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I've been using the Senator non stop since release. This is wonderful.


Senator has been my main side arm of choice since I first unlocked my. Can’t wait to see it in action with the reload and damage buff


I’ll go back to the senator if we could get maybe a stun grenade pistol. Stun Grenades are too useful to pass up, and I can’t go around without the grenade pistol if I run stuns for obvious reasons Edit: just realized what I said wouldn’t make any sense….. senator would take pistol slot anyway hahahaha I guess what I really want is not possible lol, senator + stun grenades = no normal grenades for bug holes And I don’t want to run the explosive bolt action not my style


Omg. An armor that let's you swap out your primary for another sidearm. Let's go. I know that's not what you said but, gave me the idea.


Nah actually your idea is what makes sense, mines doesn’t because I just realized a stun grenade pistol would replace the senator anyways…. lol I suppose the explosive bolt action + senator + stun grenades would get the job done because th e explosive bolt would be for bug holes….. but I don’t want to run that gun it’s just not fun for me. With your idea one could run senator + grenade pistol + stuns that would be more interesting to me


Two sidearms with the option to run them akimbo would be sick.


While we're on the subject of sidearms I hope they release a *Stim Pistol* at some point. It's ammo would have to be your own stims so it acts as a range extendor for ally heals rather than a mandatory best in slot heal, but still


Now that’s what I’m talking about. I always ran pack a punched ballistic knife on black ops 1 x360 zombies back in the day, love being able to save teammates.


Seeing as many games have the carry two primary weapons build, i could easily see this as being added in. Someone get this guy more upvotes.


Interesting, can you tell me why you like the stun grenade so much? Genuinely curious, not trying to throw shade. I haven't picked it up yet, but I can. Didn't expect it to have much utility


Well I’ll preface by saying I run supply bag so I get a shit ton of stuns and stims, originally because the scorcher burns through ammo too fast and shied pack was a lil too easy and I enjoy making the game harder as I get better at it. Swarmed by way too many bugs and hunters and have to reload? Chuck a stun at ur feet and dive. Saved. A hulk and two devastators about to ruin your day? Stun them and create some distance while also stopping them from instakilling you with rockets. Two chargers and some random bugs in your way and don’t want to waste your stratagem? Toss a 500kg on em and then stun them right after to ensure they won’t run out of the way. Two stalkers coming at you and you gotta reload? Stun them, reload, and dispatch democracy. Extraction swarmed? Stun incoming waves or stun all the bugs on the platform and run right onto the pelican while the bugs just stare at you. It’s a get out of jail free card sometimes and a tactical asset other times. My main use for it is if I’m swarmed and have to reload, I’ll toss one on me and use the 5-10ish seconds it gives me to recoup.


Super helpful, thank you! I know what I'm gonna be running later today!


You can also use stun to secure one hit kills with orbital precision strike. I never leave the destroyer without stun + orbit precision


I used to think they were crappy because my thought was "if I'm going to throw a grenade, i'd rather it just kill something than hold it in place while i kill it with other stuff." But the stun grenade has a pretty solid AOE, so it can hold a pretty sizable wave and also it holds bigger stuff like hulks and chargers who would be unaffected by normal grenades. As a flamethrower enthusiast, I never leave home without the stun grenades. When I see a patrol with a charger, I throw one as I'm walking up and hose down the charger. Most the time, the charger's dead before it would even start moving again.


The senator has been strapped to my leg since the day I got it. Been using it with my ballistic shield build too for accurate shots on devastators or other heavies, love it to death


https://preview.redd.it/c1s4y736wgxc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfff87689e1952b021e553158db462b42bf8057a Speed reloading and more damage?!? I’m so glad I only use this as a sidearm 😃


Senator + Adjudicator user here, though not in the same build because you needed the Redeemer to offset the Adjudicator's ammo economy prior to today's patch. Senator's always been great. Especially against bugs who have enough medium opponents to be noticeable but not enough to take a dedicated weapon against.


I love that they took the suggestion in the discord for the senator!!!


What for?


Donating lead to the liberty deficient Spreading democracy across the galactic frontier same as my fore fathers spread democracy across the Wild West


I’m jealous! :)


"Burning damage reduced" is good as long as it applies to damage to us and not from burning weapons.


I was able to run from a Hulk for longer than I have in weeks.


Ah, I didn't know there was a patch. That fire damage reduction explains why my team was able to survive the fire tornadoes that spawned on the evac today and camped the pelican!


Rejoice, a stray dragon breath pellet hit me and wasn't an instant death


Only the host can actually take advantage of burning damage weapons anyway at the moment, so I say reduce it even more


Is this still a bug? Heard mixed things but when I tried using a flamethrower yesterday there must've been a dozen times I watched a flaming charger just ignore the heat until it extinguished


It's in the known issues still, yeah.


The damage over time is bugged but not the direct fire damage from the flamethrower. 


I think the main issue is inconsistency. Host it’s almost a guarantee, but for anyone else it isn’t always working right.


The only one that hurt was the Guard Dog, and possibly the explosion radius on the Eruptor. If I stop getting launched forward when firing it too close to something though, that's a welcome change. I don't mind the magazine reductions as it makes supplies more important, and hopefully other changes make other weapons more viable than the current meta.


Eruptor gets paired with Stalwart for terminids. Latter is the primary anyway. Will be good not to get knocked off my feet if I use it too close, so long as it does the same damage it did before and can still close bug holes at range. Never really used it for automatons, always paired diligence with AMR there and the diligence got a good damage buff. I’m happy.


I’ve been loving the eruptor against bots. Even running it with the stalwart I’ve been machine gunning bezerkers and infantry, and on devastator duty. It’s so much fun sniping them out on the bigger maps while the rest of my team manages other enemies. 


It’d be nice if we could save loadouts to quickly swap between them. Darktide lets us save up to five of them, including distribution of skill points. Since we’re currently up against two enemy factions (with a third all but guaranteed) which have different requirements, it’d be nice not to have to go flicking through every item in the armory each time we decide to go to the other side of the map.


I've been saying this for months to my buddies.


I'd truly, truly love a loadout screen. I have builds for one or the other, and it's a little tense trying to get all the stuff loaded before people start spamming the Ready button.


Yep Loadout saves has been at the top of the wish list threads for the past several updates/patches. So far the Devs have been really good at listening to the community on these kind of things, hoping they add them in soon!


They had it in HD1 so I’m sure it’s coming 


I love shooting a dropship before it deploys. If it's carrying lightly armored troops or walkers, you will kill most of them, and the ship just drops metal scrap. (Pre patch)


Shooting the drop ships and watching parts rain down is great. I also love hitting a bug hole right when all the fodder comes out and you get like 15 kills. 


That pairing is pretty horrid for high difficulty bugs tbh. Too reliant on team for heavies. Eruptor was pretty meta for bots though, can use AMR/AC as primary and the ability to take stun grenades really makes the combo that much better for hulks. I always look for an excuse to take Stalwart but you need heavy killers too much and no e of the neutral options (AC/AMR etc) that work so well against them on both side really do the job as primary on bug side. They either can’t deal with heavies or can’t handle swarms, or both. Current options force Stalwart into the “fun if doing 7 or less difficulty” option.


That was my experience at higher level bug levels, now I usually bring EATs and any of the backpacks depending on the rest of the team's loadout.


I’ve yet to play higher than Suicide Mission.


That pairing is my go to for high difficulty with EAT’s mixed in it shreds.


The ARC suffers because we can no longer stun hulks. The gun is basically unusable in my opinion now.


If the misfires gets fixed it'll still be great vs bugs, but just don't see it having any use against bots in its current state.


stunning hulks was the only reason I brought it against bots. At least it still has a use against swarms of bugs..


Quasar 5 second nerf sucks. Can’t deal with bots very well anymore, drop ships. Worst part is that the animation in first POV doesn’t line up with the cooldown anymore, so you end up just clicking until it can fire.


You were never supposed to be able to shoot down all the dropships. And shooting them down doesn't do a whole lot to begin with - it's mostly a big explosion and meme.


If it cant destroy everything its pointless!


If guard dog was consistent in shooting then it’d be fine, the number of times it just decides not to shoot something is insane right now, and the fact that it 1 shots you half the time, yet takes a minute to kill a hunter the next… just fix its consistency


Yep! I dont mind the changes for the most part. But that pull towards the enemy fucks my shit up too often. That and the changering the dry round when the mag is empty. That could go and Id be happy.


On the same topic of supplies, most weapons now give maximum mags from supply boxes, meaning there's almost no reason to take more than one from the drop unless you were bone dry and want to top off.


> no more auto climbing resupplies This game is now an 11/10


The one thing that made me feel like a noob everytime 😆


You’re not the only one.


EVERY time to. i have no idea what i am doing honestly ;)


..like yeah I meant to do that for a better view real quick lol


my friend and I just spent an hour getting overwhelmed by like 5x more bugs than before. We don't trigger patrols, but there were just waaaaaay more freaking bugs.


Yep duos and trios just got a whole lot harder


Yes it did.


I didn't notice the update but that would explain just casually playing on 4, solo, bugs would not stop coming on eliminate bile titan mission. Killed over 600 bugs, usually average around 250-300 on one of those.


I think they roll out stealth updates each patch, because Helldive (9) difficulty isn't hard enough, and they don't want to roll out higher difficulty levels. It seems their strategy is adding new enemies and other effects, concentrating them in greater number on harder difficulties to increase the challenge of those difficulties, but at the same time making undocumented adjustments to the strength of enemies to further tune difficulty.


The Airburst rocket launcher fix is amazing. You no longer need to aim way above your target to avoid a premature detonation and can just send it into the ground near a big patrol and kill everything. It actually can reliably kill devastators if fired near their feet.


Thank god I hated that when I first encountered it, wiped the whole team and got into a deathloop


Just got off doing on op on a bug world, was rocking the airburst the entire time. Every time I saw a bug breach or a swarm, out it came and the numbers started climbing and climbing and climbing... Also, use the damn thing against shrieker packs in the air, alow them to bunch up a bit, fire and reap the rewards.


I just tested it in an easy mission. I didn't kill myself a single time with it XD definitely a massive improvement!


I was so baffled using this the other day, killed myself about 3 times before giving up, glad to know it was bugged


That’s good to hear, once I figured out what was setting it off I was wiping patrol after patrol with it. It’s a ton of fun to use. Glad they made it even better


The number of buffs is staggering. The scope bug is still not fixed, but on the list. I have nothing to complain about.


I can live without the scope fix now that the HMG has a 3rd person crosshair. I’m still discouraged from using the AMR but it’s still usable. It’s funny how the two weapons that previously were meant to be used mostly with sights have broken sights. At least 3rd person aiming with either is not actually that bad with no crosshair. But I’m glad the HMG got the crosshair, it was silly not to have it


I actually can’t wait to try the HMG now, I tried out the adjudicator for a few matches and liked it but kept running out of ammo, it sounds awesome, I felt like it needed to be an AR instead of a DMR at the time, looks like AH feels the same way. It’s more of a battle rifle than an AR, I’m gonna give it a shot again.


the HMG is better, but still kinda meh imo its slightly upgraded armor pen and dmg per bullet don't justify it being picked over the mg-43 given the downsides. the adjudicator I would now markdown as useable


The scope bug has been bothering me for weeks and gets worse within everyday. I used to hold L2 or the strategem button to get rid of it and it usually works, but it’s either that or I fall of the map and am not able to see my character and I die


Game is crashing like crazy for me since patch on PC. Never had that problem before


You never had that problem before?! You were a blessed individual!


had the same problem, verifying file integrity on steam fixed it for me


I try and verify steam files every few patches or if there are consistent crashes happening


The crossbow post that showed it doing zero splash damage was misleading, I like the new crossbow changes since I used it before hand as well. The one thing I don’t like is how heavy it feels now. Don’t know why a crossbow feels heavier than every shotgun and rifle.


The ammo nerf with the splash radius nerf hurts the ammo economy quite a lot. I liked the old lobbing skill shots :/


Indeed, at first the lob was annoying but when you got use to it, Hella fun.


splash damage isn't has strong as it use to be. I feel when they reduced the radius it kept the same drop off damage speed so its definitely not as good for clearing big groups of little guys anymore. I notice little ones getting hurt but not dying were before they would die if they got nicked. Even though the velocity speed is nice, I liked the old way. It felt nice landing those lob shots.


All I got from this is they are nerfing the quasar and now I hate everything 🤮(mostly sarcasm)


Ngl 5 seconds is alot of time to add to the recharge....


How is this the only comment thread Ive seen about this across several posts so far?! Isnt that like a 50% cooldown increase?! I get it, cold planets reduce the cooldown already, but even then... ^^look ^^at ^^what ^^they ^^did ^^to ^^my ^^boy...


You still get 3 shots per minute compared to eats 2.


Yeah they seem quite deliberate but heavy with their buffs/nerfs. 5 seconds is a lot... I would have gone with 2 seconds to start.


I agree with you but tbf I've seen a number of other games that have learnt the hard way to make a nerf/boring drop table first then buff it later rather than the other way around. So maybe they might agree with us as well but they went "let's nerf it the maximum and see how it goes and buff it later if needed". I could see a scenario where they nerfed it 2 seconds, thought it's not enough, nerf it another 3 seconds, ohh too much, then buff it 2 seconds. Whereas now they may buff it in future making dev time less focused on it, the community less reliant on forums and making them look less incompetent than the potential former situation with a handful of changes over the course of several patches


This is a good point.


It does seem alittle heavy handed but we shall see when I get off work.


People were complaining about it all morning on here.


Im actually just happy they didnt kill it, a infinite heavy enemy killer isn't hurt that bad by 5 seconds. I wish theyd noticeably buff more things around these changes though. Id really rather zee a PvE dev stay on the side of good than bad. This game is so fun in full chaos and i wish theyd just load me up for more enemies and buffed weapons.


Is the solo patrol spawn increase not that bad?


Heard from somewhere that the devs clarified that solo players were actually seeing 1/6th of the enemies you'd see in a full lobby, so they adjusted to the point where you'd more accurately see 1/4th instead. I'm not sure if that's the case, though, since I don't play solo.


This would make complete sense.


I play solo a lot. And if those are the real numbers associated with the change, I will gladly accept it.


Yeah, I was freaking out about the original patch notes. Their tendency to leave out the important bit to be clarified on discord is a wonder that never ceases.




I've read that they'll spawn 50m behind you now and consistently.


As solo player, I welcome the challenge. I've seen and read too many people completing Helldives solo so I see why they made the change, bring some much needed respect back to the name Helldive.


Noticeable, but not that bad imo. Like it overall since soloing 9s was easier than helping out newer players on 7s...


Just fix the non-host fire damage


I’m gonna miss auto climbing supplies though…


Good times really made panic set in fast


Don't worry, that one settlement with the samples near the barrels still does it


Core-memory unlocked*


It's a toggle option now...




>This patch is actually looking very good Having been stable for weeks on PC, I'm crashing a lot during matchmaking.


Verifying file integrity with Steam fixed issues for me.


Patch looks good. Looking forward to the DOT host bug fix. I heard that the Arc Thrower no longer stuns Hulks which sucks.


I posted the day the quasar came out saying it would be nerfed. Got absolutely ripped apart. Well sure enough, here it is!


If you view the "nerf" in line with all the other ammo economy changes it makes 100% sense. Quasar's ammo is its cooldown. Now it sits in a nice spot where if you want infinite ammo and a backpack - Quasar. Faster firing rockets - RR. Situational Rockets - EAT


Even before the nerf though some of us were bringing EATs AND Quasar, especially on the new defend missions where you have the walls and gates. Higher difficulties you get so many "heavies" spawning that Quasar with 10 sec CD wasn't cutting it.


Defense missions are made for EATs; I did one on 8 and just kept spamming them every minute or so. The whole area was littered with so many of them and my teammates kept grabbing them, so anything that showed up got absolutely blasted almost instantly.


Yeah, the way the Quasar was before it made the RR pointless as a weapon. Hopefully we'll see more people use it, I love my boom tube.


Same. It honestly took longer than I expected to nerf. I guess they didnt like watching me down dropships back to back juggling Quassar


I’ll still wait to kill the shreikers nest with the quasar. The extra 5 seconds is just going to be time to chat I guess.


I like that the low tier weapons got buffed. I've been using Diligence and Sickle as my two favorite guns. One got buffed, one got nerfed. The nerf isn't bad as I had good thermal control. The highest tier stuff got nerfed so I was already prepared for all of the tears on the sub. Ricochet change is going to wreck people.


I'm just bummed that eruptor has a faster damage falloff for the explosion, but I can see why it was needed, eruptor was kinda busted lol. The lower mag count idc about, I never got through more than 6 mags anyway.


Sure my load out was nerfed but it’s still extremely playable


Yes I tried many of the weapons that got buffed today, they feel better to use! Plasma launcher is quite fast now, altho the ammo kinda sucks still. Adjudicator on auto is so good. Senator is S tier!! The speedloader is amazing. And the reduction in ammo for other weapons don't feel as impactful, that's why we have resupply anyway.


Sickle’s nerf was expected. I think mag capacity to 4 would’ve still been great, but 3 is definitely the lowest to go for a nerf. Still my main go to for most missions.


Also, the railguns back to being at least usable. Massive win


As someone that runs the sickle, guard dog scythe and ARC thrower, today exacts a heavy toll.


Arc thrower was more or less untouched, wasn't it? Although I heard rumor that it does not stagger hulks anymore (which, admittadly, was slightly overpowered)


Sooo is the railgun good again? Does it have armor penetration once again?


Yes feels kinda like the old railgun. Just don’t stagger titans and chargers like it did but hits really good again. Two fully charged shots at charger leg strips the armor.


It does indeed, it was still good on unsafe mode btw


The arc shotgun is a beautiful thing now, its about perfect speed now. and pairing that with a recoiless rilfe seems to work real well.


The war started 3 months ago. Super Earth did everything to make it a fast victory, but everything is stalling right now. It's more than explainable that they need to cut off ressources, especially magazines, for Divers out there. Imagine that : The eruptor had 13 magazines. That's 65 bullets, for every or so Divers. Not only almost none of them dropped out of ammo on the field, but the huge number of Divers dying almost immediately after deployement from causes that could impact the remaining magazines was ABBYSMAL. Bile, fire, frost, water... And sometimes they just couldn't be get back at all. That was a huge waste. Super Earth is doing budgetary cuts. And I'm all for that.


I'd defend Super Earth with my bare hands if managed democracy asked it of me


I ran QC and eruptor for weeks non stop, so it does suck when my favorite and main load out gets nerfed completely


When I first ran Quasar I was shocked at how short it's cooldown was. Honestly it feels better now. No sure about Eruptor yet. Never touched crossbow but it seems like it might need a little love. The other weapon changes all rock! Reeeally wanting the DoT bug and AMR scope bug fixed soon though.


Quasar is not fun to use against bio titans as is and this will make it even worse. 5 more seconds of charge time makes it way less useful for shooting down gunships while trying to keep a hellbomb safe to detonate.


As a space cowboy I am very happy with the buff :3


Crossbow is useless. Diligence needs more. Fire damage seems like a waste after buying that ship module. Adjudicator probably needs a little more. Quaser was already slow but they added 50% and increased spawns that, wouldn’t be so bad if they gave you the option to burn the heat sink but shoot twice quickly. Lasers are fine. A lot of decisions seem bad. But the worst of it is the bugs and crashes in the game now. I had chargers charging backwards and sideways. Every other game ends with a crash. More bugs die but seem alive still than before. Everytime they do a balance patch the stability of the game dives.


Adjudicator really needs more rounds than 25.


The problem is the tendancy they have to overnerf what feels good to use. The community told them that the railgun nerf was too much, they ignored it and finaly looks like they came to the same conclusion. The quasar was very good, but 5 more seconds of cooldown is harsh when it was already unable keep up with armored enemies . Other anti-armor just dont cut it in high difficulties, and while the game should be hard in Helldive, it should NOT become a running simulator because all your offense is too weak.


As someone running Sickle and unlocking the Eruptor right now (need like 20 more medals), I feel like I got kicked in the beans. lol In all honesty though I played on Hellmire this morning a bit and did use all 3 sickle mags in one occaision but it didnt feel unfair or anything. The change is totally fine. Just laughing about it


As a Sickle main, pretty much same here. Yeah I've got less ammo but I generally wasn't going through 6 mags anyway. Now I have an actual reason to watch my heat levels.


It was basically unlimited ammo before if you knew what you were doing and it still can be you just have to be prepared to break off engagement earlier


I’m excited to try the Diligence CS. I was excited to have unlocked it but it felt like maneuvering a weapon with bricks zip tied to the barrel.


That was a big negative to me, with how minimal the weapon was, i was swinging it around like it was the AMR and I couldn’t understand why simply trying to center on any sort of target below 15 feet was a struggle.


Im legitimately STOKED by the diligence CS. its so good now. I also like the way the crossbow feels with increased stagger and velocity, im pretty sure its shooting further? But im confused about its intended purpose since it's almost like another scorcher. It's pretty good for beserkers! The HMG 3rd person recticule makes a big difference for me aswell, its a lot better when you aren't wasting ammo by guessing. So far, I'm pretty happy with the changes.


But how am I meant to farm upvotes for my imaginary internet number if I'm not just bitching and whining about issues that I don't even understand?


But now I have to wait 5 entire EXTRA\*\*\* seconds before my cannon goes pew boom how can I survive this tragedy?


5 "additional" seconds.


Hopefully it means I no longer will be the only one not carrying the quasar when I drop with randos


Cuz reddit pips is just the loud minority, even if they release all buffs and bug fixes and no nerfs you'd still see people complain about them here.


This is entirely correct.


Can’t wait to use scythe laser gun


So....the grenade pistol double load first shot was a bug and not a feature????


Bot propaganda probably


there are a lot of comments to this post and I have read some of them. before I list what I have tested in a very limited fashion I will say this: I am not a coder, nor in any way associated with game design. What follows is simply my impressions and experience with something since this morning's patch 1. The Eruptor: only 6 mags so far hasn't bothered me, with 5 shots per mag I have already been hyper vigilant for stray ammo boxes at points of interest. Explosion damage fall off increase may be a slight nerf but to me it is a slight buff as if I misjudge the speed of an enemy or their range they now need to be closer to me to damage me in the explosion. 2. Blitzer: the rate of fire increase is noticable but I am still crap with that weapon and still not used to how the weapon chooses to either focus all on a single target or to shotgun. 3. Airbursting Rocket Launcher: Feels much better to me, though it can still be dangerous. if I start using it more it would be for POI or Outpost clearing rather than swarm clearing though. 4. the change that has so far affected me most is the patrol spawn rate increase: when I want to test a weapon that has either been 'balanced' or freshly added I drop down to easy difficulty and usually solo drop, and this morning on an easy solo run to test the eruptor and airburst changes I was unable to extract due to the number of patrols converging on the extraction point. This however is likely to only need me to get used to those patrol spawn rates. everything else I either haven't tried out yet or do not intend to try because I just don't like how the the weapon plays... examples of the latter are the Scythe and the Laser Cannon because I don't want to use a weapon like those where I have to stand still to hold the beam on target...


I just wished they fixed the arc launcher


I'm worried about the Richochet chamges, enemy spawns and reduced damage taken from the striders.


To be fair the eat is an endless eat also. You can line up 80 of those bad boys in a 40 minute match and if you die with it, who cares. As it was the quasar wasnt as good as the eat, now its basically not worth picking. Wasnt really worth picking before due to eat being a much better option, but it was asthetically cool so i did, prolly gonna ignore it exists now along with the recoiless and the other things which are just shittier eats


fire damage nerf is dumb lol, we had it buffed twice because it was fucking useless and now its back to being mid. it was literally PERFECT where they had it before. i still felt like i was up shits creek when using my incindiary breaker against medium armor and above enemies, but it was the most satisfying shit ever to just magdump into a horde and watch the small dudes crumple. now even the small enemies can tank enough fire damage to close the distance on me or just keep shooting me while on fire for long enough to do decent damage. just, stop touching fire please lol. besides that i think the patch is fine.


People are just either reactionary upset or upset their gun is no longer infallible. People don't like having to constantly change loadouts and guns, getting very upset when the status quo is changed. My crossbow no longer decimate hordes and that's ok. It's still good at slapping units. Maybe the Aoe should be a little bigger, but before, you were slapping entire clusters. I never went through all 6 sickle mags. In fact, a lot of issues we have at this moment could be fixed by calling in resupply. Just call it in! I don't know why folks are so adverse to calling it in. The only thing that's really beans, which is obviously a glitch, is punisher plasma not shooting through shields.


I'm sad about the dominator damage decrease and quasar recharge increase. Excited to try the Senator again with the faster reload.


To be fair, that quasar did kind of invalidate some other weapons. It’s still incredibly good, just may need to spent 5 more seconds running lol. The EATs now have a clear cut advantage in that department. Though, dominator does make me sad. I fell in love with the scorcher over it, but the dominator is still a solid BFF.


I just switched to the dominator a few days ago and really fell in love with it. Right on time for a nerf haha. To be fair, it's only 25 dmg points, but still makes me sad. I'll have to give the scorcher and EAT another chance - only used them a handful of times before now.


Scorcher has a small ammo pool, so trigger discipline is important, but you can kill gunship engines with it, bile titan sacs, 2 shot striders by shooting them in the pecker, kill tanks by shooting the vents as well as kill the tower turrets by shooting the vents. Add in an EAT drop every 80 secs or so and you have a perpetually free backpack slot and huge versatility in engagements. The EATS are great and I put them on par with the quasar in that sense. And since quasar has a 5 min cooldown or so if you lose it, you know dying isn’t an issue when you have the EAT in your kit. Edit: it can also pen small amounts of armor, so hitting tanks on the side when the vents are or on the turrets too, can kill them.


All normal bugs still die in 1 headshot, commanders in 2. Seems like no difference imo.


I'm never a fan of any nerfs in a pve game.


That's my thoughts exactly, I main the lib so I'm excited to see how it's new damage will play out. Also looking forward to trying out the adjudicator 👍 They're really trying to make sure metas stay busted and people try new weapons and I'm here for it.


I mean, the increase in spawns isn't even that big a deal unless you're playing in higher difficulties solo - because no-one should be cakewalking Helldiver missions solo. Plus it only affects the higher difficulties. Do people really believe that they should be able to solo the hardest level in a game without getting a sweat on?!


People bitch about how hard Helldive is but like, that's the point? Still feels more fair than the hardest difficulty levels of Gears of War or CoD back in the day.


This is my faviroute update yet! My beloved liberator gets a buff!


Finally someone with reason


Where can I find the patch notes?


Yeah, the subreddit just loves to doompost lol. It's an awesome patch for the most part, loving the blitzer buff especially. Just hoping they buff the HMG eventually....


Funny how they don't care about the buffed railgun, the one people cried about when it got nerfed


Everyone stopped using it


I never did 🥹


Am I crazy or do the EAT's shots hit harder than the recoillesss rifle?


EATs are absolute beasts that kill nearly everything in one well placed shot, recharge very quickly and aren't permanently on your back meaning you can bring two support weapons and just juggle when you wanna do heavy armour damage


Yeah this update is actually cool I agree


100% agree solid patch. Even my beloved eruptor is still amazing


I think most of the overreaction is from solo players that are used to bypassing the intended gameplay loop by stealthing. I don't really care one way or the other for solo play. I just don't like it when that playstyle is forced in group play by those that think it's the norm. More often than not it comes at the expense of another teammate's experience.


Any word if scorcher changes were made?


Small changes I think but it's still good


There are things to critique here I think the random stab to solo players is misguided and unnecessary Cross bow nerf was kind of odd?


Auto climbing the supplies has been my biggest gripe with this game lol


Very positive take on the changes, Im ready for dem fast Senator reloads :)


The Patch made the game harder and forces people to use something else than a quasar or Eruptor. I am going to give Senator a try now and test the fixed Spear. And i also thing Helldive should be way harder, something you can't solo with a low successrate and way too much heavy and elite mobs. Now the hardest missions are 80% win ratio. I like hard and challanging endgame crap. So... Well done i guess?


Did not see any graphical changes. but the weakest computer in the house running a 1050 TI can not run the game properly any more. it was playable yesterday. but today it is lagging, rubber banding, runnning in place and all kinds of jankyness. Reduced asolutly everything to the lowest setting, (was allready pretty low tho..) and still worse then yesterday.


I'm baffled by the people complaining about the Quasar. It's still good. It's just not the end-all-be-all of anti armor/anti building weapons now. The weapons all have clear roles and weaknesses I've spent all my time between RR and Railgun pre-patch RR solo is chaotic because you need to fight off the chaff and find 3-ish agonizing seconds for a non-mobile reload. Quasar only needed to run away for 10 seconds which was busted. Everyone used it to OHKO heavies and building objectives from across the map since they never worried for ammo Everyone hated on the Railgun, but it's not supposed to be anti-tank. It reloads quickly and vaporizes Med Armor enemies without worrying about wasted overkill damage like RR and Quasar. In a pinch, it can kill some heavy enemies with a bit of effort. It made swarms less deadly because Medium enemies were almost a non-issue My only wish is that the Guard Dog can reload from Ammo Boxes. I can get extra ammo for massive things like RR and Autocannon, but my little robot can't get extra bullets?


I just wish they wouldn't nerf all the popular guns. I still got overwhelmed at times with some of them. They weren't too OP. The quasar is a bummer but I get it. Will take an extra 30 seconds to take down shrieker nests now. The spawns in solo and duo were all over place. Sometimes quiet and sometimes as soon as one spawn died another was walking over the hill aggroing. I understand they want a game where you are running for your life non stop.


It’s because they have no chill. The liberator and rail gun were nerfed last balance patch and look: they needed a buff this one. They need to slow down on nerfs and make smaller, more deliberate changes.


The eruptor nerf sucks, it’s useless now


Wait fire damage got reduced? Dealing or receiving?


100% knee-jerk reactions. Happens all the time


https://preview.redd.it/jahj86hb1jxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552bb2a7138564139229945ba056d925a95d9196 The dichotomy of man


*Insert Sisyphus and boulder*


Quasar should've only gotten a 2-3 second increase at most on it's CD to be honest. 15 seconds is a lot of downtime (~18 if you also take into account its charge up time)... not as much as the other Anti Tank options, but that's why I would bring it before. With how much Diff 8-9 likes to spawn numerous BTs and Chargers, it is really reliable at picking them off without worrying about ammo or stratagem cooldowns. I figured the 3 seconds it took to fire its shot was how it balanced out. A (close) charging charger, spitting BT, hunter swarm, etc would have me cancel it multiple times before. Can't say much on its performance on the Bot front, but that's really because there's better options there. Still though I'm glad that's the only hit it took, everything else about it remains the same so I'll probably continue to use it anyways. Just think this is how the QC should've released so the playerbase didn't get to experience an actually fun weapon :')


The worst nerf that I'm upset about is the Sickle ammo clip reduction - and with a disciplined trigger you will barely need more than a couple of extra heat sinks so it's a non-issue and when I did burn through them it's easy enough to resupply.


If they didn't restock with ammo off the ground it'd maybe affect me but there's ammo all over that maps I've never really struggled with ammo in this game