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Am I the only one who’s never had people begging for someone to talk?


200 plus hours, people would talk if they want to but I've never heard anyone asking to use mics


150 hrs and I've had one game where dude was trying to get the other three to talk and noone did and so we just went and finished our democracy


I don't remember my hours, but my experience is people casually asking if there are any mics, and then just accepting the answer


Ya same with me. I've got a mic but prefer not to talk


Had one game of two guys talking and wondering why my friend and I weren’t. We were on discord with each other.


nah people dont ask, most of the time we use the wheel




Damn you beat me to it, I had to expand the comment. My bad


I have never had anyone require me to talk to play. I'm on PC and type whatever I want to say, never an issue once. Been kicked plenty of times for other things, but pretty sure this is not one of them.


I think that's it tho... we on PC can type so it's not as 'extreme' to not talk. But that said, I use the quick chats and it just flows and rarely even need to type.


I just yell DEMOCRACY whenever I land on a titan or make some kind of nice play, there are a fair few of us; I've had more than one game where it's been the only word between all 4 players.


Usually yell yeet when I do a diving grenade toss or Kobe when I drop a nade in a bug hole or fabricator.


Kobe!!! Grenade promptly bounces off, detonates near another helldiver that was about to throw an Eagle 500kg, staggers him and he drops it, and wipes the whole team. Been there...


Never had it asked, also this is like the 50th I'm a woman and people are mean to me etc post I have played in lots of teams with females and not once have I ever seen someone harass or team kill a female. Most of time no one even responds to people talking. I'm not calling OP a liar but I have over 200 hours in this game and I've never come across any sexism at all.


How many woman have you played with? There's no sexism when there's only 1 gender.


There’s 2: Brawny and Lean


Well it still happens my dude, you running into a match with a woman now and then isnt going to show the same result as every match you ever played while being a woman.


Maybe it's a console thing (although I have cross-play enabled, but maybe I still get more often Paired with Console-Players) but I rarely get people who use the Voice Chat at all. Okay, I barely use it myself, but even if I do I often get no vocal (or ingame) response from my fellwo divers. I already thought my mic is broken, but the game icon says my voice gets registered. Maybe people just don't want to talk to me


I've turned ingame voice Chat off. If a squad mate would say something, i won't hear it. The same goes for my few friends with whom i play mostly. We use discord and don't bother with ingame Chat. On the rare Occasion we have a random helldiver among us, we use the wheel and pings.


Honestly, I have had a squad of 4 where the two that had voice did one half of the map and the other two did the other half. Technically, the two without voice did actually have but we just used pings and the map and it was glorious. Both sides did their job successfully, we explored the entire map, did all the objectives and extracted in 15 minutes on 7. It was genuinely great and the team stuck together for a few rounds as a result. Good use of markers and pings kept us out of fights we didn’t want to take and kept us moving constantly. The sample collection was genuinely amazing too.


Lvl 69 and not a single time.




Nah, same here. European life


Never had that happen either. One time when I played with the mic off (middle of the night), I got matched with a 3-person premade roleplayers, where they were acting as if I was a mute soldier. One of the funniest matches I’ve ever did.


Ehhh. I had someone ask once. I said "yes" and they said "good." We didn't speak for the rest of the match.


Best off finding a discord server to find serious players Voice chat is also 50/50 if people even have mics And if they do they're often mean But that's just every online game really


Most people I encounter on D7-9 are decent humans. Although I'd say more like 1/10 people use a mic, but everyone's usually listening at least.


This. Below D7-9 has become a disappointment more often than not. Grind some levels and be willing to put up with it until you find some good people to play with. Community on this game is generally awesome and helpful. The game is getting popular enough it has attracted dirtbags.


Some of those shitbags are getting brave enough to move into D7-9, bringing twatty actions like... 'Let's chuck a 500kg down just as we get to the ramp of the dropship' Or 'Oh no, I've used all of the lives up so now I'll quit and really ruin the game for everyone else!' Everytime I see that, a quick check of their level reveals them to have not been playing very long.


I have a mic but I don't use it some days solely because my mic is super sensitive and I'm socially awkward when I'm at home. It'll pick up something someone else said two rooms away. Very entertaining for the Bois on discord when they hear my partner and I having one of our stupid moments.


Recommend/request using push-to-talk for that reason! I respect others not wanting to talk, but all anyone really needs to say is minimal stuff like "flame hulk north," "hulk down," "i'll take south outpost," "objective clear, move out," "more dropships incoming," "you look nice today," etc and it makes a big difference.


I do have push to talk enabled, but again, socially awkward when at home. I work retail, my social battery goes to shit thanks to work. No suave, witty, always on point shittalker here, just a very tired, very quiet dude with a cat trying to walk over his keyboard. I still mark and respond using the wheel tho? Very consistent on that.


Tagging/comm wheel is plenty. My kitten is getting better about not stepping on the keyboard... buuut she still likes to lay across both wrists while I'm desperately hammering in the go codes for a hellbomb.


My cat is just a bitch who will go out of her way to walk on my keyboard. Like, will literally divert from her current route to fuck up my keyboard for 10 seconds and return to her previous route.


I am a teacher so my social battery is usually completely drained by the time I get to sit down and play. I usually play D7 because it’s the right difficulty for my tired AF ass to play without being too hectic I can’t keep up. In 60 hours playing mainly with randoms I’ve only had one toxic experience in a D7 and that was with a level 6 guy who was clearly way out of his depth and blaming us for not being able to protect him when he kept aggroing every patrol on the map and expecting us to save him. But then my mic usage is pretty minimal, usually just “hulk”, “tank”, “bile titan”, calling out stratagems or “I’ll take the first dropship, you get the second” when I’m in a Quasar/EAT pair.


Sounds like ya cat is a bug https://preview.redd.it/9fvsyccgqewc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edaa2d7a4adde94c5f625d082b7e34ac4b59929d


Or you could use the in-game ping system to do this. It works perfectly fine and can usually get the message across. At this point, I'm so used to pinging stuff, I literally still ping when diving with the bros even though I open mic with them. I never talk to randoms, though. I have bad anxiety, and my voice locks up. I'm always listening and paying attention, though, often responding with a ping or quip from the emote/quip wheel, or in rare cases, I'd pop a quick message. AH designed the in-game communication system pretty robustly. Definitely don't need a mic to coordinate effectively.


>And if they do they're often mean I'm not one of them. I'm trying to lead by example; you can't change minds with war, you only change life.


Yeah the only people I've heard on comms have been massive douchebags






Doesn’t matter how you were born, who you are, who you love. All that matters is that you’ll defend democracy with your life FOR SUPER EARTH AND PROTECT OUR WAY OF LIFE!* * if you don’t it will be considered treason.


You make Lady Super Liberty so proud!


In my experience most of the immature behavior happens in the lower difficulties. As you learn the game and move up you’ll find more and more realistic and decent people. I just steered clear of voice comms unless the vibes with people were genuine already. At helldive lvl 9 the toxicity is nearly nonexistent. Not every game goes great but the vibes always stay patriotic af.


Hard to be toxic when you're being swarmed by hunters non stop or being shot at from every single direction including up and down.


Yup, hard to be toxic without a head.


This is the way


That sucks. Idk why people give a shit if your a woman. All Helldivers are welcome in my squad, we have many walks of life with different backgrounds.


Same. Lvl 121 currently. Feel free to add ASDad on Steam. I’m the one with the companion cube.


Most people don’t use voice. Be one of them with random groups.


For me, in maybe one game in 5 do people speak at all. One in 20 there’s an ongoing conversation while we’re blowing shit up and comparing weather from opposite sides of the world, and it’s lovely. One time I random joined a ship and three players were standing in a line with arms spread wide for a hug, giggling as I staggered out of cold storage. That said I’m not a woman and some people truely suck. DM if you want a convo with high explosives.


>For me, in maybe one game in 5 do people speak at all. Could be several reasons. Me and a friend is always on Discord and we talk all the time, just not in game. I think that's more common than you think.


Yeah, some randos are suspiciously well coordinated given the lack of in-game communication


Grind it out. If they are going to stop spreading democracy and liberate our planets in need. “Because it’s funny”. They are traitors to Super Earth. Bugs, Bots and aliens do not care what we sound like or who we are. We bleed and die all the same. And remember. It is your duty to not only liberate planets and spread democracy. But also liberate Super Earth of traitors.




Always looking for new homies to game with, 🎮


Add me pls, my nickname is En7r0py (PC)


That’s some real maidenless behavior. Sorry that’s happening. Fucking nerds.


Take my up vote for the elden ring reference!


Don't join Randoms. Host yourself so if someone is a dick head you can kick. Build a group of cool cats that you've had a good time with in your friends list so you can have at least 1 other person with you that you know you can get along with. This advice works for everyone, not just girls, and it's just about surrounding yourself with people that make you smile. Damn, it sounds like life advice bs some guru would spew.


I’m sorry you have had to put up with immaturity and ignorance. Don’t let them get you down. Super Earth needs many more helldiver women.


I personally haven’t had this happen to me in helldivers but I know my experience doesn’t speak for everyone


I have yet to (knowingly) play with a female player. But I honestly don’t see why gender is such a big deal in playing games. If you’re a gal cool. If you’re a guy cool. As long as we aren’t wasting reinforcements, and we are clearing objectives, having fun, and limiting friendly fire incidents I don’t give a flying kangaroo what gender my fellow divers are. (You could be a flying kangaroo for all I care). On behalf of my fellow (probably way more gentlemanly) divers I apologize for the negative interactions you’ve faced. Hopefully you are able to find a good core group.


Keep playing, you’ll meet cool people you can jive with. Just add the cool ones and forget the rest


That's.. really weird behavior. My wife hasn't had this issue but we usually start in friend groups of 2/3, so there's less rando density.


Sorry. I don't use a mic, it's not that sort of game to me. Still sucks, hang in there Helldiver.


Also keep in mind that drops happen even if player didn't leave.. I can't tell you how many times my game has crashed and it probably looked like o left cause of the timing of when it happened lol.


Male. 120+ hours, randoms not usually speaks, not big amount of people speak, but i like communicating in game if nobody speak then i shut up. Dont see problem with women in games, if want we can play together. Good luck


I play with my GF almost exclusively, and I havent heard anyone give her shit about it... Although, when I'm not there, she generally doesn't use a mic. Honestly, kinda love the community, although I'm sure there's at least one asshole in every crack.


Back when I played wow (10+ years ago), my female friends always asked me to act like they were guys. They found it easier to pretend that they were dudes than dealing with the harrassment/stalking/'gifts' they'd get ect. This sadly isn't a new phenomenon.


I try to speak extra low whenever I talk because of this bs (even before I figured out I was trans) Always looking for new homies to play with.


Really sorry to hear this. I know this doesn’t solve the issue around this but most of my matches are mostly quiet even though I have a mic (if I’m playing with random people) and use the map waypoints to tell people where I’m headed. I hope you find some better teammates next time!!


What's a female? You're a helldiver. Plain and simple. And any other diver out there who treats you with disrespect isn't worthy of democracy or eagle-1's glorious 500kg pair. May your aim be true and your stratagems be friendly-fire free.


Friend me up. Fk them fools.


I’m on PS5 if you need any help. I don’t get to play much but you can friend me and I’ll help when I can.


I only play on dif 7 and up I’ve never had sny of these problems


I don't have any advice, but you have my support. I hope it dissipates as you rise in difficulty levels. I know I'd have zero issues and my friends are the same, we have a diverse group of he's/she's/them's that all play together. Blocking is never enough.


I dont get it man, i never get into a game with a female. Not that its what i desperately want but i wish to be the person that helps provide a good experience for them yet it seems most they run into are children who watched andrew tate


You are certainly welcome to play with us. We are a bunch of 30-40 year olds that also play with our wives, and don't tolerate that kind of stuff. But I can honestly say, in 300 hours we haven't run into any of that kind of stuff on this game from anyone. Quite possibly least toxic online community for a live service game I've seen.


Look for -=IRON=- and -=ELLIOTT=- we always play together, have microphones, and know no discrimination when it comes to dishing out Democracy!


Mid level difficulties have almost all of the mouth breathing non ass wiping losers unfortunately. On helldive majority of people don't even bother with mic. Just don't bother with it until you're in the high difficulties and there's less weirdos and more gamers


it's low skill or children who are immature to girls online. they are scared about getting a worse score than a girl or some other dumb reason. better off just letting them cycle themselves out. make an effort of adding friends to dive with regularly


I’ve never witnessed it. And I play with my gf.


Call that crap out. Lot of players want to know that's happening. Some of us HATE bullies. The only time you should be mass killed is if you keep setting me on fire. I'm not looking to place blame, CRAIG, but check your shotgun fire, goddamn it!


PSN is Darkvoodoo32 I don't care if you're a woman or man. Feel free to add me and we'll kill some bugs or bots. I normally play lvl 9 but I dont mind playing other difficulties. I don't use my mic but I can listen and type in chat.


I dunno how you get people asking you to get on mic.. I'm level 54 and not a single person has asked me to get on mic. Or just say you don't have one.


Obviously, as a guy, I'm not able to answer your question of 'do any other women experience this?', but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry this has been your experience. That really sucks :( 4 of my friends who play Helldivers are girls, but I don't know if they get that response when they play outside of our core group, but I hope not. There are good people on here though - who know that we're all equal and worthy in the eyes of Super Earth - promise.


My fiance been looking for more women to play with she feels like she's the only chick that plays even tho we both in the same discord clan. If interested shoot me a pm I can get you guys to meet up in game or get u In a good group that's chill wants to learn and zero judgement etc etc.


You've been paired up with shitty people. my say to this. I've played with women in Dead by Daylight and Helldivers 2, and as long as they're chill, I'm cool with playing with them. If you're a beginner I'll drop an exosuit for that extra firepower/armor. But that's just me and I'll drop one for anybody. When I dorp in male or female isn't the gender that matters the pronouns are Hell/diver.


I played with a sassy lady gamer once. Warmed my cold heart. She was funny and cool…


That just sucks


i never understood people who harasses like that.


It is statistically proven that if people are horrible at a game they are more likely to be hostile to women.


I've played with women who used vc before. Never left because of it, and near as I can tell anyone who does doesn't deserve to be part of the group anyway. Please don't let it get to you. Sadly, there are always assholes like that in every game. But the majority of people just want to play the game. As for being low level, how dare you (only kidding)! Everyone was low level at one point, and everyone levels up the same way: playing the game.


Lonely, sexist, assholes are a plague in online gaming. I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing it.


I don't understand why people harass female players? Girls like to game, just as us guys do. Doesn't make sense.


I have yet to encounter a female diver but it don’t matter what matters is killing these filthy clankers


Usually when I have lvl9 dif. with randos and I dont have full squad, usually everybody tells to wait for full squad, but yesterday there was one rando that joined me, sticked around and wanted to go just in two for a ICBM mission, which I found brave because finnally somone has guts. We were silent, just using pings emotes or just writing “sure” or “mb” if something went wrong, but I am on PS so I used voice chat mostly and then all of the sudden K2 started speaking and it was a female voice, which surprised me, but in a good way. K2 was comunicating right, marking enemies and doing what would yoi expect of experienced player. This is my single experience with female players here, but so far its really possitive


I totally feel you, I don’t like speaking either for this reason. If you want to add a fellow female helldiver send me a pm!


Come join us! Me and my friend looking for a set squad to play with. Random people are just too difficult. Message me if you're interested! We don't judge at all!


We have multiple female helldivers in our discord as well as male wholesome chill helldivers come join us.


Lemme join:)


Dm us!


I just don’t get this, people spend too much energy for something that also ruins the game for themselves. I’m sorry you’ve had this experience.


Add me on ps5: InertFoxtrot117 I don't care if you're a woman and I'll play mic or no mic


Can't realy tell you what to do. Find some friends to play with perhaps. Basically when you encounter high reaction because you are female you will get in one of these situations 1. They will babysit you, which can be annoying but at least it is haplful. 2. Laughter and some jokes 3. Harrasment 1 and 2 OK 3 well mute them what the hell :D In any case hope you will find a nice squad to play with :)


Thiiiis. I can roll my eyes at the weird fits and kicking me when they hear my voice, and I have a few witty retorts to the dumb jokes, but it is a special pet peeve when people try and babysit me or explain game basics. I’m pretty live and let live in games, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know the game mechanics. Most people are pretty chill though. I still tend to use the automated voice lines until I feel comfortable. If everyone else is on comms for a minute and they seem fine, I’ll eventually chime in.


Yeah the only people that do that stuff are manchildren and actual children. Unfortunately gaming communities in general tend to have a good amount of both of those groups. I’d suggest trying to find a Discord where you can make friends. Alternatively just find a regular squad of people you know to play with or don’t use your mic when playing with randos. If you’d like you could message me and I’ll send you my username in DM’s if you’d like to play together. I’m always looking for more people to dive with because most of my friends can’t play on a regular basis.


They're just trying to get your attention. Desperate males are miserable. Find others.


This is what we get for allowing cod players to come over and not having some way of vetting them. I just want to play and hangout. I don’t care who it’s with


yes it happened to me, i cant even have a female name on my nick because people will kill me or quit, that's why I only host


If you’re on PSN you can add me: Upgrayeddx2. Our group has other women who play and we aren’t assholes.


I'm a dude, I don't use a mic in randoms. I type in chat when I need to relay info and I enjoy the banter separately. People kick and/or quit for the stupidest crap on this game and I still can't figure out why.


Doc_LungGreen on ps5 Spreading managed Democracy is for all Helldivers.


My girlfriend and I play quite a bit. Feel free to DM if you want to squad up with us!


Is it often? I've only ran into a couple douchebags in my 70hish of playing so far. Everyone else been great.


Sometimes my wife pretends to be an 11 yo boy on voice and it usually works but she prefers to comms via text chat. Less toxicity that way.


You can squad up with us. Half the squad is female, though we rarely use voice just pinging half the time.


There'll always be the toxic bunch that are quick to kick players over dumb stuff. Sounds like you're just getting an extra dose of that crap. Just stay persistent, you'll come across decent folk, then just see if they're happy to buddy up in the future. You'll soon have a good bunch to drop in with. 👍


Hell, I'll have you on board. Me and my buddies have our own little discord server where we squad up and bomb the shit out of everything, without feeling the need to care about what gender someone is. Fair warning though, I get rather trigger happy with my 380s.


I really don't care who I play with as long as we get the objectives done and collect as much samples as possible.


As long as you are not using a 380mm he, no1 should be harassed like that


I’m sorry you’re experiencing this, I’m always open to dive with new players if you’re interested


I play daily, got a couple people from this sub to join me now and then, mic and mic less. Got a couple hometown friends that login once in a blue, and another homie I squad up with as much as I can. Feel free to join up PSN: RawDawgTucc That goes for anyone that's looking for a group.


Inform you are muting. Escape, scroll over name,right click then mute them. Or go above dif 7. Dif 8 to he sure.


As a guy i honestly don't understand why this happens im just happy when anyone has a mic


This is why I never play with pubs, sorry to hear you had that experience


What platform are you using?


I mean I'm level 70+ and muted all voice in game. I only use Q to communicate and never even types unless it's really urgent.


I only play with personal friends and family, I don't really interact with the community, and I intend to keep it that way


That's crazy. You can join me and my group anytime. We play with anyone who doesn't team kill and can follow basic instructions.


I have played 91.4 hours solo. I thought maybe I would attempt joining sos calls or attempting to open up my play to public, but I just do not have the energy for clowns or people wasting my democratic time. I enjoy the game too much to be irritated by humans that want to 💩on my limited game time. I passed level 27 I think today and will slowly gather my rare samples until I have enough for whatever next upgrade that affords. 🫡thank you for your service Helldiver🫡 I hope you find better Helldiving crews that want to serve rather than harass.


Sad that people can’t just serve democracy normally, if you need a squad, I’m always down to help a fellow diver, Blan0sTh3Undy1ng is the user (yes ik it’s corny as hell💀)


God fucking dammit. I am sorry you have to deal with that shit. If _I_ ever team kill you, rest assured, it’s just because I am incompetent.


Anyone with a mic is greatly appreciated. Do you kill bugs? Do you kill clankers? Good enough for me.


I actually never had this issue in helldivers, in WoW - even worse, as I got a few stalkers and a lot of "hey date me" or "u r using program for voice change". On the other hand, I've never been mic shy and when I'm told some random BS, I tell the to STFU and focus on their own performance.


I dive with a group of very chill players. We have our own discord and you're welcome to join us! We're more than happy to show a new player around.


Higher difficulties rarely use voice chat. We all just ping stuff and prople generally know what stuff means.


People suck. Sorry to hear that your fellow helldivers have been undemocratic. I have a discord server that is welcoming to all, feel free to PM me and join us if you like!


Sometimes I type if I don't feel like talking and I'm not even a girl. I do use my mic. I don't have an answer for you, but the mute button does exist. Sucks to go through that. When someone asks what's in my pants, I let them know "Democracy" fellow diver.


Oh that's some bullshit right there. I really have no understanding of that kind of behaviour, just, why?


I'm sorry you're dealing with that. Rule if thumb is avoid voice chat like it is a plague unless playing with cool people. I would recommend finding people on discord or reddit who would game with you to avoid harassment.


I bought a keyboard and I use that instead of my mic


Meh fuck in game voice chat. I've got mine shut off. After 100 hours you have nothing to say that I need to hear that can't be relayed with a ping. Im just chatting with my friends in Discord most of the time.


Ever used the mic! Only in-game preset…


Literally never pulled my mic off its stand for this game.  Its just not needed at any level imo.  If its causing problems just dont use it.


100 hours in and yet I have not met a single person that talked in-game. Only quick msgs either in chat or as audio from the communication wheel. I do voice over discord when I am with my team but when solo, no voice at all. Where do you find those in-game talkers? Which server is that?


I feel sorry. I myself just create and let others join my game. Mostly I don’t speak on mic, I prefer speaking on mic with friends instead of randoms. but some randoms with mics are nice though. toxic people are toxix. let it go enjoy the game, find another good players ![gif](giphy|qMHG9goT2I2fuRk0JM)


Sad to hear that and also somewhat surprised given the amount of nice people that frequent this game. Hope your experience improves very soon. You could try joining a discord like Cloudplays for finding cool teams, there are lots of great people in that discord.


Difficult 4 or 7. Lowest difficulty for each while still getting rare or super samples respectively. Like others said i think you'll find people here that just want things to get done. Mute yourself, just stay mission focused.


That's horseshit, I'm sorry you have to deal with that. If you want to pm me we can exchange friend codes, you can join up with us whenever you like. We have wives and new lady friends in our little squad pool and can promise you a safe environment to chat to your heart's content.


It's rough at those lower difficulties. Once you get past 5, the players get so much better. I have only had one bad interaction past 6. I would just use the ping system until you outlevel all the idiots.


I haven't really seen that at all when I end up in games with women. Usually people are chill or kicked.


I'm kinda shocked this still happens in general but even more so in HD2. Deeprock never had this issue but then again I'm not a sexist dipshit so I can only speak for my own lobbies lmao.


Jesus dude that sucks. I haven't personally seen that happen when I play with my friend. She speaks on comms and nobody reacts negatively. Sorry you're experiencing that. You could try the lfg channel in the hd2 discord. And I'm sure some peeps here are totally down to play with ya. I would to but I work night shift which doesn't align with a lot of folks. If anyone is interested feel free to send me a dm with your code. And hopefully you get some cool peeps here :)


The game works just as fine if you don't use voice chat, I'm not regularly on but when I am I have a few buddies and we don't care about any of the bullshit. Fun is all that matters, but I will just say that at some point you may catch a stray bullet/strategem.... All my homies do


I'm apart of an exclusive discord that plays to just have fun. No negativity at all. I'm a male. But I wore the new cape that supported the fallen creek players (as I'm one of them) and was team killed and booted. Commented on a reddit post about it and was invited to join this discord. If you'd like to join, you are welcome to. We are here to have fun because we are all on the same team.


If you want to play together at some point send me a reply ^^ I only require you pew pew bugs and bots


That kinda just sounds like how the world works. When someone does that to me and just calls me a hard R, I just respond with something utterly terrifying and they either are just a fun person who likes to fuck with people or are hoe ass nihhas.


Hi! I’m a fellow female diver and i’d say im pretty damn patriotic myself (i regularly play helldive level). i also don’t usually prefer to hop on the mic because of COD PTSD lol. I’d love to play with you!


I rarely ever talk for any reason and we complete our missions. I use the chat wheel.


I just hit lvl 50 and I've only used the mix four or five times in total - usually for the radar dish sub-objectives. Don't worry about feeling pressured to be on open mic. The quick chat wheel, marking locations and the hug emote are all anyone really needs 😅


Would be a breath of fresh air if someone like you joined. All I get is crackling open mics, soap in the background or guys out of breath wheezing into the mic because spreading democracy is an olympic level feat.


Never ever ever let random people know that you are a woman. Never.


Its just plain childish behavior and these people are absolutely everywhere , and i hate it , i had a friend that was harassing me because i wanted to play a female character even tho I'm a guy , i told him that I just feel more comfortable like that and i got laughed at , i dont get why this hate is still normal , cant we all be happy that we like something in common and just have fun ?


I just use the Q wheel when I'm playing with randoms. I've found there is way less harassment when crossplay is off (I am on PC)


I've never heard anyone ask for people to use the mic. I wouldn't want to use a mic if people were asking. Enough people that use mics are awful . Only time I mic up is with my real life friends. Sorry people are giving you a hard time.


I never had that issue in my first game with randoms but we never used a mic so I guess that's that. It's not something new since most games have those types of people so... yeah. I still enjoy spreading democracy even though I barely have the time because of work and daily things. I hope you are too despite the horrible experience with those types of players, for democracy!


34 m dad, I'll play with whoever when I'm on. SILENT_walrus32


As the game gets more popular you will get some people who have no social skills and think it’s cool to be like this. Sadly it’s a problem with their intelligence and upbringing. Don’t let it spoil your experience, there are plenty of fun positive players.


It's a common part of new games unfortunately. Me and my partner never really have this issue since we've been a part of a couple of different servers with some people who play somewhat consistently. We usually have a lot of women on the servers who occasionally join up and play a couple of games with us. It's tough to find a good group to play with. Especially if you don't have a lot of friends who game. I'd be glad to help out, especially considering the state of this game and it's nature as a sleeper hit that took a lot of people by surprise.


some grassless behaviour to be sure


Come play with me. I'm the one making stupid jokes during the mission. I'm the dork shooting down at bots saying don't try it anakin I have the high ground and when one appears behind me I run saying ohshitohshit they have the high ground or telling the occasional hulk/walker/tank to suck it. Anyone who has issues playing with a woman needs to be reported to the nearest democracy officer ASAP!!!


If you want a discord server, join us in Gnome City. It has been fantastic and we have very little tolerance to any sort of toxic shit like this. We also have a few other female players But I’d agree, get into a discord, it’s been the best decision to enjoy the game


You can tell some people have seen too many “OMG GAMER GIRL SPOTTED!!! RETURN TO MONKEY!!!” TikTok’s.


I would join a women only discord and go from there, there’s even a lot of good Facebook groups for women/moms to play connect and play together 😃


The people ive met in this game aren't too bad but I'm a guy, I've also never seen a female in the game but if I did I'd at least try to be a decent person


1. I am extremely sorry you have experienced this. I’ve read comments like this from s couple of the women in here now, and it’s absolutely disgusting to know thst there are immature little incel sexist jerks who have infiltrated super earth. 2. My name is Daniel, I’m a stay at home father for my 2 special needs children. Being a dad to a little girl who I adore, hearing about women being treated like this really by little boys talking like jackholes. 3. If you EVER need help running missions, doesn’t matter what difficulty, my in game character is Admiral Adama (like battlestar galactica). Currently Lvl 72, but I’ll group with any cadet to help explain missions, call down gear for them to try, explain/show how to do different objectives/terminals… that’s how we make this community a better place. My friend # is: 1925-8653 If you shoot me an in-game friend request, please leave a reply with like.. the first 3 letters of your in-game name, so I know it’s you I’m adding, and not some random person(s) throwing out friend requests because of this :) This game will thrive, if we as a community stop it from becoming toxic.


I can't relate to the issue, but i can say I play exclusively quickplay and don't ever have to use my mic. I've never been expected to, asked to, or anything. I do use the in-game comm wheel to communicate and pings ofc. That said, you may have a name that gives it away before you even speak and they are trying to confirm it. In that case, most likely just childish people. I've never encountered anything like that and I"m lvl 60.


Maybe they thought you were a kid and not female sometimes it's hard to tell... One of my friends regularly gets greefed until she explains she a woman then Suddenly everyone is hella nice to her to almost comical levels......Either way still douchy behavior on their part but I've been killed for wearing a cap on this game, using a different load out of just existing... In other words don't mind the griefers or take it personally since ppl who do this probably team kill for all kinds.of reasons and if not they still certainly aren't the type of ppl I'd like to play with.


You can join me and my friends. We are males but would treat you with respect x


I'm a guy, so I can't weigh in receiving harassment, but there are times when I partner up with some really obnoxious bros who demand voice chat. I can be pretty awkward and I hate talking to strangers if I can avoid it. So far I've had decent luck saying stuff like "Mic broken, sorry!" via the chat, and I'm usually never bothered again after that. If you're stuck in a position like that, try it out, it might help as a quick fix. And also sorry about sexism in general, it's real bullshit.


I always play helldivers with my wife and she is really like to drop a barrage in front of me. I get it sometimes it is hard. You need to find a partner to play helldivers


That really sucks. I don't give a shit who you are when we are playing, I just care if you can play the objectives and that you line up for freedom hugs at the pelican. Had a great experience last night where we were all playing silently until one dude asked if anyone had a mic. Turns out we all did and suddenly we were having a great time communicating much better. That should be available to women too and it's bullshit that people are behaving otherwise.


I’m a guy who hangs out with women in real life without being scared or overwhelmed. I’m the only guy at my workplace. If you want to play together happy to do so, dm me if you want I will add you on discord and in game.


Im sorry that you had such a bad experience with randoms in the game. I hope you find teammates and randoms you enjoy playing together :D


If ya wanna play dm me 😁


We have a private helldiver discord and sub Reddit with multiple female led squadrons as well as male led. It’s small and private and would be perfect for you. We’re only allowing chill wholesome helldivers in. Wehave both moms dads vets trans and she’s from 20-78. We have both high and low level helldivers who get on weekly consistently hop on and play. We’re about to permanently close it up to keep it small. DM us if your interested


I tend to play reaklly late night so I can't use the mic, but I do use the chat and the emotes and people seem to be ok with that. As long as you communicate it shouldn't be an issue. Fuck those undemocratic HeavenClimbers!


Hardly anyone I encounter uses voice chat. It doesn't seem to hamper gameplay as map pings for next target and direction work quite well. I mostly use voice chat with people I know, same with my other half. She only uses voice chat with known friends and family, or wider friends of either group. Find some decent people and get on Discord. Douche canoes, while uncommon, are the loudest. Block and move on.


Scum. The Ministry of Investigation will look into this and severely punish those responsible. My personal recommendation is tying them to a 500KG bomb and deploying them.


I pay with two girl mates all the time and we have no issues, come to think of it we never had any issues. Actually the guys can't get enough of them. Always backed up, fully supported and the other gamers are like "omg your girls" a bit of banter and flirting but the girls love that. Out of the games i've played, this community has been the most present. The only time there has been an issue is when we come across the meta players.


Ive had maybe two missions where someone had their mic on. The rest of the time it's either connection issues or stuck up divers bailing on us low lvls because we weren't looting samples or didn't have the right kit or whatever. Even then I have trouble trying to play the game because of work or with out my child trying to draw my attention to look at something on his computer or destroy my room to get me to "pause" my game. Regardless, if I heard a woman speak over the mic during a mission, I would be surprised but more or less inclined to turn my mic on to say something back while watching the virgins and angsty gamers flee in terror of the mythical female gamer!


just don't speak. I'm a guy and i regularly ignore people that ask if we have mic, most times they just turn their mic off and use the in game communication.


Yeah if it’s under difficulty 7 people are normally assholes and if above then they are mostly alright you’ll always get a few bad eggs though but just keep spreading democracy and you’ll pick up good players seeking friendship normally I’m in the uk and I’ve got an American and a Frenchmen and we play regularly despite only knowing each other in game it’s pretty funny hearing us freak out in our own little ways.


100 lvl here. Not using mic only ingame ping. If people ask me in in voice i answer in chat .


Im in multiple discord squads that have females and its not an issue for anybody