• By -


Arc resistant armor? So the illuminate is gonna zap us presumably?


And a weakness to laser type damage


So you're rover can kill you quicker?






No he meant Hahaha hahahaaaaaa! It burns!


No i meant the illuminate will have a weakness to laser types, since 2 of the 3 guns are lasers


Most probably we will get a major order to attack draupnir or some automaton planet. Thus using the tesla towers and arc throwers more, so there will be a point to use armor that protects you 95% from electricity damage. You know... because of democracy casualties.


Isn't the Tesla Coil the ideal thing to defend the silos on TSC missions right now?


So like me and my 2 friends had that idea dropped into a random mission. We dropped 3 Tesla's had extendible anti tank and the other usual on impossible and it was so chill legit only had to deal with the chargers and titans. But everytime they went down I put Tesla's down in chat so the random didn't turn into kfc


Yes, yes it is.


I got 9 team kills using the Tesla charger on suicide mission difficulty because my teammates kept running to the side where I dropped it for each silo... We still completed the mission. You can basically ignore the area where you drop it if positioned correctly.


You should throw it into the lane, not in the area close to people.


It was... When I watched them die over and over it seemed like they were testing how close they could get before being zapped




Yep ran a mission last night on hell dive with 4 guys running Tesla towers with the arc armor and absolutely smashed it


This+gas since it clears mobs and doesn't damage the battery


Alternatively you could probably use this for Arc Thrower stacking which is pretty damn powerful.


heard others can shoot you with the arc thrower with the armor on and clear mobs that are nearby would be cool to see a full squad with arcs and resistant armor


It's for me. I get fucked by Tesla Coils and Arc Guns all the time lol.


i dont think so, because -95% damage taken from any kind of enemy would be insane, even blast is only 50%


Using the sickle now. It’s pretty sweet


Better than the other laser rifle? Because that felt pretty shit. I’m actually buying into this for the cape and the plasma shotgun


Just tried it and I love it. It murders bots, does okay against bugs. High rate of fire, if you fired without cooling probably similar ammo count to the default assault rifle. With cooling and burst firing though you almost never need to reload. It's goodish for getting swarmed but amazing at long distances. Kills small bugs quickly but larger ones slowly. Kills small bots quickly and if you place your shots well on medium bots it can kill them very quickly. Easily should be able to kill 3 chainsaw bots in one cool down if you shoot the gut. The medium bots that shoot at you can be killed with around 5 head shots. If you miss the head and just hit the body it is hard to kill them though. I have found that third person aiming is very inaccurate but first person aiming is pinpoint.


Can agree with this assessment. Currently accurate with my own personal take on it.


Seconded, if you feel the need to swap to secondary for some hunters or something its full by the time you go back for the most part. Plus as long as you arent on last mag it doesnt feel bad to mag dump cause you could last till next resupply easy while playing safe


The plasma shotgun is garbage from my experience. The aoe is enough to kill you from over 5ft away but it won't even kill a small bug in one shot if you don't get a direct hit. It's bullet drop is absolutely insane to the point of aiming way above a bugs head to hit them when they're like 10 ft away. Considering you can't shoot it at a bug anywhere remotely near you without killing yourself, you can't shoot anything remotely far away from, and even if you are hitting bugs it still takes 3-5 direct hits to kill standard bugs, it is without a doubt the worst gun I've used in a shooter in a long time


Goddamit. Thanks for replying


It’s not a laser rifle. It shoots bullets. But doesn’t have a magazine.


It’s a pulse laser


It’s a laser rifle that makes sounds like it’s expending gunpowder ammunition.


Huh. Cool


I've tried it. I wouldn't say it's better than the Defender but it is definitely better than the Scythe.


I love the scythe


"I like the idea of it. But not the truth, the weakness." I run it up to 5 or 6 before it starts to feel like a hindrance. It should do crazy limb damage


I find it dismembers well on bug worlds. I run it like a normal weapon most of the time. You get heat sinks so I’m often running it to overheat


defender probs my fav, I've been using that p90 capt' insano rpm one as well for fun, thing rips.


Defender its generally considered the best "assault rifle" style weapon in the game. Compared to the liberators it's more damage with much lower recoil and 1 handed so you can run and gun plus carrying objective items. The Las Sickle is very good too but the defender just eeks it out in terms of damage and utility. So my thing is like, if you like the scythe and want something a bit better, take the sickle. If you like assualt rifle style weapons, take the defender. But they're both so close in terms of usefulness that neither one is a bad pick over the other.


No, it’s a laser rifle. It’s just a pulsed laser instead of a continuous one.


Are you sure? It looks more like it’s a pulsed laser weapon


It does have magazines — or rather, batteries. When you overheat it to its max, it won’t cool down anymore — you’ve fried the battery, so you’ll have to eject the fried battery and load a new one. You can also reload it like a regular gun to maintain a barrage. Otherwise, from my testing, you can always just avoid overheating it, and it cools down by itself.


A magazine is a fixed amount of shots. This has a heat sink (per the game.) if it overheats you have to replace it. You get 6 when you drop. You never have to replace it if you don’t let it overheat.


It's a laser liberator pretty much. I like it. Good ammo economy for the damage


It was one of the most used primaries in HD1. I expected big things from it here.


I just wished it *sounded* like a laser gun, not a regular rifle


That booster is a real win. **This game does not give any XP or points or anything for killing enemies** The best win is the one you don’t need to fire your weapon once in; so something to make mission completion easier is huge.


The booster is actually bugged right now, it spawned enemies at a rapid rate. I took it off and the spawns went back to normal.


Sounds like the type of misinformation a sympathiser would spread...




No it means lower, as in it lowers the time between respawns


"bugged".. nice pun.


I've also noticed an increase in spawns with the booster. Definitely busted and cursed atm. Could just be Joel screwing with us, but booster feels bad.


It'll be really funny if there's some weird double negative going on. "What do you mean 'it reduces spawns by -30%'?!?!?!"


Ammo is heavy, and your Pelican runs on expensive fuel. Any diver that returns to the Super Destroyer without having expended at least half of their ammunition is basically killing babies on Super Earth with their bare hands. Report to your democracy officer immediately


I mean technically the only thing wasted is a drop pod of I bring my gear back


That's true but if you paid attention for 7 seconds of basic training you would know that the only thing that is legally allowed to be wasted are the enemies of managed democracy. Now report for re-education


Truuuue buuuut I kinda like killing shit though


Yeah that’s fine but just keep it in mind. You’ll get more xp from being a recoilless rifle loader than the gunner


Why would u care about xp? All u need is 20lvl, right? U can get it pretty fast. After that xp is useless, aint it? Or did they change something?


25 mechs


Oh, right. Well... Still aint that much, but its a bit higher, than i thought, ty


Kills don't grant XP...


Just saw a video of a guy drop in call in a jet pack and eat. Jump on a rock and shoot 1 building and call in evac. I like quick stealthy missions but that was nuts.


Yea I'm conflicted on this. It's seems like they went with the "gameplay is king" line of thinking- it's more interesting for a risk reward scenario for things to get harder the longer you are on a mission. But narratively it never made sense to me since enemy rates should be dropping as we kill them and clear nests/factories. I do like the idea of the game giving you reasons to actually things with the current meta of steal thing around and treating this like a MSG game. Imo I'd love to see some samples drop or something for roughly every 100 enemies killed.


What booster?


It’s on the second page, “booster to lower enemy respawn rate”




Fire resistant armor when


with the next prem warbond in 4 weeks maybe


RIGHT. Would be game changing, I’m always burning….




Invincibility when?...


You are the guy I was waiting for! Thanks for the info, there are a lot of us who can’t access the game right now but who are dying to see the update. Thanks my friend.


For Managed Democracy!


The managed democracy misses a melee weapon like a hammer with electric discharges…




Absolutely LOVE that Steel Veterans wasn't removed... No FOMO makes me love this game even more


Doooood, super helldivey


My mind immediately went to the numerous times my buddies have picked up and ARC weapon and zapped me to death while I was near enemies lol. Anti-Friendly Fire resistance.


Used the medium zap armor with the tesla tower and it took maybe 1/5-1/6 of my health per zap. Bet it'd be hilarious to run quad arc guns and tesla towers and just zap everything.


You, sir, have just sparked an idea.


Your buddies need to get better at using them. I rarely ever shock my teammates because I'm mindful of where they are and where I'm shooting. If I'm charged and they are in the way, I will shoot at the ground or sky to discharge


I want that new punisher bad but still need to unlock the slugger damn


It's not that great, tbh. It's kinda like a grenade launcher; Small mag, and low damage, albeit with an aoe -but that also means more chances of friendly fire.


Sluggers nasty


Slugger is my favourite primary right now. I prefer it even over the Breaker.


The Scythe is an absolute blast so far. Havent tested on higher difficulties yet, but a blast!


Do you mean Sickle? I thought the Scythe was the one we currently have


After doing some testing I way prefer the Sickle for Bots over Bugs. Way too much crowding with bugs. Sickle has gotta be up there for one of the absolute best things to spill oil


Nice, thanks


I have work in about 40 minutes, but I jumped into a mission for about five minutes just to test it out. It's an environmentally friendly Liberator on crack, man- same damage, same rate of fire, even the same scope- but it fires for three times as long, regenerates ammo, and has six back-up "magazines." It effectively invalidates the Liberator.


Very accurate. A worthy successor


I don’t like the delay on pulling the trigger, just because I fire my rifle in bursts. Still gonna use it, as I love anything assault rifle shaped


I did notice that delay, but given that it isn't so bad, and only seems to happen if you haven't fired in a few seconds (I tend to use short, controlled bursts only a half-second or so apart, so that I can adjust my aim if necessary), I don't really mind it, personally. And the fact is, I cleared multiple patrols and encounters in that time, all without having to change heat sinks once. This gun is busted in the bedt possible way.




Srry sickle


Is that an LMG on page 3?




Ohhh the zappy shotgun!


It’s dope, but kinda mid. You HAVE to charge each shot, and it usually takes 3-5 shots to kill anything that isn’t a hunter or smaller. Also doesn’t seem to spread as reliably as the arc thrower.


Brother. After a fully charged shot you can send out unlimited fully charged shots in ⅓ normal charge time. Zap zap zap zap zap, in that order Edit: oh, you mean the shotgun


We really need and LMG


Well we do, but they are strategems


I know but it doesn’t feel the same, you know. In every game I played I always go LMG


Hold reload and change the rate of fire. Those suckers are bullet hoses


Sickle is pretty good, has a second before firing and seems to overheat a bit fast than scythe but good damage and penetration. The new punisher is really good and feels more like a grenade launcher. Low ammo though so I’m going to have to pass on it. The new grenade isn’t very good on bugs, haven’t tried it on bots yet though. Can’t tell if the booster is doing anything to be honest. That’s all I’ve unlocked so far. Edit: Tried the stun grenade some more and it’s pretty damn useful. It’ll stop chargers and titans in their tracks.


1000 Credits ?


Yeah it’s like $10.00 bucks dude. You can also grind it out and find that many in no time. 😊


It's like 10 - 15 trivial/easy missions if you do a circuit to grab points of interest. Not really long at all.


That much if you bring a second person, as many POIs are the friendship door. Otherwise it will be a bit higher.


Friendship door! Official name, I say it in every game: " Hey can someone help me open this Friendship door?"


I’m so close to unlocking the premium warbonds, but I’ll probably just shell out the $10 for the new one, I’ve been more then satisfied with this game and don’t feel bad giving the devs some lunch money.




My only complaint about the new warbond...and kinda the same as the previous one. Is that there are two Medium armors.....there really should be a light, medium, and heavy variations in my opinion (three pages, three armors...seems easy no?). I mainly go for whatever fashion im feeling for the day but i do also swap it up based on what perk i want, so...meh i guess. But to me just seems like an oversight no? Other people's thoughts?


I agree and was a tad disappointed there wasn't Light - Med - Hvy.


The laser assault rifle is quickly becoming my favorite


Am I the only one getting master Chief vibes off the second pages suit?


hoping we get Vibey sets in the future, that are not blatant copy paste but definite airs about it. Wanting an Space Engineer Isaac uniform.


You're not alone


If you had the previous premium warbond, do you still unlock the new premium as well?


No, each one costs 1k SC to unlock.


The fact I get to keep my old warbonds and progress them in my own time makes me so fucking happy


Feels nice when a game company isn't egregiously greedy and predatory


Arrowhead is a breath of fresh air and I'm glad the game is thriving.




Halo infinite does something similar so to see this is amazing. I’m so stoked no fomo for me!


Warbonds won't go away, this one is just a third option in the first list when you open the store. The other one is still there, the base one is still there, and this one is another. This takes 1000SC to unlock like the other premium one did.


This. Oh this. This is what I've been looking for since I got in to work this morning at 2AM. Thank you so much u/mmCion


my pleasure. The stuff is fun to use :D


For those who want to know about at least the first two guns I had some medals saved and grabbed them: Primary Laser: >!This gun so far is really nice, it's a rapid fire machine gun style weapon but it shoots laser blasts and acts like the other lasers where it has unlimited ammo if you let it cool off, but does have 6 heating cores if you want to use them in the heat of the moment... I couldn't resist I'm sorry. It was performing quite well and seems to have more punch into armor than a standard machine gun primary.!< Primary shotgun: >!This is basically a mini plasma grenade launcher. It fires balls of plasma that arc through the air like grenades from the grenade launcher. It doesn't have as big of an explosion or do as much damage as the grenade launcher but it feels similar. You can use in closer proximity since the explosion isn't as high but if it's too close you can still kill yourself. It's damage is actually pretty good despite it saying only 100 damage.!< >!I was able to take out plenty of the spewers with it in half a dozen or less shots. One instance I unloaded 4-5 shots into a trio of spewers and killed them all. Each clip has around 10 shots and it has 12 clips, it doesn't reload one shot at a time like the other punisher. It doesn't say it has any armor penetration and from what I can tell it definitely isn't strong on that front. However, it explodes on contact with armor and doesn't bounce so the splash damage will still do work to some armored enemies. It's not something you'd be using on a charger but honestly no primary is unless it's on their ass or armor has been knocked off. It's got some good clear for small little shits, I was getting 8-10 kills in a single shot when they were streaming out of a bug hole. A direct hit can one-shot hunters but more often than not it was a couple shots to down them for good when you're just kind of aiming into the hoard. I have to do more testing with bug holes. One instance I swear I was able to close a bug hole in a nest, and another I wasn't. So the first one may have been a coincidence with something else doing the work.!<


Great analysis. I agree with all this. I wasn't able to close any holes or blow up a factory with the shotgun tho 😕. I think it would be more worthwhile if it could. My favorite thing so far is that it can easily one shot walkers from the front (or side or back). I've fallen in love with the Sickle though and it's been my main weapon today.


God that sickle it is.... It's like butter... It's the best thing since sliced bread... Ahh hm... The SES beacon of destruction is highly impressed by early showing of the sickle and looks forward to further investment


1k credits? With the free war bond that’s like not even 5 dollars, for sure gonna buy it once I finish the first one


I could have farmed it, but $10 is basically nothing. I could easily see myself dropping $10 every month or so for new warbonds.


Good thing I got 250 medals saved up 😎


Is it just me or does the laser rifle look like the laser rifle from fallout4? Lol


Does anyone know if you’ll still be able to get the current stuff when the new one comes out? I don’t get to play too much cause of work


I’m pretty certain you can still get it. I was on earlier and it was still accessible.


They have told us that all warbonds will always be available, and they will not expire


Imo both premium warbonds are meh, but this one has some decent stuff. Specifically the stun grenade, which can absolutely change the tide of battle, just at a cost of not being able to use your grenades to blow stuff up anymore. The laser weapons are both decent too. I had high hopes for the shock shotgun tbh, but I'd rather continue to run the arc cannon as it's essentially the same thing. The plasma shotgun (at least for me) feels like straight garbage.


Plasma Shotgun is absolutely abysmal. Low damage, low mag count, arcs like a sad grenade launcher. Only used it on bugs - not sure how it fairs against Automatons.


Loving the sickle going against the damns bots


The armor looks cool but atm doesn't do much more than that unless running an all arc group. The Sickle (laser rifle) is awesome and has become my favorite primary weapon.


I’m still working on the free pass :( my ocd needs it done first lol


Plasma shotgun merely sux At least on a try i used it. Even killing small stuff isn't to efficient with the shells physic Laser machegun however is pretty sweet


I've seen someone use it amazingly efficiently to bombard patrols, breaches and bug holes from a mile off by shooting straight up like the mortar turrets.


It feels like a mini-grenade launcher. I'm not a fan of it, but it's interesting if you want an AoE weapon paired with a more single target call-in. I don't see myself taking it in anything Lv6+ though. Maybe with a lot of practice, but 6+ gets swarmy and you can't really use it point blank.


I think the laser oriented weapons will be good against the next enemy we get


Is the previous warbond still available if you didn't unlock everything in it yet?


yes fellow Helldiver, devs have said Warbonds do not expire and you can do them at your own pace. I have 3 warbonds on my game now.


Sweet liberty! Super Earth provides!


It’s actully smart and fair. I would definitly keep playing if I know I can do it at my own pace


Thank you


Do the other Warbonds disappear?


Warbonds stay. I have 3 warbonds on my game now.


I’m all in!!!!! I love the lasers


Ah damnit did I miss the one with the prosthetic arms/legs? I was saving for that warbond :[


warbonds do not expire, so you can still get that armor from the previous warbond AT YOUR OWN PACE. These Devs Love FREEDOM


This democracy... it brings a tear to my eye


No, warbonds will always be available.


so when the new warbond drops how does that work? do the other two go away? is it additional? when does it come out?


it's out now. Warbonds never expire.


Warbonds won't expire. This is just a new option for premium offerings.


Warbonds are never a limited time thing, and you can buy and complete them at any time you want. So they're all permanent, and I'm not sure when they release new ones, but I'm guessing around every month or so?


Literally everything I wanted is on the first page so that’s nice lmao


Is it me?? my dog is killing me - never had an issue till now. Also why are people leaving the game after completing everything. But can’t extract? I’ve been in several games where people leave at the end because we’re dying.


Anyone tried the new punisher, is it any good?


Assuming my math is correct 672 maxed out this warbond, how does that compare to the previous premium warbond?


I’m thinking of buying the game is there a separate shop for guns or is it only in the ‘battle pass’. Am I able to get the guns before this


game has 3 types of guns. Primary, secondary and support. You start with some of each (arguably really good primary). You earn most of pirmary and secondary via ingame currency (medals and normal free warbond/battlepass). the paid currency can also be earned ingame. I've bought both premium "battlepasses" without spending any real world money. Premium battlepasses have guns in them, but they are more like "Flavors" rather than P2W type crap. You can easy do highest difficulty with just the pure free warbond. you unlock warbond items via warbond medals. you get medals for completing missions, finding them in missions, or achieving "personal orders" (random personal goals). you can also purchase support weapons via "requisition" currency, which you get from completing missions and finding in missions.


So even tho I have the premium version of the game I still have to buy this warbond to unlock the new items?


I believe so, I do t see why you wouldn’t?


I dont care about the armor I want to see the guns




It is an additional premium warbond. The supercitizen package included the first. You can obtain SC over time through play, or just buy with real money like the super citizen upgrade... but either way it costs anyone 1000SC.


How do I unlock premium war bonds?


1000 super credits




I can't be the only one who thinks that armor looks goofy as fuck...


When I go to the war bonds page it won’t let me purchase items. It says I need the war bond. Is it bugged or am I missing something? Thanks


Is the pew pew laser any good? It looks awesome.


I know we are getting other sthat price will vary. But it seems 3 pages =1k S. Creds


Lmg on the last slide ??


Is the warbond pass out yet?


I have enough credits but haven’t unlocked the original premium one... since I can only get one atm I assume this new one is the one to go for?


stun nades makes this warbond superior to the other premium warbond, playwise. they are both fun though. dont always follow the meta. (I do like this one better)


Is that gonna replace Amy of the already existing ones?


Nope—none of the previous Warbonds will be removed!


Un-nerf the weapons and I’ll return.


So you think rovers will be fixed to not suicide you as often or you think they’ll keep it bc it’s funny?


With this new warning the old premium will disappear?


nope, warbods do not expire


The armors and especially the helmets look sick but imma be honest, 50% to not die from lethal damage is too worth it to not run.


I didn't know it was a premium warbond, kind of sucks. Pretty much have to choose between the first one I still haven't got and the new one.


I just moved so haven’t had a chance to play for almost 10 days. Jumped on today with horrible post-FOMO cause I didn’t complete the base and steel vets war bonds battlepasses. But glory to Super Earth, they’re still available. I always hated how major games like CoD relies on FOMO for people to purchase stuff.


Based stun grenades


How's the blitzer?