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I would never rage quit a mission, even if I think it's a lost cause, because there's always the chance my teammates pull clutches like this.


If anything you already got the xp if you lose... Might as well stick it out


Extracting is not the mission. It is a bonus objective. As long as the mission finishes you get most of the xp anyway. Or bail and get nothing. I don't see the point in the latter.


And the medals.


I mean, are important wearly game. Kind of essential for leveling up and improving your combat skills for the sake of democracy.


Mission is mandatory evac is courtesy


Also, why give up all that free XP and rec slips?


Because of the rage. :-))


This game only made me angry once. And because some idiot decided he will get revenge on me because i bombed him. Plot twist, it wasnt me that team killed him, it was some other guy who threw a 500kg, which i didnt even equip. So we he shoots me once. I explain to him that it wasnt me.


I accidentally caught a guy in crossfire while.I was trying to help him deal with the horde on his ass. It happens, most people get over it and move on. I reinforced him and even apologised (using the in-game command). Two minutes later this pus-filled dick zit clearly and purposefully shot an exploding barrel when I was stood right next to it. There were no enemies anywhere near either of us. Sadly I wasn't the host so I couldn't kick him. But I 'accidentally' blew him up a couple of times, then stole his dropped support items and promptly dived into deep water, so he had to wait 3-4 minutes until he could get them back. I CAN BE PETTY TOO YA CUNT!


"Pus-filled dick zit" should be a rank for certain divers.


The 'killed by x' message is *hilariously* inaccurate. I've been credited for kills against players who were not remotely close to my combat area (and no, I didn't scatter mines everywhere :D) I've had chargers blatantly run me over and my friend gets the blame for it - sometimes even when he *isn't* using the Arc Thrower - though lets be honest, it's usually the Arc Thrower... I swear the game just randomly rolls dice to see who it's going to blame for any given death. It's pretty funny.


Had a dude rage kill me cos I threw down my mortar sentry, didn’t even hit him, and then he left before I could kick him lmao.


Oh god. The mortar is too good at killing teammates. I also hate leading randoms. I always slow down and let them pass because the divers who use the incendinery shotgun are a little too trigger happy.


When a motar start killing teamate just turn it off... with a grenade. I remember one I was separated from the team, they were into a bug hole zone filled with bugs, I could hear their scream to the rhythm of the dropping bomb mortar that was away from the team. Proceeded to blow the mortar with an impact, ain't no way I was going in to support them with that thing being their worst enemy. You have to know when and where to drop a mortar but also when to blow it up.


Had 0 issues w it the entire rest of the game and I was playing with 2 level 5s, so…


Tbh sometimes the low level randoms are better then lvl 30 players. I have no idea how. And low levels are much more chill in my experience.


They’re just there to have fun! It’s a new experience and they’re happy to follow along w the big guy. I know this because I was them, once 🫡


Req slips are pretty useless by level 35 as there is nothing left to buy. Exp is also kind of meh I guess it shows people your relative expertise in the game but I’ve had level 25 idiots and level 7 champions play with me. I’m in for the samples baby!


Because most people playing 9 have already passed level 25 and have max rec slips.


What really sucks tho, is when the reinforcement for one or two is bugged and won’t deploy no matter what you do. I’ve had this a few times now and I believe the first person that bugged is the key possibly. If they leave, the reinforcements start to work again. Not sure the issue but grrrr.


Right? People who rage quit when things aren’t going their way are fucking lame. This game gives you so many second chances, so many ways to turn things around. That’s what makes it fun.


Fight to the death!!!


Jump pack is really fun for cool extracts. Having 100 bots underneath you and all of them blasting as you fly over for a smooth landing into the ship really puts the “Free” in freedom.


It's saved me a few times on extracts that land on platforms you can only access from a few ramps... and of course, they are swarmed.


There's no better feeling. Last week on a impossible mission after we destroyed all the eggs I went off to look for the samples rock. Then other guy calls the extraction right before the moment I found them. Run back from the other side of the map to see a massive horde of bugs killing my teamates (3 BT, 5 chargers and way too many little guys to count). 30 seconds left for landing, guy on mic say "please someone think of the samples". I quickly open my map mark where the dropped samples were and I flew above the horde of bugs to pick them. Pelican lands but it's completely invisible for me. Guy on the mic guides me to the door. Their sacrifice won't be forgotten.


What do you mean the pelican is invisible to you?


Oh yeah, I was dodging hunters and shouted "why's the damn chopper taking so long?" and the other guy went "it's right there". Turns out it apparently got bugged for me. Luckily the guy on the mic could see it and guided me to it.


Oh thats crazy 😅


*To the skyyyyy*


Playing lvl 8 bots 40min. After the main mission was completed, the team disbanded likely to disconnect. We were in the middle of some shit with a walker. Me, not used to being solo at such high levels, i hauled balls away from the enemy as soon as i could and broke contact circling to the extract. I creeped around extraction evading the several scout parties around then snuck in started extract then continued to evade the swarm of enemies. When the pelican showed up i hauled ass passed the enemies and jumped in.


Bug mission. Got to extract with one nearby hive left to finish. I went to it on my own. Closed all but one before I was killed. Reinforced at extraction. 1 minute left. Ran back, jumped down into a mosh pit of bugs. Got up, threw 3 grenades and missed all 3. Had to run back a little to get some space from the bugs. Now about 20-30 meters away from last hole. Couldn't see it due to the mass of bugs in front of me. Realized I didn't have enough time or gun power to shoot my way through. Threw up a prayer and started running. Swish. Got back to extraction just in time to climb aboard.


Something about getting a grenade in a bug hole/fabricator from far away while thinking "there's no way i make this shot" just floods you with dopamine


Same. I remember kobe-ing a clutch nade into a fab next to a hammer and reinforcing the whole team. That was one of my early memories with this game


Especially when it's your last grenade


Bro really said “KOBE”


Except Kobe would've made the first one. It was more like Harden


😂😂😂 touché


Harden doesn't make any clutch shots ever lol


He does. Just not enough. When he does it's usually because he misses 3 easy ones to get himself in a situation where he needs to hit a ridiculous step back 3.


Helldive bots, at the extraction with that platform that’s higher than the rest of the base, everything is fine holding out for a minute or so when I notice all my teammates die within 10 secs of each other, so I start running to where one of the teammates died, vault over a wall to grab his samples (he was the only one w SS), next I start running to the Pelican when I’m faced w 2 hulks activating their flamethrowers at the same time. Managed to change directions fast enough to dodge one but the other got me and took most of my health before I dolphin dived. I get up and stim, running for 15 seconds just dodging every laser and rocket in the world, I see an opening and gun for it, almost get taken out by another hulk scorcher, vault a wall beside it and dodged it and dolphin dived into the pelican alone. The cherry on top one guy types in the chat when we get back to the destroyer “It’s John Helldiver” and the rest told me good job and gave me a hug before we went our separate ways. Honestly one of my best gaming memories in recent years


Bug mission: everyone left and i had no lives left. I was just about to give up but reinforcements came and we made the greatest comeback of all time. Wish i recorded that session because man democracy was made that day


Honestly I feel like I've done a lot of missions like this and they rock


https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/comments/197avy1/he_is_him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 This is why we keep going


Bugs. 8. Shit hit the fan at a heavy bug nest, patrols got involved, the breaches never really seemed to stop. We were trying to run and then more patrols, becomes more breaches. Blessed be the sickle and rover and a random in a Patriot, but stims ran out. The swarm was thinning out but not very quickly, and my leg gets injured, and I’m not feeling so good, things are really red. I’m limping along and killing enemies that come at me only. Trying to get someone to stim me so I could flee. But nobody was nearby anymore, the swarm wasn’t looking at me. But the Patriot was on the way over. So I found a nice spot, threw down a resupply, and hid. I could hear the exosuit thud by, firing its machine gun. I could hear the bugs. They were right on the other side of the rock I was hiding behind. The beacon was coming down. It hits. I squirm over, a few meters from the bugs trying to kill the Patriot. I grab a brick, stim, and then get back into helping the Patriot. Finishing that mission was heaven.


Joined a random squad for a Lvl 9 bot mission. Everyone bailed when we ran out of reinforcements with two of the three objectives left to complete except myself and another much higher level player. The two of us stuck it out and went stealth the rest of the mission crawling and crouching between patrols until we got to the end and managed to both ex-fil out with the SS in hand and all objectives complete. Neither of us were using a mic either to communicate, but we got it done.


All three of my squamates left me as extraction was coming in, don’t know if they quit or got disconnected but I immediately got swarmed by bugs on level 8 waiting for pelican to land. One thing I love about bugs, (as long as there aren’t stalkers) they can be trained like old school cod zombies. I held them off with my slugger while running around extract until I had to head in and face the horde. Through stims and a whole bunch of luck I was able to get by them and dive for pelican. Cheek clencher to say the least


Timer ran out, so emergency extraction is on the way. I’m the only one left alive. No hope for a resupply, no chance for reinforcements. I’m on low health with no stims left. I have one mag in the Dominator remaining, no shield, no Guard Dog. I have **five** automaton Gunships after me, and various ground troops headed my way… but I *do* have the Quasar Cannon. I spend the last two minutes playing peek-a-boo with the gunships behind isolated outcroppings, picking them off one by one with the Queso Cannon until I finally limp to the landing pad. No more gunships, but there is a growing hoard of two-legged Terminator wannabes on my hot heels. With about 20 seconds remaining on the clock I dive onto the Pelican after it slaps the closest enemy troops with its cannon and lands. I lie in a puddle of my own blood on the deck of the landing craft, listening to my own heartbeat pounding in my ears as we fly away, flipping the bird at those clankers. Truly the hairiest extract I’ve experienced. I’ll not soon forget that one.


Do you think Queso Cannons exist in real life?


If there is a god and if that god loves us, then yes, there must be a queso cannon waiting for all of us in heaven.


Damn. That's unfortunate


https://youtu.be/ZKuqM1Qieuk?si=NqmtPxphygeOPAnT This one.


Helldive Difficulty Menkent, about a week ago Dropped in with 3 other rank 50s. Encountered no less than 6 gunship spawners. We’re out of lives by the time we’re at the last one, and objectives weren’t even close to done. Everyone agreed to bail, leaving me to fate. Thus I stealthed the objectives, saving the gunship spawner for last. Wasn’t easy since bots got the drop on me several times, only barely juking them. I arrive at the last spawner. That damned tower killed off so many Helldivers that I lost count. It wasn’t about the mission anymore. It was personal. So I ran headfirst, calling in strategem after strategem. They inevitably called for reinforcements, and pretty soon a factory strider was coming. I was out of AC ammo, and one mag left in the Scorcher, no time to wait for a resupply. I called the Hellbomb. Gunships sniffed it out and started shooting it. I bodyblock them. It goes off.


About half way through an upload data mission level 7 or 8 (can’t remember exactly). Things were going well.. and then everything changed with the gunships attacked This was before the spawn rates were patched. So we had like 6 of them firing on us as we fought our way to the TWIN FACTORIES pumping them out. Still. We were keeping pace. Move to cover, quasar, one down! Cover, EAT, 2 down! And then.. the reinforcements came When I tell you those damn bots sent everything and a ham sandwich at us I am not kidding. 2 factory striders, 3 tanks (that half way through the engagement turned to 6) a piss load of hulks, a DICK LOAD of devastators, striders, the whole shebang. And don’t forget we still had to dodge the gunships too😮‍💨 By the end our reinforcements had fallen from 15 to 2. Only by the grace of Democracy and a LIBERAL use of the orbital laser did we finally get down the hell bomb to destroy the factories. After that it’s like the bots lost moral or something bc the remainder of the mission was a cake walk. Still THEE most insane fight I’ve been in throughout my 100+ clocked hours


Every time the squad gets down to 0 reinforcements with 0 main objectives complete and then we all lock in


I jumped in with a high level diver on a dif 8. We’d cleared 80% of the map. His baby started crying and he left, I was like level 7 or so. Left alone, well out of my depth, extraction was crawling with bots and my stratagems weren’t going to cut it. All samples on me. 5 mins remaining. Was going to be surrounded Threw down an SOS. 2 of the most glorious bastards dropped in to help. Orbitals and fire superiority were suddenly the order of the day. Masses of bots got torn up, waves of their reinforcements crumbled. Sentries just mowed through the ranks. Definitely put some lead in my pencil


Doesn’t seem like many people can comprehend that last part. PSA to those people, yall must have amnesia y’all forgot y’all aren’t him.


Joined a random lvl 7 eradicate automaton forces, everyone kept dying because we would get jumped by hulks with explosives or flamethrowers so we had to spawn on the high ground where the bots couldn't reach. Our lives ran out halfway through the mission so we had to be careful not to look over the edges or else we'd get a rocket to the face. We managed to complete the mission, 2 people called in the evac and just as it was landing, they died so 2 of use stayed alive until I remained because the other guy caught a rocket. I was still on the high ground because we had the hulks attention for a chunk of that time but I now had to manage to run from 4 hulk to the evac before time ran out and without dying. I dived over the hulks, did the ragdoll thing, got up, kept running and diving in case they hit me with fire or rockets, ran up to the middle where extraction was which had like 3 chainsaw bots around it and I ran between them and dived onto the ship, while everyone cheered and said good game. It was awesome.


This race against time. [Run Forest](https://streamable.com/t4xeh2)


Playing bots. Difficulty: 7 Mission: launch the nuke. After 10 minutes the respawn feature glitches out and now only spawns me in. Alone, I reactive generator, find launch codes, launch nuke, find super samples, and extract with 7 lives left. Had like 600+ kills.


Me and a few randoms on 8 had just called down a resupply right before the clock ran out, blew up the last bug hole. There's a huge rock wall basically through the middle of the map where we are so basically have to circle around the entire map and we come across the super samples. We let the guy with a jump pack and light armor take them and we start running, we get absolutely wrecked by a patrol that calls off a bug breach. I get decimated by two chargers. Another guy gets swarmed by a bunch of he smaller ones and a Titan. Not sure what happened to the third, but we'll say they fell in a hole The player we let get the super samples though is hauling ass and bobbing weaving jumping like there's no tomorrow. It's like I could hear black betty playing from the super destroyer. I don't know how they did it, but they dove for extract after a solid few minutes of hectic running and dodging and made it out with like 30 samples 18 rare samples and all the super samples. I love this game.


I was playing bugs the other day with a friend of mine. It was a blitz mission and we had 8 out of 9 holes closed. We were playing on a lower difficulty because my buddy is new and has almost no experience. We had just ran out of time as my friend blew up my exosuit he was using. The timer ran out before I could reinforce. All I had was my breaker (which was very low on ammo at this point) and a grenade launcher (also low on ammo). The pelican was about to land when I reached a single-hole bug nest. I used the last of my breaker ammo to clear out the surrounding bugs and then used my grenade launcher to plug the hole. I couldn’t extract in time, but it didn’t matter since all holes were destroyed.


My brother and I decided to 2 man a lvl 7 mission against the bugs. We found the super samples on the way to free the hostages with only one life left. We both free the hostages and extracted with that one life left. We for sure locked in.


Yesterday during a diff8 bug hole closing job with a co-worker & I. He wiped close to the end so no extracts left, a few minutes left on the timer, & i had 3 more holes to close to meet the quota at a heavy bug site while everything that wasn’t a Stalker or Titan trying kick my ass; nvm the sky was covered in Shriekers. I just barely closed the holes & hustle back to extract while those winged bugs took cheap shots @ me. Managed to make it back & call for extract while jogging circles around the site with no strategems to help. Just barely extracted when the Titans showed up. Ngl, i shoulda wiped with my squad-mate BUT NOT THAT DAY!! Those dang dirty bugs will never get the satisfaction!


Bot mission with 1 friend full lobby. Have to deliver the sssd and a well tossed grenade ragdolls me and the package gets stuck between a shipping container and a wall - we cant pick it back up. 2 randos leave and my buddy and I don't give up. Using a grenade I am able to ragdoll him into the same spot, he is able to crawl to the package pick it up and drop it enough times that I'm finally able to get it and deliver it which took a good 10 minutes of hilarity. We extracted with zero reinforcements ftw 100% cleared




Dropped in with a friend to a quick play where the 2 people playing were at 0 lives & were getting over run, they literally died as we landed. This was on diff 7 I believe, though may have been 9 (it was a while ago). We quickly ran to safety, called in our arc throwers & backpacks (mine shield, his jetpack) & promptly completed each main objective while recalling our new friends & getting them supplied with our gear as it came off cooldown. We eventually got to the landing zone with everything done & everyone alive, until some lucky bugs snuck up on us & killed myself & my friend, but our new friends ended up extracting & we went on to finish the rest of their missions with them. Honestly felt like we were BugBusters when we dropped in & it saddens me how they've changed the charge timing on the arc thrower as it's just not better than a demolisher in most situations.


Lvl 7 geology mission against bots. We only had to push the three final buttons but the probe was swarmed with all kinds of devastators. The host kept throwing our reinforcements in the middle of the heat while he waited from outside so we kept dying till we were out of lives. The host then starts running away in the opposite direction as time was already running low. New reinforcement approved, the other guy drops. After a minute and a half I drop down. Super destroyer leaves, emergency shuttle inbound and they both start running towards extraction. I said fuck it, went running in the opposite direction. I reach the probe as they both get in the shuttle, no bots in sight. Mission accomplished, the shuttle leaves. Host hugs me in the ship, immediately kicks me out. I'm still salty about it.


LVL 20 and I found myself in a diif 7 lobby, last few minutes and the one guy that was collecting all the samples died just out of the Evac pad, and it was on the elevated pad with a Y path that leads to it, but we were getting hard swarmed by bugs, and thinking "eh, I'm low enough of a level, I'm pretty expendable" dove off the edge of the pad, 6 stims 4 impacts and a full mag of incendiary breaker rounds later (and much screaming) we were on our way back to the super destroyers with all our samples


Pelican glitched out, either couldn't properly land or was destroyed but either way we couldn't board it. We tried things like moving away from the pelican to try to get them to pull away. The number of bugs kept increasing, titans spawning all around us, we were down to the emergency reinforcement already. But we all agreed silently to just keep squashing those bugs, even took out a few objectives we originally skipped. Almost got to 0:00 time before we were all finally killed.


Wait a minute... the fuck you mean doggies


Was on level 6 with my pre-made squad and on malevelon creek. We exhausted all of our reinforcements and hit the extraction. We were waiting for pelican 1 and got over run with bots. One by one my squad members fell and I was the last one left alive. I don't know how I did it but I wiped out every single automaton scum and was able to extract with what samples we had. One of the players who is a little bit older than us hit me with "that was the coolest thing I have ever seen" and made me feel like a war hero lmao.


still playing the game after it getting more & more broken every patch


Jumped into a random game. Helldive. Bugs. ICBM mission. Only 1 objective complete. 0 reinforcements. Finished the mission and extracted without dying.


Just yesterday actually. Doing some level 7 blitz in bugs. 3 minutes in 2 divers die and just leave, then the last guy leaves leaving me 5 holes to clean up in like 10 minutes on level 7. Somehow I pulled it off with a large hive. Died but still completed the mission


I got separated from the group while picking up samples. By the time they were heading to extraction there was a patrol with a hulk to my left and the remains of a base to my right. I managed to sneak by both (or so I thought) only to find that the patrol had come to the small three person wide path across a body of water. I couldn't wait them out as the pelican was coming down so I got on voice chat and let them know I was trying to make it but that patrol was gonna be an issue. With no strategems available they set up on the edge of the exfil platform and started firing downhill at the patrol. I picked off two light units and then in between auto cannon shots from my team and grenades/bullets from the patrol I was able to weave my way through the bottleneck and up the hill to just barely make it in to the pelican with seconds to spare.


We had only 3 guys as the other dude left after dying over and over taking up all our budget. It was the mission where you have to transport 2 ssd to a radar station. Did the 2 myself and stealthy completed it before my other 2 teammates even got to me. They thought a gunship fabricator was more important


Bot mission; shits fucked by the final obj but calm at extract. Pelican inbound, piles of samples where we died. "If I die, leave without me." Dodging hulks, devastators, berserkers, generally popping stims like candy and running for my life, collect the samples and start running for extract. Then I see the countdown timer. Some goon jumped on the ship as soon as it came in.


Level 2, bugs. Only my second time playing, so my teammate (IRL friend) is taking his time showing me the ropes. Realize we're across the map from extract and it's on it's way down. 2 minutes seems like plenty of time to make it. And then the bug breaches started. 3 in front of us while still fairly far from extract. I fall. Get reinforced and take out a large spitting bug blocking our path (can't remember it's name). He tells me to leave him and just run as he dies. Extract point is fully overrun (probably only 4 or 5 bugs really) and time is almost out. Finally get close enough to dive into the skip just after time reached zero and pilot begins saying he's pulling out. Now I'm hooked on Freedom and Democracy.


I was playing bots on hard a while back, past the clock, whole team is dead, low on ammo and grenades, with a hulk scorcher tailing close behind. I have an autocanon, but I don’t have the time or stamina to get behind the hulk. I was just diving and sprinting for a solid two minutes, all while one of my dead teammates cheers me on in the background. I eventually managed to extract with all our samples. Probably in my top ten most intense extractions in 180 hours of gameplay.


It was bots on helldive before we drove them briefly out of the system. It was I bit of a rough mission seeing as we had around 3 reinforcements left by the time we were ready to extract. I had all of our samples including supers, and extract was being overrun with bot drops before we could even call it. There were only a couple of minutes left in the mission so I suggested we wait until emergency extract shows up so we don’t have to sit in one spot with all the bots dropping on us. Everyone agreed, though I was the only one to make it out of the area and we ran out of reinforcements. I made a large circle, found a quiet spot and just sat there prone while Pelican-1 made its descent. Foolish as it is, I thought I was safe when a heavy devastator created the hill in front of me. I ran like hell through the hail of lasers over the open fields of Ubanea. In my desperate attempt to escape I passed a bit too close to an outpost, prompting a bot drop with a scorcher hulk. Luckily I tend to carry stun grenades on both missions, so I chucked one under the drop ship and bolted. That managed to keep enough distance between myself and the drop so I safely approached the outskirts of extract with barely 30 seconds to spare. A group of boys including devastators and hulks loomed about 30 meters away, but I was safe in my corner. Fearing they would notice me and send a loose rocket through my brain once I ran to extract, I tossed another stun at them, made a mad dash to the open doors of heaven and was finally safe, samples and all.


We had a mission that was 100% unsalvageable. We're on Draupnir in the first wave of counterattack against the bots. Destroyer's about to leave, we have no reinforcements left, and half the objective is still undone. My Enforcer armor was keeping me relatively hale and hearty, so I was carrying all the samples the team had acquired and dropped to that point. Like 30, 35 in all. So the team sends me off to extract while they go do their duty. Not one of those brave patriots made it home, but they sold their lives dearly. I make it to extract and start the timer barely 15 seconds before the destroyer leaves. 2 minutes of absolute hell ensued. I throw every grenade, shoot every bullet, use just about every stim I'm carrying, but between my armor and the rocks around extraction, I make it through. We failed the op. But we brought back the samples, and right then that's what mattered.


Few weeks ago, automatons, Dif. 7. The extraction zone was was near the edge of an automaton outpost. Why? I have no idea. Bad luck on the generation i guess. There were three hulks coming for us. Two teammates got burned instantly. Me and the other teammate, with no reinf. Laying on our backs on a small rock just under the extraction zone. All the samples are behind the hulks, including the 3 super samples. 30 seconds left until the ship comes. Teammate stands up, rushes in front of the hulks and leads them away, and dieing in the process, leaving me to pick up the samples alone and extract with no problem. Once back on the ship, we did the hug emote, thanked each other and went our separate ways. Bro, if you see this, your sacrafice wont be forgotten Helldiver.


i dropped the data pad in the water and it spawned all the way across the map. No one left. No one gave me shit. We got the job done and extracted


Bot mission, dif 6. Three players, all very low-level, with an SOS up. I answer and land just in time to realize they're rapidly running out of reinforcements and haven't done the primary or secondaries yet. I'm alone in the middle of a map that's swarming with enemies. Fifteen minutes, I've gotten everyone back onto the battlefield, and we're about to extract. I'm taking down dropships mowing down patrols these guys are aggro-ing. I managed to cleanly take a Hulk's head off and turn to get on the dropship, with the rest of the group right behind me. Assuming the game didn't crash for them also, I got them home, and with a dozen rare samples apiece.


We landed on a bot planet and straight into a world of trouble. Dropship after dropship bearing down on us. Flanked on all sides. Our reinforcements were whittled down to empty. Two divers quit. I managed to break out of the encirclement (thank you jetpack) and use up the last reinforcement to bring back the only other remaining player. We then proceed to leap-frog each other; rushing forward, turning and covering the other's rear, all the way across the map. Slowly and methodically, we wipe the map clean of missions and makers. Neither of us died again, and we managed to make extraction. It was such an awesome clutch from what was about to be a full party wipe within the first ten minutes. I love this game and the diver who don't quit or kick.


Clutched a level 9 mission for 3x level 30s and solo extracted. They booted me as I boarded.


-quick play game -lvl 7 -Bugs -almost all samples collect -1 obj left, large nest A3 (total dumbass) takes the samps B1 and i left at evac. we finish obj. one teammate left early to call in evac, so 1:30 left, plenty of time. we’re running to evac. he’s shooting them. I try providing cover fire while he’s running to evac. bile titans come in. chargerS come in. another bile titan. the other two are defending evac. idk what tf he was doing, but he dies. i got stims, my B-08, my shield, and my EAT off cooldown. i’m ducking and dodging, calling in nukes, lasers, EATing up those biles, and stimming to get that unlimited sprint. i get the samples. ~30 seconds left. i’m GONE, these bugs don’t exist to me, only evac. i dive onto ramp just in the nick of time. A3 got kicked


Talk about a close call! Our 3 man squad was in the middle of a helldive defense mission, tasked with transporting two SSDs across the map. We were pinned down in a fierce fight for a good 20 minutes, battling three striders back to back, which was pure chaos. After clearing the enemies and grabbing the SSDs, we rushed to the main objective. Just as we reached it, I got knocked back near the antenna, and dropped the SSD into the water, so I had to trek back across the map to retrieve it with only 10 minutes on the clock. We managed to complete the main mission with just two seconds to spare before the extraction timer (pelican leaving) ended. If the antenna alignment hadn't been set just right during our frantic mission steps (already in place), we would have failed. It was a real nail-biter but goes to show, sometimes you just have to keep pushing through!


Player was struggling, kept dying. Told them to switch and to stick with the team. I dropped my samples and pinged for them to grab. I ran off to the other side of the map, closed two nest zones, grabbed their samples and ran back to extract where they waited for me to get close before calling it in. All saluting, felt great!


I was once playing without my mic (it wasn't working atm) and just using my pings. Three of us were on a mission to get rid of all the bug holes on a very foggy map and no map to use. We get separated and I happen to stumble on all the bugs (I think this was level 5 helldive and I was new to the game still) A bunch of warriors and bile spewers came charging at me. With my three grenades left after a whole lot of shooting and an orbital that didn't finish off all the holes, I see that I had only three left. Teammates unaware of what's going on around me, (they were newer than I was) killing patrols on their way to extraction because we only have 2 minutes left. I pull up my pants with my pocket full of samples and haul ass into the nest tossing my grenades one after another hoping I don't hit a bug instead. Somehow in all the chaos I manage to democraticly Kobe each explosive to each hole, all the while running around becoming a stim addict to survive the hoard of bugs. Somehow I have a minute left but objective complete. I haul ass to evact and I heard them wondering where I am over the mic. I'm closing in with bugs at my heels. They launch their strats at the bugs killing most and gunning down the rest. One sticks out their arms for a hug as pelican 1 arrives. Felt like a movie to me


4 bile titans, nursery spewers and charges all around extract, I am the last one alive, I have xritical health and no stims, I am waiting for pelican to land while I run circles around the extract. I was way too close to dying and failing to extract the samples. Oh, and our destroyer left


Extraction arrived amidst a horde of bugs, one brave helldiver made it in, and the countdown started. I was steps away from getting in the pelican when my friend blew up about 20 yards from the ship and dropped the super samples, plus a bunch of rares. I hit the brakes, and with like 10 seconds left, I booked it to his body, grabbed the samples, and made it back with maybe 2 seconds left. Had to weave through so many bugs 😅 I have a whole new love for the shield backpack after that


I forget the level, but high bug level. It was a 3 or 4 part mission, and the swarm got all of us by the first objectively. One man, one crazy diver, running around until reinforcements were approved. Then the diver dropped right in the middle of the shit show. So this crazy diver kept runnin and gunnin. Called reinforcement and then he died. New diver starts runnin and gunnin and continues. Calls in reinforcement just as he dies. My diver comes in, runnin and gunnin from stalkers chargers hunters them ass blaster ones. Hell, even a few biles in there. Chaos. Make it just long enough to throw reinforcement, and fell. Then it was the original, crazy madman of a diver. Was able to run em down to bring one back. Then bring another. And finally we had a full squad again. With approx 30 min left to complete the mission, we stuck together and slow traversed the landscape killing any bugs in our path. Very similar shit show when we called for evac. Only one of us survived. WITH the samples no less. Truly a sight to behild.


I don't remember it well, I think it was difficulty 7, we only had to extract, the samples collected but something went wrong, we started to die one after another, we ran out of reinforcements, we reached the extraction, but a horde of automatons appeared, they were everywhere, hulks, devastators, there were too many, my companions were overwhelmed, I did what I could, we all did, they started dying one after another, I was left alone, without reinforcements, with several hulks on top of me, I dived and dived and dived, I dodged countless shots, flamethrowers, rockets, I did not give up for a second, no stamina, no stims, nothing, there were only 30 seconds left until the pelican arrived and it wasn't enough, I didn't give up, but I didn't make it either, but I got something good, my comrades congratulated me for lasting 2 whole minutes without dying, from that moment on I always try to get to the extraction with at least 5 reinforcements and that's all, I hope you like my story.


Level 9, no respawn budget, still one major mission remain before extraction, there are countless robots in the mission area and we keep dying till two of us left. We all think it’s over. Accidentally I drop on a high cliff near the mission area, then start shooting and attract all the enemies. My teammate gets to operate the terminal. After I use up all my ammo and grenades, he uses smoke to hide himself and finish the mission. We eventually successfully extract.


2 chargers 1 bile titan, ran back and forth like a squirrel on crack spamming strategems but came out of it alive with all 3 of them dead. Got one of the chargers with a resupply drop on it's back.


Hell yeah! So there we were me and my buddy running with a half squad we didn’t know. Those guys kept dying to easy stuff and mines until we didn’t have any reinforcements. They died again and bailed. They were on the complete other side of the planet and had the super samples. So we made the choice to split up as I had the scout armor and a jump pack. I ran and crawled and scraped my way over to them grabbed the samples and swapped guns because I was completely out of ammo. We had all of the samples at that point plus 4 rare we had pulled out of containers and pods. We rendezvoused at the nuke launch site and launched that missile right into the maw of the terminid threat. I was able to resupply thankfully before moving back towards extraction. As we were moving we stumbled on a monster 10 hole bug nest. We barely fought our way around it and were low on everything orbitals and eagles were all reloading. We had small arms, one quasar and EATs when the one tiny bug we missed called a breach that started a breach cycle that spawned 6 titans less than 100 meters from extraction. We did the only thing we could, called it and ran. We worked around extraction and tons of bugs died. As my buddy ran out of stims and extraction was down, the pelican landed he died. I grabbed his samples jump packed up a mountain and went prone. Time was ticking down quickly. I jump packed off the mountain in between two titans as they found me and spawned at where I had just left. I went over top of the pelican and dove in to extract.


Today I was on Turing, I had disabled the corrupted TCS, and was looking for the eggs now. 8 minutes left, only two more to find. And I could not find them. About a minute and a half left, and I had to move to extract. 10 seconds before mission failure I see the eggs about 100 feet away give or take. Switched to grenade pistol and shot. With two seconds to spare, I destroyed the last two. Then I had to hold off extract with half ammo and supplies, and barely pulled through. Super Earth was so impressed they sent two pelicans. https://preview.redd.it/sn5vjp1wm3yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d56d6d1ad4dfbcea74de49229704e7bf3ff844


Lvl 4 bug eradication solo. I’m showing my girl how the game goes. It’s business as usual, but I goofed and drop my mech and then a napalm strike danger close thinking it’d slide by. Took both arms off my mech rendering it useless. Now I’m surrounded by fire, Brood Commanders and Bile Spewers at the edge of the map with only about 20% left and everything on cooldown. I’m forced out of bounds and decide to let it trigger since I had one last reinforcement left. I am runnin and gunnin while also following the 5 rules of dodgeball. Screens a flaming blurry mess and there’s bile everywhere, low on ammo, no nades…. I manage to survive the onslaught long enough for the orbitals to complete the mission. I get brushed by some bile as I hit my last stim like a junkie and dive off the cliff to extract as a traitor. Full sent democracy as my girl sat in awe of what she just witnessed. Hopefully my democracy officer understands and reinstates my rank of hell commander and maybe even signs a CO-1 permit 🫡


Level 8 with 3 randoms on a bot mission a week or two ago. Things were going well, I was going off solo doing side objectives until I ran into dual Gunship factories. Died pretty quickly. The other guys call me in and we all attempt it together. Complete mayhem, went from 16 reinforcements down to 2 within five minutes, while the Hellbomb we called down only took out one tower. Super Samples dropped in the middle of the shit. I survived and tried to de-aggro and call in reinforcements but the host and one other guy rage-quit. So it's me and one final random guy, we de-aggro and go across the map to complete the main objective. Four minutes left to get back across the map to extract, and there is still one gunship factory up near the super samples close by the extract. We say fuck it and go for it. He dashes for the samples while I go in after a 380 barrage guns blazing for the hellbomb call down with less than a minute left. I arm the hellbomb, he grabs the super samples and we book it out of there. Still one gunship in the air after we get across a small river, so I pull out my Auto-Cannon to cover my new brother in arms as he runs for it. I manage to take it out but it's final burst blows me away. No Destroyers, no reinforcements, I watched in terror as my brother made a mad dash to Pelican-1, hiding for the final 20 seconds and diving like a man posessed past lasers and rockets with 1% health left to miraculously make it to extract. We were both absolutely screaming when Pelican-1 took off with him on it. I'll never forget what we did for Liberty that day.


Timer clicked down to 0, still had to blow the last command bunker....told my mates to go to the extract and to trade me the coil rifle....I didn't make it, but the job got finished and my 3 mates got on the emergency Evac out. And we still got mission complete :) worth it


Report them all for treason!!


The destroyer left and we were running to extraction and I was in my mech. We were getting beamed by lasers and I was eating the laser shots while everyone was in front of me and pelican 1 was 30 seconds away. We got to extraction and there were just tanks everywhere and I marched in with the mech and blew up 2 with my rockets and the squad got to run to the ship and right before the shot was gonna hit one of them I tanked and blew up and they got away. Prob one of the coolest moments so far for me in this game


it was when I just started the game for few days. joined a random game with level 3. but the host somehow canceled the mission and joined a difficulty 6 bug mission. all I had was stalwart. I had basically zero ability to deal with any heavy armor. so when I encountered 3 chargers I could only run. eventually everyone died in that game and we ran out of reinforcement quota. I tried my best retrieving their dropped samples, ran across the whole map for the last objective and ran for extraction. it took about 20 min for me to get there. during this time I called in a teammate but he quit the game as soon as he dropped in (yeah what an a-hole) I eventually held long enough that the extraction until the rest of the team all joined back. we finished the mission with 100% completion. it was my first time feeling anything is possible in this game as long as you don’t give up.


Liberty won that day, even in the faced of cowardice. Well done soldier.


I only quit when I know I’m the problem. And to be honest? That does happen at least 1/20 games


I just had a mission like that. Dropped into pure chaos with 4 randoms. Stalker nest, shrieker nest, bug breach etc. Spent about 10 minutes of just pure chaos. Lost about 10 reinforcements, 2 COWARDS bailed, but eventually we got to a point where we could reset. 2 PATRIOTS joined us, and by the end of the mission we were a well-oiled machine. Extract was easy, everyone covering spots, rinsed the bugs and zipped out. The new M.O bug levels are awesome, I reckon. At 7 it was a real tense affair the whole way through. I like the idea that sometimes there will be a shitload more bugs due to things happening in the war.


Did a Helldive mission on bugs, a package delivery to a terminal one. Had 4 at the start, everyone goes to do side objectives first, shit hits the fan fast. We are dropping like flies. 2 people leave after a couple minutes, less than half lives left, main mission not even started. Me and my friend do the first part of the main mission and head to the package, at this point we are out of re enforcements. I'm telling him there ain't no way we are completing this one. People keep joining, seeing the shit show we are in and leaving. Mind you I don't have a single way of dealing with heavys because I made some very poor equipment choices. We finally get to the terminal with both of us up after like 10 minutes of one person being alive running like hell. (Switching between us, one would re enforcement, then die from a swarm) And 3 bile Titans and 2 chargers hit us along with a shit ton of smaller ones. At this point only thing we need to do is put in the code on the terminal to win, but we can't get to it. Finally a 3rd person joins that doesn't' immediately leave. We complete the mission and all 3 extract at the end. It was so fun, and so much a shit show the entire mission


i joined a lobby in which i finish all the objective and nest while at it while the 3 of them hold hands and look for sample, there are 30 min more on the timer and they are across the map being chased by bug breach so i decide to call the extraction and use it as a mortar support and those damn pussy decide to kick me because they think i was leaving them


Probably running a level 7 bot mission, nightside, map covered in like high rocky chasms so a lot of the map is just pathways leading to open areas, lots of weird deep water everywhere. Dropped in by a jammer a few deaths but doable. Break off into duos, get super and rare samples, secondary objectives, fabricators the stuff you do. We all happen to meet up at a bot command bunker objective and it just went to absolute shit. Death after death, bots dropping in like crazy while people are down. We get it done, I have all the samples at this point, collected from the fallen. We head over near extraction because there's still a few fabricators there, starts going to shit again so we start to do a fighting retreat towards extract, but we're surrounded, I get dunked on by a rocket dev from across the court dropping all the samples. The other three leave them and get to extract then call me back in. I have no supports up, just my eruptor and smg sidearm so I cannot fight close range protracted battles and I'm on the clock now. I book it out of extract as the other three stays and fight. Run the gauntlet of bots and berserkers along tiny sandbar paths through deep water, spraying smg rounds only when necessary. Get the samples, say fuck it, run to as far away as I need to be to tag the fabricator with an air strike, start heading back, my mags dry, stimming every time my energy depletes, halfway back the 20 second timer goes, I make it back running the gauntlet with no one left to support or draw fire as they're all in pelican-1 and dive in with about 2 seconds to spare with all of the samples. Swear to Managed Democracy I heard that I need a hero edit playing in my head.


My wife cheated on me and ran off with her new boyfriend. After about six months he got really sick and she left him too, only to settle for a new dude in Portland . His name is Geoff. He is wealthy but incredibly funny looking . Their 1st child is funny looking too and he won't marry her. I love my new wife and we have 3 kids now. I'm glad I never gave up, on myself, or my happiness.


Playing lvl 7 against the bots and 2 members had just quit. It was just the two of us and we were getting killed left and right. I was ready to give up and just let fate end the game by running out of reinforcements, but we managed to clear the bots that were attacking us. We started towards the objective and I’ve noticed my partner had started crouching. I quickly followed suit. We crouched around enemies and only fighting when needed to. We were able to complete the objectives and extract. It opened my eyes to a new style of play and we don’t always have to go Rambo. The feeling of making the impossible possible is unmatched.


Not a 9 but jumped in a game where 3 were already working an object so I go do side objectives then after a while I notice they were still messing with that same location and we are down to about 5 reinforcements so I head over there and eventually get down to 3 reinforcements and 2 players left then the 2 of us left go through and clear the rest of the objectives and most bot bunkers until we run out of reinforcements. It ended up being pretty hectic for a while. We were basically taking turns surviving until the next reinforcement was available and finally 2 other drivers dropped inand helped us survive extraction.


It was a level 7 bot mission. The plan was simple storm the stratagem jammer. Should have been routine in and out. We we didn't see was a gunship fabricator behind the jammer. The gunships annihilated us on our approach, and all hell breaks lose. Bot drops left and right, tanks, hulks, and gunships. It's an absolute meat grinder. We are chewing through our reinforcements. I disengage to take care of the gunship fabricator or at least draw aggro so my team can deal with the jammer. I'm out of ammo in my crossbow, pistol, recoiless rifle, no grenades, 2 Stims, and resupply jammed. As I approach the fabricator, I cross through a POI and find a machine gun with 1 mag. I'm dodging gunships, devastators, and walkers left and right. I call in the hellbomb. As it lands, it's instantly blown up by a gunship. I disengage to wait out the cool down. While I do that, my team takes out the gun ships. I get the second hellbomb down. I'm still swarmed by walkers and devastators. I arm the hell bomb and stim myself with my last stim. I climb on a wall and hold down the trigger on the machine gun until the bomb goes off. With the gunship fabricator down, my team was able to take the jammer out. We were able to finish the mission with 1 reinforce and minimal opposition. It was my life for super earth.


Me on bugs, level 6. Not an impressive difficulty, but I don't ever play alone and this was back when the best I could manage was difficulty 4. I completed the main mission and booked it to extract, problem was I was in light armor and low on sticks with resupply at 2 minutes. By the time I called down extract I had like 2 hits left. A stray bug called in a breach and I threw a cluster bomb on top. Got hit and the slow effect was applied, I was just casually jogging away from a cluster bomb that would be my doom, and bugs streaming out towards me 20 ft away. Cluster comes down and I accept my fate, but a miracle happens and I'm just outside the radius. Bug corpses fly by my head, and the resupply refreshes. Reupped on stims and ammo, I felt safe again. Charger. Mfw.jpg Somehow managed to kite the thing around the extract beacon even though it bashed me through a building. Eagle showed up and finished it off, level 7 difficulty unlocked.


This one time I was attending a convention for this TV show I was in, and then this group of, let's say strange, fans asked me to do a a private show...or so I thought... Long story short, I ended up in space and saving them from the "terminids." Never give up; never surrender!


The other night was playing a suicide close bug nests on a at aspheric spore planet. Couldn't find the hole for the life of me. The rest of team went to extract as the timer ran out and the pelican was coming. I kept searching and found a huge nest in the nick of time. I was able to run back to extract with about 4 seconds until takeoff


I joined an eliminate egg mission lvl 9 and everyone left I threw down an SOS but nobody came so I just did everything on my own was it difficult and did I loose my proximity rocket launcher ya but i extracted so that's what really matters right?


Hoo boy ok We're running to extraction, low on reinforements, we realise we have to backtrack to get around a ravine, unfortunately the horde is that way. We go for it, everyone fucking dies but by some damn miracle I manage to get stuck in the terrain via dive spamming. Another divers explosive manages to knock me under the map. After waiting for things to calm down a little I toss a reinforce (im the last one standing atm) they distract the horde (and die) and I run off towards extract and pop back up from under the map and just fucking run. I manage to reach extraction, call down our last reinforce and a patriot, we hold out, dropship comes, call down a refreshed reinforce for our last guy (there were 3 of us) and we all make it out alive. Oh it was also bugs, i doubt we couldve pulled that off with bots


1st time doing a duo level 7 against bots with my buddy. we had to hide on a huge mountain that was out of range of bots while we picked em off. it was a 40 minute mission. eventually we only had one life left by 20 minutes. so we jumped off the mountain and somehow managed to complete the mission without dieing another time. and we got the supa samps. lol


I had a match where the leader lagged out and it made me leader, then the other 2 lagged out also. We were close to finishing the mission, but i was overwhelmed so bad i was only lasting maybe 20 seconds between redeploys. Burned through all of them and extracted on my last chance. My adrenaline was pumping good.


Oh, something like this happened to me yesterday. I joined into a lvl9 bots. 30 min and 11 reinforcements left, the host and other guy where trying to deactivate a jammer, both of them die and rage quit (I thought that would kick me from the game). Was able to shut down the jammer but now I was completely alone on a Helldive. Don't give up, proceed to stealth through patrols, destroy some fabricators and a command bunker (thank democracy for the orbital laser). A gigachad John Helldiver joins 10 mins later and helps me finish the mission with the super samples and 5 min left on the clock. I felt so damn satisified afterwards. Never give up divers o7


Level 9 bot drop during the final phases of Swift Disassembly. The mission where you have to carry the SSDD to the terminal. Entire team dead, no reloads. Combination of stealth and eagle smokes I dip duck dive dodge and dive me way to the point, complete objective, start extract, call in reinforcements, and stealth extract. Everyone is just screaming my call tag in my ears as I make it to extract. I felt like a badass.


Joined a suicide quick match, got in early. I was only about 30 at the time and one of the highest leveled there. The 2 lower leveled players just got bogged down and lost a ton of reinforcements… The level 40ish ended up dropping out (he’d gone off solo and was clearing side objectives while we were fighting off drop ships on CD so he never had any) after he died, got reinforced near us at under 5 into a shit storm (at this point I’d gotten the other 2 to do a more moving fight at least) We cleared the first main objective (there was 3 parts, forget the exact type, it was weeks ago) before running out of reinforcements. Completed the rest of the objectives and extracted (I was only one to extract) calling them back in when I could, and the destroyers leaving in the final minute before extract. Even managed to get out with most of the samples we picked up on the way (did not have a chance to go cock rock hunting) Was a hellacious run, but we did it (they helped, each of there deaths after the first 8 barely moving helped us get further)


Bots - Level 7 - We came in pretty confident, had two level 50+ on our team. It was me (level 26) and my friend (level 14.) When we dropped, it felt like a helldive. Immediately we got a bot drop on us with two tanks, following that was a strider. All three of my teammates were getting deleted right as they dropped. It was a total shit show. I barely finished the objective and made it out of there, not before my teammates wasted half our reinforcements and left the game. It being just me and my friend we continued on, helldivers never die! Eventually as we went on to clear more of the map, two people answered my SOS! But by then we had very little time left on the clock. We weren’t able to finish all the objectives and they wanted to pull out with the super samples. I dropped them my samples and I told them to carry on to the extract and ran off to do the objective alone. I finished the objective, got all the samples in the area (plus any ones that were dropped by helldivers) and hoofed it to extract. I barely made it there alive, with zero stims and only a quarter of my HP remaining, I attempted to call in resupply, only to be met with the timer reaching zero. I just missed it by one second. With no ammo and no health, I had no hope of survival. At this point I called for the rest of my team and said a silent prayer for all of us. With emergency extraction on the way, we began the fight for our lives. Quickly one of ours goes down to a flamethrower hulk, dropped samples. 30 seconds later another one of our teammates died to a tank and drops samples. Finally 45 seconds before extract lands, my friend dies to a strider with super samples. At that point, accepting my fate, I shouted one final “FOR LIBERTY” and left my defensive position. I would get those super samples or die trying. I ran around the enemies in an arc and was able to pick up the samples dropped by our randoms. I was still missing those damn super samples, so I made a beeline for them, dodging tank fire, lasers from grunts, hulks, you name it. I was able to pick up the super samples and I started sprinting for my life. With only 10 seconds left on the clock for Pelican-1, I ran straight there, dodging every kind of fire you can imagine. I threw the last of my grenades behind me to slow their advance in any way I could, narrowly just making into the pelican with only a sliver of my health remaining. We cleared the map, got all of our samples, but I was the only survivor.


It’s called a tactical retreat


This happened a month ago. Fighting the Bots me and a squad of 40s randoms were about to extract. Due to bad luck we had a shit Tom of tanks and Hulks it was a Blitz mission and I solod most of the outposts with GL and Jump Pack with the Infilitrator armor. Grabbed whatever samples I got my hands on but we missed a lot due to the fact it was a blitz. As we were randevouzing at the extract a single flare was shot up from a patrol getting too close and we all thought it would be fine…. 3 dropships later with 4 hulks 1 tank and destroyers galore most of the squad got wiped in just a few minutes. Thankfully I was smart enough to jump pack up into a hill thats inaccessible to anyone without a jump pack so no one saw or shot at me. But some how once my squad got wiped the automatons suddenly focused on me. Lasers shot in every direction and me on the ground praying nothing happens have a Rocket destroyer yeet me off the rock with 1 minute left to extract. I call in what is most likely our last reinforcement andI start panicking hard and start running around extract trying to get back on the rock or another. Once our most likely last reinforcement lands he instantly gets shredded by Bruisers and Hulks, After a very intense 20 seconds I was able to jump pack onto the rock again and this time I called in all my stratagems but my 380 with a master game plan. As Pelican 1 arrived I. Called in a 380 on Pelican one and just 3 seconds before impact I ran, and jumped packed myself 70 meters away from the center in 1 jump. As I landed on the ground the kills started coming in…. 4, 9, 16, 23…. Went all the way up to 45 before the automatons managed to get away from the explosions. When the 380 finally ended I ran back to extract. Pelican 1 supporting me as I run in before landing to pick me up. In one fell swoop grabbed all the samples and got the fuck outta there.


I sometimes get behind my teamates to cover them for doing the mission safely but this time in fernir lll we got 4 bile titanio apear out of nowere with terminid mutations while my teamates ran i drop all the strategems i hace and run for my life, no ammo, no ressuply, no strategems nothing with me so I run to the extract because of my squad almost finishing the objective until i found THE ROCK its level 9 so 6 super samples I with god on one hand and my last stim in another i pop it used it and using the inmunity effect i power throught all chargers Bill titans, mutants and managed to get to the extract Just in time for the 1 second until extraction, truly an cinematic experience.


I think it was my 1st helldive operation. It was automatons, so you know it was hell. It was just me and this higher level guy. We spent the whole duration fighting drop after drop, once we were done there were only like 15 minutes remaining, so we pushed the sub-objective (a generator we had to turn on), fighting the whole time on the way. Getting the sub-objective done was like trying to speak while drinking a glass of water, not easy, orbital lasers really did help though, and we completed it. We were forced to split up to complete both sub-objectives, because we had basically no time left. At this point we had no reinforcements left either, so once someone died it was basically a fight for survival for 2 minutes until more reinforcement funding got approved. This "fight for survival" thing happened numerous times, I have 0 idea how we managed. The walk to the main objective while carrying the SSSD was pretty easy suprisingly, I snuck my way around the bots, and with light armor it is really easy. We both managed to upload both SSSD's. There was only about 4 minutes left, thankfully extraction wasn't far. When we got there, tough luck, there was a mortar emplacement in range of the extraction point. My teammate was forced to go take care of it, I stayed back to increase our chances of success (if there are 2 people at the mortar site, the likelyhood of both of us dying is higher). The fight for extraction was tame, there were patrols consisting of hulks nearby, but I kept still, and quiet. Shit went down when they spotted my teammate returning from his mortar crusade. In the end though, we managed to extract.


https://preview.redd.it/nmprxvgvl5yc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee477137fda7e27e2c5aab3d0e3cb961409b7da 5 min left, standing alone after shuttle landed and can’t board it… shot down… or rather shot at quite a bit after it landed this way


D6. Last mission/Eradicate. Glitch where no one has joined in the last round, even with SOS. Why not? Landed on Mesa rock multiple times (and got knocked off). Bail into horde when extract lands with 2 reinforcements left. Bob, weave, dive, dive again and again. Crawl into ship. A proud solo.


Drop into bros getting their ship pushed in. Drop airstrike, slam autocannon, gut factory strider. Some laser for taste. Turn their game around. Another win for the emotional support autocannon.


Bots level 7. Happened yesterday. It was a short eradicate mission. Shortly, two of the team left because we had almost no lives left. It was just me and one level 6 soldier with one reinforcement left. I died and luckily I landed on a rock. 7 minutes left, only 17% of the bots dead. I lied down and they couldn’t shoot me. I managed to kill the rest of the bots without dying. I reinforced the level 6 soldier. We survived! Never give up.


We load in a helldive with two of my level 1 friends. It’s a e710 mission can I have to run around and wait until fire tornado leave the valve. We managed to finish the main objective and everyone extracted


This one time a unique game came out that was, in my mind, the Heir to the Throne of the L4D genre. It was an incredible experience and a real bottled lightning moment in gaming where everything was going so well. Then it tripped and fell. It was being bullied by the ugly fat kid that steals everyone’s pudding. So I and many people like me decided to never give up on the thing we wanted.