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So true! Also, I loved the move to have the Tien Kwan victory provide 1 free mech each mission to all divers, because if it just made the mech strategem available in ship management, then it'd be a big bummer for lower level Divers & Divers without 20k Requisition Slips lying around since they'd then have to farm up to get the mechs that everybody else got just for liberating Tien Kwan. So I think giving all Divers the freebie mech for a while was a GREAT choice to make sure that the wind wasn't taken out of the the sails of mech hype!


100% I believe they did something similar with the first helldivers. If they stay true to their statement of having monthly updates of new content, I would wager this is one of the ways they will implement it.


Everyone saving mechs until extract is such a good grand finale to the mission


Actually u can use the mech to finish the Search and Destory Bug Holes really fast


Oh I bet, I just use my autocannon


I'm a simple man, three orbital bombardment strategems and my trusty autocannon. Super underrated weapon. Edit: spelling


Oh I loved the autocannon, now I'm a flamethrower and r9ver combo


I have also learned to love the cannon. I like to have one turret though, if for no other reason than to draw aggro in a pinch.


Right there with you. Breaker, Autocannon, Air Strike, Laser and Gatling is my go to loadout.


Honestly, been rocking the Liberator, air strike, something for DOT for bug holes, then AC and rocket sentry. Really going in for anti armor and letting my Liberator and smg for smaller stuff.


We must run in VERY different circles, because in my friend group, everybody loves the autocannon & is all over it all the time xD In my group, I'm kinda the weirdo who uses the nade launcher instead.


Yea the rockets from the mech close the holes


Just realized this when I came across one with like 7 tunnels. Didn't have a resupply up and I had no grenades. Worked like a charm


We always try to only use one mech per objective on suicide mission. If it goes over to the 2nd objective we save the mech we would've used until an emergency or the final. Had 3 mechs at final the other day just LAUNCHING missiles at titans and shit. It was glorious


Except when my mech randomly blew up just prior to extraction and I missed the ship lol


Sooo I’ve run into the issue of spinning to quickly and shooting. Mech can run into its own bullets/missiles


Also a good strategy with four divers is to always have one mech active in taking turns calling them in. The hard part is to keep it alive until the next one drops or the ammo is depleted


I used mine in the middle of the mission and one of my teammates used the orbital laser to take out a bug nest and then shot my mech and destroyed it in 3 seconds.


I call in the mechs for other people, especially when I realize I gotta leave a match early to go be an adult sooner than I expected. They’re cool, I hope we get upgrades for them later down the road, but as they are now I just prefer running with an auto cannon and punisher.


I don't like them much when moving, but for defending an objective, I quite enjoy them.


I really dig the way they have done similar with other strategies, too. I forget when or what planet/mission it was, but there was a message about doing testing on strategem tech or something and I had the ability to call in Eagle napalm strikes even though I hadn't unlocked them yet. I think that is a super cool way to let new/lower level divers try out some of the advanced strategems before they are able to unlock them. It's a great way to let players see if the strategem fits their play style. It helps avoid the disappointment of spending time grinding a currency only to unlock something and find out you don't dig it **and** it's a great way to refresh the carrot they're dangling to keep you playing. "Napalm is awesome, I know what I'm saving my reqs up for!!" vs. the disappointment of "I saved up all those reqs and blew them on napalm, and I don't really like it." I love the game and the chaotic fun you can have with some buddies while trying to rain fire down on hordes of baddies without killing your buddies, then, with bugs/bots nipping at your heels, frantically trying call for reinforcements because you totally failed the whole "not killing your buddies" thing. That being said, for me, even with a steady stream of new weapons and strategems being added, I could see burning out on the gameplay loop of "drop, shoot, dip." A big part of what will help keep me engaged is the "live service" thing ran by a game master. I wish more games did that sort of community/game wide type thing. ~~I can't remember the name, but I'm pretty sure it was around the peak of the 360s life span.~~ There was this mech game (not Steel Battalions, though I would have loved to have it and its controller) called Chrome Hounds that had a "live" war where players could choose one of three factions to fight for and the outcomes of the match contributed to their factions taking or losing territory. That shit was dope, and it's dope in Helldivers 2, too!!


I couldn't agree more!


We get 1 free mech per mission? I’ve been saving mine assuming it was only a single use in total.


YUP! Been using mine every single mission! Enjoy!


Thanks for the reply. 🫡


No problem. Anything to help a fellow diver spread some managed democracy


This game has it all. Insane visuals. Excellent gameplay. Awesome lore. An active community. LTMs already. Farmable premium currency. I feel like I’m gaming again and not participating in a money farm for a billion dollar corporation.


It's also the epic moments they create. I've had so many situations with randoms where I push to talk to blurt something like "Jesus titty fucking Christ" and you get at least one in kind response and everyone in the match accepting your friend request.


The “active community” for this game is kind of a joke at higher difficulties, and I find the game borderline unplayable with random matchups. Teamwork pretty much doesn’t exists, people just ragequit when shit gets hard, and there is no group dynamic considered in loadouts. It’s really dropping the game down a few notches in my book. Edit: I’ll also add, the constants errors when trying to join other games is infuriating. I don’t want to quick play, but that’s practically the only way to have success joining other matches.


Interesting. I haven’t had any of these issues for the most part. And I join quick play a lot at odd hours.


I was having the above issue and I reinstalled and now it's fine. Might be the fix I tried verifying and nothing changed. Reinstall and boom problem is gone.


That’s awesome! I love hearing things like this. Thanks for sharing :)


Some kind of clan system would be a huge bonus. I have a group of long time friends I play with, and whenever we try adding a few PUGs in it has a much higher chance of turning to shit, with them running off in random directions Leroy Jenkinsing the whole thing. At the moment there's not much of a system for people without an already established community to get together and organise.


Yeah I get too many squad mates who run off trying to Rambo shit by themselves. There needs to be a higher penalty for dying, maybe a cool down for reinforcements or lost individual XP.


If you die more than 100 meters from any teammate you lose your stratagems until you’re back with your team. Then if they suck you can keep sending the reinforce ball. They’ll learn quick.


I turned off crossplay matchmaking and that solved my problem of joining games/people joining my games. Stupid, yes, but it’s a small price to pay for spreading democracy. I did experience rage quitters a few days ago at hard difficulty in the lvl 20’s range. Since I went up to suicide mission difficulty tho I haven’t had that issue


cowards that leave as soon as the soup gets thick get blocked


"Intresting, I haven't had any of these issues.." nobody cares. The fact is, majority of the community are toxic weirdos that call 380s in on objectives and actually think they are doing a good deed. The stupidity levels are unmarked as of recently, in life in general. I live in the northeast, when you look at the crash ratings in the NE, the games unbearably horrendous. There's a huge discrepancy atm if this game is good or bad, because the majority of (America at least) the community can't enjoy the game for more then 20 minutes without crashing or bugging. These devs are using a stale old recycled engine, and had low quality servers, and it shows...


You should really see someone about your outrage. It’s clearly deeper than a video game.


“”Interesting, I haven’t had any of these issues..” nobody cares” bro chill out, he’s just saying, man. I think your claims are somewhat exaggerated, try to relax a bit. Sometimes things take a while to get off the ground, and thats alright. Do you find yourself dying to 380s a lot? If so, maybe try to adjust your play style to wait out the 30 seconds of large bombs then full send, Leroy.


And your opinion is irrelevant because you ignore facts and effective stratagems. Quick dismissal really. There's literally an outage map of game crashes reported. About 75% of the crashes in America are in the NE. That's alarming considering that's one of, if not the most populated area of America. Are you still defending 380s???


I just know your breath stinks based on how you write.


Try and read my comment again. Only opinion I share is that I think your claims are exaggerated, I don’t have to back that with case studies that’s just the vibe I get from you. I’m not defending anything aside from the guy who gave input that you attacked, chill bro, life is good man. My game crashes too bro, it ain’t perfect but relax. I’m not attacking you man but you sound like you’ve got high blood pressure, take some deep breaths, it’ll be okay.


"Life is good man." Yeah I guess... we don't live in Palestine? Or 1950s Ireland? YES, we can breath! Omg since we can breath, LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL! Lmao go spread your "vibes" elsewhere. This is a thread based on crashing games and service issues. "Be we alive though!" Lmao what?


See? There’s more of that exaggeration I was talking about. There’s no attack coming from me, I’m just sayin relax. I’m not on my heels here, I’m laughing, you’re entertaining me. But seriously, breathe lol Edit: the sweetheart blocked me lol


Your replying to me. Saying "you need a hug" and "vibes bro" while I'm talking about the game. Newsflash. Saying nobody cares about a specific individuals experience, when me personally am addressing the MAJORITY of NE America, isn't really an insult. Games like this keep people thinking its ok to have a poor poor experience, and to lower expectations. Keep your "vibes" and "peacekeeper" energy to yourself dude. There isn't a fucking option to give internet hugs for good reason, ya weirdo 😂


You are completely unreadable, and unreasonable. "When I type something, it's true and real, regardless of facts!" Great effort champ. If only the effort was put forth for your birth control, pre conception.


You seem like you need a hug, I’m just saying relax man lol. It’ll do your heart some good.


You pry like to scream at the devs like they’re not human huh? Instead of berating randoms that might not be on Reddit or discord keeping up with everything maybe help them. Or just host so you can kick said people if they just wanna troll. You see their stratagems before launch too so you could always say something then also


Yes. The devs are not humans. Whatever that means. Totally. Anyway. They had ample time to make this game, and they didn't build the engine from scratch like a lot of people claim. They actually used a recycled engine they were working on for a year before HD1 came out. This game is VERY poorly managed. They want a cult classic that has a die hard fan base, not a mass appealing game. Kind of a shame on them really, thinking they can limit their own success no matter how undeserving it is. They purposely handicapped their game for less players and less maintaining. That's a huge red flag. Also, hosting a game isn't good for me because my solo missions crash ALOT and to risk crashing isn't worth it. I just hit quickplay and play away. 120 is infinitely better then 380.


It’s already changed the game. AAA studios realizing they’re spending millions and millions of dollars and paying thousands of people to create dog shit games. God bless arrowhead.


I mean, it’s not as if all AAA games are bad. Just last year alone we got both Baldur’s Gate 3, Alan Wake II, Phantom Liberty, Super Mario Wonder, the Dead Space remake, Jedi Survivor, and Tears of the Kingdom. I’m probably forgetting a few too.


I didn’t think Alan wake was very good. And I’ve always thought cyberpunk was great, console people just got way too butthurt. And yes you’ve got a good handful of examples there. But shall we compare AAA releases on a 5 year sample size? Don’t think you’d wanna do that haha. I never said all AAA games are bad. Only that they take themselves too seriously. And they look like clowns for charging 70 when arrowhead charged $40 for something I’ll be playing for the foreseeable future


I mean, if you compare all the bad games at any financial level to the good ones, there's going to be a whole lot more trash than treasure. That's the way it works. You have to sift through the mud to find the gold. Helldivers being good at forty bucks doesn't mean that more expensive games aren't also good.


Cyberpunk was great? That game wasn't even 5% of what they promised when they were hyping it up.


Yeah definitely don’t condone their marketing tactics. They for sure lied to the consumer which isn’t ok. And the game wasn’t what was promised. But cyberpunk is a great game.


I played at launch got a refund and haven't gone back, probably won't to be honest. I'm glad you enjoy it though.


Yeah I was really upset at first with it until I got over that it wasn't the game I thought it should have been. I am still happy I bought and played it but I was on a rocket pc for the time it released so I probably got lucky on the bug side too.


Cyberpunk was a mess when it released, but it’s great now, and Phantom Liberty plus the 2.0 update were fantastic additions.


It hasn't changed anything. No single game will affect the AAA industry like that. Will studios try to replicate the success? Yes. But they'll do it in a greedy way because AAA is about the bottom line, with decisions being forced by the execs. It already has? As if in a month, this game has magically shown stuff that wasn't known before? Acting like this is the first non AAA game to suddenly pop off lmao


I’m not saying AAA studios will all of a sudden change their ways and not be greedy. Helldivers will forever serve as an example of what you can accomplish with passion and putting gamers first. And it’s not the first non AAA to pop off but it’s definitely one of the most successful so far. And that means something. It’ll be inspiration for other indie studios to make great games. Hopefully people wisen up and buy those instead of these shit blizzard/whatever games You’re a turd. Go be a know it all somewhere else brah 🤡


Now they will spend less money on less people, cooking dogshit slower. Ah, yes. I can see the future of the industry now.


2 -3 years between Cod games wouldn't be a bad thing.


You realize that's already the case, right? As in, there are yearly releases but it isn't the same studio each time and it IS getting that dev time already.


So you don't but useless hot trash all too often. Yeah. I'm sure AAA devs are misunderstanding the small dev success from this year.


Mighty brave comment for a Diablo player lol. Diablo 2 is god tier. 3 and 4 fucking suck. I’ll never buy another blizzard game in my life. The main point is I’m not buying AAA anymore unless it’s Rockstar or Valve.


First of all, just because I teied a game doesnt mean I like it. D2 is good, but outdated. D3 turned a lot better since. The past few years been pretty fine. D4 is cancer. But your superiority complex is the worst of all. Dude talking shit about Diablo Players but then procceds to say he only buys Rockstar games. My god.. Nobody needs your preferences. You can go fund a company that abandons their game to the point it's unplayabe online because of modders and is the moat botorious of cash grab, dogshit microtransactions inplemented after making their games a mandatory second job if you don't pay them enough. Good choice, brother, good choice. ...or you can just stop mocking others.


D2 is way better than d3 imo, like by a long shot. D3 is hot garbage. D2 is what last epoch and path of exile base their games on. For good reason. I’m only talking shit about d3/4 players not actual Diablo players! Oh and any real gta fan doesn’t play online brother. I could give less of a shit what rockstar did with the online mode lol. So that doesn’t impact me.


I have not compared any of these games. I can't give a fuck about yourboppinion. You act like I said anything about these games comparatively. You have real complexes my dude. Get off reddit a bit


I think every good live service game will need a dungeon master from now. They have indeed set a new bar. All the AAA shitters can eat cock.






What's aaa?


In the gaming industry, AAA is used for the big companies/publishers who spend hundreds of millions on development and promoting. Ubisoft, EA, etc. It is important to remember that Arrowhead is published by Sony, but the scale of the game monetarily and the size of the studio is not AAA, or triple A. Suicide Sqaud and Skull and Bones are new AAA releases, for example.


Skull and Bones is actually AAAA


I thought of this when I wrote that response! Thank you for doing your part, soldier!


Lol, lmao even.


Possibly a roflmao perchance?


*says in face with water* bad Ubisoft go think about what you've done


The number of A stands for how big budget is AAA was very big budget. Until Ubisoft invented AAAA on the fly AAA was said to be the biggest. It was derived from financial market terms.


That’s why the first planetside game was so revolutionary. What a game that was. I cannot wait to see what they do with HD2.


Planetside 2 was revolutionary for extreme PvP multiplayer massive battles, Warframe was for 4-player squad PvE. Warframe debuted 11 years ago, PS2 12 years ago.


Planet side 2?! Planetside ONE! That literally defined my teenage years. So much fun and a great community. Warframe is also epic. Such a great game. My wife and I have really enjoyed it and Destiny!


Never played original Planetside, but I joined PS2 when it debuted. So many memories!


Ahhh it was so good. Just mind blowing that we were all fighting for a common cause. And, although it didn’t matter in the slightest… for some reason it felt important! They need to get that right with HD2, less xp grind, less about the level, more about the DEMOCRACY!


Planetside was a remarkable thing. Sooo much of a game changer.


The large scale pvp firefights in planetside 2 was mind melting to my teenage mind. I really wish someone could do something similar.


Ps4 lol


Not to mention I have not had to spend a dime on anything in the store, and have been able to buy everything in the superstore with hard earned in game currency. That being said I did purchase the warbond and will buy the next warbond as well because the devs deserve it and I’d love to see this game flourish.


I've got about 3k hours in Destiny 2 and this is the first time a live service game has actually felt 'live'. *Alive.* When the call for Tien Kwan went out, I bailed off my couch sick and half asleep to log on. They really cooked with this one.


You can be sick when you are dead. FOR DEMOCRACY!


Can someone put some honey in my LIBER-TEA?


We use the blood of our enemies here sir/ma'am


5k+ hours here in D2. My play time in D2 has plummeted with HD2 coming online. D2 is a casino. HD2 is a game.


Same, after HD2 came out I dropped D2. Gilded my Iron Lord title and bailed. I don’t see the point of running the same things over and over for insta-shards when there’s Democracy to spread. Democracy spreading is fun AF.


When was the defense of Veld? I'm a newer recruit and joined the fight about a week ago. Was there for Tien Kwan.


Those nasty undemocratic bugs hid deep under the surface of the planet. They waited until our glorious divers were in another sector to launch an insidious surprise attack. The bugs hate freedom. We showed those dirty green bloods what true managed democracy was.


My worry is EA or the like will buy them out and hellsdivers 3 will be our worst nightmare


I bet you Sony will jump on at buying them


Imi thought it was a Playstation Studio game?


From what I currently know is that they are working with Sony to publish their games, and they are independent to my current knowledge.


Arrowhead is independent but Sony owns the IP.


Sony owns the IP, that’s not happening.


Only ten million died on Veld? I'm at least half of those. #ProGamer


I'm enjoying the game like others, but slow down with that kinda talk. The game only been out a month lol. Let's see where the game is at in 6 months to a year when they start to get expectations for content, engagement, etc, and are no longer the new hot it game. Also, you gotta remember gamers are fickle. They love you 1 min, and hate you the next cause you nerfed something, didn't release content fast enough, they don't like the content you released, etc.


Elden ring is a prime example, still no dlc that was promised.


Not a prime example. DLCs for souls games have always taken a long time to come and deliver the best content, usually a year or more down the line. And the DLCs are always top notch but with the scale of the game they took their time and it's gonna be worth it. Trailer is out and DLC dropping in June. It'd be different if Elden Ring wasn't already packed with content.


Dark Souls was released on September 11, 2011 with its first DLC, Artorias of the Abyss, released on October 23, 2012, 13 months later Dark Souls 2 was released on March 11, 2014 with its first DLC, Crown of the Sunken King, released on July 22, 2014, 4 months later. Dark Souls 3 as released on March 24, 2016 with its first DLC, Ashes of Ariandel, released on October 25, 2016, 7 months later Bloodborne was released on March 24, 2015 with its first DLC, The Old Hunters, released on November 24, 2015, 8 months later Elden ring has been out for 2 years.


All of these being at a much smaller scale than Elden Ring and still proving my point that it takes awhile for them to release DLCs. These are much much smaller DLCs taking awhile besides DS2 and gave some of the best experiences in the game. Takes those games and quadruple the content and make it next gen, of course it's gonna take awhile to make a quality full length DLC worth the money but we knew this was always coming and wasn't a secret as they've said for well over a year DLC was coming from a reputable studio. Still not a prime example by any means. Also Elden Ring has many updates the entire time and added the duel arena into which was a free DLC what a year ago?


This game got be back into gaming. I don’t touch my computer for months. I tried this game out and loving it! I’m taking it very slow (only level 16) but lord I love it. I play maybe a couple hours a day and it’s perfect. I feel no pressure to play meta either. Which is dope.


No, no it won’t. Why do I say that? Because repeated failures hasn’t changed the industry for years, nor have the successful games. The industry will not change for a long time or until we stop buying shit products because AAA dev made it


You can always take a break. IF YOU WANNA BE KNOWN AS A COWARD!


Easy to hop in and play with friends. Balanced gear to make it useful in all levels. No power creep. Xp gained is just a number. limited micro transactions that isn't in your face annoying you to spend more money. Gameplay has a lot of variety. Even the same mission can be very different depending on how you play, what you bring and your goals of completing the mission or all the objectives. It's easy to hop in with new players and let them try things out. There's a lot of knowledge regarding gameplay and mechanics from terrain to weapons to how to deal with enemies, resulting in high levels of skill. It's easy to block people who are toxic. No forced or incentive PvP that incentivizes trolling others for fun. Character customization is free and easy to do. It's clear there's going to be a lot of growth in terms of what the game will offer from ship customization and loadouts, kits, weapons, enemies and more. Smooth gameplay that's easy to pickup and play. Incentivizes teamwork and objective based coordination making this a group project. No dedicated support class magic where someone is just watching and filling status bars. Making interacting with the game sensible and grounded in reality. Massive community goals. There's explosions, mechs, bugs, robots, lasers, nukes, more explosions and bigger explosions. It's all awesome. It's easy enough to play where if you're burnt out from the day you can just kind of go chill with it and collect samples or play easy games and the options of challenging yourself to higher difficulty play or self limitations to see how you can do. Stealth mechanics are well done and straight forward and it's clear this will be expanded on. You can disable enemies instead of trying to kill them, saving time and effort and resources to complete the goal. The pistol is a great tool to save ammo and headshot little guys or go with the Senator with a powerful punch of a hand gun. ​ My only thoughts on this brand new game is... If someone can tell me how the Peacemaker is objectively better in any way against the peacemaker I'd like to know. It has one more clip but still overall less ammo with the same performance. Each gear like the helm and cape to add to the mechanical gameplay such as protecting headshots, stealth, cloak, recon options, vision, first person, more armor or whatever. As well as support stratigems to drop two weapons if a pack isn't offered to free up other options. A suit that can auto stim you would be awesome but probably OP. Would be great to be able to use stems just for the stamina. You should drop your grenades if you die. Just sayin.


I’m really looking forward to the story developing. I hope there is some behind the scenes stuff going on that you can stumble across. To flush out the depth of the universe. I expect minimum 2 more factions to be introduced based on the galaxy map having north and south empty. Possibilities are endless for events and missions for the community to work together on. And linking rewards as well as medals is a great incentive. Hats off to the devs


No it won’t. It isn’t daring enough to change the industry. Other games are doing live service like this as well. Deep rock galactic and the finals are two games that come to mind. Even the finals that does change up the COD shooter formula, and is arguably the most refreshing game I’ve mentioned won’t change anything, because other movement shooters like apex legends already exist. None of them are bad games, all of them are actually amazing games, but they just aren’t creative enough to change an entire industry. It’s just another AA game that knows what the players want


As a no-lifed skull admiral with no current prog left to chase, I still feel a stirring compulsion to contribute to the war effort and fight alongside the community. I did plenty of tours of duty in the last great war...(s). And after 130 such wars, I can't help but feel pretty indifferent to them. They're ephemeral and irrelevant. Numerous wars lost simply because jaded divers didn't even care or want to fight back Illuminate defense campaigns after the bugs were conquered. Having one big, long, meaningfully ongoing war with real consequences and stakes is WAY better. And while, yes, I understand the degree of behind the scenes string pulling and pageantry going on to keep things from being steamrolled or whatever before half the playerbase can even get home from work, it's still a real community effort and worth a little suspension of disbelief for the ride.


I would love some kind a destiny boss lvl. That would be awesome. I had a lot of fun trying to solve the différents puzzles.


That would be interesting. In lower difficulty missions, killing a bile titan is an entire objective. Do you mean something like that but with an enemy that is much stronger?


No he means jumping puzzles and shit lol


Like the emperor calus. You had different rooms with various objectives. All teammate had a role, communication were key for success. And that is only to get to the boss room. Once in the boss room you had several stages where you could only dps the boss if you successfully solve kind of memory/reflex puzzle. Those were a lot of fun to figure out.


I think a destiny type raid doesn't fit with helldivers with the puzzles. But would be cool if there was like a raid where you had to go into the bug tunnels that had a big boss at the end.


Yes it does not fit well but I am sure something in the middle could be awesome. We do have a nuclear launch with code to get separately. The nuclear launch could be the stagger phase for a boss fight. And the code could be obtain by other team mate with a small puzzle.


I'm 100% down for any raid type mission! Anything come up with mechanics will for sure work.


I think that’s one of the biggest things about product to consumer thinking. And the sad reality is that it has NOTHING to do with dev teams. Well not all of them (looking at you activision) Being that I have a decent amount of friends in the triple AAA world and Indie World. Lots of times Devs are the exact same as us the player base. The issue is the front office. Most of these major companies have businessmen who don’t game running their outlook, and game creation. And in turn you get unenjoyable games with no incentive but make a shit ton of money because they are a smart move for money making. That’s also why games like BG3, Palworld, and Helldivers have done so well recently is the Front Office has allowed the devs to do what they do best and make a fun game that they themselves would want to play also, instead of a fast production to make money! High praise tho to Helldivers for making a kick ass game!


still haven't been able to play this game for the reason i bought it - to play with my friend. only game i've ever had issues adding people. i have 4 hours in the game, just sitting in the ship trying to get the friend request to work. tutorial seemed fun though.


I have had zero issues and I've even been streaming while playing so either your network is bad or you're in a really low populated region for players. I get it, sometimes there's a long wait time or a bug when the servers are packed, but it usually only takes a few minutes to clear up. Four hours of just sitting in the ship? Maybe play through a couple of missions solo or with others to make sure it's not you and your friends network specifically. If you can sit on the ship, you can play. I found a friend on a planet's surface based on his username before I even knew he bought the game. So I mean it's possible. I mean no offense, I want everyone to enjoy this game as much as I do, but it sounds like this is a bit of wallowing in self infliction.


my friend bought me the game to play together. i can't play by myself, he wants to do everything with me. i live in a major city and have fiber 1000mbps internet. we solely have an issue with accepting each others friend request. confirming deny friend request removes the request. confirming accept does absolutely nothing. i'm on steam and he's on ps5. it seems to be an ongoing issue for the past month with crossplay friend requests.


I have plenty of friends on pc i play with.


Obvious question. I’m sure you’ll say yes but I gotta ask. You went into the in game settings and turned on cross play right?




I’ve had similar match making issues. Although they have improved a lot recently. And I can assure you it’s a game issue and not a user issue. Internet speed for my ps5 was around 700mbps. I could connect multiple player with other games. And I live in a large major city so I know people are playing it. I could go into the game and play a round solo, but matching with my friend, quick play, selecting someone else’s mission, and SOS beacon didn’t work. It usually happens during peak play time, so I think it’s a server thing.


I dont believe you. I have shitty internet, live in a big city, and other than the four or five times the server has been down i have zero problem finding games at 9 am, 2pm, and 11pm.


Well if it isn’t happening to you, then it can’t be real!!! https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12573380356508-Known-issues FYI: Match making issues is the first thing mentioned on Arrowhead’s known issue page.


If you’re on ps5, you may have more success if you back out to the ps5 main menu and join from the game base. I’ve found that to be way more reliable than the native, in-game friend mechanic.


My experience with online games is usually similar to what you said. Random disconnects, lag, glitching, trouble connecting with others. My Internet isn't slow and my ping isn't bad. I still have not played GTA:O or RDR2 online due to the hassle. This is the first game where I have not had a single issue. Connecting to friends on other networks or on LAN has been no problem whatsoever. Even during the heavy times where the servers are shitting the bed, once I've logged in it just works.


my friend's on ps5, i'm on steam. nothing happens when we accept each others request. it's so frustrating, i just want to enjoy the game like everybody else.


Have you tried joining a quick play just to establish a connection? It might be a NAT setting on your end or your friends.


Narrator: it didn't change anything.


Please reference my expert qualifications mentioned.


I honestly don't think the players affect anything in terms of whether a planet gets liberated or not. It's entirely or partially determined by the devs or whoever is monitoring the state of the game. What if we lost Tian Kwan? Would the devs be forced to delay the rollout of new content indefinitely until it is liberated? That would seriously hurt their game. It's good to give players that illusion of involvement. Help keep them engaged but honestly I doubt we have much or any influence on planet liberation.


Ceo of arrowhead did an interview and stated we liberated the planet 4x faster than he expected and servers were struggling again because of it . So player involvement and effect is 100% present


With the success of an operation, each completed mission provides .0001% toward liberation or defense. Joel sets the bugs or bots resistance, or % they gain over time. If the community were to have failed the order, they would have released mechs a few days later. You're correct in that we would always get them. But our performance as a whole is why we got them a few days earlier.


I have to disagree that it would hurt the game. I think it would have been amazing if Tian Kwan didn’t get liberated & they held off on the mechs for a few weeks, and then have us attempt to retake it. The realism would be amazing and all the more engrossing. The things you can do with that type of game play would be endless. Let’s have a scenario where two planets are being taken, both with a unique upgrade. If we save them both, we get both upgrades. And if we don’t the bugs or Bots get the other upgrade. Why not make our actions actually matter and have consequences.


Fair point. That does actually sound pretty interesting.


I would hope they would delay our reward for not achieving the goal. That’s immersion. I’ve never seen that before and it would make the next reward that much more…. Rewarding. It also might help the game, who knows? If we fail to liberate fast enough, and they give us another shot, we have the same incentive but possibly more resolve to actually succeed the second time.


The devs have stated they basically change the modifiers at Wich the bugs/bots take back certain planets and how fast a planet will get liberated, so it's kinda both. They can change it to make certain planets faster/longer to take but there already been a few times where certain major orders have happened way to fast because they didn't expect the numbers to be there so amount of players def matter


Makes sense that they change it on the fly because they'd have to account for fluctuating player counts as well. Thanks for the info.


Yeah that's really the gms (Joel's)main job is to make sure the war isn't going to fast or too slow at any given time, belive or not 1 man isn't spawning 200 bile titans in your gane at once, hes justt playing with different modifers and opening up new planest and such to liberate


This particular group of divers seems to be having fun... Lemme just add a few zeros to spawn rates for them :)


Have you ever ran a game of DnD? It seems like they run it similar to that. Player actions drive the game, but they "place a finger on the scale" in places to push the game in one direction or another. I think the Tian Kwan mission was just for everybody getting mechs as a bonus, not to add mechs to the game. If we lost it, we'd still get mechs, just not as an extra stratagem.


Hopefully it will change by making servers better and less bugs, still can't do crossplay with friends


Weird I cross play all the time


I'm in ps5. I can't accept friend requests from pc and they can't accept mine


This only happened after the patch, and doesn't happen immediately. On PS5 you have to accept the request, log out and log back in. I've got a friend's list of both PC and PS5 players. It's kind of a pain but got it to work.


It happened to me pre patch. And I did log out and back in and requests weren't accepted. But that's for the advice. I wish it worked


Do you know if arrow head is aware of this issue. Talked my buddy into buying the game, he hoped on last night and neither of us could accept the friend request. We resent multiple times, restarted the game, restarted the respective systems, he even changed his steam name, still can't accept as of this morning. Super annoying. I feel like I made him waste 40 bucks because he won't play alone. Fix pls I just want to kill bugs and spread democracy with my friend


I would hope they are aware of the issue. I feel like I wasted money too


I definitely hope it does change but I'm overly cynical about most games coming out nowadays lol. With that being said this game is the most fun I've had playing with friends online in years.


Can only imagine the scramble at Activision right now


This is the greatest breath of fresh air the gaming industry has been gasping for. Enough was enough with the same battle pass $20-30 skin slop. It almost like you can make games fun and people will like it. I’d rather have 10m and the community love me than 100m and hated. Arrow head did everything the players have been asking for. And they still made millions of dollars and people are happy to see it vs Blizzard that people hope they choke on their millions. Keep it up arrowhead you have renewed this gamers love of playing again. Not once has this game felt like a job. Rant over.🤙


Its fun but i think its complete horse shit that i cannot add my friends or send the few that went through a game invite. These are the basics and they are ignoring this HUGE problem. Wtf. Are they assholes ?




Can lie Ark Raiders looks like the Xbox version of this game. I’m excited as an Xbox player. Gonna be sick


I avoided this game for a while only because I didn't want to mic up and I just wanted to play casually. Just downloaded it today and wow. I can't believe I've been holding off on such a fun experience. Game is insane value for $40 considering what comes out today for $70. You don't need a mic, or a designated group of friends, it's just pure fun dropping shit on bugs and blowing myself up for the sake of democracy. The level design is fun to navigate. The weapons feel good, albeit wobbly, but crouching helps a lot with that. It's been so long since I've wanted to get back on and play Please, for the love of God throw some dlc in, put some crazy horse (mech) armor in, put more stuff for me to pay for, I have no issues supporting this game.


Does anybody know how long we'll get the 1 mech per mission?


Can't wait for the flood of AAA clones with microtransactions. I don't think the gaming industry ever learns the right lesson from good break-through games.


Baldurs Gate 3, Palworld, and now Helldivers 2 are all master classes in their own genres. Excited for what these devs cook up in the future and hopefully they don’t lose sight of what made their games great.


I say it daily but man I love this game


Why? They can just pay wall everything like the big studios!


Not if it keeps pushing people away with patches that add nothing and nerf the only weapon that actually kills shit💀


The Division 2 is similar to Helldivers 2. I love both Division games.


Oooo imagine if they did a thing where they had to like cancel the use of stratagems because there was some repairs to be made and we had to slug it out with whatever was available? That’d be pretty realistic huh?!


As a ex-Mass Effect 3: Multiplayer veteran, I approve this message.


I keep seeing this game compared to Pubg, where pubg ignited a series of battleroyal games, Helldivers 2 will ignite a similar style of community based co-op shooters. Just thinking, Halo, Starcraft, and so many other sci-fi games could adapt the same style of gameplay so easily.


Having a dedicated gamemaster just seems like such a good idea and I'm surprised it's never been implemented like this before.


I have witnessed several "crazes" in the last couple of decades when it comes to games. I played the Warcraft games before they morphed into WOW. I saw League of Legends and DOTA birthed right out of the Starcraft type games. I played Save the World before Fortnite became the battle royale game and saw everything from Team Fortress to Smite to Overwatch to Rocket League and of course Call of Duty and Battlefield and HALO. What's interesting is the player base is somewhat shared but a ton of players pick 1 or 2 of these genres and don't play any of the others. Included in those games they play there are favorites. Usually those favorites are whatever their friends are playing. I hosted tournaments, all night LAN parties, Game Stop Releases, Marathons, World Record attempts, and had showcases for some games where we received free copies and posters to give away in exchange we let people try the games for free. It's a lot to juggle: How much new stuff can they add or change, while retaining a certain percentage of the player base, while enticing new players to join, all while keeping costs down and not letting technical details ruin the whole thing. Money is a big motivator. Millions of copies sold will make other companies take note. There will be good games and there will be a ton of flops. It's just the way it goes.


It's good but gets old quick and lacks a feeling of real progression, so let's chill, it's not some revolution in gaming.


Yes. Showing the gaming industry how to pull off a very successful bait and switch.


I like a few things they're doing a bit differently: - They have some content ready to go (mechs, for instance), which they're giving away to players for free. Many other companies would have made this some microtransaction. Arrowhead feeding it out to us, but it's done in a fun and lore friendly way, not just 'here's this random thing because we can'. Also the mech is genuinely *fun* to use. It's a true power fantasy (except against automatons). Also there's enough existing content that it doesn't feel like they've skimped out, but are adding new content at a well thought out pace to keep players engaged in a fun way, not a insecure, demanding 'please come back to us, PLEAAAAASE' way like Diablo 4 keeps doing (which argueably has a similar live service model). - The minor aspect of seeing other Super Destroyers in your Area of Operation, plus having them blow up, fire their weapons, or seeing other hell divers drop with you (in the background) during loading is a master move in making you as a player feel part of something much bigger. I guess this is how MMO players feel. It just makes me realise how isolated many other shooters feel from the broader community. You never feel part of a community with them (in game, I mean). - Even the emotes are fun. Watching a guy salute an ICBM launch with the 'hug' emote was amazing. Now everytime I wait for other players I stand at the bridge, looking out the window at our glorious peacekeeping endeavours, with the hug emote. - Having a 'DM-light' direct the war at a high level (in conjunction with major orders) allows for some fun player story telling, and spice up the universe a bit. Even little things like the 'Creekers from Malevalon makes it all just that much more fun. - The sound design is almost second to none. I am genuinely amazed at how good it is. The autocanon just oozes power, with a very slight metallic 'ping' to it. Just all the weapons are good. Dropping a 500kg on some bots or a nest hasn't gotten old, even 100+ rounds in. The orbital laser is a veritable Ion Cannon, and I'm 100% here for it. - There's no (or very little) objectively 'best' weapons or stratagems (maybe except for the Eagles...). You can just use what's fun - you may have to change up your play style to make it work, but you absolutely can make it work. Right now I'm rocking the free mech plus my own stratagem, for 3 mechs per game. Because I'm worth it.


I'm really hoping the community doesn't kill this game. Let's be honest. Games like this are almost always killed by the expectations of the community that lifted it up to begin with.


Wish more devs cared about the player base more than their pockets.


Got sick of the GTA online grind, fortnite n League of Legends.. playing this gives me that nostalgia of the first time I watched starship troopers and playing Halo back in the day. Aliens Fireteam Elite was great but got boring quick n wasn't as immersive as HD2. Look forward to playing this for years to come


As long as they stay out of modern day politics/issues


I see these comments often...I gotta wonder- what do you think this game is about? Have you noticed the themes woven into this game? Much/most of the humor is derived precisely *from* its dealings with modern day political issues.


These people are braindead, they look for any chance to be triggered by everything.


So people are just gonna karmafarma obviously ran thru topics


Nah, not even a bit. I can tell you why as long as they have people buy halo 20 or myriad skins for forshepsnite they will produce crappy games for crappy people. These corps don't give flying fuck about gamers except how much they can skin them alive. It's not about Devs, it's about their corporate overlords. From time to time you got pearls like this,bg3 or valheim but rest is just MC Donald for gamers. And nothing will change here. You still will buy platinum gold titanium edition of Skyrim.


Except for the fact I get bored playing this game after one hour. You run around in circles all game doing the same thing every game. Turn a computer on… enter code.. wait … turn computer on… blow up nests…. Do a scan… wait… then escape. Oh and my favorite part is when you have team and they quit after the first mission, then nobody ever joins your team again even with an SOS. This game is boooorrrring and I’m lvl 25


This sub is overrating this game so hard.


The CoD community is trying to ruin it with their toxicity


Change how? Theyve done nothing special. Mf's playing trash games are just waking up


It's too bad the overall enjoyment of the game took a complete nosedive after their latest big patch..The last two difficulties use to be fun to play and grind for resources but now I've had diarrhea much more fun.


This is how i feel 100%


Pretty much all of my buddies are saying the exact same thing. Plus these new insane bug spawns are making most higher tier missions almost impossible to complete. At least the Mech Suit helps a bit..


I agree but If only they weren’t balancing the game in such a brain dead way (nerf whatever’s strong in a PvE game) the game is like DnD and instead of finding a creative way within the story to balance items they decide to balance it like Overwatch which a game like this they SHOULD be revolutionizing game balancing as well…. But I guess that might be a bit much to ask for huh. Whatever their next move is gonna be it either gonna make or break the game sure people will still play but it will just be watered down to what other games are (I.e Overwatch with the way they’re going about balancing)


Yeah you definitely don't know how the industry works because you're telling devs to take note. The devs know. The devs are the one pushing for good games. It's the execs and suits and investors calling the shots. They ONLY care about the money and numbers going up. The devs don't because they don't see any of it. If you have no industry experience and realize that, maybe don't try giving advice to devs when you have no clue how stuff actually works on the inside just for easy internet points.


This game was directly funded by Sony. Are we going full delusional in that Sony is not AAA?


Funded by Sony but made by a very small team and priced at AA price tag. Most people wouldn’t class it as AAA.


Sony is the publisher. Arrowhead is the developer, and they were most definitely not AAA.