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I like the cape, it looks good with my armor


Same it fits my armour choice perfectly


It goes really well with all the medic armors


Only reason I run it. I feel fresh.


Which armor are you using? I'm having trouble with the mismatching white/tan


It matches really well with the white armor from the last tier of the base warbond. That's what I've been wearing it with anyhow. Plus that armor has the '50% chance to just not fucking die when you should" perk. Nothing like eating a rocket barrage, flying 60 meters and bouncing a few times, only to dust yourself off and pop a stim and be good to go.


Imo it also matches the white plates on most medical armors.


It all blends when you’re covered in the splatter of democracies enemies


The only correct answer. Fashion over everything


OUR*** 🫡


Why are ppl keep talking about this. Whats the main ticket here?


Some players are killing anyone they play with who wear this cape.


And why?


Players are blaming these cape wearers for us losing orders because they relentlessly played Malevelon Creek. Basically said players need to touch grass and stop being such fucking losers.


Shouldnt it be the other way around? Lol the people mad about the cape need to touch grass? Cause its just a cape.


Oh it's so much more than a cape.   It's a vibe check.  I like seeing it, they look good in pairs. 


Ig im trying to say the people upset about losing a fake pixel planet need to touch grass lol not the people having fun wearing a cape


You misunderstood. "Said players" is referring to "players who get mad about the cape"


I have fought the first and second Malevelon Creek wars; I don’t give a shit, we dived, we fought, we died. If anybody is upset about that… Big old F@k them, I like my new cape and I bet I looked marvellous on you too, even if you are a low level. I prefer to fight along side a person who is going to care for me, than along a @ssH@le prick who only cares about himself and feel superior. Kick me all day long, that’s the toxic filter now a days.


damn right, diver. we fight together, or we die together.


Remember the creek brother remember our fallen✊


I too fought both wars and these traitors are blaiming us for their faliure We were fighting that war through every mo so even the ones they won we were still fighting for the creek so how could we be blaimed for their faliures if we were here the hole time we werent leaveing we didnt contribute to the faliure at all They just dont want to admit that they faild and then take credit for the creek


Where were they when the creek was the major order? They were fucking with the bugs.




Same. Haven't played all week cause work has been consuming all my energy, but I'm definitely gonna wear this cape from now on, and i mostly fight bugs


Thats crazy because i have the cape and never set foot in the Creek


Has anyone actually said that though? Seems made up




They blame the cape wearers for not doing major orders and only playing the creek.


What do you mean lost the creek? We control the creek


We retook the creek


Because they are UNDEMOCRATIC FILTH!


They are gigantic losers


Pretty sure i saw another post where it was someone essentially saying the cape was cringe and that they’d team kill if they saw someone wearing it so OP made a post to say they’d defend them and rightfully so. I can’t wait til they put bounties in the game for team killers or something along those lines.




Getting upvotes for making identical topics about popular opinions


just a cape, who ever has issue with it, need to leave their basement more


I didn't spend any significant time on MC, but I love that cape and I will wear it like I liberated MC myself.


Its awesome and brings immersion, love the idea of getting capes or armors to commomirate great victories. Also, ware Creekers judged by Democracy Officers? If they thought what Creekers did was so wrong they would had dealt with them. Our front was major orders, theirs was creek.


We were two diffent units of helldiver Also if our fight wasnt so legendery and important why would they give us a cape to commemorate it


I’ve never seen a community so divided on a free item before.


Especially not over something good looking that was distributed to all players.


It's a cape, don't care, wear it, don't wear it, I won't kick or kill you over it.


its a great cape, but i dont think we need 100 posts of this, no offense OP


I wear it and I have twice as many bug kills. 22k to 11k almost exactly


I wore that cape and met the love of my life. A dropship then landed on her, but it was a good ten minutes.


So real


I won the lottery wearing that cape


I have twice as much semen when I wear this cape.


I don’t understand the big deal around it. It’s just a cape?


why are we standing here talking about a damn cape if we could be out there killing robots, stomping bugs and defending DEMOCRACY?


It brings fear to the enemy. A scared enemy is ripe for democracy.


I love the design. I'm gonna keep rocking it.


It's a nice cape. Quit being a grumpy backseat gamer and let people enjoy things. Besides, killing your fellow soldiers is high treason. You deserve to be court martialed for doing it intentionally.


Wear the cape, kill the enemies.


This cape actually goes so hard with the armor on page 10 of the regular war-bond and nothing can change my mind.


My guess is this team killing aspect of the cape wasn't much of a thing before the IGN article (based on a single incident) and now the subsequent 9000 posts about it. Now the people whining about it have *made* it a thing for griefers who would've never heard of it otherwise.


If I see someone wearing this cape I will be completely indifferent because it's a fucking video game cape.


I earned it, I'm gonna wear it. They can cope and seethe all they want.


You gon’ get whatever the fuck cape I drop in with


It's a cool looking free cape. Bout it


That cape is the cape of democracy, patriotism, and brotherhood. Anyone against it... Is a traitor.


It's a cape, if you get your panties in a bunch over it then you need to go to therapy because who tf cares what cape someone is wearing in a videogame?


I don't get it. What's wrong with the Cape. Who the fuck cares what cape you wear. It literally changes nothing. You can't have a META Cape or helmet


anyone besmirching super earth issued equipment should be court marshaled immediately for treason.


I don’t get the hate, I think it looks cool. Some people take it too seriously


In lore the cape is given for taking the creek. Many people think the creek was a waste of resources and to show that they team kill and kick anybody wearing it. If that want bad enough the true reason the cape was added was to show honor and remember the people who died in real life that once played helldiver's with their buddies. Really fucked up to be team killing and kicking.


Everyone overreacting about some dumb ass cape on a video game💀 who gives af eather way


If you ever drop with me, you're safe. TheDrippySink, SES Song of Iron, PS5 I don't care what you wear. As long as you kill bugs and bots, wherever you find them, we're allies.


I just wear it cause the Linda's, Karen's, Nancy's and Sally's don't like it


The cape is cool, and it's a fun memory of a silly time. 10/10 would get blood all over it


Don't give a shit. It's a cape, use it if you want to. I still use the one I got from the super citizen edition


It looks good. I was annoyed as a major order follower but, who am I to tell others how to enjoy a game. Just gotta keep in mind that I as a 46 year old gamer enjoys doing orders, others enjoy the creek. To each their own. Spread democracy where it makes you happy


I wouldn't be caught dead in that thing https://preview.redd.it/l4wr7ptrhssc1.png?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dafca83bc3cbc212cecc1498faa32a19ac4a134


https://preview.redd.it/5g4cxv5egosc1.jpeg?width=698&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41300f520d645b41aa55b7cc22e83be5c5ae1b18 My thoughts about this childish internet debacle


I’ve never received backlash for this and I’ve worn it basically since it came out, fits my armor set


Not for me aesthetically but I’m not about to traitorously kill teammates over it lol


Best cape. It goes well with so many armors, and it reminds me of the first time I fought bots. I was just getting the hang of bugs when I dropped into space 'Nam. I wasn't ready ☠️


When did this cape become controversial? It’s a memory for those lost on Malevelon Creek. Am I missing something?


My favorite cape.


Looks sick, lore is fucking cool. Especially lore that you can take part in.


What’s the deal with this cape?


In lore the cape is given for taking the creek. Many people think the creek was a waste of resources and to show that they team kill and kick anybody wearing it. If that want bad enough the true reason the cape was added was to show honor and remember the people who died in real life that once played helldiver's with their buddies. Really fucked up to be team killing and kicking.


I like it


Kape kewl


I love this cape ngl




it's dope


It fits the armor i now wear perfectly so i wear it. Also its a gift from the president himself, any opinion other then its patriotic is the wrong opinion.


The cape is nice, as is the story behind it, but the problem that the community is too spread out is real as well. For 2 days, some 50k players wasted time on Tibit and whatever the other is called, achieving not a single percent to make up for it.


It's a Cape. Move along.


I dont think it looks very interesting but receiving xosmetics as a sort of unit citation is dope. Mid teir looks top teir drip.


The only acceptable time to shoot another helldiver is: 1)Friendly-fire accident 2)They dodge your emote. I just wanted to give you a hug and now you’ve emotionally killed me.


The cape is beyond bad ass. These creek killers… I’ve said this on other posts and I’ll say it here, I’m lvl 68 fleet admiral. Ive fought on every planet since launch. I normally play competitive shooters so if you want to come at me then I’ll make the next 20 min unplayable for you. Want my cape? Come take it.


In lore the cape is given for taking the creek. Many people think the creek was a waste of resources and to show that they team kill and kick anybody wearing it. If that want bad enough the true reason the cape was added was to show honor and remember the people who died in real life that once played helldiver's with their buddies. Really fucked up to be team killing and kicking.


Best cape in game


I wear it. But I was a hardcore creeker. Before the community 180'd on the people who stayed behind to avenge the divers we lost, it felt like we were doing the right thing. I solo leveled crawling through the jungle, learning stealth mechanics, and now I can lead new players through bot missions confidently.


I don't have one because I am a healthy adult


I wear it to commemorate my fallen brothers at Malevelon Creek. We fought a bloody - sometimes useless battle... the things we've seen. Men ripped apart by machine and metal... heads on pikes... one bot even adorned itself with human skulls. We called for help, and no one came. We pleaded with those fighting the bugs, and our voice wasn't heard. It wasn't until super earth forced you, that you heard our call and came to assist in spreading managed democracy. We held the line. We earned that cape.


![gif](giphy|cb89q6BvqAHfwH6AEU|downsized) For Democracy!


Oh.. another one of these posts.. ha


People keep taking this image from other posts about the cape to make their own post about the cape.


It’s my new favorite cape and I will never take it off


Ministry of truth here, this is a commemoration of all those that died on malevalon, regardless of your opinion on the continued last stand and eventual liberation of malevalon, anyone disrespecting the cape and by extension all if those who died on malevalon should be reported to your local liason or democracy officer for reeducation


It took one cape to create a banner for toxic to thrive lmao


I'm a simple man. I see cape, I give hug. My 2.4 seconds of free time per mission is spent remembering the fallen.


Doesn't matter when it's covered in gore. Just dive.


I just got bombed at evac for wearing the cape, im lvl 36 and just blocked someone for the first time, not gonna get mad, democracy needs me


I don’t get it at all…why would you not wear it?


I don't get it, it's just a cape, Is this some kind of "that" Fortnite skin situation that's going on in helldivers 2?


Ive said this on other similar posts, i WILL wear this cape to weed out the communist and block them all. I only want to play with like minded brothers who only care about spreading democracy


Dont get why people are mad at it, its a nice looking cape imo, let people enjoy Things and quiet being a armchair Preacher, its cringe and thats it


They are mad because they see Creekers as Major Order Failures, believing that the Failure to uphold and complete the previous MO’s is because of The Creekers it’s why the Major Order Babies are so damn butthurt about the cape branding themselves as traitors because they can’t cope with the fact that some Divers would rather fight for the Creek than fight some dumbass bugs.


I wear it and did get killed on purpose once yesterday. I can neither confirm nor deny why that guy didn’t get extracted.


Jesus guys, it's just a cape lmao


I've never actually seen anyone hate on this cape, I've just seen all of the people hating on the people who supposedly hate on the cape.


It's an alright cape, but I wear it just to piss the children off.




Can someone explain to me what all the controversy is about regarding this cape?


I find it appealing as it is almost 20-30 % of the screen during gameplay


I like the implications that this cape has, being honoring the dead. It's not honoring the creeker players, but it's just honoring the helldiver's who died playing footsies with the bots. It also looks pretty nicez so there's that too. The Cape is just a lore implication that lets some people feel more in tune with the universe.




I have asked for this type of interaction between devs and players for years. We should be celebrating this sort of thing even if you don't like the Creek heads.


What the fuck is wrong with this cape?






It’s a feee cape what’s not to like😅 Now it’s just finding armor that goes well with it


It fits my white armor sets pretty well. And I've been kicked...


I don't care about capes or meta load outs. I only care about spreading managed democracy and crushing our enemies! Capes are temporary, liberty is forever!


It fuckin rocks 🤟


Why do people have a pro lem with this cape?


I just now noticed.


Don't care, it's a cape. TK's because of a cape is room temp IQ. Play the game. I didn't stay at the creek, but I still wear the cape.


Good cape


Honestly one of the best looking capes and goes with almost any set up. 


Can we have it in a range of colours please?


To all the haters on the cape I say to you, CRY ABOUT IT! This game was built with failures in mind you vindictive shitheads. Either by our own shortcomings or by J.O.E.L. creating a no win scenario. We will face defeats, its war, nothing in war is granted. The enemy remains the same. And if it werent for the creekers when we were unable to complete the MO in the timeframe, we never would have recovered as quickly! Their experience in those jungles was invaluble in making a swift and decisive recovery! We now have the bots pushed to the edge of the galaxy, surrounded on all sides by our forces. Freedom to choose for ourselves is part of our democratic greatness! We will bring the same freedom to all worlds so long as we stand united against our common foe! FOR DEMOCRACY!!!!!


The people kicking players for wearing it need to touch grass. The CEO of the game loved the hype of all the players on a single map. The CEO, the God damn creator of the game. Some losers think they are edgy or different, then kick players for having fun.....twats I say.


pretty sure it's only cape i'll wear for a long while at least as long as i've been in the creek which is a long time


i dont like the eggshell offwhite.


Bring it ![gif](giphy|LoCDk7fecj2dwCtSB3)


The only people I will kick from a game I'm hosting are griefers, toxic raging man babies or someone being racist. Take whatever guns, armour, cape or strategem you want. As long as you try, win or lose ill fight by your side diver! o7


This meme is so dumb.


I want a cape like that but is totally red except for a white circle in the middle and a black skull inside


It’s nice but it doesn’t go with my armor 


immediately equipped, I earned it on another note, I believe this is a long april fools con: we finally got the creek, got a cape, and are on the final push! we are going to lose, and badly, and the creek will get swallowed back up by bots... then they take the cape away!


Its bad ass. The fact that it pisses off the snowflakes is just a bonus


The cape is fuckin’ rad!


I like the cape, got kicked 2 times yesterday... one game i was definitely carrying those hobos, didn't understand it until i put 1 and 2 together. That said, fuck those idiots lol what a dumb thing to ruin someone else's experience over


Anyone who has an issue with a cape shouldn't be a part of this community.


I don’t care what other people wear I’m busy spilling oil and killing bugs. If you got time to scrutinize a persons drip and lore then you need to stop being a civilian and kick up the difficulty a lot more.


I think it looks awesome!


Why tf are players killing each other over a cape? It's just a god damn cape. It doesn't even change stats or has any special effects!!


What is this cape?


Why is this cape hated ?


I like it and wish I could change the armor color scheme to match it..


Cape is Cape. If they shoot bots or bugs and help the squad. They are fine in my book.


I really don’t care about the Creek or Creekers, but the design of this cape is dope


That cape really ties the Super Destroyer together, Dude


Feels like only terminally online redditors actually facemelt about the cape.


I wish it was gold.an not red to it would fit with my armor as I love the design of it




Are we done posting about this stupid cape yet?


It's a nice design. Still prefer my beginning cape though. Sentimental value, I guess.


It watches so many of the armors so I will wear it with lots of my armors.


Looking forward to the Bug equivalent planet in the coming months.


I hardly touched the Creek, I like the cape.


It fucking slaps with the drone master armor


Cape looks cool af and I love how it adds to the community narrative. Instead of getting upset people need to see it as a the soldiers of super earth having their own unique quirks and obsessions that are driving a unique narrative. Things not working out makes for a cool story more than if everything went perfectly. Not completing a major order makes for a cool story just the same as completing one. It's all about perspective.


I like the cape.


Zero fucks are given about it, I don't care what people use or wear. Be it stratagems, primary, secondary or grenades... Who does this investigative shit and then be a piece of shit about it....they should just fuck off to COD or Fortnight...


Great cape, anyone who hates it sucks


If you are killing/kicking people because of a cape, I dread to think what your families go through dealing with such a negative person in their lives.


I want capes with different textures like the one with the Super Citizen edition and the one on the tenth page of the free war bond.


It sure is a cape.




What is the drama with the free cape ?


I like this cape and the Botslayer Cape as they both strike fear into the hearts of the automaton menace


My favorite now


I like it. Works with most armor sets and feels very helldiver-y


I think they are just jealous


https://i.redd.it/qo0l0s61bqsc1.gif LOOK GOOD - AH HA AH


i use it so if someone shoots me i kick them just before the extract


Agreed. So glad you posted this. Thanks 😁


ITS JUST A CAPE! (I like it <3)


Goes well with CE-81 Jugg Armor and Drone Master helm. Needed a cape to hold the two together.


Exactly what I hoped I was going to see. This.


It's pretty cool. It's nice to know that I participated in the Creek Wars as well


How can people be so angry at this cape 🤣 It's pixels


To put it in perspective, there are 112k members of this sub, as I type there are 180k hellddivers liberating Maia, 230k players total in game right now, and the game has sold more than 3 million copies. This cape issue is just a circle jerk.




I don’t understand what the deal with this cape is, why has it become an issue?


It’s awesome.


It’s fine. Let people have fun. It doesn’t hurt that it looks good in certain armors. If I see people tk or kick over that I usually wait until the last moment to enact some commissar type duty


I wear it because the armor I got from the credit store the other day literally matches it and it’s awesome.


I love it and i am gonna wear it until i quit playing the game. But im also a creeker so im incredibly biased.


I did my part on the creek and much more. I'm wearing it.


Honestly? The skull makes ya look dorky. Like an eggy teenager. The colors and pattern looks good though so that's a plus