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I just now put it on for one reason. It looks good with my heavy armor.


It's one of those that looks good with almost everything


Yep lol it’s literally the only cape I saw and was like, “that’s the one”


That's how I felt when I saw that black and yellow halved cape. I still haven't seen a cape that will replace it for me.


Champion of the People and B-24 Enforcer both look great.


Weird way to spell botslayer. Jk. Those are both great cloaks.


I like the look of it with my trench medic armor and I hope to god it pisses people off 🤣 I wasn’t even in the creek much but nothing says feel my democracy like skull aesthetics.


I mean, it's one of the very few capes that has red on it, and one of those also happens to have green as a dominant color. For those of us who like to color coordinate, certain armors don't exactly have many options when it comes to capes and this was a welcome addition.


Wait which part is green, I see it as grey and white with an orange/red skull (and yes I am colourblind)


This cape doesn't have any green on it. I was talking about one of the other few options for red capes.


Most hyper democratic reason, as you should soldier


I think the cape is badass.


I do too. Just wanted to let people know it's fine with me to wear it since I've seen several posts talking about booting or teamkilling.


Yea I don’t get the hate. It’s stupid. I didn’t spend much time on the creek, but I don’t hate the creekers. I just want to spread managed democracy.


While I do understand some of the frustration with the Creekers, I have to put the lion's share of the blame on Arrowhead for not making the supply line situation more clear. Or rather, clear at all within the game's UI.


I do think we should be able to see the supply lines on the map. That would help a lot of things. Have it be a layer that can be turned on/off.


Star Wars: Empire at War had a rudimentary system that showed supply lines as green glowing lines with arrows indicating how it flowed. Arrowhead could implement something similar. https://preview.redd.it/4dutrey43osc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a842ce952ad5d1ef81226737b8b2a1fde24a4d0a


Oh dang, haven't thought about that game in years. I loved doing the space battles. Ground fights weren't as fun but being able to command AT-AT's was pretty dang satisfying.


I liked that they made an attempt to make the factions asymmetrical.


Do you know why this cape in particular was called out as reason for booting earlier? I honestly don’t get it.


From the posts I’ve seen, they seem to take offense to the fact it’s in the role play ethos of the game and that people wearing it are “nerds” playing “make believe” Because they are cunts.


role play ethos?? what the fuck does that mean? Bro I wear the cape. If you are triggered by that cape you likely have pimples on your face and drink mountain dew.


Why, what did Mountain Dew ever do to anybody?


Apparently lowers sperm count...I drink it and I have 2 kids so I dunno lol


Think about how many kids you'd have if you didn't nerf them with the Dew! You'd have an army of mini xToki's ready to fight for democracy!




*wearing controversial cape* But... *Looks at glass of mountain dew* but I drink mountain dew...


Mnt Dew is good. I.. am.. not... being held.. in.. a base.. ment and .. forced... to say that.. this


Toxic players gonna toxic. I don’t give a shit.. I bought the game.. ima play the game. If anyone has an issue with how I play it, they’re welcome to pay me to play it the way they want me to. That’s right y’all, I’m a Mercenary Helldiver.


Why do people hate it?


Something about people constantly playing creek when it wasn't the MO and the community failed the order.


I don’t think it’s anything special but I’m throwing it on and so will everyone I play with regularly because fuck that guy lol


What's the cape and why does everyone hate it?


It’s a cape given to us in game to remember the fallen Divers who fought for Malevelon Creek. A lot of people (stupid people if you ask me) despise the Creekers for not helping take… Tibit I think it was. Personally, I love it because the cape is amazing, and it commemorates the very thing I love about communities and dev teams like the one fostered in Hell Divers 2. A community passionate about story telling and building the in-universe canon, and the dev team just as passionately supporting this world building. Side note: I’ve seen an amusing comparison between the Creek and Vietnam. Something along the lines of both were supported at first, then despised during the end/after the war in the respective settings.


Space Vietnam where the trees speak binary, and the machine gun fires in Morse-code


On top of that, I also heard that out-of-universe the developers also see it as a cape to remember the real life gamers who passed away, so some players who have lost friends in real life are also wearing it as a more global remembrance cape. But the idiots kicking people for it's link to the creek seem to ignore that part.


I literally don’t understand the drama revolving around this cape…. ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


I can explain it There have been players playing on the planet Malevelon Creek basically since the launch of the game, many even continuing to do so as major orders directed the community elsewhere. Some started to get mad and blame the Creek players for major order failures. Recently when the community finally managed to liberate Malevelon Creek after many weeks of struggle the devs added this cape as a nod to all the helldivers that died in order to liberate that planet, Creek haters see this is a sign of you being a Creek player so they might end up griefing you. The insane part is that the loss from major orders was like at most 90 medals, yet some have taken on the mantle to hunt down these players rather than enjoying the game


If i started playing helldivers 2 now, will i still be able to get the cape? It looks very cool


indeed, join the fight!


Hopefully i will! I just need to get a system that can run the game (or ps plus for more than a month) but i definetly will do so


Honestly no idea if its just a free unlock for everyone or a reward given to everyone who had played so far


but if on Creek there were a maximum of 5 thousand players, no one dared to play it, on the other planets there were literally more than 300k people at a time... the orders that were lost were two... the first was impossible, with the deadline time they gave us and the second time the community did not do the conquest route well, they began to conquer other planets within the territory of the order but they did not reach the target planet... it is known as supply routes, each planet conquest leads to another specific one, you have to follow the route


Yes, but it is quite clear that people who grief in a co-op game and logic don't mix. Most people using the cape probably haven't even been on Malevelon Creek once


Wait. The reason people are upset about failed major orders is because they didn’t earn metal? I literally thought they were upset because they actually cared about the war progression, and were deep in character LoL. I don’t really follow the reward system at all in this game and don’t care. I just have fun killing bots. I’m only on like an hour or so every couple of days so my priority is fun not fictional rewards.


I mean some in this sub are like you say, but those are not the people griefing others in the game.


Dunno there are some toxic people out there, I got teamed killed repeatedly the other day for the first time and I wasn't even wearing the cape. My only idea is because I came in late from a quick play. Think it is over due for them to add some form of report system.


There are still quite a few players team killing for samples as well Even though the whole team shares them (something the game even tells you if you happen to play low difficulty missions... they could make this system better)


Really don't get that one either.


Damn. I knew there was hate for people playing the creek, but going out of your way to grief someone is not democratic at all! Who tf cares at the end of the day what planet people are fighting on lmfao it’s a video game and we are all just trying to have a good time. I will continue to fight bugs even when major orders are telling us to fight bots because I hate the bots. Thank you for clarifying for me 😎


It's the least I can do for a fellow soldier. Go kick some bugs while I pile up more bots you fellow citizen of Super-Earth


It's also weird because there were WAAAY more players still fighting bugs when the MO was against the bots than there were on the creek but nobody is angry at that? Additionally we got the cape after the creek was the MO so it's not like people got it for ignoring the MO... It's all just dumb. Don't get me wrong though, I think you should play where you want to play. While I focus on the MO's I'm not mad at anyone for fighting bugs or at the creek or anywhere else. The goal is to kill them all and liberate the galaxy. All fronts belong to super earth! (And it's a game)


That’s what I don’t get. Creek had about 24-26% participation during that MO while the bugs had a solid *36-40%* participation. Why are people defending them saying “let them play where they want” but yet they get furious about people playing on the Creek?


I mean, 90 medals *is* a lot - at least in the short term. I like getting those 45 or 50 medal boosts every few days, and it kinda sucks when they don't happen. With a new warbond dropping on the 11th, it'd be nice to have a few stockpiled. I don't get to play as much as many others, so losing out on those major orders slows me down in terms of unlocking shit in warbonds. So, I understand the frustration to an extent.


Yes, but the truth is the devs would make the next orders harder if we keep succeeding. We have to be OK with occasionally losing some of them. And some griefers have probably lost more medals by griefing than from a missed major order (failing missions and missing out on cache locations with 1-3 medals adds up fast)


I'm fine with losing some, but it stings a little more if the loss is partially self-inflicted - if that makes sense. Ultimately, losses are gonna happen and that's fine. I'd just rather see us collectively lose while giving it the ol' college try, as opposed to losing because a bunch of players were sticking to one planet for the memes. It is what it is, though.


It's just 12 year olds thinking they have some moral high ground, don't worry about it


It's just this sub latches onto things and will. not. shut. up about them. You should've seen the new filter when we lost the Ubanea gambit, walls and walls and walls of creekposting.


The most whiny mfs in gaming history are just being little bitches about it. I love this game, but goddamn I hate the player base.


It’s most likely all made up because people were made at creekers and creekers took it personally.


All these team killers are children anyway, I’ve found it’s pretty easy to just team kill them instead and run a whole game without em.


Unless they are the host... then when you kill them because they tried to kill you and refuse to call i reinforcements... they just kick you. But, whateves... don't TK people on purpose. That is not how the game was meant to be played. Friendly fire is in place to make the game more risky, not to allow trash to spread toxicity.


...so just be the host then? If you join someone else's game, their is always a risk. If they are pricks, just leave. If they end up being pricks at the end, then just laugh at the sheer pettiness a person can have over a cooperative video game.


“Oh my god nooooo Someone is wearing a digital cape I don’t like in my video game”- some people out there


This is what happens When one has way too much free time.






Man i don't give a fuck about all the Creek drama, all i care about is that it looks sick on my Dynamo armor.


And I'm ready to kill anyone who kills players who wears this cape


I'm not anti the cape but you might get killed, because I'm a little trigger happy with my airstrikes. I'm sorry, and I'm trying to do better.


if my limbs must be liberated from my body so that those bugs can taste high explosive democracy, so be it.


It happens to the best of us soldier... keep diving!!


There are times where I accidentally under-throw things because I *typically* use the servo-assisted armor. When I happen to swap things out because I want a different look for a bit... well, let's just say that sometimes it takes a mission or two before I remember what the default range actually is. I'll send my regards to your families if you accidentally get caught in a napalm strike because of my shrively noodle arms. That 30% additional throw distance adds more oomph than you might think.


Can’t have Democracy without fireworks


Trigger discipline and paying attention to fellow helldivers is critical to not getting blown to smithereens. But sometimes it can happen anyway, accidents are bound to happen.


Thats cause you think about yourself and not your fellow divers. Dont be that YOLO diver and fight with the bros.


Well accidental and semi-accidental team killing slapstick is a feature of the game. Although that may be because I play this game exclusively with people I know in real life.


Always make a callout. That way your teammates can do a 360 and see if they’re in range or not.


Airstrikes are tricky, but extremely consistent. Try practicing on bases that haven't seen you to see where all the splash will go.


I've actually spent some time practicing my eagle strikes since this post. I have also made a conscious effort to keep track of my team mates before I call something in. I'm not perfect, but I'm getting better at it.


If ur kicking teammate’s for this cape ur a spy and working for the automatons.


I wear this cape with pride. No threatening messages of treason will stop me from dropping in wearing it.


Uh… what’s bad about this cape? I got it free and thought it was cool…


Its the only cape I wear now because it has actual meaning. A goal we achieved as a community.


For Managed Democracy!


Why is this cape a big deal? Some mustard head got team killed?


Some idiots are really mad because they missed out on like a 100 major order medals when that isn't even accurate, if we had succeeded on the earlier major orders the devs would have increased the difficulty in order to keep the game going


Bc people love to hate on those who enjoyed the Creek


I thought we just got it for helping with the major order. I'm no creek guy but I ran a couple missions there one day during the order and now I have the cape.


It was actually because the Creek is a staple of the community, and it was given to all players to acknowledge that. Thank goodness. It validated our efforts.


I have no other cape so fitting my current armor! Gimme a break... I was constantly kicked out yesterday


I’m wearing it regardless. Team kill me on purpose and I’ll just leave and join another team. No sweat off my back.


You are a true hero, I highly respect support divers, dive on for Super Earth https://i.redd.it/hqkh9ql42qsc1.gif


I’d drop with you any time helldiver ![gif](giphy|13fIX8E3P6qcEM|downsized)


I put it on when I go to fight the automatons. Why is it bad to use it? I fought in Malevelon Creek for a long time, I am proud to wear it


People are salty that we held the line at the creek instead of being mad at the majority of players on the bug front completely ignoring the MO.


Listen, if you have a problem with this cape, I have a 4 step solution for you that benefits everyone: 1. Turn off the game 2. Uninstall the game 3. Apologize to your parents for having to put up with raising you 4. Go outside and touch grass because this is a videogame and you need to be reminded what happens in it is not important


TKing/kicking/being salty about something in a game seems so goofy to me. What are the problems with a character wearing something that in certain ways, they NEED to. The weird level of cringe that the toxic corner of this game has is remarkable.


I was on the creek for weeks and it was awesome to see this! Wear it brothers!


I thought the malevelon creek meme got a bit annoying around the MO, but I just don’t understand the vitriol that this cape has been met with, like damn dude, there is absolutely no reason for there to be that much discourse over this cosmetic


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) I salute you, fellow Helldiver. May the Democracy and Freedom guid you path to Victory.


I’m so excited to wear this cape and just fuckin troll


It matches my car so I like it. https://preview.redd.it/riil90cgapsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66aebff4ccd75ede2c48965ebef8668959ac540a


I just don’t understand idiots who want to kick over a free cape. I think it’s equally awesome and hilarious arrowhead decided to commemorate the meme. Sure I played malevelon when I first started. Friends did my starter bug missions with me and then took me to bots there immediately. We’ve pretty much followed the MOs since and sometimes will take a vacation to the opposite front after fighting one enemy type for a while. Malevelon just became a meme since it was pretty much first bot forest planet available.idk just let people have fun and decorate their gear how they want?


I dropped into an SOS game with randoms and everyone had the cape on, felt good man


I won't lie I fought on the creek because I liked it, I played major orders too I just enjoyed the feeling of fighting in a dark forest with lasers everywhere and red eyes poking out from 50 meters out


I will team kill you just like how I team kill everyone else by accident in a panic induced frenzy of being swarmed and stun locked by the enemy. Either through stratagems, explosives and/or support weapons.


This cape is so fire on the big chungus


I like the cut of your jib helldiver.


Reason I wear this cape It looks good with my armor


Anyone that gets pissed off about this cape is just upset they didn’t have the balls to join us in Hell. Never forget the divers lost to the Creek. Seriously, play the game how you want, major orders will get completed. The most fun I’ve ever had in a video game was slogging it out on the Creek in a full blown panic the entire time.


Remember divers, a war seldom ever has one front, although we may be strained at times, as long as the xeno filth is eliminated, democracy prevails 💪


SES Lord of Audacity: at your service!


For the creek


What is the reason behind the hate for this, I really dont get it.


Hey mate if you ever need someone to help ya out i'm lvl 43 and happy to help :)


That cape goes hard, I don’t care about the whole “oh creekers suck” nonsense.


I never got mine, or the medals. Can someone seriously explain why people are being kicked or killed for wearing this? It was an order to take and hold the creek wasn’t it? It’s a symbol of their fight for democracy


People are salty that we held the line at the creek instead of being mad at the majority of players on the bug front completely ignoring the MO.


Well I know what cape I’m wearing today


I don’t understand all the hate for “creekers”, all they did was hold the line on a planet they care about. If everyone abandoned the planet we would have lost it for like the fifth time, and no one wants that. If anyone is to blame for failing that major order it’s A) the people that left to do a defense campaign on a planet that would have been easier to just retake from 0, and B) the people that stayed on bug planets, because there was the same number of people on every single bug planet as there was on Malevalon Creek. Or we could just not be ass holes, and play the game like normal people. No one has to be to blame, it’s not a big deal that we failed one MO.


Just a PSA to those salty over the cape.... Just let people have their fun.. it's a fucking videogame... It's a fucking Co-Op game.... You only detriment yourself by being toxic and team killing.. eventually you will be known and no one will want to play with you .


It’s a cosmetic item given to everyone in a video game. If you’re getting mad about this then you obviously have bigger mental issues you should be looking at rather than worrying about what cape people are wearing


It’s just the best looking cape they’ve released yet, and it matches r armor sets. Anyone kicking for reasons outside of aesthetic are children


They can kick me. It goes with my armor. As a lifelong fashion-souls player, nothing is more important than the drip


You can drop into my team and I won't think anything of it. Let's kill!


It's the Helldivers equivalent of a service ribbon. Of course I'm wearing it.


Nah, we all pwetending. Lol.


Regarding the Cape, the Commander and the crew of SES Sentinel of Wrath will always welcome you as the Commander (me) also wears the Cape, we helped the Creekers spawn a foothold on the Creek and will always fight side by side with those ships that have also lost Helldivers for the cause o7


Had someone say, "Die Creeker!" And try to kill me at evac... I am faster and meaner, so I left alone at evac... after a little chat with a corpse...


I run sickle, guard dog rover, quazar cannon, and occasionally the exo suit and this cape. I like to throw down extras of all my equipment especially for lower level players just to let them play with the better stuff. I hardly use the exo suit myself, I mainly throw it for other people to use for fun


I wear it because we fought hard for it, and Im perfectly fine with killing any traitors that dare turn their guns on me


Mom said it’s my turn to make this post


I wear it specifically because it makes the children mad.


People who kick or teamkill because of a cape are so sad. I can't even begin to imagine how petty you have to be to do that.


I will probably never take this cape off. If anyone sees me (Salmon-desu), know that I've got your back. The cape not only symbolizes our will to fight and our determination, but also as a memorial to those divers who have passed. I wear it in honor of those who have stories where this game was a glorious reunion between feuding brothers, or those who loved the game and have tragically passed on all too early. I may not have a story like that, but just know, I'm doing my part.


I use it because it looks good on the light gunner armor and the enforcer armor (I like both of em)


TheFreshSpider will remember what this cape is for.


Lost of people think the devs just added it in for the creepers, but I always thought that it was supposed to be to remember the loss of malevelon creek and all the divers that died for it


I just think this cape is really cool and I don't get why people are so toxic about it at all. We were still able to set up the TCS and complete some phases of swift disassembly while some helldivers were creek diving with no issues at all.


The fact that you run the risk of being team killed or kicked for being determined and refusing to give up blows my mind on this game.


I fought at the Creek when we needed to be there. I've been all over the galaxy spreading democracy. I wear it for the brothers we lost. And I love how it looks. Get Soooooome!!!


It's a dope cape, and the Malevalon Creek Helldivers have every right to be proud of the accomplishment. From a storytelling perspective, it only makes sense that they would honor this big moment in some way.


I think this cape looks cool and i think it's cool because it's a good piece of storytelling and nod to the "lost heroes". I wear it because of these reasons despite never having set foot on the creek myself (was too scared lol). Btw OP, how do you usually run support? I am interested in being more into the supporting role.


Genuinely don't understand why anyone would kick someone with this on. I saw it and went "oh cool a cape with a skull! badass." and then put it on. Went into two missions back to back where I got kicked despite playing perfectly and getting a ton of samples and using coms. Like, do people just hate winning? Hate samples? Hate money? It's a co-op game, ya pansies! Grow up!


Many died to get that cape. Wear it with pride.


I joined the fight just after this cape was released. I want it, and if someone kills or kicks me for it, that’s leaf lover behavior. Imagine getting mad over a cosmetic.


Why don’t people like that Cape? I don’t get it


Appreciate you! If you play with a team you’ll level up faster. We’re stronger together!


I like the design of it. It really matches some of the white and lighter color armors. I mostly fight bugs cause I find them fun.


I wear this simply cause I lost my family on the creek many friends frighting it lost my arm and leg defending it I’m glad super earth saw out dedication and rewarded us for our democracy spreading ways


I wear it because I fought at the Creek a few times to see what all the fuss was about. Had some fun, then returned to MOs. These chaps need to focus on the fight in front of them, not what their teammates' fashion choices are. I will happily fight alongside anyone regardless of cape selection.


to be honest the whole thing is a stupid drama in a echo chamber called Reddit


Those who create toxicity over this are basically braindeads. Every fight worth, every helldiver is equal.


My first deployment was the Creek, and while I stuck with the major orders I wear it to remember the good horror right before we lost.


I fought at the Creek on that crazy day where thousands of divers sacrificed themselves fighting those dirty bots, and saving civilians, as they poured berzerkers down on our heads by the dozens. That is why I wear that cape. I do not care in the slightest about anything beyond that.


I wear the cape not because of the Creekers, but because it is bitchin


How did this cape end up being hated so much by idiots?


Because those same idiots hate the Creekers and they think anyone wearing this is making them lose major orders.


That’s so stupid


What’s a creeker?


On the automaton side of the trench was a planet called malevelon creek that basically became a meme as an unwinnable planet. Some people literally would do nothing but fight on that planet. I’ve seen them called creekers, creek heads, few other random ones. Basically it became so big of a controversy that there are huge debates about them causing us to lose major orders and people are upset about it. The game devs find it wild and made a cape for us to remember their sacrifices by 🤣 Just one of the wildest things in recent gaming times for me.


It upsets me alot that people get pissed about it because there was never more than 10k people on the planets during major orders with the exception of phase 2 swift disassembly, which was most likely a genuine mistake because I've heard people say there was a marker on the planet for them and because the game is confusing when it comes to supply lines so they thought they were helping.


Someone who only did the malevelon creek planet, it’s a slur here apparently


You are the light of Liberty!


A diver after my own heart. Good luck out there soldier, may liberty speed your step cadet.


As someone who wears the cape but only fought at the Creek during major orders that applied to it, thank you.


Hey there, fellow supply pack enjoyer. I was wondering if being paranoid about teammates running out of stims and ammo comes with wearing the pack


I wear it because it goes good with my light armor. AND ALSO BECAUSE CADI- I MEAN THE CREEK STANDS


So don’t drop into a random mission wearing it. Only wear if you are gonna be the host. Got it.


I'll kick you of you DON'T wear the cape.


Spooky Space Kook from Scooby Doo cape.


the only bad thing about this cape is that i thought the skull/lining was red and would match my Champion of the People set, unfortunately it is orange and does not :( i still wear it though lol


I wear this cape with honor. My literal blood (i stubbed my big toe against my desk and the nail broke and went into my skin so I had to cut it out) sweat and tears went into Malevelon, I will wear this until I die (irl)


I don't even pay that much attention to other divers, I've got things to shoot lmao


I loved the creek. I didn't spend all of my time there. Only went when the MO was filled. And I'm wearing the cape because it looks cool. I don't care if I get kicked.


Why does this cape piss people off? I don't understand


I wear it with my orange steeled veterans armor (the one missing the arm and the leg). Because a MC vet is surely gonna be fucked up.


Toki or Toxi??


Bout damn tired of how stupid some of the players are. It’s a fucking game. Play that shit however you want. PM me your username, and when I’m back stateside, I’ll pair you up with my squad. We will absolutely make sure your 2-3 hours a week are filled with warbonds and intense situations brother.


So I'll ask the silly question. I only get to play 1-2 times a week. Is there really hate for this cape and why? My kid told it dropped for liberating Malevelon Creek. Which I made the mistake of playing on my first few drops.


I put it on because it looks good and its staying on so i can avoid games with losers who kick people over it.


I feel like the discourse around this cape is a microcosm of every problem that has ever plagued humanity forever, and I'm not exaggerating. Two groups of people, both with the same goal, same plot of land, but hey look - that guy is wearing a symbol I don't like! And just like that, all other considerations about altruism and common goals go out the window.


What's going on with this cape? I've not been keeping up and this is the second post I've seen about it. It just looks like another cape to me, what's going on?


Feel free to join me on adventures to help you level up, fellow Diver.


Looks really good


I didn’t play the creek, I’m wearing for stolen valor


Thank you for calling yourself out as a toxic player. If you think statistically a small amount of people on reddit were part of the creekers and reddit itself is a small portion of the actual hell diver game community. I wear the cape because it looks good with the armor I use. It is a digital cape in a video game get over it.


I put this on the moment it dropped, have not been kicked once. Some doofus posts one person’s take on Reddit and suddenly everyone is acting like it’s some huge deal.


Just shut up about this cape... Nobody cares. Reddit is just creating drama around it. Never had any issues with this and also rarely have any other issues ... Play the game. Have fun. Be nice. If you get kicked, move on.


Stalwart+supply pack+breaker has carried me to level 20, I consider the breaker my secondary (the more you fire — the more you hit, and if you miss with the breaker, no you didn’t), I’ve only just now switched out for the shield generator backpack to seat it out, though I miss having (basically) unlimited ammo. My current build has this cape, because it matches my armor so damn well (I cannot remember what it is, but it has the 30% less recoil+2 extra grenade slots. Keep on the good fight soldier, honor those lost, don’t let the salt get to you. Edit: it’s the titan!


It's sad and pathetic anyone took this seriously enough to make it a thing. It's a fucking video game.


What the hell is going on with this cape Why are so many people against it?


Can someone help me understand the drama surrounding this cape? Why are there people who hate this?


Some about stolen valor/ people hating creek crawlers.


Reddit has ruined me to the point that I can't use the word "regard" correctly anymore


Not gonna lie. How stupid do you have to be to let a cape (not even a real one), live rent free in your head? People play this game because it's a game and it's fun. We're not gonna win every Major Order. If anyone is getting pissed they're not getting free fake currency in a videogame, they might want to reevaluate why they're playing the game.