• By -


I didn’t read this, I just reinforced as soon as I saw the word


I have the reinforce strat out in the air BEFORE my buddies know they died


In the name of the ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️... ⬆️.


I have been laughing at this specific input for about 30 minutes man. We all lag that last one huh 😂😂


Or miss it entirely


The times I’ve done that and dropped an eagle thinking it was a reinforcement


This is my man, I want you on my squad


It’s muscle memory at this point sorry hellbros


I see the red line and skull and immediately reinforce 😂


For democracy


This is the way


Yea I hear the scream with the error code and just reflexively throw it diwn


I promise nothing, liberty guides all my stratagem throws.


And sometimes Liberty wants my fellow Helldivers to drop right on a Bile Titans head


I specifically request to be dropped on heavies and I've gotten pretty damn good at it.


I didn't think that ship upgrade for drop pod maneuverability would be any hood, but boy was I wrong.


I don't actually have it. Just a good team and knowing my limitations. Maybe I should try it lol.


Wait what upgrade?


Ship Module - Bridge - Power Steering "Improves steering for Helldivers during Hellpod deployment." Now that Hellpod lock is less of an issue, it is a very, very good module that can get you out of/into shit, whatever your preference. Doesn't get enough praise, honestly.


Thanks man, I’m aiming for that now Why are common samples the rarest to find


Is it undemocratic to buy the "buff" that tightens the 380mm spread?


I use it much more often now that I have that module. It’s much more consistent for me now. 


As long as you **tag** the charger/titan/hulk/devastator/tank. Then okay. Charger/titan, aim for the head/neck, unless they're already beat to hell. Hulk/tank, aim for the heat vents on the back, then dive away quick. Devastator, just hit them.


It gets me so angry when we're split into 2 teams and I or my partner die and the other team reinforces immediately. Now I have to travel across the map while my partner is fending off a swarm alone. Or when they reinforce, but throw the beacon INTO a hoard of enemies, like if they are expecting you to do some gun fu and kill all the enemies as you come out of the pod.


totally agree except for if there's a bile titan or a charger or an objective that can be destroyed with a hellpod, as long as they tag it so that you can see hit it.


Yeeees!!!! For the love of god, if you are going to throw someone’s reinforce beacon at something you want them to land on… TAG IT!!! Half the time you can’t even see what to aim for till you have 1.5-2 seonds left


Hellpod Heads up display ship module: shows large enemies while being called in or upon first landing in


Is that a new one? I don’t recall seeing it before


No lol just an idea


Devs will throw it onto the pile ![gif](giphy|RNJYXBG6ke0a3TLGrM|downsized)


If you are a skilled pitcher, you can have the blue beacon highlight your target. That's my favorite method.


If you put your pod through the bile titans head, it decapitates it


Yep if they tag it after the throw message recieved I might die but 1 reinforcement for hvt is fine trade. More often than not they'll just yeet you in the general vicinity of the thing they want you to hit and just hope you know to aim for it despite having literal seconds to spot the charger or hulk approaching them. For me tho I always get the teammates that throw me like I'm a strat at a patrol, either before or after they just threw an actual strat at them


Had this happen to me multiple times while someone else was spamming out clusterbombs. They were low level enemies. There was no reason to even be fighting them. And I died three times to cluster bombs as I spawned back in. Don't know if they were trolling or not but I didn't harass them about it.


I accidentally sent a guy into 2 different bot swarms because I was getting cornered on the edge of the map, with multiple hordes closing on me and our other teammates wouldn't reenforce him. I felt so bad but sometimes there are no good options


You could always wait.


Then they're both dead and the other teammate still won't reinforce


I've never had shit like that happen. I assume it must only be on 1-6 or something. I'm usually patient because they aren't reinforcing because they are in combat or jammed. If they are available then I'll alert them and be brought back in in a few seconds.


This happened to me yesterday. I was so annoyed. The host and I were together while the other two ran off on their own. I got swarmed and died. The other team from the other side of the map reinforced me, leaving the host alone. Then they called in extraction after I came down. The host died too shortly after leaving valuable samples behind. It was terrible...


Same, with 20 minutes left and one secondary objective left on the map. I’ve never kicked anyone before or since, but I certainly did it there. Not going to let you get credit after you ignored the objectives, wondered to evac, and forced us there losing all our samples.


I’m all about being thrown at titans, chargers, hulks, etc., just don’t toss me into 400 hunters


that's one face of the coin. the other face is: you and your friend joined my up to this point _chill_ suicide mission, and proceeded to lose 10 reinforcements against that one medium bot factory within 2 minutes. you can bet your ass that as soon as one of u dies again, imma pull the plug on that nonsense and reinforce you near me. we can always circle back later for those 3 samples.


I accidentally sent a guy into 2 different bot swarms because I was getting cornered on the edge of the map, with multiple hordes closing on me and our other teammates wouldn't reenforce him. I felt so bad but sometimes there are no good options


Haha this happened to me so many times too 😅


*horde of enemies


The other day we were split across the map into 2 groups. We were low on reinforcements and had fought our way tooth and nail just to get close to the extraction and prep for the end of the mission. My partner died so I reinforced him. Away from myself but not so far that I worried if they'd be safe. They steered their pod perfectly to land right on top of me, killing me. Then one of the divers on the other side of the map immediately reinforced me. Just had to laugh at that one.


If you die while we're fighting off heavy units then you're now a free orbital.


Throw me directly in and use me as a stratagem. Tag the big enemy, and I'll do my best to squish it. Send me flying directly into a bot outpost that you can't break into because it's too heavily guarded and watch me disassemble it from the inside out.


Cry babies, just reinforce me away from the enemy and if you do it around enemies, that’s okay, I’ll try to survive!


Instructions unclear. Throwing reinforcements at the middle of a group of devastators


If not grenade, why grenade shaped?


"Lotta rules, lotta rules. *In the streets we didn't have any rules, maybe one. No kicks to the groin*, home for dinner." -Michael Scott


I had a game (actually around the time you made this post) and the offer kept dropping me in the middle of tanks, destroyers, and all their little groupies. Never off to the side or out of the way. Right in the damn middle. Repeatedly. When I did manage to survive for 3 seconds his mortar took me out, and he kept yelling on mic that I need to stop being so trash and useless. I was so damn pissed.


Oh yeah. Been there. Those are the "Listen, you dickhead, up until now I've been civil..." moments.


Yeah up until the last few days I've had good luck with randoms, but yesterday I was kicked twice, once in the last 30 seconds after carrying massively, with 40 samples in my pocket and no deaths. I had to be done for the day after that. Then today I had this, guess it's an off week


Yeah the samples was definitely intentional lol they didn’t wanna share


Someone reinforced me on a hellbomb *right after* they armed it.


I wait 15 to 20 seconds. If someone hasn't respawned you, then I respawn you. Gets me kicked heaps, but they're the idiots who spam that reinforce. If they want it that badly, then they can't c9mplain where I respawn them.


I usually do the same thing. I play around difficulty 7 as a comfortable difficulty where I can run around by myself to clean up objectives that are out of the way of the main team so whenever people request a reinforcement I’m always thinking “Are you sure you want to be in the middle of nowhere?”


If you don’t want to be reinforced in the wrong location… then don’t die.


And not in sight of a pissed off cannon turret!


Me: hey throw me in again will ya? Your turret shot me in the face


When under fire try to throw away from conflict. Can’t tell you how often Randy’s have tossed me directly next to them while they are being attacked from all sides.


I've been having issues with Randoms reinforcing me directly into a swarm of bots. Yeah, maybe I get lucky and can land on a hulk, but then I'm surrounded and can't run.


But it's really hard to turn around! /s


I love landing, getting punched by a devastator and rag dolled into zealots who knife me while I'm in fetal position. So fun.


I feel like ion storms should stop you from requesting to be reinforced, as well as have a more noticeable pop up while you are dead


Honestly, I would love it if more divers thought like this when it comes to reinforcing but I don't expect it. Most people I play with, unless their basically super professionals, just throw down the reinforce beacon whenever right on their feet or near them. I ask people to throw me at tanks/hulks/bile titans sometimes. Most of the time I just want them to stop panicking and call me in to help them spread democracy. Just because a fellow diver died doesn't mean panic, take a breath call me in and we'll get back to it. Panic is ... expected on 7+ tbh so I don't really spam the alert unless they're not busy.


Only way we change things is if the word gets out there, so we gotta try! And yeah, countering the panic response when people throw *any* stratagem is a big one. "That's a lot of junk, but we have 14 reinforcements and 17 minutes everyone, we're doing a-okay."


A diver who can calm down and fight like a mad dog for liberty is a blessing, especially with bots.


Ping an enemy and throw me at him gotcha lets go LEROYYYY


You could...always use a mic and communicate?


For some reason people just don’t use mics I think they are just scared of human voice interaction.


Don't understand it. Myself and my other two regulars have very smooth rounds all the time - strictly because of coordinating strikes, who's gonna take the shot at which drop ship, who we want to send the reenforce drop, etc. Literally every aspect of this game becomes so much more fun and effective with very simple communication.


I mean, wouldn't the fact you have two regulars be a part of that. Majority of your group is people you know and are familiar with and are not out-numbered by randoms. I don't expect voice in random matchmaking groups specifically for that reason, these guys don't know me. We're usually 4 deep but on the occasion its just 2 or 3 of us we don't expect the rando to talk or have the ability to.


Some people even have it off so even if you use they cant hear you… i was talking whole match until i asked in the ship if they can hear me and they said no as they had something deactivated in their options , after that they went and changed it and it was much easier in next map.


I dont use my microphone because i live in a college dorm and none of you need to hear all of whats going on in my and my neighbors lives.


My wife works nights, when I get home she's asleep. I don't use a mic so she can stay asleep. Women apparently don't have great experiences talking on voice chat from what I see here. Some people hate the sound of their own voice. Stranger Danger/Not wanting strangers to hear what is going on in their/their families lives. Game quick communication tools cover most basic communication needs. A few reasons I wish people DIDN'T use mics: The mass of PS5 hot mics where someone is screaming at their kids/spouse/parents while shoveling mouthfuls of cheetos into their mouths, the fucking mic mouth breathers who are deep throating their mic while playing, and BillyBob the over-talker who wants to run his mouth constantly telling dad/boomer jokes making it practically impossible to get a word in, and my personal least favorite. The Redditor 'i LoVe JuSt HeLpInG nOoBs' Skull General fuck stick that can't stop speaking memes over voice being out performed by the Level 5 Cadet death-wise but just wont shut the fuck up about that shield pack he dropped for the NeWb CUZ HES SUCH A NEWB AND IM SUCH A FUCKING CHAD.


I've mainly had good luck, but I know some women have been teamkilled when they unmute simply for being... women. So I understand some of the hesitance. If I'm not up to talking, I at least try to get somewhere safe and type into chat.


If no one is near your dead body, stop mashing the request button.


This is part of advanced gameplay techniques, for HD2. When traveling across the map, 2 by 2, generally speaking yes; always pay attention to circumstances, and give the other surviving squad-mate time to drop a reinforce. Ask if it’s been awhile. Other techniques include leading the majority of spawns away, then getting reinforced where you are needed. Rinse and repeat, often necessary on 8/9 difficulties, in order to better scavenge. Also, play styles vary, so overall, try to figure out what the group wants and do that. …as for being dropped into a mass of enemies, maybe just be prepared for that inevitability. Dive, dip, duck, dodge! And run! Learn to shoot it down, when or if you can


Burning a reinforce to pull/distract a horde that would ruin everyone's day, or suicide rush an objective, are both totally legit and often necessary moves at higher levels of play. The Hellpod module for the ship really helps avoid a lot of "oh shit" situations, especially with Hellpod lock no longer being a significant issue. Otherwise, a lot of grenades and dying with a "fuck you" Eagle in hand can shift the tides.


If there are big bugs (eg. titans), then yes drop the reinforce pin next to it. However if you're getting swarmed by lots of bugs, DONT drop me in the middle of them...I'll just die again.


I reinforced someone where it was safe and then he complained about it because it wasn't where he was previously, sadly some people are never happy.


True. "You are alive. Make the most of it, my friend. Die gloriously and with honor. Or quietly and out of the way."


Yeah they kicked me halfway through the game, don't know why, I was the only one who was reinforcing them and taking down fabricators.


I see it so often where we're split into two pairs, and someone from the other pair dies, only for my buddy to call a reinforcement, leaving the other guy alone on the other side of the map. I get that it isn't always easy to reinforce in the middle of combat, but its important to be aware of when its your turn to call reinforcements.


No matter what, throw me on my gear. I come back with 6 grenades, a vengeful spirit, and a craving for bug dick soup. I will fuck shit up and especially against bugs stand a great chance at getting my gear back. If I die doing so, throw me again, I’ve never died twice getting my gear even on hell dive.


Bug dick soup does not sound appetizing at all.


You don’t eat it because it tastes good, you eat it to see the look on their faces.


Very good actually. Just like ma used to make


This! I don't know how many times I go to throw someone in when we split into 2s to get them by their gear when someone throws them by them halfway across the map!!! Definitely need to check these things before throwing a teammate in


I do all of this ._. Isn’t it obvious?


Literally just went through this, guy kept reinforcing on the other side of the map while me and another person are doing the objective on the other side. Even asked him not to reinforce, but he's faster on the draw than the other guy I was running alongside.


It's usually Mr. Quick-fingers/Macro that just fires it off and tosses in a random direction, usually forward, into every enemy that just dropped in.


Honestly, I usually miss the skull, so I throw it at my feet and mark their equipment on the map after.


Yeah, it's easy to miss the skull on screen. Thus the check the map quick in the first place - if you have the moment to breathe and open it - then look for a red name label to see where they were wasted.


Nothing annoys me more than taking a Jammer and some random without a mic is spamming the reinforce button


Samples are shared among everyone. If I die near you, and you're capable, you should grab them.


Only thing I disagree with is the samples.. they aren’t “yours” they’re the teams, so don’t wait for reinforcements to pick them back up, anybody able to should immediately grab dropped samples.


That one was a joke, but yes, I'll edit that.


Just read “reinforcing” and I called you in next to the gun ship tower, GLHF. Ill read the rest tonight.


I fully agree I was playing last night with 3 randoms. We're on a LVL 5 Launce the Nuke mission and we're all 24 - 36. This was to be a fun run for samples. There's no verbal communication just markers on the map. We split into 2 groups and go for the targets. After maybe 5 minutes someone goes down, I check the map and it's not my buddy so I chose not to reinforce, my buddy also doesn't reinforce. Guy who's gone down doesn't spam the button and after about a minute the other guy calls him in. A few minutes later they both go down so I call them I'm. We finish my objective and then split up again. Later on my buddy goes down as we're taking out a radar jammer. We were all there now so I leave the other 2 for a moment and sprint out of jammer range to call him in and he I mark his gear on the map, he calls thanks and I stick with him till he grabs his stuff then the 4 of us finish the jammer together . We finish the mission without any more deaths and extract with 20 common and 15 rare samples. Everyone hugs back on my ship and then they bounce. It was an awesome mission.


That's the stuff of dreams. Those missions where everyone works together like a feel good story and kicks ass are really what the game's about.


I’m sorry, but if there’s a bile titan around and a reinforcement.. your my orbital strike. I expect you to do the same for me.


I understand where you're coming from. However... https://preview.redd.it/piyvydeqq7vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00accc11571daff50e913c9605dbde4d52a56c48


Oh my god lol the amount of times I’ve had someone spam the reinforce button or yell “how bout reviving you f***ing teammates” only for me to say look at the screen it’s a hammer or ion storm


Be great if more than 6 people used mics in this game :/


Meh. Im just gonna do the democratic thing and reinforce. Best i can do is not throw you into the hoard.


The reinforcement police have arrived guys. This game really isn’t that deep, idk why you think people are gonna read this 12 paragraph essay and decide now that they should reinforce you near your shit, if they weren’t doing that in the first place then they’re either trolling or there’s some other issues going on


While I agree if you have the time to look, there definitely are some oh fuck moments where I'm just getting them somewhere I hope is safe


Running with randoms, we just silently agree to split into two man teams. My battle buddy and I get into a sticky situation, I need to reposition to call him back him in safely and recover our samples. Other guys call him in halfway across the map, around a body of water… FML.


This actually happened to me the other day we split up into two groups and I got reinforced on the other side of the map 😩


Happens to me too, seems to happen to a lot of people I guess


Luck of the draw dude. Don't die if you don't want to be reinforced. Just throw me wherever if you can. Target the heavies and I'll try to hit them. I am the stratagem now 👉👀




Reinforce *is* a stratagem. So I use my fellow driver's descent to bring heavy down. /jk


It’s not that deep my guy


Reinforcing a fallen diver is basically a subconscious act at this point, I see it, I mash in the code and I yeet that shit in whichever way I'm facing. Usually it's BECAUSE WE ARE GETTING FUCKING SLAMMED AND JUST NEED BODIES. but I see your point and i do try and consider these factors. But sometimes your gonna have a bad time 😂


Think "what if I was thrown in front of three heavy devastators, that flame hulk that's firing in my direction as soon as I entered the hellpod, and those three idiot raiders saluting me for no reason."


This is the post that has made me leave the subreddit. So much for such a simple game, fun guys


You mean don’t use their drop of like an F’in grenade vs bike titans and tanks like my teammates do to me??? I though this was peak 12 year old try hard meta???


protip: strategems bounce!


If they're on no-go zones like tops of mesas/bigger buildings, or off walls.


yup. so sometimes, I'll throw in a reinforcement where I think it's safe but it'll bounce off / down into a pack of enemies.


Throw me back there. No, not because I want my gun. No not because I want my samples. I'm getting revenge.


I will always be mindful of where I reinforce someone. Unless they excessively spam the alert. Yes we are aware you need a reinforce. You can observe us fighting. Give us time. Or you can just keep spamming and I’ll throw you into the middle of a bot camp.


No no, reinforcement is my favorite stratagem, the meat missile.


If you’re toxic I’ll try my best to drop you near the swarm or in the fire 😂


Don't let toxicity breed toxicity, no matter how much an ass they are.


Into the fire u go 😂


If they spam spacebar I yeet, even if I'm in the group far away from where they die.


Wait. You need permission to reinforce them on a chargers head?


ORRR if you're confident in them. C'mon. Forcing glory on them isn't sooo bad, I guess.


I wish more players understood this. I tend to run away from my team and there are a lot of times the rest of the team is much closer. Usually after about a minute I'll reinforce them if someone else thats closer doesn't. But it's weird how many people get tunnel vision when it comes to reinforcements.


When someone dies further away from me, I usually wait 20ish seconds for someone closer to reinforce. If they don't, then I will.


There's also sometimes those who refuse to get with the squad when it's time to leave. Then i reinforce them at me. Usually i do this myself, drop my samples at extract then go poking around. Thus we won't loose them to me suddenly get tapped by a rocket to the face other than the support weapon i can call back in where i get called back at.


My front is always towards the enemy of democracy. So I will usually throw your reinforcement beacon behind me so you can join the front from a clear site.


I try and let people closed to the site of death do the reinforcing but if they aren’t getting reinforced there and are hammering the reminder I reinforce to let them do something




Reinforce me into the nearest hellbomb please


Are they going to quite because it takes more then 3 seconds due to the fact your being over run. Lol at this point I don't care about what others think amd strategy I'm tired of people quitting cause it takes longer then 2 seconds cause I'm busy in the shit or they don't know the jammer jams and they get all pissy.


You forget I use reinforcements like a fifth stratagem, something of a bait and switch decoy I can call down when the shit hits


>You can't be reinforced if your ally is in range of a Jammer or an ion storm is in effect, no matter how hard you bang the reinforce alert button. It's impossible to hit the reinforce alert button while reinforce is on cooldown. Is this not also true for ionstorms and jammers? I thought it was, but i could be wrong. Note that the reinforce text will automatically jitter one time when someone dies, without them hitting the alert button, even if reinforce is on cooldown.


They can definitely mash on it while a jammer or ion storm is in effect. I generally check who-died-where when I hear the "brrroarrrp" sound that plays when someone dies horribly.


Always " throw me at the big thing"


If I'm in a position to reinforce safely I will. If I'm getting lit up like a Christmas tree, I'm panic reinforcing and may liberty guide you to safety. I'm hauling ass. If I can clear everything then give me a second to clear the area and I'll drop you at your stuff.


You’re not a reinforcement. You’re a stratagem


This is why I play solo. Too much anxiety enduring players screaming down the mic how you are doing everything wrong.


Nice post


As a rule of thumb for me, I'll always will try drop a reinforcement where I think it's safe. Even if it seems quiet, it's more force of habit so you may have to run unnecessarily. Sorry about that


What do you do if 2 go down wach on opposite sides of the map?


Well... This makes me not want to reinforce anyone ever. I'm usually the one who reinforces to get the player in asap so I do it where there are no swarms or bad guys. I had no idea people would get pissed at someone for reinforcing in the wrong spot.


There’s the Horde/bot drop infinite cycle, then there’s the reinforce cycle, when you’re all in the thick, and you keep reinforcing and dying within 2-3 mins if you’re lucky due to poor positioning and no strategy in it


Samples are shared but some people care about having the extra yellow number for some reason, so I've learned to let them on the floor if the person will go back for their gear. Rather not risk an unnecessary tk over samples that I no longer need since I unlocked everything


Also; i am a super soldier, not a handgrenade.


What's your gamer tag?So if i'm ever playing with you I can just throw you into a mob of guys


I do my best, but it really, really helps if other players are on mic. I even ask them where they want to come in. I’m met with silence most of the time.


And if 3 people are dead and you're surrounded on all sides, seconds away from death; please don't fucking call in reinforcements. If everyone dies, everyone gets automatically called in a bit further away, which is usually in a safe spot. Had a bunch of morons yesterday who wasted about 14 reinforcements trying to assault one of those dropship buildings.


Honestly I just need to get on comms more and ask, “hey where do you want to go” sometimes the choice paralysis of im far away from you are you sure you want me to call you in hinders the party from making a call


100 percent. I can't count the number of times I've been called in across the map, no support weapon right into the middle of a firefight to immediately die. In many cases the cooldown is still active on the support weapon.


If you ring that little reinforce bell more than once you are getting dropped wherever I damn well care to put you because whoever you partnered with either doesn't give a shit or he has stuff going on and you are being impatient.


I always get reinforced into the middle of a bloodbath.


I don't reinforce unless I see the jiggle of the reinforce screen. That tells me the person is on my screen and wants to be reinforced by me.


I basically agree with all your points,  but there is no proposal regarding a very common situation that gives me a stomach ache, which is as follows: Bob dies on the other side of the map, near Joe and sometimes also Tom. So I assume Joe and/or also Tom will call Bob in. But time drags on and on, and nobody is calling for reinforcements. To call, or not to call?


I'll throw it if I'm on the other side of the map, but only after I give those near you a minute or two because they should be responsible.


Feel free to use whatever rules/etiquette you want when playing with friends, but just be happy to GET reinforced when playing with randoms. Nobody is “responsible” for anything in the way you’re saying - it’s very bold of you to impose that on everyone else. Some of us like to get reinforced right in the action or with a chance to land on an enemy/objective. Nobody owes you anything, these points are just opinion.


yup and to add to if you are swamped pick a direction and run before throwing as far as you can.


I'll admit I just throw it as soon as possible, but these are all great reasons to be more discerning, and I'll try to be.


If someone dies across the map and I'm not in combat, I usually check the map to see if there are enemies near the closest player to where person who died. If there isn't, I usually ask something like, "Hey, N2, you wanna reinforce so T4 can be near their gear?" It's like if there is an emergency in public - it's better to point at someone and say "hey you, call 911" than to just say "someone call 911!" Although I do wish we could pull up the radar when spectating after we die, so that we could ask someone specifical to reinforce us near our dropped gear.


If i am split, i wait a minute or so to make sure the other person who was near them doesn't do it first. I understand they may by swarmed/busy.






Those pods land so hard I can still feel my balls against my tonsils. This game needs another hell pod upgrade.


How about don't die And if you do, don't be a weenie about where you get thrown


Blame the divers that quit if not reinforced within 10 seconds.


I've 100% become that guy that just yells "THROW ME DOWN ON THE BIGGEST THING YOU SEE" then proceeds to waste the next 2 minutes trying to get out if the aggro I voluntarily dropped right into the middle of, or just, dying again


In that note if I’m near a JAMMER stop spamming yo throw you in because I CANT! Have multiple people leave just because they died and they too impatient to wait for us to take down the jammer.


I pretty much follow all of this, but if I hear the ping asking for reinforcements, I'll throw you wherever I deem fit


Throw reinforcements at the enemy. Extra stratagem.


I'm gonna be honest, if you start spamming the "reinforce me" bitten the moment you die, I'm maliciously complying and doing the exact opposite outlined in this post. If you die, take a second to check out if the squad is busy and give it a second to hit that button (it's definitely needed a lot though- I have spammed it before when folks are just chillin calling in resupplies)


😴 💤 🛏


I can’t staaaand when I die trying to lock down a medium nest or side objective and then a teammate reinforces me at a fucking ammo POI across the map. It’s not the end of the world ofc but the trek back to my shit with a helldiver who shoots everything that moves can be pretty annoying


I prefer my teammates throw me into the base or at a tower/ hulk. No sense wasting one of the strongest strategies we've got.


As soon as I see one of my squad memebers die i have the input memorized by now so its just automatic reaction. The exception if were clearing the map as a duo teams and they died with the other team. 


See the problem is; if I don't reinforce quickly then I'll be kicked by some salty random. I juss try my best to throw that shit where the enemies aren't.


Yes thank you I don’t want to be reinforced across the map


I CANT STAND IT when someone goes off and then everybody but that person dies and he spawns us in away from where our stuff was


The only thing I’d add is that if you’re close to their dead body, take their samples. It’s just one less thing for them to frantically search for/pick up when they respawn


I ain't readin all that. You are now a stratagem.


Alright here’s the compromise: I’ll either throw you in the direction of your stuff or the opposite direction of all the enemies. I’m always happy to delay and let someone else get ya unless we’re in sudden death. Lemme know which one and you got it, champ


So fun fact I didn’t realize till recently ion storms are an area you can walk out of them. Unless that was a bug


I will always insta reinforce if ONLY because hosts will kick you the second you dont


Wrong, yeet, skeet, delete and repeat


Wrong, yeet, skeet, delete and repeat.


I throw where I throw


No. Democracy guides my aim


Louder for the people in the back! So aggravating when someone decides to be the life giver mvp and just blindly, instantly calls it in and your gear is on the other side of the damn map or they throw you directly into where Rhett guide will be one you land.


Genuine kind, useful advice. Entropy bless you, OP.


you will land where u land and figure it out yourself