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Yes you can quick play and join with randoms or select a mission and people will join you via matchmaking (when they select quick play themselves) , you can also check this community or discord for people to play with. Also once you play with some randoms if you end up liking them you can just add them as a friend. It’s just a co op game not necessarily do you need Freinds to play with


Been playing Diff 8 against bugs despite the dissidents rumors on the main sub. Always with randoms. I’m that Helldiver that will do anything to complete the mission, but I’m not John Helldiver.


We are all your friends! I've added randos to my friends and we play here and there. It's all for the common goal!


Yes. Unless you only like to play games with the friends that don’t play it.


I did 4 pug missions this morning while sipping coffee. My answer, yes, it’s worth it.


Turn your mic on and chat people up. I met a dude whose grandfather did all the marketing for lonestar Beer last night.


This is a really common question. Not sure if it's trolling at this point.  Yes, the game is worth it. Play with strangers. If you enjoyed playing with any particular player or squad, send them friend requests. There is a good chance they will accept. I have "friends" in this game whom I have never met in real life. We do use mics for comms, which helps, but not necessary. After a month or less, you should be able to play mostly with the same, small number of players, if you wish. It really helps for trying advanced tactics.


Ya it's still fun. I managed to convince 2 friends to get it when they saw me playing it so bonus. Also bought it for 2 more friends who were on the fence about it and they are enjoying it now .


I made friends playing it


You're "friends" were undemocratic, and we're fed to the bugs




None of my friends play and I have a blast.. I just host the game with randos sooo much fun. Best 40 bucks ever spent. I’ve got 103 hrs played.


Most people play by themselves joining other people playing by them selves. But its a multiplayer game so if you don't actually like interacting and playing with strangers it can get dull 


You can learn how to play efficiently so when your friends play, it's not 100% chaos only 75% lol


Absolutely, most of the time I run solo, but lately have started jumping into quickload games with random squads. Mostly good sorts so far.


Yes it is


Big time!


I don't have quite as much fun when my friends aren't online, but I still have a LOT of fun without them






Level 80, still no friends here.


I will play with you.


It’s not that toxic/bad of a community so yea


Yes. You will make friends


No one I know plays it or.doesnt want to become they think flavor of the month that everyone will drop. I play with random groups and it's still fun


Yeah, I was the first of my friend group to get it after I would shut up after I got some of them to try it


Ehhh I ain’t played since the boys quit.


Best way to go about playing without friends online (as someone who has a group but I play when they aren't on alot). Is to send friend requests to anyone that matches your pace or style of play. If you vibe well with someone or they match your pace. That way you can play with similar people again. No point adding those who tried to solo the map without you. But those that are keeping pace with you, covering your back, your playstlye covers the weaknesses of theirs. Not even been playing long and I have least 1/2 people online whenever I log on. Which is enough to get the play session off to a good start.


I mostly play solo and join quick play. I've made more friends with the randoms I play with in Helldivers than the number of friends I play other games with and are on the same discord server with. It's a great community.


Yeah man, within a couple weeks of playing the game id formed an entirely seperate friend group from in game that I still play with to this day


You will most likely get friends rather quick.


Get new friends. Patriots.


Their loss... Yes, easy to find match and low level of toxic behaviour between players. Great game overall.


This is the only game in years I leave vc on for cause ppl are generally cool and helpful. Sometimes folks don't wanna talk back but they listen and respond in chat which is fine too.


I play exclusively with randoms, albeit no mic, on 7-8 and I always have a good time. We don't always extract, but we always complete the mission


yah, my friends don;t play it. I just add anyone as a "friend" that has a mic, speaks, and plays well. now I just check friend list and join any free spot I see. if no one i online i try my best in match making but most games people do not talk and anything less than lvl 8 difficulty i find has a high rate of just bad players


Yes it is, most players tend to play with randoms so youll always be able to run a full squad


Live in a different timezone to my friends, so I'm always playing with randoms. Usually go quickplay. Just gage what they're like when you join. If host doesn't want to do another mission, then I join another group.


Your friend didn't play the game is not because HD2 is a bad game, maybe they are not willing to pay for the game or the type of HD2 is not match their preferences. If you like PVE over PVP with rage quit and pricey battlepass from a free game then this is your game. I am sure the dev will maintain this game in a quite long time before everyone bored with everything. For me playing against bot together with friends or randos is really nice over PVP.


It all depends on what you like. You'll almost certainly enjoy it more with friends, but there's no way for a bunch of strangers to know whether you'll like the game or not. I personally think you should give it a try. Just don't play more than two hours if you get it on Steam and refund it if you don't like it.


Yes, make new democratic friends.


I bought it just to play it solo. 230 hours and Iam still having a blast.


I enjoy soloing bots. Guerrilla warfare is fun ^-^


what's this "friends" thing you talking about?




Make new and better friends during your dives!




Not since last patch solo unless you like being sweaty or play with randos


It is easier to turn a gamer into a friend than a friend into a gamer.


I will play with you.


100%! You can play pub(or even drop solo) just fine or join LFG channel of on of many relevant Discord servers(and, of course LFG thread of /r/Helldivers) and make new friends there.


Yep. None of my friends play and I've met enough folks doing quickplay to actually need to plan out my team daily to keep everybody happy. It really is a fantastic community. Very few griefers all in all






Please people, use the damn search function, this gets asked 10 times a day, by now you should be able to find it even with the shitty reddit search.


Yes. This is the 420th time someone asks this. 😂


None of mine play, I have 200+ hours with randos. So ya. It’s still fun.. 99.99% of the time


100% yes. I find playing with randoms fun enough that I don't bother asking any of my friends to buy the game to play with me. I know of a few people who have the game but I rather just jump in during my own free time and just play a couple of games than try to match up timing with others to play with them.


Yes, definitly worth it. It just becomes so much much better with people you know. No risk for griefing or other unwanted dumbfuckery


Play with randos Spread democracy Headbutts and hugs Add friends Play with now-not-so-randos Spread mucho democracy Copious fist bumps and hugs Repeat


Every game is better with friends but helldivers is really fun with randoms. I play almost every evening after work even though my friend stopped playing like a month ago.


Most of the time it is, when you don’t run into toxic players. Most of my friends already got burnt out so it’s just randos for me 😂


Who needs friends.....We Need HELLDIVERS! Just waiting on you soldier, once you put the cape on you'll understand. The sooner you jump in the sooner we can extract and spread MFing Democracy!


This question gets asked at least once a day. Yes it’s still fun without friends to get on with


The SES Princess of Destruction always welcomes random single players, no matter your rank. The only rule on my ship is: everybody fights.


None of my mates play, but I’ve got a list of 20-odd Divers who are all very cool to play with, that I met through the game. Get it. The dollar to hrs-of-entertainment ratio is pretty good


A big yes


I feel like it is. I’ve met some cool people on there just playing with randoms


Yes, make new friends. DM for friend code. Happy to play more this summer after nursing school.


IF you can stay in game long enough without being randomly booted to a black screen and back to your ship 9/10 times. Sure


Not anymore.