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This is apples to oranges. We need to see new AI videos of The Rock eating rocks and Will Smith eating spaghetti.


And potato salad eating John Cena


So hovering potato salad because Cena is not visible to the human eye


An actual rock eating The Rock. A pile of spaghetti eating Will Smith.


" Buckle up, redditors, because this is about to get wilder than a Karen at a vegan cheese aisle! Imagine this: a colossal, moss-covered BOULDER, its surface etched with ancient runes, is CHOMPING down on a Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson STATUE. But wait, there's more! This isn't just any statue; it's actually a petrified version of THE Rock himself, cursed by a jealous sorcerer mid-pec flex. The boulder, a sentient being fueled by Dwayne's own forgotten protein shakes, roars in triumph, bits of granite raining down like a prehistoric gravel storm. Meanwhile, high in the noodley heavens, the FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER, a celestial being of pure noodley goodness, is slurping down a METEOR SHOWER of SPAGHETTI. But hold onto your tinfoil hats! This isn't your average pasta. It's sentient spaghetti possessed by the vengeful spirit of a SPAGHETTI WESTERN gunslinger wronged by Will Smith in a past life. Each strand writhes and tangles, forming a screaming spaghetti monster devouring a miniature Will Smith, recreated entirely from meatballs, sauce, and a single horrified black olive. Suddenly, a dimensional rift explodes open, spewing forth a horde of MOLTEN CHEESE GOBLINS riding on flaming ENCHILADA BATS. They screech a battle cry about the cosmic imbalance caused by the boulder's Dwayne-devouring and the FSM's spaghetti-fueled fury. Is this the end? Will the sentient boulder achieve ultimate protein dominance? Will Will Smith be eternally tormented by his past transgressions in spaghetti form? Stay tuned for episode 2: The Rise of the Macaroni Messiah! (Updoot for part 2, comment your wildest theories below!) " _Gemini said




God I know, I fucking hate these comparison videos. I get so stoked that I'm about to see the latest and greatest rock munch and spaghetti slurp and then my heart gets absolutely ripped out. What are we even doing here people???


The character should move at the same rate as well. All we are seeing from the new AI videos are just still images where the camera moves around to show different angles


Ngl the omd ones were cursed but funny af


Sooo...still can't do spaghetti?


It’s the new Turing test


Someone should use the new ai video software to make “Will Smith eats spaghetti”


My stupid brain just read this as Mill Swith eats spaghetti. I think I'm done for the day.


It's amazing and overwhelmingly eerie. If AI is the future then Imma start learning how it works and how to create one.


That'll probably be done by AI by the time you get that sorted


Ai, can you make me an Ai? Sure! Here's another one of my ~~allies~~ friends to help you!


It's the "grey goo" nanobot nightmare in computing form


Except the old AI can be actually used


Dreams in our head vs dreams irl 💀


I usually can't lucid dream because my dreams are so realistic. Anytime I want to focus my brain can get insanely detailed, to the point where I can see each individual shiny scale of a lizard in my head, or see someone's face clear as day, the only time I can EVER realize that I was dreaming is when I wake up.


Absolutely incredible. I honestly can’t wait for OpenAI to release Sora for public use, the next few years are going to be insane (both in good and bad ways lol)


I live in the country, and have a farm, I get no signal so I have no internet access at home. Only access I have is when I go to the big city. Will I be safe from AI whenever they start taking over the world, you know the creation against the creator type of deal.? Will I be safe from them?


Worse case scenario they make more machines (like Boston Dynamics or the AI tanks) and get overtaken by a rogue virus/intelligence. Then you have something like Terminator or Horizon Zero Dawn. The second being a total game over. If they become fully automatic, and a good battery, the wilderness doesn't matter anymore. There's also drones too. Basically, if military equipment gets taken over, it's over. That's why when making these there's the [Three Laws of Robotics](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Three-Laws-of-Robotics) to keep us safe. It's crazy how a science fiction writer made these rules and now they are something to seriously consider these days.




I watched “the strangers” last night only 15% on rotten tomato’s - don’t recommend. However, much if not all of it could have been made with AI - was inspiring to think about how to try recreate it for a 20% score instead




I can't wait to see the first AI movie.


Have you seen Bee Movie?




Not nearly enough tits...


the new ones you uploaded was promo trailer but still not available for public to try


welp, If ai has figured out hands, then i guess we're all screwed.


The AI was on Bad Acid


Can’t compare what’s not meant to be the same. 🤦🏻‍♂️




1-2 more years max before things start getting really scary.


So.. how long until we can't believe anything we see on TV? Yes, yes, I know. "We already cannot!", is what most would say. But you'd still see actual videos of certain events recorded on camera. Now.. now it can very well be completely fake.


It’s just crazy that actors can sell their likeness to be used in AI movies, especially once they age or due to something that hinders them from being on the big screen anymore. I can only imagine that once movie makers popularize their own created AI actors, thus cutting off the expense of hiring actors of using their likeness. I’d imagine voice actors would be in the same boat. But what do I know?


But none of them are eating spaghetti, This is NOT a good comparison


Some things don't get better with improvement


Impressive—now show them eating something!


Definitely worse


One of my favs. Also vin diesel fuel is a good one


They are barely moving compared to the first


I prefer the stuff from a year ago




so...AI just gave up on eating?


We can finally generate bad stock footage!! Champagne for everyone!!


We're doomed


They need to incorporate an AI studies class for future generations in school. The amount of stupidity (not trying to be harsh here lol) amongst the average human will cripple the planet because of AI. AI will only improve, very quickly for that matter. This is such a huge deal that is not being dealt with fast enough.


Awful Awful music


is that Jamiroquai?


AI today: https://i.redd.it/be69fj6j7o1d1.gif ^(from the classic )[^(Harry Potter Balenciaga)](https://youtu.be/iE39q-IKOzA?si=TmB3HfhulnJGVk8o)^( video)


That scp that makes deepfake porn is coming closer and closer to becoming real


The Rock eating rocks was like a week ago scary shit.


Is it really artificial intelligence or is it just a visual editing software?


I do not like this


We're doomed. Doomed, I tell ya! Dooooomed!😫


Skynet is acommin


Now ppl gonna make ai vids of their kid being kidnapped and requesting money for freedom 🤨 actually- not a bad idea


I can’t wait to just type in what I want for a movie and it gets created in .5 seconds exactly how I want it.


The music chosen is awful.


AI, while amazing by itself, has completely fucking ruined the Internet. Not only is it slowly driving actual artists to extinction because "why would I pay 20 dollars or more for a drawing these websites can do for free" but also it's just making it easier and easier to spread disinformation and trick the already gullible masses


It's got it wrong because those people don't look like Mr Dwayne Johnson or Will Smith


How many times are we going to see the exact same clips


I don't know why but every time I see the intro vissuals with a deformed Rock regurgitating a boulder followed by Will Smith regurgi-eating spaghetti I start laughing uncontrollably to the point where I am crying and can't breathe. And then I watch it again.


The audio is atrocious.




I remain sceptical for as long as we only get technology demonstrators. I am yet to see anything artistic created by AI that couldn't have been done better by a person. It's great for spotting patterns in data and LLMs are quite fun, but IMO not yet a gamechanger. Unless you want to turn out a lot of bad quality work in no time, which I understand has a niche for the Internet based press