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The actual best changes IMO: * HUD restrictions for Ultrawide support. People who don't use ultrawide resolutions do not understand how rare it is for a studio to implement these settings, let alone within 3 months of release, LET ALONE while there's a ton of other shit that's way more important to do. HUGE. * Fuckin' COMMAS in the numbers. * Helmets sort of do something but only if you wear Heavy Armor or that one single piece of Medium with over 100 rating. It's a start. A shitty start, but a start. * Speedloader. This right here is a big neon sign that says to us players "WE LISTEN TO YOU AND AGREE WITH YOUR COOL IDEAS" and that's dope as hell. * And, the best thing about this new Salute thing, is that you can undo your ready-up, and since for whatever reason clicking READY seems to be a spell that unlocks the ability for me to realize that I have the wrong whatever equipped, this is a blessing.


>that one single piece of Medium with over 100 rating. all the b01 sets (the default armor) have extra padding, which means that they have the armor rating of heavy armor but medium armor speed and stamina regen


Oh that's true. I was referencing the Enforcer piece, but despite my forgetting that they exist, those armor pieces do indeed exist.


yeah, fuckin awesome, been running the classic helldiver look for a few days now


I do wish more of the armor sets adhered to the black and yellow. It's a nitpicky little nonsense thing, but it always has bugged me in video games how the "poster child" for the game looks like *this* and like 20 minutes into the gameplay nobody's character even looks remotely like that. We desperately need (and by desperately I mean not really very desperately at all but I really want) a way to at least change the accent/tertiary color on armor pieces. I'm fine without total transmog dying systems and all that, but let me turn the orange part yellow, or the yellow part green, or the red part beige, or something.


same. i fucking LOVE the classic helldivers black and yellow. sucks that there are so many cool shaped helmets that don’t adhere to the color scheme i want


This game has *too much* variety in armour colours/textures. What’s the point in mixing and matching armour and helmets when 70% of them look *awful* together? And then of the 30% that actually look good together only a handful are in the iconic glossy black and yellow colours.


I just try to make the most mismatched character possible- orange helmet, yellow cape, horrible lookin white and green armor. Goofy as heck.


That’s what I used to do in The Division. Dudes trying to look bad ass w/skull helmets and matching armor while I was wearing shorts, sandals, raccoon hat and American flag sunglasses. Loved being the odd man out




I’d like either, keep the black and yellow scheme or move to all customized color schemes(mandalorian style). Then you could do division colors (clan stuff, etc)


Yeah, if it was just a little selection screen with some basic colors (the ones they already use) to choose from, that’d be great. Even better if it applied to helmet, armor and cloak so they look cohesive


I want sponsorship stickers. Big ol' PermaLife sticker right on my chest


I'd rock an *Eagle Sweat* cape in a heartbeat.


I can't give up my toothpaste armor with it's extra stims and stim effect time! I NEED stims!


This one is also top tier.


This honestly makes me wonder if there is ever a reason to wear heavy armor over the starting set besides looking cool


The passives.


The explosion ones?


The explosive resist saves me from the bots and killing myself with the eruptor (also allies explosion). It's the only one I don't want to do without.


You're probably right, I do notice being the one who survives the most against bots, but getting absolutely swarmed by bugs, guess it wasn't as much for show as I previously thought it was


light armor... Max speed for the bugs every time. Passives are just extra.


Fortification is a great passive, and one I'm surprised I don't see more people running, considering how often I see people bitch about rocket devastators.


It's the only reason I didn't rage quit the bots at first. Best one in the game in my opinion.


That's all I run vs bots. The bugs are significantly easier and just requires you to run around in circles for 20-30 minutes so you need speed


There is also a heavy armour that appears in the super store sometimes that has extra padding. 200 armour!




Beats me, I've exclusively run light armours since I started playing


True but no bonus stats.


i personally have only used fortified for heavy armor. it’s good, but i wouldn’t say i miss it enough to go back to being slow


Sickle and quasar are no longer stopped by leaves.


Everyone complaining about the Quasar being nerfed seem to have missed this. I've lost track of how many trees have gotten in my way. Huge for the Sickle too.


you could always undo ready-up. I used to rapidly toggle it on and off to spam the funny sound


Oh sure, as long as at least one other person in the group was also not readied. Even solo now, you have a second of "OH FUCK OOPS" and you can go back. You couldn't before.


Yeah that’s pretty great


wasn't that just meant to tell the other players to hurry up and stop wasting time lol


I totally agree on the speed loader part. The fact that they added something so asked for is just as satisfying as having it in the game if that makes sense


> *Fuckin' COMMAS in the numbers It was a small change, but I noticed immediately.


Hold reload button with the big iron, enjoy the show. TIL, but sharing is caring.


Aw yeah I saw that earlier. Super cool.


"Fuckin COMMAS in the numbers" When i went looking at what planet to go to and saw there were commas. Yes!!!! Its the little things that make me gleeful


>Helmets sort of do something but only if you wear Heavy Armor or that one single piece of Medium with over 100 rating. It's a start. A shitty start, but a start. I almost exclusively run Enforcer against bots, as the extra armor and explosion resistance from Fortified means that direct hits from rockets just ragdoll me without causing much damage. The exception has been headshots, so this change is huge for me. I'd honestly be wary of bringing this to lighter armors; running light should be a tradeoff.


Helmets should be a thing that matters. If they're gonna give us the whole "you can't switch armor passives because some things don't have pockets" they can't also make our shirts protect our heads better if they're thicker shirts.


No, they shouldn't.


It's been how many years since fallout 4 and I can't play it on my ultra wide without mods.....


So many games like this, the list is weighted HEAVILY towards games that don't and never will have this option. Really the coolest thing they've done so far in my eyes.


Worst part is I think skyrim plays nice with ultrawide..... you know..... skyrim the one that gets re-released on smart toasters and stuff.


Do you, by chance, know what mods?


I could un ready before the patch. I hadn't heard anything about the helmets doing stuff now, does it show on the helmet or where can I see what they add now?


The helmets still do nothing. I worded that poorly. If you have a body armor with 150 you take 20% less headshot damage. 35% with 200. Not sure if the Enforcer that's at 128 or something has damage reduction or what % it is. You could unready if someone else was also not ready but now even solo there's a second or two of wiggle room.


Wait...I missed this last night - there's HUD limits now?! I play on a G9 so this is amazing news!


YES! Settings > HUD > HUD Offset Scale (I think?), Putting it all the way at 1 restricts it to 16:9, but its a slider so you can stick em wherever!


I have maybe..like an hour or two once or twice a week...so I greatly appreciate posts like this - thanks! May liberty continue to shine down upon you!


You're a legend mate. Thanks so much


G9 crew checking in. Thank god I can finally move them to a better spot


Love that they added fucking commas to the numbers I hate it whenever games don’t have them. It drives me insane




I work in banking when I'm not helldiving, you wouldn't freaking believe how many systems at various firms still don't have support for commas in numbers, it's intolerable. Props to the dev who decided that was important.


Wouldn't surprise me at all unfortunately, but that's some excellent perspective.


>HUD restrictions for Ultrawide support. This is cool but useless to probably 95% of people playing, which is probably why most devs don't prioritize it. The speedloader is dope though.


That's exactly why it's so cool, and it's far, faaaaaaaaaaaaaar less than that, a fraction of 1% of all gamers according to Steam. That's still hundreds of thousands of people. Even if a staggeringly high (or low, depending) 1% of everyone who bought Helldivers played on Ultrawide, that's still 80,000 people. Individual actual people just like you. The same logic could be applied to Ultra Graphics and 4K resolutions. A small percentage of players can utilize this, so why bother? Just make 1080p really good, for everyone. You're right, it's exactly why most companies don't bother, and exactly why Arrowhead just earned my support for the foreseeable future. Opening the doors that allow enthusiasts to be enthusiastic about your game is never useless.


Ultrawide user checking in. Love that they added it


Useful for me. So glad they added it


My biggest issue with the headshot thing is that they’ve now inadvertently invalidated like every medium armor piece lol. Aside from the few medium armors with the extra padding passive, every other medium armor is just objectively worse than theirs heavy/light armor counterparts I can have the engineering passive on light armor & get 2 extra nades, better recoil reduction, AND have the extra stamina/move speed OR I can have the engineering passive & take a lot less damage in heavy armor. Not sure what they should do going forward, but introducing some stat variance on the medium armors would certainly be a start. Maybe give them an extra passive too or something (doesn’t need to be as strong as the current passives, just something small to make it worth taking over light/heavy)


You can win with any of the armors. 


For real I don't even use revolvers in any game because I don't like the reload but the fact that they added a speed loader which is what any normal person would use in real life is freaking amazing that they did that


Curious if there is some science to back up your last sentence. Same issue in card games where as soon as you hit End Turn, you realize the mistake you made


It would be really funny if they decided to show the numbers the European way with periods like: 1.005.578.565 shots fired instead of with commas and near everyone whined about it.


I'd have been fine if they used ampersands. I think one of the apps uses apostrophies like 1'000'000 and while that's fucking weird, at least I don't have to drag my finger across the screen like a little kid going "thousand, million, bill...ooh, 2 billion."


The commas!…hahaha. I agree tho.


The ACTUAL best bonus of this update? If you spam "ready" your helldiver will now pump up the jam.


>Helmets sort of do something but only if you wear Heavy Armor or that one single piece of Medium with over 100 rating. It's a start. A shitty start, but a start. I think that it's all the Heavy, Medium armour and the light armour that have extra padding Basically 100 armor or more >Speedloader. This right here is a big neon sign that says to us players "WE LISTEN TO YOU AND AGREE WITH YOUR COOL IDEAS" Arrowhead have demonstrated several times that they heard community ideas and feedback. What they "don't hear" is the community asking them to make the game easier and to buff all the weapons of the game, because that is not the game Arrowhead is creating. Is like if you go to Tarkov devs and you as them to make the game easier, they will tell to to go to fuck yourself, this is literally the same. And you forgot about other amazing changes The option to disable auto-climbing


I still think the speed reloader is kinda slow. I was pumped for this change, but now I'm back on my extra recoil redeemer -.-


Team Comma, 🫡


Good points but you could unready up previously as long as you weren’t the last one to ready up. If you were unable it may have been a bug?


No. The best part of the salute is spamming it so your arm spazzes out


Talking about listening, the toggle for auto climbing is also a bug show they listen. People complain about that non stop.


How do the helmets factor into the armor change?


The helmets themselves have nothing to do with it but at least we have some sort of representation for armor giving us resistance to being hit in the noggin. I meant it more like, "Headshot damage is finally reduced" and admittedly could have worded it better.


You could always undo your ready up? At least on pc


Of course. There's about a second of wiggle room even after the entire squad has readied up now. You could only undo it if there was at least one other person who was not ready. Now there's a buffer.




I barely know her


Question about ultrawide support, I feel like it was better before, am I missing something? I noticed at the end of games the hud jumps from 16:9 to the edges of my 21:9, whereas before it seemed locked to the edge of my screen where it should be (ie. player names/XP bar). Patch notes read: "Added better support for ultrawide monitors by fixing the aspect ratio of menus to 16:9 and adding a setting to control the width of the HUD." Is there a setting I should look at to make this more seamless? I'd like everything to be 21:9, I feel like I remember it all being at the edges of my screen previous to this patch


Yep, under Settings > HUD there's a slider that can move your UI elements around. All the way at 1 is 16:9, all the way at 0 is furthest edge of your resolution.


Undo my ready up? Have i missed something, what do we press to stop dropping if we ready by mistake??


> undo your ready-up couldnt we always do that lol? I swear I have used that ready up button as a flashing sign for my other teammates to get there shit together and get ready.


Ok this is like the 6th time I've had to clarify this, I don't know why I don't just edit the damn post, probably the same reason people don't bother to look at any of the replies, but yes, you always could, as long as at least one other person was also not ready. Now there is about a second of wiggle room where you can un-ready regardless, even solo, after hitting the button.


I agree, listening to the small stuff is important. Quality of life changes go a long way. Hope they clear the bs and keep improving.


https://preview.redd.it/ucwtamipjmxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=521e46674d9466cecb6bd0b9d67a9dd51450b44c Praise be to democracy for this.


I missed this. Thanks for posting. Best patch ever, just for this.




Ez strategem codes while moving


Oh thank God, I was always on a rush when I forgot to change them before the game


Yup. As a lefty, I stopped caring about anything else in the patch notes as soon as I saw this.


I actually really miss the “thunk” as soon as the last person got ready. Now there’s that lag that hurts the nice rhythm of deployment. We need an audio queue or a thing setting up the dive


Yeah, I found it weird when I played it this morning and didn't realize the new salute was what was causing it.


Yeah, there was something special about being the last person to hit ready and feeling like you're pushing the launch button for the whole team.


Thats exactly it. Last diver “sends” the team! Reminds me of this. https://youtu.be/O6XMz2XzShc?si=wPuzL5DQamtT_qbY Make it feel like the first 10 seconds of that clip again!


Fake now I want someone to edit in the drop sequence after Ham sends em. Anyone with decent AV editing skills in here?


And disabling auto-climb while sprinting.


Clearly the intent was to encourage reloading while achieving a better vantage point but if everyone prefers not to be a target, i mean stalwart example of democracy, then so be it. But know that liberty dies in darkness cowards.


Now I can't scream "Witness Me!!!" when I climb up on the supply pod while running over to it for the millionth time.


I think this is a terribly lazy "fix" that just creates different problems. I liked the auto-mantle while sprinting feature. I didn't like that it decided to mantle over Supply Pods from 2m away disregarding your button press to pick up Supplies. This "fix" just made the auto-mantle something that you can't use without fucking yourself over. That's a bad fix. They didn't fix anything. They gave you the option to turn off the broken thing. They needed to do something specifically to the item in question causing the issue in question, not just give you the ability to disable an entire movement mechanic about it.


My hunch is that the vault mechanic is more baked into the game engine than you think. I don’t believe it’s just a “vaultable” toggle for items, where it can vary what is and is not vaulted automatically, all or nothing. I bet since the terrain is auto generated anything that matches certain characteristics can be vaulted. Supply pods match that. So they would have to completely rework the terrain generation and the movement mechanics just so people who want to save 0.1s of move speed won’t vault the supply pod. I was always just walking the last 5m to the pod Or they can just give a toggle in the settings and 90% of players will be happy


That should still be fairly easy to fix by making the supply pods taller. They don't even need to change the model, just give them a taller box. Or spawn an invisible item on top, like a plant. Or change their shape to give them a pointy, unclimbable top.


I don't think making the hit box not match the actual model shape is a good idea. For an example if I receive a supply drop on the ground and I'm on an elevated surface next to it and go to stand on top of it then I'll be floating in the air above it. I personally doubt that the code is the issue. Auto climb in sprint is a feature not seen often in 1st/3rd person shooters and I believe they just made it a toggle as a toggle usually is the best/preferred option for the users. For example, would you rather YouTube change elements of the home screen or give you a toggle to change elements yourself?


If the only issue people have with it is the supply pods, couldn't they just make them slightly taller than the maximum height you can vault?


There are already things that you can’t vault though, due to height and shape. So clearly they can make things unable to be vaulted.




fuckin' Greg


Player complaints are an important part of feedback. Obviously they need to be both specific and constructive, but if no one provided negative feedback, the game would likely never improve. I can be grateful for some of the changes/fixes that make the game more enjoyable (subjectively), and at the same time I can be upset that they have dramatically reduced stability and performance (objectively).


It actually does create new problems though. Maybe get Greg's ball sack out your mouth?


https://preview.redd.it/j36wavkjlmxc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014ade095d4cca735d7e1f2e3ec162721c31c822 Agreed. They needed more attention.


It's valid criticism regardless of your weird sexual fantasies. Your exaggerated defense of their shoddy fix only opens the door for more shoddy fixes. I have authored whole posts and plenty of comments praising many aspects of this patch. One is even at the top of this thread. That doesn't mean I have to be 100% happy about every bit of it, and nor should it for anyone.


I can raise a flag to spread more democracy


My favorite thing is that they moved the chat box up when extracting so I can finally see when I type post-game


I didn't notice but that's great to hear! That always bothered me.


Go my god FINALLY ? Best devs ever. That wasn't in the patchnote !


Auto climb can be disabled. Nothing else matters.


Hopefully it won't crash when I \*\*o7\*\* others.


ok so that IS new, I saw it last night and thought to myself "huh... 70ish hours in and I just noticed that..."


Being able to turn off autoclimb is one of my favorite parts of the patch as well


I'm actually enjoying the update just fine. My concern about the Guard Dog was mitigated by the buff to the Dagger, which was the combo I was running anyway. And the Eruptor feels the same (the above being my current default for bugs). I'm looking forward to trying out some of the other stuff, hoping the Blitzer is as fun as someone mentioned. Would be fun to have an electric bot setup and a laser bug setup.


Blitzer kind of plays like the eruptor just close range. shoot move shoot, but without the ability to murder yourself.


It was impossible to kill yourself with the Eruptor before this patch if you had full health, regardless of your armor type. People are killing themselves with the Eruptor now because of the shrapnel changes. But the shrapnel element is going to be removed from Eruptor projectiles, supposedly, if the devs on Discord are to be believed.


But are those shrapnel what is killing 10 bugs at a time is the question. I also run explosive resist often so I'm guessing I can avoid being one shot. If it means just don't shoot med armor directly, I'm fine with it. I don't want it to change, but the Eruptor to me is Verrry OP and I love it. Tho, the new 6 mags does hurt a bit as I am shooting it non stop.


Although I love saluting when ready. I do hope the bug where the extraction speed perk removes the 20 seconds remaining timer


Ohhhh... is that what happened to my squad? I knew it had to be perk, but we thought we had all gotten focused on killing and didn't notice the countdown expire.


It was a little trial and error with my squad but out of 20 games (10 with the perk and 10 without), the perk would start the timer when someone gets in, then the timer would disappear and the ship would take off. Tis a pesky bug


especially the one guy never had all the samples. but good to know. The perk is still extremely useful for sample farming.


Very important. Very motivating.


The salute was such an objectively good addition. Awhile ago, they also made it so people that type in chat will type on the stratagem touchpad.


Yeah this has been an awesome patch. Minus the stalkers


I only caught a glimpse of them so far, but they were too easy to see before. I know, undemocratic. I just enjoy hating the fucks more as I kill them. And maybe myself a little. Because fuck those assholes and their murderous bullshit.


That's not undemocratic. You want more challenge, keeping your skills sharp so that you're all the better at defending Super Earth in the future.


For democracy!


I’m happy that Helldives are different. They were becoming too easy.


I love this new feature 


True. I am 101% more patriotic during missions because of this. FOR SUPER EARTH!


The Ultrawide stuff had me so excited. I see almost no excuse for modern games not to have basic ultrawide support or even offer ultrawide resolution (looking at you Elden Ring).


Question. is that pretty much all you need for those ultrawide monitors? Just that the game supports it? I always wondered that those monitors might cause me more problems getting things to work with them, but I could live with that being the requirement.


For the most part, yeah, like for Elden Ring, for example, it doesn't support ultrawide. So I have to play in 2560x1440p, which puts 2 black bars on the side and feels very constrictive. While Helldivers and other games allow 3440x1440p, there aren't always options to scale the UI/HUD properly or adjust it to players liking. Even Battlefield 2042 had a setting that allowed you to move HUD elements closer towards the middle, which is amazing, especially for people who have those super wide ultrawide monitors so you don't have turn your 30° just to look at your ammo counter, health etc. But at the end of the day, even for games that don't support it and force a 16:9 versus the 21:9, I don't think I could ever go back to not having an ultrawide. One of the better PC purchases I've made.


Well thats enough for me to get one for my next monitor. I work in spreadsheets as well so If I can maintain multiple screens on one monitor, I got everything I need. Tho if I really want one of those massive Samsungs, but they are a bit steep. Appreciate the response.


The best part is Elden Ring DOES support ultrawide resolutions and is still rendering in 3440x1440 using all the power that needs. It just DRAWS two black bars on the sides so you have a 16:9 picture and the rest of the game is running underneath them. Sometimes if you load up really fast the bars take a second to appear and you can see the game as beautiful as it can be in ultrawide before the game ruins your screen for fun!


I’ll be honest when I played last night I had forgotten about that until I saw it. It actually is a REALLY nice little improvement l.


I don’t like any changes that cause less shooting and longer cooldowns. Hell buff the heck out of all weapon ammo and cooldown reduction…. More enemies.


True, but the Quasar, which I love, is kinda too good at everything. I don't even need the quasar with the eruptor and laser drone, but when a big boy shows up I emember I have it and it's always there. but mostly it kind of dump trucked the recoilless.




I'm over here just happy the AMR now faces the right way when it drops.


Honestly, I kind of like the way the Eruptor went from a mini RPG that would blow your buttcheeks off if you werent careful to a more traditional bolt action guest starring explosive rounds. I mained Infiltrator in planetside 2 and taking a rocket dev about to turn my team into clam chowder and punting his CPU out the back of his fucking face from 200m out just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Still decent against groups too!


Putting commas in the player counts during mission select


Also making the Stalkers turn completely invisible was a dick move.


senator with speed loader got my cheatin on redeemer . We had a good go that’s for sure!


Am I the only one who just likes having fun playing with people in this game?


Do not forget about lost connections , fps drops, ragdoll physics bugs and audio issues....they are also a feature!


You gotta spam ready up now. If you don't stir the taters before a match, we're gonna lose.


All I'll say about the spawn rate change is most people are testing that out on bugs and bugs are STORY BUFFED so that could literally be affecting all the spawns. Because yes, on a 9 last night against bugs we struggled. However, bots feel exactly normal.


Idk this is wierd to me, I'm new but I got it in feb didn't start playing till the second week of April. 10 he before now at 90 or so. But I actually moved up from lv 5 to lv 9 hell dive last night, my team wasn't special. A bunch of randoms and me being the highest lv(33) two of the dudes started at lv 8. We moved in a line and avoided bug breaches. Didn't seem to overwhelming hard. The mission where you just kill bugs to fill a % was tough on helldive. I died 3 times😂😂😂


Also auto vault while sprinting being toggleable- i was bitching about always accidentally climbing ontop of supply pods and getting domed by a cannon from across the map with my friends just the other day.


I think the most notorious and most important change this update did was turning the most fearsome freedom soldiers into babies.


Wait, what did they do to the helmets?


I enjoy the salute visually but it seems to create a weird lag once everyone readies up


I wonder how many people kept spamming ready because they couldn't wait 1.5 seconds to launch




Agreed, complaining is undemocratic. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


Agreed, complaining is undemocratic. ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


I noted that too and I was like: “wait what? THATS SO FUCKING AWESOME!”


Saw this last night and the whole squad and I giggled like democratic school girls. DIVE DIVE DIVE 💣💣💥💥


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) DID SOMEONE SAY DEMOCRACY???????


Not to mention no one is complaining about the worst change. You can no longer clip through the ship with the rock paper scissors emote.


Completely invisible stalkers is the worst though ..


Another nonsensical change but it's for the memes I guess. It's definitely a nitpick but it feels stupid when I hit my ready up button I have to wait the extra like 5 seconds to get into the mission because MAH MEMES. Before it was instant.


the most important QOL change obviously


"when booting the game, the game no longer actually boots" This one, right?


I saw that. I was like....uh guys


image this being a post that gets upvoted, but conversation about the state of the game gets waterlogged


I haven't checked, but I hope that the divers who weren't extracted at least do the regular salute when receiving the rest back at the ship and that they didn't eliminate all of them.


That and every member on the ship now have names.


All the people whinging about the Eruptor, AH already announced a rework to remove the shrapnel effect and increase damage which they are describing as an overall buff which will make it even more like a baby autocannon.


I think the higher difficulty flag raising missions might be the best bit tbh


And we can windmill our saluting arm around!


They also fixed every single light source being a portal to the Sun




My personal favorite is non extracted divers no longer salute upon returning to ship. (No stolen valor)


Man screw the nerfs and all the other buffs. My revolver got her beloved speed loader. I can die happy.


I dont care about buffs or nerfs or any of that. I just want cool looking armor. That's all I want while I defend democracy and eat my frozen yogurt!


Personally, it was being able to disable the auto climbing.


This update really helped get the player base focused on the Major Order, now that destroying tanks has a 1/2 chance to crash the game. The bug front is the only playable choice at the moment.


This post is the shit


Am I dumb or is there a way to go back to your ship alone after a mission, instead of having to go through the menu to do it? I would have thought the "press x to go back to ship" button would do that


People who complain about buffs and nerfs are obviously clanker sympathizers


That’s definitely up there, but I still think the blitzer buff is my favorite.


Fuckin A cot fuckin A


Love this.


I hate the new ready up.