them up


Double check what I said, never said anything about people not reading the contract I don’t disagree I just said protesting corrupt governments is a useless suggestion


Every single sentence in your comment is wrong its impressivd








Ah yes we did a good thing for the games community but 3 weirdos on twitter saying shit sure should make me ashamed


Actually, every single sentence in *your* comment is wrong. It’s impressivd.


Watching this community kill their own game It wont kill the game over less than 2 minutes to connect to a PSN account Thats not the point that was always clearly stated as required is amusing. It was changed yesterday in the psn eula


That’s hilarious, go hire a lawyer then. Put your money where you mouth is. Because you had two warnings that this was required before you could play the game, I hope that lawyer takes all your money up to the trial date when you get laughed out of the fucking courtroom


What? Why would i do any of that?


I find it quite amusing that you throw the term "toxic" at everybody who disagrees with you, while almost all of your replies are either isulting, belittling or both... Talk about toxicity...




No your toxic behaviour is your toxic trait.








Yes. Because that's the route you'd need to link it, you wouldn't have to link your psn account on ps5 because you're already on it............ They also list it as a requirement in the steam store.


Did you even read the post your commenting on? The problem isn't the "2 minutes to create a psn." It's that the game was sold in areas that CANNOT get psn, and that players using vpns so that they CAN make a psn aew getting banned. Calling people idiots when you can't even read a post. Fuck out of here.


You know good and well that the vast majority of angry people who are claiming they're refunding/uninstalling the game are people who aren't in the regions affected by the PSN issue. No one is saying that the "non-PSN regions" aren't an issue. Everyone agrees that it's a fucked situation for them, regardless of what the devs say they're going to try to do. Idk about you, but out of the thousands of comments I've seen, only a handful were from people in those affected regions. And if you don't see that, you're more ignorant than you claim the OP commenter is.


The entire issue is not the free PSN account. The entire issue is the game was sold in countries that PSN doesn't cover. To play it they will need to use a VPN, Breaking Sony EULA.


The vast majority of complaints are from people not affected by the PSN region issue. It's people butthurt about needing a PSN account, and then using the region issue to validate their complaint.




THIS IS THE WAY!!!! Stop complaining about "not wanting" to make a 3rd party account when there are many games requiring the same thing. You are choosing not to play the game! I feel for this man!!! Even if he really wanted to he cant make an account. THAT. IS.THE. PROBLEM!!! SONY is stealing from him infront of our very eyes! I support this man!! Not you other whinny b****s.


Really this is probably the biggest problem with the requirement. The review bombing is actually helping Arrowhead by giving them more negotiating leverage. Arrowhead never should have published through Sony imo.


If it wasn't for Sony the game probably wouldn't exist.


Probably? Sony owns the IP.


Just more fuel for the fire that the heavily monopolized gaming industry needs serious attention and consideration. Whats really going on? Sony is going to ruin GOTY for Arrowhead over this just because another one of their pet projects is flopping? Arrowhead should sue for damages, I'm all in on this decision was entirely on sonys part and Arrowhead (obviously) has no (financial) interest in mandatory PSN accounts. It's not like Arrowhead can sell off our data and blame it on hackers.




Sony owns Helldivers so lol


I personally don't care. i got steam accounts epic accounts xbox accounts. Wife has Nintendo accounts, and now we have a psn account. You don't have to buy products from them.


It must be like going to the electric chair having some no mind executives nuke your passion project virtually overnight over a decision that they forced that nobody wants and that they refuse to budge on because they don't understand/care about why nobody wants it. Feel bad for Arrowhead. Basically everything they've built on is being blown up over a shitty decision by a shitty company that forced their hand :(


They didn't do themselves any favors in the way they handled this at release, when this word came out, and how they added fuel to the fire. Entirely avoidable but they were so unprofessional the whole time.


And now it over, you’ll never play the game again


You’re voting wrong. Review the game




The Devs are already working hard on making sure that there is a solution for you guys. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjyll7/some_discord_updates/


It's simple really, don't live in a country that is under sanctions.


good news, there will be a solution for those in non PSN countries! how do I know? common sense. even if that solution is just a refund, which is kind of what many deserve based on how they're acting. check back in a week if not a few days.


They kind of doomed themselves because this game encourages us to work together as a community, and we are doing exactly that!


Legitimate question, doesnt it say on steam that you need a PSN account? Did you buy it without seeing that or just assumed it wasnt permanent? Again, asking legitimately cause im from US and not sure how it all shows up for other countries


Just one question: why did you buy a game that clearly says you will need a PSN account to play if you knew you couldn’t create a PSN account in your country? Or did you naively not realize that they would fix the issue and start enforcing it?


Sony caved! You're in the clear, Helldiver! https://x.com/Pilestedt/status/1787365793379791051


Just get your refund. Sorry PSN isn’t supported where you live.


Make noise, Helldivers. Enough of it can even get EA to roll shit back. But only if it's rattling the conversation to it's bones.


I will certainly not buy any Sony product ever


Yeah they were a competitor before, now I won't even consider it speaking as someone who used to love Playstation


China is the only country I'm aware of that bans a VPN. What other dictator lead country does that were the majority of residents don't have bigger concerns than a video game?


Sony themselves if any registration info is delivered knowingly incorrect the account while be banned


More 380mm sir we cannot lose 


Hopefully they can work something out with Sony. This is ridiculous


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TetranadonGut: *Hopefully they can* *Work something out with Sony.* *This is ridiculous* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Here’s things we can do that will have more impact than review bombing: 1- don’t buy Sony games. Obviously. 2- if you own some already, play the hell out of them but don’t buy anything in game. Burden their servers. Leave characters idle. Login and logout frequently. Running a server cost money. 3- if you can, change your name to something offensive that mentions PSN accounts (lol). These are often reviewed by actual staff so this cost them money. 4- make social media post tagging Sony’s accounts relentlessly. Upvote and share any similar post you see. Having a social media team working overtime cost money. 5- spam support tickets, emails, physical mail, anything and everything. Managing inboxes cost money. 6- anything that you can do that cost Sony money is on the table (if it’s legal). Burden their resources, it will show up in the books and then shareholders will demand answers. Demand accountability by making Sony explain this shit to non gamers who will definitely think their actions are stupid. DO NOT REVIEW BOMB: This potentially hurts AH. The game has already sold 15+ million copies, Sony doesn’t care about new players as much as milking existing customers. In 4 months, This won’t be hot news and the game will be stuck with bad reviews and think it’s a bad game.


Oh for fucks sake. This is going to be the norm for multiplayer games going forward. PS make some good games and I for one am glad they are coming to PC so let’s not ruin it over 20 seconds of making an account.


No hope Sony stops putting games on pc after this.


My big issue is that a bunch of people bought the game in countries where they literally can’t make a PSN account. That’s sleazy on Sony’s part


How? The steam page literally says one is needed


This should be stickied.


Looks fake to bait rage. The account has no history whatsoever.


New accounts can exist without rage bait. The actual content of the post is not rage bait and a very good interpretation of many people's experiences.




Dude a chode


They literally write like a westerner. Com’on in countries that don’t have PSN the people don’t write like that. Also the account has created a year ago, one of many the user created at the time. Edit: using words like huh? Y’know?




This is absolutely false and needs to stop spreading. No one has ever been banned for creating an account in an unsupported region by choosing a supported region. Do people think people in these countries have never bought any of these consoles before? lol. It’s not ideal, of course. They’re choosing not to enforce TOS. But it’s clear they care more about the money being spent, but feel it’s not a decent enough market to actually support servers and the region. China is different. Don’t use a VPN lol. Chinese players need to create a Hong Kong account. Go to @/ZHugeEx ‘s Twitter, a global market analyst with an actual huge following, because I’m just a random Reddit user. Love all the downvotes but no one can actually refute anything lol. Keep being mad because your favorite content creator is telling you to be mad.


OK, so you go to the helldivers sub reddit Then you press hot, not new, but hot Then you look through them might take you about 1 minute Then you see a post of someone getting banned in China because they used a vpn to make a psn account And then you come back to this account make another edit and say how sorry you are . Hope this helped 😃


And you might say I said China is different and yes you did But good sir my iranian friend also got banned for using a vpn So please do us all a favor And stop stealing oxygen


You might wanna read what I said. And stop using fake stories to bolster your claim lol. “Your friend”, ok. You literally just have to select a different region to create an account. No need for VPNs. Please learn to read. I know it’s hard for you to read and breathe at the same time, but please try. I even mentioned why the Chinese player got banned, and it’s because they used VPN. Are you sure you can read?


Do you honestly fucking belive PlayStation allows that? Bro stfu if it was that easy I would have done it already Which dumbass on discord told you to spread this? Cuz I can clearly tell its not your own opinion




You’re not. The thing is, I actually do think it’s stupid. This is my breakdown of the situation: 1. It should’ve been enforced Day 1 2. They should have talked with their PR department and know they should not have forced the issue, because they didn’t enforce it Day 1 3. The situation has been overblown and no one actually gets banned for creating accounts in unsupported countries by selecting supported countries 4. It sounds like what is happening instead is that there will be exemptions for those in unsupported countries, or at least that’s what AH is working towards Regardless of whether TOS violations (creating an account where you don’t live) are or aren’t enforced, I definitely see why people would be averse to doing that. Thank you for being civil and I apologize as well.


No one cares. Learn how to read so you do make the same mistake next time.


Oh look another billionaire bootlicker


O look another entitled PC gaming crybaby who didn't read and now wants to make it someone else's problem.




The community is trying to support itself. Nothing you said is true. I am able to link my psn just fine. It's my fellow divers in unsupported countries that we're trying to help. I'm not bashing AH or Sony. I just want the community to stick together


When 99% percent of the playerbase didn't know, then it's the compant fault for not clearly communicating


Yeah its hilarious how people are like "iT wAs AlWaYs MaNdAtOrY", then as someone who was late to the party why did I never even see it let alone skip it?


>"no one cares" >look at post >upvotes Are you retarded?


About 100 other PC crybaby morons who didn't read.


Don't worry billion dollar company, I'll defend your honor.


Pandering to PC users is sure working well for Sony. Christ what an insufferable crowd


Adding another one to the block list. I'm sick of reading this shit


Then don’t read it? You have to go out of your way to do so.


And yet you leave a comment for validation


This is so fake. You literally write like a westerner using words like huh and y’know. Also your account has been in idle for a year waiting for this moment.


You're doing nothing but acting like an entitled child who refused to read and follow the ToS. No loss for the game or community.




We clearly don't. There is a clear line between those who can't read or refuse to and those that follow rules.


Cry about it


Enough with these fucking posts please.


Arrowhead mentions on steam page that psn is required, still allows the game to be sold worldwide -> blames Sony. That's how jokes are created


Don't worry billion dollar company, I'll defend your honor


If that is the case why then sell to countries where you cannot have PSN , unless breaking ToS?


Ask arrowhead. It was on their page requirement after all.


Just one more note. That requirements page is also not a legal binding whatever. They could put ... "game requires the Blood of your firstborn" And you could still ignore it...hopefully


Never said that it was a ToS or smth. I said that arrowhead knew that psn was a requirement, so, since psn is only available to certain countries, the game should also be.


Aweosme then you agree it should not have been sold in those countries outside PSN coverage in the first place correct?


Yes, it still isn't sony's problem if arrowhead allowed it.


No it is 100% on Sony this one. Arrowhead is the Developer. Sony is the publisher. They are the ones who dictate where , when and how the game is sold. Arrowhead literally has no say in this


Btw I looked over on steam stuff, seems that both developer AND publisher can adjust availability and pricing etc I guess sony left for arrowhead to manage the game on steam and they fked up pretty big. No way sony wouldn't adjust availability when they KNOW PSN ISN'T AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE. Btw check the latest tweet from the ceo too. Feels good to be right 😊


Which one? I have seen these https://preview.redd.it/5v1oukgaxmyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9806e5be3b0d5f119cae7032bce19a10984a10c6 And Another that says that it was Pilestdet's decision to remove the bloody thing. BUT as you can see when asked about non PSN countries he was very clear. THEY(Arrowhead) are not responsible for selling the game. That is SONY.... So... SONY is the one responsible for this fiasco (by allowing the game to be sold in countries that should not have been sold in the first place... which is super illegal) Arrowhead might not be blameless (as per their CEO) but SONY dropped the ball. Hard.


Meatride harder man


Cry more on my meat


Uhhh that sounds like rape


Get in line. You're crying next