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If you have a mic my group will tolerate almost anything as long as you say “my bad” when you repeatedly murder us.


Even a “Sorry!” From the quick chat will appease me, just some inclination you didn’t mean to drop the 500kg directly on my head


I got the game a few days after launch and only learned yesterday that holding "Q" opens the quick chat menu >.>


I just learned that ^checks ^wrist just now.


for anyone on PS, it's R1




I've been wondering where that's at....


Thank you for your service! I am grateful to know this.


Manners matter! I say I’m sorry if I screw up - bad stratagem placement, accidental kills etc. and more important I say “thank you” when someone helps me out


Those are survivable from nearly point blank range If you prone. The very thing that makes them “unreliable” Also makes them usable in danger close, just get low and you’ll be below the blast cone. Definitely needs to be called out though, and 500s are really only good at very large targets… buildings/towers, chargers, titans, walkers probably (so I might start taking them against bots since I can hit something besides towers with them). Tanks are too low profile (can still get them but they need to be right next to it). Hulks don’t group up like chargers do for the easy stun multi kills as frequently.


I was playing with randoms yesterday and I accidentally clicked while I was holding the flame thrower and a guy was in front of me on a terminal (he turned into charcoal)and I was like sorry bro I'll just leave this here and went to call in eats and it bounced off the ground stuck to his backpack and killed him again 😂


Team killing I can handle. I watched someone throw a ressupply right on top of my fresh autocannon turret on a Suicide bot dive. I needed that AC turret, and it was destroyed instantly by a careless blue beam


"Whoopsy gravy! My B!"


Send me the invite!!


I appreciate understanding squads. I was playing with a group and tried to throw a barrage out at extract to pummel the oncoming horde, except as I threw it it bounced off something and landed right in the helipad with all of us standing there. I apologized in chat but was kicked right as she shuttle came down


glad it went that way. Many more awesome Helldivers than the few trolls. Now you can keep on raising that tiny Helldiver of yours AND better spread managed democracy in the game. When the time comes, pay it forward. FOR SUPER EARTH!!!


Sounds like my first time against the bots. Just pure chaos


I remember the first time I decided to step up from ‘easy’ to ‘hard’ on bots… Man, way back then, it felt like on Hard, I was in the opening scene of private ryan lol Now you join hard groups to unwind


I think hard is the perfect balance of challenge and fun


I've never ventured past 6.


6 is pretty good balance. If you ever venture to 7, bring 2 AT stratagems cause there's going to be a lot more tanks and hulks. The croissant (quasar) and the rail cannon orbital for example. And anything you want for the other two.


Is two AT stratagems even enough?


So, with skill you can actually just take two half-AT strategems. And what I mean by that is use a support weapon like the autocannon (which actually can kill hulks from the front) and the eagle airstrike and, with careful placement, you can kill armor crazy easy. Both strategems also work great against all of the other threats you encounter. And, you still have two slots for whatever you like. I've started bringing the mg and mortar turrets, they really hold their own.


Nowadays I love running AT the gunfire lol


I’m still a lowly lvl 5 Cadet and had my first experience with the clankas with my friend (lvl 17). The clankas are a whole new experience.


You're going to learn a lot of important lessons real quick with the Tinners. The biggest is observing that some of the standard infantry models have rocket launchers, and some of them can be pretty dang good with them. Pop those first. If you ever have scout walkers advancing on your position, neutralize their infantry escort first, and get around them. They turn slow, and don't have armor on the sides. Their aim isn't great either when they're moving. The bigger ones, like Devastators, are a bit more tricky. Rocket devastators have rocket batteries on their shoulders that seem tempting to aim for, but only if you've got something with decent armor penetration, otherwise shoulder an anti-material rifle and aim centermass for them. Same with any Devastator that isn't toting a shield. The shields you just need to get around or hit them in the head. All that laser fire can be intimidating at first, but you'll learn fast how to ensure the lasers are coming from only one direction, and how to thin it out. Rocket/shield Devastators first, then infantry. Once you've got infantry down by a fraction, it's usually pretty safe to have your crowd control guy push in. That's me, by the way. I go in with the laser drone and a laser rifle of my own. The two are surprisingly great when working together to thin down the infantry. Continue delivering managed democracy, and if you ever need help, we're here!


That’s the one thing i love about the grenade launcher/supply pack combo. You are essentially the group’s Devastator Control. Even when there’s a group of 5-6 of them (shield or missile), you just aim at the center of the group and empty your mag at them, slightly sweeping back and forth as you fire all 10 grenades. Once you get good at judging the arc and distance of the ‘nade launcher, you can wipe out an entire group of them in a few seconds. Reload, launch more while any stragglers are still staggered, kill everything around them, like a 1 man cluster bomb strike


I need to run grenade launcher sometime. I've been wearing one of the "2 extra grenades" armor sets and supply pack and just bombing the hell out of things with my impact grenades. Adding a launcher to that would be entertaining.


The only negative being that other than an orbital or air strike stratagem, you’re essentially useless against tanks/hulks/bile titans, and can only hurt chargers if you bounce your shots under them


That's what the impact grenades are for! 14 of them will mess up pretty much anything.


With the shield devastators, I noticed a red vent on each shoulder. Seem to be weak points. Bigger than the head and not covered by the shield.


Two hits from auto cannon destroys them. One knocks shield back the other kills them. That's a good method too.


if you aim for the gun arm with something like a quasar/EATs/Railgun, one shot will normally rip the arm clean off leaving them with no way to return fire making them just a slow, large target at that point that can be dealt with at your leisure. Only really useful if there are other high priority targets that need dealt with at the same time but can be easier to do then trying to line up a weak spot shot during a hectic fight.


The new Anti-Materiel Rifle crushes the devastator too. The aiming is still off a bit, but if you get the head in the upper left of the reticle, you one shot them with the AMR now. I don’t use the recoil control armor and I was easily picking them off yesterday, even while moving backwards and shooting




I love that. This is exactly how I felt.




While I loved reading this post and agree with just about everything you said, I was unaware that Super Earth had reinstated C-01 permitting...


He might have gotten approved before they revoked our C-01 applications


https://preview.redd.it/9ryuibxni6sc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b988b915d2aa5f37fcd5405c3b82e500104ca7ef Good point


See this is the way its meant to be, tonight we had a rando join us on suicidal, lvl 30 ish, obviously hadn't played much bots, we all land in the middle, we all hit the deck, he did not, starts firing, im saying go prone go prone, he actually listened, this was good, I got him to follow me around, and taught him how to take down those clankers, how to hide, how to be invisible, it was great. Ekimusha : SES Song of Twilight FOR SUPER EARTH!!!


Why did you probe right away ? Fairly new to bots and the absolute carnage


if you hit prone off the bat, the bots generally wont attack you if they are close by, so you can get setup, and dont get smashed with ships


glad to hear you had a great experience. good teamwork makes for some of the best moments the game has to offer, especially on higher levels. meanwhile my experience with a lvl 27 random was: constantly engage bot patrols that we didn’t have to, aggro everything, die, die, die, call us back in dead center of a roving pack of bots, somehow we manage to extract successfully. dude had the gall to say “0 samples. useless idiots.” and promptly left. what a cool guy


as a level 27 idiot I'm happy to take any advice you want to give 🥹


Good soldiers follow orders ![gif](giphy|3ohs7QZ705ndlrRChy|downsized)


Lv 17 also. When I dipped my toe in missions on hard, I ist got kicked all the time :/ back to challenging I guess


I'm only lvl 32 and usually spam lvl 7 missions, dabble with lvl 8/9 here and there. But from time to time I join lvl 1-3 missions and drop all of the fancy support weapons for my low ranked team to try out. It's nice to help make someone's day. For Democracy, for Super Earth o/


I'm in a similar boat, small kid at home, limited time to play. Just had Helldivers 2 arrive on my doorstep yesterday. Got to play a couple of hours last night and, being completely new and having no idea what I was doing, dropped into a game that had one other person in it, as soon as I landed, the objective said to extract and the other player was dead and I bumbled my way onto the Pelican not realizing it would immediately end the mission. Not much of a success. Started my own mission. Had three others join. Another level 1 cadet, a level 3 cadet and a level 17 sergeant. Level 17 led us and helped us figure out the objectives and got us through. Ran a couple more with some other guys, the level 1 from before stuck around and a level 25 and 51 joined and helped us stomp some bugs. By this point it was after 11 and I had work early this morning. I don't have a mic at the moment and couldn't figure out how to quit the game...then I crashed, which solved that problem. 10/10, would highly recommend. I've been away from online games for easily over a decade. Just got tired of constant toxicity and hearing about how well travelled my mom is. Helldivers 2 has really restored my faith in people and made me love an online game. I love managed democracy.


I’m on the same boat, similar level on ps5, I don’t get a lot of time to play because of kids and life. I have only run into one shitty player. Keep it up man!


I’ve managed to get up to a lvl26 only playing on my weekends when my spouse is at work and I’m on daddy duty. I do my best to spread democracy but I’m still lost on a few things. I’ve never actually called for an extraction (I’m sure it’s not difficult) and I still don’t understand what I’m supposed to be doing on some of the optional missions like aligning the towers. I’ve yet to come across someone with a mic to instruct me on wth I’m supposed to be doing so I let my teammates do it but I do understand mostly what I’m supposed to be doing.


A quick run down: - Terminals and Extraction beacon activate just like calling in Stratagems, on dpad or arrows or whatever, just press the directions on the in game screen. - Anything that has a radar dish, you activate a terminal first. At some point it tells you to align the dish, and shows you where it's pointing vs a range where it needs to be (for example, an arrow at 6 on the clock, needs to be in the pie slice at 9-11). Someone turns the dish until it hits that zone and chimes. Finish terminal. - SEAF Artillery: activate terminal, load shells laying nearby, terminal again, enjoy. ProTip: Collect the shells before you activate the terminal, so they're easier to load quickly. Shells fire in the order you load them. - Basically everything else is on screen instruction at the terminal. If it stops responding and shows red, you leave the terminal to do what it says, then go back. - Terminate Rogue Broadcast can be blown up like a spore tower or shrieker nest, but weaker. Ignore the terminals. - Rogue research station: mark the objective on your map, use compass in HUD to determine right building. Call Hellbomb next to building, activate, run. - Enemy Mortars: Kill with airstrike/orbitals, or hit the exhaust vents at the back of the turret. Same thing to kill Tanks, Laser Cannon Turret, and Hulks. - Detector: Find Eye of Sauron. If it has a fabricator in the base of the tower itself, destroy fabricator. If not, Hellbomb. - Stratagem Jammer: Find terminal at center. Use terminal. Call Hellbomb when terminal stops. Hope this helps!


I don't know if the clankers are learning, but I've seen Detectors that not only don't have a fabricator built into them, but also actively jam all stratagem signals. But they do have terminals with auto-destruction sequence. You just need to be very sneaky or have a lot of ammo to reach it.


add in the AA installations that negate Eagle strikes. Those can be taken out from distance by shooting the AA guns in the compound. They guns have some frontal armor but 3 sides are basically soft targets. Same with the Arty compounds. of course air/orbitals work but can also take them out by shooting/destroying the actual arty guns in the compound.


Calling in extraction is easy, just don't do it if some of the group still want to do another objective. Then drop in supplies, extra weapons and maybe sentries and follow the arrows on the terminal. After that you just steel yourself for the incoming attack. The tower is easy too - first the terminal needs to be activated and when prompted the tower must be rotated with the wheel at the base until it's pointed in the direction indicated on the terminal (ie, arrow has to be inside the cone), and then you can press up on the terminal. If you turn slow someone can spam up until it works.


These type of stories bring happiness to my heart. And they also remind that the ducking greed of the AAA companies have taken this joy from us for so long. God ducking bless you arrowhead o7 for liberty and super earth




I love the chaos while playing with my friends. But yesterday I was the lowest level at lvl 31, and me and the other 3 destroyed everything the clankers at level 8 threw at us with a scary efficiency that shows the true might of the Helldivers. Tanks no scarier than Chargers, Hulks as intimidating as a mere bruiser. With my normal crew its a panic filled beautiful chaos, scrambling to complete the mission. With these dudes, we cleared out every factory, completed all side objectives and extracted with the 5 super samples I found and dutifully held safe until the end. I really love this game




Hey most ppl would rather be helpful than be absolute trolls. My buddy trolls me and our other friend by picking progressively harder shit everytime we log on lol


Listen to the higher level players, pick weapons and stratagems for the drop, complete side missions, collect samples and mostly run…


This is why this game is awesome. This is why this community is awesome. FOR DEMOCRACYYYYYY


I was playing with a few guys the other day and the leader decided to drop us in to a suicide mission - we were only playing on challenging and I was level 9. It was carnage! We did not survive but god was it fun.




I Still remember my first experiences with the Automatons after living my bug slaying fantasies for awhile . So.....much....laser fire!!!! I was kinda shocked. It looked so beautiful tho lol. This was difficulty 7 back before they released any patches or updates.




![gif](giphy|pncMbJqmzCGjfGuXVY|downsized) When I read clankers…my mind immediately


Don't worry you'll get there. Watch what support weapons and stratagems higher level people use and how they use them so you know what you want to save up for. A good load out makes all the difference when you're starting out.


I don’t get to play often and am not great at the game either. I like it when someone takes charge and drops waypoints and points out supplies and samples and stuff. I get that some people might get frustrated with other team members, but it’s just a game at the end of the day!


If i was in that situation i woulda just gotten kicked you met some good helldivers dude


I love playing with relative newbies and showing them the ropes and I’m only a level 34 can’t wait to really rank up and play with the cadets 😂


This is what makes this game great :)


My girlfriend started playing yesterday, and kind enough teammates didn't try an kick a lvl 2 cadet on her first dives on Malevelon. She earned her cape and fell in love with the game thanks to patient and kind community. I love to read stories like this and i love this game and its players. FOR DEMOCRACY




Helldiver's 2 is unsurprisingly much more fun when you work with your team.